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Honey Mission II

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(Y. K. Baramatikar)
g.q-S{ E-q-A
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Ministry of l\,4icro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt. of lndia

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Dy. C.E.O. (VI/Honey
Mission) Directorate of Forest Based lndustry
No. FBI/Honey Missio n /2017 -L8
! Date:- 02.02.2018

All Director/ Principal/lncharges
Khadi & V. l. Commission

Sub :- Detail Scheme and Guidelines for implementation of Major

Honey Mission for the year 2Ot7'18 - reg
find enclosed herewith Detail Scheme and Guidelines along with
Revised Torget for implementation of Major Honey Mission for the year 2OL7-
13 (Pg No. 1 to 76 & Four Annexures) for further needful at your end.

Funds has been allocated for procurement of bee boxes along with
colonies, tool kits, honey extractor, training as well as backwardforward
linkages, monitoring etc.

Further, it is to inform that under Maior Honey Mission, there are TWO

Phase- I: lt includes Awareness Training, Procurement & Supply of Bee

Boxes alongwith Colonies and Establishment of Apiaries.
Operational Guidelines alongwith item wise modules will be
communicated shortlY.

Phase-ll : It includes Launching of Marketing Network across the Country.

It may be launched on Central level. For the same, work has
been initiated at central Office level. Detailed directives will be
communicated after approval of Competent Authority.

(Y. K. Beiramatikar)
Dy. C.E.O. (Vl/Honey Mission)
' t

qni<qr 3, {di t--s. tm qrd (c1tqq), 5q$ -+oooso.

Gramodaya, 3, lrla Road, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai - 400056.
Phone : 022-26708064, Fax : 022.26708064
E--:t aL:au..,i- -^..1- ltr-L ...-.-., 1..'!- --., i-

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Date:- 02.02.2018
Honey Mission
Under Ministry of MSME
Govt. of India

Scheme & Guidelines

Prepared by
Directorate of Forest Based Industry


Khadi & Village Industries Commission

Executive Summery

Khadi & Village Industries Commission with the inspiration of Rastrapita

Mahatma Gandhi took the task of development of beekeeping Industry
with a view to uplift the financial status of people living in extremely
interior rural areas by introducing and popularizing modern beekeeping.

Beekeeping has been carried out across many generations in India. It

plays a vital role in the livelihoods of the rural communities in four
(i) it is an income generating activity;
(ii) provides food and medicine - value of honey and other hive
products are invaluable;
(iii) it supports agricultural activities through cross pollination and
increase in yield of crops
(iv) it contributes immensely to forest conservation.

Beekeeping as the very low investment and skills, this Industry have the
potential to offers direct employment to lakhs of people especially hill dwellers,
tribal and farmers. Sustainability of this industry is therefore vital to the
country’s economic wellbeing and development.

Beekeeping in India is much disorganized, traditional and being practiced

with shortcut methods. Most of the nectar & pollen sources available today are
untapped due to different reasons. Due to common (basic) level of investment
and skills, beekeeping offers direct employment to lakhs of people especially hill
dwellers, tribal people and farmers. Sustainability of this industry is therefore
vital to the country’s economic wellbeing and development Prime Minister of
India viewed this opportunities and advised the authorities to explore the
possibilities to create employment in Tribal regions and Left Wing Effected
(LWE) areas, Backward Districts of the country and announced to take up
mass honey production as Sweet Kranti (Sweet Revolution)in the lines of
“Swate Kranti” (White Revolution). Neeti Aayog is working towards achievement.

Prime Minister viewed this opportunities and advised the authorities to

explore the opportunities to create employment in Tribal regions to induce
beekeeping, develop beekeeping potential districts viz. Left Wing Effected (LWE)
areas, Backward Districts. In response to that , Ministry of MSME in-principle
approval / sanction of Rs. 49.78 Crores in favour of KVIC for Honey Mission
with the aims to provide sustainable employment and income to rural & urban
unemployed youth, both educated & uneducated, men & women by conserving
the honeybee habitat and tapping untapped natural resources

Head Funds available (Rs.

In Crores)
SCC (Scheduled Cast Category) Rs. 16.23
STC (Scheduled Tribes Category) Rs. 8.80
NER (North Eastern Region) Rs. 24.75
TOTAL 49.78


The KVIC has proposed Action Plan and estimated outcome under the
Honey Mission Project. brief is given below :
Sr Details of Total Category wise breakup
Projects (In Nos.)
- - Non North Eastern North Eastern (NEZ)
Zone (NON NEZ) (In Numbers)
1 Total no of SC ST SC ST Gen
10200 5862 2838 45 880 575

Apis mellifera Apis -

(In Numbers) cerena
(In Numbers)
2. Total no of bee 102000 73000 29000 -
hives with bee
colonies to be
distributed to
3 Total Project Non NEZ NEZ Back ward
Cost As per annexure-I As per annexure- Forward
(Cost of Bee hives & II As per
Bee colonies) ( Cost of Bee Hives annexure-III
& Bee colonies)
4978.00 3020.00 Lakhs 504.88 1453.12
Lakhs Lakhs Lakhs


1. Employment Generates :
About 11000 employment will generate out of which 10,200 direct
employment and 800 indirect employment will provided under this project.
Estimated Production of honey and other bee hive products from 1,02,
000 bee colonies (73000 Apis mellifera and 29000 Apis cerana) and its
estimated value which is expected at the end of second year from the
distribution of bee colonies.)


Sr. Name of the product Production Value
No (In Tons) (In Cro.)
1 Honey 2625 28.88

2 Wax 15.30 0.46

3 Pollen 18.00 0.54

4 Royal Jelly 3.60 3.60

5 Bee Vanom 0.0008 0.08

TOTAL 33.56 Cr.

C. Marketing System : Marketing system will be launched across the country.


Khadi & Village Industries Commission

1. Introduction

Beekeeping has been carried out across many generations in India. It plays a
vital role in the livelihoods of the rural communities in four dynamics; (i) it is
an income generating activity; (ii) medicinal & food value of honey and other
hive products is invaluable; (iii) it supports agricultural activities through cross
pollination (iv)it contributes immensely to forest and agriculture conservation

2. Beekeeping Trends :-

i. Status of Beekeeping:
Beekeeping traditionally practiced for the harvesting honey from bee
colonies in many parts of India.

Although nowadays crop pollination service can often provide a greater

part of a commercial beekeeper's income, other hive products like pollen, royal
jelly, and Propolis, which are also used for nutritional and medicinal purposes,
and beeswax, which is used in cosmetics, medicinal, wood polish, which are
giving good income to beekeepers. Further, the use of honey and other
products has also increased in many countries because of the increasing health
awareness and the high esteem of bee products in various processed and
unprocessed forms.

During the last decades, the level of beekeeping and production knowledge in
many developing countries has increased considerably and India is way behind.
It was therefore considered necessary to provide further information for the
expansion of beekeeping activities in order to increase income and stability as
well as access to produce healthier hive products. Thus, this Mission is
intended to provide tools, techniques, information on the utilization of all
primary beekeeping products including pollination services and in this way,
improve the possibilities for diversification in beekeeping activities.


In India, beekeeping has been mainly forest and agro based. Several natural
plant species provide nectar and pollen to honey bees. Thus, the raw material
for production of honey is available free in nature. Bee hives neither demand
additional land space nor do they compete with agriculture or animal
husbandry for any input. The beekeeper needs only to spare a few hours in a
week to look after his bee colonies. Beekeeping is therefore ideally suited to him
as a part-time/ fulltime occupation. Beekeeping constitutes a resource of
sustainable income generation to the rural and tribal farmers. It provides them
valuable nutrition in the form of honey, protein rich pollen and brood. Bee
products also constitute important ingredients of folk and traditional medicine.

India has number of unique plants, which are major Unifloral sources of
honeybees. Sandal wood in Kadappa forest, Sula in Himalayan region, Jamun
in Mahabaleshwar, Litchi in Bihar and U.P., Sunflower in Punjab, Mustard and
Eucalyptus in U.P., Karanj in Bihar, Coriander in West Bengal, Coffee in
Karnataka, Soapnut in coastal Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, Mohua in
Madhya Pradesh, Prosopis in Kutch, Rubber in Kerala, Citrus in Himachal
Pradesh are among them. The plietesal species of Acanthaceae like Carvia
callosa (Carvi), Thelapeeapale ixiocephala (Whyati), Strobilanthus scrobiculata,
(Strobilanthus), Lepedagathis cuspidata (Achra), in Mahabaleswar,
Achhmanthera sp (Jayanthola) in the hills of Himalayas, Nilagirianthus
reticulates (Kurunju) in Nilgiris are important honeybee forage sources. The
flower gregariously at the intervals of 4, 8, 12 years and give profuse yields of
Unifloral honeys. In monsoon and post monsoon ground flora like Amaranthus,
Tridax, Balsam, Mimosa, Parthenium, Plectranthus, Phyla etc. and maize and
jowar cultivation has a major role for survival and development of the colony.

Among the southern states, Tamil Nadu ranks first in honey production
followed by Kerala and Karnataka. Kanyakumari district has record numbers of
beekeepers (over 5, 000) and bee-colonies (accounting for 2.50 Lakh). Natural
vegetation, agro-horticulture crops available, tropical flora found in abundance
and the proximity of the district to the Western Ghats makes beekeeping a
viable trade in Kanyakumari. Honey production is a lucrative business and it
generates employment. Kanyakumari district in Tamil Nadu is a pioneer in
honey production and the beekeepers depend solely on the honey flow season
(March –May) for improving their economic condition.
3. Process of beekeeping
3.1. The raw materials for the beekeeping industry are mainly pollen
and nectar that come from flowering plants. Both the natural and
cultivated vegetation in India constitute an immense potential for
development of beekeeping. About 500 flowering plant species,
both wild and cultivated, are useful as major or minor sources of
nectar and pollen.
3.2. In India there are four Apis species producing honey namely:
3.2.1. Apis cerana - Indian hive bee constructing 7 - 8 parallel
combs in dark enclosures,
3.2.2. Apis dorsata - rock bee constructing single comb 3 ft – 6 ft
in the open on arboreal and terrestrial support in forest,
farmland and urban areas,
3.2.3. Apis florea - dwarf honey bee constructing single comb 8
in – 2 ft in the open in shrubs and bushes and
3.2.4. Apis mellifera (European hive bee constructing 8 – 10
parallel combs in dark enclosures) and
3.2.5. Three species of the stingless bees constructing pitcher
shaped cells for brood and storing honey in dark
3.3 Several sub-species and races of these are known to exist. In
recent years the exotic honey bee has been introduced. Together
these represent a wide variety of bee fauna that can be utilized
for the development of honey industry in the country. Side by
side with the development of apiculture using the indigenous bee,
Apis cerana, apiculture using the European bee, Apis mellifera,
gained popularity in Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal
Pradesh, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. Wild
honey bee colonies of the giant honey bee and the oriental hive
bee have also been exploited for collection of honey. Beekeepers
sell the honey to the co-operative society, if one exists in the area.
In many parts of India, the beekeeper gets a much higher price if
he sells it directly to the consumer.

4. Market:
4.1. Forest honey is usually thin, contains large quantity of pollen, bee
juices and parts, wax and soil particles. The honey collectors gets
between Rs. 50 to 90/- per kilogram of the forest honey. Forest honey
is mostly multiflora. In 1985, in Indian per capita consumption of
honey was estimated to about 8.4 grams, while other countries, it
was 200 grams, presently, it would be 2.5 Kg. In India, honey is
consumed mainly as medicine and religious purposes. Small amount
is used in pickles, jams and preserves. Large amount is consumed in
Ayurveda pharmaceuticals. Now with the increasing production,
there is increasing trend to use honey in food. This is obviously the
case with the affluent segment of the population. Forest honey is
used in pharmaceuticals, food, confectionery, bakery and cosmetics.
4.2. The apiary honey is produced about 35, 000 MT. This honey is
extracted, filtered and exported and some portion is processed,
bottled and marketed with Agmark and FSSAI certification. The total
value of honey alone is about 805 Crores. The bee wax is the other
product, which is much disorganized and beekeepers are getting
exploited by paying very less price.
4.3. Key players dominating the Honey Market include Dabar, Vipro,
Kahsmir Apiary, Royal Honey, among others. The report titled
"Honey-A Global Strategic Business Report" announced by Global
Industry Analysts, Inc., provides a comprehensive review of industry
overview, product overview, product introductions/innovations,
profiles of major players, and recent industry activity were published
at . The study analyzes market data and analytics in terms of volume
sales for regions including United States, Canada, Europe, Asia-
Pacific, Latin America, and Rest of World.
4.4. National & Global scenario: Key players dominating the Honey
Market include Dabar, Vipro, Kahsmir Apiary, Royal Honey, among
others. The report titled "Honey-A Global Strategic Business Report"
announced by Global Industry Analysts, Inc., provides a
comprehensive review of industry overview, product overview,
product introductions/innovations, profiles of major players, and
recent industry activity. The study analyzes market data and
analytics in terms of volume sales for regions including United
States, Canada, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Rest of

(Source Agri Xchange by APEDA)


India's position as an exporting country for product Natural honey India’s
Rank: 7 ; Value = 67071(000USD) Percentage Share= 4.56 Value in (000USD)
Year: 2010
(Quantity in MT value in)
Rank Country Exporting Qty Value Share (%)
1. China 1,18,353 2,02,068 13.74
2. Argentina 58,626 1,79,666 12.22
3. Germany 21,646 1,07,300 7.30
4. Mexico 28,921 92,220 6.27
5. Spain 21,551 79,024 5.37
6. New Zealand 7,670 72,048 4.90
7. India 25,805 67,071 4.56
8. Brazil 19,334 57,555 3.91
9. Hungary 12,850 57,039 3.88
10. Canada 14,079 52,402 3.56

(Source Agri Xchange by APEDA)

Strengths & Scope: The abundance of fruit crops in the province is a strength
for the pollination side of the beekeeping and this strength can result in an
industry opportunity. Indeed, for some crops, notably Oranges, apple,
raspberries, there may be almost complete dependence on honey bees for
pollination. Because cranberries provide low nectar and pollen yields, cranberry
growers must increase the number of honey bees per acre, adding more
pollination contract opportunities for beekeepers.

India has potential to keep about 120 million bee colonies that can provide self-
employment to over 6 million rural & tribal families. In-terms of production
these bee colonies can produce over 1.2 million tons of honey and about 15,
000 tons of beeswax. Organized method of collection of forest honey and
beeswax using improved methods can result in an additional production of at
least 120, 000 tons of honey and 10,000 tons of beeswax, which is expected to
generate 5 million tribal families. Further, from apiary beekeeping, there is a
scope of 6 million bee boxes and other spares can create employment of 5000
persons more. (Projection for 2009-10 based on recommendations of National
Commission on Agriculture)

 Encourage better beekeeping methodology

 Promote cooperation among the beekeepers of the state and nation
 Reach a common understanding regarding our problems and their
 Maintain friendly and helpful relations among beekeeping advocates
 Develop markets for beekeeping products
 Foster closer cooperation among members of the NCSBA
 Improve purposes relating to honey bees and beekeeping exclusively for
its members and the general public
 Push for a strong and efficient State organization through planning,
communication and action.
 Develop methods and activities to strengthen local beekeepers
 Promote and maintain close communication among all Stake holders.
 Stress leadership development through the KVIC’s Master Beekeeper
 Maintain and develop close cooperation with beekeeping groups.

 Render full support and promotion of honey bee research.
 Actively publicize and encourage support to the Apiculture Science Fund
 Promote public awareness of honey bee importance.
 Pursue efforts to realize a permanent honey bee exhibit
 Increase the number of honey bee presentations by KVIC to schools and
other groups.
 Schedule honey bee product marketing promotions annually in the State
Farm Markets.
 Encourage more attractive and educational honey bee exhibits at local
festivals and fairs.

5. Strengths & Scope:

5.1. On 28th June’ 2015, Hon’ble Prime Minister laid a foundation of

“Indian Agricultural Research Center at Hazariabaug, Jharkhand.
P.M. appealed to all the States to develop Beekeeping at least in one
District for honey production, knowing importance of honey as food
and medicine and export potential.
5.2. FAO has estimated that the pollinating insect, particularly honeybee,
through its pollination, contribute to the tune of Rs. 203 billions of
Dollars’ worth food production every year.
5.3. In America, honeybee colonies numbers has come down from 60
Lakhs to 30 Lakhs during the past few decades due to various
5.4. Dr. R.P. Phadke, Retd. Director of CBRTI indicated that the warnings
are coming from scientists all over the world that deforestation,
pollution, insecticides, etc. are threatening to the useful insects,
particularly honeybee. This may reduce total food supply in India by
1/3 in coming decades. FAO has also launched a project
“Conservation of pollinating insects for sustainable agriculture” and
also banned some insecticides toxic to honeybees
5.5. In India, there is abundance of fruit crops in the province is a
strength for the pollination side of the beekeeping and this strength
can result in an industry opportunity. Indeed, for some crops,
notably Mustered, Litchi, Eucalyptus, Karanj, Oilseeds, Pulses,
oranges, apple, onion seeds are complete advantages for honey bees
for pollination and growth of bees. This activity can boldly capture
the untapped resource, if realized.
5.6. India has potential to keep about 120 million bee colonies that can
provide self-employment to over 6 million rural & tribal families. In-
terms of production these bee colonies can produce over 1.2 million
tons of honey and about 15, 000 tons of beeswax. Organized method
of collection of forest honey and beeswax using improved methods
can result in an additional production of at least 1, 20, 000 tons of
honey and 10,000 tons of beeswax, which is expected to generate
income for 5 million tribal families. Further, from apiary beekeeping,
there is a scope of 6 million bee boxes and other spares can create
employment of 5000 persons more. (Projection for 2009-10 based on
recommendations of National Commission on Agriculture)
5.7. There are 6, 07, 000/- villages as per the census 2011, if there
would be 5 bee keepers with 5 bee colonies in each village, on an
average, then there would be more than 3.04 million people can be
engaged in beekeeping. But till today there 2.00 Lakhs beekeepers
practicing beekeeping. It has good potential and large unrealized
honey production with multi-seasonal plants and/or crops, which
is untapped. ***
5.8. Beekeepers / village dwellers both women & men not necessarily
own land to do beekeeping and only need to spend 8-15 hours in a
week to look after their bee colonies for beginner’s beekeeping.
Thus, Beekeeping is ideally suited as a part-time occupation to
beekeepers/ farmers and students in the beginning. A new
beekeeper can be a Beekeeper after maintaining or taking care of
10 to 15 honey bee colonies in a period of one year after training.
50 honey bee colonies can provide sustainable income generation
and nutritional supplement to the rural and tribal families.
5.9. Beekeeping Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of
economic growth, increase in crop productivity and social
development for the people in the country.
5.10. India currently faces a severe shortage of well-trained, beekeeping
skilled workers in the field of Apiculture. Therefore, must focus on
scaling up beekeeping skill/ apiculture techniques and training to
meet the demands of beekeeping sector and drive economic
5.11. Bees are best pollinators for crops due to its floral fidelity
character. Oils seed, Pulses, Horticultural crops, Orchids are
depending upon insect pollination. Day by day the pollinators are
declining drastically due to indiscriminate use of insecticides and
pesticides. Besides, this there no natural abodes due to
deforestation. Thus it is necessary to protect honeybee and declare
honeybee as National Insect.

6. Role of Honeybees in Agriculture:

6.1. One in three bites of food we eat is dependent on honey bees for
6.2. Of the 100 crops that provide 90 percent of the world's food, over 70
are pollinated by bees.
6.3. In North India, honey bees pollinate nearly 95 kinds of fruits such as
almonds, Cherries, berries and apples and other tropical fruits.
6.4. More than three times as many colonies of honey bees are rented for
the pollination of almonds than are used for the pollination of the next
most important crop (apples). Similarly, it should be promoted to
other oil seeds and pulses for increasing the yield.
6.5. Himachal is responsible for more than half the production of almonds
in India.
6.6. Estimates for numbers of honey bee colonies rented for almond &
apple pollination range between 0.30 million and 1.00 million.
6.7. The number of colonies rented for apple crops is estimated to be more
than 75,000.

7. Beekeeping as industry:- The lowest valued product of beekeeping is

honey. Other valuable products of beekeeping are beeswax, pollen, royal-
jelly, propolis, bee venom are other unexplored in India. Bee pollinate Agri.
& horticultural crops, which contributed additional crop yield up to 35%.
There is great demand for honey throughout the world and increasing with
awareness on health.

7.1. Consumption Of Honey & Hive Products; In India, Honey has been
used since ancient times, as traditional medicine only as
recommended in traditional Ayurveda system that honey acts as
vehicle to carry the medicine effectively.

