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Embedded Active Vision System Based On An FPGA Architecture

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Embedded Active Vision System Based on an FPGA Architecture

Article  in  EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems · December 2006

DOI: 10.1155/2007/35010 · Source: DOAJ


31 134

2 authors:

Pierre Chalimbaud François Berry

IUT de Tarbes Université Clermont Auvergne


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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems
Volume 2007, Article ID 35010, 12 pages

Research Article
Embedded Active Vision System Based on
an FPGA Architecture

Pierre Chalimbaud and François Berry

Laboratoire des Sciences et Matériaux pour l’Elecronique, et d’Automatique (LASMEA), UMR 6602 du CNRS,
Université Blaise-Pascal 24 Avenue des Landais, 63177 Aubiere Cedex, France
Received 2 May 2006; Accepted 14 September 2006

Recommended by Christoph Grimm

In computer vision and more particularly in vision processing, the impressive evolution of algorithms and the emergence of
new techniques dramatically increase algorithm complexity. In this paper, a novel FPGA-based architecture dedicated to active
vision (and more precisely early vision) is proposed. Active vision appears as an alternative approach to deal with artificial vision
problems. The central idea is to take into account the perceptual aspects of visual tasks, inspired by biological vision systems. For
this reason, we propose an original approach based on a system on programmable chip implemented in an FPGA connected to a
CMOS imager and an inertial set. With such a structure based on reprogrammable devices, this system admits a high degree of
versatility and allows the implementation of parallel image processing algorithms.

Copyright © 2007 P. Chalimbaud and F. Berry. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

1. INTRODUCTION In computer vision and especially in vision processing,

the impressive evolution of algorithms and the emergence of
FPDs and in particular FPGAs have achieved rapid accep- new techniques drastically increase the complexity of algo-
tance and growth over the past decade because they can rithms. This computational aspect is crucial for the majority
be applied to a very wide range of applications [1]. One of real-time applications and in most cases programmable
of the most interesting applications of FPGAs is the pro- devices are the best option. For example, FPGAs have already
totyping of designs to be implemented as gate arrays. An- been used to accelerate real-time point tracking [2], stereo-
other is the emulation of entire large hardware systems. vision computing [3], color-based object detection [4], and
Apart from prototyping, an emerging topic for FPGA appli- video and image compression [5].
cations is their use in custom computing machines. This in- In this paper, an architecture dedicated to computer vi-
volves using the programmable parts to “execute” software, sion is proposed. Our approach towards a smart camera con-
rather than compiling the software for execution on a reg- sists in performing most of the early vision processing at the
ular CPU. For the latter, the notion of such soft-core CPU sensor level, before transmitting the information to the main
or hardware overload of the instruction set becomes crucial. processing unit. This behavior is inspired by the human vi-
Such approaches offer a good tradeoff between the perfor- sion system, where eyes are responsible for attention and fix-
mance of fixed-functionality hardware and the flexibility of ation tasks, sending to the brain only pertinent information
software-programmable substrates. These different aspects about the observed scene. As a matter of fact, the amount
are a great advantage in the design of an embedded sensing of visual data to be transmitted and analyzed is strongly re-
system, in particular when there are several data flows. Like duced and communication bottlenecks can be avoided. The
ASICs, the main benefit of these systems is their ability to adaptation of perceptual aspects from biological vision to ar-
implement specialized circuitry directly in hardware. How- tificial systems, which is known as active vision and active
ever, fast prototyping is easier for FPGAs. Consequently, in perception, is briefly explained in Section 2 as the principal
the design of a versatile embedded system dedicated to im- motivation of this work. Consequently, the main originality
age processing, the FPGA solution proves to be the better of this work is to use the concepts developed in active vision
way. and more generally in bio-inspired computer vision in order
2 EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems

