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Performance Analysis of Grid Connected PV/Wind Hybrid Power System during

Variations of Environmental Conditions and Load

Article in International Journal of Renewable Energy Research · May 2018


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2 authors:

Omar Noureldeen Ahmed Aldaker

South Valley University South Valley University


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O. Noureldeen and A.M.A. Ibrahim, Vol.8, No.1, March, 2018

Performance Analysis of Grid Connected PV/Wind

Hybrid Power System during Variations of
Environmental Conditions and Load
Omar Noureldeen*, Ahmed M. A. Ibrahim **‡

* Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, South Valley University, Egypt

** Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, South Valley University, Egypt
(A.Eldaker@eng.svu.edu.eg, omar_noureldeen@svu.edu.eg)

Corresponding Author; Ahmed M. A. Ibrahim, Egypt, Tel: +201098511516,

Received: 14.06.2017 Accepted:25.07.2017

Abstract- This paper investigates a dynamic modeling, simulation and control of Photovoltaic (PV)-wind hybrid system
connected to electrical grid and feeds large plant with critical variable loads. The technique of extracting maximum power
point is applied for the hybrid power system to capture maximum power under varying climatic conditions. Moreover, Control
strategy for power flow is proposed to supply critical load demand of plant. Modeling and simulation of the proposed hybrid
system is performed using matlab-Simulink software. The Dynamic performance of the proposed hybrid system is analyzed
under different environmental conditions. The simulation results have proven the effectiveness of the proposed maximum
power point tracking (MPPT) strategies in response to rapid variations of weather conditions during the day. Moreover, the
results show that when the injected power from hybrid system is larger than critical load power, the excess power will be
injected to electrical grid. Otherwise, when injected power is lower than critical power demand, electrical utility grid in
cooperated with hybrid power system will supply the critical load power. Moreover, when the injected power from hybrid
system is unavailable, load demand is entirely fed by electrical utility.
Keywords PV, wind, hybrid system, MPPT control, DFIG, Load.

Pstation-A Maximum power output from station (A) λds, λqs Stator flux components in d-q axis

Pwind-farm Maximum power from wind farm Vds, Vqs Stator voltages components in d-q axis

Pstation-B Maximum power from station (B) ωe Rotational speed of stator flux

Pplant Power demanded by plant ids, iqs Stator currents component in d-q axis

PGrid Injected power to/from electric grid idr, iqr Rotor current components in d-q axis

I, V Output current and voltage of PV array Lm,Ls,Lr Magnetising, stator inductance, rotor self-inductance.

Iph , Is Light generated current and saturation current of PV σ Leakage factor

O. Noureldeen and A.M.A. Ibrahim, Vol.8, No.1, March, 2018

Np, Ns Number of parallel and series modules R, L Resistance, inductance of RL choke

Rs, Rsh Series resistance and parallel resistance Pm_pu Mechanical power per unit

Isc Short circuit current at STC (Standard Test Condition) q Electron's charge

Ki Short circuit temperature coefficient A, K Constant of Boltzmann and temperature of cell

Eg Band gab energy of semiconductor used in cell T, G Temperature of cell and solar irradiance

Irs Reversed saturation current at Tref P, ior Number of poles and Rotor converter DC-link current

Rf, Lf Resistance and inductance of filter Tref Referece temperature (25ºC)

Pmech Mechanical power of wind turbine Vω, ωref Wind velocity and optimum rotational speed per unit

Vdc, C DC link voltage and DC link capacitor ims,m Stator magnetizing current and Stator modulation factor

λ, β Tip speed ratio and blade pitch angle ρ, At Air density and Area swept out by turbine blades

Vabc-conv, Iabc-conv Voltage and current at DC/AC converter Vabc, ω Voltage at RL filter (grid voltage) and Grid frequency

The doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) is the most

1. Introduction
commonly utilized in the wind energy conversion systems
[8-10]. Several surveys have been carried out in PV and
The permanent increase in the energy demand is
DFIG based-wind hybrid power system [11, 12]. Among
considered as one of the most critical issue nowadays. them, Rajesh [11], presented PV and DFIG based-wind
Besides, as conventional power sources are limited and have hybrid power system to supply continuous power for rural
adverse effects on the planet, has necessitated an imperative
places. Kumar [12], proposed the connection of PV and
search for renewable energy which cause no pollution of the DFIG based-wind hybrid power system with the electrical
earth. Between these sustainable energy sources, wind and
grid. Recently, more challenges on the grid-connected
photovoltaic can be considered as the most promising PV/wind hybrid power system occur. Among these
technologies to produce electricity. Wind power can be challenges, enhancement of the injected power quality,
utilized using large generators to generate great power
extraction of maximum power, and the problems related to
capacity. Also, solar irradiation can be utilized as the connection of hybrid power system with the electrical
Photovoltaic power. Both photovoltaic and wind have their grid under any conditions [13-15]. This study investigates
own demerits as they are intermittent in nature and
detailed dynamic modeling, design and control of PV and
immensely depend on the climate conditions, besides wind as hybrid system interconnected to the electrical grid
photovoltaic energy can be utilized only during daylight. and supply large plant with critical variable loads. The
Therefore, integration of these renewable energy resources as
proposed hybrid system consists of two Photovoltaic (PV)
hybrid system can be used for overcoming intermittency and stations placed at different locations and one wind farm are
provide high reliability to maintain continuous output power integrated into main AC bus to enhance the system
to electrical grid or rural areas. Over recent years several
effectiveness. The technique of extracting maximum power
investment and research have been investigated in PV/wind point is applied for both photovoltaic stations and wind farm
hybrid power system, such as Benadli [1-3], introduced to capture maximum power under varying climatic
sliding mode control for standalone PV/wind hybrid system.
conditions. The objective of this paper is to analyze hybrid
Oskouei [4], proposed quinary asymmetric inverter used in system performance under various environmental conditions
PV/wind hybrid power system with backup battery. Laabidi like variations of sun irradiance and wind speed. Moreover,
[5], presented modelling and control strategy of grid-
power flow control method is proposed to supply critical
connected PV/wind hybrid power system. Since, the load demand of large plant. The validation and effectiveness
extracted power from hybrid system is immensely dependent of the proposed power flow are evaluated under variation of
on the variations of environmental conditions such as solar
the critical load demand.
irradiation and wind speed. Therefore, the maximum power
point tracking (MPPT) strategies are essential to capture 2. The Proposed Hybrid Power System Model
maximum power under varying climatic conditions. Several
literatures deal with the MPPT control algorithms [1, 3, 6, 7], Figure 1 depicts proposed hybrid power system. The
such as Abbassi [6], investigated fuzzy logic control for proposed hybrid system consists of two Photovoltaic (PV)
extracting maximum power from hybrid power system. stations placed at different locations and one wind farm are
integrated into main AC bus (25 kV-bus bar). Wind farm

O. Noureldeen and A.M.A. Ibrahim, Vol.8, No.1, March, 2018

equipped with Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). hybrid power system. The hybrid system and electrical grid
Also, the wind farm includes Rotor Side Converter (RSC) for will inject power to the plant as follows:
extracting maximum wind power, and Grid Side Converter
(GSC) to adjust DC bus voltage at specified value. PV P +P +P +P =P (2)
station − A station − B wind farm Grid plant
stations (A, B) are subjected to different solar irradiations,
where they are installed at different locations. The PV station 3.3 Case 3- Injected Power from Hybrid System unavailable
is integrated into the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) bus
through DC-DC converter and DC/AC converter.
When the injected power from hybrid System is
Incremental conductance MPPT technique is used for unavailable, load demand of the plant is entirely fed by
extracting maximum output power from PV array. PV/wind electrical utility as follows:
hybrid power system feeds a large plant with critical variable
loads and the electrical utility grid. The plant is composed of P =P (3)
Grid plant
6 production lines. Each production line contains induction
machine having rating of 2 MVA. When hybrid system The power flow of hybrid system can be summarized in
injects power larger than plant demand (load), surplus power Fig. 2.
will be supplied to the electrical grid. Otherwise, when the
injected power from hybrid system is lower than plant
demand (load), electrical grid will feed load demand in
cooperation with hybrid power system. In addition, when the
injected power from hybrid system is unavailable, plant is
entirely fed by electrical utility.

(a) Pstation-A +Pstation-B + PWind farm >Pplant

(b) Pstation-A+ Pstation-B +PWind farm<Pplant

Fig. 1. Hybrid power system model.
3. Proposed Hybrid System Power Flow

3.1 Case 1- Injected Power from Hybrid System greater

than Plant Load

In this case, the injected powers from PV stations and

wind farm are greater than the load demand of the plant.
Hence, the hybrid system injects power to the plant and
electrical grid as follows:

P +P +P =P +P (1) (c) Pstation-A+ Pstation-B +PWind farm=0

station − A station − B wind farm Grid plant
Fig. 2. Graphical representation of power flow.
3.2 Case 2- Injected Power from Hybrid System lower than
Plant Load 4 Photovoltaic Conversion System

In this case, the injected powers from PV stations and In this part, the electrical modelling of photovoltaic
wind farm are smaller than the plant demand. Thus, the system and the characteristics of PV array are introduced. In
electrical grid will feed plant demand in cooperation with addition, the MPPT technique and DC-AC inverter controller
are discussed.