7.2. Therefore, the consumption of honey is at 8 g. per capita. However,
the scenario is changing very fast, due to the extensive awareness
programs of KVIC (Khadi & Village Industries Commission) –CBRTI
(Central Bee Research & Training Institute - SBEC and media
publicity by a few private companies. The people are now beginning
to realize the importance of honey as nutritious food and demand of
honey has increased significantly in domestic as well as industrial
7.3. As Compared to this, in most developed countries honey has been
used as food and the rate of consumption is as high as 1.75 kg per
capita. The highest rate of consumption is 2.50 kg in European
countries like Germany, Switzerland etc. This is an eye opener for
developing beekeeping / honey industry.
7.4. It is now realized across the globe that beekeeping has great
importance in the agriculture based economy with pollination
services, especially oil seeds and pulses production. According to Dr.
Swami Nathan, second green revolution is possible only by increasing
the pollinators, such as honeybee. In most of villages in India,
beekeeping is more or less feasible.
7.5. Therefore, the HONEYBEE MISSION - known henceforth as addressed
as Mission, which will provide the overall institutional framework to
rapidly implement and scale up beekeeping skill development efforts
across India in beekeeping potential states.
7.6. The vision, objectives and strategy of the Mission, draw on the lessons
learnt from the implementation of beekeeping programs over the six
decades. It seeks to provide the institutional linkages and training to a
minimum of 10, 200 new/ novice Beekeepers by the year 2018-19.
7.7. These 10, 200 persons shall be outreached and trained through
State Beekeeping Extension Centers (SBEC), Central Bee Research &
Training Institute, 150 Master Beekeepers / Professional Trainers /
NABARD/ Beekeeping Cooperatives & NGOs/ State KVIBs and any
other interested private stakeholders shall be the participant
7.8. This Framework for Implementation will provide strategic direction to
stakeholder and establish a clear line of action to enable beekeepers
in India to achieve sustainable income and employment.

Products of beekeeping

 Honey: Production of honey is the prime objective of any person

engaged in beekeeping. A beekeeper generally gets 10-15 kg from
Apis cerana and 15-40 kg honey per colony from A. mellifera.
However, commercial beekeepers in Himachal Pradesh, Punjab,
Jammu and Kashmir and Bihar are obtaining 50-70 kg honey per
colony of A. mellifera by 3 – 4 migrations. The maximum honey yield
from a single colony of A. mellifera from Himachal Pradesh has been
reported to be 110 kg. Honey has domestic, medicinal and industrial
uses. There is a vast difference in price of raw honey and processed
honey. Raw honey costs about Rs. 90 to Rs 100 per kg and processed
honey @ Rs. 250 to Rs 300 per kg or more without any consideration
of quality and packing. Raw white honey from `Shain’ (Plectranthus
rugosus) is valued at @ Rs 300 to Rs. 350 per kg in some parts of
Himachal Pradesh.

 Bee wax: Honeybees secrete wax from their body as and when
required for the construction of comb and store honey and pollen as
food and eggs as brood. The bee wax is inert of any chemical reaction.
When old and dark, bees discard it. Such old wax is then collected in
hot water and made in to cakes for its further application in
pharmaceuticals as base media and cosmetics. Beeswax is also called
as natural resin. It is sold @ double the price of honey.

 Pollen: Pollen is good source of protein. It can be easily collected

by placing a pollen trap at hive entrance. During a good pollen flow
season, it is possible to harvest 0.5 to 1.0 kg of pollen per day from
one hive of A. mellifera. Maximum use of pollen is for feeding bees
as pollen supplement during the dearth period. Pollen can also
collected from wild Rock bees A. dorsata. Pollen is suitable for
medical and prophylactic purposes. It is effective for treating hyper
tension when mixed with honey (1:1). It can be used for complaints of
nervous and endocrine systems. It is also used in various cosmetic

 Royal jelly (mellifera) :It is produced by nurse bees to feed the

queen bee throughout her larval and adult life, and also young
worker and drone larvae. Royal jelly can be produced from a queen-
right colony or by de-queening a colony and harvesting the jelly from
queen cells. On an average, it requires 1000, 3-day old cells to
produce 500gm of royal jelly and sold @ Rs 25, 000/kg. Royal jelly
has a reputation as a panacea, aphrodisiac and rejuvenator. It is
used to make medicines and nutritional supplements.

 Bee venom: It can be commercially obtained by stimulating large

number of bees by electric shock (8-12 volts) to sting through a sheet
of nylon parchment taffeta above two sheets of thin polyethylene
(0.025 mm thick), stretched over the collection board. Another
method is to pass electric current through the sheet of gel or silicone
and bees standing on this react by stinging in to it where it is
deposited. About 50 mg venom can be obtained per colony and sold @
Rs 1000/g. It has been used to cure polyarthritis, infectious-
polyarthritis, spondylosis deforming, neuralgia, rheumatism, certain
eye diseases like iritis and irridocyclitis, skin diseases (tuberculosis of
skin), inflammation of sciatic, facial and other nerves, hypertension
etc. It is also known to lower down the cholesterol level.

 Propolis (mellifera): It has anti-microbial properties and is effective

in healing wounds as a medicine for removing corns and good
aesthetic in dental medicine. It is used as veterinary ointments for
treating cuts, abscesses and wounds of animals. About 300g of
propolis can be obtained from one colony per year and sold @ Rs

Pollination Studies done by All India Coordinated Research Project on

Honeybees & Pollinators:

 PIGEON PEA: Highest number of seed set/pod (3.46) was observed in

open pollination and it was significantly superior over exclusive Apis

 cerana pollination and without insect pollination. Exclusive Apis cerana
pollination was at par with caged condition indicating the role Indian
Honeybee in pollination of Pigeon pea. The highest pigeon pea
productivity (983.47) Kg/ ha was recorded from open pollination, which
was significantly superior over exclusively by Apis cerana pollination and
without insect pollination.
 SESAMUM: the seed yield of sesamum was highest (5.2 q/ha) in open
pollination followed by pollination exclusively by Apis mellifera (4.9
 PEAR (SOFT PEAR): In soft pear cv. Punjab Beauty), pollinator had a
key role in increasing 1400 % in fruit setting. SWEET CHERRY, PEACH,


Beekeeping provides sustainable livelihood option for economically vulnerable

communities because of its following attributes:

 Provide food and cash income without ownership of land

 Resilient when disaster happen
 Non extractive and sustainable
 Provide opportunity for small , medium and commercial farming
 Can be adopted as a spare time, part time, and full time occupation.
 Require a little investment and infrastructure
 The technology is simple and low cost.
 Help local craftsman to earn extra wages
 Hive product are low volume –high value with good self-life.
 Earn foreign exchange
 Diversifies the economic base.
 Enhance productivity levels of agricultural, horticultural and fodder
crops through pollination services.
 Helps in overcoming the problem of malnutrition and human health
 Bee pollination is vital for life on earth in terms of bio-diversity
 Provide effective linkages to other farming system with positive
ecological consequences



QUALITY CONTROL OF HONEY: Honey is a natural sweet substance

produced by honeybees from the nectar of blossoms or from secretions of
plants, which honeybees collect, transform and store in honey combs for
ripening. The ripe honey from sealed comb is then collected.

There are two types of honey.

a. Apiary honey
b. Forest honey

a. Apiary honey: - Honey produced by the Indian hive bees Apis cerana and
European bee Apis mellifera in apiaries and collected by modern extraction
method is called apiary honey. Apiary honeys are considerably transparent
and are free from foreign materials like wax, pollen, brood, etc.

b. Forest honey:- Honey produced by rock bees Apis dorsata, Apis flores or
wild nests of Apis cerana in forest and collected by the crude method of
squeezing or pressing the comb are termed as forest honey. Forest honey is
turbid due to the presence of a lot of pollen, wax brood and other parts of
bees and plant materials.

Genuine honey contains about 80 per cent sugars and 20 per cent
moisture. Cheap sugar solutions are therefore common adulterants of honey.
Estimation of reducing and non-reducing sugar components of honey enables
to detect this type of adulteration. Cane sugar, jaggery, gud, molasses are the
common adulterants of honey. As all these sugars are non-reducing sugars,
estimation of non-reducing sugars in honey, which should not be more than 5
%, gives conclusive method of detection of this type of adulteration.


multiflora honeys from all parts of the country were collected by the Central
Bee Research and Training Institute (KVIC) and analyzed for various physico-
chemical characteristic. The average values of these areas under:
1. Specific gravity - 1.394
2. Direct polarization - 2. 21’
3. Moisture - 20.48 %
4. Total dissolved solids - 77.57 %
5. Total sugars - 73.88 %
6. Reducing sugars - 71.73 %
7. Non-reducing sugar - 2.75 %
8. Levulose (Fructose) - 37.51 %
9. Dextrose (Glucose) - 34.01 %
10. Ratio L/D - 1.108
11. Dextrins(higher sugars) - 1.97 %
12. Acidity (as formic acid) - 0.17 %
13. Ash (minerals) - 0.215 %
14. Proteins - 0.553 %
15. Undetermined - 2.128 %



Once we know about the averages values of composition of honey,

we can judge about the quality and purity of any given honey sample. Let us
understand in brief the meaning of some of the important Physico-chemical
characteristics of honey.

i) Specific gravity: The specific gravity of an average honey sample with

80 percent sugars and 20 percent moisture is about 1.4. Lower the
specific gravity than this value higher is the moisture content. This
value therefore gives an indication as to whether the honey is ripe or

ii) Moisture content: This is a very important characteristic of honey.

As we will see later, high moisture content results into fermentation
and spoilage of honey. On an average honey should contain less than
20 percent moisture. Moisture content up to 22 percent is tolerable.
But honeys with more than 22 percent moisture are liable to ferment.

iii) Total dissolved solids: This value represents total water-soluble

ingredients in honey. These comprise mostly of simple and complex
sugars. These can be estimated with a single drop of honey placed on
the prism of Sugar refractometer and directly reading on the scale for
total dissolved solids in honey. This pocket size small instrument,
indirectly gives water content in honey and is a very important tool for
knowing whether the honey is ripe or not and for quality control of
honey at field level

iv) Total sugars: Total sugars value represents sum of reducing sugars
i.e. Levulose plus Dextrose and non-reducing sugars i.e. sucrose or
ordinary cane sugar.

v) Reducing sugars: Laevulose (or fructose) and dextrose (or glucose) are
known as reducing sugars and these are the two principal sugars
present in honey. In nectars, though sucrose is a dominant sugar,
laevulose and dextrose are also present in small quantities.
Honeybees prefer nectars with high laevulose content. Thus
percentage of laevulose in honeys is always more (Approx. 37 percent)
than that of dextrose (Approx. 34 percent).

vi) Levulose to Dextrose Ratio (L/D Ratio): It is observed that, with

rare exception, all the honeys contain more laevulose than dextrose.
The ratio L/D is always more than1.0. This ratio is an indication
about the purity and genuineness of honey.

vii) Ash: Average ash contents i.e. mineral content in Indian honeys
varies from 0.1 to 0.3 percent. The color of the honey is directly
correlated with the ash content. Darker the honeys higher are the ash


In addition to above major ingredients, there are few minor but

important ingredients present in honey. These are pollen grains, enzymes,
Hydroxy-methyl-furfuraldehyde (HMF) and yeast cells.

Honeybees collect floral nectar during their floral visits. An individual bee
requires to visit many flowers to get its stomach completely filled with nectar.
During this process, pollen grains of the flowers from which the bee has
collected nectar, get incorporated in the nectar and thus in the final product,
honey. The hairy body of the bee gets dusted with the pollen grains of the
flowers visited by bees for nectar collection. In this manner, pollen grains of
the flowers get incorporated into the honey during its collection and storage
into the cells. Very rarely a genuine honey sample may not contain pollen
grains, if it is collected from extra-floral nectarines like cotton or rubber etc.
Except for such rare cases, all genuine honeys contain pollen grains.
Honeys containing pollen grains predominantly of a single plant species are
termed as ‘Unifloral Honeys’ and are often sold under the name of their
respective plant sources, as for example, clover honey, sage honey citrus
honey etc. in foreign countries and Mustard honey, Litchi honey, Jamun
honey etc. in India. Each of these Unifloral honeys has peculiar taste, color
and flavor. Microscopic analysis of honey serves to confirm botanical source
of such Unifloral honeys. In quantitative microscopic analysis if the honey
sample contains pollen of a single plant species more than 45 percent of the
total pollen grains, according to International Commission on Bee Botany, the
sample is considered to have originated from that species principally and can
be labeled after that plant source. If the pollens of two or three plant species
dominate, the honey is termed as ‘Multifloral’. Quantitative microscopic
analysis of pollen grains in honey can thus be used to reveal mixture of
different honeys as also their relative proportions in the sample and the
geographic origin of the honey.

After quantitative analysis of large number of Indian apiary honey samples for
pollen grains, it was observed that Indian apiary honeys on an average
contains 13000 pollen grains per gram of honey with a range of 2400 to
42000. The International Commission on Bee Botany has made categories as
under for honeys

1st less than 2000 pollen grains per gm of honey

2nd Between 2000 to 10000 -do-
3rdBetween 10000 to 50000 -do-
Majority of the foreign honey samples fall in the second category while
majority of the Indian honeys fall in third category.

Pollen in Squeezed Honeys:

In addition to apiary-extracted honey, India produces large quantities of
squeezed honey. This honey is mostly collected from Apis dorsata, the wild
honeybees. Except for the turbidity due to large amount of pollen content and
presence of foreign matter in this honey, the chemical composition of apiary
extracted honey and squeezed honey is quite comparable. The squeezed
honey after filtration is sometimes mixed with the apiary honey. It therefore
became necessary to find out methods to distinguish between apiary honey
and mixture of apiary and squeezed honey.Pollen count of honeys has
provided a tool to solve this problem.When microscopic analysisof large
number of squeezed honey samples was done it was found that average pollen
count was 15.72 lakhs per gm of honey with a minimum of 1.3 lakhs and
maximum of 31 lakhs, as against the average value of 13000 per gm of honey
with a maximum of 42000 in apiary honey. Because of the high pollen count
and turbidity of squeezed honey, transmittance of light through this honey is
less than that of apiary honey. Pollen count and transmittance (or optical
density) provides reliable methods for distinguishing between apiary and
squeezed honeys. ***
Yeasts in Honeys: While doing microscopic examination of honey samples,
one comes across large number of small cells in some honey samples. These
are yeast cells. The yeast cells, under favorable conditions of temperature,
moisture and food, multiply rapidly consuming the available food. There are
large numbers of species of yeast, but all do not thrive in honey. The group
that can thrive in honey consists of what are known as “osmophilic yeasrts”
or “Sugar Tolerant Yeasts”. These sugar tolerant yeasts, under certain
conditions decompose the sugars in honeys and spoil the honey.

At high concentration of sugars (80 percent and above) and low

temperatures (less than 10 degrees C.), the yeast cells, though alive, remain
in dormant state. At lower concentration of sugars and at temperatures
between 30 – 40 degrees C., the yeasts become very active and multiply very
rapidly. The yeast cells decompose sugars in the honey into alcohol, acetic
acid, water and corbon-di-oxide. At 65 degrees C. these yeasts are destroyed

So far, 25 species of following five genera have been found in Indian

honeys (1) Zygosaccharomyces in 35 %samples, Torulopsis in 33 %
samples, Saccharomyces in 20 % samples, Pichia in 7 % samples and
Hansenula in 5 % samples. The sugar tolerant yeast cells are present in air,
on the flowers and even in the nectars of the flowers. Thus almost all honeys
contain yeast cells in smaller or greater proportions. With their high initial
number, chances of fermentation of honey are high. We shall see more about
yeasts in following pages.

Enzymes in Honey: The enzymes in honey are among the most interesting
constituents. It is reported that occurrence of enzymes in honey is due to (1)
their presence in nectars itself, (2) secretion of enzymes in the salivary and
pharyngeal glands of the honeybee and (3) presence of enzymes in the pollen
grains of honey. The most common and important enzymes reported in honey
are invertase, diastase and glucose-oxidase. The main sugar content of
nectar- the sucrose is converted into glucose and fructose by the action of
invertase secreted through the glands of the honeybee. The main interest of
studying enzymes in honeys, in earlier years, was a possible means to
distinguish between natural and artificial honeys. As the enzymes are very
sensitive to heat, till recently research on enzymes was continued to control
over-heating of honey or storage of honey at high temperatures. Overheating
of honey during processing affects the color and flavor of honey and increases
quantities of Hydroxy-methyl-furfuraldehyde (HMF). The intention of studying
enzymes in honey has, therefore shifted from identification of adulteration to
identification of overheating during processing and storage of honey at higher

The diastase and invertase values of large number of Indian honeys

were studied. Comparison of these values with honeys produced by European
honeybees is as under;

Diastase Invertase
Apis cerana 7.88 36.50
Apis dorsata 6.55 19.32
Apis mellifera 25.63 41.50


The Indian honey samples from different species of honeybees show
low diastase value. The honey produced by Apismellifera colonies
maintained in India showed significantly high diastase value compared to the
honeys produced from the Apisceranabee colonies from the same locality. As
far as invertase values are concerned, the values of Apisceranaand of
Apismellifera are quite comparable.

Another important enzyme in honey is glucose oxidase. This enzyme

reacts with the glucose present in the honey and small quantities of hydrogen
peroxide, acids and gluconolactone are formed. Even after neutralization,
fresh quantities of peroxide are formed. This glucose-oxidizing enzyme, which
forms acid and peroxide, was found in the hypopharyngeal gland of the
honeybees. The acid and peroxide thus formed by the action of glucose and
glucose oxidase enzyme has antibacterial and preservative properties.

Hydroxyl-Methyl-Furfualhyde: (HMF): Many a medicinal properties are

attributed to honey and therefore honey has been a priced commodity, much
costlier than other sweetening agents like cane sugar or jaggery. Cane sugar
and jaggery had been common adulterants in honey for many years. The
genuine honey contains less than 5 per cent sucrose (i.e. non-reducing
sugars). Both the above adulterants are non-reducing sugars and their
presence in honey can be determined by estimating non-reducing sugar
component of honey.

With the development of methods of manufacturing commercial

glucose and inverted sugar syrups i.e. the reducing sugars, the above method
of deducting adulteration in a given honey sample became inconclusive. As
the composition of reducing sugars of honey and composition of these new
adulterants i.e. glucose and artificially inverted sugars is almost identical, it
posed a great problem before the scientists.

A German scientist Fiehe in 1908 evolved a method to detect

adulteration in honey with commercial glucose or artificially inverted sugars.
Fiehe’s Test depends on the presence of Hydroxy-Methyl-Furfuraldehyde
(HMF) in commercial glucose. HMF is an unavoidable product formed during
the process of manufacturing commercial glucose. Commercial glucose is
manufactured by heating cane sugar or starch solution with small quantities
of mineral acids at 110 to 120 degrees C. when perceptible quantities of HMF
are produced.

Fiehe’s Test was then accepted all over the world including India under
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, as criteria to detect adulteration in
honey with commercial glucose. The nature of this test is qualitative. The
color intensity in the test varies from pink to cherry red color depending upon
the quantity of HMF present. The test therefore depended upon the discretion
of the Analyst in distinguishing between the finer shades of red color and
declaring the result as positive or negative. The test, therefore became a
subject of controversy for many years, because it was observed that even
genuine honeys contain small quantities of HMF and under certain conditions
give positive Fiehe’s test. The question then arise as to whether this test
should remain in force or should be removed from the existing purity
specifications for honey. More than 100 research papers have been published
on formation of HMF in honeys during past couple of decades. The findings of
the research work in brief is:

1) Fructose sugar in the honey is heat sensitive and at 70 degree C. it
starts decomposing into levulinic acid and HMF
(1) Formation of HMF in honey is a function of time and temperature,
higher the temperature and longer the storage period, higher is the
formation of HMF.
(2) Formation of HMF in dark colored honeys is more than that of light
colored honeys.
(3) Fresh honeys contain nil or negligible quantity of HMF often less than
3 ppm. or 3mg/kg. of honey,
(4) At 15 degrees C. the rate of formation of HMF in honeys is negligible.
(5) The rate of formation of HMF in honeys is very slow upto 30 degrees C.
and above this temperature rate of formation of HMF is very high and
(6) Formation of HMF at high storage conditions is initially comparatively
less but is accelerated with the period of storage. Considering the
available of research data, qualitative Fiehe’s Test has been now
replaced by quantitative test and is to be considered with enzyme value
and Laevulose/Dextrose Ratio.

In order to prevent adulteration practices in food products and to protect

consumers’ interest Government of India has fixed purity standards for many
food products under Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, (PFA). Several food
commodities like, milk, ghee. Vegetable oils, wheat floor etc. etc. are covered
under PFA. Honey is also covered under PFA. It may be remembered that
PFA Rules are mandatory and Food Inspectors have the authority to draw
samples of notified food products from any sale counter. The food samples, so
collected, are analyzed at the Govt. Public Health Laboratories. The food
samples, not conforming to the prescribed standards are considered as
adulterated and fine and imprisonment is imposed on the seller. PFA
standards are however very liberal to accommodate all natural variations in
the food products. Under section A-07 of PFA, Sweetening Agents are listed
and honey is listed under No. A-07-03. The text of the honey standards under
PFA reads as under:

“Honey means the food derived directly from the work of honeybees
operating upon the nectar of flowers and other sweet exudation of plants. It
shall not contain more than (a) 25 % of moisture, (b) 0.5 % of ash and (c) 5%
of sucrose except in the case of Carvia callosa and honey dew honey, where
maximum sucrose content shall be 10 %. The minimum reducing sugar
content (expressed as invert sugar) shall be 65 %, except in the case of Carvia
callosa and honey dew honey where it shall be 60 %. Fructose/Glucose ratio
shall not be less than 0.95. Fiehe’s Test should be ordinarily be negative.”