to design suitable hardware. In Section 3, the hardware of the vision problems. The central idea, also known as the task-
smart camera is described. The technological choices are ar- driven paradigm, is to take into account the perceptual aspect
gued according to the objectives given in the previous sec- of visual tasks. Therefore, instead of a full 3D representation
tion. The different modules are fully described and the dif- of the observed scene, the system is supposed to extract only
ferent data flows are explained. Section 4 presents the core of the information useful for solving a given problem through a
the FPGA design, in particular the specific modules like the task-driven observation strategy (Figure 1).
address generation unit or the fixed pattern noise (FPN) cor- An artificial active vision system uses observer-controlled
rection unit. Finally, we present the results of two image pro- input sensors. Its main goal must be actively to extract the re-
cessing algorithms (motion detection and high-speed tem- quested information in order to solve a given task. A wide lit-
plate tracking implementation). erature proposes many systems built around the active vision
paradigm. The majority of these systems have been driven by
the “robotic” approach and are based on a robotic head. A
large survey up to 1996 can be found in [11, 12].
One of the numerous objectives in artificial vision research is Another trend considers algorithmic aspects and focuses
to build computer systems that analyze images automatically, on gaze control using foveated sensors with a log-polar map-
determining what the computer “sees” or “recognizes” and ping. This method can be applied at the sensor level (imager),
“understands” from the environment. at the image processing level or both. At the sensor level,
some dedicated imagers based on logarithmic-structured
In what follows, the problem is to perform the process
space-variant pixel geometry have been implemented. The
of interpretation of sensorial data within an environmental
main advantage of these methods is the ability to cover wide
model. The first ways of treating the “vision problem” used
work spaces with high acuity and a small number of pixels.
passive vision and dynamic vision approaches. Passive vision
Several descriptions of the advantages of using space-variant,
comprises the classical analysis of images. The approach that
or logmap, architectures for video sensors have been pro-
David Marr explicitly advocated [6], to which many others
posed [13–15]. Another logmap device consists of an em-
subscribe, has led to a thriving research field that has been
ulated sensor based on a conventional CCD and an image
dominant in visual science in recent years. From David Marr,
warp algorithm embedded on a microcontroller [16]. More
“Vision is a process that produces from images of the exter-
recently, a new trend towards smaller active vision systems
nal world a description that is useful to the viewer and not
comparable in size to the human head is pushing the limit of
cluttered with irrelevant information.” David Marr proposes
motor, gearbox, and camera design [17–19].
a model of visual processing that begins by identifying the
However, as mentioned above, most work dedicated to
“zero-crossings” (edges) in the image, uses this edge infor-
active vision systems is concentrated in the robotic field. In
mation to provide a crude segmentation of surfaces called
contrast, the main motivation for the work presented here
the 2D sketch, and finally extracts from this sketch the three-
is to propose a system truly resulting from the human vi-
dimensional spatial information. That spatial interpretation
sual system. Consequently, our approach needs a dedicated
is expressed in terms of geometrical primitives such as gener-
architecture for which the FPGA proves to be essential. This
alized cylinders or cones, so that the only data which must be
architecture is presented and discussed in the next section.
explicitly stored are the x, y, z locations, alpha, beta, gamma
orientations, and aspect ratios of each of the cylinders and a
symbolic code of the relations between them. In this way, the 3. ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES
complex scene is reduced to a highly compressed set of mean-
ingful numbers. The problem with this model is that nobody The main purpose of our architecture is to allow the im-
has ever been able to define how such spatial information plementation of early vision processes as in the human or
can be reliably extracted from the scene. Moreover, the vi- primate visual system. In these systems, it is well known
sual world contains far too many ambiguities to be handled that the first neural layers (in the retina) prefilter the visual
successfully. Dynamic vision is a complementary approach data flow in order to select only the conspicuous informa-
which corresponds to the study of visual information but in tion. From this prefiltered information, an attentional pro-
an unbounded sequence of views. This approach introduces cessing allows focusing on the selected target. In the litera-
time into the image processing, while movement (measured ture, several computational models of visual attention can be
by optical flow) is used in the perception process. Some clas- found. The first representative model was proposed by Koch
sical approaches using these strategies revolve around recov- and Ullman in [20] and has been recently revised by Itti et
ering structure from motion. al. [21]. In these models, the purpose of the saliency map is
In contrast to these two approaches, [8–10] have pro- to combine the “salient” or “conspicuous” location informa-
posed the active vision approach. Active vision techniques tion from each of the lower feature maps into a global mea-
are derived from attempts to simulate the human visual sys- sure to determine how different a given location is from its
tem. In human vision, head motion, saccadic eye movement, surroundings. This technique is used to guide selective atten-
and the eye’s adaptation to lighting variations are impor- tion. The design of our active vision system is based on this
tant in the perception process. Active vision therefore aims kind of approach where we assume that the strategy of visual
to simulate the power of this adaptation. In other words, ac- processes can be divided into the following three successive
tive vision is an alternative approach to dealing with artificial tasks.
P. Chalimbaud and F. Berry 3

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1: Saccadic eye movements and task-driven strategy: examples of eye-scanning records obtained by Yarbus [7]. Observers were given
different instructions while viewing the picture “They did not expect him” by Ilya Repin. Each of the traces shows a three-minute record of
eye scanning with the following instructions: (a) free examination, (b) following request to give the ages of the people, (c) remember the
position of the people and objects in the room.

