Visual Inspection of Main Bearing
Visual Inspection of Main Bearing
Visual Inspection of Main Bearing
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Added new serial number prefixes.
Added new serial number prefixes.
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Added Table 3.
Cat 3 C
Added new serial number prefixes.
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Added best practice bearing layout for 3408, 3412, C27, and C32.
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© 2022 Caterpillar All Rights Reserved. This guideline is for the use of Cat dealers only. Unauthorized
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use of this document or the proprietary processes therein without permission may be violation of
intellectual property law.
Information contained in this document is considered Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow.
This Reuse and Salvage Guideline contains the necessary information to allow a dealer to establish a
parts reusability program. Reuse and salvage information enables Caterpillar dealers and customers to
benefit from cost reductions. Every effort has been made to provide the most current information that is
known to Caterpillar. Continuing improvement and advancement of product design might have caused
changes to your product which are not included in this publication. This Reuse and Salvage Guideline
must be used with the latest technical information that is available from Caterpillar.
For technical questions when using this document, work with your Dealer Technical Communicator (TC).
Utilize the Dealer Solution Network (DSN) for urgent issues or questions concerning additional repair
options or modifications to reuse and salvage techniques and/or methods.
To report suspected errors, inaccuracies, or suggestions regarding the document, submit a form for
feedback in the Service Information System (SIS web) interface.
Canceled Part Numbers and Replaced Part Numbers
This document may include canceled part numbers and replaced part numbers. Use the Numerical Part
Record (NPR) on the Service Information System website 2.0 (SIS web 2.0) for information about
canceled part numbers and replaced part numbers. NPR will provide the current part numbers for
replaced parts.
Illustration 1 g02139237
Work safely. Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance, and repair are caused by
failure to observe basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing
potentially hazardous situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards.
This person should also have the necessary training, skills, and tools to perform these functions properly.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this instruction and on the product. If these hazard
warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons. Caterpillar cannot
anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. Therefore, the warnings in
this publication and the warnings that are on the product are not all inclusive. Ensure that the product will
not be damaged or made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance, or the repair procedures
that are used. Ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by any operation, lubrication,
maintenance, or the repair procedures used.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” which is followed by a “Signal Word” such as
“DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. Refer to Illustration 2 for an example of a “WARNING” Safety
Alert Symbol.
Illustration 2 g00008666
Pay Attention!
Become Alert!
The message that appears under the safety alert symbol explains the hazard.
Operations that may cause product damage are identified by "NOTICE" labels on the product and in this
Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard.
The safety information in this document and the safety information on the machine are not all
inclusive. Determine that the tools, procedures, work methods, and operating techniques are
safe. Determine that the operation, lubrication, maintenance, and repair procedures will not
damage the machine. Also, determine that the operation, lubrication, maintenance, and repair
procedures will not make the machine unsafe.
The information, the specifications, and the illustrations that exist in this guideline are based on
information which was available at the time of publication. The specifications, torques, pressures,
measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can
affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete, most current information before you
start any job. Caterpillar dealers can supply the most current information.
This guideline contains information about bearing construction, disassembly, and assembly procedure
recommendations of the engine lower structure and how engine parts relate to bearing performance. A
visual inspection guideline of bearings is also provided. This guideline does not include reuse information
for bearings. Caterpillar recommends bearing replacement at any bearing inspection or when the
connecting rod or main cap bolted joint is opened, unless the bearings have less than 200 operational
hours. Bearing replacement is recommended due to increased risk of failure at subsequent at
Although not recommended, Caterpillar recognizes customers may choose to reuse bearings. There may
be situations where reuse will be a necessity as no spare parts are available. If the customer chooses to
reuse bearings, the recommendation is that the running surfaces of bearings being reinstalled do not
have damage, such as from debris, abnormal wear, scuff, or smear, fretting (backside), or hot spots.
To make the illustrations more clear, descriptions of possible failures have been included. More
information on failure analysis can be found in SEBV0544Applied Failure Analysis, "Engine Bearings".
Note: Refer to the appropriate Remove and Install (R&I), Disassembly and Assembly (D&A), and
Operation and Maintenance Manual (OMM) for the part or machine of focus before initiating this
inspection or procedure.
Table 2
Publication Type & Title
"Why Reuse and Salvage Parts"
Reuse and Salvage Guideline, "Cylinder Block Cleaning and Audit Procedure"
Special Publication
"Dealer Service Tools Catalog"
Reuse and Salvage Guideline, "Reuse and Salvage for Crankshafts"
SEBF8148 Reuse and Salvage Guidelines , "General Salvage and Reconditioning Techniques"
SEBF8101 Reuse and Salvage Guidelines, "Reuse and Salvage for C280 & 3600 Engine Cylinder
Reuse and Salvage Guideline, "Dynamometer Testing of Caterpillar Engines"
Applied Failure Analysis, "Guideline for Examining Failed Parts"
SEBF9162 Reuse and Salvage Guidelines, "Inspection and Reconditioning Procedures of Main Bearing
Bores in Cylinder Blocks"
Reuse and Salvage Guidelines, "Reuse and Salvage for C175 Engine Cylinder Blocks"
The most recent Service Advisories, Service Letters, and
Technical Service Bulletins that are related to this component
should be reviewed before beginning work. Often Service
Advisories, Service Letters, and Technical Service Bulletins
contain upgrades in repair procedures, parts, and safety
information which pertain to the components being repaired.
Table 3
Replacement Parts
Consult the applicable Parts Identification manual for your engine.
When replacement parts are required for this product Caterpillar
recommends using Caterpillar replacement parts or parts with
equivalent specifications including, but not limited to, physical
dimensions, type, strength and material.
Preparation Recommendations
Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be less than 205 kPa
(30 psi) for cleaning purposes.
Before you inspect a part, clean the part thoroughly to ensure that all components are free from rust,
oil, burrs, and debris prior to inspection. A surface irregularity can hide the indication of an
unacceptable defect.
Use a proper lifting device to provide safety to the operator. Also, use a proper lifting device to
prevent damage to the part when you lift the part.
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Put hydraulic oil on all machined surfaces to prevent rust or corrosion if inspection is not done
Inspect all flange mating surfaces for fretting. Ensure that flange mating surfaces are true and free
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from raised material resulting from rust, nicks, and dents.
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Use appropriate thread taps to chase all threaded holes.
Refer to SEBF8148 Reuse and Salvage Guidelines , "General Salvage and Reconditioning
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Techniques" for available Crack Detection Methods.
Cat 3 C
Measurement Requirements
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Precise measurements shall be made when the
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component and measurement equipment are at 20°
(68° F). Measurements shall be made after both the
component and measurement equipment have had
sufficient time to soak at 20° (68° F). This will ensure
that both the surface and core of the material is at the
same temperature.
The "Other Systems Related to Bearing Performance" section explains how other engine systems can
help or hinder the performance of engine bearings. Incorrect operation of the cooling system or air inlet
system can cause bearing damage.
The "Early Recognition of Distressed or Damaged Bearings" section provides a few brief best practices
to identify potential bearing distress or early stage damage. These suggestions can make replacing a
damaged bearing before a catastrophic failure occurs possible but not guaranteed.
Bearing Design
Five factors are used in selection of bearing materials. These factors are compatibility, strength, wear
resistance, conformability, and embeddability.
Compatibility is the ability of the bearing material and the journal surface to function properly together in
a bearing system, especially during periods of momentary contact. This property can be considered as
an 'antiseizure' characteristic between the bearing and the journal surface. Ideal compatibility for a
bearing material means that there is a minimum amount of friction between the bearing and journal.
Compatibility also considers the chemical compatibility between the bearing materials and the engine
environment, especially with engine oil.
Strength in a bearing material allows the bearing to retain shape and withstand the oil film pressures and
loads from momentary contact with the journal.
Wear Resistance
Wear resistance of the bearing material ensures that the materials are present on the bearing surface at
the end of useful life. Therefore, the properties of the bearing are consistent throughout useful life. Wear
resistance requires some level of 'toughness' in the bearing material.
