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A Project Report






Submitted By:


2021305153 MANOJ NAYAK

Under The 2021305157

Guidance of Assistant Prof. AJIT PRASAD DASH (Dept.
of Mechanical Engineering)



This is to certify that the major project report entitled “PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF
BOILER” is submitted to B.P.U.T. Rourkela is partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from Kalam
Institute of Technology, Berhampur.
It is faithful record of project work carried out by
2021305153 MANOJ NAYAK
2021305157 OMKANTA PATRO
2021305159 RAJESH NAYAK

For award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering under

our supervision and guidance. This project report has been approved as it satisfies the
academic requirement in the respect of project work.


Project Guide H.O.D.


External of Examiner Principal

I would like to express my deep sense of appreciation and heartiest gratitude to all those who have been
strengthening, motivating and guiding me, rendering their valuable cooperation and offering their support during
the various stages of this Dissertation and Research work.

First of all, I feel profoundly indebted to my revered faculty Mr. Ajit Prasad Dash, who supervised our study with
enduring interest, concern, faith and enthusiasm. It has been a great honor for me to work under his guidance
and to learn the intricacies of research from them. I have great privilege and pleasure to express my sense of
gratitude to him for his valuable guidance.

I express my sincere thanks to PROF.SUNIL KUMAR SAHU, Head of the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Kalam Institute of Technology, Berhampur for providing me the necessary facilities in
the department and constant guidance and support.


2021305153 MANOJ NAYAK
2021305157 OMKANTA PATRO
2021305159 RAJESH NAYAK

We the students of B.Tech.in Mechanical Engineering of Kalam Institute of Technology, Berhampur, has
completed the dissertation entitled project work “PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF BOILER” in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology, from Biju Patnaik
University of Technology, Rourkela. The present work is original and had not been submitted by me or
anyone earlier for any degree.


2021305153 MANOJ NAYAK
2021305157 OMKANTA PATRO
2021305159 RAJESH NAYAK


The main objective of this paper is to find out the boiler efficiency calculation and method to
improvement of its performance. The thermal industry is known as a major source of

conventional energy in India. In the thermal power plant where chemical energy of the coal is

converted into electricity. It is most demanding industry now days because of high energy

demand. Boiler is the most important part for plant. Running the plant with maximum result

we need high boiler efficiency. Calculating boiler efficiency as one of the most important types

of performance measurement in any power plant. For calculation of Boiler efficiency basically

we use Direct and Indirect method. It is a measure of how effectively chemical energy in fuel is

converted into heat energy in steam going to the turbine. Finding boiler efficiency from this

method from this method use for boiler efficiency, the data is collected from different

department in plant like, Boiler Efficiency Department. Many researchers are find out the

boiler efficiency of different plant and carried out their research for improvement of boiler

efficiency. In India, coal is the dominant source of energy generation. Efficiency of any

conventional coal fired unit ranges from 34-38%. This paper presents the efficiency calculation

of boiler, turbine and condenser of a 210 MW unit. The study focuses on evaluation of various

parameters like dry flue gas loss, wet flue gas loss, moisture in fuel and hydrogen, condenser

back pressure, turbine cylinder efficiency, soot formation, etc. and some optimization

techniques are mentioned to minimize the same. The benefits of these techniques are

considerable fuel saving, emission reduction, heat rate improvement, cost minimization,

increased equipment life cycle, etc. Cost analysis through heat rate deviation has been done to

determine annual fuel savings. Lastly various critical parameters are mentioned for further

improvement of plant performance This review paper helpful to calculate the boiler efficiency

and find out the different types of losses occurs in boiler. We also find that boiler efficiency is

always somehow increase by implementing this method and useful for further research.

