IL H145 19-2024
IL H145 19-2024
IL H145 19-2024
Information Letter
N° IL H145 19-2024
ESXC145 Programme Support
July 2024
002 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 003
Dear Customer,
It should be noted that all the actions addressed in this letter will only
be applicable from the moment they are integrated in the helicopter
documentation published by Airbus Helicopters. We trust that this
information helps you understand the actions in progress and we
kindly ask you to transmit this information to the technical and
operational managers of your fleet.
Table of
1. Introduction and Highlights 6 6. General In-service subjects 32
a. GENERAL - H145 Preflight check 32
2. BK117 Family Fleet Update as of 30.06.2024 6 b. GENERAL - Test your knowledge with the new quiz included to the e-learning for flight physics 33
a. Overview 6 c. ATA05 - MGB & TGB Special Inspection at 4,000 FH 33
b. Model and Variant split 7 d. ATA05 - Main Rotor Hub-Shaft Continued Integrity Verification Program (CIVP) 34
c. Helicopters in operation and Flight hours last 12 months – regional distribution 7 e. ATA25 - Fast Roping Operation - Good Practices 34
d. Annual History 8 f. ATA25 - Good practices to prevent hoist incidents 35
e. Fleet Age 9 g. ATA25 - External Mounted Hoist System - Check for free rotatable Hook Assembly 35
h. ATA45 - PMT software activation, upgrade and purchase procedure 36
3. Technical In-service subjects 10 i. ATA65 - Checking for oil color change inside the dynamic assemblies 36
a. ATA29 - Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump – Low Pressure 10 j. ATA71 - Engine Oil Distribution - Note on non-interfering Installation of the Hose Assembly 37
b. ATA62 - Main Rotor Blade Vibration Absorber Installation 12 k. ATA71 - IBF - Flight in Snow 38
c. ATA62 - Main Rotor Blade storage 13 l. ATA85 - New generation hoists i.a.w. EASA ETSO 2C208 39
d. ATA62 - Main Rotor Blade Discharger pin wear 14
e. ATA62 - Lead/Lag Damper Damage Criteria 15 7. Documentation 40
f. ATA63 - Main Gearbox Housing paint 16 a. Documentation updates 40
g. ATA63 - Maintenance Action after Fuzz Burner Activation 17 b. ATA05 - Helicopter Continuous Maintenance Program (HCMP) 41
h. ATA63 - Main Gearbox Collector Gear Shaft wear 18 c. ATA67 - Rigging Device - Notes on the Instruction Manual 42
i. ATA64 - Tail Rotor Blade Erosion Protection Paint 19 d. TechData conversion to S1000D standard - Deployment timeline modification 43
j. ATA64 - Tail Rotor Blade Tapping Test 20 e. e-DTS planning 43
f. O.R.I.O.N.- latest improvements 44
4. Technical Product Improvements 21 g. Publishing of complementary Instructions for Continued Airworthiness through Delivery Notes 45
a. ATA11 - Replacement of emergency placards, handles and covers 21 h. Information Letter 46
b. ATA23 - Retrofit of the Rear Camera in Tail Boom 22 i. Information Letter Index 47
c. ATA24 - Retrofit of 40 Ah battery to 44 Ah battery 23
d. ATA52 - Improvement of the Locking Mechanism of the Sliding Doors 24 8. Market Highlights 48
e. ATA85 - Improvement of Video Routing of Enhanced Reality System Extension Box 25 a. THC signs historic framework agreement for up to 120 Airbus helicopters. 48
b. HTM orders up to three Airbus H145 helicopters for offshore wind operations 49
5. Technical Product Improvements coming soon 26 c. Brunei orders six H145M helicopters 50
a. ATA21 - Bleed air heating mixing valve 26 d. Belgium chooses Airbus H145M for Armed Forces and Federal Police 51
b. ATA32 - Landing gear fittings 27 e. French Ministry of Interior orders 42 H145 helicopters 52
c. ATA62 - Rotor Mast Spacer Tube 28
d. ATA67 - Reliability of Duplex Trim Actuator 29 9. Customer Meetings 53
e. ATA71 - Engine Bushing 30 a. Reliability Data Group 53
f. ATA71 - Cracks in IBF Filter Supports 31
1. Introduction
and Highlights b. Model and Variant split
Technical Model/Variant A-3 A-4 B-1 B-2 C-1 C-2 C-2e D-2 D-2m D-3 D-3m Total
•T he BK117 variants C-2e and D-2m are not separately mentioned in this HC in operation 6 8 18 121 47 844 44 249 52 299 3 1 691
Information Letter. If not otherwise specified and whenever an article is written
for a model e.g. C-2, D-2 it is valid for their variants C-2e, D-2m as well.
– The same is applicable for the model D-3 with the model D-3m.
• Index: An Index of all technical topics published since the beginning of the
H145 Information Letter is available by selecting “LI” in the field “DOC Type”
on our T.I.P.I. Webpage. The Index was updated together with this IL issue.
– The Index is covering topics from the following sections:
- 3.Technical In-service subjects,
- 4.Technical Product Improvements,
- 6.General In-service subjects, c. H
elicopters in operation and Flight hours last 12 months
- 7. Documentation
• Section 2 “BK117 Family Fleet Update” as midyear issue with standard details. – regional distribution
2. 2.BK117 Family
H145/H145M 311 HC 105.300 FH
EC145 105 HC 28.900 FH
BK117 20 HC 2.300 FH
of 30.06.2024
BK117 42 HC 9.300 FH BK117 37 HC 6.100 FH
• 606 BK117 Model D-2, D-3 (H145) were delivered. The current fleet of 603 in-service
aircraft is flying in 51 countries at 204 operators and has accumulated 856,863 FH
over the years with 169,369 FH in the last 12 months. Fleet leader is the SN 20004
with 5,835 FH operated by DRF Stiftung Luftrettung gAG / Germany.