Conformability is the ability of a bearing material to adapt or conform to the shape of a journal. The
bearing material must be soft enough to conform to minor imperfections in the journal shape.
Embeddability of the bearing material allows absorption of small particles of debris. Bearings require a
material that is soft enough for a limited number of small foreign particles to be absorbed by the bearing
before damage to the journal occurs or disruption of the oil film.
Different bearing materials have unique balances of these factors for different applications and uses.
Some applications require maximum compatibility with moderate wear resistance, while other
applications may require maximizing strength and wear resistance while allowing lower levels of
There is no perfect and ideal mixture of the five material selection factors for all applications and uses.
Therefore there are different bearing materials used throughout Caterpillar engines for the best match of
the material properties to the application.
Bearing Construction
The main and connecting rod bearings in Caterpillar engines are made with layers of different materials.
The layer construction provides the best way to optimize bearing material strength, conformability, wear
resistance, conformability, and embeddability. No one single bearing material layer can meet the needs
of modern Caterpillar engines.
There are two main bearing construction types: 'bi-metal' and 'tri-metal.' These designations are based
on the number of significant layers in the bearing construction. A bi-metal half-shell bearing consists of a
steel back layer and an aluminum-based alloy running surface layer. A tri-metal half-shell bearing
consists of a steel back with an aluminum-based or copper-based alloy layer and a thin 'overlay' covering
the alloy layer. Thin material layers exist between the major layers including a bond or chemical dam
layer between the alloy and the overlay. Typically, a similarly thin tin flash layer is applied all over the
bearing top surface. The thin minor layers are not included in the nomenclature of 'bi-metal or 'tri-metal'
Older Caterpillar engines have used 'solid' bearings that are one layer made of a babbitt material or an
aluminum alloy. These types of construction are no longer used in modern Caterpillar engines.
Illustration 3 g03539949
Construction of a bi-metal bearing
(A) Alloy Bearing Material
(B) Steel Back
Illustration 4 g03538037
Construction of a tri-metal bearing.
(B) Steel Back
(C) Copper-lead or other alloy
(D) Bond/Dam Layer
(E) Lead-Tin Overlay and Tin Flash
Steel Back
The steel back gives strength, overall shape retention, and support for the alloy bearing layer. The steel
back also makes other features possible. One example is "bearing crush" which will be discussed in the
topic "Bearing Physical Features."
The alloy layer has enough strength to withstand the heavy shock loads of engine operation. This layer is
soft enough to provide good embeddability and conformability. The alloy is also compatible with the steel
of the crankshaft journal.
Lead-Tin Overlay
For applications where more capability over the alloy layer is required, an overlay layer is applied over
the alloy layer. The overlay layer is typically a lead-tin based layer that is electroplated onto the bearing
running surface.
The lead-tin based overlay is a thin layer and often 0.015 mm (0.0006 inch) to 0.030 mm (0.0012 inch)
thick. However, in such a thin layer, the conformability, compatibility, and embeddability characteristics of
the bearing are improved over the alloy layer. And by limiting the lead-tin overlay layer to a small
thickness, there is no noticeable decrease in overall bearing strength.
Another feature of lead-tin overlay is the ability to "heal over" (smooth out) when the surface is scratched
by small particles. If a foreign particle makes a small scratch in the bearing, the life of the bearing will not
normally be shortened. These small scratches will "heal over" during normal operation, however, this
"healing" ability is limited to small particles. Large particles or a high count of small particles can lead to
damage that is beyond the ability to "heal over". These particles will limit bearing life.
There are some special overlays that are aluminum-based, and used in unique applications. This type of
overlay provides improved wear resistance in comparison to the typical lead-tin overlay
Tin Flash
On most bearing tri-metal bearings, a thin tin flash, 0.001 mm (0.00004 inch) to 0.003 mm (0.00012 inch)
thick, is applied over the entire bearing as a final layer. This protects the bearing against corrosion during
storage. The flash gives the bearing a light or dark gray color depending on whether a tin or lead-tin flash
was used. This plating will show some cosmetic marks or scratches when handled, but this is normal.
Illustration 6 g03475220
Connecting Rod Bearing
(A) Tab Slot on ID surface
(B) Edge of Bearing
(E) Bearing Surface
(H) Locking Tab on OD Surface
(J) Mating Face
A locking tab helps locate a main or connecting rod bearing during installation. This tab fits in a slot
machined into the mating part. Some engines with serrated connecting rods (rods with diagonal caps) do
not use a locking tab for locating the connecting rod bearing. Instead, bearings for serrated connecting
rods have a slot machined on the back of the bearing. This slot fits over a short dowel in the rod or cap
bore. See Illustration 7.
Illustration 7 g03475261
Locating slot and dowel for serrated connecting rods.
(K) Slot on Bearing Back
(L) Dowel
Several features that are part of the upper half of the main bearing are necessary to provide correct oil
flow. An oil hole in the bearing allows oil to flow from the block passages into the oil groove. The oil
groove distributes the oil and maintains a continuous flow to the rod bearings. At one of the main bearing
locations there will be a thrust surface in the front and in the back of the main bearing. The thrust
surfaces control the axial movement of the crankshaft. There are two types of thrust bearings used in
Caterpillar engines. The first type is designed so the thrust bearings and main bearings are one unit as
shown in 8. The second type of bearing uses two thrust pates. One installed in the front and the other
installed in the back of the main bearing as shown in Illustration 9 and Illustration 10. Thumbnail grooves
or slots on the thrust bearings are used to distribute the oil over the thrust bearing surface.
Illustration 8 g03475381
Main bearing with thrust flanges
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Illustration 9
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Thrust plates that are with a standard main bearing.
(M) Thrust Plates
(N) Thumbnail Groove
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Illustration 10 g03475402
Bearing Spread
One of the design features of main and connecting rod bearings is called "bearing spread." See
Illustration 11. Bearing spread simply means that the outside diameter of the bearing at the mating faces
is slightly larger than the actual diameter of the bore.
Illustration 11 g03475560
Bearings are designed with a small amount of spread
(P) Bearing Spread
Bearing spread requires a bearing to be lightly forced into place. Forcing the bearing into place helps
retain the bearing firmly in the bore, during engine operation and during installation of rods or caps.
Bearing Crush
Bearing halves are made so the mating faces extend a small amount above the parting line of the bore.
See dimension (Q) in Illustration 12. When the cap bolts are tightened, the bearing is fitted tightly in the
bore, and an 'interference fit' is created between the bearing and the bore.
Bearing crush insures complete contact between the bearing and the bearing bore. This complete
contact contributes to better heat dissipation and prevents movement of the bearing in the bore.
Illustration 12 g03475578
Bearing halves are designed to give bearing crush when bolted together.
(Q) Bearing Crush
Reduces friction
Provides an oil film cushion that keeps metal to metal contact to a minimum
The lubrication system for each engine may differ slightly, however most principles are the same. The
lubrication system for the 3408 Engine is similar to many other engine lubrication systems as shown in
Illustration 13.
Illustration 13 g03475617
Lubrication system for the 3408 Engine.
(A) Bore for Camshaft
(B) To Rocker Arm Shaft
(C) Turbocharger
(D) To Fuel Injection Housing
(E) Rocker Arm Shaft
(F) To Valve Lifters
(G) Piston Cooling Tubes
(H) To Timing Gear Housing
(I) Oil Manifold
(J) Bypass Valve for Oil Cooler
(K) Oil Pump
(L) Oil Pan
(M) Oil Cooler
(N) Oil Filters
(O) Bypass Valves for Oil Filters
(P) Bore for Balancer Shaft
As shown in Illustration 13, the oil pump sends oil through the oil cooler and then through the oil filters.
The bypass valves for the oil cooler or oil filters protect the system if there is a restriction of the oil flow.
