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Field-Programmable System-On-Chip For Localization of Ugvs in An Indoor Ispace

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2, MAY 2014 1033

Field-Programmable System-on-Chip for

Localization of UGVs in an Indoor iSpace
Jorge Rodríguez-Araújo, Juan J. Rodríguez-Andina, Senior Member, IEEE,
José Fariña, Member, IEEE, and Mo-Yuen Chow, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—The ability to perform accurate localization is a fun- The intelligent space (iSpace) concept [1] has been used to
damental requirement of the navigation systems intended to guide effectively implement distributed sensors, distributed actuators,
unmanned ground vehicles in a given environment. Currently, the distributed processors, and information technology over physi-
use of vision-based systems is a very suitable alternative for some
indoor applications. This paper presents a novel distributed FPGA- cally connected spaces and spaces connected through commu-
based embedded image processing system for accurate and fast nication networks. A network-based integrated navigation
simultaneous estimation of the position and orientation of remotely system consists of different modules that allow an UGV to be
controlled vehicles in indoor spaces. It is based on a network of guided in the space of interest [2]. In the context of this work,
distributed image processing nodes, which minimize the amount of these modules are combined together using the iSpace concept.
data to be transmitted through communication networks and hence
allow dynamic response to be improved, providing a simple, flexible, This implies the need for two issues to be addressed.
low-cost, and very efficient solution. The proposed system works 1) The development of a localization system capable of
properly under variable or nonhomogeneous illumination condi- accurately determining in real time the position and orien-
tions, which simplifies the deployment. Experimental results on a tation of UGVs in the iSpace.
real scenario are presented and discussed. They demonstrate that 2) The development of a control system capable of control-
the system clearly outperforms the existing solutions of similar
complexity. Only much more complex and expensive systems ling in real time all UGVs that are present at a given time in
achieve similar performance. the iSpace.
This paper focuses on the first issue. A novel field-
Index Terms—FPGA, image processing, indoor localization,
intelligent space (iSpace), mobile robot, pose estimation, system- programmable gate array-(FPGA)-based embedded vision sys-
on-chip. tem for indoor localization of remotely controlled UGVs is
proposed whose performance and accuracy are demonstrated to
I. INTRODUCTION be much better than that of the currently existing solutions of
similar complexity, and comparable to that of much more
A restrial vehicle without a human operator in it. This kind
of mobile robots can be fully autonomous, semi-autonomous, or
complex and expensive solutions, moreover adding flexibility,
e.g., in terms of scalability.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Currently
remotely controlled. Remotely controlled UGVs are simpler and existing localization systems are analyzed in Section II together
cheaper than the autonomous or semi-autonomous ones, and also with their design challenges. The proposed solution is presented
easier to control when operating as part of a group. Motion in Section III. Its implementation as a field programmable
planning is also much easier to implement because it is per- system-on-chip (FPSoC) is described in Section IV. Experimen-
formed by an external system with access to all information about tal results are presented and discussed in Section V. Finally, the
the current space status in every moment. Therefore, remotely conclusions of the work are summarized in Section VI.
controlled UGVs are particularly suitable for systems where
several vehicles must be operating within the same structural
space, e.g., automated industrial storage plants or automated II. LOCALIZATION SYSTEMS
parking decks. Localization, also known as pose estimation, is a fundamental
feature for UGVs. It consists of determining the position [e.g.,
Manuscript received May 12, 2013; revised September 24, 2013; accepted ( , ) coordinates in a 2-D system] and orientation (e.g., angle
November 18, 2013. Date of publication December 05, 2013; date of current
version May 02, 2014. This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de
with respect to a reference direction) of UGVs in a given
Economía y Competitividad, Spain, under Project TEC2010-21429-C02-01, environment.
including European FEDER funds. Paper No. TII-13-0257. Localization can be performed by systems placed onboard the
J. Rodríguez-Araújo is with AIMEN Technology Centre, 36410 Porriño,
Spain (e-mail: jorge.rodriguez@aimen.es).
UGVs themselves. For instance, the global positioning system
J. Rodríguez-Araújo, J. J. Rodríguez-Andina, and J. Fariña are with the (GPS) may be used in outdoor environments. However, GPS
Department of Electronic Technology, University of Vigo, 36310 Vigo, Spain accuracy is not good enough for the requirements of some control
(e-mail: jjrdguez@uvigo.es; jfarina@uvigo.es).
M.-Y. Chow is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,
systems and, more important for the purposes of this work, it does
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27606 USA (e-mail: chow@ncsu. not work in indoor environments. There are also hybrid ap-
edu). proaches, where part of the localization system is onboard and
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at
part offboard the UGV. For instance, in the solution proposed in
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TII.2013.2294112 [3], ultrasonic transmitters are attached to the ceiling at known

