HighNote4 U5B Vocabulary Quiz B
HighNote4 U5B Vocabulary Quiz B
HighNote4 U5B Vocabulary Quiz B
Unit 5 Lesson 5B
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1 Choose the correct option to complete the 3 Complete the text with the words from the box.
sentences. There are two extra words.
0 That animal has a squishy / prickly / coarse skin. buzzing chirping crunching popping
Don’t pick it up or you will hurt your hand! roaring rustling screeching sizzling
1 Ouch! I didn’t notice that there was a spiky / silky / Graham went to his favourite park to get away from
coarse cactus behind the curtain. the crowded streets and the constant 0 roaring
2 I can still hear a computer buzzing / humming / traffic. He often did that when he was troubled. His
rustling. Turn it off, then we can go home. thoughts were calmed by the sound of bees
3 OK, who is eating bubble gum? I’ve just heard a 1
____________ among the flowers. He kicked into
thud / pop / squish. a pile of dry leaves and enjoyed their
4 There’s a scent / an aroma / a stench of something 2
____________. He sat on a bench and unpacked
unpleasant coming from under the cooker. I think his lunch. Birds were 3 ____________ happily
we have to clean the whole floor. nearby, so he threw them some crumbs from his
5 The taste of pepper in the soup I’m cooking is sandwich. When he started 4 ____________ on his
mouth-watering / subtle / overpowering. How can I apple, a large bird flew off 5 ____________,
make it less strong? probably scared by the sound of it.
___ / 5 ___ / 5