Workshop On R
Workshop On R
Workshop On R
A Case Study of
2. Understanding R
• What is R?
• Environment of R?
3. Benefits of Using R
4. Why R?
• Introduction
• History
• Services of Company
7. Conclusion
8. References
1. Introduction
In the modern business landscape, data driven decision-making is essential
for gaining a competitive edge. This has led to the widespread adoption of
statistical software and programming languages like R, which offer powerful
tools for data analysis, visualization, and reporting. RStudio, a popular
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for R, enhances the capabilities of
R with its user-friendly interface. This assignment explores the fundamentals
of R and RStudio, their benefits, and how they can be applied in a real-world
business context. Additionally, we will delve into the operations of TATA Motors
Ltd., a company that could significantly benefit from utilizing R and RStudio
in its business processes.
4. Why R programming?
5. Introduction to Tata Motors Limited
Tata Motors Limited (TML), a $42 billion organisation, is India’s largest
automobile company and is a leading global manufacturer of cars, utility
vehicles, buses, trucks and defence vehicles.
Incorporated in India in the year 1945, Tata Motors is a part of the over
$100 billion Tata Group founded by Jamshedji Tata in 1868.
•Tata Ace
• Tata Ace Zip
• Tata Ace EV
•Tata 807 (Steel cabin chassis, cowl chassis, medium bus chassis, steel cabin
+ steel body chassis)
• x=c(8.35,50.00,139.25,2.52)
• y=c("employee separation cost”, “cost of slump sale of
• pie(x,lables=y,main="distribution of exceptional
items“col=c(1,2,3,4) )
Bar Graph of Total Expenses (2022)
• x=c(49647.05,32562.20)
• y=c(2022,2021)
• barplot(x,names.arg=y,xlab="year",ylab="total
expense",col="green",main="total expense of tata motors
PIE Chart of Current Assets (2022)
• x=c(3718.49,5143.08,220.30,1166.89)
• y=c("investment","financial","asset classified as held for
sale","other current asset")
• pie(x,lables=y,"main=total current asset",col=c(1,2,3,4))
BAR Graph of Investment
• x=c(3718.49,4551.71)
• y=c(2022,2021)
• barplot(x,names.arg =y,labs="years",ylab="investment of
year 2021 and 2022",col=“brown")
BAR Graph of Total Liabilities
• x=c(19944.15,16962.91)
• y=c("equity","liabilities")
• barplot(x,names.arg = y,xlab="liabilities",ylab="amount
",main="liabilities of company",col=c("purple","pink"))
R and RStudio offer powerful tools for businesses like TATA Motors Ltd. to
harness the full potential of their data. From statistical analysis to
predictive modelling, the capabilities of R can drive significant improvements
in operational efficiency, decision-making, and profitability. In today’s data
driven world, integrating these tools into business processes is crucial for
staying competitive and achieving long-term success. Future Prospects: The
future of TATA Motors Ltd. counterpart is shaped by their ability to adapt to
evolving market trends, consumer demands, and technological
advancements. As global markets become more interconnected, companies
like Balmer will need to diversify their offerings and invest in innovation to
remain competitive. This could involve expanding their digital presence,
enhancing customer experience through technology, and possibly integrating
sustainable practices into their operations to align with growing
environmental awareness. Additionally, the rise of artificial intelligence,
automation, and data analytics will likely play a significant role in improving
efficiency and streamlining production processes, helping TATA Company
maintain a competitive edge. In the long term, the success of TATA Motors
Ltd. will depend on their resilience in navigating geopolitical challenges,
shifting regulatory environments, and economic fluctuations. Strategic
partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions could also shape their future growth
trajectory, enabling them to tap into new markets or enhance their product
offerings. By remaining agile and forward-thinking, TATA has the potential to
strengthen its position as an industry leader, particularly if it focuses on
building a strong brand reputation and customer loyalty. Sustainability
initiatives and a commitment to social responsibility could also become key
differentiators, as these values are increasingly influencing consumer
purchasing decisions.
8. References