O. Noureldeen and A.M.A. Ibrahim, Vol.8, No.1, March, 2018

4.1 PV System Model

The modelling of photovoltaic system has been 4.2 Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm
introduced based on the Shockley diode as shown in Fig.3 [8,
16]. The electrical characteristics of a PV array can be Maximum power point tracking strategies are essential
simulated with regard to the variations in the environmental in the photovoltaic conversion systems. Since the intensity of
conditions like sun irradiation intensity. The corresponding solar irradiation varies with time, MPPT technique is used
equation for current-voltage characteristics of PV array can for extracting maximum output power from PV array.
be written as follows [1]: Previous surveys have introduced several MPPT [1, 6, 7, 17].
In this paper, incremental conductance MPPT algorithm is
⎧ ⎡ ⎛V R I ⎞⎤ ⎫ ⎛ N V used due to advantage of offering good performance under
+ s

⎪ ⎢q ⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ ⎪ ⎜ p + R s I ⎟
⎪ ⎢ ⎜⎝ N s N p ⎥ ⎪
⎠ −1 − ⎜ N rapid variation of solar irradiation [15, 18, 19]. Fig.5 depicts
− N I ⎨exp ⎢ s ⎟ (4)
I =N I
p ph p s KTA ⎥ ⎬ ⎜ R sh ⎟ the corresponding flow chart of incremental conductance
⎪ ⎢ ⎥ ⎪ ⎜
⎪ ⎢ ⎟ MPPT technique. The implementation of the MPPT
⎥ ⎪ ⎝ ⎠
⎩ ⎣ ⎦ ⎭ technique in Simulink model is shown in Fig.6. The
incremental conductance strategy is dependent on fact that
G ⎡
1000 ⎣⎢ sc
. I + K i T −T ⎤
ref ⎦⎥ ( ) (5) the slope of Power-voltage (P-V) curve is equal to zero at the
3 maximum power point (MPP). Also, the derivative of power
⎛ T ⎞ ⎡q E ⎤
⎟ exp ⎢ g ⎛ 1 1 ⎞⎥ with respect to voltage (dPpv/dVpv) is positive at left of the
I = I .⎜ .⎜ − ⎟ (6)
s rs ⎜ T ⎟ ⎢ K A ⎜T T ⎟⎥ MPP, and negative at the right of the MPP. The
⎝ ref ⎠ ⎣ ⎝ ref ⎠⎦
mathematical model of this technique is as follows:
R s Ns
Np The output power of PV array

P = V *I (7)
pv pv pv
sh s
Np dPpv d dI pv
= [ V pv * I pv ] = I pv + V pv (8)
dV pv dV pv dV pv

Fig. 3. PV array model.
dPpv dI pv I pv
= 0, =− at the MPP ΔVn=0 (9)
Detailed specifications of each PV station are given in dV pv dV pv V pv
Appendix A. Fig.4 depicts current/Voltage characteristics
and power/voltage characteristics of each PV array under
dI pv I pv
different solar irradiation intensity conditions. >− Left of the MPP , increment VPV (10)
dV pv V pv
1000 W/m dI pv I pv
350 <− Right of the MPP , decrement VPV (11)
dV pv V pv
300 750 W/m2
500 W/m
200 Begin
100 250 W/m
Measure : Vpv(k),Ipv(k)
0 Measure : Vpv(k-1),Ipv(k-1)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Voltage (V)
(a) Current-Voltage characteristics (I-V). dVpv=0


yes yes
dIpv Ipv dIpv=0
Power (KW)

At the MPP Vpv At the MPP


yes dIpv Ipv dIpv Ipv yes

> >
dVpv Vpv dVpv Vpv
Left of Right of Left of
Right of
the MPP No No the MPP the MPP
the MPP
Vpv(K+1)=Vpv(K)+ Vn Vpv(K+1)=Vpv(K)- Vn Vpv(K+1)=Vpv(K)- Vn Vpv(K+1)=Vpv(K)+ Vn


(b) Power-Voltage characteristics (P-V).

Fig. 5. Flow chart of incremental conductance technique.
Fig. 4. Characteristics of PV array.

O. Noureldeen and A.M.A. Ibrahim, Vol.8, No.1, March, 2018

αβ ε

Fig. 8. Block diagram of phase locked loop.

