Chapter 1
We start by reviewing some important concepts which will be needed in the following chapters.
1.1.1 De£nitions
Continuous-time signal A continuous-time signal x(t) is a function for which the independent vari-
able, namely time t, takes the real numbers.
Discrete-time signal A discrete-time signal x(n) is a sequence, i.e., the independent variable n takes
only the integers.
System A system is an operator that takes a signal as its input and produces a signal as its output.
Continuous-time system A continuous-time system is a system whose inputs and outputs are continuous-
time signals.
Discrete-time system A discrete-time system is a system whose inputs and outputs are discrete-time
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Linearity A system T is linear if and only if for any input signals x1 (t) and x2 (t) and any two scalars
α and β,
T [αx1 (t) + βx2 (t)] = αT [x1 (t)] + βT [x2 (t)].
Time-invariance A system is time-invariant if and only if for all x(t) and all values of t0 , its response
to x(t − t0 ) is y(t − t0 ), where y(t) is the response of the system to x(t).
Causality A system is causal if and only if its output at any time t0 depends on the input at times up
to (and possibly including) t0 only.
If a signal x(t) satis£es certain conditions, then the (continuous-time) Fourier transform of x(t), de-
noted by X(f ) is de£ned by
Z ∞
X(f ) = x(t)e−j2πf t dt. (1.1)
The signal x(t) can be recovered from its Fourier transform by taking the inverse Fourier transform
Z ∞
x(t) = X(f )ej2πf t df. (1.2)
1. Linearity
αx1 (t) + βx2 (t) ←→ αX1 (f ) + βX2 (f )
2. Duality
X(t) ←→ x(−f )
3. Convolution
x1 ∗ x2 (t) ←→ X1 (f )X2 (f )
4. Scaling (a 6= 0) Ã !
1 f
x(at) ←→ X
|a| a
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5. Time-shift
x(t − t0 ) ←→ X(f )e−j2πf t0
6. Modulation
x(t)ej2πf0 t ←→ X(f − f0 )
7. Differentiation
x(t) ←→ (j2πf )n X(f )
8. Parseval’s relation
Z ∞ Z ∞
x1 (t)x∗2 (t)dt = X1 (f )X2∗ (f )df
−∞ −∞
The delta function is not a function in strict mathematical sense. Nevertheless, it is convenient to de£ne
and use it to obtain various results. The delta function δ(t) is “de£ned” by the following properties:
Z ∞
x(t)δ(t)dt = x(0) (1.4)
The convolution of any signal x(t) with δ(t) is the original x(t)
Z ∞
x ∗ δ(t) = x(s)δ(t − s)ds = x(t). (1.5)
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where h(t) = T [δ(t)] is called the impulse response of the LTI system. Therefore, the response of an
LTI system to an input signal is the convolution of the input signal and the impulse response.
δ(t) ←→ 1
1 ←→ δ(f )
δ(t − t0 ) ←→ e−j2πf t0
ej2πf0 t ←→ δ(f − f0 )
1 1
cos(2πf0 t) ←→ δ(f − f0 ) + δ(f + f0 )
2 2
1 1
sin(2πf0 t) ←→ δ(f − f0 ) − δ(f + f0 )
2j 2j
Let x(t) be a periodic signal of period T0 , and let {xn } be the Fourier coef£cients, i.e.,
x(t) = xn ej2πnt/T0 . (1.8)
This result is sometimes called the Poisson’s sum formula. The Fourier transform of the impulse train
is, thus, given by
X ∞ µ ¶
1 X n
δ(t − nT0 ) ←→ δ f− . (1.13)
n=−∞ T0 n=−∞ T0
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Wong & Lok: Theory of Digital Communications 1. Review
Given a discrete time signal x(n), its discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) is given by
X(ω) = x(n)e−jωn (1.23)
Notice that X(ω) is always periodic with period 2π. Therefore, the “frequency” range of interest for
any discrete time signal is [−π, π). Conversely, given X(ω), x(n) can be recovered by
1 Zπ
x(n) = X(ω)ejωn dω. (1.24)
2π −π
1. Linearity
αx1 (n) + βx2 (n) ←→ αX1 (ω) + βX2 (ω)
2. Time-shift
x(n − n0 ) ←→ X(ω)e−jωn0
3. Frequency-shift
x(n)ejω0 n ←→ X(ω − ω0 )
4. Convolution
x ∗ h(n) ←→ X(ω)H(ω)
5. Multiplication
1 Zπ
x1 (n)x2 (n) ←→ X1 (ω − ν)X2 (ν)dν
2π −π
6. Parseval’s relation
X 1 Zπ
x1 (n)x∗2 (n) = X1 (ω)X2∗ (ω)dω
−∞ 2π −π
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Consider an LTI system T [·]. Let h(n) be its impulse response, i.e., its response to δ(n). Then
" ∞
T [x(n)] = T x(m)δ(n − m)
= x(m)T [δ(n − m)]
= x(m)h(n − m)
= x ∗ h(n) (1.27)
Therefore, the response of an LTI system to an input is the convolution of the input and the impulse
1.1.5 Z-Transform
if the series converges. The region in the complex plane where the series converges is called the region
of convergence (ROC). Notice that by putting z = e−jω , we obtain the DTFT of x(n). Consider the
following examples:
1. x(n) = δ(n). Then X(z) = 1 and the ROC is the entire complex plane.