1551-3203 © 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

positions and ultrasonic receivers located onboard, and odo- offboard visual systems for which suitable data for comparison
metric and ultrasonic distance measurements are used to deter- are available.
mine the pose. In [4], the complementary use of ultrasonic Commercial vision-based offboard localization systems also
sensors and wireless devices is proposed. WiFi systems are exist such as Optitrack [18] which is capable of localizing rigid
applied in [5] to team-based robot localization and mapping. objects within a 3-D space. Optitrack is based on a set of markers,
Other solutions are based on the use of onboard radiofrequency sensitive to its proprietary illumination system. UGVs can be
identification (RFID) readers to detect the RFID tags placed in localized by applying triangulation to the data provided by
certain positions of the environment [6], [7]. The main problems Optitrack’s proprietary cameras, which, therefore, have to be at
of these solutions are their limited accuracy and the fact that least three. Cameras are connected to a synchronization hub from
orientation can only be indirectly, and again inaccurately, esti- where data are transmitted to a PC which determines the poses. In
mated from the analysis of the successive estimated positions. spite of its good performance (frame rates in excess of 100 fps), it
This creates problems for estimating the orientation at the initial has some drawbacks: cost is high and it is a closed solution
time, as well as when the robot is rotating over itself with no based on proprietary components, in addition requiring a pow-
significant displacement. erful PC.
The use of onboard visual systems is an interesting alternative Whenever using vision-based localization systems with a
to simultaneously estimate the position and orientation. In such centralized control, the time required to transmit images through
solutions [8]–[10], onboard cameras are used to localize either the communication networks can significantly limit the dynamic
the markers placed at predefined positions on the target space or response, even if large bandwidth is available. Bandwidth
features of this space (e.g., elements of the illumination system or allocation is one of the major concerns in distributed network-
structural components), and UGV’s pose is determined accord- based control systems [19]. In order to increase the accuracy,
ingly. Many of these solutions are currently based on the images with higher resolution could be used but this would also
simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) technique cause transmission time to increase. Using more cameras with
[11]. In some cases, several visual sensors are used in a collabo- lower resolution is not a suitable alternative, because total
rative way [12]. network traffic, and consequently transmission time, will not
Localization can also be performed by offboard systems, fully be reduced.
implemented outside of the UGVs, placing specific devices at The solution proposed in this work, which is described and
predefined positions in the environment. This allows cost, validated in the subsequent sections, addresses these problems
complexity, and power consumption of the UGVs to be reduced. by implementing the most processing tasks in the vision nodes.
These are significant advantages in many applications. Advantage is taken of the state-of-the-art features of FPGAs and
In this context, the use of global (offboard) visual systems of their suitability to implement complex signal processing
allows the advantages of visual and offboard localization to be algorithms in real time [20]–[25], including SLAM-based on-
combined. Image processing-based offboard localization sys- board localization systems for industrial environments [26]. In
tems have been proposed that monitor the space of interest using this way, the amount of information to be transmitted through the
a set of cameras1 from which features of the UGVs can be network is dramatically reduced while keeping the cost low.
identified. The corresponding poses are determined by an inde-
pendent system, which knows the positions and orientations of
the cameras. For instance, the system presented in [13] covers an
indoor area of approximately with four cameras. A The block diagram of the proposed distributed localization
visual system is proposed in [14] for collaborative multi-robot system is shown in Fig. 1.
systems, where relative robot–robot localization is the main Each distributed unit consists of a camera and an image
objective. It uses cameras placed in some robots to localize the processing node, which identifies all UGVs within the viewing
markers placed in others. An offboard camera is used in [15] for area of the camera, and provides the data fusion controller with
mobile object localization in outdoor industrial environments. In the data required to determine the corresponding poses (the
this case, pose is obtained by comparing a synthetic image of the reason why poses are not determined in the image processing
target object with real captured images. A ceiling vision system is nodes themselves is justified in Section III-B). The data fusion
proposed in [16] to improve the performance of a cleaning robot. controller manages this network of distributed sensors and
The integration of a vision-based offboard pedestrian tracking determines in real time the position, in global coordinates of
subsystem with an onboard localization and navigation subsys- the whole viewing area, and orientation of all UGVs. Therefore,
tem is proposed in [17] to improve safety in complex industrial only few data need to be transmitted to the main iSpace control-
environments where dynamic objects can unpredictably enter the ler. Since, as demonstrated in Section III-A, in this solution, the
path of a vehicle. In Section V-B, the solution presented in amount of data to be exchanged between the image processing
this paper is advantageously compared in terms of performance nodes and the data fusion controller is also very small, the
and accuracy with the ones among these previously proposed negative influence of data transmission on dynamic response is
nearly totally eliminated.
In this work, UGVs are marked with red isosceles triangles
In most of the practical applications, the area of interest cannot be covered with attached to white plates located on top of them, as shown in Fig. 2
a single camera but several are needed, a fact whose implications (regarding, for
instance, UGV transitions between the viewing areas of different cameras or data and discussed below. Cameras are placed at the ceiling of the
fusion) are surprisingly neglected in many published works, but not in this one. target space, perpendicular to the floor. The total viewing area of

Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed system.

