The Open Sports Sciences Journal, 2016, 9, (Suppl-1, M2) 3-12 3
DOI: 10.2174/1875399X01609010003
Received: July 16, 2015 Revised: August 18, 2015 Accepted: September 07, 2015
Abstract: Football is one of the most rooted sports worldwide attracting millions of spectators, but clubs face an increasing
competition of other leisure activities. Understanding how to increase spectators' behavioral intentions towards their favorite football
teams is paramount for sport managers, given that a behavioral intention represents a measure of how much a person is willing to
engage in a specific behavior. Thus, the purposes of this study were (1) to explain the role of spectators' behavioral intentions, and (2)
to highlight its antecedents within the football context. In doing so, this study starts by providing a review of consumption-related
aspects that have been associated with football spectators' behavioral intentions, such as emotions experienced during the games,
service quality, team brand associations and satisfaction. Subsequently, the main findings from previous studies conducted with
football spectators are highlighted and managerial implications are suggested in order to aid football clubs at providing good overall
consumption experiences to their spectators, and thus contributing to increase attendance levels. Finally, future research avenues are
suggested in order to expand our understanding on how to strengthen the link between football spectators and their teams, with
subsequent associated benefits.
Keywords: Behavioral Intentions, Emotions, Football, Service Quality, Spectators, Team Brand Associations.
Football is one of the most rooted sports worldwide, and attending football games is a popular leisure activity in
contemporary societies. This is particularly evident in Europe where every year millions of passionate fans invest time,
energy, and money in supporting their favorite teams [1]. The top 20 European clubs generated combined revenues of
over €6.2 billion in 2013/14 including about 20% in gate receipts [2]. However, due to the unstable economic
environment in many countries, the emergence of new technologies, and the increased importance of selling
broadcasting rights, the challenge for clubs is to retain this high demand [3]. Also, the increasing competition from
other leisure activities leads professional teams to compete with other organizations for the time and disposable money
of potential consumers [4]. Thus, clubs need to provide memorable experiences at the stadium in order to strengthen the
link with spectators and increase their intentions to attend more games over time [5].
Achieving high attendance levels in a regular basis is vital for sport clubs due to the impact on ticket sales and other
match day revenues, while also contributing to make the games more attractive to others. In this sense, recent studies
have focused on fans’ experiences at the stadium to understand how to strengthen their positive behavioral intentions
towards the team [3, 5]. Satisfaction with team games has been referred as an antecedent of behavioral intentions [4].
Also, emotions experienced during the matches [6], service quality [7], and team brand associations [8] are other
consumption-related factors often mentioned as having a direct or indirect role (i.e., via satisfaction) at increasing
* Address correspondence to this author at the Escola de Turismo, Desporto & Hospitalidade, Universidade Europeia, Lisboa, Estrada da Correia, no.
53, 1500-210 Lisboa, Portugal; Tel: +351 210 309 900; E-mail:
spectators’ behavioral intentions. Based on the sport management and marketing literature, understanding how to
increase spectators’ behavioral intentions should be a strategic goal for sport clubs in order to strengthen financial
sustainability [3, 4, 6]. This assumes particular relevance in the European football context due to the global popularity
of this sport and recent evidences of indebtedness in several European leagues and clubs [9, 10]. Thus, through a
comprehensive review of studies published in sport management and marketing journals about football, the purposes of
this study were to explain the importance of spectators' behavioral intentions towards the teams, and to highlight
consumption-related factors that contribute to understand how to increase spectators’ behavioral intentions within the
football context. While this study is mainly directed towards managers working in football clubs, it may also provide
guidance to managers working in other sport contexts, and other entertainment industries.