008 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 009
3. Technical
In-service Thus, the use of the auxiliary pump should not exceed 5 minutes. For extended
maintenance action the external hydraulic pump drive set has to be installed.
subjects Function: During operation the electrical auxiliary hydraulic pump is supplied
with hydraulic oil from the manifold block system 1. The output pressure
is reduced to 80 bars within the entrance of the manifold block. Excessive
pressure is bypassed to the reservoir thus a minimum flow is always ensured.
An additional check valve with an integrated flow limiter is installed on the
outlet of the manifold block to prevent reverse flow when the electrical auxiliary
hydraulic pump is switched off.
1. The electrical auxiliary & main hydraulic pump are connected to the
a. ATA29 - A
uxiliary Hydraulic Pump hydraulic system No.1. The main hydraulic pump has an intentional
internal leakage for cooling and lubrication function. Depending on the
– Low Pressure position of the rotor inside, the internal leakage of the main hydraulic
pump can be more or less. If the rotor of the main hydraulic pump is
With the Information Letter H145 13-2021 in a position with high internal leakage, the electrical auxiliary hydraulic
Airbus Helicopters informed about best practices for the usage of the auxiliary pump has not enough power to produce the required pressure.
hydraulic pump in the flight control system. During that time additional in-
service experience was collected and now added to the hereafter-mentioned 2. Depending on the position of the servo control valves, also the Tail
best practices. All changed/updated parts to the previous issue of the Rotor Actuator (TRA) and Main Rotor Actuator (MRA) can have an
respective IL article are identified by bold letters. internal leakage due to their technical design.
Depending on the flight controls position it is sometimes possible that the One or more of the following actions are recommended to solve the
auxiliary hydraulic pump does not supply the necessary 80 bar pressure behaviour if happen during the pre-flight test:
required for the pre-flight check of the main rotor controls.
• Turn the helicopter main rotor by a few degrees in order to reposition
General: The electrical auxiliary hydraulic pump is a gear pump type, installed the pump rotor of the main hydraulic pump
in order to enable the free movement check of the flight controls during the
pre-flight check on ground without running engines. The pump is located • Move the pedals two times from end stop to end stop in order to
underneath the hydraulic reservoir from system 1. The pump is only necessary reposition the control valve inside the TRA
to perform the free movement check during the pre-flight check.
• Press the FTR button in the cyclic stick and gently move it in
the direction of the least resistance around the neutral position
ensuring it is moving freely and without a pre-load in any
direction, thus ensuring the control valves are not open.
• Release the collective latch and press the FTR button in the
collective lever and gently move it up and down ensuring it
is moving freely and without a pre-load in any direction, thus
ensuring the control valve is not open.
b. ATA62 - Main Rotor Blade Vibration Absorber Installation c. ATA62 - Main Rotor Blade storage
With reference to AMM 62-13-00, 4-2 (D-2) respectively AMM 62-13-00, 4-3 (C-2) AH was notified of paint blisters detected on the aerodynamic profile resp. Flex Control Units (FCU) of
three washers (items 110 & 160) per bolt must be installed. Several customers reported that they the Main Rotor Blades (MRB). From experience these pain blisters are caused by improper storage in
were unable to install the split pin (item 130) as the split pin borehole in the bolt (item 100) could not their wooden transportation box, usually long storage times under high humidity or exposed to rain.
be aligned. The wooden boxes shall be stored in dry conditions as explicitly marked on the box.
With reference to generic RDAS-BK117-62-2023-3873 the installation of thinner washers is The paint blisters are degrading the surface protection of the MRB but not affecting the load
permissible to ensure that the split pin can be installed appropriately. carrying structure (carbon skin layers). If bubbles open/burst the areas can be repainted in
accordance with AMM until replacement components are available.
d. ATA62 - Main Rotor Blade Discharger pin wear e. ATA62 - Lead/Lag Damper Damage Criteria
With reference to AMM 62-11-00, 6-23 wear of the static discharger pin is permissible. AH plans to The AMM 62-11-00, 6-18 defines permissible damage and repair limitations for the Lead/Lag-
define the minimum visible length of the static discharger pin to 3.5mm with a generic RDAS. Damper, which will be extended with one of the next AMM revisions.
For the measurement it shall be ensured that the pin is not stuck but can move freely.
The sum of the values X+Y may not exceed 3.5mm.
Once worn beyond the pin D622M0501206 can be replaced individually.
The disassembly/reassembly of the static discharger is described in AMM 62-11-00, 4-12.
Discharger Pin
f. ATA63 - Main Gearbox Housing paint g. ATA63 - Maintenance Action after Fuzz Burner Activation
AMM 63-21-00, 7-1 describes the painting / paint repair of the MGB surface and lists the required According to the FMS 9.2.15 (C-2) resp. 9.2-31 (D-2, D-3) up to two fuzz burner activations are
Consumable Materials of the lacquer respectively primer. However, it does not include the details of permitted per flight. Beside recording the events in the logbook, the FMS calls for maintenance
the required hardeners and thinners. These are provided in the overview below and have to be used actions.
in accordance with their manufacturer instructions:
If the chip caution comes/remains on after activating the fuzz burner 2 times previously the pilot
CM Product must land as soon as practicable in accordance with the FMS emergency procedure. Each
activation of the fuzz burner must be recorded in the logbook, independent if the activation was
495 Primer SEEVENAX 113-22, Mankieviecz successful or not.
4144 Hardener SEEVENAX 135-20, Mankieviecz
436 Thinner SEEVENAX 900-75, Mankieviecz If a MGB, TGB, IGB chip was burned successfully no further action is required, i.e. no additional
456 Primer N 53565, PPG
4360 Hardener N 38909, PPG If the chip could not be burned or there were further indications during that flight the maintenance
4361 Thinner N 39/3111, PPG actions according to AMM apply.
Concerning ENG chips please refer to the applicable Engine Maintenance Manual (EMM).