4.3.1 DC Link Voltage Controller

The DC link voltage controller is responsible for

Fig. 6. Simulink model of PV MPPT control. regulation voltage at constant specified value. Reference
voltage is compared with actual value and the difference is
4.3 DC/AC Converter Controller applied to PI-controller to regulate the voltage at 500V DC.
The output of this controller is used as direct axis reference
Figure 7 depicts control scheme of DC/AC converter current (Id_ref) for inner current controller.
controller. The main task of this controller is to regulate DC
bus voltage, control injected active power to load and make 4.3.2 Current Controller
unity power factor at PCC bus. This control strategy is
beneficial for its decoupled control ability and fast dynamics The current controller loop control independently direct
[14, 15]. axis (Id) and quadrature axis (Iq) of grid currents. The (Id_ref)
is derived from dc link voltage control while the (Iq_ref) is set
Then, to zero to maintain unity power factor. Aligning the direct-
dI abc_conv axis of grid voltage (Vd) with vector of grid voltage,
V =V − R .I −L . (12) quadrature-axis grid voltage (Vq) is set to zero. Thus,
abc abc_conv f abc_conv f dt
injected active power (P) and reactive power (Q) can be
Transforming Equation (12) into d-q rotating reference adjusted independently by Id and Iq respectively [5]. Then,
frame yield: 3⎛ ⎞ 3
P = ⎜V I +V d I d ⎟ = V I (15)
dI d 2⎝ q q ⎠ 2 d d
V =R I +L − ω L I +V (13)
d _ conv f d f dt f q d
3 3
Q = (V I − V I ) = − V I (16)
dI q 2 q d d q 2 d q
V =R I +L + ω L I +V (14)
q _ conv f q f dt f d q
5 Wind Energy Conversion System

In this section, the mechanical modelling of wind turbine

and its characteristics are introduced. In addition, RSC
controller, GSC controller, and MPPT technique are

5.1 Modeling of Wind Turbine

A wind turbine is modeled by an aerodynamic input

torque which drives a doubly fed induction generator.
Mechanical power (Pmech) extracted from wind turbine is
ω described as follows [4]:
1 3
ω P = ρ A C (λ , β ) V (17)
mech 2 t p ω

The power coefficient (Cp) represents the turbine

efficiency and depends on the blade aerodynamics. Power
Fig. 7. DC/AC converter control scheme.
coefficient (Cp) can be described as follows:
The phase locked loop is closed loop frequency control
strategy. This structure estimates grid voltage angle (θ) for d- ⎛ −21 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
116 λ
q coordinates and synchronize converter output voltage with C (λ , β ) = 0.5176 ( − 0.4 β − 5) e ⎝ i ⎠ + 0.0068λ (18)
the grid voltage and current [20]. Fig.8 displays the control p λi
scheme of the phase locked loop. 1 1 0.035
= − (19)
λi λ + 0.08 β β 3 +1

O. Noureldeen and A.M.A. Ibrahim, Vol.8, No.1, March, 2018

The detailed specifications of wind turbine and doubly

fed induction generator are given in Appendix A. Fig.9
illustrates the wind turbine power characteristics curve for
different wind speeds. It is noticed that the maximum power
point occurs at different wind speeds.





Fig. 10. Rotor side converter controller.

Fig. 9. A Typical wind turbine power characteristics. 5.3 Grid Side Converter Controller

5.2 Rotor Side Converter Controller The main task of GSC is to keep DC link voltage at
constant specified value and maintain power factor of unity
The main objective of RSC is extraction maximum at connection point to electrical grid. The voltage for grid
power and controlling injected reactive power (Qs) to keep side converter in d-q synchronous reference frame can be
the stator of DFIG at unity power factor [9, 21]. The stator expressed as follows [3, 13]:
flux (λs) oriented synchronously along rotating d-axis, λs = λds
hence λqs=0. Therefore, the stator currents and stator voltages di
V d =V d 1+ Ri d −ωe Li q + L d (27)
in d-q rotating reference frame can be described as follows dt
[9, 22]:
di q
V q = Ri q + L +ωe Li d +V q 1 (28)
= −( L
/L )i
s qr
and i
= (1 / L ) λ − ( L / L ) i
s ds m s dr
(20) dt