Keywords: Boiler, Boiler Efficiency, Boiler Losses, Performance, Direct Method, Indirect Method

Front Page…......................................................................................................................I

Approval Sheet..................................................................................................................III






[1.1] INTRODUCTION OF BOILER…………………………………………………………………………………………………3

[1.2] RANKINE CYCLE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4


LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………………………………………………………….8


[3.1] DIRECT METHOD………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14
[3.2] INDIRET METHOD OR HEAT LOSS……………………………………………………………………………………..16



[4.1] STEAM TEMERATURE CONTROL……………………………………………………………………..18






A boiler is an enclosed vessel that provides a means for Combustion heat to be transferred into

water until it becomes heated water or steam. The hot water or steam under pressure is then usable

for transferring the heat to a process. Water is a useful and cheap medium for transferring heat to a

process. When water is boiled into steam its volume increases about 1,600 times, producing a force

that is almost as explosive as gunpowder. This causes the boiler to be extremely dangerous

equipment that must be treated with utmost care. The process of heating a liquid until it reaches its

gaseous state is called evaporation. Heat is transferred from one body to another by means of

radiation, which is the transfer of heat from a hot body to a cold body without a conveying medium,

convection, the transfer of heat by a conveying medium, such as air or water and conduction,

transfer of heat by actual physical contact, molecule to molecule. The heating surface is any part of

the boiler metal that has hot gases of combustion on one side and water on the other. Any part of

the boiler metal that actually contributes to making steam is heating surface. The amount of heating

surface of a boiler is expressed in square meters. The larger the heating surface a boiler has, the

more efficient it becomes. The quantity of the steam produced is indicated in tons of water

evaporated to steam per hour. Maximum continuous rating is the hourly evaporation that can be

maintained for 24 hours. Superheated steam means the amount of steam generated from water at

1000C to saturated steam at 1000C. This condensate is then sent back to boiler through boiler feed

pump via low pressure and high pressure heaters. It works on the principle of modified rankinecycle.

The function of thermal power plant is to generate steam in boiler which is used to drive turbine and

generator mounted on the same shaft to produce electricity. The exhaust from low pressure turbine

is condensed in condenser and the resultant condensate is extracted through condensate extraction



The CEA in India uses power station heat rate as a proxy for calculating plant efficiency. The heat

Rate of power plant is the amount of chemical energy that must be supplied to produce one unit of

electrical energy. Some of the heat rate factors that affect power plant performance are ageing of

machine, coal quality, plant load factor, operating margins, initial plant design, etc. The basic purpose

of a boiler is to turn water into steam, in this case saturated steam. This operation sounds relatively

simple but is actually more complicated. Other components and processes such as the dearator and

economizer are necessary to help the overall operation run more efficiently. The boilers utilized on

campus are of the stack drum type, which means there are drums within the boilers stacked one

above the other. In these particular boilers there are two drums. The upper drum is called a steam

drum and is where saturated steam leaves the boiler. While the lower drum is called the mud drum

and is where liquid feed water enters. It is also where sediment carried into the boiler settles. Tubes

called risers and down comers are used to connect the two drums. All of the energy required within

the boiler is produced by the combustion of a fuel. The burner acts very similar to the gas stove at

home, just more complicated. It is comprised of a wind box, igniter, fuel manifold and/or atomizing

gun, observation port and flame safety scanner. Currently the boilers can burn either fuel oil or

natural gas. Fluctuating prices of fuel can raise or lower the cost to produce steam. Having the choice

between two different fuels gives the option of burning the lower cost fuel.

Operation of the boiler begins with feed water entering the mud drum where it is heated. The

combustion of fuel within the furnace provides the required energy which is imparted by a

combination of convection and radiation. A two- phase water mixture forms within the riser and

begins to ascend to the steam drum due to its decreasing density. Boiling to 100% quality in the

tubes is undesirable because water vapour has different heat transfer characteristics than liquid

water. This can lead to high wall temperatures and eventual tube burnout. Once it reaches the steam

drum the majority of saturated vapour will be removed from the two-phase mixture; there by

increasing the remaining mixtures density. The increase in density will initiate its descent in the down

comers back to the mud drum. This natural circulation continuously allows for a constant flow of

saturated steam exiting the boiler. Combustion occurs when fossil fuels, such as natural gas, fuel oil,

coal or gasoline, react with oxygen in the air to produce heat. The heat from burning fossil fuels used

for industrial process environmental heating or to expand gases in a cylinder and push a piston.