The Overhaul and Repair Manual of the MGB lists the following alternative surface protection
- 2 layers of primer followed by two layers of top coat:
CM Product
h. ATA63 - Main Gearbox Collector Gear Shaft wear i. ATA64 - Tail Rotor Blade Erosion Protection Paint
AH got notified of wear discovered on the MGB collector gear shaft on the contact surfaces with the AH was notified by customers of paint blisters on the Tail Rotor Blade (TRB) Erosion Protection
spacer tube. This type of wear is not unusual and does not affect the strength of the collector shaft. Paint. Eventually the blisters could be caused by use of not recommended cleaning solvent.
Unless explicitly required by AH (e.g., in the frame of a D-3 CIVP inspection) customers are not With reference to AMM 64-21-00, 7-1 only Isopropyl Alcohol shall be used.
requested to measure the dimensions of the wear since this is done in the frame of the next shop
visit of the MGB. However, the dimensions are checked indirectly by measuring the dimension “B” In order to avoid an AOG situation AH strongly recommends to replace the affected TRB as soon
(KHI tool kit) resp. “C” (AH tool kit) between the collector gear support and the bottom of the rotor as the spare part is available or during the next scheduled maintenance action. However, under
shaft in accordance with AMM 63-21-00, 4-6 respectively 4-19, to ensure that wear is within limits. consideration of the generic RDAS-BK117-64-2023-3353 concerned TRB can remain in service:
• As long as the bubbles in the paint are intact (the white primer is not visible). This has to be
checked before the first flight of the day (by the pilot or a mechanic).
• The TRB can/should only remain in service for around 20FH in case the bubbles burst and the primer
becomes visible (white/yellow) to prevent further damages. A paint touch-up acc. to AMM is always
possible to repair some damaged bubbles as long as they are not too many, see limits in AMM.
• The TR Blades can/should only remain in service for around 5FH in case the primer is worn
through (black carbon fiber becomes visible) to prevent further damages.
Figure: Example of wear marks on the collector shaft (LH), dimensional check of collector shaft requested in D-3 CVIP (RH).
Figure: Dimension B/C between Collector gear support and rotor hub-shaft.
020 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 021
4. Technical Product
Effectivity BK117 D-2, D-3
The requirements in the AMM are to ensure that the tapping test is performed by someone
who is able to perform and interpret a tapping test. The personnel should be able to interpret
a de-laminated metal erosion protection from a bonded metal erosion protection
(ref. AMM 64-21-00, 6-16 F2 a. The sound of a correctly bonded area is a sharp but light sound.
The sound of a debonded area is a dull thud with no resonance.) This is the same procedure as Effectivity BK117 D-2, D-3
used for the tapping test of the metal erosion protection of the main rotor blade.
The approving should be done by the Part-145 on their national/local requirements (i.e., hearing a. ATA11 - Replacement of emergency placards, handles and covers
tests in a frequency range).
Issue 1 of the Service Bulletin
Therefore, from AH perspective, it is sufficient if the inspector / qualified technician has a SB MBB-BK117-11-32-0001
corresponding B1.3 course or comparable. Further there are no specific test samples required, was published on 13 June 2024.
but the tapping sound of the TRBs shall be compared with each other.
With this SB, Airbus Helicopters offers the installation of safety markings for
compliance with the EASA requirements addressed in CS-26 (CS26.410 and
CS26.415 (a)).
The SB requires 12 Man-Hours for replacing the internal pilot door handle,
modification of the emergency handle for the FWD cabin push out window,
the handle cover inside including HEEL lighting elements on the sliding door
and the emergency handle for the sliding door push out window as well as
replacing the emergency placards.
022 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 023
b. ATA23 - Retrofit of the Rear Camera in Tail Boom c. ATA24 - Retrofit of 40 Ah battery to 44 Ah battery
Issue 1 of the Service Bulletin Issue 1 of the Service Bulletin
SB MBB-BK117-23-75-0001 SB MBB-BK117-24-32-0001
was published on 23 May 2024. was published on 21 May 2024.
With this SB, Airbus Helicopters offers the replacement of the analogue multi-purpose camera on the tail With this SB, Airbus Helicopters offers a retrofit of 40 Ah Battery to 44 Ah Battery.
boom by a digital rear-view camera. The 44 Ah battery provides an increased cold weather starting performance, an additional
power during on ground operation (engines off), an enhanced protection in event of electrical
A camera is installed at the lower rear cover of tail boom vertical fin and allows the observation of cargo system generation failure.
hook, hoist or rope-down operations as well as helicopter rear and side loading. This SB offers the
replacement of the first-generation analogue multi-purpose camera on the tail boom by a digital camera The SB requires 1 Man-Hour for replacing the 40 Ah Battery with the 44 Ah Battery.
in order to improve the circumferential visibility, handling like zoom function and make compatible for the
additional crosshair function.
The SB requires 190 Man-Hours for retrofit of the center console and overhead panel; modification of the
bulkhead, the LH service panel for the installation of the Ethernet port and the MFD electrical installation;
installation of the wire harnesses, the VMS and the forward-looking camera and finally the configuration
of the VMS followed by an operation test of the camera
NOTE: For the crosshair function the digital forward-looking camera is required.
Further details can also be found in the IL H145 18-2024 and of course, in the above-mentioned SB.
024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 025
d. ATA52 - Improvement of the Locking Mechanism of the e. ATA85 - Improvement of Video Routing of Enhanced Reality
Sliding Doors System Extension Box
The Revision 0 of the Service Bulletins Issue 1 of the Service Bulletin
SB MBB-BK117 C-2-52-025, SB MBB-BK117-85-30-0001
SB MBB-BK117 D-2-52-012 and was published on 13 March 2024.
SB MBB-BK117 D-3-52-003
were published on 09 July 2024. With these SBs, AIRBUS Helicopters offers the modification of the video connection of the
Enhanced Reality System (ERS) extension box.