Attention below. The need for strong parallelization was what led us
to connect 5 × 2 MB SRAM synchronous memory blocks.
This is the initializing step of the process. Whole images are Each 2MB memory has private data and address buses. Con-
grabbed while waiting for the building of the saliency maps. sequently, in the FPGA, 5 attention processes (using 2 MB
These maps are built in parallel and represent/code conspicu- each) can address all the memory at the same time and an
ity within the visual field along particular dimensions (e.g., SDRAM module socket provides an extension of the mem-
color, orientation, or motion). The result of this step is a set ory to 64 MB (Figure 2).
of ROIs (Regions Of Interest). The focusing stage must control the imaging devices in
order to address only the ROI and to optimize the analog
Focusing signal conversion. That is the reason why the sensing board
has been designed around a CMOS imager and a set of 4
This step allows the generation of the geometry of an ROI digital/analog converters. A set of inertial sensors has been
(rectangular, tilted, foveal, circular, . . . ) and the optimiza- added in order to estimate the movements of the camera and
tion of the signal/noise ratio: contrast optimization in an ROI improve the perception (stabilization and depth estimation
[22], tracking of an ROI in motion, and so forth. [23]).
In our approach, the high-level processing has to be per-
High-level processing formed on a host computer rather than on the embedded sys-
tem. In order to send the data, the smart camera is connected
This last step comprises different kinds of tasks such as iden- via a high speed communication (USB 2.0 or FireWire).
tification and classification.
The embedded system is integrated into a modular archi-
The attention stage needs strong parallelization, on the
tecture consisting of three boards: the sensing board, the pro-
one hand to respect real-time constraints, and on the other
cessing board, and the communication board. An overview
hand because of the intrinsic characteristics of the algo-
of the smart camera is shown in Figure 3 and a structural de-
rithms. As examples, some classical algorithms in an atten-
scription presents the stacked structure with 3 boards.
tion task used to build an efficient saliency map are mo-
tion detection, Gabor filters, and color segmentation. How-
ever, the characteristics of particular visual tasks may require 3.1. System on programmable chip features
dedicated image processing and only an FPGA approach al-
lows such flexibility. For architectures such as these, a Stratix As described in the previous section, the sensor was de-
EP1S60 from Altera has been chosen. This choice is detailed signed around a Stratix EP1S60 manufactured by Altera. This
4 EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems

SRAM private memories

2 Mo

2 Mo

2 Mo

2 Mo

2 Mo





device board

USB 2 Data Pixel values
device board Adressing imager
Requests Stratix
Control signals
Inertial values

64 Mo

Figure 2: Architecture of the sensor.

component enables a high density of integration (57120 logic

elements). It also has three further main advantages which
guided our choice.
Firstly, the Stratix is optimized to maximize the perfor-
mance benefits of SOPC integration based on an NIOS em-
bedded processor. An NIOS processor is a user-configurable
soft core processor, allowing many implementation and op-
timization options. The NIOS CPU is a pipelined general-
(a) purpose RISC microprocessor which supports both 32-bit
and 16-bit architectural variants. Both 16- and 32-bit vari-
ants use 16-bit instructions. For our sensor, the main advan-
Accelerometer tage of this soft core processor is its extensibility and adapt-
ability. Indeed, users can incorporate custom logic directly
Sensing into the NIOS arithmetic logic unit (ALU). Furthermore,
thanks to a dedicated bus (Avalon bus), users can also con-
board nect into the SOPC on-chip processor and custom peripher-
als. They can thus define their own instructions and proces-
Main sor peripherals to optimize the system for a specific applica-
board tion.
(b) Secondly, the Stratix integrates DSP Blocks. These em-
bedded DSP Blocks have been optimized to implement sev-
eral DSP functions with maximum performance and mini-
Orthogonal mum logic resource utilization. Each DSP block offers mul-
Sensing boards board
tipliers, adders, subtractors accumulators, and a summation
unit functions that are frequently required in typical DSP
algorithms. Each DSP block can also support a variety of
Communication multiplier bit sizes (9 × 9, 18 × 18, 36 × 36) and operation
board modes (multiplication, complex multiplication, multiply-
accumulation and multiply-addition) and can offer a DSP
throughput of 2.8 GMACS per DSP block. The EP1S160 de-
vice has 18 DSP Blocks that can support up to 144 9 × 9
Main board multipliers. These embedded DSP Blocks can also be used to
create DSP algorithms and complex math routines in high-
performance hardware. These can then be accessed as regu-
(c) lar software routines or implemented as custom instructions
on the NIOS CPU. For example, a cumbersome algorithm
Figure 3: (a) Front view of the camera, (b) back view of the camera, can be implemented in hardware and directly executed in
(c) structural description. software using a custom instruction. This gives designers the
P. Chalimbaud and F. Berry 5

