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Major Project Phase – 1

Report on



Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Seventh Semester

Submitted by
Name USN
Under the Guidance of
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore 560004



Certified that the project work entitled “Experimental and Numerical analysis of Pulsating Loop
Heat Pipe” is a bonafide work carried out by

In partial fulfillment for the award of 7 semester of Bachelor of Engineering in
Mechanical Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the
year 2023-2024. It is certified that all the corrections/suggestions indicated for the
internal assessment have been incorporated in the report. The Major project phase - 1
has been approved as it is satisfied the academic requirement in respect of project
prescribed for the Bachelor of Engineering Degree in mechanical Engineering.

Signature of Guide Signature of HOD

(Dr. Aswatha) (Dr. T V Sreerama Reddy )

Name of the Examiners Signature with date


I declare that the Major project phase - 1 report entitled “Experimental and Numerical Analysis of
Loop Heat Pipe” carried out independently by our Major Project group, under the guidance of Dr.
Aswatha , Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bangalore Institute of Technology,
Bangalore560004, during the academic year 2023-2024.

Date: 02/01/2024
Place: Bangalore SACHIN JP 1BI20ME081




The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task would
be incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible and under whose
constant guidance and encouragement the task was complete.

We are privileged to thank my project guide Dr. ASWATHA , Professor, Mechanical

Department, BIT, Bengaluru for providing all the helps and guidance needed for successful
completion of this technical seminar.

We would like to thank Dr. T V SREERAMA REDDY, H.O.D, Department of Mechanical

Engineering, BIT, Bengaluru for his help and guidance throughout our academic career.

We are grateful to my principal Dr. M.U ASWATH, Principal, BIT, Bengaluru for having
provided the facilities to do the technical seminar.

We express our sincere thanks to the management of RAJYA VOKKALIGARA SANGHA

and BANGALORE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Bengaluru for providing the
necessary infrastructure and facilities to do my technical seminar.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to all teaching and technical staff of Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, for their
continued support throughout the technical seminar.

3. TEJAS N 1BI20ME121
4. TEJAS R 1BI20ME122


Pulsating heat pipes (PHP) are a form of portable and a two-phase heat transfer cooling
equipment that can be used for a variety of purposes. Heat pipes of this kind can be used in
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Pulsating Loop Heat Pipe 2023-24
a variety of applications, including renewable energy systems, cooling electronic devices,
heat recovery systems, and many others. An experimental study of a pulsating loop heat
pipe (PLHP) is presented in this report. A PHP of two turns made up of copper tubes is
fabricated with inner and outer diameters of 2mm and 3mm, respectively. The working
fluids used for analysis are pure fluids, binary mixtures ternary mixtures. The total length
of PLHP is 270mm. The evaporator, adiabatic, and condenser regions are 42mm, 178mm,
and 50mm, respectively. The experiment is carried out in vertical orientation with heat
inputs ranging from 16 watts to 80 watts in steps of 16, using a 50% fill ratio. The thermal
performance parameters of a two-loop pulsating heat pipe are calculated. In ANSYS Fluent,
a CFD study using the VOF model is carried out to validate the experimental results, and
they are plotted in graphs and contours. The results indicate as the heat input to the
evaporator increases, the thermal resistance falls and gradually decreases with an increase
in heat input. In comparison with all the pure working fluids, acetone is found to be better
in terms of lower thermal resistance, the lower temperature difference between evaporator
and condenser, and higher heat transfer coefficient. And in terms of mixtures, water-ethanol
has shown the best performance.

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Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 7

1.1 Heat Pipe ......................................................................................................................... 7

1.1.1 Types of heat pipes .................................................................................................... 8

1.2 Pulsating loop heat pipe ................................................................................................ 11

1.2.1 Working of pulsating heat pipe .................................................................................11

1.2.2 History ..................................................................................................................... 12

1.2.3 Parameters effecting the performance of loop heat pipe ......................................... 13

1.2.4 Advantages .............................................................................................................. 14

1.2.5 Disadvantages .......................................................................................................... 14

1.2.6 Applications ............................................................................................................. 15

2 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................... 16

2.1 Experimental study ...................................................................................................... 17

2.2 Numerical study ............................................................................................................ 19

3 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND PROCEDURE .............................................................. 22

3.1 Experimental test rig ......................................................................................... 23

3.2 Experimental procedure ................................................................................... 27

4 RESULTS ................................................................................................................. 28

