Ratan Tata
Ratan Tata
Ratan Tata
I would like to thank all those who helped me in many ways in achieving this goal and make this
study a success.
And I would like to thank ns.ajbcydwbcja my supervisor for all her guidance and support she
gave me in getting the information and helping me to complete the study. I also thank my
parents and friends who helped me to complete this project successfully.
Executive Summery
In this case study of acquisition of JLR to the TATA group I have stated the background of the
two companies and the path of the acquisition. I have discussed the challengers Ratan Tata
would have anticipated and the strategies he used in overcoming theses challengers. Identifying
and communicating the reasons for the M&A to employees, Forming an M&A team and
choosing and coaching an M&A leader, Assessing the difference of corporate cultures, Deciding
who stays and who goes, Comparing benefits, compensation and union contracts and deciding
on company policies and practices are some of the challengers I have identified.
I have described the cultural environments of both companies and have conduct a research on
how Ratan Tata went about managing these cross cultural environment. Cultural factors worth
understanding are those regarding levels of formalization, centralization, tolerance of risk,
decision making processes etc. Perceptions of time are too worth consideration. While Indians
like to take time before discussing business, by meeting as many employees as possible to
develop relationships, the British like to get things done more quickly. Being clear right from the
start on companys values, procedures and organization too will be crucial.
The leadership style Ratan Tata used in this big change is a transformational leadership style
and his acts and leadership qualities more describes that he is a democratic leader at the same
time. Studying about leadership qualities Ratan Tata implemented in this acquisition and all the
other achievements of TATA group we can come to a conclusion that he is a great leader with
very good leadership qualities.
Correct and effective internal and external communication is vital when acquiring a company
which has a different comparative culture such as in the case of TATA taking over JLR. If the
companies failed to communicate effectively before during and after the acquisition it will cause
the two companies to be unsuccessful in the acquisition. The way TATA group handled the
internal and external communication is also described in short and in conclusion how TATA
group managed to overcome all their challengers when taking over JLR and became a very
successful company.
In conclusion I have stated how Ratan Tata managed the change of the company successfully
by using flexible and time effective business strategies; how he managed to overcome the
challengers he would have anticipated, By becoming a great leader with good leadership
qualities to motivate and to navigate the company in the right direction towards success. And
finally about how important internal and external communication in a acquisition business deal
such as in this case study.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT........................................................................................... 1
Executive Summery................................................................................................. 2
Background............................................................................................................ 5
Jaguar Land Rover (JLR):............................................................................................. 5
Tata Group:.................................................................................................................. 6
Q1......................................................................................................................... 6
Tatas Culture.......................................................................................................... 7
Culture at JLR......................................................................................................... 7
Q2....................................................................................................................... 10
Cultural factors:..................................................................................................... 10
Q3....................................................................................................................... 11
Tatas Qualities...................................................................................................... 12
Leadership Style................................................................................................... 12
Q4....................................................................................................................... 14
Internal communication.......................................................................................... 14
External Communication......................................................................................... 15
Communication strategy for external stakeholders in JLR acquisition............................15
Conclusion........................................................................................................... 16
Appendix.............................................................................................................. 17
Reference............................................................................................................ 19
In June 2008, India-based Tata Motors Ltd. announced that it had completed the acquisition of
the two iconic British brands - Jaguar and Land Rover (JLR) from the US-based Ford Motors for
US$ 2.3 billion. Forming a part of the purchase consideration were JLR's manufacturing plants,
two advanced design centers in the UK, national sales companies spanning across the world,
and also licenses of all necessary intellectual property rights.
There was widespread disbelief in market over an Indian company owning the luxury brands.
According to industry analysts, some of the issues that could trouble Tata Motors were
economic slowdown in European and American markets, funding risks, currency risks etc.
Market conditions were extremely tough, especially in the key US market. Tatas needed to
invest a lot in brand building to make JLR profitable. Onset of recession not only made
investment look mistimed, but also started wiping out the JLR market.
