Technology Focus: Three Keys To Specifying Long Life Servo Valves
Technology Focus: Three Keys To Specifying Long Life Servo Valves
Technology Focus: Three Keys To Specifying Long Life Servo Valves
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Three Keys to
Specifying Long
Life Servo Valves
The servo valve plays a critical role in the performance of a
hydraulic positioning, velocity or pressure control application.
Moog Mechanical Feedback Servo Valves incorporate a feedback
Moog Mechanical
mechanism that precisely determines the position of the spool
Feedback Servo Valve
in the valve and stops it at a position that is proportional to the
electrical input of the valve. This technological breakthrough
revolutionized the industry and has made Moog synonymous
with servo valves more than 60 years later.
Key 1: Carbide ball construction
With so many servo valves designs for such a wide range Premature wear of the ball in the feedback mechanism is
of industrial applications, it can be increasingly difficult to a common issue with stainless steel materials. Carbide
pinpoint the characteristics that contribute to high performance and sapphire materials have been introduced to replace
over a long life above one billion cycles. In fact, the design, stainless steel and provide extended protection to the ball.
manufacturing and construction methods of the servo valve can
make a significant difference in the overall life expectancy. In fact, Moog R&D evaluated the wear characteristics of a
steel, carbide and sapphire ball by subjecting each to one
billion test cycles in a controlled environment with clean
Increasing the longevity of servo valves hydraulic fluids and steady temperatures. While the steel
ball revealed significant wear, the results confirmed that
With rising operational costs and increasing pressure on carbide and sapphire ball did not show any signs of wear.
design engineers to achieve greater results in machine
performance, it is critical to evaluate each component’s
impact on the total lifecycle cost of the machine.
Moog Mechanical Feedback Servo Valve (G761 Series) Cutaway with Ball-in-Hole Technology
In addition, further investigation concluded that “adhesive look to moog for servo valve longevity
wear” (slow spool rotations between 1 and 4 RPM) cause The selection of carbide material as ball on the feedback
the most significant damage to ball-in-slot designs, yet mechanism, the incorporation of ball-in-hole spool design
have minimal effect on the ball-in-hole configuration. and the integration of brazing to bond the carbide ball to wire
are essential for long life and reliability of servo valves.
Today, more than 95% of all Moog Mechanical Feedback
Servo Valves have been converted to ball-in-hole All three innovations are the result of a dedicated research
technology due to its superior performance and extended and development capability spearheaded by Moog engineers
lifetime in industrial applications. with years of experience and an unsurpassed reputation for
developing motion control solutions for the world’s most
complex manufacturing challenges.