4.1 Effect on thermal performance parameters using pure working fluid ........ 29

5 CONCLUSIONS AND SCOPE FOR FUTURE WORK ..................................... 34

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5.1 Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 34

5.2 Future work ....................................................................................................... 34

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List of tables
Table 1 Temperature values for water as working fluid. ................................................... 28

Table 2 Temperature values for ethanol as working fluid. ................................................ 29

Table 3 Temperature values for acetone as working fluid. ................................................ 29

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List of figures
Figure 1 Heat pipe ................................................................................................................ 7

Figure 2 Rotating Heat Pipes ............................................................................................... 8

Figure 3 Thermosyphon Heat Pipes ..................................................................................... 9

Figure 4 Micro Heat Pipe ..................................................................................................... 9

Figure 5 Working of FHP .................................................................................................. 10

Figure 6 Schematic diagram of pulsating heat pipe ........................................................... 11

Figure 7 Schematic of experimental setup ......................................................................... 12

Figure 8 Open loop, closed loop heat pipe ......................................................................... 13

Figure 9 Laptop heat pipe system ...................................................................................... 16

Figure 10 Heat pipe in satellite thermal control ................................................................. 17

Figure 11 Heat pipe circuit ................................................................................................. 17

Figure 12 Geometry of pulsating loop heat pipe ................................................................ 23

Figure 13 Experimental test rig of a two-loop pulsating heat pipe .................................... 24

Figure 14 Copper tubes as heat pipe material .................................................................... 24

Figure 15 K-type thermocouple for temperature measurement ......................................... 25

Figure 16 Heater coil windings on the evaporator ............................................................. 26

Figure 17 Model setup ……………………………………………………………….…...27

Figure 18 Modelling of Pulsating Loop Heat Pipe…………………………………….…30

Figure 19 Meshing of Pulsating Loop Heat Pipe ............................................................... 30

Figure 20 Absolute Velocity ……...….…………………………………...……………...31

Figure 21 Contours of phase ID ........................................................................................ 31

Figure 22 Scaled Residuals ................................................................................................ 32

Figure 23 Steam Volume Fraction ..................................................................................... 32

Figure 24 Contours Volume Fraction ............................................................................... 33

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𝐸𝑣𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 → 𝑇𝑒 [𝐾]

𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 → 𝑇𝑐 [𝐾]

𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 → 𝐴𝑠 [𝑚2]

𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 → 𝑄 [𝑊]

𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 → ℎ [ ]
𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 → ℎ [ ]
𝑚 𝐾

𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 → 𝑅𝑡ℎ [ ]

𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 → 𝐷 [𝑚𝑚]

𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 → 𝑔 [ 𝑚2 ]

Greek symbols

𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 → 𝜌 [𝑚3]

𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 → 𝜎 [ ]


𝑒 → 𝐸𝑣𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟

𝑐 → 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑟

𝑠 → 𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒

𝑙𝑖𝑞 → 𝐿𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑

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𝑣𝑎𝑝 → 𝑉𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑟

𝑐𝑟𝑖 → 𝐶𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙


1.1 Heat Pipe

A heat pipe is a device with high thermal conductivity that allows heat to be transferred
while keeping the heated and cooled sections at nearly constant temperatures. Heat pipes
are passive thermal transfer devices that use phase change processes and vapour diffusion
to transport large amounts of heat over relatively long distances with no moving parts. A
heat pipe's primary component is an empty tube that is partially filled with an operating
fluid, which can be liquid or vapour. The working fluid is at the bottom of the tank, and if
a heat source is applied, the liquid reservoir will vaporise. Because of the difference in
densities between the vapour and the fluid, the vapour will enter the cool condenser section.
The temperature difference between the walls causes the vapour to condense, releasing
latent heat and allowing the fluid to return to the evaporator's liquid pool through gravity
(thermosyphons) or some sort of capillary wicking structure (wicked heat pipes) [28].

Figure 1 Heat pipe [40]

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Heat pipes' working fluids are chosen based on the temperatures at which they can run, with
examples ranging from liquid helium for extremely low temperatures to Mercury and even
Indium for extremely high temperatures. The vast majority of heat pipes for room

temperature applications use ammonia, methanol, ethanol, acetone, or water as working

fluids. Some water heat pipes are partially filled with water, heated until the water boils and
displaces the air, and then sealed while still hot [29].