With these SBs, Airbus Helicopters offers a retrofit of an improvement for the locking mechanism
in the sliding doors. The SB offers the modification of the video connection of ERS extension box and the ERS on the
avionic deck by the usage of a HD SDI connection that improves the current one and helps to
The SBs offer the installation of reinforced levers and angle joints in the locking mechanism of the prevent disturbance with the other video signals on the ERS. The ERS extension box has to be
sliding doors. This will improve the free movement of the mechanism and prevents the locking sent to Hensoldt Avionics for update to Revision 10 (or higher) to activate the HD SDI output.
mechanism from sluggishness and/or getting damaged.
The SB requires 33 Man-Hours for the removal of the ERS and the ERS extension box,
Each SB requires 33 Man-Hours for the removal of the sliding door, disassembling of the locking disconnecting and stowing of the existing wires, installation of the new wire and the improved
mechanism, replacing of the affected locking mechanism parts, assembling of the locking ERS extension box.
mechanism and finally the installation of the sliding door.
This modification became standard to the serial production for MBB-BK117 D-3 SN 21131 and up.
026 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 027
5. T
echnical Product
coming soon
NOTE: All subjects presented in this section are in various states of their improvement process. It is often difficult to provide Effectivity BK117 C-2, D-2, D-3
reliable availability dates, due to the number of various influences on the remaining process steps. Thus, the availability
dates given in this section are estimations based on the information available at the time the Information Letter was
authored, thus the final availability may differ from the dates mentioned in this section. b. ATA32 - Landing gear fittings
Several subjects might also be in work through a longer period of time. Their status/progress of work is then being reported Wear and corrosion on landing gear fittings is still present in the fleet even
over several IL issues as well. In such a case and if any changes to a previous issue of the respective IL article were made, after the improvement made in 2017 by increasing the torque of the nuts and
changed/updated parts are identified by bold letters. In some cases, it could be helpful to consult also articles of previous adding a check to be accomplished during the installation of the landing gear.
ILs for getting a more complete view on a subject.
The friction drag torque of these M12 nylstop nuts (Item 5 in the figure) is
huge and reducing the desired torque as it is not taken into account by the
Effectivity BK117 C-2, D-2, D-3 current procedure, leading to a reduced contact pressure.
The new valve is already availbale for the H135 – SB issued in April 2023, presently
the integration into the BK117 C-2, D-2 and D-3 models is in work.
Due to the different heating valve controler the retrofit solution had to be
split into two parts, one for helicopters with standard ventilation and one for
helicopters with ECS/ACS consequently two separate SBs are in preparation.
The availability of this improvement is currently scheduled for Q3 2024 for
the standard ventilation SB and Q4 2024 for the ECS/ACS SB, but finally both
depending on certification, documentation and part availability.
This improvement was initiated out of the BK117 Variant Product Improvement Plan.
c. ATA62 - Rotor Mast Spacer Tube d. ATA67 - Reliability of Duplex Trim Actuator
The Spacer Tube is known to wear in service, mainly at the upper keys, on all Flight Control Duplex Trim Actuator (especially longitudinal) is one of the
BK117 variants. Reliability Drivers with a MTBUR of currently 3800FH.
A modification from 4 to 6 keys was previously introduced for BK117 C-2 and The commands of the manual beep trim switch are transmitted via a pulse
consequently adopted on D-2 and D-3 variants. width modulated (PWM) signal from the PC Board trim to the trim actuators.
First findings revealed that the frequency of this signal is very close to the
Despite the 6 keys, wear is still present and inspection of the Spacer Tube is tolerance limit of the Safran NG trim actuators. The failure occurs if the
required: Every 1600 FH for C-2 and every 800 FH for D-2. tolerance limit reduces because of the ageing process of the Safran NG trim
actuators. Thus, the signal cannot be handled anymore. Consequently,
To further improve the situation, a new spacer tube design is under many cases could already be solved by accomplishing of
development in cooperation with our design partners. Out of several different SB MBB-BK117 D-2-67-010 Trim System - Firmware update for
design proposals, one was finally selected for a extended dynamic test the PC Board Trim.
campaign which started in October 2022. The campaign is taking place on
a gearbox test bench. The results will lead to the final design which will be Investigations were done at Airbus Helicopters and together with supplier
taken over into service. Safran. The improvements derived out of the investigation results are in
implementation phase, several tests need to be performed afterwards.
Due to lack of availability of test bench the availability of this improvement
is currently scheduled for the first half of 2025, but finally depending on the The availability of such improvements is currently scheduled for Q4
results of the test campaign. 2025, but finally depending on the complexity of the implementation,
the required ground and flight tests and the certification
This improvement was initiated out of the BK117 Variant Product Improvement Plan.
032 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 033
6. General In-service
Effectivity BK117 D-3 Effectivity BK117 All
a. GENERAL - H145 Preflight check b. GENERAL - Test your knowledge with the new quiz included to
Airbus top priority is and will remain Aviation Safety, in that purpose Airbus encourages operators the e-learning for flight physics
to increase their awareness on Human Factors that is one of the most frequent root causes of
incident & accident. With the Safety Promotion Notice (SPN) 4015-P-00 Revision 0 published on 06 May 2024,
Airbus Helicopters would like to promote the update of the Flight Physics Performance e-learning to our
Airbus has created a new video material for safety promotion on H145 Preflight check that shall be community of pilots. A quiz is now available to test your knowledge when following the training on Flight
performed before the first flight of the day. Physics Performance.
To access the quiz:
The examples shown during this video are there to raise awareness which may help flight crew to detect • Open the “Flight Physics Performance” e-learning
anomalies during preflight. It will provide more understanding on the procedure and avoid human errors. • Select your language
Airbus faces frequent major incidents where preflight checks should have detected deviations/damages • Select the course
when properly done. However, this video is NOT a substitute for comprehensive training. • Then click on the Menu and scroll down to the end to select “Quiz”.
