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Father Saturnino Urios University

Teacher Education Program

Butuan City


February 19, 2019
Grade X – Mabini
7:30 – 8:30


Submitted by:
Jonnah Mariz G. Nacar
Student Teacher

Submitted to:
Mrs. Glorife B. Alburo
Cooperating – Teacher

Ms. Anna A. Sy
Mathematics Department Head, LNHS

Dennis R. Roa, DPA

Principal II

Ronald Allan H. Butalid, MSPE

Supervising Instructor

Arlyn M. Floreta, Ph. D

Dean, Teacher Education Program

February 19, 2019

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the period, 75% of the students are expected to:
A. derive the formula for finding the number of combinations of n objects taken r at a time;
B. show interest in the discussion of the lesson; and
C. solve problems involving combination.

II. Subject Matter


III. Instructional Materials

A. Curriculum Guide (M10SP-IIId-1; M10SP-IIId-e-1;)
B. Learning Materials (Mathematics Learning Module 10. Lesson 2: Combination. pp 301 –
C. Reference (Next Century Mathematics 10. Unit 5.3: Combination. pp 405 – 414)
D. Materials (activity sheets, Illustration boards)

IV. Methods
A. 4As

V. Strategy
A. Cooperative learning
a. Group work
B. Student – centered instruction

VI. Values Integration

A. Willingness
B. Cooperation
C. Determination

VII. Procedure

Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

Please arrange your chairs accordingly

and make sure that your area is clean.
(students do)
Can someone lead the prayer? Yes, Anna.
(student do)
You may now take your sit.
Is anyone absent class?
No one Miss.
That is good to hear.
I just want to remind you of our class
What shall we do when somebody is
talking class?
We listen when someone is talking Miss.
If you want to share your ideas, what shall
you do?
I guess the rules are clear to you guys. Raise your hands if we want to answer

B. Priming
Before we start with our discussion, let us
first have a quick review about our last topic.
What was our last topic again class?

Our last topic was all about permutation

Good. Miss.
Who can tell me about permutation class?
Yes, Pinky?

Permutation is an ordered arrangement of

Good. n objects taken r at a time.
How do we denote permutation class?

Good. It is denoted by P (n, r) Miss.

What does n stands for class?

Good. n stands for the number of objects Miss.

What does r stand for class?

r stands for the condition taken at a time

Good. Miss.
Therefore, how do we solve a permutation
of an object taken r at a time class?

Kindly read this formula class in chorus?

Permutation of n taken r at a time is equal
to n factorial over (n – r) factorial.
Any questions about permutations class?

None Miss.
C. Lesson Proper

a. Activity #1 – Open/ Close the Basket

This time class let’s have first an activity.

I want you to group yourselves with 5 members.
Each group will be given a basket which
contains the letters HOPE and an activity sheet.
Using all the letters, simply re – arrange
and form another 4 – letter, 3 – letter, 2 – letter
and 1 – letter arrangement, as many as you can.
The words that are formed may not be readable.

Here are the instructions:

a. Close the basket and shake it.
b. Open the basket and list the 4 – letter
arrangement of the letters.
c. In 10 minutes, list all the
arrangements you made on the
activity sheet.

Are the instructions clear class?

Yes Miss.
Are you ready, class?
Yes Miss.
You may now start listing the
arrangements of the letters, now class.
(after 10 minutes)

Okay class, 10 minutes is up, stop

writing. Place all your letters inside the basket and
close it class. Just be ready with your answers.
Everybody, I want your attention now.

b. Analysis

How did you find the activity class?

(varied answers)
Did you find it easy?
(varied answers)
Can I ask a representative from group 1 to
write on the board what are the 4 – letter words
you formed?
(student do)
Representative from Group 2 write on the
board all the 3 – letter words you formed.
(student do)
Representative from Group 3 write also
the 2 – letter word you formed.
(student do)
Representative from group 4 write the 1 –
letter word you formed.
(student do)
Very good class.
Group 1, how many arrangements did you
We formed 24 arrangements Miss.
How about group 2?
We also formed 24 arrangements Miss
How about group 3?
We formed 12 arrangements Miss.
Group 4, how many did you formed?
We formed Miss.
In this manner of arrangement class, do
you think the arrangement of the letters is

Why do you say so?

Yes Miss.

Very good. Because each arrangement is counted as 1

From the activity you’ve done class, how that is why we have 24 arrangements all in all.
did you arrive your answers?

That is absolutely the things we will We find different combination of letters Miss.
discuss this morning class, Combination.

Based on the activity we had class, any

idea what is combination?

Good. Combination is all about the arrangement of

What have you observed class with the objects Miss.
arrangement of the letters?

Are the letters used still the same class?

(varied answers)
Observe the arrangement you made class,
are you using other letters that is not found in the Yes Miss.
word HOPE class?

Therefore, in this manner class what can No Miss.

you say about all the combinations of the letters
you made?

No matter the arrangements of the letters

Very good, observation class. That is are provided all the letters are being used then it is
actually what combination exactly means. only counted as one combination Miss.

What have you observed class if we will
list all the possible combinations class?