1.1.1 Types of heat pipes

The types of heat pipes are:

1. Contact conductance heat pipes

2. Variable Conductance Heat Pipes
3. Rotating Heat Pipes
4. Thermosyphon Heat Pipes
5. Micro Heat Pipe
6. Diode Heat Pipes
7. Flat Heat Pipes Few of them are explained in details below.

1. Contact conductance heat pipes

Fixed conductance heat pipe is another name for constant conductance heat pipes. CCHP’s
carry out heat transfer from a heat source to a heat sink with a less temperature difference.
Axial groove capillary wicks are used because they are relatively simple to produce and
have a proven background in spacecraft and instrument thermal control applications.
2. Rotating Heat Pipes

The condensate here is returned to the evaporator by centrifugal force in a spinning or

revolving heat pipe, therefore no capillary wicks are needed. This kind of heat pipe is used
to cool turbine parts and electric motor armatures [32].

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Figure 2 Rotating Heat Pipes

3. Thermosyphon Heat Pipes

These heat pipes operate on the heat rising principle. In an open-loop system (for non-
freezing climates), potable water enters the bottom of the collector and rises to the tank as
it warms. In cooler temperatures, antifreeze agents are used in the closed solar loop, and
freeze-tolerant plumbing is used for potable water lines in the attic. A variety of
international manufacturers make thermosyphon instruments. The benefit of this system
over a batch heater is that solar heat is contained in an insulated tank, allowing heated water
to be utilised anytime it is required while avoiding overnight losses.

Figure 3 Thermosyphon Heat Pipes

4. Micro Heat Pipe

In these type of heat pipes the curvature of the fluid interface is proportional to the reciprocal
of the hydraulic radius of the whole flow path. Micro heat pipes are usually having cusped
cross sections and have hydraulic radius ranging from 5–100 m.

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Figure 4 Micro Heat Pipe

5. Flat Heat Pipes
A sealed hollow vessel, operating fluid, and a closed-loop tube mechanism are all features
of thin planar heat pipes, which have tubular heat pipes. A vapour chamber usually has an
interior support system and sometimes a set of posts capable of baring high clamping
pressures. When friction is experienced, the smooth top and bottom are prevented from
breaking down.

Figure 5 Working of FHP.

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1.2 Pulsating loop heat pipe

Pulsating heat pipes (PHPs) are typically suitable for microelectronic cooling and
consist of single or multiple tubes of U-turns that are end to end joined together. The
line is discharged, and then half of the pipe is filled with operating fluid. The
operating fluid is dispersed in a vapor-bubble-separated arrangement of liquid slugs
if the diameter of the PHP is not too long. The evaporator region of the tube absorbs
heat and moves it to the condenser region by an oscillating motion of the liquid and
slug. Thermally-induced pressure fluctuations within the device allow the transport
of liquid and vapor slug/bubble to occur, and no external source is required.

Figure 6 Schematic diagram of pulsating heat pipe

1.2.1 Working of pulsating heat pipe

One end of the PHP tube bundle is heated through a pulsating action of the working fluid,
is transmitted to the other, creating, in general, a capillary slug flow. A temperature
differential between the heated and cooled ends occurs during operation. Due to the heat
transfer speeds (non-uniform), which causes minor temperature differences between the
individual 'U' evaporator and condenser bends. This creates a pressure disparity leading to
two-phase flow instability, essentially allowing for the flow of thermal fluids. In the regions
of the evaporator and condensation, the bubble growth system creates a persistent
'nonequilibrium environment while the internal pressure continues to equalize inside the
closed structure. As a result, a self-sustained thermally induced oscillating flow is achieved.

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Figure7. Schematic of experimental setup

1.2.2 History

Figure 8 Open loop, closed loop heat pipe

Zhang and others (2003) studied the fluctuating flow in a heat pipe with several loops
numerically. They discovered a vertical heat pipe with evaporator and condenser regions at
the two ends. The equations are non-dimensional, and the problem was divided into 8 non-
dimensional numbers to be solved. The effect of the number of loops and time of the heating
and cooling sections was investigated. The pressure differential between the two ends has
been used as a driving factor in previous works to research heat transfer in PHP.