When the engine is started with cold oil or the cooler or filter becomes plugged, the bypass valve
assures a constant flow of oil to the engine. The bypass valve for the oil filters also protect against filter
element damage that could result from starts with cold oil. It is important to monitor engine operation to
ensure that operation with cold oil or with a plugged filter is kept to a minimum as operating the engine
with the bypass open will place the bearing system at risk for debris damage and potentially bearing
Oil from the filters flow into the block manifold or main oil gallery. This oil then flows into the various block
passages to lubricate and cool the engine components. Then the oil returns to the oil pan. A detailed
description of each lubrication system is given in the respective Service Manual for your engine
An understanding of the engine lubrication system can be helpful during bearing failure analysis. One
example is when bearings are damaged due to lack of lubrication. If the failure is discovered at the
appropriate stage, the bearings farthest from the oil supply will show the greatest damage. However,
most times when a lack of lubrication failure occurs, the damage is not noticed until all bearings are
severely damaged.
The 3208 Engine is a good example of how the lubrication system design can give clues for failure
analysis. Illustration 14 shows that if there is a lack of lubrication, the even number of rod bearings may
have the greatest damage. If debris is the problem, the odd number rod bearings will typically show the
greatest damage.
Illustration 14 g03475676
Oil passages in the crankshaft for a typical V8 engine.
(1) Main Bearings
(2) Rod bearings
Although the principles involved with crankshaft oil flow are similar for all vee engines, the design of the
oil passages might differ. Look at the crankshaft passages and draw a simple schematic of the oil
passages. Then apply the principles of oil flow to determine what damage characteristics would be
evident for your engine.
Oil Film
The oil that flows to the bearings forms an oil film between the crankshaft journal and bearings. This film
provides lubrication, cooling, and cleansing for the bearings. A satisfactory oil film is critical to satisfactory
bearing life.
Rotation of the crankshaft journal forces oil under the journal. This action lifts the journal off the bearing
and, during normal engine operation, minimizes metal-to-metal contact. See Illustration 15.
Illustration 15 g03475684
Oil film between the crankshaft journal and bearing.
(Q) Crankshaft Rotation
(R) Oil Molecules Picked Up By Moving Crankshaft Journal
(S) Oil Molecules Forced Between Crankshaft and Bearing
(T) Oil Film
(U) Bearing
Oil that flows across the bearing absorbs frictional heat that is created during crankshaft rotation as the
oil separates the journal and bearing surfaces. The oil drains into the oil pan and then is pumped through
the oil cooler. As the oil flows through the oil cooler, heat is transferred from the oil to the coolant. The
cooled oil then flows through the filters back to the engine components.
Oil Viscosity
Lubrication system maintenance begins with the selection of the correct oil. The appropriate Operation
and Maintenance or Lubrication and Maintenance Guide will give recommendations for oil grade and
viscosity. Oil viscosity is one of the more critical oil properties.
Oil viscosity is the resistance of oil to flow or to change shape. The oil must have enough resistance to
flow to maintain an oil film. However, the oil must flow sufficiently at all temperatures to insure an
adequate oil supply to all moving parts.
Bearing failures can occur when oil of the wrong viscosity is used. Oil that has too high of a viscosity will
not flow easily during cold starts. Cold starts with thick oil will cause excessive wear to engine bearings.
If an oil has too low of a viscosity, the oil will not provide a sufficient oil film. An insufficient oil film will
allow contact between the crankshaft journals and bearings, which will result in excessive wear of engine
Oil of a particular viscosity may perform satisfactorily during some temperature conditions. However, the
same oil might not give a proper oil film when the oil temperature increases.
Oil Level
The use of the correct oil is not sufficient for adequate lubrication system performance. The oil must also
be kept at the correct level. Check the oil level before and after each work shift. The Operation and
Maintenance or Lubrication and Maintenance Guides provide instructions for checking the oil level (such
as whether to have the engine running or not). Remember, operation of an engine with insufficient oil can
result in severe bearing damage.
Oil Filter
Using the correct oil filter is important. Do not use a filter with a different part number than the
recommended filter, even if the filter appears to fit. The filter element may be designed for a different
application or the bypass valve setting may not be correct.
A high-quality oil filter is necessary to keep the engine oil clean and free of debris. Filters remove debris
and particles from the oil before the particles can flow to the engine and damage the bearings. The use
of a genuine Caterpillar filter is the best way to ensure that the oil filter performance will be satisfactory.
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When a poor quality filter is used, poor filtration results. Some particles in the oil will not be removed by a
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poor quality filter. These particles then flow to the engine bearings (and other components) and cause
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damage or excessive wear.
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maintenance is necessary to rid the engine of contaminants (both debris and chemical corrosives) and to
ensure that the oil maintains necessary properties to perform its functions. Each Operation and
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Maintenance Guide or Lubrication and Maintenance Guide shows the correct oil and filter change
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Sometimes the consequences of extending oil change intervals are not clearly understood. Extending
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the filter change interval is not worth the risk involved if the filter should become plugged or damaged.
Nor is extending the oil change interval worth the risk of oil additives being used up. Oil filters are
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designed to remove harmful debris particles from the lubrication system. Use of a filter beyond intended
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life can result in a plugged filter. A plugged filter will cause the bypass valve to open and can also cause
filter element damage. A bypass valve that stays open for extended periods, can cause engine damage.
Oil is not filtered when the bypass valve stays open. Any debris particles in the oil will flow directly into
the engine. When a bypass valve remains open, the particles that were previously trapped by the filter
may be flushed from the filter and through the open bypass valve and straight to the bearings.
Illustration 16 g03476186
An example of bearing debris damage that can occur when the filter is plugged.
Filter plugging can also cause distortion of the filter element. A distortion happens when there is an
increase in the pressure difference between the outside and inside of the filter element. This distortion
can progress to cracks or tears in the paper. Cracks or tears in the filter element allows debris to flow into
the engine where debris can damage various components. Engine bearings are especially susceptible to
debris damage.
Extended oil change intervals will also cause the oil to deteriorate or break down. Extended use of the oil
will cause the additives to be depleted or "used up." Engine oils have additives that perform several
functions. One function is to help neutralize the acids that are formed during combustion. Depleted oil
additives can result in engine damage (in the form of bearing corrosion, as one example) as more acids
are formed.
Illustration 17 g03476196
A filter that was used beyond the normal change interval.
Engine oil additives are also used to disperse the very minute particles that are carried in the oil. The oil
filter removes large, damaging debris from the oil. However, very minute particles can pass through the
oil filter. The added dispersants in the oil prevent a conglomeration of these minute particles that could
cause engine damage.
Remember, satisfactory bearing performance depends on correct maintenance to the lubrication system.
Follow the recommendations given in the appropriate Operation and Maintenance or Lubrication and
Maintenance Guide. Continued violation of these maintenance practices will result in a shorter life for the
engine components.
Leakage of coolant into the engine oil is another problem that can cause poor performance of engine
bearings. Leakage can happen when oil cooler seals fail or when head gaskets fail. Coolant leakage can
be discovered at an early stage, before excessive bearing wear occurs. Scheduled Oil Sampling often
discovers coolant in the oil at an early stage before any major damage has occurred.
When coolant combines with oil, the coolant reacts with the oil to form a thicker oil. The reaction causes
a sludge to form because of the release of combustion particles that were previously held in suspension.
Sludge and thicker oil creates an oil film problem because the oil will not flow easily. The sludge can also
cause the filter to become plugged.
When dirt enters the engine through the air inlet system, the piston rings and the cylinder bore are first to
show damage. However, some of this dirt can eventually get into the lubrication system where the dirt
can flow to the engine bearings. The resulting bearing damage is typical of debris damage: scratches,
embedded material, and accelerated wear.
The Operation and Maintenance of Lubrication and Maintenance Guide for each engine shows the
maintenance practices that are necessary for the air filters. Compliance with the maintenance
recommendations will contribute to satisfactory engine performance.
When performing maintenance on the air inlet system, the connections should be checked. Loose
connections can allow dirt to enter the engine. Make sure that all connections are tight.
The ability of engine bearings to withstand the severe conditions depends on the oil film. To assure a
correct oil film, the engine lubrication system must be maintained properly. The correct oil and filter must
be used. The oil level must be maintained at the proper level. The recommended oil and filter change
intervals must be followed.