On acquiring JLR, Ratan Tata, Chairman, Tata Group, said, "We are very pleased at the
prospect of Jaguar and Land Rover being a significant part of our automotive business. We
have enormous respect for the two brands and will endeavor to preserve and build on their
heritage and competitiveness, keeping their identities intact. We aim to support their growth,
while holding true to our principles of allowing the management and employees to bring their
experience and expertise to bear on the growth of the business."
The Tata acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover is a superb example to include in research notes on
takeovers and mergers. At the time (early 2008), Tatas investment in JLR seemed to be poorly
timed and there were many critics who questioned the strategic logic of the move as well as its
timing. Shortly after the takeover, demand in the global market for luxury cars collapsed as a
result of the financial crisis and Tata was forced to refinance to support its investment.
Several years later, however, the takeover appears to be a compelling example of a successful
acquisition which is generating substantial shareholder value for Tata as well as continued
support from JLRs many stakeholder groups in the UK.
Tata Group:
- One of Indias largest private conglomerates - used to investing in the UK
- Bought Tetley Tea in 2000
- Bought Corus Steel - a big supplier to JLR - in 2007
- Tata Motors - was already Indias third largest car-maker, but struggling with a poor image and
hampered by rising raw material costs
Q1. If you were Ratan Tata, what challengers would you have anticipated in
integrating the newly acquired company to the Tata group and how would
you go about managing this change at JLR as well as the parent company.
Organizations often merge or acquire other businesses in order to expand into new markets,
acquire new technology or reduce competition. A merger is when two companies become one
and an acquisition is when one company acquires another. In This study I have studies the
accusation of JLR to the Tata Company.
Mergers and acquisitions can help organizations become more efficient, profitable and powerful,
But in the process of Mergers and acquisitions, with all of the legal and financial issues to deal
with, If I was Ratan Tata I will have to anticipate major challengers and if I am not able to face
the challengers with good strategies it can decrease morale and productivity and lead to an
exodus of key talent.
Major challengers Ratan Tata would have anticipated during the acquisition could be:
Identifying and communicating the reasons for the M&A to employees. Often employees
see change as dislocating and upsetting. I must communicate with employees about the
necessity for the change, explain how the change will benefit them, and manage the
stresses that accompany change.
Forming an M&A team and choosing and coaching an M&A leader. The team leader
must focus solely on the M&A rather than be involved in running the business, be
sensitive to cultural differences, lead the change process, and retain and motivate key
Assessing the corporate cultures. One company may be driven by a sales mentality
while another may be focused on innovation. Or decisions in one company may be top
down while the other may be used to more participative decision making. HR must
anticipate cultural challenges and take steps to integrate the two cultures.
Deciding who stays and who goes. HR must determine the new organizational structure,
and retain and motivate key talent.
Comparing benefits, compensation and union contracts and deciding on company
policies and practices.
Due to cultural challenges of the cross-border acquisition of JLR by Indian Tata Motors, not only
having to deal with the merger of different corporate cultures, but also of two or more national
cultures. In the case of JLR and Tata, the scene is made more complex by the fact that Tata is
from India, a country that was a colony of Great Britain just decades ago. Below I have stated a
brief explanation of the cultures of the two companies because understanding the difference in
culture is a main fact in succeeding the change management.
Tatas Culture
Tata, for being such a large global conglomerate, has a unique working culture and set of
Every new employee joining Tata has to sign the Tata Code Of Conduct (TCOC), which has to
be strictly followed. In reality, almost every multinational in the world claims it follows certain
ethical principles, however few follow the as well as Tata does. TCOCs 25 clauses give workers
guidelines on how to behave regardless of issues regarding cases of national interest, financial
reporting, competition, government agencies, gifts and donations etc. In short, it provides a
roadmap on how business should be conducted. For Tata, the respect of these rules is very
important. In fact, it places officers in every company owned by the conglomerate to ensure that
the code is followed. A lot of awareness programs are also run often. Tata also takes seriously
employee well-being. It favors job security rather than high salaries. Usually, not everybody
agrees that this system is a good one, however this is how the company has always operated
and results so far seem to show that Tatas system works. Furthermore, employees have very
good retirement and pension schemes, as well as other benefits such as welfare checks.