Mama and others (2006) anticipated a mathematical model for the swaying movement of
the liquid in a PHP that utilizes the temperature contrast between the two end regions as the

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main impetus. Connection between swaying recurrence and math, warm potential, fill
proportion, working liquid, and the working temperature was created utilizing this model.
Their discoveries are being used to unravel the cycle controlling the throbbing wonder in
PHPs. Utilizing the Clausius – Clapeyron condition, the creators connected the crucial
factor distinction between the condenser and the evaporator to the temperature contrast. The
model was solved for the slug's displacement, highlighting PHP's characteristics in the
saturation zone. In their analysis, the authors used water and acetone as working fluids.

Rama Narasimha and others (2010) utilized mama (2006) model to tackle the administering
condition for slug's relocation and velocity using the Dormand–Sovereign pair express
installed Runge – Kutta recipe. The fill proportion, tube distance across, working
temperature, temperature differential among evaporator and condenser, and working liquid
affect slug speed, as indicated by their discoveries. They examined the stream qualities of
PHP utilizing non-dimensional numbers like the Poiseuille, Fine, and Eckert numbers.

Numerous exploratory PHP works have additionally been distributed in writing. Piyanun
Charoensawan et al. (2003) examined an assortment of PHPs in an experimental setting.
Copper tubes with internal breadths of 2mm and 1mm were utilized to make the shut circle
PHPs. The functioning liquids were water, and R–123. The operating fluid affects the over-
all portion of reasonable and inert warmth in PHP, as indicated by the creators. They also
exhibited that the functioning liquid impacts the type of stream (e.g., slug/annular stream),
average stream speed, and general pressing factor drop-in PHP. The functioning liquid
affected air pocket nucleation, breakdown, structures, and air pocket siphoning activity,
they found. Their tests found that PHP performed better with water when it was vertically
arranged and had a 2 mm inward width. They improved outcomes with R – 123 and ethanol
in 1 mm measurement tubes.

Zhang et al. (2004) directed a test investigation on PHP utilizing fluorinert, and water as
operating liquids. Copper tubes with an inward width of 1.2 mm and a complete number of turns of
three were utilized in the examination. Because of its lower surface strain, the abundance of warm
motions recorded for fluorinert was little compared to water. In contrast with the other two liquids, the
swaying development in the channels was discovered to be quicker on account of fluorinert. Due to
its lower dormant warmth esteem, fluorinert rushed through the media. Past a base warmth input, they
suggested water as the better working liquid. They also demonstrated that FC – 72 is better suited to
circumstances with low heat flux [27].
1.2.3 Parameters effecting the performance of loop heat pipe
1. Working fluid.
2. Internal diameter.
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3. Length of the tube.
4. Dimensions of various sections.
5. Number of turns.
6. Filling ratio.
7. Inclination angle.

1.2.4 Advantages
1. Height varies from 10 mm to 15 m.
2. Thermal conductivity is higher than any other conductor.
3. Relative weight is much lesser than any other conductor.
4. No wick structure is present.

1.2.5 Disadvantages
1. The temperature drop is larger compared to classical heat pipe.
2. Increased losses have a negative impact on the performance of heat pipes over long-
distance implementations.

3. Entrainment losses are caused by viscous interactions.

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1.2.6 Applications
1. Cooling electronic equipment.
2. Thermal control of nuclear reactor.
3. Heat rejection in space crafts.
4. Dissipation of heat from the hypersonic aircraft's leading edge.

Figure 9 Laptop heat pipe system

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Figure 10 Heat pipe in satellite thermal control

