Basic R
Basic R
Basic R
what is R?
R is a software environment that is excellent for data analysis and graphics.
It was initially created in 1993 by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the
University of Auckland, New Zealand. They created R as a language to help
teach introductory statistics to their students. They based R on the S
language that was developed earlier at Bell Labs in the 1970s.
After some time they made R available as an open source GNU project. A
very active R community now exists around the world.
R is considered a Domain Specific Language as it was designed primarily for
data analysis.
R programs are typically created using functions and the programs are
executed by an R interpreter.
R is not just a programming language as it has native support for creating
high quality data visualizations.
Why R?
There are many reasons why learning R is beneficial.
As a Data Analyst or Data Scientist R can be used to dig deeper into your
data than is possible using spreadsheet-based tools alone
As a software developer R can enable data analytics computations and
graphics into new or existing applications with minimal effort.
With the explosion of Big Data, there are many new scenarios where using R
is an excellent choice to help meet user demands.
Installing R.
Installing R is quite simple. Simply navigate to the R Project page and click on
the Comprehensive R Archive Network or CRAN link. CRAN is a set of servers
around the world that store identical, up-to-date, versions of code and
documentation for R. There are binary installers available for Windows, Linux,
and Mac OS platforms. It is possible to build R from source, but it is best to
avoid this step if possible so you can get started using R more quickly. For the
purposes of this course you can select any of these platforms to learn R.
Installing R on Windows involves downloading the MSI file and executing it.
There are 32-bit and 64-bit installation options available. We will use the 64bit version for our coursework as it has higher limits on the amount of
memory that can be used.
Once the Windows installation has finished you can get started with R by
launching the R command line environment or the RGui tool.
RGui provides some useful productivity features beyond the R command line
environment for R users.
Getting started.
The starting point for every new R user is the R Console.
The R Console can be used to issue interactive R functions or expressions.
The greater than (>) symbol is the default prompt for R.
When an R expression is complete, within the R Console, it can be executed.
If the expression is not complete, the R Console prompt will change to the
plus (+) symbol.
Each R session has a working directory.
A working directory contains a workspace file, named .Rdata, which contains
a list of R objects. R will also keep file with a history of previously issues R
The R working directory can be changed using the setwd() function.
To determine the current working directory simply issue the getwd()
When you complete a session of using the R Console you will be prompted to
consider saving your workspace.
You may want to save your workspace so you can return to your analysis at a
later time, but it is always a good practice to create R scripts from your R
Console sessions so you do not accidently overwrite your workspace file.