Eligibility Criteria
The current review of the literature is based on articles published in the Journal of Sport Management (JSM),
European Sport Marketing Quarterly (ESMQ), International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship (IJSMS), Sport
Management Review (SMR) and Sport Marketing Quarterly (SMQ). The decision to focus on these journals was based
on the international ranking of sport management journals conducted by Woratschek and colleagues [11], and the
bibliometric studies of citations to sport management and marketing journals indicating these journals as the ones with
most quality, prestige and impact in this field of study [12, 13]. In addition, only empirical studies conducted within the
football context and testing the psychometric properties of the proposed constructs were considered to be eligible in
order to allow the identification of valid measures to be potentially used in subsequent studies.
will continue in the future and generate more revenues. The theoretical rationale for this assumption is that a behavioral
intention represents a measure on how much a person is willing to engage in a particular behavior [16]. Consistently, a
behavioral intention serves as context-specific representation of a goal-oriented behavior [17], and can represent either
favorable or unfavorable outcomes to a club. As noted by Zeithaml and colleagues [18], unfavorable behavioral
intentions include aspects such as saying negative things about the organization, switching to competitors, complaining
to external agencies and/or decreasing the amount of business with the organization. In turn, favorable behavioral
intentions are related with saying positive things about the organization, recommending its services to others, remaining
loyal, spending more money in products and services and/or paying a price premium [18].
Table 1. Measures used in prior studies to assess football spectators’ behavioral intentions.
In spectator sport research, the concept of behavioral intentions has been referred as a favorable intention to attend
future games, recommend them to others and remain supporting the team through different forms [7]. This measure has
been successfully used in previous studies concerning the antecedents of spectators’ behavioral intentions [8, 19]. In
addition, previous studies have noted that spectators’ behavioral intentions are associated with their actual behaviors
[20]. Although a behavioral intention is not the same as an actual behavior, a consumer’s intention is vital in guiding
his/her behavior [16]. Thus, drawing on previous research, one can say that a behavioral intention is a paramount
measure to understand future actions of football spectators towards their teams. Table 1 summarizes the measures used
in prior studies to assess football spectators’ behavioral intentions.
Service Quality
Service quality has been referred as an attitude or global judgment about the superiority of a given service [31]. That
is, quality is seen as the consumer’s impression regarding the excellence of the service provided by an organization.
Numerous scholars have examined service quality in spectator sport settings [4, 7, 32]; yet, it is important to consider
the specific features of each sport when assessing service quality. For example, the five-dimension SPORTSERV scale
[33] and the eleven-dimension model presented by Biscaia and colleagues [4] are examples of scales used in the
football context. However, despite the lack of consensus on the appropriate dimensions of the existing scales, it is
6 The Open Sports Sciences Journal, 2016, Volume 9 Rui Biscaia
widely accepted that good perceptions of service quality lead to competitive advantages [4, 19, 32].
Providing high-quality services is paramount for football clubs, given that service quality represents a proxy
measure of managers’ performance, while also contributing to the organization’s positioning, and to enhancing
satisfaction and behavioral intentions [23, 32]. Theodorakis and colleagues [3] found that good perceptions of service
quality lead to increased satisfaction, which in turn leads to positive behavioral intentions. Also, Biscaia and colleagues
[4] noted that service quality dimensions favor both overall satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Drawing on previous
literature, service quality represents an antecedent of football spectators’ behavioral intentions, both in a direct way as
well as via satisfaction. Table 2 summarizes the measures used in prior studies for assessing service quality in the
football context and its relationship with behavioral intentions.
Table 2. Measures of service quality in football context and its relationship with behavioral intentions.
Year and
Measures of Service Quality Predictors of Behavioral Intentions
2008 [23] Tangibles, Responsiveness, Access, Security and Reliability. Tangibles, Responsiveness, Access, Reliability.
2011 [33] Tangibles, Responsiveness, Access, Security and Reliability. Not tested.
2012 [34] Tangibles, Responsiveness, Access, Security, Reliability, Auditory and Game
Not tested.
2013 [3] Functional quality (Tangibles, Responsiveness, Access, Security and Outcome quality (direct effect). Functional quality
Reliability) and Outcome quality (Team performance and Game quality). (via Satisfaction).
2013 [4] Referees, Security and Crowd experience (direct
Player performance, Opponent characteristics, Referees, Frontline employees, effect).