Figure 11 Heat pipe circuit


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2.1 Experimental study

K. Rama Narasimha et al. [8] experimented on a loop heat pipe with a single U-turn. Copper
tubes, glass visualizing tubes, silicon elastic cylinders, a no-return valve, a loop wound
warmer, and thermocouples are the essential parts utilized in PHP. The cylinder is made of
copper, and it is wound into a solitary circle U turn with a sweep. Connectors among glass
and copper tubes are made of silicon tubes. In the evaporator and condenser areas, four
thermocouples are joined at equivalent distances. The temperatures at different areas are
recorded utilizing a twelve-channel computerized temperature marker. Air, acetone,
ethanol, and methanol are the four working liquids utilized in the analysis. The effects of
input power, thermal transfer coefficients, and thermal resistance on the output of the heat
pipe are studied by experimentation. The findings show that acetone has a less thermal
resistance and a minor temperature differential between the evaporator and condenser. As a
result, acetone can be considered as a more appropriate working fluid for PHP operation.
K. Rama Narasimha and others conducted a numerical analysis (using MATLAB) of the
pulsating heat pipe to analyse velocity (slug) due to operating temperature, working fluid
effect, and temperature differential effect between evaporator and condenser. The results
show better momentum and better heat transfer using the higher diameter, higher
temperature, and lower filling ratios.
R. Naik and others carried out ephemeral and undeviating-state experiments using a single
PHP closed loop. Copper capillary tubes with an inner radius of 0.975 mm and an outer
radius of 1.5 mm are used in the evaporator and condenser parts. The closed loop pulsating
heat pipe has a total length of 540 mm. The measurements of the evaporator and condenser
are 185 and 195 mm, respectively. A glass tube is attached between the evaporator and
condenser portions for a length of 160 mm to depict the flow in the PHP. The material used
is borosilicate glass with an internal diameter of 2 mm and 3 mm as outer diameter.
Connectors between glass and copper tubes are made of silicon rubber tubing with 1 internal
radius and a 2 mm outer radius. As links, silicon rubber tubes were used. Experiments are
conducted at different heat loads, and temperature measurements of the evaporator and
condenser wall are registered. Acetone has the lower temperature difference between the
evaporator and condenser in both horizontal and vertical directions of PHP operation
compared to ethanol and Methanol.

K. Rama Narasimha and others [39] experimented on pulsating heat pipe (PHP). Creation
and testing of a shut circle PHP with a solitary ‘U’ turn. Copper is utilized as the flow tube
material, which has a 2 mm inward distance across and a 3 mm external breadth. A glass

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section is joined to the copper flow tube for a length of 65 mm to imagine the liquid stream
in the PHP. In this examination, borosilicate glass with an inward breadth of 2 mm and an
external width of 3 mm was utilized. In both the evaporator and condenser parts, silicon
elastic cylinders with a 2 mm internal measurement and a 4 mm external width are utilized
as connectors among glass and copper tubes. Since silicon elastic cylinders are warm
protectors and can withstand temperatures of up to 400 degrees Celsius, they are utilized as
connectors. The working temperatures are resolved and transient and consistent state tests
are completed. Tests are completed with an assortment of working liquids, heat info, and
departure stages. Warm opposition and warmth move coefficient of PHP are among the
inferred boundaries. At lower heat supply, the outcomes show intermittent flow of the
functioning liquid acetone has a more modest temperature contrast between the evaporator
and the condenser at consistent state than water, ethanol, or methanol. As acetone is
contrasted with water, ethanol, and methanol, it has a lower warm obstruction and a higher
warmth move coefficient. Atmospheric conditions for mechanism of PHP show lower
values of temperature differential between evaporator and condenser, lower thermal
resistance, adding to it elevated heat transfer coefficient than evacuation conditions.
Wang Xingyu and others [13] carried out experiments to assess the impression of
refrigerants on heat transfer. Red copper heat pipe was twisted into a 18-turn curl with an
internal distance across of 2 mm and an external measurement of 3 mm. The evaporator,
condenser, and adiabatic areas each 50 mm, 100 mm, and 100 mm long. The PHP was tried
upward, and electrical opposition warmer wire was utilized to warm the evaporator parcel.
The PHP was fitted with 14 T-type thermocouples that deliberate the temperature of three
sections altogether. Six thermocouples were mounted on the evaporator segment in a similar
way as some other straight cylinder, and the equivalent was done on the condenser area. On
the adiabatic portion, there were two thermocouples. The electrical resistance heater wire
covered the 6 thermocouples on the evaporator section. Heat pipe thermal resistances with
a filling ratio of 20.55 percent were found to be higher. The results showed that the R134a
heat transfer capacity is higher than the R404A and R600a.
Piyanun Charoensawan et al. [14] have experimentally tested a wide range of pulsating heat
pipes, providing critical details on their thermal efficiency parameter dependency. It
comprises of CLPHPs that have been checked, warming and cooling pools, a temperature
information lumberjack, and a stream meter that actions the coolant arrangement stream
rate. The temperature of the cooling liquid was estimated with four chrom–alumel
thermocouples (OMEGA-Type K), two at the channel and outlet parts of the condenser. The
warmth throughput of the condenser-cooling coat was consequently determined utilizing a