Different Standards for Honey

Characteristic P.F. B I S AGMARK CODE
Specia " A" Stand Spec " A" Stand
l ard ial ard
Specific gravity at --- 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.40 1.40 1.35
Moisture per cent 25 20 22 25 20 22 25 21
Reducing sugars 65 70 65 65 65 65 65 65
per cent min
Sucrose per cent 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
L/D ratio min 0.95 1 1 1 1 0.95 0.95 0.6

Acidity percent 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Ash percent max 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Fiehe's test -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve
Pollen count / gm 50000 50000 50000
HMF mg/kg max 80 80 80
Optical density 0.3 0.3 0.3
Max at 600 Nm
Diastase no. min 3
Water Insoluble 0.1
Matters Max


Viscosity of Honey

Honey is a highly viscous, i.e. not easy flowing, liquid. In other words,
when honey flows over a surface or through a tube, it offers resistance against
flowing. It has viscosity ranging from 50 to 100 poises. Viscosity of honey drops
down rapidly with the increase in temperature and increase in moisture
content. Viscosity of honey poses problems while its handling, particularly
straining and bottling part of it.


Honey is a highly hygroscopic material. This property of honey is attributed to

its fructose content. When exposed to atmosphere, it absorbs moisture form the
air and air exposed part of the honey becomes watery. Hygroscopic property of
honey is useful for cosmetic and food preparations but poses a problem during
handling of honey particularly during bottling etc. While bottling honey absorbs
moisture if packing room is humid.

Moisture Content of Honeys

In India, honey is mostly produced from moist forests and coastal areas
where relative humidity is comparatively very high. Humid atmosphere puts
limits to the efficiency of honeybees in ripening of honey. Indian honeys
therefore contain high moisture content (22 to 25 per cent) compared to
European and American honeys. Species of the honeybee also contribute to
this phenomenon. Honeys with high moisture content are liable to ferment
particularly at places where ambient temperatures are high. Even though
honey is a preservative by itself, high moisture content in honey deteriorates
the quality of honey. In order to improve the quality of Indian honeys and to
bring them on par with International standards, extracting honey from fully
sealed super frames and use of honey processing-cum-moisture reduction
units has become inevitable.

Granulation of Honey

Honey is a supersaturated solution of sugars in water. Under certain conditions

glucose in honey crystallizes, separates out and makes its appearance visible.
Almost all honeys granulate after storage. The rate of granulation however
varies from honey to honey depending upon the source of the nectar. There are
some extreme examples. Some honeys granulate even in combs before
extraction while some honeys do not granulate even after storage of 4 to 5
years. ***

But these are exceptional cases and by and large most of the honeys granulate
between 3 to 12 months after extraction. Some honeys granulate partially while
some granulate fully. In some honeys granules are very small and soft while in
others they are very big and course. The rate, degree and quality of granulation
depends on 1) relative percentages of different sugars in honey, 2) water
content in honey, 3)temperature of storage, 4)degree of presence of foreign
material in honey (pollen, air bubbles, dust etc.) and 5) presence of microscopic
size of glucose crystals in honey.

Though granulation is a natural phenomenon and granulation does not mean

adulteration, granulation not only poses problems in handling of honey but it
also leads to fermentation of honey. In a very ripe honey when granulation
takes place, water content in the granulated portion of honey drops down and
it increases in the liquid portion of honey to the level of 25 to 30 percent. Thus
fermentation starts in the liquid portion of granulated honey and spreads all

Granulation is a natural phenomenon and it cannot be stopped

completely. But it can be retarded or delayed by straining out the foreign
material in honey and then heating the honey to about 65 degrees C. to
dissolve the micro crystals of glucose present in honey.

Fermentation of Honey

The chemical changes in organic substances brought about by the

action of enzymes is known as fermentation. Generally, fermentation results
in the breakdown of complex organic substances into simpler ones through
the action of enzymes. For example by the action of enzymes diastase,
invertase and zymase, starch is broken down in steps first into complex
sugars, then into simple sugars and finally into carbon-di-oxide, acids and
water. Honey also undergoes above type of fermentation, if proper care during
extraction and storage is not taken.

Fermentation of honey is caused by the microorganisms known as

osmophilic yeasts. These osmophilic yeasts are present in air, water and even
on flowers and in nectars and get asses to honey through nectar, pollen and
water collected by the honeybees. These yeast cells also get asses to the
honey through unclean honey extractors, knives, strainers and containers
used while extracting honey. Almost all honeys thus contain honey
fermenting yeast cells. The honey fermenting yeast cells can tolerate high
concentration of sugars, even more than 80 per cent, and hence are also
known as ‘sugar-tolerant’ yeasts. At high concentration of sugars and at
temperatures below 10 C., these yeast cells remain in dormant or inactive
state. These yeasts are heat-sensitive and are completely destroyed when
heated to 60 C. for certain period.

In honeys, with water content more than 22 per cent and particularly
when ambient temperature is between 25 to 40 C. These yeast cells become
very active. When active, the yeast cells multiply and at the same time secrete
two types of enzymes namely invertase and zymase. The former decomposes
the sucrose in the honey into glucose and fructose and the latter enzyme
decomposes glucose and fructose into alcohol, acid, water and carbon-di-
oxide. This decomposition process being exothermic, liberates some heat.
Thus conditions very favorable for the multiplication of yeast cells are created,
resulting into rapid decomposition and fermentation of more and more
quantity of honey. ***

Even ripe honeys, when exposed to moist atmosphere, absorbs
moisture and a thin watery layer is formed on the top surface of honey,
leading into fermentation.

Therefore, temperate zone honeybees are better suited for commercial

honey production for India. Average honey production with A. mellifera is 30-40
kg/year/ colony but through migration, beekeepers are getting the high
averages of 60-70 kg. Although, the beekeeping with introduced A. mellifera is
flourishing in some states, the species should be quickly tested for its
performance to spread to other potential regions with greater research and
extension support.

Bee Flora
Information on different aspects of bee forage is essential for the efficient
management of honeybee colonies. Management scheme for each apicultural
region is closely correlated with the flowering of local honey and pollen
producing plants as also the climatic conditions. Basic research in the area of
forage ecology has been done and floral calendars for different regions have
been prepared. On the basis of surveys potential beekeeping areas have been

The most serious problem for Indian beekeeping has been the decline in
flora due to deforestation and clearing of wastelands for extensive agriculture.
Improvement of bee flora is not possible by individuals’ efforts and a beekeeper
has to adopt and adjust only to the cropping patterns of the area and forest
wild flora available in the locality. Recently central and state Governments and
local organizations have helped in expansion of planted areas of bee forage
along highways, wastelands etc.

To get good results, plantation of selective trees and shrubs is essential

and this should be done on the basis of multiple use principle including bee
forage as one of the uses. Flowers of many plant species are visited by bees for
nectar and or pollen but relative importance depends on the quality and
quantity of rewards available and also on the density of the plant species.
Intensive research in this area has generated this type of information on many
of the important flora. The knowledge accumulated can be made use of while
planning plantations on the basis of accessibility of the potential bee forage
areas and migration schedules can be worked out. Migratory beekeeping is
practiced by many commercial beekeepers in states like Himachal Pradesh,
Bihar and south India but micro-regional survey of bee forage would be
required for planning short and long distance migration schedules.

Equipment and Management

Efficient management requires the use of appropriate equipment and
operations concerning the well-being of bees. Many types of hives had been in
use in India and attention of the scientists was attracted to standardize the
hives and with these efforts the ISI (BIS) hive specifications laid down on the
basis of body size (bee space). Increase in brood and super chamber capacities
has been suggested keeping in view the colony build up capacity and length of
buildup and honey flow reasons. BIS have also formulated standards for other
bee equipment.

Knowledge of biometry of bees is helpful in standardizing bee equipment,
for breeding work, and for gathering information on the races of a species.
Good information on body size, tongue length and other morph metric
characters is available for A.C. indica. Egg laying capacity of queens and
consequently colony build up capacity varies from south to north of the
country. Therefore, exhaustive studies are required for all the regions, to
develop suitable queen excluders, comb foundation mills, bee escape, honey
extractors, pollen traps etc. For A. mellifera only standard Langstroth hive is
being used everywhere in India where so-ever the species is present. In these
and other areas need might arise to make suitable amends in sizes and number
of frames etc. to suit different zones. Timber is becoming expensive and cost of
hives is increasing. To keep the investment in beekeeping low some alternative
materials like polyurethane, polystyrene and compressed sheets etc. shall have
to be tried.

Many other practices for better management of honeybee colonies have

been worked out and standardized. Mass queen rearing for colony
multiplication is a very useful practice. The queens (30-40) reared in one
queen-less or queen right colony can be given to new divides just before the
emergence. This saves the wastage of many days for queen rearing by each
divide. Time and length of divides in regions have also been worked out. Over
summering is a problem in many parts of our country because bees are
troubled by high temperature and it is also no flora period. Methods have been
recommended for successful summer management, which also includes feeding
of pollen supplements, and substitutes to make colonies to continue rearing
some brood.

India presents a variety of ecological conditions from north to south and

east to west. To some extent the art of beekeeping can be uniformly adopted
but some management problems, specific to different regions, are needed to be
tackled on priority. Similarly, summer and rainy season dearth periods need
immediate attention. Other problems that should attract the attention of bee
scientists are strength of divides for colony multiplication etc. Little work has
been done on the problem of swarming and absconding in A. cerana indica. In
addition work on behavioral aspects of Apis spp. is needed to evolve the
management calendar for bee apiaries. Limited information is available in India
on communication behavior, foraging distance and nectar and pollen carrying
capacity. Exhaustive information on these aspects is needed to standardize
management practices for different ecological regions for efficient management
of hive bees.


Chapter –3

1. KVIC and Beekeeping infrastructure

Khadi & Village Industries Commission with the inspiration of Rastrapita

Mahatma Gandhi took the task of development of the beekeeping Industry with
a view to uplift the financial status of people living in extremely interior rural
areas by introducing and popularizing modern beekeeping.

Until 1953, the beekeeping in Indian subcontinent was disorganized till

this activity was taken over by All India Khadi & Village Industries Board and
subsequently by the KVIC in 1957 and establishing Central Bee Research &
Training Institute at Pune on 1st Nov’ 1962.

Success of an Industry is measured by its achievement and the role of

Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC) in the uplifting Beekeeping
Industry is spectacularly well established. Beekeeping is an ideal Forest and
Agro Based subsidiary industry, providing supplementary income to a target
group of people from rural, hilly and tribal tracts including horticulturists and
agriculturists because of abundantly, widely, and well distributed, bee flora.
Apart from the direct benefits of honey and bee wax, the indirect benefits
through crop pollination etc. are almost impossible to quantify which may
simply outclass the direct benefits.

The Khadi & Village Industries Commission’s Act, Rules & Regulations
indicates under the Schedule (section (2(h))) the “beekeeping activity” is the
prime activity under Village Industries. KVIC is charged with the planning,
promotion, organization, and implementation of program for the development of
Khadi and Village Industries in the rural areas in Co-ordination with other
agencies engaged in rural development, wherever necessary. The strength of
KVIC in the overall development in beekeeping industry is being looked by the
separate Directorate in the Head Quarters of KVIC in Mumbai. The main task
of the Directorate is framing policies, schemes and promotional programs,
awareness, training, linkages and handholding in development of beekeeping
industry, through the available network of State / Divisional Offices, CBRTI
and State Beekeeping Extension Centers. Unlike other village industries under
KVIC, beekeeping industry is peculiar as it is an interaction of two living
creatures in this industry. The bees and flowering plants.

To take advantage of these two interactions, State Beekeeping Extension

Centers (SBEC) mechanism has been developed by the Directorate of Forest
Based Industry with a view to impart training, tools supply, practical extension
of beekeeping activities and technology dissemination at field level. These
SBECs are closely connected with beekeepers enable to obtain the colonies of
Apis mellifera and Apis cerana wherever the potential of these colonies are in
existence. SBECs are also closely connected with bee box manufacturers,
therefore, at the time of the execution of the beekeeping programs, the SBECs
will play vital role.

The KVIC is responsible for taking Beekeeping Industry to the present

height from a mere 800 colonies producing 1, 200 Kgs (i.e. 1.5 Kg per colony
yield) to the honey production of 70, 000 MT valued Rs. 770.00 Crores (@
Rs110/-per Kg) in the country in the potential states. Contribution of the wild
honey (Dorsata) is estimated to 50%. The success of the beekeeping industry
lies in developing the entrepreneurship, when the trained persons desires to set
up their micro small units by availing the ongoing existing scheme of PMEGP.
The State / Divisional Directors have been asked to promote and provide
preference to finance beekeeping activities in this regard. Moreover, wherever
the group of beekeepers are available in larger scale, in the states and also
those states which are having potential of flora and fauna have been identified
for inducting new beekeepers through Honey Mission. Accordingly, action plan


(i) Central Bee Research & Training Institute, Pune - 01
(ii) No. of Directly Aided Institutions - 100
(iii) State Beekeeping Extension Centers - 16
(iv) Beekeeping Clusters (under SFURTI/KRDP) - 15
(v) Technical Experts (Officials / staff) - 58

3. Performance on promoting beekeeping & imparting training

(Rs. In Lakhs; Phy. No. of Persons))
Sr. Year Financial Physical (Training)
No Target Achieved Target Achieved
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. 2014-15 91.01 11.17 1790 1, 580
2. 2015-16 93.00 58.35 10, 000 8, 305
3. 2016-17 250.00 214.00 13, 900 9, 400
4. 2017-18 (up to 600.00 500.70 14, 300* 12, 100*
December 2017)
Note: *No. of colonies

4. Beekeeping Training Programs conducted at SBECs

S.No. Particulars
1. 5 days training program under AC
2. 5 days training program under AM
3. Rock bee Training
4. Queen Rearing Training Program
5. Quality Control of Honey Training
6. Seasonal Bee Management Training

5. Regular Annual Promotional Programs undertaken by SBECs

S.No. Programs
1. Awareness
2. Advertisements
3. Zonal Workshops
4. Meeting with leading beekeepers
5. Beekeeping In schools
6. 05 days training program under AC, SCSC
7. 05 days training program under AM SCSP
8. Rock bee Training
9. Queen Rearing Training Program
10. Quality Control of Honey Training
11 Seasonal Bee Management Training
12 5 days beginners beekeeping / Skill Upgradation


6. Training Programs under CBRTI, KVIC, Pune:

The Institute is one of the premier center for beekeeping training in the country
and is recognized internationally as beekeeping training center for development
conducted following courses with modern audio visuals aids:

S. No. Name of the Training Duration Eligibility

1. Diploma in Beekeeping 6 months B. Sc. (Biology/ Agri./
2. Certificate course in 1 month SSC or equivalent
3. Rock-bee handling 20 days Honey Hunters / Tribal
4. Elementary Beekeeping 15 days SSC or equivalent
5. Short term course in 5 days Hobbyist or Amateurs /
beekeeping Beginners
6. Queen Rearing, 15 days Persons with background in
pollination, bee beekeeping / beekeepers.
pathology, CF Sheet, etc.
7. Honey Processing 5 days. Any one – Not specified
8. Analysis of honey 5 days B.Sc. Chemistry
9. Tailor made course 10-15 days In-service persons of Govt.
Org. / beekeeping
cooperatives / NGOs
10. Management of Apis 1 week Persons with beekeeping
mellifera background
11. Melittopalynology pollen 1 week Persons with beekeeping
& propolis collection background
12. Training in Honey Testing 1 day Anyone
13. Hobbyist training 5 days Anyone


Khadi & V.I. Commission plays vital role in popularization of beekeeping

and standardization of management practices in various agro climatic
conditions in the country. For the very purpose KVIC has a full-fledged
Directorate of Beekeeping and a Research Institute, Central Bee Research &
Training Institute at Pune. There are 19 State Beekeeping extension centers,
the predecessor of Field Observation Stations are functioning in Beekeeping
potential states.


I. Training on Skill Up gradation for Apis mellifera & A. cerana:
(a) To conduct different level training courses of 5/15/30 days.
(b) To conduct training on queen rearing technique.
(c) Follow up action for making trainees as an entrepreneur.
(d) Distribution of beehives, colonies, CF sheet quality queen to
Beekeepers in medium potential states
(e) Specific training on Quality Control of honey.

II Skill Up gradation for Apis dorsata: -
(a) Training to wild honey collector for 15 days.
(b) Distribution of equipment in honey collector’s kit. .
(c) Exclusive follow up of trained artisans.
(d) Specific training on quality control of honey.

III. Quality Up gradation by processing honey, through scientific

honey processing units
Other Activities:-
1. Improvement in Design of levels, packaging & bottling.
2. To establish C.F.C./SFURTI/KRDP/PMEGP/Other schemes in
the area for beekeeping activities
3. Testing of honey of beekeepers.
4. Extension visit to the institutions.
5. Meeting with Beekeepers, NGO, Marketing agents, Packers,
Resource person in beekeeping in the area for integrated
6. Preparing Bee flora information & floral calendar district-wise.
7. Enlistment of beekeepers in the area.
8. Bee disease identification & suggesting preventive measure.

1. Awareness and beginners beekeeping training.
2. Tools and technology supply
3. Skill up-gradation on queen rearing, seasonal bee management
practices, Scientific honey harvesting.
4. Training Quality control of product as per Agmark&
international standard.
5. Forming into beekeeping groups and linking with other
schemes and projects.
6. Developing local brands to retain it’s origin
7. Supply floral calendars and migratory routes
8. Inducting Good Beekeeping Practices for honey harvest and
maintaining hive owners data.
9. Handholding


1. Conducting annual review cum orientation programs for monitoring the
executed program. Reconciling the accounts, expenditure statements
and unspent balances.
2. Maintaining the day-to-day record of colony maintained &developed at
SBEC, floral conditions and management techniques.
3. Maintaining the trainees list at SO/ DO/ SBEC.



1. Background:
1.1. Khadi & Village Industries Commission with the inspiration of
Rastrapita Mahatma Gandhi took the task of development of
beekeeping Industry with a view to uplift the financial status of
people living in extremely interior rural areas by introducing and
popularizing modern beekeeping.
1.2. Beekeeping has been carried out across many generations in India. It
plays a vital role in the livelihoods of the rural communities in four
(v) it is an income generating activity;
(vi) provides food and medicine - value of honey and other hive
products are invaluable;
(vii) it supports agricultural activities through cross pollination and
increase in yield of crops
(viii) it contributes immensely to forest conservation.

1.3. Because of the common (basic) level of investment and skills, the
beekeeping industry offers direct employment to lakhs of people
especially hill dwellers, tribal and farmers. Sustainability of this
industry is therefore vital to the country’s economic wellbeing and
1.4. Prime Minister viewed this opportunities and advised the authorities
to explore the opportunities to create employment in Tribal regions to
induce beekeeping, develop beekeeping potential districts viz. Left
Wing Effected (LWE) areas, Backward Districts.
1.5. Meeting held on 26th April’ 2017 at 11.00 AM in Udyog Bhawan, New
Delhi under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MoS (HPC) MSME, wherein
Secretary, MSME informed that Hon’ble Prime Minister, in a meeting
held on 23rd August’ 2016 stated that Honey Production should be
done on the similar lines of milk production through dairy
1.6. Hon’ble Prime Minister directed the Cabinet Secretary to coordinate
the matter with multiple Departments / Ministries involved in Honey
and honeybee. In compliance to the decision of Hon’ble PM, a
meeting of Committee Cabinet of Secretaries held on 11th& 18th
November’ 2016 under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretaries to
review the sector of MSME and informed that Hon’ble PM wishes to
implement the program at village level so that employment is
generated within village and this will help in curbing migration.
1.7. KVIC initiatives under Honey Mission from August’ 2016 to till
January 2018.
1.7.1. Established Apiaries by distribution of Bee boxes on Pilot
basis in Banaskantha district of Gujarat association with
Banas Dairy. Provided training and supplied 110 Apis
mellifera colonies (bee boxes) to 79 farmers. 50 wild honey
collectors were also trained in scientific way of Honey
Collection from Wild Bees. About 1.50 tons of honey was
collected, processed, packed and branded as Banas Honey.


1.7.2. An amount of Rs. 6 Crore has been earmarked targeting
about 1,500 farmers/tribal persons for training and to supply
of 15, 000 modern bee boxes (bee hives) with live bee colonies
in 21 States. Concentration is given in the tribal areas with
modern beekeeping to increase the income of tribal
population. About 10,728 Apis mellifera / Apis ceranabee
colonies have been supplied to 1072 farmers / tribal persons
/ women till 31-01-2018.
1.7.3. Pollination services are being promoted among the
beekeepers/ farmers, which will generate additional income to
1.7.4. Model Apiary at Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi KVIC
conducted a training program for the gardeners of
Rashtrapati Bhawan and establish an apiary of 155 bee boxes
in the Rashtrapati Bhavan gardens in July-2017 which will
produce high quality honey and other bee products.
1.7.5. KVIC celebrated World Honeybee Day across the country on
19th August’ 2017 and brought awareness on conservation of
honeybees and distributed honey bottles of 100gm each to 10,
000 schoolchildren across the country.
1.7.6. Chairman KVIC has launched a campaign for agro-forestry
and social forestry, by writing letters to the ministers and
others and established apiaries in 10 potential location to
support Honey Mission, which will not only supplement the
farmers’ income by larger yields, but also increase hone

1.8. Joint Secretary, MSME suggested that decentralized production of

honey is what is envisaged, which when undertaken will generate
earning for the farmers as well as additional employment generation.
1.9. Scheme formulated by KVIC to extend benefits of supporting 10
honeybee hives (boxes) with live colonies to beneficiaries (farmers /
beekeepers/ un employed youth) for increase honey production and
earnings for beneficiary.
1.10. Accordingly, KVIC submitted proposal and obtained in-principle
approval / sanction for Rs. 49.78 Crores from the MSME.