Boilers, furnaces and engines are important users of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons,

meaning they are composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen. When fossil fuels are burned, carbon

dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) are the principal chemical products, formed from the reactants

carbon and hydrogen in the fuel and oxygen (O2) in the air. The simplest example of hydrocarbon

fuel combustion is the reaction of methane (CH4), the largest component of natural gas, with O2 in

the air. When this reaction is balanced, or stoichiometric, of each molecule of methane reacts with

two molecules of O2 producing one molecule of CO2 and two molecules of H2O. When this occurs,

energy is released as heat. The combining of oxygen (in the air) and carbon in the fuel to form carbon

dioxide and generate heat is a complex process, requiring the right mixing turbulence, sufficient
activation temperature and enough time for the reactants to come into contact and combine.

Unless combustion is properly controlled, high concentrations of undesirable products can form.

Carbonmonoxide (CO) and soot, for example, result from poor fuel and air mixing or too little air.

Other undesirable products, such as nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2), form in excessive amounts when the

burner flame temperature is too high. If a fuel contains sulphur, sulphur dioxide (SO2) gas is formed.

For solid fuels such as coal and wood, ash forms from incombustible materials in the fuel.




Farhan Md. Amanulla, Rathnakumar [1], In this paper we have discussed about the boiler efficiency

calculation and find out the better result to improve boiler efficiency and also we discussed about

what the authors states. (Rahul Dev Gupta and Sudhir Gupta, 2011) is doing a case study on Energy

efficiency improvement strategies for industrial boiler. Here result shows that by controlling excess

air boiler efficiency improved from 80.98% to 81.94%. So this work determines that overall boiler

efficiency on account of all improvement recommendation has increased by 2% from 80.98% to

82.98%.(Amir Vosough, 2011) define “Improvement Power Plant Efficiency with Condenser


Papireddy P., Ananth S., Kumar Vikash [2], This analyses shows that the condenser pressure is an

important parameter that affects the output power, power potential and thermal and exergy efficiency

of the cycle. The maximum energy loss was found in the condenser where 60.86% of the input energy

was lost to the environment. The calculated thermal and exergy efficiency of the power cycle was

found to be 38.39%, 45.85 % conducted research on “Efficiency with different GCV of coal and

efficiency improvement opportunity in boiler”. He derived conclusion from this paper are if higher GCV

coal is used, then the efficiency should be increased. Ash and Moisture content inside the fuel will

affect the efficiency. By using semi bituminous coal efficiency is 80.20% because of its high heating

value and less moisture and ash content, while Indian lignite coal gives 77.51% efficiency on the same

boiler because of it has a more ash and moisture contents than the semi bituminous coal. Thermal

analysis of “Boiler losses to improve unit heat rate of coal fired thermal power plant”.

Chirag Acharya, Mehta Nirvesh, Dabhi Jaspal [3], The result of this paper shows that thermal power

plant heat rate is directly affected by boiler efficiency. From calculation it found that 1% decrease in

boiler efficiency increases the heat rate by 1%.Heat rate is increases as boiler efficiency decreases.

(Moni Kuntal Bora, 2014) carried out “Performance Analysis from the Efficiency Estimation of Coal
Fired Boiler”. This paper puts forward an effective methodology for the efficiency estimation of a coal

fired boiler, comparison with its design value and enlists some of the factors that affect the

performance of a boiler.

