The Presuppositions of NLP
The Presuppositions of NLP
The Presuppositions of NLP
Take a few minutes to read each presupposition and consider how you feel
about each one? Are they true for you or could they be? How do you respond to
each one?
All meaning is context dependent. It's very easy to take something that's been
said out of context and interpret it differently from its original meaning.
In NLP it's crucial that we evaluate behaviour and change in terms of who our
clients are capable of becoming, and also the impact it will have on the person’s
life overall.
In NLP, maintaining rapport with our clients is absolutely critical. If we are not
actively maintaining rapport, we'll be less likely to ascertain the positive
outcomes that we are working towards. If we want to get better results through
our communications that what we're currently getting, it's crucial that we adapt
and adjust our approach. (If we always do what we've always done, we'll always
get what we've always got.)
All people have alternative ways of interpreting and experiencing life (different
beliefs, values, filters, etc.). By understanding and respecting these differences
opposed to jumping to assumptions or judging, better trust based
communications will naturally occur.
PRESUPPOSITION 5) No-one intentionally screws up. All people all of the time
are doing the very best they can do, with the extent of the resources that they
have available to them.
Behaviour is fluid and not fixed. No-one sets out to intentionally mess up or fail.
While we may never fully appreciate other peoples motives, it's important to
assume, that a positive intent motivates people's every behaviour. In other words,
let us assume the very best of other people (regarding their intentions) rather
than assuming the worst.
Human behaviour is the only thing that we as NLP practitioners can observe.
Anything else would be mind reading. As it's impossible for us to enter another
person's mind physically, it's therefore critical that we become competent at
calibrating on behaviour.
People respond to their experiences and not to reality itself. We don't have
access to reality as it is, we do not know reality. We experience reality through
our senses, our filter systems, our beliefs - our own personal 'map' of reality. NLP
works by changing the 'maps' that are not working for the client.
PRESUPPOSITION 8) We each own our minds; therefore we each must own our
life outcomes.
Thought precedes our every action, behaviour, reaction, and response. It's
important we understand that before we commit to any course of action, the
course of action has first been considered inside of our minds.
If we can become more aware of our thought patterns and internal processes,
we can consequentially become more efficient at managing our responses and
So, as NLP Practitioners, our goal is to help our clients become more aware of
their own potential and assist them to work towards their own desired outcomes
in life.
We all have the resources and ability to achieve all the things that we want in our
own lives. If it's possible for other people, it's possible for us.
In NLP we can use the process of modelling to elicit the strategies that another
person has used to achieve their desired life outcomes, which is something that
we will explore further later in the course.
Do we learn from our mistakes? Of course; this is part of taking responsibility for
our actions and therefore owning our results (good or bad, desired or undesired).
We don't need to entertain the idea of putting a label on it. Our results are either
an opportunity to gain feedback or recognize our achievements.
PRESUPPOSITION 12) Having a choice is far better than not having a choice.
Always attempt to have a map that provides you with the widest number of
choices. Always aim to increase choice. The more choice you have, the more
free you are and the greater influence you have.
The actions we take are not random; we're always trying to achieve something,
although we might not be aware of what that actually is.
PRESUPPOSITION 15) The meaning of the communication is not just what you
intend, but also the response that you get.
The response might be different from what you wanted, but there is no such
thing as failure in communication, only responses and feedback. If you're not
getting the results you desire, change what you're doing. Start by taking
responsibility for the communication.
So, in summary, presuppositions, in general, are the central beliefs that provide
foundations to a system.
The presuppositions of NLP are the main assumptions that have guided the
ongoing development of NLP since its initial development by Richard Bandler
and John Grinder back in the 1970s. They are not necessarily true, but they
have historically proven to produce some beneficial results.