1. Mission, Vision and Objectives

Efforts are to bring together the beekeepers, farmers/ growers, researchers,
government agencies, agribusiness, conservation groups, manufacturers
and brands to improve the beekeeping practices in the country, impart
skills on beekeeping, supply necessary tools, disseminate technology &
information, create awareness on good beekeeping practices, enhance the
health of honeybee and use as a potential pollinator for higher crop yield.

The purpose:
 Encourage scientific beekeeping practices / Good Beekeeping
Practices for enhancing the income of farmers and rural youth.
 Bee Plant propagation, transfer of technology& tools supply
 Promote cooperation among the beekeepers of the country and
 Reach to common possible solutions regarding beekeeping
problems locally.
 Maintain friendly and helpful relation among beekeeping
community and promote fair-trade.
 Develop market for beekeeping products.
 Foster closer cooperation among beekeepers and other stake
 Demonstrate to common public, how beekeeping is an
entrepreneurship by producing hive products (Bee Wax, Pollen,
Propolis, Royal Jelly and Honey).

1.2 Vision: India should grow with well-informed and skilled beekeepers
/ beekeeping entrepreneurship, healthy &plentiful honeybees raise,
prosperous beekeeping industry, as well as widespread appreciation
for honey & hive products, and take advantage of critical role that
honeybees play in pollination. Rapid multiplication and plant
propagation in short.

1.3 Mission: To provide sustainable employment and income to rural &

urban unemployed youth, both educated & uneducated, men &
women by conserving the honeybee habitat and tapping untapped
natural resources, while inducing Good Beekeeping Practices for
qualitative and quantitative increase in all hive products in the
1. Goals: The Goal is to integrate apiculture into the Forestry & Social
Forestry, Agri. & Horticulture Societies & Dept., Universities through KVIC
network in the production and utilization of apiculture products in order to
tap the natural resources, increase crop productivity and compete globally
in export of honey and other bee products, while support tribal / rural
population / forest dwellers.Increase revenue earning avenues though
beekeeping and contribute to the attainment of countryside sustainable
development through the honeybee industries and employment generation.

2. Objectives of the Mission Program:

2.1. Create an end-to-end implementation framework for beekeeping
skill development, which provides employment opportunities and
income generation to agriculturists, beekeepers rural & urban
unemployed youth.
2.2. Enforce nationally acceptable standards of Good Beekeeping
Practices (GPB) in the country.
2.3. Develop a network of quality master trainers in the field of
beekeeping for imparting Good Beekeeping / Apicultural
2.4. Offer a passage for overseas market for hive products.
2.5. Enable pathways from novice beekeepers to viable commercial
beekeeping by handholding to credit linkages.
2.6. Promote convergence and co-ordination between all the
stakeholders of beekeeping in India.
2.7. Maintain a national database, which will act as a portal for
matching the demand and supply in the country. On the other
hand, it will also serve as a platform for monitoring the
performance of existing beekeepers and their skills, available bee
colonies and their production in each state.
2.8. To tap the local & rural natural resources for generation of
income and employment to rural & tribal people in selected
2.9. To bring qualitative & quantitative enhancement in honey & hive
products for export and domestic market.
2.10. To promote beekeeping for increasing the crop productivity and
pollination services avenue for beekeepers and farmers.
3. Implementation Method
3.1.1. Inaugurating the Scheme by organizing National Level
Beekeeping Workshop and announcing the package.
3.1.2. The State / Divisional Offices will advertise in the local
newspapers & KVIC website requesting for calling the
participation in honeybee mission. Collecting candidates
from known sources, personal efforts of officials. Short listing
the beneficiaries as per the eligibility criterion given at Sr.
No. 3.2 below
3.1.3. Zonal / State level beekeeping workshops
3.1.4. Advertisements and publicity and printing brochures,
3.1.5. Identifying and nominating beneficiaries and master trainers
for handholding
3.1.6. Organizing training through Honeybee Assistants/ Master
Trainers and data collection and Preparation of training
videos and tools, Data compilation and validation
3.1.7. All the proceedings, list of beneficiaries, bee colonies
supplied with relevant data shall be uploaded on KVIC
3.1.8. Ten Honeybee Assistant / Local skill trainers, be identified in
each state and provided master beekeepers training at CBRTI
/ SBEC for maintaining the uniformity in training across the
country, if necessary. Honeybee Assistants / Local Skill trainers are
responsible for maintaining the bee colonies
supplied for 6 months before transferring the
responsibility to the beneficiary. All the 10 colonies provided / supplied should be
multiplied to 18-20 bee colonies at the end of the
year. Maintain the data & information as per the
Performa supplied and provide to State / Divisional
Offices and State Beekeeping Extension centers
(SBEC(s)). Training should be in local language to study
materials should be in local language to enable the
trainees to conceive the subject. Syllabus for the training should be provided by
SBEC/ CBRTI. Enclosed.
3.1.9. Enlisting & Networking with Bee box manufacturers with bee
colonies suppliers / commercial beekeepers to ensure the
supply of bee hives and bee colonies to the beneficiaries Necessary local networking mechanism should be
established by the State Directors of KVIC. (Bee
hives mfg. + Bee colonies + Master trainers +
NABARD/KVIB/KVK(s)/suitable Beekeeping NGO(s)
3.1.10. All the training programs should be scheduled monthly /
quarterly by the each state indicating the venue (village) and
number of trainees, so as enable the supply of bee boxes and
bee colonies to the training venue by the identified suppliers


3.1.11. All the selected bee colonies suppliers / commercial
beekeepers should be given queen rearing and bee breeding
training at SBEC and be supplied queen rearing kit to ensure
the prolific queens and strong colonies supply consistently.
3.1.12. All the Data under Honeybee Mission should be maintained
at Central Office, KVIC, Mumbai, State / Divisional Offices/
MDTC, State Beekeeping Extension Centers and CBRTI,
KVIC, Pune to maintain transparency.

3.2. Eligibility criteria for selection of beneficiary under Honey

a) Beneficiary should belong to SC /ST/ NE State candidate.
b) Age limit not less than 18 years to 55 years; having Aadhar Card,
in case of non-availability of Aadhar card/Voters ID with
photographs and Ration Cards, etc.
c) One persons from one family will be eligible for 10 bee boxes, 10
bee colonies & tools kit (Bee veil, small smoker and hive tool.
Persons maintaining more than 10 bee colonies are not eligible)
d) Persons already trained in beekeeping by KVIC/ KVIB
/NABARD/KVK(s) /Agriculture – Horticulture Boards/ Eligible
Beekeeping NGO(s), etc.
e) Farmers who are farming should be given preference or new
beekeepers (Trained or untrained), If not trained a suitable
orientation beekeeping training may be provided.
f) Undertaking should be submitted indicating, if the given 10 bee
colonies are not multiplied in to 18 to 20 colonies within a span of
one year; he / she should either return the bee hives and colonies
available &tools available with him or may give a fresh
undertaking to multiply the same with their own efforts. Later as
decided by the state / local authorities for positive
implementation mission.
g) Persons availed benefits from other Govt. Scheme shall not be
eligible, declaration to this effect may be given by the beneficiary.
h) All the beneficiaries must be formed into groups and data
(number of bee colonies multiplied and amount of honey collected
& sold) should be maintained at group level. Similarly by
respective State / Divisional Offices level / MDTC, State
Beekeeping Extension Centers (SBEC(s)) and Master Trainer’s
levels too
i) Contribution of beneficiary and KVIC on the cost of bee hives
along with colonies will be applicable as follows:
Sr Particulars Beneficiaries KVIC Contribution
1 Non North 20 % 20 - 80% 80% -
Eastern %
(Non NEZ)

2 North Eastern NIl NIl 10 100 % 100 90%

States (NEZ) % %

j) The contribution should be deposited by the beneficiaries to the

respective SO/DO and MDTC of KVIC.

k) Rs. 1, 500/- per persons should be collected from each
beneficiary as training fee.
l) All beneficiaries must be formed into Beekeeping SHG / undivided
family groups. However, persons not able to form into groups
shall be given the reason and supported with an undertaking to
this effect.

4. Eligibility for Honeybee Assistants/ Master Trainer / Beekeeping

4.1. The Trainer must be at least passed 10th OR 12th standard with
beekeeping certificate from CBRTI/ SBEC / any reputed and
recognized beekeeping institution / NGO.
4.2. At least three years’ experience in imparting beginner’s
beekeeping training adopting good beekeeping practices.
4.3. Should maintain his / her /its own apiary with minimum 10-25
bee hives and colonies. Persons / NGO having 25 bee hives apiary
shall be given preference.
4.4. He / she /NGO should be well acquainted with scientific honey
harvesting, colonies division methods.
4.5. He / She / NGO must have one expert assistant in handling hives
and colonies.
4.6. Having Beekeeping Training infrastructure will be preferred.

5. Release of funds:
a. After SFC (V.I.) approval, funds will be released in installments in
terms of S.O. 1743 dated 18th Dec’ 2015 to respective field
offices of KVIC from Central Office KVIC Mumbai.
b. On the basis of the performance and Action Plan, the respective
State Office will utilize the funds and expenditure statement will
be submitted monthly to the Directorate FBI and U.C shall be
submitted at the end of March.
c. The payments pertaining to Bee hives, bee colonies and hive tools
shall be made directly to suppliers by the respective State Offices
/ Divisional Offices of KVIC.
d. Contribution of beneficiaries should be collected from the
beneficiaries by S.O/D.O/MDTC well in advance for the payment
of suppliers.
e. IRG should be collected by the field offices and then remitted to
the Central Office KVIC, Mumbai.
f. Payments pertaining to Honey Bee Assistant / Master Trainer
shall be made by field offices on the basis of batch wise training
and apiary set up of beneficiary.
6. Monitoring:

6.1. Central Steering Committee for Honey Mission: Committee will

meet once in quarter to review and validate the data provided by
the field offices and report to MSME.
6.2. State Honey Mission Committee: - Committee will meet once in a
month to review performance and validate the data and submit to
Central office every 5th of each month.
6.3. Developing MIS through DIT, KVIC, Mumbai.
6.4. Directorate of FBI, will collect the data along with photographs
from field offices / State level Nodal Officer & provide to DIT for
uploading on KVIC website.

6.5. A detailed record of the no. of hives and colonies distributed
should be maintained by field offices.
6.6. Unique ID number to be given to each bee boxes for identification,
the details of the same to be furnish to Head office for physical
6.7. All respective field office will maintain all the data as per format
strictly and furnish to C.O KVIC Mumbai.

7. Collection of honey Processing and Marketing:

 Centralized or decentralized system may be adopted for collection &

marketing of honey and other bee hive products.
 Selected agency will be collected honey and other hive products from
the apiary site of beneficiary and market it with help of their own
 The payment towards the cost of honey and other bee hive products
will be given directly to the beneficiary through DBT by selected
 Honey produced by the apiaries will be processed, graded as per
AGMARK/BIS/ FSSAI etc and branding and packaging by the Agency

8. Institutional Mechanisms (For Monitoring and Reporting)

8.1.1. There will be Honeybee Mission Team at the Central Office to

steer, drive and execute the Mission’s objectives. Key
institutional mechanisms for achieving the objectives of the
Mission have been divided into two tiers. The Mission Team
will consist of a Steering Committee and a Mission
Directorate (Executive Committee) as the executing arm
of the Mission.

8.1.2. State Mission Team will be supported with available list

(enclosed) of Bee Breeders, Beekeeping Equipment &
Machinery Manufacturers; Local Beekeeping NGO (s),
NABARD,– all of which will have linkages with Mission
Directorate to facilitate smooth functioning. Potential States will be encouraged to create State

Honeybee Missions (Team) under the Chairmanship
of respective Dy. CEO and State / Divisional
Director as Member Conveners with members in the
lines of Working Committee mentioned at Sr. No.
8.3 and structure. Wherever, SBEC not available,
the neighboring State Beekeeping Extension
Centers (SBEC(s)) may be involved, wherever the
case maybe. The organizational structure of the State Level
Honeybee Mission Team is to be decided by the
respective Dy. CEO in consultation with States/
Divisional Directors and inform the Steering
Committee and CEO, KVIC. Steering Committee will
work towards empowering State Missions through
financial and policy supports.

8.2. Composition and functions of these bodies have been described
as follows: (Quarterly Review Meeting- monthly updating)
8.2.1. A Central Steering Committee, Chaired by CEO

S. No. Particulars of members Position

1. Chief Executive Officer Chairman
2. Dy. CEO (V.I.) Member
3. Director (Finance) Member
4. Director (CBRTI) Member
5. Beekeeping Expert (retired Member
beekeeping experts of KVIC /
outside )
6. Beekeeping expert(retired Member
beekeeping experts of KVIC /
outside )
7. Dy. Director I/C (FBI) Member Convener

Functions of Central Steering Committee:

 Meeting shall be held once in a quarter to review all the
activities and reports
 Program fund management including disbursement of funds to
field offices.
 Validating and uploading Empanelment & engagement of State
wise Beekeeping Equipment manufacturers, Master Beekeeping
Trainers (Bee Assistants); Bee Breeders / Commercial
Beekeepers for supply of boxes / colonies with their respective
capacity of supply.
 Preparation of strategy and implementation plan.
 Set targets and approve Annual Targets &Quarterly Plans.
 Review overall progress of Mission activities on quarterly and
yearly basis through video conferences.
 The power of allocation/re-allocation of resources to
States/implementing agencies, as well as approval of their
Annual Action Plans, will fall within the purview.
 Develop national portals for online submission of data.
 Appraisal of individual Mini & Micro Beekeeping Clusters
 Placing in the Commission /SFC Meeting for approval and
 Monitoring and evaluation of the Honeybee Mission program
and reporting.
 Any other as desired by the committee.

State Honey Mission Committee- Chaired by Zonal Dy. CEO, who will also
act as Honeybee Mission Dy. CEO.(Zonal Officer for the Mission) (Meetings
shall convene monthly once)

8.3 State Honey Mission Committee- Chaired by Zonal Dy. CEO, who will
also act as Honeybee Mission Dy. CEO.(Zonal Officer for the Mission)
(Meetings shall convene monthly once)

S. No. Particulars of members Position

1. Dy. CEO (Respective Zone) Chairman
2. Respective State Director / Divisional Director / his Members
representative not less than Asst. Director of
respective States in the zone
3. Beekeeping Expert (retired beekeeping experts of Member
KVIC / outside ) / SBECs of the respective state
4. Representative of KVK/ KVIB / DIC Member
5. Representative of NABARD/ Local Bank Member
6. Representative of Panchayat Raj Institution Member
7. Local State / Divisional Directors Member

Functions of Committee:
1. Selection of Beneficiary/ Honey bee Assistant/ Master Trainers for the
2. Procurement of bee hives and bee colonies, tool kits and required bee
equipments as per GFR.
3. To obtain and validate state wise action plans for awareness, Training ,
Apiary setup and backward/ Forward linkages covering entire Honey
Mission Program.
4. To resolve all inter-departmental execution issues.
5. To evaluate the all technical reports and validate
6. Ensure to provide photos with appropriate captions and reports on the
various events like training (if conducted), Orientation, field
demonstrations, distribution of beehives, bee colonies and equipment,
places of programs conducted, where the hives are located and name of
the person responsible for the hives and handholding, collection of data
on production & sale of honey, etc. under the State jurisdiction.
7. Ensure to maintain a detailed record of the number of boxes and
colonies distributed. A unique id number for each of the bee hive, which
is tamper proof should also be placed in the beehive, so that these
beehives can be verified and located whenever required.
8. Converging beekeeping activities and other stake holders with Mission’s
objectives and gap findings.
9. To implement and monitor activities at state level /Zonal level.
10. To coordinate implementation of all decisions of Central Steering
11. To ensure quality training, linking social security schemes etc. across all
beekeeping development programmes being implemented under
honeybee mission.
12. To validate the annual training calendar.
13. Encourage to converge with local beekeeping NGOs, Master Trainers and
Beekeepers in order to align objectives outlined in the Honey Mission’s
Action Plan.
14. Most importantly, focus on two verticals & credible Quality Assurance
framework with Good Beekeeping Practices (GBP) and Fair Trade
Practices to align the outcome and increase.
15. Coordinate efforts and monitor performance of individual Missions to
provide end-to-end solutions towards achieving the objectives of
16. Create & tie-ups with institutions to facilitate information sharing.
Any other issues as desired by the Central Steering Committee.
17 To organize awareness camps, training, review meetings etc.

8.4 State Level Nodal Officer – An Officer not less than Executive (FBI/ V.I.)/
(ADO)/AD (V.I.) shall be nominated by each State Office / Divisional Office
be nominated as Nodal Officer for KVIC- Honey Mission. He / She shall be
assisted / handheld by the beekeeping technical persons in technical
aspects, if happened to be non-beekeeping official. The KVIC- Honey
Mission’s Nodal Officer’s functions, roles and responsibilities are as under:

1. To advertise, make publicity and conduct awareness programs in the
State in consultation with State / Divisional Offices and respective
SBECs and select the candidates for the program, if the list of trained
candidates trained by KVIC/KVIB/Agriculture – Horticulture Boards/
NABARD/ KVK(s)/ Eligible Beekeeping NGO(s), etc. not available.
2. To prepare state wise action plans in consultation with SBEC /
technical staff of FBI / Beekeeping experts from the state committee.
3. To prepare time line for implementing the drawn action plan annual
training calendar prepared by the each state.
4. To organize awareness camps, training, review meetings etc
5. To resolve all local execution issues.
6. Preparing and submitting the monthly progress report on Honey
Mission in three different data collecting formats.
7. To coordinate implementation of all decisions of Steering Committee
and State Committee.
8. To ensure quality training, Aadhaar seeding and social security
schemes etc. across all beekeeping development programmes being
implemented under honeybee mission.
9. Ensure to collect photos with appropriate captions and reports on the
various events like training, field demonstrations, distribution of
beehives, bee colonies and equipment, places, where the hives are
10. Maintaining the list names of the person responsible for the hives,
training and handholding, collection and sale of honey, etc. by the
respective State / Divisional Directors.
11. Maintain a detailed record of the number of boxes and colonies
distributed. A unique id number for each of the bee hive, which is
tamper proof should also be placed in the beehive, so that these
beehives can be verified and located whenever required.
12. Monthly reports should be sent to the Directorate of Forest Based
Industry for placing before the Monitoring Committee
13. Coordinate and converge stakeholder’s efforts in order to align them
with the broad national objectives outlined in the Mission’s Action
14. Coordinate efforts and monitor performance of individual Missions to
provide end-to-end solutions towards achieving the objectives of
15. Create & tie-ups with institutions to facilitate information sharing.

16. Any other work assigned by Central Steering Committee, State Honey
Mission Committee and Incharge of Directorate of FBI, Central Office,
KVIC, Mumbai.
17. Most importantly, focus on two verticals & credible Quality Assurance
framework with Good Beekeeping Practices (GBP) and Fair Trade
Practices to align the outcome and increase.

National Level Task Advisory Committee

National Level Task Advisory Committee for KVIC-Honey Mission constituted
with following members in order to have the suggestions, guidance, while
formulating & executing the Honey Mission Program in the country. The
Committee will evaluate the performance of the program and suggest line of
action for effective implementation of the KVIC-Honey Mission program in
Sr. Name & designation
1. Ms. Preeta Verma, CEO, KVIC, Mumbai. Chairperson
Email id: ceocell.kvic@gov.in
Contact No. 022- 26711577
2. Shri. Ashok Bhagat, Member (RD), KVIC. Expert Advisor
Email id: vikasbharati1983@hotmail.com
Contact No. +91 9431118213
+91 9334381508
3. Dr. R.C. Mishra, Ex. Director, ICAR. Expert Advisor
Email: rameshwarmishraroda@gmail.com
Contact: +919816011253
4. Dy. CEO (Honey Mission), KVIC, Mumbai. Member
Email id: brmtkr@yahoo.co.in
Contact No. +91 9923441062
5. Dr. Padma Sudarshan, No. 23, Sankalp Chaitanya, Member
Double Road, Kuvempu Nagar, Mysore – 570023
Karnataka, Mobile: 09731862533; Emailed:
6. Shri. B.P. Singh, Ex. Dy. Director (Beekeeping- FBI) Member
Email id: bpsdd25@gmail.com; Contact No.
7. Ms. Chayya Nanjappa, Nectar Fresh Mysore Member
Email id: md@nectarfreshfoods.com
Contact No. +919880055606
8. Shri. Jonty Randhwa, Member
Big Bee Agro. GT Road, Village- Doraha, Ludhiana,
Punjab – 141 421.
Email id: bigbassociation@yahoo.com
Cell: +91 7508600052
9. In-charge CBRTI/ Representative of CBRTI Not less Member
than AD-II (Beekeeping), KVIC, Pune
Tel. No. 020- 25655351 (Fax)
10. Dy. Director I/C, Forest Based Industry, KVIC, 3, Member
Irla Road, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai- 56; Email id: Convener
Fax: 022 – 26708064
Note: There may be special invitees’ provision for the committee with the
permission of the Chair.