2. Let
an n ≥ 0,
x(n) =
0 n < 0.
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X ∞
n −n 1
X(z) = a z = (az −1 )n =
n=0 n=0 1 − az −1
where the last step holds only if |az | < 1. Therefore, the ROC is |z| > |a|.
3. Let
−an n < 0,
x(n) =
0 n ≥ 0.
−1 −1 ∞
X X X a−1 z 1
X(z) = − an z −n = − (az −1 )n = − (a−1 z)n = − =
n=−∞ n=−∞ n=1 1−a z
−1 1 − az −1
where the second last step holds only if |a−1 z| < 1. Therefore, the ROC is |z| < |a|.
Notice that the expressions for X(z) are the same for examples 2 and 3. However, the ROC’s are
Conversely, given X(z) and its ROC, x(n) can be recovered by
1 I
x(n) = X(z)z n−1 dz (1.29)
where the contour integral is over any simple contour in the interior of the ROC of X(z) that circles
the origin exactly once in the counterclockwise direction. Notice that in many cases, there are simpler
methods to perform inverse Z-transforms.
1. Linearity
αx1 (n) + βx2 (n) ←→ αX1 (z) + βX2 (z)
2. Time-shift
x(n − n0 ) ←→ X(z)z −n0
In particular, a unit delay in time translates into the multiplication of the z-transform by z −1 .
3. Convolution
x ∗ h(n) ←→ X(z)H(z)
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1 n ≥ 0,
u(n) = (1.30)
0 n < 0.
We consider the Z-transforms of some common sequences:
x(n) X(z) ROC
δ(n) 1 all z
an u(n) 1−az −1
|z| > |a|
−an u(−(n + 1)) 1−az −1
|z| < |a|
az −1
nan u(n) (1−az −1 )2
|z| > |a|
1−az −1 cos(ω0 )
an cos(ω0 n)u(n) 1−2az −1 cos(ω0 )+a2 z −2
|z| > |a|
az −1sin(ω0 )
an sin(ω0 n)u(n) 1−2az −1 cos(ω0 )+a2 z −2
|z| > |a|
If X(z) is a rational function, its inverse Z-transform can be conveniently found by partial fraction
expansion followed by table look-up as illustrated by the following example where the ROC of X(z)
is |z| > 0.5:
10z 2 − 3z
X(z) =
10z 2 − 9z + 2
10 − 3z −1
10 − 9z −1 + 2z −2
4 −5
= +
2−z −1 5 − 2z −1
2 −1
= + (1.31)
1 − 0.5z −1 1 − 0.4z −1
x(n) = 2(0.5)n u(n) − (0.4)n u(n). (1.32)
Recall that when a discrete-time signal passes through a discrete-time LTI system, the output is the
convolution of the signal and the impulse response of the system. Consider a £nite impulse response
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x(n) z
-1 ... z
h0 h1 h2 hK-1
(FIR) system, i.e., the impulse response h(n) has a £nite length, say K. Then the output signal y(n)
and the input signal x(n) are related by
y(n) = h(k)x(n − k). (1.33)
One way to implement the discrete time system is the direct form implementation as shown in Fig-
ure 1.1. Notice that only delays, multiplications, and additions are required. All these operations can
be conveniently implemented.
1.2 Sampling
To process a continuous-time signal digitally, we £rst need to convert it to a discrete-time signal.
Sampling is a common conversion method. As shown in Figure 1.2, a continuous-time signal x(t) is
sampled at every Ts seconds to obtain the discrete-time samples x(nTs ) for every integer n. These
ordered samples form a discrete-time signal.
