5. Expand PPLO.
Ans. PPLO - Pleuro Pneumonia Like Organisms
Cell Theory
In 1839, two scientists named Schleiden who was a German
botanist, and Schwann who was a British zoologist, announced
the cell theory. The modern theory of the cell includes-
Endoplasmic Reticulum
It is the largest single membrane-bound intracellular
compartment which is mainly found in eukaryotic cells. It is
formed by an interconnected network of closed and flattened
membrane-bound structures and the membrane-enclosed sac
is called the lumen. Based on the presence or absence of
ribosomes, ER can be of two types i.e., rough endoplasmic
reticulum (RER) and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER).
When ribosomes are present on ER, it gives a rough
appearance to the structure hence it is known as rough ER.
When ribosomes are absent in the ER membrane, it is known
as smooth ER.
Proteins synthesized by ribosomes that are present on the
membrane of RER enter into the lumen by the process of co-
translational translocation.
They are double-membrane cell organelle that is generally
found in algae and plant cells. Like mitochondria, they also
contain double-stranded DNA and ribosomes in their structure.
They are divided into three different types- leucoplast,
chromoplast, and chloroplast. Plastids contain a pigment that
plays an important role in photosynthesis and is also
responsible for the synthesis and storage of food.
The Chloroplast surrounds the fluid-filled structure known as
stroma that contains a stack of sacs called a granum. There
are some organized flattened membranous sacs called the
thylakoids. Each granum is connected to the other with the
help of flat membranous tubules known as stroma lamellae.
It is made up of a network of proteinaceous filaments in the
cytoplasm that provides mechanical support to the cells. The
cytoskeleton maintains the shape of the cell and helps in cell
motility. It also organizes the organelles and facilitates the
movement of solutes across the cell.
Cilia and Flagella
Cell Membrane
The basic structure of cell membrane, as informed in
Notes of Biology Class 11 Chapter 8 is composed of lipids
and proteins.
The main lipids are the phospholipids.
The later study of the cell membrane revealed that the
cell membrane is composed of proteins and
Cell Wall
a rigid non-living structure comprises the outer covering
for the plasma membrane of fungi and plants are known
as the cell wall.
The function of the cell wall is to give shape to the cell
and to protect the cell from mechanical damage and
Endomembrane System
The endomembrane system of the cell consists of the following
a) The Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): Small tubular
structures dispersed in the cytoplasm.
b) Golgi Apparatus: These are the densely stained reticular
structures present near the nucleus.
c) Mitochondria: It is the powerhouse of the cell. The cellular
energy called ATP is produced by mitochondria.
d) Plastids: Plastids are present in plant cells. They can be
categorized as chloroplasts, chromoplasts and leucoplasts.
Apart from the above-mentioned components, you will find in
Class 11 Biology Chapter 8 notes that many other components