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calorimetric interaction. The instrumentation was finished by two thermocouples on the
evaporator tube parts, four thermocouples on the adiabatic cylinder areas, and two
thermocouples on the condenser partition. Copper capillary tubes were used to make the
CLPHPs that were examined. In all of the experiments, both ends of the tube were
connected to form a closed loop system that was located in the condenser. Foam insulation
was used to insulate the adiabatic portion (Armaflex). Analysis was done for different inner
diameters and working fluid. The operating fluids used were water, ethanol, and R-123.
Shuto Tomita et al. [15] have developed, produced, and tested a 1.0 mm thick evaporator
heat pipe with a one-way heat - transfer length of 200 mm and a thermal transfer capacity
of more than 10 W using ethanol as a working fluid to meet the heat dissipation
requirements of small or thin electronic equipment. The heat pipe can be transferred to 12
W, and the temperature is 83 °C, and the thermal resistance is 1.98 °C/W. PHP has shown
steady operation at varying power cycles with a heat load of 10 W.
Miguel Gonzalez et al. [16] have experimented to determine a pulsating heat pipe (PHP)
using nanofluids in a transparent three mm-diameter quartz tube. Copper tubes are used for
the evaporator and condenser modules. The 30 percent, 50 percent, and 70 percent fill ratios
have been tested. The heat transmit output of the evaporator and condenser sections and the
overall PHP efficiency have been calculated.
Fumin Shang et al. [17] published an article on the different inclination angles to study heat
transfer. The outcomes indicated that when the angle is 45 degrees, the heat is distributed
symmetrically, but when the angle is 90 degrees, the heat pipe has the highest heat transfer
This paper was produced by Shi Liu et al. [18]. Suppose the flow path geometry of the PHP
is less symmetrical, the probability of circulatory flow increases. The experiment was
performed by Harshal Gamit et al. [19]. When the heat flux stays stable at 30W and FR at
40\%, it is observed that the rise in FR raises the thermal resistance of the system at the
same heat source. The machine decreases with an increase in the flow of heat.

2.2 Numerical study

J. Venkata Suresh et al. [20] carried out a CFD analysis (ANSYS CFX) on pulsating heat
pipes using binary mixtures such as water-ethanol and water-methanol with a 50 percent
filling ratio for the outer diameter of 3.6mm and inner 2. The main goal of the paper is
investigating the efficiency of the transfer of heat of a heat pipe in an evaporator with
variation in load condition using fluid as methanol. A literature review of the operation and
efficiency of pulsating heat pipes is conducted. To come up with the given problem

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statement, recommended in papers and journals are considered. After that, the tools that are
used in solving model are chosen, it is then created. After that it is simulated and run until
the certain conditions are met after the appropriate schemes have been set. There are several
instruments and techniques for displaying data. These results are classified after that it is
than compared to our baseline reference. Then the outcome of the CFD is then tested in
computer analytically. The Evaporator area was given different heat fluxes: at different
watts. The Heat flux in the adiabatic section is zero. The temperature disparity between
condenser and evaporator is calculated. Among these two PHPs with an inner diameter of
2 mm with water-methanol with a 50 percent PHP filling yield peak results.
Kalpak R. Sagar et al. [21] carried out a simulation of numerical of a 2D Cryogenic
oscillating heat pipe near the critical diameter incorporating liquid nitrogen as working
fluid. By comparing the results in different mesh sizes and time measures, the grid
independence is confirmed. The grid (mesh) independence analysis is used to ensure that
the results obtained are not affected by mesh resolution. The evaporator part has a constant
heat flux (10000 W m–2), while the condensing area has a temperature (constant) of (76
K). The temperature of the evaporator is taken at the zero point on the wall tube. In the grid
analysis, four different sets of (grid) mesh cells are used. The 2D structure of a CPHP
remains unchanged for all of the operating conditions in this study. Liquid nitrogen is
thought to be the working fluid.
J. Venkata Suresh et al. [22] carried out a CFD analysis (ANSYS CFX) for an oscillating
pipe (heat) using Methanol as a working fluid and 60 percent filling ratio. Here the goal is
to investigate the transfer of heat efficiency of a heat pipe in an evaporator with load that is
been varied at a condition using methanol as the working fluid. A literature review of the
operation and efficiency of oscillating closed loop heat pipe is conducted. To come up with
the given problem statement, several recommended papers and journals are considered in
this paper. After that, the tools which is used to solve the model are chosen and then created.
After that it is simulated and run until the conditions which are necessary is met after the
appropriate schemes have been set. There are several instruments and techniques for
displaying data. These results are classified and then is been compared to the baseline of
reference. After that outcome of the Computational fluid dynamics simulation is then tested.
Heat flux at the evaporator is equal to 10 W to 70 W, the heat flux of 4423 W/m2 for
condenser and zero at the adiabatic component.