CMOS imager
imager Sensitive area
10 bits pixel flow
Pixel Analog
values amplifier



Y gyrometer Addressing module

X gyrometer
Digital to Digital to Digital to Digital to
analog analog analog analog
converter converter converter converter Addressing
XY accelerometer 10 bits
10 bits
(b) 10 bits
10 bits
X, Y -2D X-1D
Z accelerometer accelerometer gyrometer
Z-2D 8 input analog to Y -1D
accelerometer digital converter gyrometer

10 bits Temperature Z-1D

Z gyrometer multiplexed sensor gyrometer

(c) (d)

Figure 4: Sensing board: (a) front view; (b) back view; (the white circles show the 4 digital-analog converters); (c) orthogonal board; (d)
global synoptic of the sensing boards.

flexibility and portability of high-level software design, while range (120 db) due to the logarithmic response of its pixel
maintaining the performance benefits of parallel hardware structure. Four digital-to-analog converters allow modifica-
operations in FPGAs. tion of the four analog voltages of the imager: analog signal
Lastly, the Stratix device incorporates a configurable in- offset, digital conversion range, voltage reference, and a pixel
ternal memory called TriMatrix memory. The TriMatrix precharge voltage. These four converters are used to opti-
memory is composed of three sizes of embedded RAM mize the conversion range. In effect, the CMOS imager has
blocks. The Stratix EP1S60 TriMatrix memory includes 574 a logarithmic curve that enables the broad dynamic range
M512 blocks (32 × 18 bits), 292 M4K blocks (128×36 bits), (120 dB).
and 6 M-RAM blocks (4 K × 144 bits). Each of these blocks The inertial set is composed of two 2D linear accelerom-
can be configured to support a wide range of features and to eters ADXL311 designed by analog devices and three gyrom-
synthesize a wide variety of RAM (FIFO, double ports). With eters ENC03 - M designed by Murata. These sensors are sol-
up to 5 Mbits of fast RAM, the TriMatrix memory structure dered onto the imager PCB and aligned with the imager axis.
is therefore appropriate for handling the bottlenecks arising A single 8-input analog-to-digital converter allows conver-
in sensor vision algorithms. sion of the different axis measurements. It is important to
notice that a temperature sensor is included in this board to
3.2. Sensing device regulate the inertial sensors’ deviations (see Figure 4).

This module consists of a CMOS imager manufactured by 4. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN

Neuricam, two 2D accelerometers from analog devices and
three 1D gyrometers from Murata. The imager allows full 2D The major difference between biological and artificial vi-
addressing with a column bus and a row bus. It has a res- sion systems most probably lies in their flexibility. In or-
olution of 640 × 480 (VGA) and provides a broad dynamic der to develop adaptive capacities, the hardware architecture
6 EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems

previously described is designed to implement some specific

low-level processing dedicated to early vision. This low-
level processing attempts to establish an efficient interface
between sensitive elements and high-level perception sys-

Attentional step
tems. As explained in Section 3, our strategy for efficient vi-
sual perception is based on three layers: attention, focusing, Colour segmentation
and high-level processing. This approach adopts a pyrami-
dal method which reduces the amount of data flow. Typi-
cally, we can consider a simple system built around an atten-
tional module based only on color segmentation and a fo-
cusing module based on template tracking (Figure 5). In the
following, a detailed description of the FPGA organization is
presented. All the “standard modules” (FPN correction, ad- WOI generation
dressing module) are described and designs for focusing and
attentional modules are proposed.