Mr. Amitkumar, Tiwari G., Jane Shubham S., Katoke Pravin, Talmale Kunal, Dongre Kritesh [4], The

objective of the study was to analyze the overall efficiency and the thermodynamic analysis of The

objective of the study was to analyze the overall efficiency and the thermodynamic analysis of boiler. It

is noticed that the overall efficiency of any boiler depends upon the technical difficulties under

unpredictable conditions. There are many factors, which are influencing the efficiency of the boiler. The

fuel used for combustion, type of boiler, varying load, power plant age, heat exchanger fouling they

lose efficiency. (J. Suresh babu, 2015) project objective is to analyze the efficiency of economizer, super

heater and air pre heater by varying the various parameters in boiler section.

G.S. Sangeeth., Marathur Praveen[5], They conclude that by installing the economizer in the plant in

the plant, the plant efficiency can increase by 10% and by implementing the super heater the efficiency

can be increased by (25 - 30) %, (8-10) % in each stage of super heater.(Sarang j gulhane, 2015) carried

out their research on “Scope and energy losses minimizes in the AFBC boiler”. Here he find out result

after discussion on paper is if we increases load then losses is reduced so plant should be run in the

peak load, in 5.6 MW the boiler efficiency is 83.03% and 1.1 Mw it was 76.63%.

Babu J. Suresh.Latha, Praveen B R, kumar V.Anil, kumar R Rama, Peerulla [6], Conclusion derived from

the data related to the boiler, if higher GCV coal is used, then the efficiency should be increased and

the other one is the excess air. The quantity of excess air needs to be optimized for achieving maximum

efficiency of boiler. (R.Pachaiyappan, 2015) define to “Improving the boiler efficiency by optimizing the

combustion air”. This paper deals with the different ways to obtain the maximum heat from the flue

gas travelling through the air preheater and the economizer zone to improve the boiler efficiency. After

determine efficiency in this paper the performance of the air preheater has been studied on the basis

of the combustion air passing through it. The correct optimization of the combustion air can increase

the boiler efficiency by 2-3%. It is noticed that the overall efficiency of any boiler depends upon the
technical difficulties under unpredictable conditions. There are many factors, which are influencing the

efficiency of the boiler. The fuel used for combustion, type of boiler, varying load, power plant age,

heat exchanger fouling they lose efficiency. (J. Suresh babu, 2015) project objective is to analyze the

efficiency of economizer, super heater and air pre heater by varying the various parameters in boiler


Srinivas Gudimella Tirumala, Kumar Doddapineni Rajeev, Mohan Peruri Venkata Vithal Murali, Rao

Boggarapu Nageswara [7], They have concluded that efficiency of boiler calculation by indirect

method is the best way to account all the Boiler losses. The flue gas loss in a Boiler is always higher

than any other losses so the stack temperature is to be monitored and reduced. PH level of boiler

water should be maintained between 8.5- 9.5 to avoid corrosion. (Gudimella Tirumala Srinivas, 2017)

paper present “Efficiency of a Coal Fired Boiler in a Typical Thermal Power Plant”. This paper mainly

shows the boiler efficiency evaluation procedure by direct and indirect method. He obtain the result

is 83.94 % by direct method and 91.96 % by indirect method. The direct method helps the plant

personnel to evaluate quickly the boilers efficiency with few parameters and less instrumentation.

(Ashutosh Kumar, 2017) present an approach for the efficiency improvement of Atmospheric

Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler. Paper addresses the various approaches for efficiency

improvement of a boiler. He find the Efficiency of boiler depends on flue gas outlet temperature i.e.,

APH outlet temperature and on decreasing the flue gas outlet temperature (i.e., 310°C), sensible heat

loss increases by 10°C on decreasing sensible heat loss, efficiency improved by 1% of the boiler.(Md.

Amanulla Farhan, 2017) discuss on the “Investigation of boiler performance in power plant” at

different unit of boiler and find out the boiler efficiency of unit-3 and unit-4 after calculation is

82.03% and 82.35% respectively. It is calculated by indirect or losses method which is accurate then

direct method.