Remember, maintenance recommendations are given so the engine user can achieve maximum service
life of the engine. Avoiding the maintenance or extending the maintenance intervals is not a practical way
to cut costs. The probability of a shortened engine life and the cost of a major overhaul are not worth the
During engine overhauls, simply replacing old parts with new ones is not enough. Examination of the
removed parts, correct analysis of failed parts, and correct reconditioning of components are all
necessary for successful engine overhauls.
Be careful when reassembling the engine components. Any
debris assembled into the engine can significantly damage the
engine components.
If the engine has experienced a failure, get operating information from the operator. How was the engine
being operated at the time of failure? Were there any significant changes in oil pressure or engine
temperature? What were the symptoms during the failure?
If a main or rod bearing failure is suspected, see "Section 3 - Inspection Guide and Failure Analysis for
Main and Connecting Rod Bearings"." "Section 3 - Inspection Guide and Failure Analysis for Main and
Connecting Rod Bearings" provides an overview for basic failure analysis steps and contains illustrations
of common bearing appearances.
Obtain the history of the engine. Check recent Scheduled Oil Sampling findings. Check to see if any
recent overhauls or repairs were performed. Always examine the external components of an engine
before disassembly work is started. Examining the exterior of an engine may help identify failures and
may also help to determine how extensive the overhaul should be. During the examination ask the
following questions:
Next, remove the oil filter and inspect the filter element for damage, plugging and/or foreign material.
Material in the oil filter can give an indication that a bearing failure has occurred.
After the external inspection has been completed, thoroughly clean the engine with steam or a high-
pressure wash. If the engine has suffered a ventilation, care must be taken to seal the opening prior to
washing to ensure that water does not contaminate inside the engine. If it has not already occurred either
from transit to the disassembly area or from environmental exposure. Removal of all oil and dirt will make
disassembly easier and ensures that no dirt will get in the engine during Disassembly and Assembly.
Cleaning should be done in a separate area than the Disassembly and Assembly area. Some engines,
such as marine engines, cannot be thoroughly cleaned before an "in-frame" type overhaul is performed.
When this type of overhaul is performed, clean the engine as much as possible. As you work, make sure
that no external dirt/debris enter the engine.
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failure occurred.
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analysis can determine whether the engine had received correct maintenance. Remember, successful
engine overhauls require a clean work area. Oiled parts "attract" the dust in the air and the dirt in the
work area. Dust, dirt, or debris assembled into the engine can cause failure of the main and connecting
rod bearings.
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When disassembly work is performed, keep the removed parts neatly arranged. A parts cart or similar
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equipment is useful to maintain an organized work space. See Illustration 18. Mark any tubes or hoses
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when disconnected. Keep miscellaneous hardware together with the components. Prevent loss of parts
Illustration 18 g03476231
Parts cart used for storage of removed parts.
Before removal of the main or connecting rod bearings caps, check the markings. Connecting rods and
the mating caps should have the rod location number stamped or etched near the parting line. See
Illustration 19. Main bearing caps should be marked with the respective number location. The same
number is sometimes stamped on the block next to the cap. Other engines have main bearing caps with
a number location marked and an arrow that must always point toward the front of the engine.
Illustration 19 g03476242
Marks on main bearing caps and connecting rod caps for a 3406 Engine.
All these marks are important for use during assembly. If the marks are not clear, make new ones. The
orientation of the marks with the crankshaft and the block is important. Use the marks to make sure that
the caps are installed on the correct rod or block saddle. Make sure that the caps are not reversed. The
marks for the connecting rods must be on the same side of the crankshaft as the marks were when the
rods were removed. Before loosening the bolt or nut, mark the bolt on one corner and put a
corresponding mark on the cap. Marking the bolt and the cap will enable you to determine if the torque
was correct during previous assembly. Remember, a bearing failure may have been caused by bolts that
were not tightened correctly.
Initial loosening of the bolt or nut must be done with a hand wrench, if the torque is to be checked. If the
bolt clamp load (preload at assembly) is to be verified or if the torque does not feel correct when
loosening the bolt or nut, it should then be checked. There are two main methods to provide bolt torque
verification: the first is 'return to mark' and the second is 'breakaway torque.' Return to mark is the
preferred method as the breakaway method inherently has significant variability due to static friction
There are two ways to apply the 'return to mark' method. Both methods utilize the marks applied to the
bolt head and to the abutment (connecting rod or main cap) that were previously described. To do the
first return to mark method, use a torque wrench and tighten the bolt or nut to the correct torque
specification. If the original torque was correct, the distance from the mark on the bolt to the mark on the
cap must be equal to the turn specification. As an example, if the torque-turn specifications are 136 N·m
(100.3lb ft) plus an extra 180 degrees, tighten the bolts to 136 N·m (100.3lb ft). Then compare the two
marks. The two marks must be 180 degrees apart if the initial torque was correct. The breakaway torque
verification method requires the use of a digital or dial indicator torque wrench to ensure measurement of
the initial torque value as the bolt head moves. This method can either be used to measure torque on the
bolt upon loosening or the torque required to move the bolt head upon further tightening. Use of the
loosening method is recommended as over-torque of connecting rod or main bolts is ill-advised and may
damage the components. Furthermore, the breakaway method will only provide a rough indication that
there was sufficient torque applied to the bolt. This method will not provide the exact torque due to
friction variation. Only use the breakaway method to verify that the measured values are above the
torque values used in the torque-turn assembly process.
Use caution during removal of the bearing caps and connecting rods so the crankshaft journals are not
damaged. Make sure that the threads on the connecting rod bolts do not scratch the journals. A short
piece of hose over the threads can protect the journal.
Illustration 20 g03476248
Use of the bearing removal tool.
If an overhaul is done with the engine in frame or in engine mounting, tools such as the 2P-5571 2P-
5518 Bearing Removal Tool can be used. See Illustration 20. These tools can be used to "roll out" the
upper half of the main bearings with the crankshaft still installed.
When the rod and main bearings are removed, mark location in the engine. Keep the bearings together
in sets of rod bearings or main bearings.
Illustration 21 g03476251
These bearings do not have any marks. Determining the correct location of the bearings in the engine will be impossible.
If a bearing failure has occurred, refer to "Section 3 - Inspection Guide and Failure Analysis for Main and
Connecting Rod Bearings". "Section 3 - Inspection Guide and Failure Analysis for Main and Connecting
Rod Bearings" describes common causes of bearing failures. "Section 3 - Inspection Guide and Failure
Analysis for Main and Connecting Rod Bearings" also shows how to prevent repeated failures.
Remember when bearings are removed, whether failed or not, learn how to "read the iron." What
characteristics are shown by the wear patterns? Do the parts give an indication of what caused the
failure? Installation of new parts is not enough. Take steps to prevent a repeat failure.
Measuring Components
An engine will normally be disassembled for one of two reasons: when an engine has high hours, thus
reaching service overhaul service, or when an engine has experienced a failure.
On the engines that are overhauled due to high hours, examine the bearings and crankshaft for
indication of irregular wear patterns. The wear pattern can indicate how thorough the measurements
must be before installation of new parts. An irregular wear pattern can be caused by several things:
A bent crankshaft
If irregular wear patterns are evident, all mating parts must be measured to find why the bearing
wear is not normal.
On engines that are being overhauled because of a bearing failure the mating parts, if they appear to be
reusable, must always be measured for distortion or for irregular wear. Many times, failures cause
excessive heat which distorts parts. Also, when bearings fail, the wear pattern is destroyed. There is then
no way the bearing can reveal whether the wear patterns were normal. Lack of this information requires
the mating parts to be measured.
, SEBF8042 Reuse and Salvage Guideline, "Reuse and Salvage for Crankshafts"
, SEBF8101 Reuse and Salvage Guideline, "Reuse and Salvage for C280 & 3600 Engine
Cylinder Blocks"
, SEBF9162 Reuse and Salvage Guideline, "Inspection and Reconditioning Procedures of Main
Bearing Bores in Cylinder Blocks"
, SEBF9185 Reuse and Salvage Guideline, "Specifications and Salvage for Cylinder Blocks in
C175 Engines"
If a failure occurred, was the cause of the failure found and corrected?
What problems were noted when the engine was inspected externally and internally?