4.1. Implementation approach

Template tracking
The implementation of such an approach requires the man-

Focusing step
agement, sequentially and concurrently, of the execution of
the routines previously described. Indeed, all task-oriented
execution (attention, focusing, and identification) is con-
trolled by supplied results and these three layers possibly have Template tracking
to share areas of interest. Moreover, the information bottle-
neck located in the imager level should be continuously op-
timized to ensure high performance. In our hardware archi-
tecture, these functions are carried out by what we term a
“Sequencer” (Figure 6-M0) and are performed on the NIOS
soft-core processor. This solution has two main advantages.
Firstly, we benefit from software flexibility to define the rou- High-level processing
tines’ interactions; and secondly, the soft-core processor al-
lows an efficient architectural matching with the other parts Figure 5: Example of perception strategy.
of the supervision unit.
An internal RAM (Figure 6-R0) is used to store the in-
struction sequences which define the sequencer behavior
according to the task under consideration. The host com-
puter which uses our embedded system communicates with in Figure 6 the module P2 which works the external RAM
it through a standard communication bus (USB 2.0 proto- R1. This module performs the fixed pattern noise correc-
col) and sends requests in order to indicate to the sequencer tion which is absolutely essential with the image sensor tech-
the relevant behavior to adopt. More precisely, according to nology we use (described in Section 4.3). Lastly, the dedi-
the controls (and potentially a set of parameters) passed in a cated communication module P5 is a multiplexer that syn-
dedicated stack, the sequencer chooses preestablished inter- chronizes the corrected pixels flows and the sequencer results
actions between the modules (Figure 6-P4) which constitute flows for sending to the host computer.
a dedicated processing chain. This architectural module im- The sequencer constitutes an active interface between the
plements the previously described routines of environmen- sensing device, processing chain, and the host computer. The
tal adaptation, attention, focusing, and low-level identifica- modular processing chain is synchronized with raw pixel
tion (Figure 6-P6). A number of these modules, due to en- flow control provided by the CMOS imager. Finally, this con-
vironmental adaptation (processing No. 1 to i), modify the trol allows dynamic control of the global sensor state accord-
pixel flow which is going to be used by the attention, focus- ing to global visual data coherence.
ing, and identification modules (processing No. j to j + 1).
The different data flows (corrected windows of interest and 4.2. Addressing module (Figure 6-P0)
inertial measurements) can be used by these modules to per-
form computing. The set of results that are provided by these The goal of the address generator device is to compute line
processing modules are collected in a buffer. This is how the and column addresses of the current window of interest. The
sequencer selects results to send to the host computer. The shape of the window is actually rectangular and is set by 5 pa-
sequencer is going to use a part of these results to perform rameters: position (X, Y ), size (H, W), and orientation (α).
visual feedback on sensing devices (Figure 6-S0) using ded- The address generation is based on the well-known “Bre-
icated control modules (Figure 6-P0, P1 and P3). We note senham” graphical algorithm [24]. For the computation of
P. Chalimbaud and F. Berry 7

Height speed
USB 2/

FPGA stratix EP1S60

Raw pixels flow P4: FPN communication
correction Corrected pixels flow control
FPN values module module
Inertial sensors Results
Processing nÆ 1 P4: requests

Processing nÆ j + 1

Processing nÆ n
.. stack

Processing nÆ j
. controls
Processing nÆ i 
R0: internal RAM
S0: sensing device Software behaviour
Imaging devices R1: external RAM definition
Image reference P6: environmental adaptation
Inertial devices Variables
memory and task oriented modules and
Results collectors sequences
P0: addressing
Pixels address

ADC control signals P1: analog to M0:

digital sequencer
conversion (NIOS soft core processor)
Inertial sensors control signals P3: inertial
devices control

Figure 6: Block diagram of architecture adopted.

the tilted rectangular window addresses, we have imple-

mented an architecture based on a recent method for draw- (i) Initialization step
ing straight lines suitable for raster-scan displays and plotters Incr = ((Y 2 − Y 1)/(X2 − X1)) ∗ 2n
developed by Bond [25]. X = X1
The approach proposed by Bond is based on signal pro- Y = Y1
Cvar = 1/2 ∗ 2n
cessing concepts related to resampling, multirate processing,
(ii) Loop
and sample rate conversion. The x-coordinates of each pixel repeat {
can be viewed as a uniform sample set, and the y-coordinates Cvar+ = Incr
represent another sample set. Assuming the slope of the line Y + = Carry
is within the first octant, the y-coordinate is generated by re- X ++
sampling the set of x-coordinates. To control this resampling, }
the fractional part of the y-coordinate is stored in a control until {X = X2}
variable as an integer. The algorithm can be summarized by
these few lines of code (see Algorithm 1).
(X1, Y 1) and (X2, Y 2) are the coordinates of the segment Algorithm 1
represented in Figure 7. n is the number of bits which are
used to store the fractional part of the y-coordinates. Cvar is
the fractional part of the y-coordinate. Incr is an integer vari-
able used to store slope value. Carry is an overflow indicator used by two functions, based on the Bond algorithm, to gen-
for the operation Cvar+ = Incr;, and (X, Y ) are the iterative erate the fixed-sample variable FixCoor and the resampled
coordinates of the line represented in Figure 7. variable ResCoord for each window of interest dimension. Ac-
The extension of the algorithm to other octants is per- cording to the quadrant, a decoder defines the sign of the
formed by interchanging the roles of x and y, and changing FixCoor and ResCoord variables. When the line is located in
the signs of the coordinates x and y. The internal architecture octants 2, 3, 6, or 7, the decoder causes the use of the com-
of the address generator device is illustrated in Figure 8. The plementary angle and the inversion of FixCoor and ResCoord.
range of window tilt is encoded in a natural binary-coded Finally, the sum of the line coordinates, column coordinates,
variable named Angle. The first three MSB bits of this vari- and position vector of the window on the imager give the it-
able define the octant (Figure 8). The other bits of Angle are erative X and Y address of each pixel. The implementation of
8 EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems

Y DX Table 1

Total logic elements 150 < 1%

Y2 Total memory bits 0 0%
DSP block 9-bit elements 0 0%
System clock frequency 190 MHz —

Table 2
X1 X2
Total logic elements 65 < 1%
Y Total memory bits 85 < 1%
DSP block 9-bit elements 0 0%
System clock frequency 241 MHz —
1 Q
:0 ua
2 dr
n an
ra Octant 3: Octant 2: 1
u ad :0
Q 010 001 0
Octant 4: Octant 1: this module in the FPGA is characterized by the parameters
011 000 X
shown in Table 1.
Octant 5: Octant 8:
100 111
Q 4.3. Fixed pattern noise correction module (P4)
ua 1
dr Octant 6: Octant 7: :1
an 101 110 4
3 ra
n Due to the technological limits, a classical CMOS imager
:1 d
0 ua (without an embedded CDS correction) provides a raw pixel
flow with a high FPN. Indeed, the nonuniformity of the
electrical characteristics of each pixel involves an additional
stage of correction. In order to even out the electrical re-
Figure 7: Sampled tilted line and octants encoding. sponse of each pixel, the module called FPN correction mod-
ule (Figure 6) subtracts the reference values (of the FPN)
from the pixel flow. These referent values represent offset
differences between each pixel for the same illumination
Angle [LSB, . . ., MSB-3] (Figure 9). The set of these values constitutes a reference im-
Angle [MSB-1]
age. In order to carry out this correction, the sensor inte-
Angle [MSB] Angle [MSB-2]
grates a module in order to load it from an external RAM
(Figure 6-R1). The implementation of this module in the
FPGA is characterized by the parameters shown in Table 2.

X signs

Y signs

Based on an image difference method (Figure 10), this al-
gorithm looks for moving objects in a scene. In the image
Y coordinates Fix coor plan, motion is transduced to temporal and spatial gray-level
generation Res coor changes. This module detects temporal changes and defines
Signs control a rectangular window around the moving object. In the first
inversion step, a difference image is obtained through subtraction of
Fix coor
images i and i − 1. Then the difference image is thresholded,
X coordinates
generation and its vertical projection is calculated (line-by-line pixel
Res coor (XY ) sum in each column). A peak detector is applied to the ver-
(XY ) lines column tical projection, giving the horizontal position of the moving
coordinates coordinates
objects found in the scene. The horizontal projection inside
Add each vertical zone detected previously is then calculated, and
a second peak detection is applied to define the vertical posi-
Imager tion of the moving objects. In this way, it is possible to define
addresses the position of several moving objects in the image simul-
taneously. This information can be used as a parameter for
Figure 8: Synoptic diagram of addressing module. another algorithm, such as a tracker.
P. Chalimbaud and F. Berry 9

Image i(t)
difference Binarization

Image i(t + 1)


Vertical areas
(a) of interest
Region of interest


Figure 10: Motion detection processes.

Toward others
modules or
Pixel flow host computer
from I Displacement d
imaging Nios control
device I0
(b) I
Figure 9: Images (a) without and (b) with the subtraction of the
image reference.
Figure 11: Template tracking module.