The CFD study was conducted by Umberto Costa Bitencourt [23] using a filling ratio of 50
percent. Since there is only one loop in the oscillating heat pipe under consideration, the
analysis is carried out using a two-dimensional model. The fill ratio, or the proportion of
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Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Pulsating Loop Heat Pipe 2023-24
liquid used to total volume, is 50 percent; after that, the percentage is easily adjustable.
There are three types of water: liquid, vapour, and air. The limits have been defined. Due to
the thin walls, the heat flux is extremely high; it was later reduced to 0.5 mm, and the basic
function of an oscillating heat pipe is that when the water boils at the bottom of the
oscillating heat stream, the temperature rises to 36 degrees Celsius, causing vaporisation.

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3.1 Experimental test rig

The experimental setup is depicted in Figure 13. In this system, copper is used as the PHP
material. The outer radius of the copper tubing is 1.5mm, and the inner is 2mm. The copper
tube was 1095mm long before being formed into a PHP. The evaporator, adiabatic, and
condenser sections have separate dimensions of 42mm, 180mm, and 50mm, respectively.
As connectors between the regions, silicon rubber is used. The silicon rubber tubes used as
connectors can withstand temperatures of up to 673K. These are leakproof and can expand
at higher temperatures.

Figure 12 Geometry of pulsating loop heat pipe

The evaporator part of the PHP was heated using a coil heater (shown in figure 14).
Temperature is measured using four K-type temperature sensors. Two are installed in the
evaporator portion and two in the condenser section. These K-type thermocouples have a
working temperature range of 273 K to 523K and a cumulative error of 0.1 degree Celsius.
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The thermocouples are connected to the walls of the copper tube at both sides.
Tests are performed to ensure the thermocouples' accuracy. The multi-channel monitor is
used to display the temperature values. To ensure that the experimental rig is enclosed, glass
woolis evenly distributed in the evaporator and adiabatic portion.

Figure 13 Experimental test rig of a two-loop pulsating heat pipe

Figure 14 Copper tubes as heat pipe material

Copper is used as the heat pipe material as shown in figure 14.

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Copper is a durable, malleable, and ductile metal. Copper's unique properties make it ideal
for tube formation, wire drawing, spinning, and deep drawing. Copper and its alloys also
have the following important properties.

1. Excellent heat conductivity

2. Excellent electrical conductivity
3. Excellent corrosion resistance
4. Excellent befouling resistance
5. Excellent machinability
6. Mechanical and electrical properties retained at cryogenic temperatures
7. Non-magnetic

Copper is only second to silver in terms of electrical conductivity. Copper has a conductivity
of 97 percent that of silver. Copper has historically been the standard commodity for
electricity transmission applications due to its lower cost and greater availability. Although
the addition of other elements will increase properties such as power, electrical conductivity
will suffer. A 1% increase in cadmium content, for example, can boost strength by 50%.
However, there would be a 15% reduction in electrical conductivity as a result of this.

Pure Copper has a melting point of 1083oC.

Copper alloys do not have a well specified yield point. As a consequence, it's usually stated
as a 0.5 percent under load extension or a 0.2 percent offset.

In terms of measured thermal conductivity of naturally occurring materials, copper is known

for having strong thermal properties, coming in third place behind diamond and silver.

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Figure 15 K-type thermocouple for temperature measurement

Figure 16 depicts the K-type thermocouple is used for measurement of temperature at the
evaporator and the condenser regions of the PHP.

The most popular general-purpose thermocouple is Type K (chromel–alumel).

It is low-cost, and the temperature range from 473K to 1626K. Since this was found at a
time when metallurgy was not as cutting-edge as it is now, features may differ provocatively
between specimens .

Coil heater is used to provide heat at the evaporator section. The heater is wounded around
the evaporator as shown in the figure 16.