Fig. 3. Front and top views of the total (black border) and useful (orange border)
viewing areas. Bottom gray squares represent cameras’ sensors.

Section III-B. In this way, the frame rate and, in turn, the
performance of the main iSpace control system, are maximized.
Image capture rate also depends on the configuration of the
cameras, as explained in Section IV-A.
In order for the system to work properly under variable or
nonhomogeneous illumination conditions, a color space trans-
formation is first applied to each captured image to convert it to
Fig. 2. UGVs used in this work. HSV (hue, saturation, value) format. HSV is chosen because of
the small variability of the hue component with illumination
each camera is the intersection of its viewing cone with the floor. conditions. In this way, there is no need for illumination systems
However, its useful viewing area is actually the intersection of its with specific features (e.g., homogeneous, or based on the use of
viewing cone with the plane parallel to the floor at a height equal certain wavelengths the markers are sensitive to, like in the case
to that of the UGVs, as depicted in Fig. 3. of Optitrack).
The use of an isosceles triangle as shape for the onboard The distinctive color of the markers can be easily identified
markers allows processing tasks for pose estimation to be greatly through a simple comparison with the upper and lower threshold
simplified, because the shape itself contains all required infor- values of the hue component. Comparison is carried out in a
mation about the UGV position and orientation. In addition, the binarization step, after which each pixel on the captured image is
high contrast between the colors of the marker and the supporting represented with a single bit, whose value “1” or “0” depends on
plate and the well-defined dimensions of both also simplify the whether or not its color matches that of the markers. This not only
detection of UGVs in the target environment. This has also simplifies the successive processing steps but also dramatically
advantages in situations where two or more UGVs are close to reduces the data buffering requirements.
each other. Since markers can be easily differentiated, each UGV Erosion is applied to the binarized image, eliminating the noise
can also be differentiated from the others. and preserving only pixels corresponding to the actual markers.
The main processing tasks to be performed by the proposed After that, the vertices of each detected marker can be easily
system, described in the following sections, are: determined by simply identifying the pixels of the shape with the
1) image capture and vertex identification; maximum and minimum row and column values, as shown in
2) shape reconstruction and pose estimation; Fig. 4. It can be seen that vertices are the intersection of the
3) image correction and vertex projection. marker with the rectangle defined by maximum and minimum
row and column values for which nonzero pixels exist. Because
A. Image Capture and Vertex Identification
of finite image resolution, eight points actually need to be
Each image processing node is responsible for the configura- identified. These are the two pixels with the lowest and highest
tion of the associated camera, mainly in terms of pixel depth, row (column) values in the maximum and minimum columns
image resolution, and exposure time. After the initial config- (rows), for instance, “right” and “right1,” “left” and “left1,”
uration, the data fusion controller launches the capture of “bottom” and “bottom1,” and “top” and “top1” in Fig. 4.
new images at the maximum possible rate, as explained in Although in many cases some of these points are redundant,

Fig. 5. Shape reconstruction.

immediately after the data from all cameras corresponding to the

previous capture have been received.
Fig. 4. Example of vertex identification.
C. Image Correction and Vertex Projection
Because of the optical lens effects, in practice, the images
such as, for instance, “right” and “top1” in Fig. 4, for simplicity, provided by the cameras are distorted versions of the actual ones,
this fact is not checked by the image processing nodes and all where geometry differs from the reality. These deviations have,
points are sent to the data fusion controller, where the three actual therefore, to be corrected for accurate measurements to be
vertices are identified, as explained in Section IV-B. obtained from images. In this particular application, the defect
The two points of interest of the marker are the middle point of to be corrected is the barrel distortion, a type of radial distortion
the short side and the opposite vertex. By construction, the line which occurs when the magnification of the lens decreases with
connecting them is parallel to the direction of the movement and the distance from the optical axis, causing each image point to
the first point is located at a known distance from the rotation move radially toward the center of the image [27]. Its main effect
center of the UGV. Hence, these two points allow the pose of the is that the actual straight lines are curved in the image, as shown
UGV to be estimated. in Fig. 6(a).
It is clear that only a very low amount of data [eight ( , ) pairs Barrel distortion can be corrected using a simplified second
per UGV within the viewing area of a camera] needs to be order polynomial transformation
transmitted to the data fusion controller for the pose estimation,
resulting in extremely low network traffic.