TEMPLATE TRACKING about x − d/2 and x + d/2, we obtain
As explained in Section 3, we assume that an active vision   
∂ε 1
process can be split into three layers: attention, focusing and = I(x) − I ∗ (x) + gT (x)d g(x)w(x)dx = 0, (2)
∂d W 2
interpretation. The custom module proposed as an example
in this section is a solution to the focusing layer. A design where
⎡ ⎤
dedicated to an efficient template tracking implementation ∂ ∗
is presented. The main idea of template tracking is to esti- ⎢ ∂x I + I ⎥
⎢ ⎥
mate the displacement of a focusing window called W be- g=⎢ ⎥. (3)
⎣ ∂ ∗

tween time t and t + ∂t. I +I
This module (Figure 11) comprises two parts: a memory ∂y
to store the reference template denoted I ∗ and a dedicated Finally, the displacement d can be estimated by solving
architecture for the displacement estimation. The architec- the equation:
ture adopted is based on a derivation of the Kanade-Lucas-
Tomasi algorithm [26]. This algorithm is an iterative method Zd = e, (4)
to estimate displacement between two frames (I ∗ and I). The
proposed method is based on the calculation of the dissimi- where Z is the following 2 × 2 matrix:
larity between two images as follows: 
Z= g(x)gT (x)w(x)dx, (5)
     2 W
d d
ε= I x+ − I∗ x − w(x)dx, (1) and e is the following 2 × 1 vector:
W 2 2

where x = [x y]T , the displacement d = [dx d y ]T = ∂x/∂t, e=2 I ∗ (x) − I(x) g(x)w(x)dx. (6)
and the weighting function w(x) is usually set to the con-
stant 1. To find the displacement d, we set ∂ε/∂d to zero. If we Due to the Taylor expansion, this algorithm is not ex-
consider the Taylor series expansion of I and I ∗ , respectively, act and needs iterations to find the correct displacement.
10 EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems

Pixels flow
(8 MHz) if Λx  > Λ/4
if sign(Λx ) ⊕ sign(Λ)
then CTx − −
Storage device else CTx + +
Current Reference Addressing and
template swap template swap module
if Λ y  > Λ/4
I I then
if sign(Λ y ) ⊕ sign(Λ)
Sub = I  I Add = I  + I then CT y − −
Difference Spatial derivation else CT y + +
delaying of add
D Gx
Equation parameters Iterative
computation Algorithm 2
Gx Gx Gx G y G y G y Gx Gy (80 MHz)
Accumulation stage
Z V device” allows the storage of the reference frame I ∗ and
Determinants computation swapping of the current pixel flow between two double-port
Λ Λy Λx memories. This module performs the two functions simulta-
Determinants comparators neously in order to ensure the pixel flow rate. The displace-
ment between the reference template I ∗ and current window
I of interest is simultaneously computed during the storage
Shift X Shift Y of the next window of interest.
counter counter In the first step, the difference (sub) between the two im-
ages and the spatial derivatives of their sum (add) are com-
puted and synchronized. The computation of spatial deriva-
tives (Gx and Gy) is based on a set of FIFOs and multiplier-
Figure 12: Implemented architecture. accumulators which apply a (3 × 3) convolution mask to
the data flow. The convolution kernel mask is the Gaussian
derivative function.
The estimated displacement at each iteration i is denoted In the second step, Gx, Gy, and Subd are applied to a
si = (sx s y )T and is calculated by set of multipliers in order to compute the coefficients Gx Gx ,
Gx G y , G y G y , Gx D, and Gx D. The accumulation of each al-
s = 2 · Z −1 · e, (7) lows computation of the elements of Z and e.
The solution is obtained by the evaluation of the follow-
where ing three determinants:
D · Gx D · Gy    2
e= ,
W W Λ= Gx · Gx · Gy · Gy Gx · Gy ,
⎛  ⎞ W W W
Gx · Gx Gx · Gy (8)    
⎜W ⎟

Z = ⎜
W ⎟
Λx = D · Gx · Gy · Gy − D · Gy · Gx · Gy,

⎝ Gx · Gy Gy · Gy ⎠ W W W W
W W    
Λy = Gx · Gx D · Gy − Gx · Gy · D · Gx.
where Gx = ∂(I + I ∗ )/∂x, G y = ∂(I + I ∗ )/∂y and D = (I ∗ − I) W W W W
is the interframe difference. (10)
The displacement d = (dx d y)T is the result of the iter-
ative process such that According to the signs and the comparison of Λ, Λx ,
and Λ y , the displacement counters CTx , CT y are updated as
shown in Algorithm 2.
d= si , (9) The updating of the reference template position is carried
out according to the counter values. This process is iteratively
where N is the maximum number of iterations allowed by the repeated and allows detection of the correct translation vec-
processing. In our case, because of NIOS control, the iterative tor between the two frames. Lastly, the estimated translation
process is limited to 80 MHz and the pixel flow runs at 8 MHz vector is used to update the position of the window of interest
(corresponding to N = 80/8 = 10 iterations max). in the CMOS imager in order to track the reference template.
The architecture developed to implement this algorithm The implementation of this architecture on a Stratix
is presented in Figure 12. The first module called “storage EP1S60 leads to the parameters shown in Table 3.
P. Chalimbaud and F. Berry 11

Centering of the windows of focusing

with a displacement estimation

(1, 1) (1, 3) (0, 6) ( 3, 4) ( 7, 2) ( 7, 8) ( 4, 0) (6, 1)
Initial windows of focusing

Figure 13: Results of the template tracking architecture. To evaluate the robustness of the approach, the image is artificially moved with a
given displacement indicated under each image.