Your helicopter may be fitted with different optional equipment, in such a case, you should refer to the Furthermore, in line with our constant commitment to improving the safety of your operations, we are
respective flight manual supplement or maintenance manual to determine what additional preflight steps providing you with a recoverable unanticipated yaw simulator, based on the interactive e-learning module
may be required. This video material will NOT replace Flight Manual up to date instruction. and also available in the “Flight Physics Performance” e-learning.
This video has been created by Bruce Webb, pilot Instructor within Airbus Helicopters Inc. and was filmed
in Airbus Helicopters facilities in Donauwörth.
Effectivity BK117 D-2, D-3
Special thanks to ADAC who allowed Airbus to use their aircraft for the video.
For more information about aviation safety, consult the Airbus Safety media corner on Airbus website. c. ATA05 - MGB & TGB Special Inspection at 4,000 FH Currently all operators reaching 4,000 FH have to follow the AMM 05-40-10,6-2 respectively
safety-multimedia-e-learning#pilots AMM 05-40-10,6-3 calling for a special inspection of the MGB/TGB. This special inspection requires
removal of the gearbox and its inspection by Airbus Helicopters Technik (former ZFL). Please contact
For more details, please refer to the Safety Promotion Notice (SPN) 4003-P-00 Revision 0 AH several weeks in advance to ensure availability of exchange gearboxes.
published on 06 June 2024
Once the maturity of the design is proven through completed inspection of 6 gearboxes minimum,
AH can remove/ease the defined inspection requirements.
034 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 035
d. ATA05 - Main Rotor Hub-Shaft Continued Integrity Verification f. ATA25 - Good practices to prevent hoist incidents
Program (CIVP) With the Safety Information Notice (SIN) 4035-S-25 Revision 2 published on 07 June 2024,
Airbus Helicopters would like to inform about an ongoing investigation following an event that
The MSM Inspection task 63/21/00/000/000/070 refers to AMM 05-40-10,6-1 which details occurred during a hoisting operation, using a hoist in family 763XX manufactured by Goodrich
the steps of the D-3 main rotor hub-shaft inspections required by the CIVP. For D-3s which were Actuation Systems - Hoist and Winch Division, France, referred as a CLASS II hoist.
retrofitted from D-2s, the reference date usually is the Time Since New (TSN) of the D-3 rotor
hub-shaft. Without predicting the conclusions of the ongoing investigation, Airbus Helicopters reminds all
customers who use hoists of the good practices to be implemented: if the hoist cable jams or is
• AH would like to share a status update of the CIVP hereafter: incorrectly reeled, stop any action involving the reeling or unreeling of the cable and focus on the
securing of the hoisted persons and as well that the maintenance and daily checks of the hoists
• Starting at 400 FH TSN/TSO oil monitoring is required in 200 FH (+/- 20 FH) intervals and should be performed in accordance with the applicable CMM and additional applicable SB at
the results shall be shared with AH. their latest revisions.
• For the 800 FH & 1,600 FH inspection following data shall be reported to AH: For more details, please refer to the above-mentioned Safety Information Notice and to the Collins
- Residual torque of mast nut according to AMM 63-21-00,4-14 Aerospace SIL 763XX-25-0T which is attached to it.
- Dimensions “X” and “Y” of Spacer Tube according to AMM 63-21-00,6-3
- Results of a visual inspection of the Main Rotor Hub-Shaft, Spacer Tube, Upper Main
Rotor Shaft Bearing and Slider Guide for damages to be reported to AH.
• When approaching the 2,400 FH the customer shall raise a TE in WebTek to request the
CIVP inspection plan. The CIVP plan includes dimensional checks, damage reporting and Effectivity BK117 C-2, D-2, D-3
detailed documentation of the visual condition by pictures which is to be assessed by AH
experts and design engineers. Therefore, AH recommends raising the TE in advance to
align the inspection planning in order to ensure the required AH resources to process the g. ATA25 - E
xternal Mounted Hoist System - Check for free
assessment on time.
rotatable Hook Assembly
Please request a Technical Agreement (TA) when approaching the 800, 1,200 and/or 1,600 FH
inspections until incorporation into the MSM. With the Safety Information Notice (SIN) 3902-S-25 Revision 0 published on 21 March 2024,
Airbus Helicopters would like to inform about a reported training flight for hoisting on which
the lowered personnel started to spin. A subsequent investigation revealed that the hoist cable
exhibited a structural abnormality known as birdcageing.
Effectivity BK117 All
A birdcageing implies that the hoist cable once was
torque loaded in operation. This in turn implies that the
e. ATA25 - Fast Roping Operation - Good Practices hook assembly could not have been freely rotatable,
caused by a seized Hook Ball Bearing.
With the Safety Information Notice (SIN) 3957-S-25 Revision 2 published on 11 June 2024,
Airbus Helicopters would like to remind operators of good practices and safety rules for fast To prevent this, the Flight Manual Section (FMS) 9.2 already
roping operations. includes the following hook assembly preflight check:
Airbus Helicopters has been informed about deviations in fast roping operations, such as misuse • Condition and integrity, hook locking mechanism
of the jettison system or lack of procedure, leading to inadvertent loss of the rope during initial • Before the first flight of the day, check hook and
deployment. damper are free to rotate (apply 45-90 kg weight)
Airbus Helicopters would like to focus on the following points: For more details, please refer to the above-mentioned
1. The jettison system of the fast roping equipment is designed to allow immediate release Safety Information Notice.
of the rope in the case of an emergency situation. At any time the cargo operator must be
able to immediately release the rope upon the pilot’s request.
2. The necessary compatibility between rope type and hook must be verified.
3. The need for a relevant operational procedure which should address the rope initial
deployment to minimize the whiplash effect on the hook.
For more details, please refer to the above-mentioned Safety Information Notice.