All the above are important considerations during overhaul of the lower structure
Approximately 50 percent of all bearing failures are cause by debris in the engine. One source of debris
is an unclean work area. Another possible source is machine particles that are left in individual
components after machining operations. Another possibility is debris produced during a bearing failure.
This type of debris is circulated through the lubrication system of the engine. There is only one way to
remove any of the debris from the engine, which is a complete cleaning of all components.
The components must be cleaned whenever machining has been done or whenever there is a bearing
failure. After machining, remove all plugs and clean the oil passages with brushes. Extra care must be
taken after a bearing failure to make sure all the debris and bearing material is removed from the engine
lubrication system. The crankshaft oil passages must be cleaned. All plugs, orifice dowels, cooling jets
and hoses must be removed from the block so the oil passages can be cleaned. Remove auxiliary
equipment that is lubricated by the engine oil. Disassemble this equipment and clean the oil passages.
Oil coolers cannot be cleaned if contaminated by a bearing failure. The oil coolers must be removed and
new ones installed.
Cleaning the components to remove the debris must be done with brushes and a cleaning solution. See
Illustration 22. The brushes must be the correct size for the oil passage being cleaned. For a cleaning
solution, first use an oil-based solvent, then use the brushes with a detergent and water. The detergent
and water will "float" the particles out of the oil passages. After rinsing the cleaning solutions from the
passages, coat the machined surfaces with oil to prevent corrosion.
Refer to , M0080689 Reuse and Salvage Guideline, "Cylinder Block Cleaning and Audit Procedure" to
clean the cylinder block.
Illustration 22 g03476282
Use a brush to clean the oil passages.
Wipe parts clean before installation. If new bearings are kept in the original box until installation, the
bearings should be clean. If the bearing is determined to be clean from the box, the bearing should be
installed as found in the package and not cleaned. However, if the bearings have dust or dirt on the
running surface (ID) from storage, the running surface should not be wiped clean. Wiping the bearing
running surface could cause the dust or dirt to become embedded in the bearing surface. To clean
bearing running surfaces, put them in a solvent tank. The bearing surface can then be rinsed and blown
dry. If the bearing has debris on the backside, on the steel back, use a proper solvent, such as Brake
Clean, and a lint free rag to clean the new bearing back. Apply a light film of clean oil to back of bearing
surface using a clean rag and a generous amount of oil on the front of each bearing. The bearing may
now be installed into position. Be sure to follow the proper Service Manual and/or Engine Assembly
Assembly of the Lower Structure
When the parts are installed, be careful not to damage any machined surfaces. Check the markings on
the bearing caps and make sure that the bearings are installed in the original location and orientation.
Other things to remember during assembly:
Check the parts for burrs that may cause the parts to seat incorrectly.
Ensure that bearings are clean from the packaging or follow proper procedures to clean and oil the
Make sure the nuts or bolts for the bearing caps are tightened by using the correct torque-turn
Always check the torque values list in the Specifications section of the Service Manual or on the
Engine Assembly Charts.
Note: Caterpillar does not recommend the checking of the actual bearing clearances. This is because of
the possibility of obtaining inaccurate results and the possibility of damaging the bearing or the journal
surfaces. Each Caterpillar engine bearing is quality checked for specific wall thickness.
However, if the service technician still wants to measure the bearing clearances, refer to the
Disassembly and Assembly Manual for your engine and see the "Bearing Clearance – Check"
The run-in test or dynamometer testing procedure is intended to allow the new parts to wear-in together
in a controlled manner. This procedure also makes it possible to check for leaks and make necessary
corrections. The power settings, correct pressures, and temperature can be checked during
dynamometer testing. Adjustments can be made in the dynamometer test cell before engine installation
into the application.
Following the recommendations in Section 2 will contribute to successful overhauls. Repeat failures,
especially at low hours, are costly. If the correct procedures are used during each overhaul, with an
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emphasis on cleanliness, these repeat failures will be reduced. Remember, quality overhauls are a vital
part of a successful engine service operation.
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technicians with information needed to interpret correctly the appearance of used bearings or analyze
failed (seized) bearings. Illustrations show what is considered normal or typical features found on used
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bearings plus several common causes of seizure. While the information contained in this section covers
most expected observations, it is not possible to anticipate every potential observation of bearings
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For technical questions when using this document, work with your Dealer Technical Communicator (TC).
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To report suspected errors, inaccuracies, or suggestions regarding the document, submit a form for
feedback in the Service Information System (SIS Web) interface.
Familiarity with both the illustrations and the observation description in this guide will help in understating
the appearance of the bearings or in determining the cause of bearing failure (seizure). Suggestions are
also given for corrective measures that can reduce the possibility of a repeat failure.
A bearing failure is a seizure of the bearing to the journal, and the engine is not capable of operation. A
damaged bearing is one that has features that could lead to seizure but has not seized. Damaged
bearings are not failures of the bearing system but possess characteristics that might or might not be
detrimental to future operation. In many instances, a damaged bearing will, and does survive to overhaul
with the damage present. Examples of damaged bearings would be debris scoring to the alloy layer or
smear of the overlay. Bearings with wear through the overlay or cavitation erosion typically are not
damaged bearings, unless the wear of cavitation erosion is extreme.
Each bearing investigation is different. Some assessments of used bearings or failures require more
investigation than others. If correct procedures and sequence are used after each bearing inspection,
there will be more success in analyzing and correcting the cause of bearing failures. A list of bearing
inspection steps is given for this reason.
As stated in Introduction of this guideline, whenever a bearing is inspected (beyond short hours of
operation), it is the recommendation of Caterpillar to replace the bearings. It is necessary to ensure that
both halves of the bearing are replaced.
Inspection Procedures
Careful and deliberate visual inspection of all bearings, journals, and bores (block main bore or
connecting rod bore) is necessary to understand properly the appearance of bearings at inspection.
It is also important to collect information on the engine and / or machine operational history to
accompany the visual information and inspections. A partial list of such information is:
Engine family
Illustration 23 g03481176
If a bearing must be shipped or stored, be sure that the bearing is protected correctly. Package bearings
individually to ensure that they do not get damaged. Itis recommended to wrap each bearing individually
in a thick clean paper towel or clean disposable shop towel with the wrapping secured with an adhesive
tape. Do not allow bearing surfaces to touch other bearing surfaces. Illustration 23 represents a properly
protected bearing.
It is not recommended to tape the back of the bearings to form a row of bearings for inspection. This
procedure can damage the bearing backs and that will not allow proper inspection of the bearing back.
Taping the bearing backs together also does not allow the most robust packaging to avoid damage in
As a start of the inspection process, identification must be made at the time the bearings are removed.
The bearing layout will set the bearings in a manner where they align on the table as they did in the
engine. This will help identify and understand wear patterns, and other conditions across the entire
bearing set. Due to variations in engine design, each of these engine families has a different layout
procedure, it is important to use the correct procedure for the bearings being inspected.
Picture Preparation
On the table in front of the bearings write the bearing numbers in line with the bearings. Write the claim
or work order number, engine serial number, bearing life in hours, and machine number if available. Also
include the SIB number when possible. When sharing is needed, images should be transmitted in their
original format and size, use Cat SIFT if several photos are being shared. When harsh overhead lighting
is present, with a helper use a large piece of cardboard, an opaque engine cover blanket, or other cover
to prevent glare on the bearings. Take pictures from several angles to help highlight specific features.
Removal and Cleaning
Clean bearings with a solvent such as Stanisol by flowing the cleaning fluid over the bearings to wash
away engine oil and contaminants. The bearings can also be cleaned with a solvent such as Brake
Clean. Caterpillar recommends using these solvents, and these solvents are recommended because of
quick evaporation. The use of gasoline is too dangerous and is not recommended. The use of diesel is
restricted by a slow rate of evaporation. If another solvent is used, the solvent must be of a type that
does not damage steel, lead, tin, copper, aluminum, or nickel.
Never use rough materials, brushes or mechanically wipe on the ID or running surface of the bearing to
clean it. Do not use sandpaper, emery polishing paper, crocus cloth, files, brushes, glass beads, soft
cloth, or paper cloth to clean bearings. Identification marks that have been removed during cleaning must
be recorded again.
