Amity Global Business School: MBA, Semester 3 Corporate Tax Planning Ms. Kirandeep Kaur
Amity Global Business School: MBA, Semester 3 Corporate Tax Planning Ms. Kirandeep Kaur
Amity Global Business School: MBA, Semester 3 Corporate Tax Planning Ms. Kirandeep Kaur
The term person as per Income Tax law is defined to include: 1) An Individual. e.g. Mr. A or Mr. B. 2) A Hindu Undivided Family. e.g. Mr. A (HUF) or Mr. B (HUF). 3) 4) A Company. e.g. XYZ Pvt. Ltd. Or ABC Ltd. A Partnership firm. e.g. M/s ABC or M/s XYZ and Co.
5) An Association of persons or a body of Individuals, whether incorporated or not. e.g. ABC Sangh or XYZ Dal. 6) A Local Authority. e.g. Pune Municipal Corporation or PCMC Municipal Corporation. 7) Every Artificial Juridical persons not falling within any of the above categories. (Residual Category).
It is defined broadly to include the following: In Simple terms any Person whose income is assessable under any Tax law (herein referred to as The Income Tax Act 1961) is called an Assessee.
Assessment year in simple terms means the financial year immediately succeeding the previous year. In other words it is the year in which one is assessed for his/ her income. Below mentioned example will help you gain more clarity on these terms: Mr. B, a salaried individual earned an income of Rs. 3, 50,000/- in the previous year starting from 1st April 2009 to 31st March 2010 (i.e. 2009-10). Now he has to pay tax on income earned, at applicable rates for assessment year starting from 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2011 PLEASE NOTE: Previous year and Assessment year will always be starting from 1st April and ending on 31st March, In no case it can be followed as a Calendar year i.e. 1st January to 31st December. At present the assessment year 2010-2011 is going on.
Rates of tax for resident individuals, above 65 yrs at any time during the PY:
Income Upto Rs. 2,40,000 Above Rs. 2,40,000 Upto Rs. 3,00,000 Above Rs. 3,00,000 Upto Rs. 5,00,000 Above Rs. 5,00,000 Rates of Tax Nil 10% 20% 30%
Rates of tax for resident individual, being a woman, aged below 65 yrs:
Income Upto Rs. 1,90,000 Above Rs. 1,90,000 Upto Rs. 3,00,000 Above Rs. 3,00,000 Upto Rs. 5,00,000 Above Rs. 5,00,000 Rate of Tax Nil 10% 20% 30%
Other individuals: Income Upto Rs. 1,60,000 Above Rs. 1,50,000 Upto Rs. 3,00,000 Above Rs. 3,00,000 Upto Rs. 5,00,000 Above Rs. 5,00,000 Rate of Tax Nil 10% 20% 30%
Surcharge : With effect from assessment year 2010-11 surcharge has been abolished. Education Cess : 2% on income tax Secondary & Higher Education Cess: 1% on income tax
Co Operative Societies Income Up to Rs. 10,000 Above Rs.10,000 Upto Rs. 20,000 Above Rs. 20,000 Rate of Tax 10% 20% 30%
Local Authorities
Tax at a flat rate of 30% on the whole income. No Surcharge. Education Cess @ 2%. Secondary & Higher Education Cess @ 1%.