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x( t )
X( f )
-W W f
Main ideas:
• If the signal x(t) is bandlimited to W (Hz), i.e., X(f ) = 0 for |f | ≥ W (see Figure 1.3), then it
1 1
suf£ces to sample it at intervals T s = 2W
. In other words, the sampling rate fs = Ts
can be as
low as 2W .
• If x(t) is bandlimited to W and is sampled at intervals Ts ≤ 2W
, then it is possible to perfectly
reconstruct x(t) from its samples with suitable interpolating signals.
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Xδ ( f )
-f s -W -f s -f s +W -W W f s -W fs f s +W f
Let x(t) be bandlimited to W , i.e., X(f ) = 0 for |f | ≥ W . Sample x(t) at intervals Ts , where
Ts ≤ 2W
, to yield the sequence {x(nTs )}∞
n=−∞ . Then
x(t) = 2W 0 Ts x(nTs )sinc[2πW 0 (t − nTs )] (1.34)
1 sin x
where W 0 is any number satisfying W ≤ W 0 ≤ Ts
− W , and sinc x is de£ned by x
Special case: When Ts = 2W
X µ ¶
x(t) = x(nTs ) sinc π −n . (1.35)
n=−∞ Ts
xδ (t) = x(nTs )δ(t − nTs ). (1.36)
Notice that
xδ (t) = x(t) δ(t − nTs ). (1.37)
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spectrum would overlap. The overlapping of replica of the original spectrum is called aliasing. To get
back X(f ), we can apply a low-pass £lter H(f ) with a passband from −W 0 to W 0 where
W ≤ W0 ≤ −W (1.39)
together with an appropriate gain. Take H(f ) as the ideal low-pass £lter given by
1 if |f | ≤ W 0
H(f ) = (1.40)
0 if |f | > W 0
and Ts as the gain. Then
X(f ) = Ts Xδ (f )H(f ). (1.41)
• The minimum sampling rate 2W
is called the Nyquist sampling rate.
• The frequency band between two adjacent copies of X(f ) in Xδ (f ) is called a guard band. Its
size is ( T1s − W ) − W = fs − 2W .
We can represent a continuous-time signal by its continuous-time Fourier transform (CTFT). For the
discrete-time signal obtained by sampling the continuous-time signal, we have a corresponding repre-
sentation, namely, the discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT). It is natural to ask what the relationship
between the CTFT of the continuous-time signal and the DTFT of its sampled version is.
Consider a continuous-time signal xa (t) with CTFT Xa (Ω) where Ω = 2πf . It is sampled with a
sampling interval Ts to give the sequence xa (nTs ). We treat this sequence as our discrete-time signal
x(n). Recall the modulated impulse train xa,δ (t) de£ned by
X ∞
xa,δ (t) = xa (t) δ(t − nTs ) = xa (nTs )δ(t − nTs ). (1.43)
n=−∞ n=−∞
Wong & Lok: Theory of Digital Communications 1. Review
= x(n)e−jΩnTs
= X(ΩTs ). (1.44)
µ ¶
X(ω) = Xa,δ . (1.45)
Hence, the DTFT of the sample sequence x(n) is just a normalized version of the CTFT of the modu-
lated impulse train xa,δ (t). By the previous expression for Xa,δ (Ω) (see (1.38)), we have
à !
1 X ω − 2πk
X(ω) = Xa . (1.46)
Ts k=−∞ Ts
Therefore, the DTFT of the sequence of samples has the same shape as the folded spectrum of the
continuous-time signal.
A Gaussian random variable is any continuous random variable with a probability density function of
the form
1 2 2
fX (x) = √ e−(x−µ) /2σ , (1.47)
2πσ 2
Let X be a Gaussian random variable with the density function shown in (1.47).
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1. The mean and the variance of X are µ and σ 2 , respectively. Hence, a Gaussian random variable
is completely speci£ed by its mean and variance.
1 2
Z(x) = √ e−x /2 . (1.48)
The Q-function gives the area under the tail of Z(x). It will be used frequently in the following
chapters. We note that the Q-function is monotone decreasing and is bounded by
1 2
Q(x) ≤ e−x /2 (1.51)
for x ≥ 0. Moreover, the bound in (1.51) is the best of this type in the sense that
Q(x) if a > 1
lim = (1.52)
x→∞ exp{−ax2 /2} 0 if a ≤ 1
Similarly, we have
µ ¶
Pr(X > x) = Q . (1.55)
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4. The Gaussian distribution is widely tabulated and is also available in most mathematical soft-
wares. For example, in Matlab, we can use the error function (erf) and the complementary error
function (erfc) to £nd values of Φ(·) and Q(·). The relationships are given by
" Ã !#
1 x
Φ(x) = 1 + erf √ (1.56)
2 2
and à !