Another very important thing for the company is to never lose sight of customer satis. Its one of
the pillars of Tata, and all of its companies have very high levels of customer satisfaction.
Tata website, Tata Code of Conduct
Culture at JLR
Defining the culture of a company is never easy. According to a recent survey performed by the
company in 2010, workers at Jaguar Land Rover described their environment as being friendly
and helpful. As one would expect, the way of working varies from one department to the other,
some jobs are more desk based than others, however the hierarchy structure seems to be very
flat. Senior managers are always working on the side of younger ones and are always ready to
help with suggestions and advices. Other words used to describe the environment are: fast
paced, inspiring, hard working. For what regards hours of work, interviews suggest that
theres a good balance between work hours and lifestyle. Officially, the company states that it
operates using 40 hour weeks, however there may be shift work, so actual time spent on the job
may be more than this figure suggests. Also, there seems to be a lot of variance depending on
the position and role. Managers and employees are encouraged to be flexible in the time they
dedicate to work, so probably workloads can be quite high at times. Overall, 80% of employees
declare that they are proud of working there. Workers are rated two times per year. During these
evaluations performance is evaluated based on the objectives that were placed earlier, and new
goals are placed. These reviews are important for the employees because bonuses and pay
raises are decided here, so career wise they are fundamental for the process. Furthermore,
employees have also the opportunity to participate to many social events, especially graduates.
Some of them share houses and often organize with each other sport events in order to get
involved with each other.
When discussing about managing the merger between Tata and JLR seemes very complicated
because of the culture change and the other challengers I have stated above.
JLR came from 20 years of Ford ownership, a company whose culture and values differ deeply
from Tatas. People at Jaguar will be very familiar with American business practices, and shifting
to Indian ownership will be an interesting challenge for everyone involved in the company.
For Tata, understanding Jaguar both from a corporate and national cultural point of view
will be fundamental.
In order to be successful in this change , communication will be very important, and Tata will
have to maintain clear and open channels with all layers of the newly acquired company.
Information is very important, especially in periods of abrupt change, and having a workforce
which receives it in the correct manner can make or break a venture such as this one.
Information must not only be between the top managements of the two companies, but
must be flowed to everybody involved. Managers must consider that although effective
communication is the best way to keep the workforce calm and efficient, changes such as
this one take time to digest, and employees will not be able to understand immediately the
new objectives and orientation of the organization.
Its important that both of the parties involved understand each others way of doing business.
Cultural factors worth understanding are those regarding levels of formalization,
centralization, tolerance of risk, decision making processes etc. Perceptions of time are
too worth consideration. While Indians like to take time before discussing business, by
meeting as many employees as possible to develop relationships, the British like to get
things done more quickly.
Being clear right from the start on companys values, procedures and organization too will
be crucial. On Tatas part, they will have to be clear on how they will merge and apply
them in the new culture that will develop at JLR.
Another essential element is the one regarding employees and the human element in general.
In the end, its them that have the greatest impact on a mergers outcome. To ensure
that everybody is rowing in the same direction, choosing the right leaders is essential to
ensure that people feel like they are being taken care of. Failing to understand the importance
of the effect of changing cultures on employees can easily lead to failure.
Cultural factors:
At the start of the process the Managing Director openly stated that change of ownership has
little to do with the changing of culture. This had several consequences on TATAs management
Firstly, TATA, in contrast with Daimler, decided to leave the existing management structure intact
and leave the national British managers. There wasnt any attempt to impose Indian managers
on JLR. All the key personnel retained their positions.
Secondly, TATA didnt just leave the current managers on their own. TATA managed to motivate
them through constantly challenging them and working with them. In other words, help was
offered only when it was needed and existing practices remained in place, but at the same time
managers couldnt afford to be idle because they had goals to reach and plans to implement.
Thirdly, unlike in the TATA managed to inspire trust in JLR. First of all, the fact that most of JLRs
personnel were left on their positions showed that TATA trusts JLR, and believed that it is
capable of solving their problems. Moreover, more than once in interviews the Managing
Director stated that it is TATAs responsibility to take care of JLR and that TATA wont shy
away from investments, if it is required. Such clear statements of loyalty contributed positively
on the cooperation between the companies.