Terms of References for the Committee

1. The National Level Advisory Committee (NLAC) for KVIC-Honey Mission will
meet in every quarter and submit their reports to the competent authority
about ongoing performance of the honey mission.

2. The Committee will be responsible for supervising and implementation of

prestigious honey mission program of KVIC and give the feedback from the
field solving the difficulties, if any that are being faced by the
KVIC/Beekeepers/ Farmers/ Honey processing Units/ Honeybee
Entrepreneurs, etc. in the implementation of Honey Mission.

3. All the members of the Committee for Honey Mission including the special
invitee will be given honorarium @ Rs.2, 000/- (Rupees Two Thousands
Only) for one sitting and T.A. & D.A. admissible as per the Group “A”
Officers of KVIC.

The committee will remain valid from the date of notification for two years
unless until renewed with the due approval from competent authority.




1. Using the Correct Species for Beekeeping

All over the world, the Italian honeybee is acclaimed to be the choice for
commercial beekeeping. However, the controversy regarding the suitability of
the species i.e. Asian honeybee, A.c. indica and the European bee A. mellifera
for beekeeping in India, which has been going on for the last three decades,
gave a severe setback. Thank God this has now been resolved and the two
species have been accepted to be complementary to each other. Even then if we
are to put India on the world honey map we must decide to use A. mellifera for
commercial beekeeping in potential pockets all over India.

2. Lack of Technical Knowledge for Efficient Management of Colonies for

High Honey Yields

This is a major constraint. Beekeepers are not aware of international

methods of efficient management. Some of the wrong practices followed by
beekeepers are: -
(a) Few beekeepers use queen excluders, Further the excluders that are
locally available get rusted and damage the bees.
(b) We have heard of outdated concepts like queen gates being
recommended for bee colonies to prevent bees from absconding.
(c) Efficient swarm control is not practiced by beekeepers and they are most
unaware of these techniques. Most beekeepers just divide colonies to
prevent swarming.
(d) Although maximum yields from A. mellifera are obtained when the
colonies go up to 3 to 4 chambers with populations of 50,000 to 70,000
bees yet few colonies with beekeepers are raised to that level.
(e) Beekeepers do not know the concept of the food chamber as a measure
of colony build up and mostly maintain colonies on a single chamber
leading to weak colonies that die in dearth periods.
(f) Few beekeepers change queens every season before the honey flow
leading to loss of queens during the crucial honey flow.
(g) Some beekeepers even do not use full comb foundation sheets and only
use strips of wax sheets for the frames which leads to excessive drone
comb construction besides wasting the time and effort of bees in making
extra comb. Therefore, there is a great scope for improvement.
3. Lack of Infrastructure at the Grass Roots and National Level for
This is the major cause for the use of wrong management practices by
beekeepers and needs to be urgently attended to for the success of beekeeping
in India.
(a) Our agricultural universities do not have departments of Apiculture but
only departments of Entomology where bees are just one of the insects in
the department. Beekeeping has to be given the same status as poultry
and dairying in our institutes and then only can we turn out beekeeping
specialists from the universities who specialize in bee management,
breeding, disease control, quality control and so on. At the moment the
universities only turn out entomologists who have knowledge of
beekeeping and who in any case are too few to be able to have any
impact in the field.

(b) There is no concept of beekeeping inspectors, or trainers in beekeeping
at the village or even district level.
(c) Beekeeping, by its nature, has seasonal crises of disease, management
and so on. It is not sufficient to have a few people in universities for
advice on beekeeping. The only way that China managed to take up
beekeeping so fast and so successfully was the availability of trained
field workers in beekeeping at the village level. We must therefore have a
hierarchy of beekeeping experts and trainers in the villages, blocks,
Tehsils, Districts and then finally in the universities to be able to have
effective feedback to and from the beekeepers.
(d) There are no organized forums for the meeting and discussions amongst
beekeepers, which are essential and are available all over the world. In
India beekeepers work in isolation and hence loose the benefits of
interaction with others in the field. Whereas we have found during our
visits and interactions with beekeepers in Europe, Australia etc. that
there is free flow of beekeeping information and knowledge amongst
beekeepers in those countries. In the field of beekeeping all over the
world, new techniques and improved methods of beekeeping have
essentially been developed in the field by this interaction amongst
beekeepers and then scientists in the field.
It is thus essential to improve our infrastructure and communication for the
success of beekeeping in India.

4. Poor Quality Control for the Production of Honey

This is a very important aspect of beekeeping and needs to be stressed
on if we are to progress. It is not enough to produce large amounts of honey but
that is more essential to produce quality honey. It is because of this reason
which most Indian honeys do not come up to international quality standards.
The beekeeper should therefore be quality conscious.

(a) Some beekeepers extract honey from brood frames which process
damages the brood and the honey extracted is of poor quality.
(b) All beekeepers do not maintain separate super chambers for the
production of honey. The honey is produced in old brood frames and so
gets darker in color and also is not so clean as if extracted from only
super frames. Dark honeys fetch very low prices internationally.
(c) Since many beekeepers do not use queen excluders, the queen lays eggs
in the honey chamber thereby lower the honey quality.
(d) Many beekeepers do not wait for the honey to be properly sealed before
extracting. Honey only develops the flavor, which is particular to each
flower source if it is allowed to stay in the hive a little more after the bees
seal the frames. Most beekeepers extract the honey while it is still fresh
and not entirely sealed. This leads to high moisture content and low
(e) Beekeepers do not use the technique of keeping supers in warm rooms
with a forced airflow before extraction. This produces honey with excess
moisture. In the absence of desired warm extraction, it cannot be
sufficiently clear and so requires further heating before filtration, which
causes deterioration of quality. Honey from warm supers can be easily
extracted and cleaned straight away by simple filtration through muslin.

In case unripe honey is extracted, it is high in moisture content and

lacking in color, flavor and quality. In order to be able to market our honey, we
must improve its quality.

Honey is also poorly stored by beekeepers in old tins, which rust and so
darken the honey further. Besides, the honey in contact with the old tin plate
becomes blackish in color and loses flavor, the tins being produced now are
mainly for oils and ghee and do not have sufficient tin plating to be able to
store honey cleanly. Lacquered tins are expensive and so beekeepers do not use
them for storing honey. Food grade plastic containers need to be developed for
storing honey.
5. Emphasis on Production of Honey Instead of other Bee Products
At the moment only honey is produced by the beekeepers. Honey bee can
also produce pollen, Propolis, royal jelly, beeswax, bee venom which can add
to the overall income from the bee live.
(a) Bees Wax: This is easily produced, has great demand in the world market
and is used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. The most
important producer of beeswax in India is Apis dorsata. This is not so
pure as the beeswax obtained from Apis mellifera, which has a greater
export demand. However to produce beeswax from the bee colonies,
supers must have only 7 to 8 frames instead of 9 frames so that
beekeepers can produce larger quantities of beeswax from the bees.
(b) Pollen: Pollen is not produced commercial in India. Pollen is a natural
vegetarian protein source containing many nutritive elements and
minerals and can do much to improve the general nutritional intake in
rural areas. It also has a great demand in the export market. There is
tremendous potential for pollen production by the bees, particularly from
coconut, the mustard species of oilseeds, maize, sunflower etc. Pollen is
easy to produce and beekeepers can use simple technology to
supplement the income from the hive by inducing bees to collect pollen.
Pollen can be produced in tons.
(c) Propolis: Propolis is the resinous substance collected by bees from trees
to seal cracks in the hive. Propolis has been found to be a natural
antibiotic and has many medicinal qualities when used externally or
internally and is valuable in the field of Api-therapy. There is great
demand for Propolis for export.Propolis collection is by the use of special
Propolis screens and can be easily mastered by the average beekeeper.
A.C. indica does not collect Propolis and there is great scope for the use
of a mellifera for Propolis collection.
(d) Bee venom: This is an unexploited source of production from the bees in
India; Bee venom has various medicinal uses in Homeopathy, Allopathic
and systems of natural medicine. Extraction is complicated and can be
done by beekeepers with great technical skill using special bee venom
extractors in front of the hive.
(e) Royal Jelly: This is secreted by the bees from special glands in their
body and is used to feed the queen bee larva. It is supposed to have
rejuvenate and beneficial properties, like Ginseng. It contains various
natural hormones and is a highly concentrated food. It has a great
demand for exports. China has become a major producer and exporter of
royal jelly. Royal jelly however, can only be produced by beekeepers
having high technical knowledge.
All the above by-products from bees are not produced yet in India and
can add to the income of beekeepers, besides having great scope for exports.

7. Disease Prevention, Control and Analysis

This is the major constraint for the development of beekeeping in India.
We need to have regional and also central bee disease analysis laboratories. At
the moment this is lacking and as has been seen in the recent outbreak of sac
brood in the South, the beekeepers could not get timely help or advice
regarding the disease that was killing their bees.
a) We do not have disease control inspectors to visit the beekeepers all over
India. These inspectors need to have detailed training in being able to
identify all the bee diseases and also take samples from apiaries to have
them tested.
b) There is no method of registration of apiaries and beekeepers all over
India. In America disease inspectors are there in each state who register
apiaries and take regular samples to declare them disease free.
c) Breeding apiaries must be registered as such and only those whose
colonies are free of disease should be allowed to sell queens and bees all
over India. This is followed in America where breeders get their bee
colonies certified disease free before supplying queens to other
d) There is no control on the movement of bee colonies all over India. Only
colonies free from bee diseases should be allowed to be moved all over
for migratory beekeeping. This requires us to set up the infrastructure
for sampling and analysis of bee colonies from each apiary.
e) Beekeepers use poor management techniques like continued use of old
frames and extracting honey from brood chambers. Weak colonies are
allowed to survive and have the danger of absconding and spreading
disease. Honey is a carrier of brood diseases of honeybees and the
practice of extracting honey from brood chambers is dangerous as brood
can die when the honey is extracted and the dead brood in the frame is a
source for the development of disease.
f) Beekeepers do not use good management practices of keeping their
colonies clean and so the danger of disease is even more. Beekeepers
need to be educated regarding these procedures.

As can be seen there is much to be done for disease analysis, prevention

and control at the National and regional level.

8. Lack of Sufficient Financial Help from Government and Lending

Institutions for the Development of Beekeeping
a) Beekeeping requires long-term loans at easy rates of interest. That is the
procedure used by China to take up beekeeping in a big way. The bee
colony produces honey only after almost a year initially and then
seasonally. Beekeepers need help to be able to get finance for bee
colonies and equipment.
b) Insurance of bee colonies needs to be done at a reasonable premium so
that beekeepers can recover their losses in case of disease or the loss of
bees due to other factors.

9. No Tax or other Monetary Benefits for Beekeeping

a) Beekeeping is neither considered an industry nor an agricultural activity
and there is no tax benefit on beekeeping income. Beekeeping is a long-
term developmental activity and requires to be given tax incentives for
people to take it up in a big way. China gave the beekeepers many
incentives for them to take up beekeeping and so had a quick growth in
this field.
b) Beekeeping is also a high-risk activity and is dependent on the vagaries
of the weather for production. Many times, even though flowering crops
are available, nectar secretion is low because of climatic factors like
moisture in the soil. Some times rain at the time of flowering causes the
bees to collect little honey. The bee keeper has to be given financial
support during seasons of bad honey harvest to sustain his colonies for
the next season.
10. No Control on the Use of Pesticides by Farmers Leading to Death of
Bee Colonies in Field Locations
The indiscriminate use of pesticides leads to the destruction of bee
colonies in the field
a) There is no legislation restricting the farmer from the use of pesticides
that are harmful to bee colonies. In many countries farmers are required
to inform beekeepers in their area as to when they may be spraying
pesticides on their crops. India has no such system and bee colonies
perish by the farmers using pesticides harmful to bees.
b) Only pesticides that are not harmful to bees should be used and should
be propagated with farmers. Bees are very important pollinators and
destroying them is a national loss as well.

11. Pricing Structures for Honey

There is a lot of lobbying by farmers, beekeepers and beekeeping
societies to give the beekeeper high prices for honey. Himachal had fixed
a support price for honey at Rs. 110 per kg. This has resulted in large
stocks of honey lying unsold as beekeepers refuse to accept lower prices
for their honey. International prices was around Rs. 200 per kg for the
most superior quality honey. However, having realized the Indian
beekeeping standards (extracting honey from brood chambers), the
export of apiary honey was almost stopped and honey from Apis dorsata
(wild honey) is in demand. If Australia and Europe can meet that basic
price with their high basic costs as compared to India, why should
Indian beekeepers expect more for their honey here which in any case is
not even up to world quality standards? To get more income from honey,
yields should be increased and not the prices.
12. Honey Bee Act
Honey bee being one of the largest pollinator in addition to honey
provider for Agriculture, Horticulture and wild trees, there is no
protection been given by the Indian Government with a “Honey Bee Act”.

Pesticide Poisoning to Honeybees

Tropical and subtropical climate of India presents suitable
conditions for the outbreak and appearance of many pest problems. The
pest problems have been further aggravated by the advancement in
agricultural technology. Irrigated crops, intensive agriculture,
introduction of crops and crop varieties and disturbing the indigenous
and primitive cropping patterns have contributed in increasing the pest
problem of crops. Reduction in uncultivated land, corners and bunds
destroy nesting and hibernating places of wild pollinators and
succession of nectar and pollen yielding flowers round the year is
destroyed. Weedicides are used to control the weeds and hence lead to
starvation of pollinating insects. The advanced agricultural technology
has helped to destroy the agriculture cycle through indirect effect. There
is also a prominent negative direct factor, i.e., the insect pollinators are
killed by pesticide usage in crop protection. There is increasing use of
pesticides for the control of rodents, mites, insects, nematodes and
fungal and bacterial diseases of crop plants. The loss by bee kill is direct,
i.e., loss of honey production and indirect inadequate pollination of
crops resulting in reduced productivity.

Entomologists have been loudly talking about pest management

or integrated pest management. Virtually speaking there is hardly any
form of integrated pest management in India and blanket pesticide
applications are given.
Most farmers apply large quantities of pesticides at regular intervals
and in most cases the pesticides are non-selective coupled with untimely
application. Unfortunately honeybees are susceptible to many pesticides
used in pest control programme. This problem is recently overshadowing
all other problems in apiculture. Farmers in India have small holdings
and hand sprayers/ dusters are commonly used for treating small area
each day. This resulted into a continuous threat of chemical poisoning to
bees. Moreover, there is no coordination between the beekeepers and the
farmers by any Government decree and therefore, measures to save bees
cannot be taken.
Large numbers of killed bees were found in front of the hives or in
the fields by insecticidal poisoning. It is not possible to quantify the loss
in terms of food production or to assess the financial value of the bees
killed. Even more important is the loss in future crop yields because a
beekeeper whose bees are killed gives up beekeeping and others too are
discouraged to take up beekeeping. Therefore, a balance sheet between
the gains in crop yields by control of pests and losses due to decreased
pollinator activity and honey production by bee kill should be worked
out. While controlling pests the scientists and farmers are looking on to
one aspect of the economic considerations in insecticidal applications.
Our primary aim should be to assess how crop pests can be kept under
control without killing insect pollinators and to ensure optimum
pollination by these insects. Widespread destruction of beneficial insects
(including pollinators) often occurs as a consequence of irresponsible
and improper use of pesticides. It should be accepted that some loss is
inevitable in certain circumstances and that a realistic aim should be an
acceptably low level of loss rather than complete protection of bees. In
short the following constraints are important:

i. Use of inappropriate pesticides, ill timed, wrong methods of

application, wrong formulations and unnecessary high doses;
ii. Over reliance on chemical methods of pest control; and
iii. Absence of certain essential instructions and legislation for using

How is Bees Exposed to Pesticide Hazards

Many of the Indian crop plants need cross-pollination and about

one-third of the cropped area is under entomophilies crops. These crops
are infested by pests even during flowering and their depredations
warrant the application of control measures. The pesticide control of the
pests of crops which also serve as bee forage pose serious danger and
eliminates large population of insect pollinators. Some points on the use
of insecticides for pest control vis-a-vis insect pollination in some of the
important crops are highlighted here.

Cotton. It is the most dangerous crop for bees. As many as 15-20

insecticidal applications at shorter and regular intervals are
recommended for the control of various cotton pests. The flowering
continues for about 2 months and during this period insecticides are
regularly applied for the control of many pests like bollworms, aphids,
bugs, etc. Foraging bees are killed by these sprays. New generation of
bees develop in 3 weeks. Insecticidal applications at shorter intervals
than this, kill more adult bees than can be replaced and ultimately the
colonies die. But coordinated application of insecticides can minimize
bee kill.
(1) Flowering in cotton continues for about 2 months but flowers that
set fruit appear within 3-4 weeks. Therefore, use of insecticides during
this period should be reduced so that bees can be moved to the crop. (2)
Nectar in flowers and extra floral nectarines is exhausted by midday and
very few bees are foraging in the afternoon when insecticides can be
applied with reduced hazards to bees. (3) Air spraying has picked up for
cotton. In such a situation the colonies should be located away from the
flight path of the plane.

Brassica and vegetable seed-crops. These are attacked by aphids,

caterpillars and bugs during flowering and pod formation stage. These
crops include oilseeds Brassica, seed crops of cauliflower, cabbage,
radish, turnip, carrot, fennel and coriander. In these crops too the
flowering is greatly extended, lasting for about l-l½ months. These crops
need insecticidal applications during flowering periods. But all these
crops are also enthusiastically foraged by bees which are very useful
pollinators of these crops. There is extensive pesticide poisoning to bees
on these crops. There are no specific recommendations to safeguard bees
and only general guidelines to reduce bee kill can be followed, though
Singh (1969) sprayed Endosulphan on mustard to control aphids at
0800, 0900, 1630 or 1730 hrs and found that Apis spp. foraged between
1030 and 1530 hr without any effect on foraging intensity and no bees
were killed.

Sunflower. Its cultivation is gaining importance in India. Bees

contribute much in increased crop production by pollination services but
bee losses have been reported by insecticidal sprays for the control of
aphids and caterpillars. In India Endosulphan was found to be less toxic
to honeybees than Fenthion, Carbaryl or Parathion and seed set and
yield were not affected since bee activity was not reduced in
Endosulphan sprayed plots (Ramakrishna et al., 1974; Bhattacharya et
al., 1982). Bees mostly forage in the forenoon and there is limited
activity till early afternoon. Therefore, evening or late in the afternoon is
appropriate time for chemical control operations.

Sesame. It is automatic self-pollinated but natural cross-

pollination also occurs. Honeybees are very active on the flowers of
sesame. The crop at flowering stage suffers from the attack of aphids,
brown leafhopper, sucking bugs, whiteflies and caterpillars. Chemical
application at blossoming would cause hazards to bees also.

Seed crops. Like lucern and clovers these are rich bee forages.
Under semi-arid tropics the legume flowers usually close in the
afternoon and it allows time for safe application of pesticides afterwards
against caterpillar pests.

Pulses. Like soybean, cajanus and others are self-pollinated crops

but yield increases by bee pollination have been observed. Considerable
mortality of honeybees from insecticide poisoning is reported in some
countries but lack of knowledge in India is due to non-monitoring of


Cucurbits. These require the control of fruit flies, pumpkin beetle
and aphids when in flowering. Cover sprays of insecticides are given
against these pests. Honeybees visit the flowers of melon and other
cucurbits. Steps to minimize bee kill from these sprays are required.
Tobacco. In this case self-pollination is normal but honeybees and
other insects visit the flowers for nectar, affecting some cross pollination.
Aphids, whiteflies, thrips and caterpillars are the pests which may
warrant insecticidal application during flowering which consequently
would lead to bee hazards. Flowering period in coffee is short and
insecticidal applications can be avoided during coffee flowering. Coffee
may be attacked by bugs, leaf miner and thrips during flowering. In case
of outbreak during flowering, the crop should be treated when bees are
not active and less persistent insecticides be used.
Palm and stone fruits. Apple, peach, plum, apricot and almond
are attacked by caterpillars at blooming time. Insecticidal use has been
suggested by economic entomologists against blossom thrips, though
economic losses by thrips have not been ascertained. The
recommendations are made in ignorance of insecticidal bee hazards.
Therefore, caution is important so that the huge benefits from bee
pollination are not reduced.
Other fruit crops. Insecticides can be applied for pest control at
flowering-time in citrus, litchi, olive, grapes, coconut and cocoa. Care
should be taken because they are also visited by bees for floral rewards.