Table 3 having a control system state, the system itself can be physi-
cally changed and giving a higher level of suitability for many
Total logic elements 4238 7%
algorithms. We have also developed a DSP board in order
Total memory bits 546 816 10%
to improve the computation capabilities of our system. With
DSP block 9-bit elements 94 65%
this device, our embedded system will evolve into a heteroge-
System clock frequency of the design 140 MHz — neous architecture, and new research into codesign between
the FPGA and the DSP will be necessary.
Moreover, to test the validity of our approach, several vi-
sual tasks will be implemented. Our objective is to identify
elementary functions in order to define a library of architec-
To illustrate the algorithm, several images and simulation tural modules. Of course, this library will provide efficient
results are presented. This simulation was performed using solutions to attention resolution, focusing, and identification
ModelSim software with the VHDL description of our sys- of subtasks according to specific applications. Finally, we plan
tem. to work on the development of software tools to facilitate the
implementation of complex vision tasks
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Preliminaryȱcallȱforȱpapers OrganizingȱCommittee
The 2011 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCOȬ2011) is the MiguelȱA.ȱLagunasȱ(CTTC)
nineteenth in a series of conferences promoted by the European Association for GeneralȱChair
Signal Processing (EURASIP, www.eurasip.org). This year edition will take place AnaȱI.ȱPérezȬNeiraȱ(UPC)
in Barcelona, capital city of Catalonia (Spain), and will be jointly organized by the GeneralȱViceȬChair
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) and the CarlesȱAntónȬHaroȱ(CTTC)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). TechnicalȱProgramȱChair
EUSIPCOȬ2011 will focus on key aspects of signal processing theory and
Technical Program CoȬChairs
li ti as listed
li t d below.
b l A
t off submissions
b i i will
ill be
b based
b d on quality,
lit JavierȱHernandoȱ(UPC)
relevance and originality. Accepted papers will be published in the EUSIPCO MontserratȱPardàsȱ(UPC)
proceedings and presented during the conference. Paper submissions, proposals PlenaryȱTalks
for tutorials and proposals for special sessions are invited in, but not limited to, FerranȱMarquésȱ(UPC)
the following areas of interest. YoninaȱEldarȱ(Technion)
Areas of Interest deȱCantabria)
• Audio and electroȬacoustics.
• Design, implementation, and applications of signal processing systems. Finances
Montserrat Nájar (UPC)
• Multimedia
l d signall processing andd coding.
• Image and multidimensional signal processing. DanielȱP.ȱPalomarȱ
• Signal detection and estimation. (HongȱKongȱUST)
• Sensor array and multiȬchannel signal processing. BeatriceȱPesquetȬPopescuȱ(ENST)
• Sensor fusion in networked systems. Publicityȱ
• Signal processing for communications. StephanȱPfletschingerȱ(CTTC)
• Medical imaging and image analysis.
• NonȬstationary, nonȬlinear and nonȬGaussian signal processing. AntonioȱPascualȱ(UPC)
Submissions IIndustrialȱLiaisonȱ&ȱExhibits
d i l Li i & E hibi
Procedures to submit a paper and proposals for special sessions and tutorials will (UniversityȱofȱPiraeus)
be detailed at www.eusipco2011.org. Submitted papers must be cameraȬready, no AlbertȱSitjàȱ(CTTC)
more than 5 pages long, and conforming to the standard specified on the InternationalȱLiaison
EUSIPCO 2011 web site. First authors who are registered students can participate JuȱLiuȱ(ShandongȱUniversityȬChina)
in the best student paper competition. JinhongȱYuanȱ(UNSWȬAustralia)
ImportantȱDeadlines: RicardoȱL.ȱdeȱQueirozȱȱ(UNBȬBrazil)

l f i l i 15 D 2010
Proposalsȱforȱtutorials 18ȱFeb 2011
Electronicȱsubmissionȱofȱfullȱpapers 21ȱFeb 2011
Notificationȱofȱacceptance 23ȱMay 2011
SubmissionȱofȱcameraȬreadyȱpapers 6ȱJun 2011


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