Finally, TATA kept an open-mind and never hesitated to listen to feedback from subordinates.
TATAs top level officials often make trips to their factories and dealerships outside India and
collect feedback from local employees. These opinions are being used in the developing
companys strategy.
As we can see, all of the steps were followed, also in this complex acquisition case, regardless
of potential cultural clashes. More importantly, the changes felt by the employees were very
I dont know if Tata made direct intervention in the top management, however I can assume that
initial inputs were given by Tata Motors. In any case the crucial changes at higher levels brought
many changes in all of the other levels, both important and smaller ones. The working
environment became more friendly thanks to the flattening of the hierarchical chain and new
motivation was given by the new way of working, resources and goals. Its likely that these
cultural changes happened gradually, and for many people they were almost unnoticed.
However, they have undoubtedly contributed to the important results achieved at JLR.
In conclusion, the new culture, aim and strategy brought a company that was on the verge of
bankruptcy to current success.
Q3. What leadership style Ratan Tata employ to lead JLR. What are the
leadership challengers JLR had to deal with? How did they turn around the
performance of JLR post acquisition?
The leadership makes an organization a successful one and effective. The effective leadership
leads to achieve and fulfill the organizations mission. Leadership is important because without
the leadership the organization cant move on further. Leadership is crucial in implementing
decisions successfully. It is a process by which one person influences the thoughts, attitudes,
and behaviors of others. Leadership training and development can maximize productivity, shape
a positive culture and promote harmony. To achieve this, key people must lead individuals
and teams using an appropriate leadership style.
Autocratic leaders make decisions without consulting their team members, even if their input
would be useful. This can be appropriate when you need to make decisions quickly, when
there's no need for team input, and when team agreement isn't necessary for a successful
outcome. However, this style can be demoralizing, and it can lead to high levels of
absenteeism and staff turnover.
Democratic leaders make the final decisions, but they include team members in the
decision-making process. They encourage creativity, and people are often highly engaged in
projects and decisions. As a result, team members tend to have high job satisfaction and
high productivity. This is not always an effective style to use, though, when you need to
make a quick decision.
Laissez-faire leaders give their team members a lot of freedom in how they do their work,
and how they set their deadlines. They provide support with resources and advice if
needed, but otherwise they don't get involved. This autonomy can lead to high job
satisfaction, but it can be damaging if team members don't manage their time well, or if they
don't have the knowledge, skills, or self-motivation to do their work effectively. (Laissez-faire
leadership can also occur when managers don't have control over their work and their
To understand the leadership style Ratan Tata used in leading one of the most successful
companies in the world we need to look at the qualities he possess.
Tatas Qualities
Thought leadership
Man of Ideas
Leads by communication
Bold & Aggressive
Hands off approach
Man of Integrity
Selfless leader
Leadership Style
Looking at the definitions of different leadership styles I have stated above and the statements
and the activities Ratan Tata has done in the company implies us that he is more towards the
Democratic leadership style.
A certain independence and delegation has been there. An independent view has been taken
and affair degree - in fact, total autonomy - has been given to individual companies. Ratan
Ratan Tatas leadership behavior is of delegating type and in the event of acquisition of JLR this
is visible.
He is involved in decision however the process and responsibility has been transferred to the
individual JLR company MDs .Each company within the group has its own specific strategies
and aspirations and thereby makes its decisions.
When looking at the leadership challengers Ratan Tata had to deal with it can be seen that he
had to become a transformational leader.
Visionary Rs. 1,00,000 car (Nano), to make Tata as global conglomerate
Strategic Thinker Taking over JLR, Corus, Tetley
Communicator He could clearly communicate his vision to his group companies
Change Agent Culture change in Tata. performance targets-to be first or second in its
industry, and to meet quantified goals for leadership and innovation-or be sold
It is clear when studying about him With overcoming all of these challengers and becoming a
transformational leader how Ratan Tata managed to turn around the performance of JLR post
acquisition. TATA didnt just leave the current managers on their own. TATA managed to
motivate them through constantly challenging them and working with them. In other words, help
was offered only when it was needed and existing practices remained in place, but at the same
time managers couldnt afford to be idle because they had goals to reach and plans to
Showing the qualities of a democratic leader and becoming a visionary and a transformational
leader adjusting to different situations he managed to overcome the challengers with the
acquisition of JLR.