Patel Chetan T., patel Bhavesh K., Patel Vijay [8], In this project performance analysis has been carried

out by reducing the excess air contain oxygen at the time of combustion process, deterioration of fuel

quality and water quality also leads to poor performance of boiler. Changes in admitting of oxygen in

excess air nearly 4.7%, so percentage of excess air reduced to 29.62% and gets a more than 84.806%
of thermal efficiency. So 0.46% of efficiency can be increased by this analysis project. It improves the

economic condition of operating that boiler nearly more than 30lakhs per annum. (P. Celen and H.H.

Erdem, 2017) carried out “A case study for calculation of boiler efficiency by using indirect method”.

In this study the effects of increment moisture content of fuel and excess air coefficient on boiler

efficiency is determined by using indirect method. Here results are obtain as Increment of moisture

content of lignite resulted in reduction of lower heating value so boiler efficiency decreased from

0.92 to 0.66, The boiler efficiency decreased from 0.92 to 0.90 with the increment of excess air

coefficient up to 25%, Increment of moisture content has significant effect on boiler efficiency

compared to excess air coefficient. Calculated the efficiency of boiler and implement the method for

efficiency improvement in his paper.

Kumar Ashutosh, Kumar Raj [9], Efficiency for different GCV has been shown in paper for FBC boiler

and this paper also gives the description of calculation of efficiency for FBC boiler. After calculation he

state that the dry flue gas loss in is always higher than any other loss. Therefore dry flue gas loss

should be minimized by maximum heat extraction in the convective surfaces of the Boiler. Therefore

by decreasing hydrogen loss & dry flue gas loss efficiency can be improved. He is conducted a

research to find out the “Performance analysis of boiler in thermal power plant” of 210 MW. He is

used Direct and Indirect method to calculate the boiler efficiency.

Bora Moni Kuntal and Nakkeeran [10], They have concluded that the efficiency calculation of turbine,

condenser and evaluation of various parameter to find losses. Here some optimization technique is

mention in paper to minimize the losses. The experimental result indicate that main steam

temperature and pressure, turbine cylinder efficiency should be increased and condenser vacuum,

dry flue gas loss, moisture in fuel, heat rate should be decreased for better efficiency. Plant should be

run at full load for maximum efficiency. (A.A. Nuraini and S. Salmi, 2018) project objective is

“Efficiency and Boiler Parameters Effects in Sub- critical Boiler with Different Types of Sub-bituminous

Coal”. The result indicates that coal with different CV and properties will exhibit different efficiency to

the boiler. The results show that sub-bituminous coal with CV 5013 kcal/ kg performs similarly to

designated coal with CV of 4852 kcal/kg. The results convey that the coal type contributes to major
energy losses during the combustion process in the furnace.

Manikandan T, Velmurugan P, selvam [11], They derived from the study is top thermal and total

efficiencies unit generating at full load (100%) and decrease at partial load (40%) and the lowest rate

of heat net unit obstetric gets the full load (100%) and increases when the partial load (70%) and

continues increase when the partial load (40%), so it can be recommended for operation at full load.

(Vivek Khare, 2018) mentioned their study on “Performance Assessment of 2X250 MW Coal Based

Thermal Power Plant”. Here he find that The differences in the calculated efficiency from the

designed efficiencies indicate the urgent need to control the parameters within the designed ratings

and to evolve measures to improve the efficiency of the plant.(Ahmad Mahmoudi Lahijani, 2020)

mentioned “A Review of Indirect Method in Fire Tube Steam Boilers”. In this paper, the efficiency

analysis of fire tube steam boilers according to pertinent parameters is presented.

Celen P., Erdem [12], In this paper, the efficiency analysis of fire tube steam boilers according to

pertinent parameters has presented. From the study done by author he find the result is the indirect

method is the most accurate method to determine boiler efficiency and three of the most effective

parameters are flue gas temperature, ambient temperature, and the fuel type effect on efficiency. (A.

Kumar, 2020) is done their research on “An Exergy Analysis of a 250 MW Thermal Power Plant”. The

exergy analysis was carried out for the system components separately and the exergy destruction of

various components in the plant was evaluated. The overall exergy efficiency of the plant was

calculated to be 34.75%.