036 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 037
As Airbus Helicopters is no longer able to activate a PMT license on behalf of a customer, each
license must be activated with Safran directly by the customer, prior to first software use. As the
former email address was decommissioned at the end of 2023,
any activation request must be made according to the procedure described in part 1 of this
i. ATA65 - Checking for oil color change inside the dynamic assemblies
With the Safety Information Notice (SIN) 4018-S-65 Revision 0 published on 04 June 2024,
Airbus Helicopters would like to inform about an operator noticing a rapid oil color change inside
a Tail Gear Box (TGB), between two magnetic plug checks. Subsequent detailed checks of this
TGB highlighted an input pinion bearing degradation.
In fact, deteriorations found inside the lubricated dynamic assemblies (corrosion, wear, etc.) are During installation it should be made sure that the hose assembly cannot get in contact with the
often accompanied by a change in color, appearance or consistency of the service oils (presence MGB support assembly. This includes the possibility that in operation the hose assembly might
of wear particles in suspension, emulsion or oxidation of the oil, etc.). swing or vibrate and thus might cause a damage on the MGB support assembly.
These phenomena could be a forewarning of or accompany the detection of particles or residues For the check of clearances and interferences on the assemblies please obey MTC 20-02-01-603.
(magnetic “sludge”) on magnetic plugs and/or filters. These types of contamination are described In this particular case the minimum clearance between a hose and a fixed part is 5 mm.
in various maintenance documents (example: MTC Work Card or are covered by
specific instructions depending on the helicopters concerned. For more details, please refer to the above-mentioned Safety Information Notice.
In all cases, these phenomena should enable operators to be alerted of a potential degradation
of a component, and the maintenance appropriate to the dynamic components, described in the
documentation, must be carried out
For more details, please refer to the above-mentioned Safety Information Notice.
038 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 039
k. ATA71 - IBF - Flight in Snow l. ATA85 - New generation hoists i.a.w. EASA ETSO 2C208
Following an engine flame out during a prolonged flight in snow, an EASA Airworthiness Directive EASA has mandated a New Generation (NG) of Rescue Hoists to be introduced on BK117 D-3
(AD) was published at the end of 2021 limiting the flight domain of the IBF installation in specific helicopters. The NG hoist is expected to have many advantages in safety and operations:
conditions. • Improved safety (dual load path; back-lash reduced hoist cable; advanced overload protection).
• Increased payload 303 kg / 668 lbs. and reeling speed +30%
Airbus Helicopters issued dedicated SBs describing the removal of the IBF should customers • Advanced TBO of 10 years and longer life times
wish to uninstall the IBF in order to not be affected by such flight domain restriction. These SBs
are provided free of charge.
An extensive flight-testing campaign in severe snow and icing conditions was conducted by
Airbus Helicopters in Winter 2022 / 2023. Also, ice / wind tunnel tests were carried out in March
2023 in Vienna.
The results of these flight tests have been analyzed and an additional grid within the IBF filter box
was identified as best suitable design improvement.
An additional grid (in front of engine inlet) within the IBF filter box has been successfully tested
and confirmed to protect the engines against any ingested ice and snow.
Development status for the IBF recertification for flight snow and in inadvertent icing conditions:
AH has tested a passive grid solution, which was optimized for pressure loss, in March 2024.
Despite previous simulations the design failed due to too high pressure loss. Therefore the flight
test campaign, which was planned in Norway in severe winter conditions, was not started /
Next steps: The grid design will be further simplified and optimized for pressure loss. In case
of necessity it will be heated electrically. An ice/wind tunnel test is planned for Q1 2025. The
certification is intended within 2025.
EASA position:
• Goodrich hoists delivered up to 12/2025 can stay in operation on the five bladed H145
without obligation for a later retrofit.
• Helicopters which are retrofitted from BK117 D-2 to D-3 can continue operation with the
existing Collins hoist.
Development status:
Three hoist manufacturers have started the development of an EASA TSO compliant rescue
hoist system - Collins, REEL, Vincorion. In July 2019 Vincorion Premier was selected as the
launching hoist system for H145. The development was negatively affected by COVID and the
semiconductor supply chain crisis. Both problems have been resolved and the development now
continues full steam with an entry into service planned late 2025 / early 2026.
Engineering tests (functional / vibration / shock load / overload) have confirmed architecture,
robustness and quality. The remaining development will concentrate on electronics finalization in
DAL A and subsequent qualification testing of the whole system.
As risk mitigation we are in contact with all suppliers to bring a new generation hoist system to
the market as early as possible.
040 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 041
7. Documentation
Effectivity BK117 ALL Effectivity BK117 D-2, D-3
This revision has been released on 03-04-2024 on time as scheduled. The HCMP consists of individual work packages which contain all work steps
Content wise, the D-2 and D-3 Illustrated parts catalogs have been revised of the Intermediate Inspection and of the Periodical Inspection included in
and a lot of effort has been invested in order to further increase especially the the Master Servicing Manual (MSM). When all work packages of one HCMP
IPC completeness for operators. The publication also includes the second have been accomplished, one cycle of the HCMP is concluded. Such a cycle
D-3m version for the IPC in order to be prepared for the EiS (Entry into corresponds to one periodical inspection (800 fh) and must be entered in the
Service). Furthermore, the last special publications are expected to be online helicopter’s logbook.
until the end of July 2024. The next Normal Revision for the entire BK117
D-2, D-3 and D-3m fleet (ORION 19) is scheduled for 13-09-2024. There are two HCMP available related to the flying profile of the helicopter:
For the BK117 C-2 / C-2e fleet, the next publication release is scheduled • HCMP for MBB-BK117 D-2/D-3 with more than 400 FH per year
as normal revision (NR) with O.R.I.O.N. EC145 009.00, following the last • HCMP for MBB-BK117 D-2/D-3 with less than 400 FH per year
temporary revision that has been performed throughout Q2/2022. This
revision is currently under detailed planning with a release planned in QG4 / Ground runs and functional check flights, the inspection steps of the
2024. 12-Month Inspection, the Inspections After Special Operational Incidents,
the Supplementary Inspections and the Conditional Inspections must
The BK117 Classic fleet (A/B/C1) was updated with a normal revision release be accomplished additionally to the work packages of the Continuous
(O.R.I.O.N. BK117 001.00) in early 2023 (online since 31-01-2023). Next Maintenance Program (HCMP).
release is planned to be published in late Q4 / 2024.