1. Wearing clean gloves, remove the bearing from the box or connecting rod. For connecting rods on
the bench it is best to twist out the bearing by pressing the side (near the apex) of the bearing axially
rather than roll the bearing out along the circumference of the bearing. Try to avoid touching the
front or rear faces of the bearing. Do so by gripping the sides of the bearing.
Illustration 24 g03481158
Illustration 25 g03481159
2. Keep both halves of the bearing together. If possible, write "U" for upper half and "L" for lower half
bearings and the number of the bearing in the tab area as shown in Illustration 24 and 25. Use a
ballpoint of felt tip pen to make the identification mark. If you cannot make the mark in the tab area,
mark the back of the bearing as shown in Illustration 25. For main bearings, use the number of the
main bearing cap. For connecting rod bearings, use the number of the cylinder. Limit identification
marks to the area next to the mating face. Do not write the identification on the running surface other
than in the tab slot area.
3. With a soft towel gently remove any oil left on the bearing running surface, to improve photo quality.
Do not damage running surface or drag away imbedded debris with towel. This is best performed by
using a dabbing motion. Any wiping motions should follow the crankshaft movement. In other words
wipe around the bearing, not across the bearing.
4. To clean the backside, dab with dry towel or roll the bearing back and forth on a dry towel (no
sliding) similar to making a fingerprint. This will adequately remove any unwanted debris and oil,
with minimal impact on carbon signature.
3408, 3412, C27, C32, 3500SS, & 3500LS Rod Bearing Layout
The benefits of a proper bearing layout include photos that properly represent the bearing set in a
meaningful way for analysis, and commonality. As bearing analyzers gain experience looking at bearing
sets they will gain a better understanding of what ‘normal’ looks like, and more easily identify abnormal
patterns or conditions. When bearing photos are shared with the factory through DSN or other
communications, it is important to have them laid out in a meaningful way for bearing experts to review.
Illustration 26 g06315177
Example of 3500 Rod Bearing Layout
1. Lay out the bearings with cylinder one to the left, running side up. The bearing tabs should be
staggered with bearing 1 tabs on the inside, and bearing 2 tabs on the outside and so on, tabs
indicated by the red lines shown in Illustration 26.
2. This layout should represent how the bearings actually sit in an assembled engine, assuming upper
shells are hinged about the edge where they touch the lower shell in the layout to close the circle.
Illustration 27 g06315182
Example of proper 3512 rod bearing cleaning and layout. Wear patterns are easily observed.
Illustration 28 g06315359
Overview of rod bearing set from 3512 engine. Although proper cleaning has been practiced, layout pattern is incorrect (all tabs
aligned toward top). This layout hinders assessment of wear pattern.
3408, 3412, C27, C32, 3500SS, & 3500LS Main Bearing Layout
Illustration 29 g06315185
Example of 3500 Main Bearing Layout
The main bearings should be laid out in a similar fashion to the rod bearings, except the tabs are all
oriented to the outside, indicated by the red lines shown in Illustration 29.
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Illustration 30
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Example of 3512 Main Bearings.
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C175 Rod Bearing Layout 2
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Illustration 31 g06315189
Example of C175 Rod Bearing Layout
1. Lay out the bearings with cylinder one to the left, running side face up. The bearing tabs should be
positioned on the inside, indicated by the red lines shown in Illustration 31.
2. This is the standard procedure for the C175 platform, it may not resemble the actual layout of the
Illustration 33 g06318060
Example of 3600I Series Rod Bearing Layout
1. Lay out the bearings with cylinder one to the left, running side face up. The bearing tabs should be
positioned on the outside, indicated by the red lines shown in Illustration 33.
2. This layout should represent how the bearings actually sit in an assembled engine.
C280/3600V Series Rod Bearing Layout
Illustration 34 g06315350
Example of C280/3600V Series Rod Bearing Layout
1. Lay out the bearings with cylinder one to the left, running side face up. The bearing tabs should be
staggered with bearing 1 tabs on the outside, and bearing 2 tabs on the inside and so on, indicated
by the red lines shown in Illustration 34.
2. This layout should represent how the bearings actually sit in an assembled engine.
Illustration 35 g06315345
Example of C280/3600 Series Main Bearing Layout
The main bearings should be laid out in a similar fashion to the C175 rod bearings. The tabs are all
oriented to the inside, indicated by the red lines shown in Illustration 35.
This information, when used with , SEBV0544Applied Failure Analysis, "Engine Bearings", will help the
analyst understand normal and abnormal wear patterns and conditions in connecting rod bearings and
main bearings for 3500, C175, and C280/3600 Series Engines.
Debris scratching
Cavitation Erosion
Bearing wear is result of polishing due to contact between the journal and the bearing surface. Polishing
occurs when the oil film thickness between the bearing and crankshaft journal decreases for a short time.
Polishing first appears as a shining of the top bearing layer. As engine hours accumulate, the polishing
will gradually spread over the loaded portion of the bearing surface and will also progress through the
various bearing layers. This occurrence of polishing and wear is normal.
Each type of bearing has a specific area which normally wears the most. While heavy wear is expected
in this location, known as the "load area", the bearing must still be carefully inspected. Illustrations 36
and 37 show the location of load areas for connecting rod bearings. Illustration 39 shows the location of
load for main bearings.
Illustration 36 g03476365
The load area for bearings used in standard connecting rods.
Illustration 37 g03476382
The load area for bearings used in serrated connecting rods.
Connecting rod bearing wear is not located in the center (in relation to the mating faces) but instead on
the one side of the load area. Wear is also heavier in the upper half of the bearing as shown in the
following illustrations. The connecting rod bearings in Illustration38 show wear that has processed into
the overlay layer. This is acceptable wear.
Illustration 38 g06315143
In comparison, the load area and the wear on main bearings is normally heavier on the lower half.
Illustration 39
PSP g03476405
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The load area for main bearings.
Illustration 40 shows a typical main bearing set that shows wear into the overlay layer, and some
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embedded debris that has 'healed' over. This is acceptable wear.
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Illustration 40 g03476551
Illustration 41 shows a close-up view of an example upper rod bearing (#4 Bearing from Illustration 38).
The bearing shows the reproduction of the journal profile (shape). The wear pattern is relatively straight
across the bearing surface. This indicates an acceptable journal profile. The number 4 upper rod bearing
also shows the wear caused by polishing. The color variations are caused by the progression of wear
through the different layers of the bearing. Polishing is a normal condition that progresses with engine
Illustration 41 g03477283
The shape of mating parts often contributes to the wear pattern on bearing. Shape variation of the
mating parts, both within specification and outside specification, or parts not installed properly can create
an irregular bearing wear pattern. In severe cases, an irregular wear pattern can result in greater
sensitivity to debris, oil contamination, or lack of lubrication that can increase seizure potential.
Illustration 42 g03477359
Thin oil film that can be caused by a barrel shaped crankshaft journal.
There are several possible causes for irregular wear patterns. Some are:
Crankshaft journals with profiles that are not straight and/or not finished to correct specifications
Main bearing bores in the block are not in alignment or not round
Rod pin bore and bearing bore that are not parallel
Parts were not installed correctly at the previous assembly. Example: Bearing caps that were
interchanged or reversed
Illustration 43 g06315149
The bearing shown in Illustration 43 was damaged by a bad profile of the crankshaft journal. The drawing
also shows the corresponding journal profile that would produce this wear pattern.
Illustration 44 g03477500
Normal journal profile with normal bearing wear.
Illustration 45 g03477502
Barrel shaped journal with the corresponding bearing wear.
Illustration 46 g03477503
Hourglass shaped journal with corresponding bearing wear
Illustration 47 g03477505
Tapered journal with corresponding bearing wear.
If a bore is only slightly misaligned, the bearing may conform to the position of the journal. However, as
with a bad journal profile, the bearing may be more sensitive to debris or other problems.
Illustration 48 g03477856
This bearing has a wear pattern caused by a main bearing bore out of alignment. Notice how the wear pattern is heavier on one
side and runs diagonally across the bearing.