Boiler is an enclosed pressure vessel where heat generated by combustion of fuel is transferred to

water to become steam. Boiler efficiency is defined as the heat added to the working fluid expressed

as a percentage of heat in the fuel being burnt. . Generally steam power plant, diesel power plant,

gas turbine power plant, nuclear power plant are called thermal power plant. It is called thermal

power plant because these convert heat into electrical energy. In the thermal power plant coal to

electricity process occur, it is converting into different stages. First chemical energy converted into

heat energy by burning coal, then heat energy convert into mechanical energy due to boil of water,

then finally mechanical energy convert into electrical energy by the working process on turbine

section. Power plant is working on the principle of Rankine Cycle. Boiler is device which is use for

power generating by the heating process of water to convert the superheated steam”. In other way

“boiler device is defines as a closed vessel system whereby the fuel combustion process, high

pressure steam is produced from water”. Basically a steam generator is known as boiler, made by

high quality steel.

As per Indian boiler Act-1923, boiler means any closed vessel exceeding 22.75 L in capacity which is

used expressly for generating steam under pressure and includes any mounting or other fitting

attached to such vessel which is wholly or partially under pressure when steam is shut off. Saving

energy may be one of most interested themes and then one of the most important subjects for boiler.

According to bureau of energy efficiency “thermal efficiency of boiler is defined as the percentage of

heat input that is effectively utilized to generate steam.” It is also defined as “Boiler efficiency is a ratio

between the energy supplied to the boiler capacity and the energy received from the boiler.” It is

expressed in percentage.
[3.1] Direct Method:

The energy gain of the working fluid (water and steam) is compared with the energy content of the

boiler fuel. Direct or input-output method of boiler efficiency calculation is very simple for the

calculation of boiler efficiency. It is preferred by most of the boiler engineers.

Boiler Efficiency = Heat output / Heat Input X 100

Boiler Efficiency = Q X (hg– hf) / (q X GCV) X 100

Following input data are required for the calculation of efficiency in this case:

 Steam pressure (kg/cm2 )

 Steam temperature (° C)

 Steam flow (Q) (kg/hr)

 Quantity of fuel used (q) (kg/hr)

 Feed water temperature (°C)

 Calorific value of fuel (kcal/kg)


 hg - Enthalpy of saturated steam in Kcal/Kg of steam

 hf – Enthalpy of feed water in Kcal/Kg of water

[3.2] Indirect Method or Heat Loss Method:

Indirect efficiency of a boiler is calculated by finding out the individual losses taking place in a boiler

and then subtracting the sum from 100%. Here the steps to find out the boiler efficiency by indirect

method. Percentage heat loss due to radiation and other unaccounted loss.

Unaccounted losses include losses from boiler casing to surrounding, loss due to combination of

carbon and water, heat carried away in ash, losses due to un-burnt volatile matter, heat loss due to

bottom seal water. Radiation loss depends on the effectiveness of the boiler casing insulation.

In a relatively small boiler, with a capacity of 10 MW, the radiation and unaccounted losses could

amount to between 1% and 2% of the gross calorific value of the fuel, while in a 500 MW boiler,

values between 0.2% to 1% are typical. The loss may be assumed appropriately depending on the

surface condition.

 % Heat loss in dry flue gas (L1)

 % Heat loss due to formation of water from H2 in fuel (L2)

 % Heat loss due to moisture in fuel (L3)

 % Heat Loss due to moisture in air (L4)

 % Heat loss due to partial conversion of C to CO (L5)

 % Heat loss due to radiation and convection and other unaccounted losse(L6)

 % Heat loss due to unburnt in fly ash (L7)

 % Heat loss due to unburnt in bottom ash (L8)

 From all this losses calculation with different formula for each we can find efficiency in indirect


 Boiler efficiency by indirect method = 100- (L1+L2+L3+L4+L5+L6+L7+L8)



Condensers are devices in which cooling water is used to condensate the exhaust steam from the

steam turbine. The primary objective of a condenser is to maintain a very low back pressure on the

exhaust side low pressure turbine. This enables the steam to expand to a greater extent which

results in an increase in available energy for converting into mechanical work. Following formula is

used for calculating condenser efficiency.

