Jmgn Combiantion Edited
Jmgn Combiantion Edited
Jmgn Combiantion Edited
Submitted by:
Jonnah Mariz G. Nacar
Student Teacher
Submitted to:
Mrs. Glorife B. Alburo
Cooperating – Teacher
Ms. Anna A. Sy
Mathematics Department Head, LNHS
IV. Methods
A. 4As
V. Strategy
A. Cooperative learning
a. Group work
B. Student – centered instruction
VII. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activity
B. Priming
Before we start with our discussion, let us
first have a quick review about our last topic.
What was our last topic again class?
None Miss.
C. Lesson Proper
b. Analysis
That is absolutely the things we will We find different combination of letters Miss.
discuss this morning class, Combination.
What have you observed class if we will
list all the possible combinations class?
Suppose we let the total number of letters This combination means, the combination
from the word HOPE class as n, while the of 4 taken 3 at a time.
numbers we choose to arrange as r, what are the
values of n and r class?
a. n! = 4! = 4x3x2x1 = 24
Very good.
How about r! class if r = 3? Yes,
Good. b. r! = 3! = 3x2x1 = 6
Good. c.
What is the product of n! and (n-r)! class?
Very good.
Let’s take a look at this example class. There are 4 combinations Miss.
We denoted a combination of n taken r at
a time by C (n, r).
Therefore, what do you think is the
formula of any combinations of n objects taken r We divide n! over r! (n-r)! Miss.
at a time class?
Very good.
Very good.
Did you understand now class?
Combination of n taken r at a time is equal to n!
What if I will ask you to find the all over r! times (n – r)!
combination of 4 objects taken 2 at a time using
the same example in the activity, who can write
the formula on the board? Yes, Trisha. Yes Miss.
What is the solution now class?
Very good.
Therefore, there are how many 2 – letter
combination can we create class?
c. Abstraction
There are only 6, 2 – letter combination
Did you understand now class what a
we can create Miss
combination is?
In permutation the arrangement of objects
How do we denote combination class?
does matter while combination the arrangement of
the objects does not matter.
What does n stand for class?
C (n, r) Miss.
What about r, what does it stands for?
(Varied Answers)
There are so many things happened in our
life class, problems may arise in many forms –
let’s all be positive in finding some combinations (Varied Answers)
of solutions in order to solve whatever problems
may arise class.
None Miss.
d. Application
Am I clear class?
2. C (6, 4)
Raise your boards, what is the answer?
e. Assessment
Very good.
Did you get all correct answers?
That is good.
Yes Miss.
f. Assignment
Yes Miss.
After 10 minutes