1 x
Q(x) = erfc √ . (1.57)
2 2
5. For any constant a 6= 0, aX is also a Gaussian random variable with mean aµ and variance a2 σ 2 .
Two random variables X and Y are jointly Gaussian if their joint probability density function is of the
1 ( x−µ
) − 2ρ( x−µ
X 2
)( y−µ
) + ( y−µ
Y 2
fXY (x, y) = √ exp , (1.58)
2πσX σY 1 − ρ2 −2(1 − ρ2 )
where µX , µY , σX > 0, σY > 0, and −1 < ρ < 1 are constants.
1. X and Y are Gaussian random variables with means µX and µY , and variances σX and σY2 .
3. The random variables X and Y are uncorrelated if and only if ρ = 0. In this case, the joint
density function reduces to
1 2 /2σ 2 1 2 2
fXY (x, y) = q e−(x−µX ) X ·q e−(y−µY ) /2σY = fX (x)fY (y). (1.60)
2πσX 2πσY2
Hence, uncorrelated Gaussian random variables are also independent.
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4. Given any two constants a and b (not both zeros), aX + bY is also a Gaussian random variable
with mean aµX + bµY and variance a2 σX
+ 2abρσX σY + b2 σY2 .
6. Suppose X and Y are uncorrelated jointly Gaussian random variables with the same variance
σ 2 . If we write X and Y as the real and imaginary parts, respectively, of the complex notation
Z = X + jY, (1.62)
then Z is a (symmetric) complex Gaussian random variable. Strictly speaking, Z is not a random
variable. Its probabilistic behavior is actually governed by the joint density function of X and
Y . However, for convenience, we usually associate Z with a mean and a variance as below:
E[Z] = µX + jµY = µZ (1.63)
E [(Z − µZ )(Z − µZ )∗ ]
var[Z] =
= E [((X − µX ) + j(Y − µY )) ((X − µX ) + j(Y − µY ))∗ ]
= σ2. (1.64)
Sometimes, we also use the notion of “complex-valued random variable” for other non-Gaussian
random variables.
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The random variables X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn are jointly Gaussian if their joint probability density function is
of the form
· ¸
1 1
fX (x) = q exp − (x − µX )T CX −1 (x − µX ) , (1.66)
(2π)n/2 det(CX ) 2
1. Each Xi is a Gaussian random variable with mean equal to µXi , and variance equal to the (i, i)-th
entry of CX .
2. The covariance of Xi and Xj , E[(Xi − µXi )(Xj − µXj )], is given by the (i, j)-th entry of CX ,
which is, thus, called the covariance matrix. Hence, a Gaussian random vector is completely
speci£ed by its mean and its covariance matrix.
4. Given any non-zero n × 1 constant vector a, aT X is a Gaussian random variable with mean
aT µX and variance aT CX a.
Y = AX (1.67)
is a Gaussian random vector with mean AµX and covariance matrix ACX AT .
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Let X and Y be zero-mean uncorrelated (independent) jointly Gaussian random variables with the
same variance σ 2 . De£ne the random variables
R = X2 + Y 2
where the ranges of R and Θ are [0, ∞) and (−π, π], respectively. We note that the transformation
from (X, Y ) to (R, Θ) is non-singular and
X = R cos Θ
Y = R sin Θ. (1.69)
If we interpret (X, Y ) as the rectangular coordinates, then (R, Θ) is the corresponding polar coordi-
nates. If we interpret (X, Y ) as the complex number Z in (1.62), then R and Θ are |Z| and arg(Z),
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There are many different versions of this well-known and extremely useful theorem. Here we state the
simplest version:
Suppose {Xn } is a sequence of independent and identically distributed (iid) random variables with
£nite mean µ and £nite positive variance σ 2 . If Sn = X1 + X2 + · · · + Xn , then the random variables
Sn − nµ
Yn = √ (1.74)
σ n
converge to a zero-mean unit-variance Gaussian random variable in distribution, i.e., the distribution
functions of Yn converge (pointwise) to Φ(x) de£ned in (1.49).
Random process
A random process is an indexed set of random variables de£ned on the same probability space.
• If n(t) is a random process, then at any given time t0 , n(t0 ) is a random variable.