Condenser efficiency = rise in temperature of cooling water[Saturation temp corresponding to the

absolute pressure in the condenser]-[inlet temp of cooling of water]

Steam turbine is a mechanical device that extracts thermal energy from pressurized steam, and

converts it to useful mechanical work. The steam turbines are split into three separate stages, High

Pressure (HP), Intermediate Pressure (IP) and Low Pressure (LP) stage, which are mounted on the same

shaft along with generator.


One of the techniques used to prevent excessively high steam temperatures at the inlets to the high

pressure and intermediate pressure turbines is to spray liquid H2O into the steam. Referred to as

attemperating spray, these liquid flows are taken from the turbine cycle and result in an increase in heat

rate. Consequently, attemperating spray flow rates should be the minimum flow rates needed to

control steam temperatures to the design levels. If main steam and hot reheat steam were at lower

than desired temperatures, while both main steam and hot reheat attemperating sprays were in

operation, then it will result in heat rate penalties due to low steam temperatures and to use of

attemperation when it was not needed. Thus an upgrade to the steam temperature controls and

perhaps repair of leaking flow control valves would be needed to prevent this type of loss. Factors

favoring soot formation are high temperature and shortage of oxygen. Elevated stack temperature

indicates soot deposition as well as scaling on the water side. With every 22% C increase in stack

temperature, 1% efficiency loss occurs in boilers. Practices like periodic off-line cleaning of radiant

furnace surfaces, boiler tube banks, economizers and air heaters are necessary to remove scaling and
soot formation. For every 1% reduction in excess air there is approximately 0.6% rise in efficiency.

Excess air is monitored by CO2 and O2 measurements at air heater inlet.

Air infiltration should be controlled to limit this loss. Various methods like oxygen analyzers, draft

gauges and stack damper control can be used to calculate readings of excess air. Air heater gas outlet

temperature optimization. It should be lowest from overall efficiency point of view, whereas should

be high on account of corrosion problem. For Indian coals having low percentage (approx(0.5%)) of

Sulphur, this specified temperature is of the order. A rise in air heater gas outlet temperature reduces

boiler efficiency by some of the causes of his gas outlet temperature are lack of soot blowing, high

excess air, low final feed water temperature, improper combustion, poor milling, air in leakage before

the combustion chamber, etc. Though in the short run, low air heater gas outlet temperature

improves efficiency; in the long run it can result in low boiler efficiency because of deposition on its

elements and corrosion. Most obvious cause of low air heater gas outlet temperature is lighting and

firing a cold boiler. Its remedy is to bypass the air heater until the gas temperature is high enough to

permit normal operation. It’s another reason is air leakage across air heater seals. The rate of air

leakage varies with the square root of the differential pressure across the air heater.

Also following critical parameters must be observed so as to further increase the Boiler performance:

 Main steam temperature and pressure should be increased

 Re-heater spray should be decreased

 Condenser vacuum should be decreased

 Turbine cylinder efficiency should be increased

 Dry flue gas loss should be decreased

 Un-burnt carbon percentage should be decreased

 Moisture in fuel should be decreased

 Moisture in combustion air should be decreased

 Heat rate should be decreased

 Plant should be operated at full load for maximum efficiency


By regular heat rate improvement program, efficiency can be increase to an extent. Following

aspects can be further studied to improve plant efficiency. Air ingress deteriorates the heat

transfer coefficients. There by increasing the condensing temperature in order to get heat

across air barrier. This makes the vacuum worse. Reheater pressure drop adversely affect the

HPT exhaust pressure, thereby affecting the IPT inlet pressure.


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