042 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 043
c. ATA67 - Rigging Device - Notes on the Instruction Manual d. TechData conversion to S1000D standard
With the Information Notice (IN) 4006-I-67 Revision 0 published on 27 June - Deployment timeline modification
2024, Airbus Helicopters would like to inform about a new instruction manual
is made available for the use of the GSE Rigging Device B670P4501E01. The change of our TechData ICA maintenance referential from the ATA
specification to the international S1000D standard requires significant
work upstream. In the spirit of this commitment, aligning processes and
harmonizing all authoring tools is a key job for this improvement.
Our “Go” for migration will only happen when all of these conditions are in place.
Today, we drive the process forward step by step and progress aircraft lines
by aircraft lines to ensure this smooth transition.
Be ensured that all the Airbus Helicopters teams remain fully mobilized to
make it happen the soonest in the best conditions.
We remain at your disposal for any question. Do not hesitate to contact us at:
For more information, you can also join us on the S1000D Community
available on AirbusWorld.
The Main Rotor Rigging Device is used for the adjustment of the main rotor Link to the S1000D Community:
controls. Due to a customer report, the Main Rotor Rigging Device was
found deformed. This can lead to a wrong adjustment of the main rotor communities#/project/17751556
flight controls. Consequently, Airbus Helicopters published the Alert Service
Bulletin MBB-BK117-67-00-0001 that prescribes a first time and recurring
inspection of the Main Rotor Rigging Device and if necessary, the rigging of
the main rotor controls.
Effectivity BK117 D-2, D-3
Airbus Helicopters would like to highlight the availability of the Instruction
Manual for the Rigging Device P/N B670P4001101 in AirbusWorld. It
contains information and requirements concerning the safety, the operations e. e-DTS planning
and maintenance in order to avoid injuries and damages while using the
Rigging Device. Airbus Helicopters e-Dynamic Troubleshooting Service (e-DTS) was
introduced in 2016 in order to manage avionics related malfunctions.
For more details, please refer to the above-mentioned Information Notice.
This service assists the maintenance operators in their daily unscheduled
maintenance by quickly and efficiently isolating the faulty equipment of their
A new eDTS version will be deployed at the beginning of Q4’ 2024. eDTS
will evolve with a new more user-friendly interface and with new
In addition to regular revision (normal or temporary) releases, complementary ICAs are provided
with this additional publication vector in order to enlarge the overall ICA completeness with
advanced information, either
• linked with the delivery of new aircrafts or
• linked with the delivery of SBs
The main focus for complementary ICA is to have full ICA availability.
Beginning with the final step for ICA completeness on 1st Dec 2023, the DN logic has now been
changed (as already announced within IN 3950-I-00 as of 12-10-2023):
Please remember:
• The Information Notice 3686-I-00 with latest revision 2, issued 17 Oct 2022, gives more
details about this product.
• The aim of the DN is to authorize the advanced distribution of ICA information required by
the EASA regulation 21.A.61.
• The DN does not replace the next issues of the ICA revisions.
• The ICA inserted in the DNs have to be considered complementary to the ICA already
published under the BK117 revisions available at time of aircraft delivery, and shall be used
until incorporation into a future revision.
• The DN is made available to all owners of the affected aircrafts, via the usual distribution
means, and in accordance with the aircraft owner subscriptions to Tech Data.
•The technical content of the DN is approved by EASA (major change) or by the DOA ref.
EASA.21J.700 (minor change).
• Keep in mind that also DNs can be revised in cases of
-N ew or additional information is available (Mostly new work cards for maintenance
manuals in pre-print format)
- Update within the procedures due to revision of changes
- Errors needed to be corrected
- Information was incorporated into the O.R.I.O.N. and superseded within the DN
Once the entire ICA information of a DN is incorporated within the O.R.I.O.N. over all impacted
manuals, the DN itself is fully superseded and will be skipped from distribution.
046 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 047
The H145 Information Letter is issued biannual with latest information about Fleet Statistics, In- The spreadsheet type index allows the filtering in accordance with ATA chapter numbering,
service Subjects, Product Improvements, Product Improvements coming soon, Documentation BK117 model, Title with or without Details and Documentation. As result the corresponding
as well as Market Highlights and Customer Meetings. Information Letter Number including page of the article/topic is shown including the reference to
maintenance documentation (e.g. SB, AMM, IN etc.) if available.
All Information Letters are available on our T.I.P.I. Webpage and are also accessible via
AirbusWorld (former Keycopter). The Index is updated together with every IL issue. One of its columns will also inform you about
the relevance of each topic – if it is still up-to-date or superseded, respectively incorporated.
In TIPI you have to select “LI” in the field “DOC TYPE” and the desired BK117 model in the field
“PRODUCT “. As result you will get all ILs valid for the BK117 model selected, including the latest
index of all topics.
048 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 049
a. THC signs historic framework agreement for up to 120 “Over the past 15 years in the offshore wind business, we’ve seen projects move
further out from the coast and require additional payload which has led us to add
Airbus helicopters. additional H145s to our fleet,” said Bernd Brucherseifer, Managing Director for
HTM Helicopters. “In addition to excellent OEI performance, the helicopter offers
Expands fleet with a firm order for eight H125s and ten H145s. the chance to quickly perform role changes for various customer missions and is
very reliable and easy to maintain. The H145 is the perfect tool for the operation
Anaheim, 27 February 2024 – The Helicopter Company (THC), Saudi Arabia’s and maintenance phase in offshore wind operations, and we will see a lot more
premier provider of commercial helicopter services and fully owned by the Public demand for it in this market in the near future.”