Illustration 50 g03477961
Irregular bearing wear due to reversed bearing caps. The arrows indicate heavy wear.
Guideline to measure and repair the components. Check for proper surface finish of journals or bores,
size, and shape of the journal or of the bores. Ensuring the mating components meet specification is
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necessary to have a bearing system that performs successfully.
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Bearing Damage Caused by Debris
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Bearings damaged by debris will have either scratches or embedded debris on the running surface.
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When the debris is severe, the damage can look like scuffing or smearing damage caused by lack of
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Debris or foreign particles cause approximately 50% of all bearing failures. This debris can take several
forms, dirt (silicon), aluminum, steel, or grinder grit. It is important to realize that most of this debris can
Cat 023 C 9
be eliminated by correct maintenance of the lubrication system and proper service practices.
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During normal operation of the engine the oil filter removes debris from the system. If the filter plugs
because of an excessive amount of debris or because of poor maintenance the oil bypasses the filter.
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During some cold starts the oil may also bypass the filter.
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Debris particles damage a bearing in two ways. First, the particles can be carried between the journal
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and bearing thus causing scratching (scoring) of the bearing surface. Second, the particles can also
become embedded in the bearing material. The amount of damage to the bearing surface depends on
the size and concentration of the debris particles.
In small amounts and for small particle size, the bearings are designed to embed debris and then 'heal
over' to be able to continue normal operation. However, if there is a large concentration of particles or
large particles in the bearing system that have caused deep scratches or scoring of the surface of the
bearing then the oil film between the bearing and the journal will be disrupted. These disruptions can
result in an extreme amount of heat due to the increase in friction, and a bearing seizure (failure) can
Remember, it is sometimes possible to discover bearing damage caused by debris at its early stages,
before a complete failure occurs. This early discovery is possible if :
The oil filter element is checked for debris at each oil change
Scheduled Oil Sampling (S.O.S.) is used to monitor the condition of the lubrication system
When an engine is removed from a vehicle, dirt can enter the disconnected lines that are left with
the vehicle.
Dirt can be added during an oil change. Remember to keep oil fill equipment clean.
Dirt can enter through the air induction system. This dirt results from air leaks or poor maintenance
to the air induction system
Illustration 51 g03478090
This main bearing shows minimal debris wear caused by small particles of debris.
Illustration 52 g03478317
This main bearing show moderate debris wear caused by larger particles.
Illustration 53 g03478342
This main bearing shows heavy debris wear due to large particles.
Illustration 54 g03478358
Bearing damaged caused by embedded aluminum.
Illustration 55 g03478407
Bearing damage due to hard debris.
Debris sometimes becomes embedded in the bearing material. When soft material, such as aluminum, is
embedded, it usually is flattened out on the bearing surface and then polished by the rotating journal as
shown in Illustration 54. Hard debris usually causes raised material around the particle. This raised
material is then polished. Therefore, when hard debris is embedded, it usually leaves a small spot where
the debris entered. This spot is surrounded by a polished area as shown in Illustration 55.
Illustration 56 g03478416
Debris scratching shown on left. Gouges caused by pulled material on the right.
Bearings with an extreme debris failure can appear similar to a smeared bearing (caused by lack of
lubrication). If the oil film is disrupted by debris, the journal may contact the bearing allowing some
bearing material to seize or weld itself to the journal. This material is then pulled from the bearing by the
rotating journal. The result is a gouge in the bearing surface.
Illustration 56 shows two bearings that are damaged by debris. One shows a bearing with debris
scratches. The other bearing is starting to develop heavier debris damage. There are gouges caused by
"pulled material". If debris continues to disrupt the oil film, the bearing damage will progress until the
surface looks like a seized bearing. Such a case of a damaged bearing with smeared bearing material is
likely to seize if operation continues for longer periods of time.
Illustration 57 g03478616
Illustration 58 g03478638
A bearing that is severely damaged by debris may give indications of some displacement of the bearing
material. See Illustration 57. However, in most instances a debris-related failure can still be identified by
the scratches that are visible near the mating face. See Illustration 58.
Maintain a clean work area. Concentrate on cleanliness during the overhaul. When an engine is
removed from a vehicle, plug all disconnected lines to prevent dirt entry
Clean all oil passages, including the block, crankshaft, oil pump, bypass valve and filter housings,
external oil lines and auxiliary equipment. Remember to clean external oil lines including those
remaining in a vehicle when the engine is removed. During initial operation, debris that is left in an
engine can flow to the bearings before going through the lubrication system to the filter
Oil coolers cannot be cleaned to remove debris. Oil coolers must be replaced
Make certain that a new oil filter is installed. Also, install a new auxiliary filter, if the engine is so
Inspect the air induction system and make any repairs necessary
Encourage the engine user to maintain correct oil and filter change intervals
Encourage the engine user to monitor engine condition by using S.O.S. and oil filter examination
The first stage of lack of lubrication damage is smearing. A smeared bearing will have some
displacement of the lead-tin overlay. Usually this displacement occurs in the center of the bearing, and
there will be a buildup of overlay material at the end of the smear. The material buildup at the end of the
smear is a characteristic signature of a lack of lubrication smear damage.
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Illustration 59
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A smeared bearing as shown in Illustration 59 progresses quickly to a scuffed bearing if the oil film is not
restored. A scuffed bearing shows additional displacement of bearing material, including some of the
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alloy layer (aluminum based or copper based) as shown in Illustration 60. The displacement takes place
when the extreme heat caused by friction melts the bearing materials, allowing displacement. The heat
may also cause some bearing material to adhere or weld itself to the crankshaft journal, thus being
pulled from the bearing as shown in Illustration 61. As journal rotation continues, this pulled material may
be deposited back on the bearing along with the other displaced material.
Illustration 60 g03478856
Scuffed bearing
Illustration 61 g03479392
Pulled Material
A seized bearing is the final stage in the progression of damage caused by an insufficient oil film. When
a bearing first starts to seize, it is similar to a scuffed bearing because it has the displacement of the
alloy layers and pulled material. This damage usually progresses rapidly to a seized bearing, a bearing
that has welded itself to the crankshaft journal and may have spun in the bore.
Illustration 62 g03479401
As was mentioned in the topic "Bearing Damage Caused by Debris" section, a scuffed bearing and a
bearing with severe debris damage can look similar. This similarity is the result of "pulled material" that
occurs when heavy debris damage disrupts the oil film. However, debris damage can still be recognized
by the debris scratches near the mating face. Another important point is that a lack of lubrication failure
can sometimes be identified because the bearings in the set will have all stages of lack of lubrication.
See Illustration 62.
Low oil level as a result of: excessive oil consumption, excessive oil leakage, or failure of oil lines
and insufficient oil in an engine (sometimes caused by ignoring auxiliary capacity).
Wrong oil viscosity at a particular ambient temperature. (Oil that is too thick at colder temperatures,
or oil that is too thin at warmer ambient temperatures)
If fuel or coolant contamination of the oil is suspected, an oil analysis can be used to confirm or
disprove your suspicions.
Check to see if the oil filters are plugged. Check the auxiliary filter if the engine is equipped with one.
Make sure that the valves in the lubrication system are operating smoothly and are not damaged.
When bearing damage caused by a lack of lubrication is severe, the following steps are necessary
to remove the bearing material from the lubrication system: clean oil passages in the block,
crankshaft, external oil lines, and auxiliary equipment, make sure that new oil and auxiliary filters is
installed and install a new oil cooler. Oil coolers cannot be cleaned to remove debris or foreign
Cavitation Erosion
Cavitation erosion occurs in a bearing oil film during engine operation when the oil film pressure rapidly
decreases causing tiny vapor bubbles to form. The bubbles later collapse as the pressure quickly
increases. As the tiny bubbles collapse, a "jet" of fluid shoots past the bubbles and hits the bearing
surface. This action is repeated many times, and erosion of the bearing surface results.
Some degree of cavitation erosion is usual in engine bearings. Observation of cavitation erosion is not
uncommon on bearing surfaces. Cavitation erosion can manifest in the form of several shapes including
round dots, crescent or kidney bean shapes, triangles, ovals, or small spots in a cluster.
