As covered in the lectures we know that the mobility of the holes is less than that of
electrons, and in CMOS inverter pFET is responsible for the conduction of current
leading a logic “1” at the output, while nFET is responsible for the conduction of
leading a logic “0” at the output. This means that the gate delay form low to high will
greater than the gate delay for low to high voltage.
3. Lab Instructions
Automated Layout from the Schematic Design
1. Open DSCH and select the foundry cmos025.
2. Save the design as “Save as” as Lab02. Save the design frequently during lab
3. Draw the circuit diagram of inverter.
4. Check for floating point if any.
5. Simulate the Design
6. Make a Verilog file of the design.
7. Open Microwind and select the foundry cmos025.
8. Compile the Verilog file of inverter “Lab02.txt” for Compile > Compile Verilog
9. Save the design.
10. Simulate the design using the Run command
11. Analyze configuration delay, gate delay, current, power, and midpoint voltage.
12. Repeat the design for different value of transistor size and supply voltage and
carefully observe the changes in configuration delay, gate delay, current, power, and
midpoint voltage.
Manual Layout of Inverter
1. Open Microwind and select the foundry cmos025.
2. Save the design as “Save as” as “Lab02”, and save the design frequently during the
Lab session.
3. Draw the layout of nMOS using MOS Generator
4. Draw the layout of pMOS using MOS Generator by setting the appropriate width of
5. Connect the two transistors using Metal 1 as per design.
6. Draw the rails of V DD and ground rails above and below.
7. Connect the nWell to V DD
8. Check the design using DRC for any design rule violation and correct the design in
case of error, again run the DRC and check for errors. Or run the DRC after each change
in the layout.
9. Check for Electrical connections to be valid.
10. Add inputs and outputs to the design; also add virtual capacitance at the output in
your design.
11. Simulate the Design. Observe the values of configuration delay, gate delay, power,
current, VTC, and area.
12. Repeat the design using for different values of transistor’s dimensions, supply
voltages. And observe the changes in configuration delay, gate delay, power, current,
VTC, and area carefully. Make a conclusion of your observations.
4. Lab Report
• Give a short description of the contents of the lab
• Include block diagram/diagrams of your design in the lab report
• Describe your layout design approach parameters and explain the effects of each the
• Include layout of your design also add your name on the design for evaluation
• Include the results in timing waveform format in your report
• Only follow the provided cover page format
Simulation Analysis (Include in your Lab Report)
You can increase the table and also the entries for in depth analysis.
A properly presented in depth analysis with graph based on the table entries will be
highly appreciated.
Discuss the Effects of width design parameter of the MOS devices on their behavior
5. Lab Tasks:
Task 1: Draw schematic (logic) diagram of CMOS inverter using the DSCH and analyze
its functionality by simulation.
Task 2: Generate the automated layout of the CMOS inverter from schematic diagram
and analyze its functionality, Simulate the Design. Observe the values of configuration
delay, gate delay, power, current, VTC, and area.
Task 3: Manually design the layout of CMOS inverter, Simulate the Design. Observe the
values of configuration delay, gate delay, power, current, VTC, and area.
Task 4: Design the layout of 3-State Inverter.
Task 5: Design the layout of Ring Oscillator.