Investment Fund, has signed a historic framework agreement with Airbus at the
HAI Heli-Expo, currently taking place at Anaheim Convention Center, California. “The H145 is ideally suited for offshore wind operations due to the significant
capacity it offers for transporting passengers and cargo, as well as its
The framework agreement will include up to 120 Airbus helicopters of various outstanding hover performance for hoisting operations,” said Axel Humpert,
types set to be delivered over the next five to seven years. Part of the deal is a Senior Vice President and Head of the H145 Programme at Airbus. “As our
firm order for eight H125s along with 10 H145s that are converted options from long-standing partner, we’re pleased HTM has seen the value that the H145
an earlier contract, bringing THC’s total firm Airbus helicopter fleet to 60, 25 of provides and continued to place their trust in our helicopters as they expand their fleet.”
which are already in service today.
HTM was the first operator to take delivery of a five-bladed H145 to be used
The new H125 helicopters will support the delivery of THC’s range of services in for offshore wind operations in 2021. In late 2023, HTM’s aircraft was used in a
areas including aerial work and tourism. The H145s will be used in a variety of world-premiere trial led by Airbus to hoist two crew members into the nacelles
roles including Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and corporate transport. of floating wind turbines in Hywind Tampen.
“Our relationship with THC started in 2020 with the first This order will add to HTM’s current fleet which features 18 Airbus helicopters,
contract for 10 H125s. Since then, it’s gone from strength including a mix of H125s, H135s and H145s in use to support a variety of
to strength, moving beyond just helicopters to also look at missions. With the delivery of the newly ordered helicopter, HTM’s total H145
how we can help pave the way for the use of Sustainable fleet will grow to eight helicopters (10 including options). Five of those H145’s
Aviation Fuel in the region. This latest framework agreement (seven including options) will be used to support offshore missions.
reinforces the scope of our offering and we thank THC for
allowing us to help expand their helicopter activity,” said
Bruno Even, Airbus Helicopters CEO.
c. Brunei orders six H145M helicopters d. Belgium chooses Airbus H145M for Armed Forces
Donauwörth, 2 May 2024 – Airbus Helicopters has signed a contract with the and Federal Police
Ministry of Defence of Brunei for the acquisition of six H145M helicopters.
Paris, 17 June 2024 - The Kingdom of Belgium will procure 15 multi-role
“We are greatly honoured by the selection of the H145M to support the Royal Brunei H145M helicopters for the army and two helicopters plus three options for
Air Force’s expanded missions,” said Bruno Even, CEO of Airbus Helicopters. “The the Federal Police. The contract was signed between the NATO Support and
H145M is well regarded for its high performance and versatility, and we are confident Procurement Agency (NSPA), on behalf of Belgium, and Airbus Helicopters.
that it will bring a step change in operational readiness to Brunei.”
“We are proud that Belgium is joining the growing community of H145M users,”
Replacing its old BO105 fleet, Brunei’s H145Ms will be used to enhance the air said Bruno Even, CEO of Airbus Helicopters. “In Europe, the robust multi-
force’s operational capabilities for missions including close air support and aerial role helicopter is becoming the reference for tactical airlift capability, special
observation. The H145M is a multi-role military helicopter that provides a broad operations, and medical evacuation missions. We are sure that the H145M will
range of mission capabilities. The global fleet of the H145 family has accumulated quickly become a key asset to the Belgian defence and security portfolio.”
more than seven million flight hours to-date. It is used by armed,
air and law enforcement forces around the world for the most demanding The H145M is a multi-role military helicopter that provides a broad range of
missions. Brunei is the latest nation to order the H145M, after Cyprus, Germany, mission capabilities. Within minutes, the helicopter can be reconfigured from a
Hungary, Luxembourg, Serbia and Thailand. light attack role, with axial ballistic and guided weapons and a state-of-the-art
self-protection system, to a special operations version, including fast rappelling
Powered by two Safran Arriel 2E engines, the H145M is equipped with full equipment. The comprehensive mission packages include hoisting and
authority digital engine control (FADEC). In addition, the helicopter is equipped external cargo capabilities. Additionally, the H145M includes options for future
with the Helionix digital avionics suite which, alongside innovative flight data mission capabilities, including data links, further communication systems, and
management, includes a high-performance 4-axis autopilot, which considerably digitalisation of mission-capabilities.
reduces pilot workload during missions. Its particularly low acoustic footprint
makes the H145M the quietest helicopter in its class. The H145M is the military version of the tried-and-tested, light twin-engine
H145 helicopter. The global fleet of the H145 family has now accumulated more
than seven million flight hours. It is used by armed and law enforcement forces
around the world for the most demanding missions. Germany already operates
16 H145M LUH SOF and eight H145 LUH SAR helicopters and has recently
ordered up to 82 additional helicopters of this type. The US Army employs almost
500 helicopters from the H145 family under the name of UH-72 Lakota. Current
operators of the H145M are Hungary, Serbia, Thailand and Luxembourg; Cyprus
has ordered six aircraft as well as Brunei and the United Kingdom.
052 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 053
The Sécurité Civile currently operates four five-bladed H145s, ordered in 2020
and 2021. The 36 H145s will progressively replace the 33 EC145s currently in
operation for rescue and air medical transport services, throughout France.
The six H145s will initiate the renewal of the Gendarmerie’s fleet, composed
of Ecureuils, EC135s and EC145s. They will be equipped with an electro-
optical system and a mission computer to perform the most demanding law Accordingly, the Save-the-date was sent out on 19 July and the invitations
enforcement missions. together with a detailed agenda and some report updates will follow in
Registration info: Registration for participation is only possible with the receipt
of the invitation, an earlier registration e.g. with the receipt of the Save-the-
date is not possible!
054 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 Information Letter N° IL H145 19-2024 / July 2024 055
Yours faithfully,