B. Shape Reconstruction and Pose Estimation

UGVs can transition between the viewing areas of different where are corrected pixel coordinates corresponding to
cameras. Therefore, the system must be able to correctly localize pixel in the distorted image, and are lens’ charac-
them in such cases. One possible solution is to place the cameras teristic distortion coefficients, and is the distance from the
so that their useful viewing areas overlap at least the size of a distorted point to the optical center of the image . There is
whole UGV (actually, of the white plate on top of it). In this way, no need to apply correction to the whole image, but only to the
any UGV in the target space would be correctly identified at least vertices of the markers, from which the pose of the corresponding
by one camera. UGV is determined.
However, to take the most advantage of viewing areas and also After the corrected vertices have been obtained, their actual
to simplify installation of the system, it has been designed to space coordinates have to be determined. That is, the correspon-
work with zero overlap, as shown in Fig. 3, where viewing cones dence between the corrected pixel coordinates and the space
intersect exactly at the height of the UGVs. This means that in coordinates in the plane vertices are actually placed has to be
some cases an UGV will only be partially detected by several determined. Note that the same pixel “sees” two different points,
cameras, whose information has to be combined to identify the placed on two different planes, depending on whether an UGV is
whole object, as shown in Fig. 5. Since each image processing present in its viewing area or not. For instance, in Fig. 3, would
node has only access to data from the associated camera, data be viewed in presence of an UGV, and in its absence.
fusion has to be carried out by the data fusion controller to ensure Corrected pixel coordinates can be projected to space coordi-
the proper shape reconstruction whenever required. This is the nates on the target plane ( , ) by applying a homographic
reason why pose estimation is not performed by the image transformation [27] according to
processing nodes themselves but by the data fusion controller.
The data fusion controller is also in charge of some transforma-
tions that have to be applied to the vertices before pose estima-
tion, as described in Section III-C.
The data fusion controller synchronizes the image processing
nodes to make all their images to be captured at the same time.
This is particularly important for the shape reconstruction to be By assuming , eight coefficients (instead of nine)
correctly performed whenever an UGV is partially detected by have to be determined to obtain matrix . The presence of the
several cameras. A new capture is launched by a command sent scaling factor in (4) is a consequence of this simplifying
from the data fusion controller to all image processing nodes assumption. As explained in Section V-A, matrix can be then

Fig. 6. Sample: (a) distorted (captured) and (b) corrected (“real”) images.

experimentally derived from the measurements in four known

positions of the target space.


A. Image Processing Nodes
The proposed solution has been implemented in the form
of a distributed embedded system based on FPSoC nodes.
As shown in Fig. 1, cameras (D5M 5 Mpixel CMOS image
sensors from Terasic) can be directly attached to FPGA boards
(DE2-115 also from Terasic). Each board includes one Altera
Cyclone IV EP4CE115 FPGA where the image processing node
is implemented. Each node consists of a Nios II processor and Fig. 7. FPGA-based image processing stream.
both general purpose and custom peripherals, designed in
Verilog. The main task performed by the processor is the
communication with the data fusion controller. A socket-based performance because of the time spent accessing memories,
C program under the operating system has been both in the storing and in the processing steps. Even if a similar
developed with this purpose. frame rate is achieved, the additional latency incurred would
As explained in Section III-A, each image processing node is have a negative effect on the performance of the control loop.
in charge of two main tasks. On one hand, it has to carry out the Obviously, the higher the working image resolution, the worse
initial configuration of the attached camera, which mainly im- the penalties associated to data storage and memory access time.
plies writing user-supplied values in the configuration registers Similar advantages can be claimed for FPSoCs with regard to
of the camera. On the other hand, it controls the image capture other increasingly popular processing architectures, e.g., those
and performs all image processing steps required for vertex based on ARM cores. Additionally, since the long-term objective
identification. The main advantage of the FPSoC approach in of this work includes integrating control features in the system,
this context is the streaming implementation of these steps. In this the choice of an FPSoC platform is also justified by the well-
way, pixels are processed as they are received from the camera, known advantages of FPGAs in this area [29], such as ability to
not only increasing processing speed but also eliminating the concurrently localize and control several robots or to synchro-
need for the whole image to be stored in memory and later nize the sampling actions.
accessed for processing. Thus, no memory but only first in, first The concurrent hardware blocks that have been specifically
out (FIFO) buffers are required to temporarily store some pixels designed for each task are shown in Fig. 7.
during the image reception and erosion, as justified below. The D5M cameras provide images in raw format, i.e., values for
resulting architecture is similar to the one proposed in [28] for a individual red, green, and blue pixels. First of all, these values are
different application, edge filter implementation. combined to create an image in RGB format. Each RGB pixel is
The fact that no data storage but only buffering is needed is an obtained from one red, two green, and one blue pixel. This RAW
important advantage of the developed FPSoC implementation to RGB conversion is performed by applying a Bayer
with regard to other vision-based systems, where the whole pattern to raw data. FIFO buffers are used to temporarily store the
image has first to be captured and stored, and later processed. raw pixels, because after those in the first row of the Bayer pattern
It is important to note that when using graphic processing units are received, a whole row of the pixels from the camera has to be
(GPUs) as hardware accelerators for computers, each image is received before the second row of the pattern is completed and,
first captured and stored in the computer memory, then sent to the hence, the value of the corresponding RGB pixel is computed.
GPU memory, and later processing results are sent back to Buffer size is configurable according to the selected image
computer memory. This behavior has a negative impact on resolution.