• In many cases, it is convenient to view a random process as a mapping de£ned on the sample
space. It maps an outcome to a function of time.
For example, Ω = {0, 1}.
0 → cos(t),
1 → sin(t).
Notice that at any given time t0 , we have a random variable n(t0 ) that maps 0 to cos(t0 ) and 1
to sin(t0 ).
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At any given time t0 , n(t0 ) is a random variable. We can determine the mean of this random variable.
We denote this mean by µn (t0 ). If we calculate the mean at each time t, we get the mean of the process
Autocorrelation function
At any given t1 and t2 , n(t1 ) and n(t2 ) are random variables. We can determine the correlation of these
random variables. We denote this correlation by Rn (t1 , t2 ). If we calculate the correlation at each pair
of time instants t and s, we get the autocorrelation function of the process
Autocovariance function
At any given t1 and t2 , n(t1 ) and n(t2 ) are random variables. We can determine the covariance of these
random variables. We denote this covariance by Cn (t1 , t2 ). If we calculate the covariance at each pair
of time instants t and s, we get the autocovariance function of the process
Suppose that we are given two random processes n(t) and m(t). At any given t1 and t2 , n(t1 ) and
m(t2 ) are random variables. We can determine the correlation and the covariance of these random
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variables. We denote them by Rnm (t1 , t2 ) and Cnm (t1 , t2 ). If we perform the calculations at each pair
of time instants t and s, we get the cross-correlation function
of the processes. Rnm (t, s) and Cnm (t, s) are functions of the two variables t and s.
• A random process n(t) is wide-sense stationary (WSS) if the following conditions hold:
1. µn (t) does not depend on t, i.e., µn (t) takes the same value for all t. (We may just represent
it by µn .)
2. Rn (t, s) depends only on the difference τ = t − s, but not on t or s individually. (We may
just write Rn (τ ).)
Notice that if n(t) is WSS, then the (ensemble average) power of the process at any time t is
Rn (t − t) = Rn (0), and does not depend on the time t.
• Two random processes n(t) and m(t) are jointly WSS if the following conditions hold:
2. Rnm (t, s) depends only on the difference τ = t − s, but not on t or s individually. (We
may just write Rnm (τ ).)
• A random process n(t) is wide-sense cyclostationary (WSCS) with period T if the following
conditions hold:
1. µn (t + kT ) = µn (t)
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2. Rn (t + kT, s + kT ) = Rn (t, s)
µn̄ = µn (t)dt (1.81)
T 0
Rn̄ (τ ) = Rn (t + τ, t)dt. (1.82)
T 0
Suppose x(t) is a WSS random process with mean µx and autocorrelation function Rx (τ ). We pass
x(t) through an LTI £lter with impulse response h(t) and obtain the output process y(t). Then the
Z ∞
y(t) = x ∗ h(t) = x(τ )h(t − τ )dτ. (1.83)
µy (t) = E[y(t)]
·Z ∞ ¸
= E x(τ )h(t − τ )dτ
Z ∞
= E[x(τ )]h(t − τ )dτ
Z ∞
= µx h(t − τ )dτ
Z ∞
= µx h(τ )dτ. (1.84)
Ry (t, s) = E[y(t)y(s)]
·Z ∞ Z ∞ ¸
= E x(τ )x(ν)h(t − τ )h(s − ν)dτ ν
−∞ −∞
Z ∞ Z ∞
= E[x(τ )x(ν)]h(t − τ )h(s − ν)dτ ν
−∞ −∞
Z ∞ Z ∞
= Rx (τ − ν)h(t − τ )h(s − ν)dτ ν
−∞ −∞
= Rx ∗ h ∗ h̃(t − s) (1.85)
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where h̃(t) = h(−t). Since Ry (t, s) depends only on the difference τ = t − s but not on t or s
individually, we may just write Ry (τ ). From (1.84) and (1.85), we see that y(t) is also WSS. It is
straightforward to check that Rxy (t, s) = Rx ∗ h̃(t − s) depends only on the difference τ = t − s, but
not on t or s individually. (We may just write Rxy (τ ).) Therefore, x(t) and y(t) are jointly WSS.