One hundred years from now, I expect the Tatas to be much bigger than it is now. More
importantly, I hope the Group comes to be regarded as being the best in India. Best in the
manner in which we operate, best in the products we deliver and best in our value systems and
ethics. Having said that I hope that a hundred years from now we will spread our wings far
beyond India"- Ratan Tata
On acquiring JLR, Rattan Tata, Chairman, Tata Group, said, We are very pleased at the
prospect of Jaguar and Land Rover being a significant part of our automotive business. We
have enormous respect for the two brands and will endeavor to preserve and build on their
heritage and competitiveness, keeping their identities intact. We aim to support their growth,
while holding true to our principles of allowing the management and employees to bring their
experience and expertise to bear on the growth of the business.
Studying about leadership qualities Ratan Tata implemented in this acquisition and all the other
achievements of TATA group we can come to a conclusion that he is a great leader with very
good leadership qualities.
Q4.How should JLR and the TATA group handle the acquisition
communication internally and externally?
Effective internal and external communications are key factors that contribute to successful
projects. Internal communication has the objective of informing employees of developments that
are influencing their organization, particularly the projects that they are collectively involved with.
However, in a project environment, external communication becomes extremely important as
well, particularly if the project is a controversial one. External communication in a project
environment has the objective of facilitating collaboration and cooperation with various
stakeholders that are outside the formal structure of the organization. The collaboration and
cooperation of these stakeholders is viewed as being essential to project success. Stakeholders
may be categorized into five groups, namely clients, contractors, investors and shareholders,
employee unions and society in general. Therefore, two critical aspects are essential when
tackling the external communications issue. These are the identification of the active and
influential stakeholders that may impact a specific project and the formulation of an external
communication strategy that specifically targets the concerns of these stakeholders.
Internal communication
It should be recognized that essentially organizations are simply a collective group of individuals
who belong to a particular division, unit, department or project team. However, unless a holistic
approach is specifically taken, these categories of individuals will develop their own particular
culture. An effective internal communication strategy provides a common link between the
different groups to promote within the organization a universal set of attitudes, beliefs, values
and a common appreciation of the organizations objectives. As we have discussed in above
questions TATA and JLR have different organizational cultures and it is vital that internal
communication is done effectively.
In addition, an effective internal communication strategy promotes the formulation and
implementation of a shared organizational vision that is supported by the defined corporate
strategy. The literature suggests that an effective internal communication strategy will help to:
External Communication
As stated previously, external communications in a project environment has the objective of
facilitating cooperation and collaboration with the various stakeholders that are outside the
formal structure of the organization. When looking at the TATA and JLR acquisition a variety of
communication channels may be utilized for external communication, including the internet, print
and broadcast media, face-to-face meetings and establishing virtual discussion forums.
External communication should be interactive and bi-directional. In other words, it should be a
two-way communication process similar to internal communication. External communication
should be sensitive to the requirements of the organization and the stakeholders with whom the
organization intends to communicate. The content and form of external communications should
be developed in a participatory manner, to foster cooperation and collaboration. External
communications should be objective, use accurate and reliable data sources, and be clear and
accessible to its intended audiences.
Communication strategy for external stakeholders in JLR acquisition.
The external communication strategy will need to consist of a process definition and product
identification. Process definition focuses on the method for formulating and implementing an
external communication strategy.