whole system can be significantly improved. Such increase is

feasible without incurring significant extra complexity.
For instance, the pipeline stages for (8) are
Compute MAX and MIN
Compute and shift left 4 bits, i.e.,
Compute integer division
Fig. 8. Fixed-length binary shift implemented by direct I/O connections.
Compute and shift right 5 bits, i.e., divide by 32
Although rounding errors may occur because of the integer
In the next processing step, the image is converted to HSV divisions, they do not cause problems, in practice, as demon-
format, as justified in Section III-A. The corresponding equations strated by the accuracy achieved in the experimental results
have been adapted for optimized implementation in hardware. presented in Section V-B.
The most important change is to apply a scaling factor to the hue In the binarization step, the component of each pixel is
component, which normalizes it in the 0–255 range of natural simply compared to two predefined threshold values that define
values (8 bits), instead of the usual 0 –360 (hue is the angle in the range the color of the markers corresponds to. From that
the HSV color cone). The resulting equations to be applied to moment on, each pixel is encoded using only 1 bit, whose value is
each RGB pixel are “1” if the colors match and “0” otherwise. Erosion is then applied
using a matrix, where the central pixel is the one
being processed. If all 9 bits equal “1,” the target pixel keeps this
value, otherwise it is set to “0,” i.e., the AND operation of the 9
pixels in the matrix is performed. In this way, noisy pixels are
identified and removed from the image. Since erosion of a pixel
cannot be carried out until all pixels of the corresponding matrix
are available, FIFO buffers are used to temporarily store the
< required number of pixels, which is two times the length of a row
of the image plus three. Buffer size is configurable to be adapted
to the selected image resolution, i.e., row size.
< When a pixel value is “1” after erosion, its row and column
values are compared to the maximum and minimum row and
< column values detected so far for eroded pixels equaling “1.” In
this way, the vertices of the markers are identified (see Fig. 4).
The use of FIFO buffers introduces a short latency, which is
largely compensated by two facts.
where MAX and MIN are the maximum and minimum values, 1) The image needs not to be stored in memory and later
respectively, among the , , and components of the current retrieved for processing.
pixel. Equations have been rearranged for as many scaling 2) Image processing nodes are capable of processing pixels as
factors as possible to equal powers of 2, so the corresponding fast as they are provided by the cameras (one pixel per
scaling operations can be performed as binary shifts instead of as clock cycle), currently yielding a processing rate of
arithmetic functions. For instance 96 Mpixel/s.
Throughput is, therefore, currently limited by the performance
of the cameras, whose relatively low sensitivity limits the frame
< rate because of the exposure time required to obtain images of
enough quality so as to allow image processing to provide
Note that fixed-length shifts can be implemented as direct accurate results. Existing sensors with higher sensitivity can
connections between the right input and output bits. For instance, work with shorter exposure times. Using them would allow the
the integer division by 16 ( ) of 8-bit data is shown in Fig. 8. proposed system to achieve higher frame rates. Even though,
This approach clearly reduces the complexity and delays, result- 15 fps are achieved for 5 Mpixel ( ) images, 40 fps
ing in a better performance. for 1.2 Mpixel ( ) images, and more than 80 fps for
A six-stage pipeline has been used in the implementation of 0.6 Mpixel ( ) images.
these equations, to further reduce the delays and allow the system Table I summarizes the FPGA resources required to imple-
to work at 96 MHz, which is the maximum operating frequency of ment one image processing node, most of which correspond to
the D5M cameras. That is, the FPGA operating frequency has the Nios II processor.
been set to the maximum frequency of the cameras. Since the It can be noticed that the system would fit in a much simpler
system works in streaming, one pixel is processed per clock cycle, device. Alternatively, the remaining resources could be used to
so using an FPGA frequency higher than that of the cameras implement more than one image processing node per device,
would not provide any advantage. However, if faster cameras are which is feasible since there are user I/O pins available where
used, by increasing the FPGA frequency, the performance of the additional cameras could be connected. The use of more than one


camera per device has some practical implications, discussed in

Section V-A. New functionalities could also be added to the
system, as for instance some related to the control of the UGVs.