Let x(t) be a WSS random process. Its power spectral density, denoted by Φx (f ) is de£ned as the
Fourier transform of Rx (τ ), i.e.,
Z ∞
Φx (f ) = Rx (τ )e−j2πf τ dτ. (1.86)
3. Let y(t) be the output when x(t) is passed through an LTI £lter with impulse response h(t).
Similarly, we de£ne the power spectral density of y(t), Φ y (f ), to be the Fourier transform of
Ry (τ ), and the power of y(t) can be obtained by the integral of Φy (f ). Since Ry (τ ) = Rx ∗ h ∗
h̃(τ ),
Φy (f ) = Φx (f )|H(f )|2 (1.89)
4. Consider that the LTI £lter above is a bandpass £lter with a very narrowband passband around
f0 , i.e.,
1 ∆f ∆f
if f0 − 2
< f < f0 + 2
H(f ) = (1.90)
0 otherwise.
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The last approximation is valid if ∆f is small enough so that Φx (f ) is essentially constant in the
passband. The output power per Hz is given by
Ry (0)
= Φx (f0 ). (1.92)
Physically, the output power should be the power of x(t) around f0 (more precisely, the power
∆f ∆f
of x(t) from f0 − 2
to f0 + 2
). The output power per Hz should be the power of x(t) per
Hz around f0 . Hence, Φx (f0 ) is the power of x(t) per Hz around f0 , and is, therefore, called the
power spectral density.
White processes
A WSS random process n(t) is white if µn = 0 and Rn (τ ) is a scalar multiple of the delta function
δ(τ ).
3. The power of the process is Rn (0) = ∞. Hence, a white process has in£nite power. Of course,
this is just a convenient mathematical model, and does not exist in reality. Nevertheless, this
model is useful especially in modeling thermal noise.
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A random process x(t) is a Gaussian random process if for all k and for all (t1 , t2 , . . . , tk ), the random
variables (x(t1 ), x(t2 ), . . . , x(tk )) are jointly Gaussian.
Two random processes x(t) and y(t) are jointly Gaussian if for all k1 and k2 and for all (t1 , t2 , . . . , tk1 )
and (s1 , s2 , . . . , sk2 ), the random variables (x(t1 ), x(t2 ), . . . , x(tk1 ), y(s1 ), y(s2 ), . . . , y(sk2 )) are jointly
1. It can be shown that if a Gaussian random process x(t) is passed through an LTI system, then
the output process y(t) is also a Gaussian random process. Actually, x(t) and y(t) are jointly
Gaussian random processes.
2. In particular, a time sample of the output process y(t) is a Gaussian random variable.
3. More generally, if a random process x(t) is passed through a bank of LTI £lters, the outputs of
the £lters are jointly Gaussian random processes.
4. Very often, we model the thermal noise as an additive white Gaussian random process. This
means that the noise is assumed to add onto the signal, the noise is assumed to be a white
process, and the noise is assumed to be a Gaussian random process. We then call the noise
Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN).
Given two random processes x(t) and y(t), we can de£ne the complex-valued random process z(t) as
Like complex-valued random variables, z(t) is not a random process. However, it is sometimes conve-
nient to treat it as if it were a random process. We can de£ne the mean, autocorrelation function, and
autocovariance function of z(t) by extending the corresponding de£nitions for a random process. For
example, the autocorrelation function of z(t) is
Rz (t, s) = E[z(t)z(s)∗ ]
Wong & Lok: Theory of Digital Communications 1. Review
= E [(x(t) + jy(t))(x(s) − jy(s))]
= {Rx (t, s) + Ry (t, s) + j[Ryx (t, s) − Rxy (t, s)]} . (1.94)
If x(t) and y(t) are jointly WSS, Rz (t, s) depends only on the difference τ = t − s, but not on t or
s individually. (We may just write Rz (τ ).) In this case, we say z(t) is WSS. Cross-correlation and
covariance functions of two complex-valued random processes can be de£ned in a similar way. We
note that our convention is to include the factor 1/2 in all second-order statistics involving complex-
valued random variables and processes. The power spectral density of a WSS complex-valued random
process is de£ned as the Fourier transform of its autocorrelation function.
Suppose x(t) be a WSS random process. If its power spectral density Φx (f ) = 0 for |f | ≥ W , then
x(t) is called bandlimited to W .
As an immediate consequence of (1.34), the autocorrelation function satis£es
Rx (τ ) = 2W 0 Ts Rx (nTs )sinc[2πW 0 (τ − nTs )] (1.95)
where W 0 is any number satisfying W ≤ W 0 ≤ Ts
− W . Based on this, if we construct the random
x̃(t) = 2W 0 Ts x(nTs )sinc[2πW 0 (t − nTs )] (1.96)
We note that the equality in (1.97) should be interpreted as the mean-square convergence of the series
of random variables represented by (1.96) to the random variable x(t0 ).