Symptoms and Effects of Pesticide Poisoning

Bees come in contact with pesticide deposits while foraging on

treated crops or weeds where the chemicals are deposited by drifting.
The nectar and pollen can also be contaminated with pesticides and
there can be stomach toxicity to bees and also to brood when fed on
contaminated pollen. Some pesticides may even cause hazards by
fumigant action. After gaining entry into body, different pesticides have
different modes of action. Atkins has given the detail of specific
symptoms caused by poisoning of different groups of pesticides but
general symptoms of pesticide poisoning are:
1. Appearance of large number of dead bees in front of the hive. Bees
also die in the field and in between the field and the hive.
2. Bees become paralytic, lose the power of orientation; legs, wings
and digestive tract stop functioning and poisoned bees show
uncoordinated movements.
3. Abdomen becomes distended.
4. Bees are irritated and become aggressive; they sting heavily and
guard bees are confused.
5. Regurgitation of gut contents can occur.
6. Brood chilling can occur due to reduced adult bee population.
7. Contaminated pollen can be collected by bees and stored as bee
bread. This pollen fed to brood results into dead brood inside the
colonies; young emerging bees are also killed.
8. Sometimes the queen is also affected. Queen may stop laying eggs
or lays eggs in irregular pattern, there may be brood in only some
of the cells of the brood area, as in case of colonies suffering from
foul brood disease. In colonies, which survive, queen may be
superseded. Sometimes uselessness may develop.
9. Longevity of adult bees is reduced due to sub-lethal doses of
Pesticides and their Relative Toxicity to Bees

Some insecticides have been screened in laboratory in India for their

toxicity to bees. First study in this field was carried out by Cherian and
Mahadevan with DDT and Gammexane against Apis cerana indica. Hameed
allowed the worker bees of Apis mellifera to forage on cut flowers of mustard to
which systemic and contact insecticides had been sprayed. On the basis of
safety index Formothion, Vamidothion, Dimethoate and Phosalone were
considered to be relatively safer to bees. Contact toxicity to Apis cerana of
insecticide applied as sprays was compared with Menazon by Kapil. Taking the
LC50 for Menazon as 100, the comparative values for Endosulphan,
Eormothion, Methyl demeton, Endrin, Dieldrin, Malathion, Parathion,
Phosphamidon, Lindane, Phorate and Mevinphos were 1.17, 1.18, 14.00,
15.70, 17.79, 22.25. 26.01, 28.45, 36.99, 57.96 and 64.24 respectively. Singh
tested 15 insecticides and reported that Menazon and Endosulphan were least
toxic and were considered nontoxic to Apis cerana at their recommended doses.
According to Thakur et al.., (1981), Fenitrothion and Fenthion were highly toxic
as compared to Endosulphan and Trichlorfon and Hinosan were moderately
toxic as determined by residue film method. Comparative toxicity of
organophosphates, chlorinated hydrocarbons and carbamates was worked out
by Bai Attri also assessed the contact and oral toxicities of some insecticides.
Toxicity of several organophosphates to Apis cerana was determined in the
laboratory using topical application method. Determination of the kinetic
parameters of the reactions by the authors showed that differences in
anticholinestrase activity were due mainly to differences in affinity rather than
to different chemical structure of the compounds.

Cholinestrase inhibition by insecticides in Indian honeybee was studied

by Dale Bai reported that signs of poisoning in Apis cerana indica were first
observable when acetylcholinestrase inhibition exceeded 35% and death
occurred at 96% or more inhibition.

It is also reported that the inhibition of magnesium activated adenosine

triphosphate as the criterion to determine the degree of organochlorine
insecticide poisoning to Apis cerana indica. Digestive amylase and protease of
Apis cerana indica were inhibited to the same level by the insecticide poisoning
from different groups of insecticides. Studies on the level of ions of amino acids
in the haemolymph of worker bees of Apis cerana indica treated topically
showed pronounced stimulatory effect with organophosphates, a relatively
strong inhibitory action with chlorinated hydrocarbons and an intermediary
effect with carbamate pesticides.


As per the report of National Commission on Agriculture (1976) there is a
potential of sustaining 150 million bee colonies. India occupies a strategic
position in Asia. The main land comprises seven regions i.e.
(1) The Himalaya and north eastern mountain range
(2) Indo-gangetic plains
(3) The desert
(4) Central high land and peninsular plateau
(5) East coast
(6) West coast
(7) Bordering sea and island.
The Indo-Gangetic plain and central high land and central region of the country
have nectar and pollen sources in the agricultural and Horticultural crops.
Especially mustard growing areas of Indo-Gangetic plain are very potential for
beekeeping. As per the moderate estimation, India has to raise 10 million Bee
colonies. But at present India has only one million colonies and thus 180
million tons of honey remains untapped every year.
S. Name of Name of potential districts
N States
1 J&K Jammu, Badgam
2. Himachal Shimla, Kullu, Mandi, Una, Kangra, Hamirpur, Bilaspur, Solan,
Pradesh Sirman, Kinnour, Chamba,
3. Haryana Ambala, Yamuna nagar, Kurukshetra
4. Punjab Gurudaspur, Jalandhar, Ropar, Patiala, Ludhiana, Amritsar,
5. Rajasthan Bharatpur
6. U. P. Gonda, Sitapur, Pratapgarh, Baharaiach, Ramnagar, Bulendsahar,
Aligarh, Agra, Mizjapur, Gajipur, Meerut, Baliya, Varanasi, Gazipur
7. Uttarachal Dehradun, Haridwar, Kotdwar, Almora, Chamoli, Uttarkasi
8. Bihar Khagana, Muzaffarpur, Madubani, Mehsi, Samastipur, Saherasa,
Sitamadhi, Vaishali, Champaran, Paschim Sarah, Rohtas, Deodhar
Bhagalpur, Munher, Jamual
9. Jharkhand Ranchi, Gumla, Lohardaga, Singbhoom, Hasanbag
10. Orissa Koraput, Bhubaneshwar, Boipariguda, Dhenkal, Patasara, Cuttak,
11. West Bengal 24 Parganas (s), Midnapure, Murshiudabad, Nodia, Bankura,
Jalpaiguri, Hoogly, Sundarban
12. Assam Nalbari, Kamrop, Sonitpur, Goalpura, Barrpda, Kokrajhar, Bongagaon,
Dibrugarh, Sibsagar, Jorhat, Golaghat, Naugaon, Mangaon,
Lakhimpur, Darang
13. Manipur Imphal, Churachandpur,
14. Meghalaya Cherapunj, Shillong
15. Nagaland Pheng, Dimapur, Kohima
16. M.P. Kasargad, Palakkad, Sarguja, Chindwara, Bilaspur.
17. Maharashtra Kolhapur, satara, Thane, Pune, Sindhudurga, Latur, Akola, Wardha
18 Andhra Guntur, East Godavari, Krishna, Vishakhapatnam, Kakkinada,
Pradesh Srikakulam
19 Karnataka South Canara, Chikmanglor, Hassan, Dharwad, Coorg
20 Tamil Nadu Kanyakumari, Tuticorin, Coimbatore, Tirunelveli, Madhurai, Salem,
Gandhigram, Madurai, Theni, Vellur, Virudunagar, Dindigul,
Kodaikanal, Chidambaram, Trichy, Periyar, Tanjavur, Aruppukttai,
Sivkasi, Erode, Srivilliputur, Tiruchirapalli, Ramnad, Tirupoor
21 Kerala Kochikode, Trichur, Cannanore, Trivendrum, Kottayam, Earnakulam,
Kolam, Idukki, Pathanamthtta, Malapuram,


The main hurdle for the progress of beekeeping in the country is deforestation
and neonicotinoids. The depletion of bee forage in the forests results in the
decreasing number of bee colonies and lowering honey production. In the
agricultural plains vast areas exist without any shade for the beehives. Trees or
large shrubs have to be planted to provide shelter to the bees. Indiscriminate
use of insecticides on crops kills bees. Usually if only one crop is grown in a
large area bees cannot get alternate sources and are forced to collect food from
sprayed crops.


The total forest cover of India is 6, 37, 293 sq kg which is 19.39% of the
total area of the country out of which 40% of forest covers dense forest.
Sr. No Name of States Area in sq.
1 Andhra Pradesh 47112
2. Arunachal Pradesh 68621
3. Assam 24061
4. Bihar 26561
5. Goa 1250
6. Gujarat 12320
7. Himachal Pradesh 12500
8. J& K 20433
9. Karnataka 32382
10. Kerala 10336
11. Madhya Pradesh 135164
12. Maharashtra 43843
13. Manipur 17558
14. Meghalaya 15714
15. Mizoram 18576
16. Nagaland 14291
17. Orissa 47107
18 Punjab 1342
19 Rajasthan 13280
20 Sikkim 3127
21 Tamil Nadu 17766
22 Tripura 5538
23 U. P. 33986
24 West Bengal 8276
25 Andaman Nicobar 7615



Methods for Identification of Beneficiary, Honey Bee

Assistant and Master beekeeper Trainer and Beekeeping
Experts/ Scientist etc.

a) All the State / Divisional Directors / Incharge of SBEC of KVIC will invite
applications from potential beneficiaries through press advertisements in
local media, radio advertisements, hoardings mobilizing through
organizations like NYKS, SC/ ST / Minority Finance & Development
Corporation, MWCD, AWWA, Panchayat Raj Institutions, State Women &
Child Development Corporation, State Designated Authorities of
Agricultural and Horticultural Departments etc.
b) Dignitaries for District Level Awareness Camps would be State Director /
Asst. Director of S.O/ D.O.s of KVIC, Representative of District
Industries Center (DIC) / Representative of Khadi Board, Lead District
Manager (LDM), Representative of NABARD, Sarpanch/ representative of
Gram Panchayat and Representative of National Bank of local branch.
c) Application form for the training will be filled, called and screening of the
applicants for imparting training on “Beginners Beekeeping and
Entrepreneur Development Program” will be finalized on the same day at
the end of the Awareness camp with the help of the Dignitaries present
in the respective Awareness Camps.
d) Short listed applicants will be deployed for training and list of selected
candidates will be displayed at the respective Awareness Camps and also
on the notice board at SO/ DO/ SBECs of KVIC.

TRAINING: Beekeeping Training is more of integrating beekeeping science with

skill development. The skills and the knowledge of beekeeper and their timely
application those trained management practices are more important. The
training is of developing patience and aptitude to adopt the efficient use of
modern frame hives. After successful completion of 5 days training, candidates
will be formed into beekeeping groups.
List of Honeybee Assistants/ trainers: Each state will identify local beekeeping
trainers and train them under master /trainers training program at CBRTI /
SBEC. The honey Assistants will act as trainer and care taker for the colonies
for two seasons. The amount paid to the trainer is @ Rs. 150/- per day per
person of 5 days training program. i.e. for a batch of 25 candidates, an amount
of Rs. 18, 750/- for 5 days. It shall be paid in two installments. 50% on the day
of completion of training and distribution / supply of bee colonies and
remaining 50% on the day of completion of handholding for two seasons. After
two seasons, if the beneficiary desires to have the services of Honeybee
Assistant, @Rs.100/- per hive will be charged to beneficiary by the Honeybee
Assistant / trainer. He / she will also collect data of the beneficiary, colonies
inspection reports and submit to respective state / Divisional offices of KVIC
and the State Office.
TOOL SUPPLY and QUEEN REARING PROGRAM:Trained candidates would be
provided 10 bee hives supported with two years of handholding for two seasons
to set up Apiary Units through Honeybee Assistants / Master Trainer and
SBEC/ CBRTI. Once the given 10 bee hives multiply into 18 – 20 by each
beneficiary, the production of honey would be 1800 MT to 2000 MT. the trained

entrepreneurs will be routed to local bee nurseries for procuring Bee Colonies,
who have been trained under SBECs under Queen Rearing Program and other
skill Up-gradation programs for producing additional colonies by the local
beekeepers. These beekeepers shall be identified and trained accordingly in
mass multiplication of bee colonies. This will develop linkages between the
existing commercial beekeepers and new beekeeping entrepreneurs/
beekeeping groups and establish as local honeybee nurseries. A list of this
suppliers shall be maintained by the each state and upload in KVIC website.
Stock multiplication is the key activity for beekeeping for doubling the honey
production. It is expected that there will be vast improvement in beekeeping by
way of supply of improved bee breed. Queen rearing by selection and grafting
method to be followed strictly while undertaking the program. In the program,
select best few colonies from the available colonies as breeder colonies. The
main criteria followed are brood development, disease / pest/ mite free,
longevity of bees, hygienist, mild temper, etc. Therefore, a “Queen Rearing
Training Program” may be conducted for beekeepers by each State Beekeeping
Extension Center by collecting fees. With Queen rearing Program, commercial
beekeepers can multiply colonies to three times of his / her basic stock. In the
training commercial beekeeper will be trained in queen rearing, who owns
minimum of 100 bee colonies and motivated to follow commercial queen
rearing practices by dividing his basic stock in to batches. i.e. 50 colonies for
honey production and 50 colonies for multiplication under queen rearing



Potential State and respective Districts are in place with the report, any further
addition of places may be supported with study of flora and fauna. District wise
floral calendar is available for publishing by CBRTI. Keeping in view of the
potentiality and KVIC’s beekeeping network in India, state wise allocation of
targets have been worked out in consultation of Hon’ble Chairman, KVIC and
Dy. CEO (Honey Mission).

A National Level Beekeepers meet shall be called to announce the package of

KVIC- Honey Mission followed with workshops and presentation and various
relevant issues.

About 10, 200 persons / farmers/ beekeepers/unemployed youth are targeted

and these beneficiaries shall be supplied 10 bee hives with bee colonies each.
Tool kits and other necessary bee equipments will be provided as per action
plan. Beekeeping is practiced with native bees in various part of the country
using indigenous technology, which is low cost and suited to poor villagers. It is
adaptable to different climatic conditions. Bee species has given a scope for
continuing practice of beekeeping with domestic bees:

The Draft Mission Plan and implementation guidelines are enclosed along
with State wise proposed Activities and Action Plan:

1..1. State wise Physical and Financial allocation for distribution of Bee
Hives (Boxes) with bee colonies under Honey Mission Program for SC
/ST candidates (establishing 10 bee colony apiary) for NON NEZ–
1..2. State wise Physical and Financial allocation for distribution of Bee
Hives (Boxes) with bee colonies under Honey Mission Program for
NEZ State(s)’ candidates (establishing 10 bee colony apiary)–
1..3. State wise allocation of S.S. Honey Extractors, Hive tools, cost of
handholding, backward / forward linkages - Annexure-III
1..4. The State wise details of backward and forward linkages- Annexure-
IV. (The cost of backward & forward of Rs. 986.02 details given
in annexure-IV has also included in Annexure-IV).

in view of the infrastructure and manpower available as on date with KVIC
under Beekeeping, the following outcome under Major Honey Mission is

1. Employment Generation :
About 11000 employment will generate out of which 10,200 direct
employment and 800 indirect employment will provided under this project.

2. Estimated Production of honey and other bee hive products from 1,02, 000
bee colonies (73000 Apis mellifera and 29000 Apis cerana) and its
estimated value is given below :

Sr. Name of the product Production Value

No (In Tons) (In Cro.)
1 Honey 2625 28.88

2 Wax 15.30 0.46

3 Pollen 18.00 0.54

4 Royal Jelly 3.60 3.60

5 Bee Vanom 0.0008 0.08

TOTAL 33.56 Cr.

After implementation of Major Honey Mission Program the Honey production

will be expected to increase about 10500 Metric Tons (M.T.) with in three years.

1. Sustainable investments are being made for strengthening beekeeping
activity in the point of view of ecological sustainability and pollination and
livelihood for poor & landless laborers, tribes. In order to optimize the efforts
and maximize impact & sustainability, it is imperative to ensure
convergence and bring in synergies between different private initiatives and
government schemes in terms of planning, process and implementation.
2. Private sector participation: The mission shall encourage participation of
private sector retailers with proven track of record and established retail
network and specialized in beekeeping commercially. Either specialized in
Marketing of the honey & hive products or producing the honey & hive
3. Corporate Social Responsibility: The corporate of public and private sectors
can participate in Mission by way of providing additional financial support
and professional operations & management support to the Mission as part
of their contribution.
4. Participate by Private Equity (PE) Impact Funds: To leverage the increasing
trend of financial institutions floating funds to support Mission, that are in
nature of social investments, such funds will be encouraged to participate
in the SPVs, / SHG.
5. Other Schemes of State and Central Govt.: IA(s) shall be encouraged to
dovetail funds from other various states and central govt. schemes over and
above the funds sanctioned for Mission, provided there is no duplication of
a specific project component being funded from one source.
6. Funds from Development Banks (MDB(s)): It is envisaged that the funding
from the scheme will leverage to secure additional financial assistance to
ensure sustainability and competitiveness of the cluster, where and when
7. The participation of stakeholders as illustrated above, any such
participation or support needs to be detailed out in the Agreement and
subject to approval of the Zonal Dy. CEO.



 One of the main objective of Mission Mode is that the area of beekeeping
program is to be widened by standardizing collection, handling and
processing methods with its physical and chemical analysis and its
parameters, quality control, preservation, commercial production and
packaging of new bee hive products viz. Pollen, Royal Jelly, Propolis, Bee
Venom, Bee Wax, etc. and also by giving special attention on honey and
other bee hive mixed products in terms of increasing food value and
medicinal value, thereby increasing the earnings of beekeepers. CBRTI
should pay full attention on these areas and also give consultation to the
needy people on various technical issues and managerial aspects of
 In the entire Honey Mission technical supported will be provided by CBRTI,
KVIC, Pune and their infrastructure / manpower will be utilized.
 CBRTI, KVIC, Pune will collect colonies inspection reports from field /
honeybee Assistants and guide them in maintaining healthy colonies. The
data collected will compile and validate by CBRTI.
 CBRTI will supply floral colanders and migratory routes for facilitating
beekeepers for migrating their colonies.
 CBRTI will Collects honey samples from each state and test in the
laboratory of CBRTI for ensuring the quality of honey produced under KVIC-
Honey Mission.
 CBRTI will prepare professional short films on beekeeping for utilizing in
awareness / training / workshops and to disseminate beekeeping
technologies to field through Honey Mission.
 CBRTI should restructure the training schedule under beekeeping program
on real needs of the filed requirement in the changing scenario.
 Providing Technical Assistance to the needy State Beekeeping Extension
Centers in respect of Queen Rearing, bee breeding, quality control of honey,
Pollen collection & other Bee Hive Products and bee disease managements
 Fallow up with Honeybee Assistants/ Trainer / SBECs for collecting honey
samples for quality check and provide feedback and suggestive measures on
samples checked / tested on need basis.
 Preparation of Training Module
 Providing technical inputs to identified bee breeders
 Dissemination of technology in bee-management through Beekeeping
Extension Centers/Honeybee Assistants/ Trainer
 Coordinating and participating Conducting workshop cum training in
advance technology
 Arranging training for bee hunters / wild honey collectors through NGO’s
in consultation with respective state KVIB(s)
 Arranging workshop and demonstrating on bee pollination
 Endeavoring for convergence with like-minded agencies.
 Preparation of short films on all the beekeeping training programs and all
other hive products technologies through professionals.
 Maintain complete beekeeping database at CBRTI.
 Any other as per the advice of the National Advisory Committee for Honey


 Forming state level beekeeping mission teams / state monitoring

committee and conducting state level and district level awareness
 Beekeeping potential pockets should be identified as per the tentative
list, so that the visibility of the impact of the mission can be seen and
the beneficiary will reap the fruits of the program.
 Giving necessary advertisements and local press meets with the due
consent of Dy. CEO (respective zones) to popularize the mission
 To prepare month wise and activity wise action plan for implementation
for placing in committees for approval of Dy. CEO (Respective Zones)
 Selection of Honeybee Assistants/ Master Trainer / Beekeeping NGO.
 Procuring bee hives and bee colonies as per GFR
 Identification of entrepreneurs and master trainers for arranging training
through State Beekeeping Extension Centers
 Identifying and notifying the bee equipment and bee colonies suppliers
in the state.
 Linkage with financial institutions/ banks for facilitating trainees to
avail finance under PMEGP.
 To collect data on honey produced by the bee colonies supplied with
names of the persons in two
 Registration and issuance of identity card to the Master Trainers /
Honeybee Assistants.
 Networking with local or nearest Honey Processors (HPP)/ Beekeeping
Clusters to collect the honey, processing and packing.
 Arranging leading Beekeepers meets in potential Districts
 Supporting & linking stakeholders and coordinating
 Any other work assigned by the authority from the Central Office.
 To set monthly, quarterly and annual targets to state team.
 To ensure quality training, Aadhaar seeding and social security schemes
etc. across all beekeeping development programmes being implemented
under honeybee mission.
 Ensure to upload photos with appropriate captions and reports on the
various events like training, field demonstrations, distribution of
beehives, bee colonies and equipment, places, where the hives are
located and name of the person responsible for the hives and
handholding, collection and sale of honey, etc. under the State
 Maintain a detailed record of the number of boxes and colonies
distributed. A unique id number for each of the bee hive, which is
tamper proof should also be placed in the beehive, so that these beehives
can be verified and located whenever required.
 Fortnight reports should be sent to the Directorate of Forest Based
Industry for placing before the Monitoring Committee
 To prepare and validate the annual training calendar.
 Coordinate and converge with local beekeeping NGOs, Master Trainers
and Beekeepers in order to align objectives outlined in the Honey
Mission’s Action Plan.
 Any other work assigned by Central Steering Committee.
 Most importantly, focus on two verticals & credible Quality Assurance
framework with Good Beekeeping Practices (GBP) and Fair Trade
Practices to align the outcome and increase.