B. Data Fusion Controller

As justified in Section III-B, the shape reconstruction and pose
estimation have to be carried out by the data fusion controller Fig. 9. Lab setup for experimental validation of the proposed system.
shown in Fig. 1. Although the correction of the barrel distortion
and vertex projection can be performed by image processing
nodes, they have also been implemented, with no negative
implications, in this node. Finally, it sends to the main iSpace
controller localization data regarding all UGVs.
For the development, installation, and configuration of the
system, a graphical user interface (GUI) is also required. It
provides users with configuration, visualization, calibration, and
debugging capabilities. Therefore, it was decided to implement a
first version of the data fusion controller in a standard PC.
A multithreading architecture has been developed in Python,
where each image processing node has a dedicated thread
associated, i.e., there are as many of these threads as image
processing nodes. The main thread is in charge of data fusion,
pose estimation, and communication with the main iSpace
As explained in Section III-A, for each UGV in the viewing
Fig. 10. Sample view of the whole target area composed of images from the four
area of a given camera, eight “vertices” are identified. Redundant cameras; some virtual calibration reticles are also shown.
points are removed in the corresponding dedicated thread so, for
instance, either “right” or “top1” in Fig. 4 is eliminated. Correc-
tion of the barrel distortion and projection are then applied to the It has to be noted that the results presented in the next section
remaining points in the same dedicated thread, and then made have been obtained using the PC implementation of the data
available to the main thread in a shared memory area. fusion controller. It has been ascertained that processing speed is
The main thread groups all the points from the same UGV not affected by this fact, i.e., this is a practically feasible solution
(shape reconstruction), and then identifies the three actual verti- from both functional and performance viewpoints. However,
ces and performs pose estimation. The following algorithm is because of cost, simplicity, and other deployment issues, a new
applied with these purposes. version is under development where the data fusion controller
1) The mass center of the shape defined by all detected points will be implemented in an FPSoC platform.
is first determined.
2) The point located furthest away from the mass center is the
vertex of the triangle opposite to the short side, i.e., the first V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
point of interest for pose estimation.
3) The point located furthest away from this vertex is a second A. Experimental Setup
vertex. Both form one of the long sides of the triangle. The proposed system has been installed in a lab (see Fig. 9) for
4) The point whose distance to this long side is the largest is experimental validation. Four image processing nodes allow a
identified. It is the third vertex of the triangle. Once the rectangular area on the floor, with dimensions ,
three vertices have been identified, all the sides are known. approximately , to be covered. Cameras are placed in such
5) The middle point of the short side is identified. This is the a way that their viewing cones do not overlap but only contact at a
second and last point of interest for pose estimation. distance of 145 mm from the floor, which is the height of the
6) Position and orientation of the UGV are determined from UGVs. Fig. 10 shows the combination of the images provided by
the two points of interest obtained in steps 2) and 5). the four cameras in a situation where two UGVs are partially