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Figure 16 Multi-channel display and heater input

3.2 Experimental procedure

1. Until loading the heat pipe with fresh operating fluid, air is circulated inside to ensure
that no prior fluid or dust particles are present.
2. The PHP is then filled with fluid using a syringe by disconnecting the flexible silicon
rubber tube from one end of the PHP for the appropriate volume.

3. The tests are carried out for various heat inputs ranging from 16W to 80W in 16W stages
at a filling ratio of 50%.

4. A power source and a coil heater are used to heat the PHP's evaporator portion.

5. Multi-channel display is used to note the temperature readings.

6. Cooling of the condenser region is done by maintaining the temperature of the

condenser duct at 300 K by water flow at constant rate.

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Figure 17 Model

Thermal resistance is inversely proportional to the performance of the PHP. It is calculated
by increasing the heat input from 16W until equilibrium is reached (shown in equation 1).
𝑇𝑒 − 𝑇𝑐 𝑅 = 𝐾/𝑊
Similarly, the heat transfer co-efficient which is proportional to the performance of the heat
pipe is calculated using equation 2.

ℎ= 𝑊/𝑚2𝐾
𝐴 × (𝑇𝑒 − 𝑇 𝑐 )

The critical diameter of the copper tube is calculated using equation 3. The tube the diameter
should be lesser than its critical diameter. The diameter of the tube is usually from 2mm to
5mm for all binary and pure working fluids.

𝐷 < 𝐷 𝑐𝑟𝑖 𝑚𝑚 𝜎
< 2√
𝑔 (𝜌 𝑙𝑖𝑞 − 𝜌𝑣𝑎𝑝 )

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Precision errors in the instruments and system errors cause uncertainties in the system.
Kline and McClintock's method [16] calculates the uncertainties in the evaporator and
condenser temperatures. The heat loss in the system is about 5-10%.

The evaporator and the condenser temperatures for various working fluids are shown in

tables 1 to 6. Table 1 Temperature values for water as working fluid.

Heat input(W) Evaporator temperature Condenser temperature

(°C) (°C)
16 64 29
32 93 29
48 112 29
64 122 30
80 132 31

Table 2 Temperature values for ethanol as working fluid.

Heat input at the Temperature of the Temperature of the

condenser (°C)
evaporator region (W) evaporator (°C)
16 56 30
32 65 30
48 76 30
64 82 29
80 91 29

Table 3 Temperature values for acetone as working fluid.

Heat input(W) Evaporator temperature Condenser temperature

(°C) (°C)
16 42 29

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32 49 29
48 52 29
64 59 30
80 65 30

4.1 Effect on thermal performance parameters using pure working fluids

Thermal resistance depends on the latent heat and the boiling point of the operating fluid.
During the lower heat input, the temperature supplied to the evaporator by the heater coil is
less. Due to this, there is no sufficient pumping, and the liquid plugs oscillate. Due to higher
latent heat of vaporization of water, more heat input is required in comparison with other
working fluids. During experimentation we observed that the flow is initiated and
oscillating at 32 watts. Up until 48 watts, the circulation of fluid was complete in the
channel. Above 48 watts, the fluid was circulating annularly with a pulsating action.
Therefore, the thermal resistance decreases gradually from the lower heat input to the
higher, as shown in figure 19.

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5.1 Conclusions
A two-loop pulsating heat pipe has been fabricated and tested using various working fluids.

The thermal efficiency contributes quantitatively to the vaporization of the operating fluid
by boiling of the fluid and latent heat. The viscosity and the surface tension also play an
essential role in causing slugs in contrary to the gravity to circulate.

In comparison with all the pure working fluids, acetone is better in terms of lesser thermal
resistance, the lower temperature difference between evaporator and condenser, and higher
heat transfer co-efficient. Due to the lower values of latent heat, acetone tends to form vapor
bubbles faster, which in turn helps in better heat transfer. And in terms of mixtures, water-
ethanol has shown the best performance.

5.2 Future work

1. Vary the filling ratios for the experimented working fluids and nanofluids and compare
the results.
2. Vary the diameter of the heat pipe and compare with existing results.
3. Compare the thermal performance by increasing the number of loops of PHP.
4. Vary the ratio of fluid mixtures and compare with the experimented ratios.
5. Compare the performance of the PHP at various inclination angles.
6. Perform CFD analysis using different operating pressures.

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