DIP Model Question Paper-2024-25
DIP Model Question Paper-2024-25
DIP Model Question Paper-2024-25
Module 4
7 a Explain and compare ideal low pass filter and Butterworth filter 8M
for image smoothing in frequency domain.
b Summarize the steps for Homomorphic filtering. 6M
c Briefly explain RGB color model and HSI color models. 6M
8 a Explain and compare ideal low pass filter and Gaussian low pass 7M
for image smoothing in frequency domain
b Discuss Unsharp Masking, High boost Filtering and High- 7M
Frequency-Emphasis Filtering.
c Explain the color characteristics to distinguish between various 6M
colors. Write the trichromatic coefficients in terms of X, Y and Z.
Module 5
9 a Explain the basic model of image restoration process. Also 8M
explain with necessary equations explain the most common Noise
Probability Density Functions (PDFs) in an image processing
b With necessary mathematical equations explain Inverse filtering. 7M
c Explain various mean filters used in image restoration model. 5M
10 a With necessary mathematical equations explain Minimum Mean 7M
Square Error (Wiener) Filtering.
b Explain adaptive median filtering method for image restoration. 7M
c Explain restoration in the presence of noise only using spatial 6M