Very good. This time class we will derive

a formula in which it would be helpful in It will take time Miss.
determining the number of combinations we
desired class.
Going back to our activity class, how
many letters does the word HOPE has?

How many letter combinations you are

supposed to arrange? There are 4 letters Miss.

Therefore, what particular combination is

emphasized here? 3 letter Miss.
What does 4 stand for?
It is a combination of 4 taken 3 at a time.

How about 3, class? It is the total number of letters from the

word HOPE

Very Good. It is the desired number of combinations

Therefore, what combination we we will arrange.
emphasized in this manner class if we choose only
3letters out of 4 letters?

Suppose we let the total number of letters This combination means, the combination
from the word HOPE class as n, while the of 4 taken 3 at a time.
numbers we choose to arrange as r, what are the
values of n and r class?

Therefore, if the permutation of n object

taken r at time is denoted by P (n, r), how will you n= 4 and r = 3. Miss.
denote the combination of 4 taken 3 at a time

Good. C (n, r) = C (4, 3)

Do you still remember this symbol

(!) class?

If n = 4 class, what is then the value of

n!? It is a factorial sign Miss.

a. n! = 4! = 4x3x2x1 = 24
Very good.
How about r! class if r = 3? Yes,

Good. b. r! = 3! = 3x2x1 = 6

What about (n – r)! who can solve it on

the board?

Good. c.
What is the product of n! and (n-r)! class?

Who can find the quotient of a and d

class? d.
Therefore, how many 3-letter
combinations can you make class out of the four

Very good.
Let’s take a look at this example class. There are 4 combinations Miss.
We denoted a combination of n taken r at
a time by C (n, r).

How did you arrive 24 class?


How about 6 class? How did you get it?

24 is taken from n!

Very good, how about 4 as the total

number of combination?
The product of r! and (n-r)! Miss.

Therefore, what do you think is the
formula of any combinations of n objects taken r We divide n! over r! (n-r)! Miss.
at a time class?

Very good.

Let’s read the formula that we derived


Very good.
Did you understand now class?
Combination of n taken r at a time is equal to n!
What if I will ask you to find the all over r! times (n – r)!
combination of 4 objects taken 2 at a time using
the same example in the activity, who can write
the formula on the board? Yes, Trisha. Yes Miss.

What is the solution now class?

Very good.
Therefore, there are how many 2 – letter
combination can we create class?

c. Abstraction
There are only 6, 2 – letter combination
Did you understand now class what a
we can create Miss
combination is?

Do you know now how to find the

combinations of an object taken r at a time?
Yes Miss.
Who can tell to the class again what is
Yes Miss.
How does combination differ from
Combination means the arrangement of
objects in which the order does not matter Miss.

In permutation the arrangement of objects
How do we denote combination class?
does matter while combination the arrangement of
the objects does not matter.
What does n stand for class?

C (n, r) Miss.
What about r, what does it stands for?

n stands for the number of objects Miss.

Any questions so far about Combination
r stands for the number condition given
While solving the activity class, what
values did you get so that you will arrive the
None Miss.
Where do you think this topic is applicable
in your daily undertakings class?

(Varied Answers)
There are so many things happened in our
life class, problems may arise in many forms –
let’s all be positive in finding some combinations (Varied Answers)
of solutions in order to solve whatever problems
may arise class.

Math concepts and skills will guide you on

how to be effective in making decisions, that is
why we should always be positive in all facing all
the challenges we have class. Yes Miss.

Do you understand class?

Any clarification so far class in our

discussion this morning?

Are you now ready for a short exercises Yes Miss.


None Miss.
d. Application

Let me see if you really understand our Yes Miss.


I want you to go to your respective groups

class, the same group that you have in our daily

In 10 counts class, I want you to sit

altogether with your group members before I will
give you the instructions.

Okay, go to your group now class in 10, 9,

8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Listen to the instructions class. (students do)

Each group will be given an illustration

board where you can write your answer.

I will read the questions twice and after 15

seconds you will raise your answers.

Am I clear class?

Are you ready?

Evaluate the following:
Yes Miss.
1. C (5, 2)
Raise your boards, what is the answer? Yes Miss.

2. C (6, 4)
Raise your boards, what is the answer?

3. C (5,5) The answer is 10 Miss

Raise your boards, what is the answer?

Congratulations to group 3, you are the The answer is 15 Miss.

winner. You will receive 15 points. The rest of the
group will be given 10 points.
The answer is 1 Miss.
Let’s give everybody a hand for all your

Congratulations for the job well done


e. Assessment

This time let’s have an individual work.

Write the answers in a ½ sheet of paper. You are
only given 3 minutes to answer this class.

a. 3 security guards must be assigned during

the night. How many ways can these 3
security guards be chosen from 5
available security guards?

Exchange papers with your seatmates. Let

us now check your answers class.
Can someone answer number 1?

Very good.
Did you get all correct answers?

That is good.

Yes Miss.
f. Assignment

For your assignment class, try to compute

your chance of winning in the 6/48 lotto

Yes Miss.

After 10 minutes

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