Class 11 Biology Chapter 8 - Revision Notes
Class 11 Biology Chapter 8 - Revision Notes
Class 11 Biology Chapter 8 - Revision Notes
Class 11 - Biology
Chapter 8 - Cell: The unit of life
The cell is the smallest, basic structural, and functional unit of living things; hence
it is generally referred to as ‘building blocks of life. Cells are capable of
independent existence and performing essential functions of life. All organisms
including plants, animals are made up of one or more cells and all that cells come
from pre-existing cells. Robert Hooke was the scientist who first discovered cells
in a piece of cork.
Cell theory
In 1839, two scientists named Schleiden who was a German botanist, and Schwann
who was a British zoologist, announced the cell theory. The modern theory of the
cell includes-
• Every living organism is made up of cells.
• The cell is said to be the basic structural and functional unit of living things.
Hydrophobic interactions are the primary forces for organizing lipid bilayer. There
are three types of lipid and two types of protein present in the plasma membrane.
Lipids are phospholipids, glycolipids, and sterol and the proteins are peripheral
proteins and integral proteins. Peripheral proteins are proteins that are held with the
bilayer loosely and can be easily removed. While the integral proteins are proteins
that are held in the lipid bilayer very tightly and cannot be removed easily.
Ribosomes are specialized cell organelle which is composed of RNAs and proteins
hence, they are known as ribonucleoprotein. Ribosomes units come together to
translate genetic information which is stored in messenger RNA (mRNA) into
proteins. Functional ribosomes consist of two subunits of unequal size, known as
large and small subunits where small subunits read mRNA and large subunits form
a polypeptide chain of amino acids. Eukaryotic cells generally possess two types of
ribosomes: cytosolic and organellar. The ribosome found in prokaryotes is the 70S
and 80S in eukaryotes where S stands for sedimentation coefficient. It is the ratio
of a velocity to the centrifugal acceleration that helps to measure the particle's size
based on the sedimentation rate.
Endoplasmic reticulum
It is the largest single membrane-bound intracellular compartment which is mainly
found in eukaryotic cells. It is formed by an interconnected network of closed and
flattened membrane-bound structures and the membrane-enclosed sac is called the
Proteins synthesized by ribosomes that are present on the membrane of RER enter
into the lumen by the process of co-translational translocation. Before reaching
their final destination there are five principal modifications of proteins that take
place in the lumen. These modifications are - addition and processing of
carbohydrates, formation of disulfide bonds, proper folding, specific proteolytic
cleavages, and assembly into multimeric proteins. The SER performs different
functions like the synthesis of essential lipids, steroid hormones, metabolism of
carbohydrates, detoxification, and calcium regulation.
It is a single membrane-enclosed organelle that contains hydrolytic enzymes that are
responsible for the breakdown of various biomolecules. These hydrolytic enzymes
include nucleases, proteases, lipases, glycosidases, phosphatase, phospholipases,
and sulphatases. For optimal activity, the enzyme requires an acidic environment
inside the lysosomes with a pH of about 5.0. There remains present a proton pump
inside the lysosomal membrane. This proton pump transports the proton from inside
the membrane using ATP as a source of energy. Lysosomes are responsible for the
digestion of both intracellular as well as extracellular materials as they can break
down virus particles or bacteria in the phagocytosis of macrophages.
It is found in all eukaryotic cells and is known as a site for aerobic respiration. They
are called the powerhouse of the cell because it synthesizes ATP as the energy
currency of the cell. They are the double membrane-bound cell organelle that
contains circular DNA molecules and ribosomes. The space present between the
outer and the inner membrane is known as intermembrane space. The inner
membrane structure is complex because it is convoluted to form cristae. Cristae help
in increasing the surface area inside the mitochondria.
The inner membrane is rich in phospholipid known as cardiolipin that makes the
membrane-impermeable to solutes. The inner membrane contains enzyme
complexes known as ATP synthase or F0-F1 ATPase and they play an important
role in the synthesis of ATP molecules.
chromoplasts are the type of plastids that are responsible for pigment synthesis and
storage. They give different colors to the fruit, flowers, and aging leaves like yellow,
orange, or red colors.
However, the leucoplast is colorless plastids that are generally present in unexposed
areas of plants. It plays an important role in the storage of starch, lipid, and proteins
and is divided into three different parts- amyloplast that stores starch, Elaioplast that
stores lipids in fats, proteinoplast stores proteins.
The nucleus is a double membrane structure found in all eukaryotic cells except
RBCs (red blood cells). It contains the majority of the genetic material that transfers
from parents to offspring during cell division. In the nucleus, the DNA is packed in
the form of chromosomes with histones proteins, it controls the function and growth
Peroxisomes are small, membrane-bound cell organelles that are mainly found in all
eukaryotic cells. They contain oxidative enzymes that help in various metabolic
activities. The major function of peroxisomes is the breakdown of fatty acids.
Peroxisomes can be derived from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of the cell.
Proteins found in peroxisomes are matrix soluble proteins and membrane proteins
known as peroxins.
They are the hairy outgrowths that help in the locomotion of the organisms. Cilia are
the short structure that helps in attachment while flagella are relatively long
structures in the form of a whip and it helps in movement of the organism. They are
In motile bacterial cells, they possess one or more flagella. A flagellum is a long
structure in the form of a whip that is made up of basic parts: filament, hook, and
the basal body. A pilus can also help the bacteria in conjugation while Pili and
fimbriae help in attachment to substrate or host.