Lume 32_Issue 5_Pages 679-684
Lume 32_Issue 5_Pages 679-684
Lume 32_Issue 5_Pages 679-684
Experimental Study on TGA, XRD and SEM Analysis of Concrete with Ultra-fine
P. Narasimha Reddy*, J. Ahmed Naqash
National institute of Technology, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, India
Paper history: The performances of cementitious materials as well as the efficiency of construction are adversely
Received 23 February 2019 affected at high temperatures. Previous studies have already demonstrated that ultra-fine (alccofine)
Received in revised form 25 April 2019 material accelerates the hydration of cement particles and subsequently improves the mechanical and
Accepted 02 May 2019 durability properties of the concrete at normal temperature. Moreover, at higher temperatures the
performance of the concrete with the addition of alccofine is still unknown. This paper presents the
Keywords: effect of analytical properties of concrete with alccofine (25%) as a replacement of cement for various
Alccofine W/B ratios (i.e. 0.38, 0.4 and 0.45). The effect of addition of alccofine dosage on the
Thermogravimetric Analysis thermogravimetric analysis was carried out in which not only mass loss and decomposition of
X-ray diffraction hydration products from concrete with respect to temperature was found but also bound water (%) and
Scanning Electron Microscope calcium hydroxide (%) present in the concrete were determined. From X-ray diffraction it was
observed that alccofine improved the formation of calcium silicate hydrate and calcium silicate
aluminum hydrate in concrete and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis showed the formation
of ettringite needles and calcium silicate hydrate in voids which made concrete denser. Therefore, it
was concluded from this study that alccofine can be used as a viable substitute to cement in normal
concrete considering its positive effects on property enhancement and an eco-friendly product.
doi: 10.5829/ije.2019.32.05b.09
Please cite this article as: P. Narasimha reddy, J. Ahmed Naqash, Experimental study on TGA, XRD and SEM Analysis of Concrete with Ultra-
fine Slag, International Journal of Engineering (IJE), IJE TRANSACTIONS B: Applications Vol. 32, No. 5, (May 2019) 679-684
680 P. Narasimha reddy and J. Ahmed Naqash / IJE TRANSACTIONS B: Applications Vol. 32, No. 5, (May 2019) 679-684
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Experimental Study on TGA, XRD and SEM Analysis of Concrete with TECHNICAL
Ultra-Fine Slag
P. Narasimha Reddy, J. Ahmed Naqash
National institute of Technology, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, India
Keywords: ) E ( &>F9> G *&, - (٪25) % 6*+ 7 %< / *" - B %> . -<" &?
Alccofine N& O ! ->FN ! ! % 6*+ 7 !F6 . ) -P (0,45 ! 0,4 =0,38 & >W / B ( H <3
Thermogravimetric Analysis
X-ray diffraction = ? 6> Q -G - -G* %< * ) *R ->FN ! $& - 7 -. # > AN
Scanning Electron Microscope
-. ? # ) 0+> - ? U V . > % %< *G* (٪) T E . E.! ) ! (٪) OR< S7 % &'() -+
O ! ->FN ! %< TE. + A* & * 7 )! ) + TE. ) O+ % 6*+ 7
# XQ TE. + )! 9&> $ ) O+ -. SEM) ) %+ ! <+ W*+ ! +
Y> *&, - * % 6*+ 7 -. # ? -<6 -N < - %> =%> & . &&. Z> E %< -. > )
[*R Y> ! ( \B *$ 7 ] - -G* *( %< ( ^ & %>F9> G
. # X< * E> _
doi: 10.5829/ije.2019.32.05b.09