Beekeeping NGO
1. Coordinating with State / Divisional Offices.
2. Submitting weekly reports to State / Divisional Offices.
3. Conducting Awareness Camps / advertisements for inviting prospects
from SHGs / forming beekeeping SHGs and individuals.
4. Imparting 5 Days Beginners Beekeeping Training programs through
Honeybee Assistants / Master Trainers and make payment @ Rs. 100/-
per person / day in two installments. 50% on the day of completion of
training and 50% on the day of completion of hand holding
5. Assisting beekeepers in preparation of beekeeping model projects and
forwarding to Banks through State / Divisional Offices for PMEGP.
6. Helping beekeeping entrepreneurs to set up the apiary units and
maintaining beekeepers and their respective bee colonies database and
7. Timely submission of Expenditure Statements through State / Divisional
8. Collection of data in respect of new floral sources, honey in terms
quantity and number of colonies in the state
9. Conducting exposure visits to potential beekeepers.
10. Informing beekeepers in preventing methods for controlling bee
diseases in the state.
11. Maintaining 50 bee colonies for the purpose of training and a bee
nursery with its breeding objectives.
12. Promoting pollination services with farmers through beekeepers.
13. Ensuring supply of CF Sheets and other tools to beekeepers
14. Imparting training on other bee hive products for its commercial
production to beekeepers.
15. Encouraging beekeepers to form a self-help-groups in order to take
more advantage of KVIC schemes like SFURTI/PMEGP in setting up of
Honey Processing Plant and CFC.
16. Develop linkages with NHB, NGOs, Agri. Universities / Collages and
other like-minded agencies for convergence.
17. Attending and submitting the information to State Monitoring
18. To collect data on honey produced by the bee colonies supplied.
19. Any other work assigned by the authority time to time.


1. To impart 5 days beginners beekeeping training to new entrants as
per the syllabus of CBRTI.
2. Handholding the trainees for one year / two seasons in order to
teach and demonstrate;
a) Extraction of honey and
b) Multiplication of bee colonies by collecting @ Rs. 25/- per colony
from the trainee.
3. Reporting to SBEC regularly and submitting the reports and data
and assist SBEC.
4. Obtain certificate /letter of completion of handholding from the
beneficiary with dates and cash receipts from the beneficiary for
collecting remaining 50% of his / her
5. To collect / maintain data on name of the persons, no. of colonies
given, no. of colonies generated and amount of honey & wax
produced by the bee colonies supplied in excel sheet.
6. Attend awareness and exposure visit programs time to time.

a) Supply equipment and honeybee colonies as per the standard
specification and terms fixed by the SBEC & State / Divisional
b) Providing service / replacing the defect hives and colonies, if any, in


1. Monitoring CBRTI, State Beekeeping Extension Centers and Mission
program and coordinate the teams and committees.
2. Coordinating and providing policy support
3. Providing Budget support in time to time
4. Providing feedback and reporting to Commission time to time.
5. Conducting Orientation Programs to staff posted SBECs and CBRTI,
Pune for effective implementation of Mission Program
6. Compile the data and upload in KVIC website
7. Reporting to Commission.

7. Need of National Level Advisory Committee: -

National Level Task Advisory Committee for KVIC-Honey Mission constituted

with following members in order to have the suggestions, guidance, while
formulating & executing the Honey Mission Program in the country. The
Committee will evaluate the performance of the program and suggest line of
action for effective implementation of the KVIC-Honey Mission program in
Sr. Name & designation
1. Ms. Preeta Verma, CEO, KVIC, Mumbai. Chairperson
Email id: ceocell.kvic@gov.in
Contact No. 022- 26711577
2. Shri. Ashok Bhagat, Member (RD), KVIC. Expert Advisor
Email id: vikasbharati1983@hotmail.com
Contact No. +91 9431118213
+91 9334381508
3. Dr. R.C. Mishra, Ex. Director, ICAR. Expert Advisor
Email: rameshwarmishraroda@gmail.com
Contact: +919816011253
4. Dy. CEO (Honey Mission), KVIC, Mumbai. Member
Email id: brmtkr@yahoo.co.in
Contact No. +91 9923441062
5. Dr. Padma Sudarshan, No. 23, Sankalp Chaitanya, Member
Double Road, Kuvempu Nagar, Mysore – 570023
Karnataka, Mobile: 09731862533; Emailed:
6. Shri. B.P. Singh, Ex. Dy. Director (Beekeeping- FBI) Member
Email id: bpsdd25@gmail.com; Contact No.
7. Ms. Chayya Nanjappa, Nectar Fresh Mysore Member
Email id: md@nectarfreshfoods.com Contact No.


8. Shri. Jonty Randhwa, Member
Big Bee Agro. GT Road, Village- Doraha, Ludhiana,
Punjab – 141 421.Email id:
Cell: +91 7508600052
9. In-charge CBRTI/ Representative of CBRTI Not less Member
than AD-II (Beekeeping), KVIC, Pune
Tel. No. 020- 25655351 (Fax)
10. Dy. Director I/C, Forest Based Industry, KVIC, 3, Member
Irla Road, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai- 56; Email id: Convener
fbi@kvic.gov.in Fax: 022 – 26708064
Note: There may be special invitees’ provision for the committee with the
permission of the Chair.

Terms of References for the Committee

4. The National Level Advisory Committee (NLAC) for KVIC-Honey Mission will
meet in every quarter and submit their reports to the competent authority
about ongoing performance of the honey mission.

5. The Committee will be responsible for supervising and implementation of

prestigious honey mission program of KVIC and give the feedback from the
field solving the difficulties, if any that are being faced by the
KVIC/Beekeepers/ Farmers/ Honey processing Units/ Honeybee
Entrepreneurs, etc. in the implementation of Honey Mission.

6. All the members of the Committee for Honey Mission including the special
invitee will be given honorarium @ Rs.2, 000/- (Rupees Two Thousands
Only) for one sitting and T.A. & D.A. admissible as per the Group “A”
Officers of KVIC.

The committee will remain valid for two years unless until renewed with the
due approval from competent authority.




Acarian mite

It is endo-parasitic mite and is present in almost countries. It parasitizes

both A. mellifera and A. cerana. The mite enters the thoracic trachea of bees
and development from egg to adult takes place there.

1) Many bees are found crawling in front of the hive.

2) Abdomen becomes distended & is dysenteric. Yellow spots of shit can be
seen on the walls, alighting board etc.
3) K-winged condition due to non-coupling of two wings, unable to fly.
4) Bees become lethargic and paralytic; for scattered small-clusters and
unable to cover and feed the brood.
5) On dissection the tracheae are seen brittle with brown color.
6) Heavy infestation interferes with normal respiration.

Prevention & Control

1. Remove the hives, infested with mite to prevent spread.

2. Remove dead and dying bees and burry them.
3. Give Sulphur fumigation to infested colonies.
4. Put methyl-salicylate in a vial with a loose cotton wick. Place it in the hive;
repeat as per need.
5. Use menthol strips (paper strip impregnated with 300 ml. of menthol) for
6. Formic acid fumigation; 5 ml of 85% formic acid, in a vial with loose cotton
wick is placed on the bottom board is replaced every day for 15-20 days in
the evening. OR Dimit (PK) chlorbenzitate (Folbex) fumigation is effective

Tropilaelaps clareae

It is ectoparasitic mite; each brood cell may have 1-15 mites. Mites suck
1) Patchy brood is the result of infestation because worker bees remove
heavily infested brood.
2) Small perforations on the capping of infested brood.
3) In case of low infestation, the adult bees may emerge but with incomplete
legs, wings etc.
4) Bees with affected legs and wings are incapable of movement and flight
and are found crawling.
5) Mites can be seen running on the comb and sticking to brood if suspected
cells are opened and brood examined.


Tropilaelaps clareae mite

Prevention & Control

1) Sulphur (200 mg per brood frame) dusting on top bars on on bottom

board, near the entrance is most effective; repeat after 21-30 days during
active brood rearing season.
2) Formic acid fumigation (as in acarine) for 15-20 days.
3) Apistan and mavrik TM have also been found effective.
4) Making the colony queen-less and consequently brood-less for 15-20 days
can be used. This allows bees to clean infested brood and mites do not
find brood for feeding and breeding.
Varroa jacobsoni

It is reported from both the hive species but has never been serious.
Adult mites can be seen on body and other symptoms are spotty brood, dead
brood malformed bees with deformed legs and wings, dead prepupae with
raised heads.

Varroa jacobsoni

Prevention & Control

Apistan (fluvalinate) strips are most effective. Fumigation with
bromopropylate strips and chlorodimeform hydrochloride and Amitraz spray
are equally effective.
Wax mothGalleria melonella
It is very serious in A. cerana, A. dorsata and A. florea. A. mellifera
mixes some propolis in combs and hence moth attack is very less.

Wax mothGalleria melonella

1) Larvae of eax moth after emerging from eggs tunnel the combs and feed
on pollen, wax and exuvae.
2) Tunnels are filled with frass and exereta.
3) In case of severity the combs are damaged and rendered unfit for reuse.

Comb damaged by wax moth

Prevention & Control

1) Wax moth is a problem for a careless beekeeper.

2) Store extra combs carefully; staking the frames in brood chambers, one
over the other and sealing the space in between the chambers with mud &
3) Fumigate the spare combs by sulphur smouldering.
4) Acetic acid and formaline fumigation kills the younger larvae but not the
older ones.
5) Larvae of moth can be killed by low temperature treatment (-70C for 4.5
hrs; -120C for 3 hrs)
6) Phostoxin (phosphine) is very effective for fumigation of combs.
7) Repeat fumigation at 25-30 days interval from June to October.

Predatory wasps (Vespa spp.)

The species vary in different areas. Attack is serious in some areas

(especially hilly) from June to October. The wasps catch the bees at /or near
the entrance and suck the juices of the body by cutting the head. Each wasp
kill large number of bees and the colony strength and brood rearing is
reduced. Colonies may abscond.

Predatory wasps

Prevention & Control

1.Killing of fecundated females in spring means destroying a future nest.

2 Destroy wasp nests in the vicinity of the apiary.
3. Mix insecticide (without offensive smell) in attractants like meat, fish or
rotting fruits and place in the apiary. Some of the wasp spp. are sufficiently
attracted to these baits and are killed.
4. Kill by flapping in the apiary.


Predatory birds
Merops spp are common besides many other spp.

Birds are very serious predators of bees during summer and again in winter
when they don’t find other prey ( insects) in the fields. The birds sit on electric-
, telephone- wires and on tree branches with less of leaf foliage. They catch the
flying bees in the apiary or in the field.

Prevention & Control

1. Scare the birds in the apiary. Attack is very serious in unattended

2. Place the hive under a thick canopy of trees like poplar and mulberry. The
thick canopy obstructs the birds from taking flight for catching bees in the
3. Killing of these birds is prohibited due to ecological reasons.



Facilitates Centers (CFC)
KVIC created beekeeping infrastructure facilities with NGO through different
schemes of UNDP/KRDP/ SFURTI for the benefit of the beekeepers in the
cluster approach. These 26 Honey Processing Plants and laboratories may
suffice the purpose of collection, processing, packing & bottling and marketing
Name of the Address of the NGO Infrastructure and
State Equipmentavailable
JAMMU&KASH Shri Gandhi Seva  Honey Processing Plant 300
MIR 1. Sadan, H.O., Gandhi kg capacity/ 8 hours
Bhavwan, JAMMU-  Bottling unit
TAWI, J&K Ph -  SS Tank for honey storage
547291  Quality control lab
 Generator
2. Khadi Gramodyog  Honey processing plant 300
Sewa Sansthan, 268, Kg with automatic moisture
Sarwal Mohalla, reduction unit
Jammu, Sec-  stainless steel 304 food grade,
09419185559, Automatic Honey Bottling
rajeshbakshi1234@ya machine,
hoo.in  Bee hive tools, Honey
extractors, Digital Moisture
meter, Royale Jelly Extractor,
Wax melting unit, Comb
foundation unit. Honey trays,
Digital weighing machine,
Generator set
HIMACHAL Himachal Khadi  Honey Processing Plant 300
PRADESH Mandal, Akhara Bazar, kg capacity Bottling unit
Kullu, H.P.  SS Tank for honey storage
 Quality control lab
 CF mill
UTTAR Apis Gramodyog  Moisture reduction unit for
PRADESH Sansthan, Chueti Honey Processing Plant 300
Gara, Delhi Road, Vill kg capacity
Nainkhera P.O.,  Bottling unit
SAHARANPUR, U.P.  SS Tank for honey storage
 Quality control lab
 CF mill
Uttarkhand Beekeeping Extension  Honey Processing Plant 300
1 Centre, MDTC, KVIC, kg capacity Bottling unit
HALDWANI, U.A.  SS Tank for honey storage
DEPARTMENTAL  Quality control lab
 CF mill
2 Kshatriya Shree  Honey processing plant 300
Gandhi Ashram, Kg capacity
Gochar Badrenath  bottling plant
Road, Chamoli – pin –  bottle dryer
246401, Uttarkhand
ph: 09410301011

BIHAR Muzaffarpur Zilla  Honey Processing Plant 300
1 Khadi Gramodyog kg capacity Bottling unit
sangh,  SS Tank for honey storage
SARVODAYAGRAM  Quality control lab
Muzaffarpur – 842 002  CF mill
Bihar Ph- 243562  Generator
2 Tirhut Dugdh Utpadak  Honey Processing Plant 1000
Sahakari Sangh Kg
Ltd.Kolhua Dist.  Storage Tank (S.S.)
Muzaffarpur, 843 108  Sealing & Feeding Gum
(Bihar) PH: 0621- machines
2263549, 2264030/
JHARKHAND Singhbhum  Honey Processing Plants,
Gramodyog Vikas  Honey carry canes,
Sansthan,  Honey tank 5 M.T.
833201 (Jharkhand).
Mo. Sec -9431210645,
G.M -9931102346,
WEST BENGAL 24, Parganas  Honey Processing Plant 300
1 Beekeepers Coop. kg capacity Bottling unit
Society, Vill. Shasan,  SS Tank for honey storage
Post Baruipur – 743  Quality control lab
302, Dist. 24 Parganas  Computer
(South), W.B.  CF mill
2 West Bengal Bee-  Honey Processing Plants with
Keepers’ Association, moisture reducing unit, ROPP
21, Ma- Sarada Road, Capping Machine
Napara,  Twin Head Volumetric Honey
P.O.- Barasat, Dt.- Filling Machine, Bottle Label,
North 24 Pgs. Gumming & Pasting Machine
Kolkata- 7000124  Voltage Stabilizer for HPP,
Phone/Fax, e-mail: Comb Foundation Mill
033- (A.Melifera)
25424237,25241846,  FSS Liquid Filling & Sealing
033-25241846; Machine, Specto- -photometre
3. Vivekananda Institute  Honey processing Plan (HPP)
of Biotechnology,  Lab equipment
Sri Ramkrishna Ashra,  Bottling unit
Post - Nnipith Ashram,  Sealing machine
South 24 Paraganas  Honey storage containers (SS
(Sunderbans) 300 Kg Capacity)
Pin: 743 338 West  Honey storage containers (SS
Bengal, India Ph: 1000 Kg Capacity)

MADHYA Mahatma Gandhi  Honey Processing Plant 100 kg
PRADESH Seva Ashram, Joura, capacity Bottling unit
Distt- Morena –  SS Tank for honey storage
476221 M.P. Ph-  Quality control lab
55027-Joura,23013-  Generator
Morena, Fax-326756
MAHARASHTRA Pragati  Honey Processing Plant 100 kg
1. Bahuuddeshiya capacity Bottling unit
Sanstha, Weekly  SS Tank for honey storage
Market, Pulgaon 442  Quality control lab
302 M.S. Ph- 07158-  Generator
283461  Honey Pouch packing Machine
melghathoney@yahoo.  Honey Bristol packing, &
co.in cutting machine
2. CBRTI, KVIC, Pune  Honey Processing Plant 100 kg
 Bottling unit
 SS Tank for honey storage
 Quality control lab
 Generator
KARNATAKA The South Kanara  Honey Processing Plant 300 kg
1 Bee-Keepers capacity Bottling unit
Cooperative Society  SS Tank for honey storage
Ltd., L.386, P.O.,  Quality control lab
Puttur-574 201, D.K.  Solar water heater & CF mill
Dist, Karnataka Ph-
220524, 224524
Fax- 08251-222080
2 The Coorg Progressive  Honey Processing Plant,
Beekeepers Co-  Storage tank (5000x2)
Operative Society, Ltd.,  Bottling unit
Bhagamandala. Coorg
district, Karnataka-
571 247 Ph:
3. Mysore (PMEGP)  Honey Processing Plant,
Ms. Chaya nanzappa  Storage tank
 Bottling unit
TAMIL NADU Kanyakumari District  Honey Processing Plant 300
Sarvodaya Sangh, 22- kg capacity Bottling unit
23, Vagayadi South  SS Tank for honey storage
Car Street, Kottar,  Quality control lab
Nagercoil – 629 002,  CF mill
Kanyakumari Dist.,
T.N. Ph . 04651
KERALA Kozhikode Sarvodaya  Honey processing plant 300
1 Sangham, Khadigram, kg
S MS Street,  Bottling plant
Kozhikode, Kerala. Ph:  Bottle dryer

2 Khadi & V.I.  Honey Processing Plant with
Association, Moisture reduction unit.
Avinissery, P.O. Ollur, (300- kg Capacity 8 hour
Trissure, Kerala- 680 shift)
313  Lab. Equipments
 Semi-automatic Honey
Bottling unit
 Sealing Machine
 04 Honey Storage stainless
Steel containers (300 kg
 04 Honey Storage Stainless
Steel containers with a cap. of
1000 lit.,
 Generator
ORISSA Sarvodaya Samiti, Honey Processing Plant 100 kg
1. Gandhinagar, capacity Bottling unit
Koraput, Orissa SS Tank for honey storage
Ph- Fax –91-6852- Quality control lab
2. Human Resource Honey Processing Plant 100 kg
Centre, NGO, A-1, capacity Bottling unit
Ambagadia, Block: SS Tank for honey storage
Betanoti, Mayurbhanj,
3. Balasore Beekeeping  Honey processing Plant (HPP)
Industrial Cooperative 300 kg capacity
Society, Balasore.  10 Raw honey SS storage
containers 100 Kg Capacity
 03 SS processed honey storage
containers 1000 kg capacity
 Sealing machine
 5 Honeybee Nurseries and
carpentry unit
 20 Bee venom kits
 Honey testing Laboratory
 Generator
TRIPURA Tripura Khadi & V.I. Honey Processing Plant, Twin
Board, Colonel head volumetric Honey filling
Chowmuhan, Agartala, machine, Semi-Automatic
Tripura (W)PH; 0381- capping machine, UV Spectro
2323386 Photometer, Single Pan Analytical
Balance, Vacuum Oven
SIKKIM State Institute of Rural Honey Processing Machine,
Development, State Bottling Machine
Institute of Rural Comb Foundation Machine
(An Autonomous
Institute of Rural Mngt.
& Dev. Deptt. Govt. of
Sikkim) Karfectar,
Jorethang, South Sikkim
Ph: 03595 - 257521,
257251; 03595 –


Sr. Address Telephone No.