Process definition
The process definition provides details about the main principles and major implementation
phases of the external communication strategy. It also provides information about the external
communication tasks to be conducted, such as:
Defining the objectives and the target stakeholders of the external communication
Defining the type of information to be communicated. This includes the presentation
mode and the method of disseminating the information to be communicated to
stakeholders. For example, providing data about the operational performance once the
TATA takeover JLR providing environmental impact studies that show the true impact of
the project and other details related to how stakeholder concerns are addressed
Establishing a mechanism to regularly review the existing situation at both the
companies TATA and JLR and making amendments to the external communication
strategy when needed
Establishing an appropriate mechanism to monitor the quality, performance and
effectiveness of external communication
Establishing an appropriate organization structure to take on the responsibilities for
external communication
Identifying existing relevant information that is of interest to the identified stakeholders.
To conclude correct and effective internal and external communication is vital when acquiring a
company which has a different comparative culture such as in the case of TATA taking over JLR.
If the companies failed to communicate effectively before during and after the acquisition it will
cause the two companies to be unsuccessful in the acquisition.
In conclusion when looking and studying the path of TATA group in the assignment it can be
seen that the working cultures in both companies are very different. The participation of Tata in
the management of JLR so far has not created any major issue. There is no evidence that JLR
is suffering from Tata's working culture. On the acquisition of JLR, Tata assured that the
operations of the company would remain unchanged in the sense that the current managing
staffs in the UK will retain their positions which helped the change management process and
made it easier to face the challengers Ratan Tata would have encountered. JLR came from 20
years of Ford ownership, a company whose culture and values differ deeply from Tatas. People
at Jaguar will be very familiar with American business practices, and shifting to Indian ownership
will be an interesting challenge for everyone involved in the company.
For Tata, understanding Jaguar both from a corporate and national cultural point of view will be
fundamental, considering also the huge amount of M&As that fail during the integration phase.
In order to be successful, communication will be very important, Both internally and externally
and Tata will have to maintain clear and open channels with all layers of the newly acquired
company. Information is very important, especially in periods of abrupt change, and having a
workforce which receives it in the correct manner can make or break a venture such as this one.
Information must not only be between the top managements of the two companies, but must be
flowed to everybody involved. Managers must consider that although effective communication is
the best way to keep the workforce calm and efficient, changes such as this one take time to
digest, and employees will not be able to understand immediately the new objectives and
orientation of the organization. Its important that both of the parties involved understand each
others way of doing business. Cultural factors worth understanding are those regarding levels
of formalization, centralization, tolerance of risk, decision making processes etc. Perceptions of
time are too worth consideration. While Indians like to take time before discussing business, by
meeting as many employees as possible to develop relationships, the British like to get things
done more quickly. Being clear right from the start on companys values, procedures and
organization too will be crucial. On Tatas part, they will have to be clear on how they will merge
and apply them in the new culture that will develop at JLR.
When overcoming all of these challengers and becoming a transformational leader having more
democratic leadership qualities Ratan Tata managed to turn around the performance of JLR
post acquisition. TATA didnt just leave the current managers on their own. TATA managed to
motivate them through constantly challenging them and working with them. In other words, help
was offered only when it was needed and existing practices remained in place, but at the same
time managers couldnt afford to be idle because they had goals to reach and plans to
TOWS Matrix
Tatas strong
Rising appetite for luxury
automobiles in growing
markets like India and
Established European
brands available at
affordable investment
Support from Jaguar in
Technology, Engine, IT,
Complete product line with
addition of luxury brands
Access to European and
American Market
Reduce production cost of
JLR by synergizing better
with other TATA cos like
Volatility in market dr
by new products
Strong presence of
competitors like
Mercedes, BMW, Lexu
and Infinity
Receding sales and b
Downturn making
Investment riskier an
90% of TAMO revenue
comes from one mark
Inexperience in
Handling luxury
automobile brand
Inexperience in
turning around loss
making company
R & D and designing
Leverage experience
gained with Tetley an
Corus in allaying mar
apprehensions about
Make Jaguar design
center as their global
design HQ
Use Jaguar channel to
distribute TAMO bran
without merging the
http://www.livemint.com/Companies/n47iePUboPWvCqG5FM8IVK/Ratan-Tata-A-journey-infour-stages.html ( Accessed 03 Jan 2016 )
http://www.firstpost.com/business/untold-story-ratan-tata-took-sweet-revenge-ford-humiliation1999-2155541.html(Accessed 04 Jan 2016 )