covered by two cameras. Highly reflecting areas, i.e., where most

color components are present, can also be noticed, which serve to
check the robustness of the system in the presence of objects
others than the UGVs. To allow the user to intuitively understand
the results of image combination, each camera is assigned
the number of the quadrant it is covering, and the central point
of the combined image, i.e., the only contact point of all four
viewing areas, is taken as the origin of coordinates of the target
As explained in Section III-C, corrections and projections Fig. 11. Sample position of two cameras connected to the same FPGA device.
need to be applied to the vertices to compensate lens aberration
and to obtain the coordinates in the real space. These tasks require
some parameters of the lenses (namely their distortion coeffi-
cients) as well as the terms of the homography matrix and the
scaling factor to be experimentally determined.
The usual techniques to carry out this kind of tasks are based
on performing lots of tedious measurements over a chess board,
placed with different orientations [27]. In this case, however, a
procedure based on the use of a reticle of rulers placed on the floor
has been developed to simplify and automate the deployment.
Since rulers define straight lines, the determination of the
distortion coefficients that allow corrections like the one shown
in Fig. 6 to be implemented is simple. Virtual reticles can be
visualized in the GUI (see Fig. 10). Valid distortion coefficients
are those that make rulers match virtual reticles.
A similar procedure can be followed in the case cameras
cannot be placed perpendicular to the floor, for instance, if there
are ramps on the floor or the ceiling is inclined. In such cases,
valid coefficients are those that make rulers to be seen as straight Fig. 12. Measured UGV poses at eight different points in the target space,
lines in the GUI. resolution of each camera: 1.2 Mpixels and 3000 measurements per point.
An important situation in which cameras would not be placed
It has to be noted that a homographic transformation can be
perpendicular to the floor is when several cameras are connected
applied to project coordinates between planes that are not parallel
to the same FPGA device. To avoid problems in the transmission
to each other. This is important for the aforementioned cases
of images from the cameras to the FPGA connecting lines must
when the cameras cannot be located perpendicular to the floor. If
be short, so these cameras are necessarily close to each other and
there are several floor planes in the target space with different
should not be placed on the same plane. Otherwise, there would
relative inclinations with regard to the ceiling, a separate
be large overlapping among their viewing areas, causing them
matrix has to be derived for each one of them.
not to be as useful as they could. Therefore, solutions like the one
shown in Fig. 11 have to be used in these cases.
B. Results and Discussion
Regarding matrix , its coefficients can be obtained from
measurements performed over four points in the target space Static measurements have been performed at eight predefined
whose real coordinates are accurately determined. The points to points in the target space, precisely localized with 1-mm accura-
be measured are placed at a height of 145 mm, i.e., that of the cy. Actual positions and orientations of these points are listed in
UGVs, from the floor. The values of the coefficients are Table II, providing the ground truth specification for the experi-
obtained using the real coordinates, ( ) to ( ), and the ments. Note that there are points placed in the viewing areas
corrected pixel coordinates, ( ) to ( ), to solve the of two cameras or in positions where barrel distortion is signifi-
following equation system cant because of the distance to the optical axis of the correspond-
ing camera. With the resolution of all cameras set to 1.2 Mpixels,
3000 sample images have been captured under variable illu-
mination conditions, which differ from point to point, and
processed. In this way, the accuracy and repeatability of the
proposed system has been characterized.
The results are presented in graphical form in Fig. 12, in which
each measurement is represented by an oriented arrow, whose
initial point and direction identify the measured position and
orientation, respectively. The fact that only one arrow can be
identified at each position is a first indirect and intuitive, but clear,
indication of the very good repeatability achieved. It is worth



Fig. 13. Sample UGV trajectory through the viewing areas of four cameras.

some solutions based on complex and expensive systems using

very powerful processors. None of these solutions is comparable
to the proposed one in terms of accuracy. In [32], a distributed
cloud computing architecture is proposed, capable of localizing a
2-D object in a pixel image at 80 fps, with errors in the
order of centimeters, whereas for the proposed system they are
below 1 mm. The cloud computing architecture requires two PCs
with GPU acceleration, implementing the well-known, powerful
noting that each camera can work with higher resolutions (up to 5 SURF feature extraction algorithm [33], a high-speed (400 fps)
Mpixel), for which results will obviously be even better since camera, and an additional server for the image transmission and
each pixel will represent a smaller area of the target space. distribution of the processing tasks. Regarding multi-camera
Numerical results are provided in Table III, in which pose solutions, the system presented in [13], based on another
measurements for each point are characterized by mean values well-known feature extraction algorithm, SIFT [34], uses four
( and for position and for orientation) and the corre- PCs and four cameras to cover an area of approximately
sponding standard deviations ( , , and ). It can be noticed and it is capable of processing
that the standard deviation is below 1 mm for position in all images at only 25 fps, i.e., more than three times slower than
points and below 1 for orientation in all points but one (where it the proposed system for the same resolution, incurring localiza-
is 1.04 ), again demonstrating very good repeatability and tion errors in excess of 60 mm, again much higher than the ones
robustness to variable illumination conditions throughout the incurred by the proposed system.
whole target space. Comparing actual coordinates in Table II to The performance and accuracy of the present solution also
measured coordinates in Table III, the good accuracy of the compare very advantageously with those of other recently
system can also be noticed. It is worth noting that the system is proposed ones. The system presented in [14] is based on active
capable of providing these excellent results even when the UGVs vision modules onboard some robots and passive modules with
are in places with very low illumination, like in the cases of the markers onboard other robots, which act as mobile landmarks.
images shown in Figs. 6 and 10. This has been achieved due to The authors report accuracies of a few centimeters when working
the use of the hue component of the pixels to identify the markers. with and pixel images. The solution
As stated in Section IV-A, the system achieves 15 fps for described in [15] is based on a single offboard camera whose
5 Mpixel ( ) images, 40 fps for 1.2 Mpixel images are processed in a 2.66-GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU. It
( ) images, and more than 80 fps for 0.6 Mpixel achieves up to 2.7 fps for pixel images, incurring
( ) images. These figures are significantly higher than errors in the order of dm.
those achieved by other solutions based on similar (FPGA- To demonstrate that the system is also capable of adequately
based) platforms. For instance, 15 fps for 1.2 Mpixel tracking moving objects, Fig. 13 shows the measurements
( ) images are reported in [30] using a DE2-70 board obtained when an UGV is moving through the areas covered
from Terasic. On the other hand, the authors of [31] claim that by four cameras. Movement is controlled in open loop (the
their FPGA-based visual inspection system can also be used in difference between the starting and end points can be noticed
applications for either service or industrial robots. The perfor- in the figure) by a program executed in a PC, from which
mance they report is 30 fps for image sizes up to direction and speed commands are sent to the UGV through an
, well below the one of the proposed system. Xbee link. In the experiment, the system is working with
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the performance 1.2 Mpixel images per camera, providing 40 fps, while the UGV
achieved by the proposed approach is currently provided by is moving at 960 mm/s, i.e., 3.5 km/h.