Cavitation erosion will not normally cause a bearing failure because of: the time required to produce
cavitation erosion is slow and the debris produced during cavitation erosion is microscopic.
There are instances of cavitation erosion that causes particles of the alloy layer to be plucked from the
bearing and result in some debris damage or scratching of the bearing surface. However, this type of
damage because the alloy layer is fairly soft and has a high degree of compatibility with the crankshaft
rarely results in a bearing failure.
Because cavitation will not normally cause bearing failure, no corrective measures are necessary other
than replacing the inspected bearings with new.
Illustration 63 g03479417
Typical location for cavitation erosion on a rod bearing.
Illustration 64 g03479478
Cavitation on a rod bearing with an oil groove.
Bearing "Hot Spots"
"Hot spots" are round wear areas on the running surface of the bearing that are caused by either debris
or material buildup on the backside of the bearing between the bearing and the housing. The debris or
material buildup results in a high spot on the bearing running surface and localized wear. A hot spot can
disrupt the oil film enough to result in a bearing seizure if the high spot is large enough.
Material buildup on the backside of the bearing that results a hot spot can be caused by carbon deposits
or by tin migration of the tin flash layer. Both carbon deposits or tin flash migrations on the back of the
bearing develop and increase in size over time, if they occur.
Main bearing block bores or connecting rod bores that are too large
If bearing hot spots are observed, ensure that the bore is thoroughly cleaned to remove the debris or
deposit. Make sure that there is no damage in the bore due to debris and there is no dent on the bore
surface. Correct any of the potential causes upon reassembly and further operation of the engine.
Illustration 65 g03479482
This bearing back has a mark on the back of the bearing caused by debris between the bearing bore and the bearing shell.
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Illustration 66
bearing back takes place when the bearing crush is not sufficient, the bores are too large or the cap bolts
are not tight. As a result, the bearing can move. Even though this movement is slight, the rapid motion of
the bearing in the bore allows the bearing back to become shiny and/or fretted.
If fretting is observed, follow the corrective measures provided to address irregular wear patterns. The
potential causes of fretting are the same as the potential causes of irregular wear, especially wrong bore
diameter, and misassembly.
Illustration 67 g03479545
Bearing back has wear caused by fretting. Mating bearing cap shows transferred material.
Alloy Fatigue
Alloy fatigue is structural failure of the aluminum-based or copper-based alloy layer and results in
gradual loss of the alloy layer material through a network of interconnected cracks. A fatigue failure
sometimes occurs after the normal life of the bearing is exceeded. Fatigue failures can also be the result
of excessive loads caused by debris damage, or uneven loading of the bearing.
A fatigue failure should not be confused with a bearing that has fatigue of the lead-tin overlay. The fatigue
of the lead-tin overlay at low hours is a condition that may occur on some bearings that have thicker lead
tin overlay. This type of fatigue is not harmful.
If the bearings are severely damaged, check the filters for debris. If there is debris in the system, the
oil passages must be cleaned the same as with debris damage
Illustration 68 g03479578
Fatigue failure caused when normal life of bearing was exceeded.
Illustration 69 g03479591
Bearing that has fatigue of lead-tin overlay, which is not the same as a fatigue failure.
Bond Separation
Bond separation is the removal of one or more material layers from the bearing during operation and can
occur for several reasons, either because of a poor bond between the bearing layers or debris damage
at assembly or during operation. Extreme heat can result when debris scratches the bearing surface
during operation or when the journal contacts the bearing, and the heat will weaken the bond of the
layers to the point of failure. If debris was pressed into the bearing at assembly (rather than scratching
during operation), a divet on the alloy surface can be created that acts as a stress concentrator. The
stress concentrator will increase the bearing layer stress above the strength level, and the bond will fail.
Bond separation is different than alloy fatigue in that for bond separation a single area of bearing
material has been removed and with alloy fatigue the material is removed in interconnected cracks.
A bond separation can occur either between the lead- tin overlay and alloy layer or between the alloy
layer and the steel back.
When the lead-tin overlay separates from the alloy, a poor bond is usually the cause. However,
separation of the aluminum from the steel back can be caused by a poor bond, from extreme heat, or
debris damage at assembly.
When engine bearings give indications of a bond separation, evaluate all bearings from the set for
evidence of another failure. If all bearings have damage caused by debris or lack of lubrication the bond
failure was probably secondary, resulting from the heat. Remember, a bond failure allows small pieces of
bearing material to come off the bearing. When a bond failure occurs on a main bearing, the bearing
material may flow to one or two rod bearings causing damage.
If a bond failure occurs on more than one bearing, or if the bond failure causes failure of other bearings,
more corrective measures are needed. When the damage is severe, do the following:
Determine if other damage caused the bond separation (lack of lubrication, debris). Take corrective
action as necessary.
Clean all oil passages in the block, crankshaft, and auxiliary equipment
Make certain that a new oil filter is installed. Also, install a new auxiliary filter if the engine is so
Install a new oil cooler. Oil coolers cannot be cleaned to remove debris or bearing material
Illustration 70 g03479600
Bond separation between the lead-tin overlay and aluminum.
Illustration 71 g03479601
Bond separation between aluminum and steel.
Electrical Discharge Damage is when electrical current goes through the crankshaft, bearings, and into
the block due to poor grounding. When the electrical current goes through the engine, an arc occurs
between the bearing and the crankshaft and block. This arcing causes damage on only the main bearing.
Electrical Discharge damage makes the main bearings shiny and causes significant damage. Electrical
Discharge also creates a frosted appearance on the crankshaft journals from pitting from arcing current.
Illustration 72 g03480144
Main bearings that have been damaged by electrical discharge. Note the "chrome like" bearing surface
Illustration 73 g03480158
A crankshaft journal that has been damaged by electrical discharge. Note the "frosted" appearance on the journal.
Illustration 74 g03480160
A bearing back damaged by electrical discharge. Note the unusual wear pattern caused by arcing current.
Get operating information from the operator: How was the engine being operated at the time of
failure? What was the engine coolant temperature before and during the failure? Did oil pressure
change before or during failure? What were the symptoms during the failure?
Get maintenance information: What were the oil change intervals? When was the oil last changed?
What oil was used? What was the classification and viscosity? If equipped with an auxiliary filter,
when was the filter last changed?
Obtain the history of engine repairs: Is there data available from a previous oil analysis? Was there a
recent overhaul or repair?
Perform an external inspection of the engine: Check and record the oil level. Are there any apparent
oil leaks or loose oil line connections? Are there any new oil lines? Are the lines installed correctly?
Remove and cut open the oil filters for inspection: Is the filter element plugged? Is there any debris
in the element? Is the filter ruptured (or split)?
Note: When a bearing failure occurs, bearing material will usually flow to the filter. If there is no bearing
material or debris in the filter, the engine probably did not have a bearing failure. It is important also to
remember that if there was no oil flow during the failure, then the bearing material from the failure would
not flow to the filter. If necessary, install a new filter and operate the engine to detect the problem (such
as damaged timing gears or fuel nozzle knock).
If after the above steps are performed, a bearing failure is still suspected, drain the oil from the pan.
As the oil is drained, use a Scheduled Oil Sampling bottle to collect a sample of the oil. This oil
sample can later be analyzed, if necessary, to determine if there is coolant, fuel, or debris in the oil.
Remove the oil pan: Is there debris in the oil pan? If so, what debris (ferrous, non-ferrous, and so
on)? Check the rod and main bearing caps for heat discoloration and looseness.
Remove the main and connecting rod bearings. Mark the bearings with the location in the engine as
removed. Match the upper and lower bearing halves with their locating tabs together. Tape the
bearings together in groups of uppers and lowers.
Visually inspect the bearings to determine the failure cause. Look at the entire set. Which main
bearing fed oil to each rod bearing?
If still necessary, perform further investigation: Examine and measure the mating parts. Inspect the
lubrication system components for condition and correct operation (pump, bypass valves, and so
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Illustration 75
l Ye
Oil filter element after a major bearing failure.
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