1. Uttar Pradesh
1 The Chairman 9759424652
Jyoti Gramodyog Sansthan,
Gango (P.O)Saharanpur Dist. U.P
2 Om Madhu Kendra Vil- Dakrawar Kala Post- Rampur 9675430101
Maniharan Dist- Saharanpur
3 Shiv Gramodyog Sansthan 01331236107
P.O Beerakheri,
Saharanpur (U.P) 247 340
4 Jyoti Apiaries Nanauta Road, Gangoh Dist- Saharanpur 09412130552
5 Lucky Bee farm Main Mandoli Road Krishna Vihar, Dist- 09350627350
6 Shiv Maounpalan Kendra Maukhas, Meerut. 09719739363
7 Archna Maunpalan Kendra Vil- Sisauli, post- Syana, 09412568746
Dist- Buland Shahar
8 Rekha Mounpalan Kendra Vil- Behta, poat Syana, Dist- 09412568746
Buland Shahar
9 Snehi Gramodyog Sansthan, VPO, Banat 09412112118
Dist- Shamli.
10 Shri Bee Farm VPO-Buklana, Syana 09675150198
Dist- Buland Shahar
2. Uttarkhand
1 Chaitanya Maounpalan & Krishi Seva Samiti, 09412134920
Durgapuram Colony, Devalchoud, Haldwani
Prp. Sanjay Joshi
2 Uttam Singh Rawat, Lachampur Goalapur, Haldwani 09411161942
3 Surendra Singh Rawat, Shivalal Pur Pandy, Ramnagar, 09927126181
4 Aprit Mehraotra, Ramsons apiary, Ramnagar, 09412410919
5 Prakash Sati, Gr. Patli, Po- Amgadhi Nagar, Ramnagar 09457696534
6 Aditya Saraswat Shri Ram apiary , Shivlalpur Near 09837095372
Parvatiya Plywood, Ramnagar,
7 Prakash kalakoti, E.W.S 103/3 Awas Vikas colony 09412994243
8 Puran Chandra Joshi, Uhnchapul, Haldwani 09411596275
9 Navin Chandra Pandy, Jyolikot, Nainital 09927860929
10 Sanjivkumar Saini 09412956487
3. Andhra Pradesh
1 K. Siva Rama Krishna 9493088714
2 D. Ramesh Chand, Papavinasanam (PO) 9492524957
3 Sk.Jani, Ponnur, Guntur District 8985294675
4 K Anjaneyulu, Dandamudi, Guntur dist 9492708132
5 K Prakasa Rao, Vijayrai 8790075701
6 G Ramu, Vidyanagar, Guntur 9391668777
7 P.R Naresh Chaudhary, Gudivada, Guntur District. 9010011041
8 K Ramesh, Ponnur, Guntur District. 8985109469
9 M Banu Prakash, Yellamanda, Guntur Dist. 9640710940
10 M.S R Krishnaiah, Vijaywada, Krishna 9440025544

4. Bihar
1 Muzaffarpur Zilla Khadi Gramodyog Sangh, 0621- 2228562
Sarvodaygram, Khadibhandar Chowk, Kanhauli,

2 Rajeev Wooden Box, Khamaipatti, Meenapur, 9955658639

Muzaffarpur. Pro Shri Shankar Prasad.
3 Tirhut Madumakhipalan Sah Kalyan Santha, 9905366081
Khemaipatti, P.O Meemapur
4 Dev Narayan Sharma, Sharma Italian Madumaki Box & 9939448797
furniture hous, Mazaffarpur.
5 Shri Prabhu Sharma, Italian Madumaki Box & furniture 07654567545
house, Prahladpur
6 Shri Shambhu Sharma Vishwakarma Madumakhi Box 09931968330
Udyog, prahladpur
7 Shri Rajesh Sahni, Samastipur 09939454002
8 Shri Dayanand Singh, M/s Mushan Madhubati 09570554321
Mithanpura, Muzaffarpur
9 Vaishali Madhu Utpadak Samiti, Katarmala 09546701522
10 Shiva Madhu utpadan Swablambi Sahkari Samiti , 08809585385.
Katarmala, Vaishali Dist
1. Shri. Arun Mitra, Oujari, Khetri, Dist- Kamrup 8752950353
2. Shri. Lila Charan Datta, Beekeeper, Bahana, Dist.
5. Maharashtra
1. Shri Sagar Patil 9860179549
2. Shri Dhanraj Koche 9404050212
3. Shri Donald Piase 9422003586
4. Dr. Thomas, Pune 9423505891
5. Shri Johnson, Mumbai 9619799261
6. Dr. Nikam T B, Nasik 9420226557
7. Shri Patil (mahabaleshwar) 9423862919
9. Shri Santosh Kulkarni, Pune 9403186878
10. Shri Vidyanand Shire, Jalgaon 9067101381
11. Shri Vivek Khalokar, Amaravati 9561133311
12. Shri Subba Rao, Pune 8329710501
13. Dr. B.S Rahile, Napgur 9890426422
14. Prof. Ram Gavande, Nagpur 9970468436
15. Dr. Vijay Lurkar, Nagpur 9422831053
16. Dr. V K Biradar, Nagpur 9422826153
17. Dr Neharkar, Nagpur 9405195778
18. Purushottam Gedam 9823649454
19. Dayvan Patil, Kolhapur 9096385712
20. Amit Godse, Pune 9920698778

C) LIST OF MASTER TRAINERS / Beekeeping Experts / Honeybee Assistants

Sr. Address Telephone No.

1. Uttar Pradesh
1 Shri. Sanjay sani, Jyoti Gramodyog 9759424652
Rambagh colony, Gangoh Dist-Saharanpur
2 Shri Ompal Singh, Om Madhu Kendra, 09675430101
Dakrawar Kala, Post Rampur, Saharanpur
3 Shri Ajay kr Saini Jyoti Apiaries Nanauta 09412130552
Road, Gangoh Dist- Saharanpur U.P
4 Sh Vijay Kasana,Lucky Bee farm Main 09350627350
Mandoli Road Krishna Vihar, Dist- Gaziabad.
5 Shri Ranvir Singh Tomar, Shiv Maounpalan 09719739363
Kendra Maukhas, Meerut.
6 Shri Sanjay Tyagi 81 Mohalla, Patti Dahar, 09758112220
Syana, Dist- Bulandshahar
7 Shri Rajendra Singh Tyagi Syana, Dist- 09412568746
8 Sh Narash Chand, Snehi Gramodyog 09412112118
9 Shri Sardar Singh, Sree Bee Farm, Buklana 09675150198
10 Sh Krishna Kant Shandiya 09627122905
11 Shri Vinay Panwar, Rampur Saharanpur 09411080822
12 Sh Kuldeep Panwar, Rampur 09719301827
13 Shri Sadhu Ram Sharma, Saharanpur 09760785427
2. M.P
1 Shri Prafulla Kr Shrivastav 9425126460
2 Shri Dinesh kr Tyagi 9584694152
3 Shri Ramnaresh Agrawal 7047070252
4 Shri Ram Awtar Tyagi 9179330687
5 Shri Hari om Agrawal 9165731990
6 Shri Sheetal Jain 9993475400
7 Shri Balaram Batham 9179556585
3. Uttarkhand.
1 Prop. Sanjay Joshi, M/s Chaitanya 09412134920
Maounpalan & Krishi Seva Samiti,
Durgapuram Colony, Devalchoud, Haldwani
2 Shri Aditya Saraswat Shri Ram apiary , 09837095372
Shivlalpur Near Parvatiya Plywood,
3 Shri M.S Mittal Ex D.O KVIC, Haldwani 9837222257
4 Shri I. D Dumka, Ishwarjeet Mahila Vikas 9458964112
Sansthan, Near Vikas Bhavan Gorakhpur
5 Shri Manohar Singh Rawat, Shivlalpur 9927823488
6 Shri Bhuwan Chandra Pandey, Jyolikoy 9536246801
7 Shri Prakash Sati, Amgadhu Ramnagar 9457696534
8 Shri Prakash kalakoti, Haldwani 9412994243
9 Shri Umesh Chandra Bhatt 9756947238
10 Shri Girish Chnadra Pandey 9927368399

4. Andhra Pradesh
1 Shri K Sambha Shiva Rao, President AP 9440259698
beekeepers Association, Tenali Guntur
2 Shri A.S.S Chalapathi Rao, Dandamudi, 9440066910
Ponnuru Mandal, Guntur Dist.
3 Shri D.B Raghvendra, tenali 9441412272
4 Shri T. Narasimha Rao, Iticumapadu. 9573602618
5 Dr Y.V.V Prasad, Vijayawada 9849370896
6 Ch Venkata Ramana, Narasipatnam 9989782984
7 Shri G Vaidya Dhara Rao, kaviti, Srikulam 7036506845
8 Shri B Ashok Vardhan, Vijayawada, Krishna 9948045679
9 Shri P Sobhan Babu Alias Samson, 8187808593
Varahapuram, vemuru, Guntur Dist
10 Shri P Ravendra Kumar, Hyderabad 9393978111
5. Maharashtra
1. Shri Sagar Patil 9860179549
2. Shri Dhanraj Koche 9404050212
3. Shri Donald Piase 9422003586
4. Dr. Thomas, Pune 9423505891
5. Shri Johnson, Mumbai 9619799261
6. Dr. Nikam T B, Nasik 9420226557
7. Shri Patil (mahabaleshwar) 9423862919
9. Shri Santosh Kulkarni, Pune 9403186878
10. Shri Vidyanand Shire, Jalgaon 9067101381
11. Shri Vivek Khalokar, Amaravati 9561133311
12. Shri Subba Rao, Pune 8329710501
13. Dr. B.S Rahile, Napgur 9890426422
14. Prof. Ram Gavande, Nagpur 9970468436
15. Dr. Vijay Lurkar, Nagpur 9422831053
16. Dr. V K Biradar, Nagpur 9422826153
17. Dr Neharkar, Nagpur 9405195778
18. Purushottam Gedam 9823649454
19. Dayvan Patil, Kolhapur 9096385712
20. Amit Godse, Pune 9920698778


1 Gandhi Seva Sadan, Gandhi Bhavan, Jammu
2 Khadi Gram Mandal, Jammu 94-A Gandhi Nagar, Jammu
3 Sanjay Gramodyog Samiti, Tirath Nagar, Near Bharati Hospital,
Yamunanagar (Haryana)
4 Himachal Khadi Mandal, Akhara Bazar, Kullu (H.P)
5 Khadi Gramodyog Sansthan P.ONagrota, Tel & Dist-Kangra
6 Pragatisheel Khadi Gramodyog Samiti ,Gadagusaini, Mandi ,Dist:Mandi
7 Punjab Khadi Mandal, Admapur, Doaba, Dist-Jalandhar, (Punjab)
8 Mani Gramodyog Samiti, Vill-Ferozpur, Post-Bassipathana, Dist- Pathiala
9 Kshetriya Shree Gandhi Ashram, Queens Road,Amritsar

RO, MEERUT (Uttar Pradesh)
10 Apis Gramodyog Sanstha , Nainkhera, P.O-Pahansu, Saharanpur Dist-
RO, VARANASI (Uttar Pradesh)
11 Kambal Garha Udyog, Devabhairanpur, P.O-Devaria, Dist-Gazipur
12 Kshetriya Shri Gandhi Asharm,Maghar, Sant Kabir Nagar
13 Kshetriya Shri Gandhi Asharm,Varanasi
DEHRADUN (Uttaranchal )
14 Parvatiya Gram Swarajya Mandal, Kunj Jayanti, Dist -Moradabad
15 Kshetriya Shri Gandhi Ashram, Kalawati Colony, Haldwani (Nainital)
16 Kshetriya Shri Gandhi Ashram Chanoda Dist- Almora
17 Sarvodaya Samiti , Sarguja, Ambikapur Chhatisgarh

SO, PATNA (Bihar)
18 Vaishali Zilla Khadi Gramodyog Sangh. Gasndhi Ashram, Najipur, Vaishali
19 Muzzaffarpur Zilla Khadi Gramodyog Sangh, Sarvodaya Gram,
20 Madhubani Zilla Khadi Gramodyog Sangh, P.O, Madhubani (Bihar)
21 Sitamadhi Zilla Khadi Gramodyog Sangh, Sitamadhi (Bihar)
22 Bhagalpur Zilla Khadi Gramodyog Sangh, Laxmi Narayan Bhawan,
23 Gram Swarajya Sangh,P.O-Bariyapur Dist- Munger (Bihar)
24 Khagria Zilla Khadi Gramodyog Sangh, P.O-Gogari, Khagriya (Bihar)
25 Saharas zilla Khadi Gramodyog Sangh D.V.Road,Saharasa
26 Gram Bherti Sarvodaya Ashram, P.O Samutalla, Dist-Jamni Bihar
27 Paschim Champaran Zilla Khadi Gramodyog Sangh, Bettia, Post-Paschim
28 Samastipur Anumandaliya Gramodyog, Samiti Pussa, P.O Waini Dist-
29 Gram Swarajya Sangh At/Po- Bariyapur , Dist- Munger -811 211

30 Chhotanagapur Khadi Gramodyog Sansthan, Post -Tiril , Block Ratu, Teh
& Dist-Ranchi- 834004 (Jharkhand). Tel. No. 0651- 440375
31 Santhal Paragana Gramodyog Samiti, Near Tower Chowk, Post - B. Deoghar
, Block / Teh /Dist- Deoghar, -814 112 , (Jharkhand) Tel.No. 06432 -
22225 .
32 Adimjati Samagra Vikas Parishad , At Post/ Block - Anagara Dist- Ranchi -
835 103 (Jharkhand) Tel. No. 0651 - 306210 .
33 Adivasi Smagra Vikas Parisad, Palkot Gumla
34 Ranchi Zilla Banbasi Khadi Gramodyog Sansthan, Aryapuri Ratu Road ,
Ranchi - 840 001 (Jharkhand) Tel. No. 0651- 309102
35 Khadi Gramodyog Sangh , Ravindra Path Hazaribag- 825 301, Jharkhand
SO, CALCUTTA (West Bengal)
36 24 parganas Beekeepers Co-Operative Society Ltd, Village-Shasan,Post
Baruipur, Dist-24 Paraganas(South)
37 Chandrakanta Lalitmaohan Resham Khadi Samity,Po- Khagra, Dist-
38 Abhoy Asharam Khadi & V.I.Activities, Po-Birati Kolkata-51
39 Silk Khadi Seva Mandal,Raghunathsyer, Po-Bishnu, Dist-Bankura-722122
40 Midnapore Beekeepers Khadi & V.I.Co-operative Society Ltd, Po- Pratappur,
41 Balarampur Sarvodaya Gram Swarajya Sangh,Vill/Po-Balarampur,
42 Sarvodaya Samiti Koraput (Orissa)
43 Boipariguda Kshetra Samity Koraput (Orissa)
44 Sampradaya Seva Samity,Dighapandi Tahasil Colony,Ganjam (Orissa)


45 Gram Loa Seva Sangh, P.O Niz Dhamdhama, Dist-Nalbari, Pin-781349
46 Barkhetri Unnayan Samiti, At.P.O Mukalmua, Dist-Nalbari, Pin-781126
47 Balijana Anchlik Jana Seva Samiti P.O-Agia,Dist-Golapare (Assam)
48 Tamalpur Anchlik Gramdan Sangh, Kumrikata,Nalbari-781360
49 Tazpur Anchlik Gram Bikas Sangh, Vill-Dekargoan, P.O Dekargoan, Dist-
50 Gram Swarajya Parishad Rangia, PO Rangia,Dist-Kamruk (Assam)
51 Kasturba Seva Mandir,Texpur, Dist-Sonitpur (Assam)
52 Paham Khadi Gramodyog Sangh,Village-Paham,Po-Paham,Block-
Selsela, Dist-Tura-994 104(Meghalaya)
SO, IMPHAL, (Manipur)
53 Manipur Khadi Production & Sales Co.op society Ltd. Roop Mahal Tank, B-
T-Raod, Imphal
54 Dorcas Society, Old Lambulane, Imphal, Manipur

SO, MUMBAI (Maharashtra)
55 Pragathi Bahuudeshiya Sanstha, Weekly Market, Pulgaon, 442 302,
SO, CHENNAI (Tamil Nadu)
56 Chidambaram Sarvodaya Sangh, 48 South Car Street,Post Chidambaram
District Cuddalore-608 001
57 Tirupur Sarvodaya Sangh ,Murugampalayam,Veerapandi, Post-
Iduvampalayam, Dist-Coimbatore-641 687
58 Udamalpet Sarvodaya Sangh,4B Nehru Street,Udamalpet District-
Coimbatore-642 126
59 Pollachi Sarvodaya Sangh, 36 Venkatramana Street,Post-Pollachi,Dist-
Coimbatore-642 001
60 Khadi Gramodyog Sangh,844,Anna Salai,Chennai-600002
61 Arni Sarvoadaya Sangh,36 Mettu Street,Post Arni, Diastrict-Tiruvannamlai-
62 Tirupathur Sarvodaya Sangh
63 Avarampalayam Sarvodaya Sangh,129 Appusamy Layout,Red Fields,
Coimbatore-641 045
64 Annur Sarvodaya Sangh,7/34 Nehruji Street,Post Annur, Dist. Cimbatore-
65 Nambiyur Sarvodaya Sangh,AT/Po Nambiyur, Erode-638 458
66 Coimbatore Central Sarvodaya Sangh,Muthonampalayam, Post
Pollikalipalayam District-Coimbatore-641 665
67 Coimbatore South Sarvodaya Sangh,33 New Beemar Street,P.B.No 11,Post
Dharapuram,Dist Erode-638 656
68 Sathyamangalam Sarvodaya Sangh, 9/467 Main Road, Satyamangalam
Dist Erode-638 401
69 Padiyur Sarvodaya Sangh Post Pdiyur,Via Kangayam-638 701,District-
70 Tiruchirapalli Sarvodaya Sangh,9 Jp Nagar,Dindigul Road, Tiruchirapalli-
620 001
71 Mulanar Sarvodaya Sangh,65 Vadugapatti Road,Post Mulanur Dist-Erode-
638 106
72 Karur Sarvodaya Sangh,Village -Vaiyapurinagar,Post/District-Karur-639
73 Gandhi Ashram,Nallipalayam,Post Gandhi Ashram, District Namakal-637
74 Erode Sarvodaya Sangh,Chennimalai Road,Post-Kasipalayam, Dist-Erode-
638 009
75 Thanjavur Sarvodaya Sangh
76 North Arcot Sarvodaya sangh,10-11,New Sitting Bazar post /District -
Vellore-632 513
77 Tiruchirapalli Northh sarvodaya Sangh, no 123 Double mall Street,Po-
Teppakulam, Dist Tiruchirapalli-620008
78 Thanjavur West Srvodaya Sangh,,28 Giri Road ,Srinivaspuram
Post/District-Thanjavur-613 009
79 Salem Dist Sarvodaya Sangh,9.Gandhi Nagar Post Attur District Salem-636
80 Cuddalore Sarvodaya Sangh,Parvithipuram,Sarvodaya Nagar,Post Vadalur
,Distirict Cuddalore-607 303
81 Chigleput District Sarvoadaya Sangh,40 Amudhupadim Street,
Kancheepuram-631 503
82 Madras Sarvodaya Sangh,199 Linghi Chetty Street Chennai-600 001
83 Gandhipuram Sarvodaya Sangh,Maruthamalai Road,Vadavalli Post-
Vadavalli, District-Coimbatore-641 041
84 Pondicherry Sarvodaya Sangh
85 Coimbatore North Sarvodaya Sangh, 255, Nawab Hakeem Road,
DO MADURAI (Tamil Nadu)
86 Ambasamudram Sarvodya Sangh, Gandhi Nagar, Viravanlur - 627 426
87 Aruppukottai Sarvodya Sangh , Sathiyamoorti Bazar, Aruppukottai -626
88 Gandhi Nikatan Ashram, T. Kallupatty 626 702, Dist- Madurai
89 Gandhigram Khadi & V.I. Public Charitable Trust , Gandhigram – 624302
Dist- Dindigul
90 Kanyakumari Dist. Sarvodaya Sangh, 22-23 Vagayadi South Car Street ,
Kottar, Nagarcoil -629 002
91 Karaikudi Sarvodaya Sangh, 2- 2 /87 Devakottar Road , Karaikudi
92 Madurai Dist. Sarvodya Sangh 26 Town Hall Road Madurai 625 001
93 Madurai East Sarodaya Sangh, 256 Kamrajar Salai Madurai - 625 009
94 Madurai West Sarvodya Sangh, Sastripuram , Tirumagalam -625 706, Dist-
95 Madurai North Sarvodaya Sangh, Kasthuribha Nagar Sinthalabadampatty
96 Naguneri Sarvodaya Sangh 28, Siva Nagar, Panagudi - 627 109Dist-
97 Puliyangudi Sarvodaya Sangh, 28 Karpaga Street Puliyngudi 627 858
Dist- Tirunveli , Katta Pomman
98 Periyakulam Sarvodaya Sangh, 17-A, Cumbum Road, Periyakulam 623 601
99 Ramnathapuram Dist. Sarvodaya Sangh, 45 East Car Street Srivilliputhur -
626 125, Dist. Virudhunagar
100 Ramnathpuram Central Sarvodaya Sangh, 6/774,Arumugam Colony,
Satsiyapuram, Sivakashi (W).
101 Ramnathpuram East Sarvodaya Sangh ,Paramkudi - 623 707
102 Sankarankoil Sarvodya Sangh North Car Street Sankarankoil - 627 756,
Dist- Tirunelveli
103 Tiruchendur Sarvodaya Sangh West Car Street Tiruchendur- 628 125
104 Tirunelveli Sarvodya Sangh, 59 South Car street , Tirunelveli- 627 006
105 Tuticorin Sarvodya Sangh, KVK Nagar, Tuticorin 628 008, Dist- Tuticorin
106 Virudhunagar Sarvodaya Sangh, 329 Rail way Feeder Road, Virudhunagar-
107 Tamilnadu Gandhi Smarak Nidhi, Madurai
108 Eranil Sarvodaya Sangh, 28/92, Muttom Road, Eranial, Post- Neyyoor -
629 802, Dist- Kanyakumari
109 Gram Rajya Nirman Sangh, Dindigul
110 Sitanagaram Khadi & V.I. Development Sanstha, Sitanagram Via
Rajhmundry, Dist. East Godavari
SO, BANGALORE (Karnataka)
111 The South Kanara Beekeepers Co-op Society Ltd. Puttur -574 201, Dist-
South Kanar
112 The Beekeepers Co-op Society LTd. At/Po- Sakleshpur, Dist- Hassan -573
113 Karnataka Khadi Gramodyog Samyukta Sangh (Fedration) Benegari-Hubli-
580 023
114 Kerala Sarvodaya Sangh, Gandhi Ashram, Civil Sattion, Post-Calicut-
115 Alleppy Sarvodya Sangh, Pallarimangalam-P.O Mavelikkara-690107
116 Kerala Khadi & V.I Federation, 48/497 c Padivattam, Eddappily-P.O
117 Kerala Khadi & V.I.Association, Avanissery, Trichur-680313
118 Kozhikode Sarvoday Sangh,S.M.Street, Khadi Gram, Kozhikode- 673 001
119 Trivendrum Sarvodaya Sangh, Gramodya, P.B No-89 M.G.Road,
120 Cannanore Sarvodaya Sangh, Chettenkoonu, Telicherry- 1, Dist-Cannanore
121 Changancherry Social service society, Arch Bishop’s House,
Changancherry. Dist- Kottayam (Kerala)
122 Kerala Gandhi Smarak Nidhi, Gandhi Bhavan, Trivendrum-695001
123 Palghat Sarvodaya Sangh



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