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[30] Y.-H. Yu, Q. P. Ha, and N.-M. Kwok, “Chip-based design for real-time JoséFariña (M’04) received the M.Sc. and Ph.D.
moving object detection using a digital camera module,” in Proc. 2nd Intl. degrees from the University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain, in
Congr. Image Signal Process., CISP‘09, 2009, pp. 1–5. 1984 and 1989, respectively, both in electrical engi-
[31] J.-Y. Chen, K.-F. Hung, H.-Y. Lin, Y.-C. Chang, Y.-T. Hwang, C.-K. Yu, neering.
et al., “Real-time FPGA-based template matching module for visual He is currently an Associate Professor with the
inspection application,” in Proc. IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. Adv. Intell. Department of Electronic Technology, University of
Mechatronics, AIM’12, 2012, pp. 1072–1076. Vigo. His research interests include troubleshooting
[32] H. Wu, L. Lou, C.-C. Chen, S. Hirche, and K. Kuhnlenz, “Cloud-based industrial control through the implementation of com-
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[33] H. Bay, T. Tuytelaars, and L. Van Gool, “SURF: Speeded up robust mentation for electrochemical applications. He has
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[34] D. Lowe, “Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints,” Int. J.
Comput. Vision, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 91–110, Nov. 2004.

Jorge Rodríguez-Araújo received the M.Sc. degree

in electrical engineering from the University of Vigo,
Vigo, Spain, in 2010, where he is also working toward
the Ph.D. degree with the Department of Electronic
He is currently with the Robotic and Control Unit,
Mo-Yuen Chow (S’81–M’82–SM’93–F’07) re-
AIMEN Technology Centre, Porriño, Spain. His re-
ceived the B.S. degree from the University of Wis-
search interests include FPGA-based visual monitor-
consin, Madison, USA, in 1982, and the M.Eng. and
ing and real-time control.
the Ph.D. degrees from Cornell University, Ithaca,
NY, USA, in 1983 and 1987, respectively.
He then joined with the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, NC, USA, where he has been
a Professor, since 1999. He established the Advanced
Juan J. Rodriguez-Andina (M’00–SM’04) received Diagnosis, Automation, and Control Laboratory,
the M.Sc. degree from the Technical University of North Carolina State University. His research focuses
Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in 1990 and the Ph.D. degree on fault diagnosis and prognosis, distributed control, and computational intelli-
(with honors) from the University of Vigo, Vigo, gence. He has been applying his research to areas including mechatronics, power
Spain, in 1996, both in electrical engineering. distribution systems, distributed generation, motors, and robotics. He has pub-
He is currently an Associate Professor with the lished one book, several book chapters, and more than 180 journal and conference
Department of Electronic Technology at University articles.
of Vigo. From August 2010 to June 2011, he was Dr. Chow received the IEEE Region-3 Joseph M. Biedenbach Outstanding
on sabbatical leave as a Visiting Professor at the Engineering Educator Award and the IEEE Eastern North Carolina Section
Advanced Diagnosis, Automation, and Control Lab- Outstanding Engineering Educator Award. From 2010 to 2012, he was the Editor-
oratory, Electrical and Computer Engineering Depart- in-Chief of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. He is currently the
ment, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA. His research interests Co-Editor-in-Chief of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS.
include implementation of complex control and processing algorithms in FPGAs
and concurrent testing of complex systems, from digital to industrial electronics.
He has authored over 130 journal and conference articles, and holds several
Spanish, European, and U.S. patents.
Dr. Rodríguez-Andina currently serves as Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE
INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE, and as an Associate Editor for the IEEE

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