Facility assess, Seat space, Facility design, Game atmosphere and Crowd Player performance, Opponent characteristics, Crowd
experience. experience, Game atmosphere and Referees (via
2014 [28] Game quality, Augment service, Interaction, Outcome and Environment. Game quality, Augment service, outcome and
Environment (via Satisfaction).
It is commonly accepted that an emotion is a reaction to actual or imagined stimulus events involving subjective
experiences (cognitive component), physiological processes (arousal component), and action tendencies [35].
Consistently, Bagozzi and colleagues [36] define an emotion as a “state of readiness that arises from cognitive
appraisals of events or thoughts; has a phenomenological tone; is accompanied by physiological processes; is often
expressed physically (e.g., gestures, posture, facial features); and may result in specific actions to affirm or cope with
the emotion, depending on its nature and meaning for the person having it.” (p. 184)
There is a growing interest in spectators’ emotions due to the unique form of experiential consumption in sports [6,
24, 37]. Sporting events can evoke a wide range of pleasant (e.g., joy and excitement) and unpleasant emotions (e.g.,
anger and dejection), which suggest that sport teams have the potential to capitalize the emotional relationship shared
with fans [38, 39]. Complementarily, it is important to note that context analysis is essential for studying emotions [40],
and prior studies have reported that unpleasant emotions can negatively influence spectators’ satisfaction [41] and
behavioral intentions [42], while pleasant emotions contribute in a positive way to increase these outcomes [24]. Thus,
emotions experienced during team matches seem to have a direct impact on spectators’ behavioral intentions, as well as
an indirect impact that is mediated by satisfaction. With this in mind, understanding the different stimuli causing
emotional reactions should be a focal point for sport managers working in the football context. Table 3 summarizes the
emotions examined in prior studies conducted with football spectators and its relationship with behavioral intentions.
Table 3. Emotional measures used in football context and its relationship with behavioral intentions.
distinguishes brand associations into attributes, benefits and attitudes. Attributes are the features of each brand including
product-related (physical composition of the product, or service requirements) and non-product-related (external aspects
of the product or service linked to the purchase or consumption). Benefits are related to the meaning consumers attach
to the product/service, and can be functional, symbolic or experiential [46]. In turn, attitudes represent the overall
evaluation of the brand depending on the attributes and benefits of the brand. These brand associations may vary
according to their favorability, strength and uniqueness, and the set of mental associations held by consumers allows the
creation of a brand image [47].
In the sports marketplace, the analysis of team brand associations represents an important stream of research. The
interest in this topic is due to the unique consumer setting in sport where fans often develop highly emotional bonds
with their favorite teams [24, 38]. Previous studies suggest that managing a team as a brand aids to dilute the effect of
team performance during the season, contributing to provide superior service experiences and to increase long-term
profitability [47]. Recent studies conducted with football fans have highlighted that brand associations are important to
enhance spectators’ satisfaction [48] and behavioral intentions [8]. Based on previous literature, one can argue that team
brand associations represent an antecedent of both satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Table 4 summarizes the
studies on team brand associations within the football context.
Table 4. Measures of team brand associations in football context and its relationship with behavioral intentions.
Cronin and Taylor [50] refer to satisfaction as the consumer experience emerging as a reaction of the service
encounters. In line with this view, consumer satisfaction has been described as a summary of cognitive and affective
reactions regarding service encounters [6, 24]. The analysis of consumer satisfaction is paramount for sport clubs due to
two important reasons. First, consumer satisfaction depends on consumer’s subjective perceptions of service
performance rather than the organization’s standards of quality [51], and second, it has been pointed out as an
antecedent of behavioral intentions [6, 7]. As such, one can argue that satisfaction is simultaneously a criterion to
evaluate the service provided by an organization and a measure to understand consumers’ behavioral intentions.
Conceptually, consumer satisfaction can be measured either as transaction-specific or an overall level. Transaction-
specific satisfaction refers to the evaluation of a specific service encounter, and is deemed appropriate when the idea is
to understand variability associated with service delivery over a period of time [19]. In turn, overall satisfaction
represents the cumulative evaluation of all service encounters over the time, and has been identified as a more relevant
measure for understanding consumer future responses [52].
In the context of spectator sports, overall satisfaction refers to the spectators’ experience resulting from attending
team matches during the season [24]. Due to the experiential nature of satisfaction, the analysis of consumption
experiences is a cornerstone to understand its antecedents. In this sense, service quality, game-related emotions, and
team brand associations represent important antecedents of spectators’ satisfaction. Also, numerous studies suggest that
satisfied spectators are more likely to continue supporting the team in the future. For example, Biscaia and colleagues
8 The Open Sports Sciences Journal, 2016, Volume 9 Rui Biscaia
[4] and Theodorakis and colleagues [3] provide empirical evidence of the positive link between football spectators’
satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Thus, on the basis of previous literature, satisfaction seems to be an important
indicator to properly understand football spectators’ behavioral intentions. Table 5 summarizes recent studies on
football spectators’ satisfaction.
Table 5. Prior studies examining satisfaction and its link with behavioral intentions in the football context.
interest from others), while external constraints are related with social or environmental aspects that decrease the
likelihood of the individual performing the behavior (e.g., financial cost, leisure alternatives, parking or location).
Cardoso and colleagues [58] conducted a study in conjunction with the sport managers of a Portuguese professional
football team, and found that leisure alternatives, participation sport alternatives and stadium location were the strongest
constraints for spectators. Therefore, clubs should also invest at identifying the constraints of potential spectators and
developing strategies to reduce those constraints [57, 59].
A suggested focus for future research would be to propose and empirically examine a conceptual framework for
understanding the antecedents of football spectators’ behavioral intentions. While the current study highlights
constructs that have been linked to behavioral intentions such as service quality, emotions, team brand associations and
satisfaction, all these constructs have been examined separately in previous studies. This aspect may raise some
questions related to conceptual distinctions and construct validity. Thus, the inclusion of these constructs in a single
model may represent an important step to better clarify the factors contributing to increase spectators' attendance over
the season. In addition, previous studies highlight that sponsoring brands are more willing to invest in teams with a
strong bond with their supporters [20]. It means that understanding how to strengthen the spectators' bond with the team
is paramount not just due to the direct role on sales, but also because of the increased ability to negotiate with sponsors.
The development of longitudinal studies to examine the antecedents of spectators’ behavioral intentions would also
be an interesting research line, given that spectators’ perceptions of service delivery can vary over the season based on a
variety of aspects such as managerial decisions or the team’s performance during the competitions [32]. Also, collecting
data at different points of the season with the same participants would increase the accuracy of the causal relationships
between the proposed constructs.
Another suggestion for future research is related to the moderating role of membership status for understanding
spectators’ experiences and their future intentions towards the team. Membership programs are a common strategy used
by European football teams to generate a stable source of revenue [34, 49, 60]. Club members pay a monthly or annual
fee in order to have discounts when buying season ticket, other team-related products, and in some clubs even voting
rights for board elections [25]. Prior research suggests that club members and/or season ticket holders are often more
identified with the team [61]. Also, it has been suggested that members and non-members often have different opinions
about the sport organization [62]. Thus, examining whether the evaluation of the proposed antecedents (i.e., emotions,
service quality, team brand associations and satisfaction) and its structural relationships with behavioral intentions vary
across club members and non-members would aid sport managers at designing strategies for different types of
Additionally, while this study reviews the importance of spectators’ behavioral intentions within the football
context, future studies could conduct a systematic review of the literature [15, 63] concerning behavioral intentions for
spectator sports in general in order to strengthen our understanding of how to enhance sport spectators’ behavioral
intentions and its link with actual behaviors in different sport scenarios.
In summary, the current study focuses on football spectators’ experiences at the stadium and its role on behavioral
intentions. In doing so, this study reviews aspects such as service quality, consumption-related emotions, team brand
associations and satisfaction, and provides cues for future research aiming to understand how to strengthen the link
between spectators and sport clubs. Although this study is oriented to managers working in the football context, it
provides information that may be useful for managing other spectator and/or participatory activities.
The author confirms that this article content has no conflict of interest.
Declared none
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