Aligning the d-axis of reference frame along grid voltage

V ≈ 0 and V ≈ω λ (21) vector (Vg), then Vd=Vg, hence Vq=0. Thus, the real power
ds qs e ds
(Pg) and DC link voltage can be adjusted via (id) while
The d-q components of rotor voltage references (Vdr*) reactive power (Qg) can be controlled via (iq) as follows:
and (Vqr*) can be expressed as follows:
* P = V i (29)
g 2 d d
(V ) = (V )′ − (ω )σ L i (22)
dr dr slip r qr
=− V i (30)
( )
* ⎛ ⎞ Q
g 2 d q
(V ) = (V )′ + (ω ) L2 / L i +σ L r i dr ⎟ (23)
qr qr slip ⎜⎝ m s ms ⎠
The stator active power (Ps), reactive power (Qs) and the dV dc 3m
C = i −i (31)
electromagnetic torque (Te) can be expressed as follows: dt 4 2 d or

3 3L m The control structure of GSC is depicted in Fig.11. The

P = ⎡⎣ −V qs i qs ⎤⎦ = [ω λ i ] (24) GSC is current regulated Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
s 2 2 Ls e ds qr
converter, with direct-axis current (id) to adjust DC bus
3⎡ 3ω voltage and quadrature-axis current (iq) to regulate
Q = V i ⎤ = e [λ i ] (25)
s 2 ⎣ qs ds ⎦ 2 ds ds exchanged reactive power with grid. The q-axis current
reference (iq*) is imposed to zero to keep the grid at one
3 P Lm ⎡ power factor. The d-q reference components for the voltage
T = λ i ⎤ (26)
e 2 2 Ls ⎣ ds qr ⎦ of GSC can be described as follows:
The RSC control scheme is depicted in Fig.10. The q- *
V = − (V d )′ + (ω Li ) + V (32)
axis rotor voltage reference (Vqr*) can be generated through d1 e q d
MPPT controller. The reference for d-axis rotor voltage
reference (Vdr*) can be created from reactive power control
loop. The reference of reactive power (Q*) is set to zero thus,
q1 ( ) ′
= − V q − (ω Li )
e d

ensure the stator at power factor of unity [10].

O. Noureldeen and A.M.A. Ibrahim, Vol.8, No.1, March, 2018



ωe ωref ωref

Fig. 11. Grid side converter controller.

5.4 Improved MPPT Control Strategy

The maximum power from wind turbine is extracted at

optimum rotational speed of rotor (ωref). Thus, when the Fig. 12. Flow chart of the MPPT controller.
wind speed varies the MPPT controller calculates this
optimum rotational speed to capture maximum power from 6 Simulation Results and Discussion
wind turbine. Common MPPT techniques based on
measurement of wind speed and wind turbine characteristics. Detailed specifications of the PV-wind hybrid system
Hence, the error in modeling of wind turbine and absence of depicted in Fig.1 are given in Appendix A. This section is
accuracies in the sensors will affect the precision of the divided into two parts: 1) performance of hybrid power
MPPT controller [23]. In this paper, an improved MPPT system under different environmental circumstances like
control technique has been proposed based on measurement variations of sun irradiance and wind speed 2) validation of
of mechanical power (Pm-pu) to determine the optimum proposed power flow under variation of critical load demand
rotational speed (ωref). The flow chart of the MPPT controller of the plant. The simulation results indicate that proposed
is depicted in Fig.12. The MPPT control strategy can be control strategies successfully achieved desired system
explained as follows: performance. In addition, the proposed power flow control
• Firstly, the controller set initial values for strategy successfully supplies the critical load demand of the
mechanical power (Pm-pu) and optimum rotational plant.
speed (ωref).
6.1 Performance of PV-Wind Hybrid Power System
• Then, the controller calculates the actual mechanical
power to calculate optimum rotational speed (ωref). 6.1.1 Performance of PV Station (A)
• If the mechanical power (Pm-pu) is greater than 0.75
The performance of PV station (A) is analyzed under
p.u., the optimum rotational speed is normally 1.2
changes of solar irradiation as illustrated in Fig.13. PV array
p.u. that corresponding to maximum power from
surface temperature is considered to be constant at 25°C
wind farm (9 MW).
during the complete simulation time. Fig.13 (a) depicts
• If the mechanical power (Pm-pu) is lower than 0.75
variation of sun irradiation [26]. This variation demonstrates
p.u., the optimum rotational speed is calculated
the change of irradiation during a day and the shadow of
according to Eq. (29).
cloud, for example. Fig.13 (b) shows that the injected active
The improved MPPT control strategy can accurately power from PV station (A) varies with its solar irradiance
calculate optimum rotational speed to track the maximum and the reactive power is zero therefore unity power factor.
power without measurement of wind speed. The optimum Fig.13 (c) displays the three-phase injected current. It can be
rotational speed can be expressed as follows [23-25]: noticed that the DC/AC converter controller regulates the
amplitude of current as function of the injected power.
⎧ 1.2 1 ≥ Pm _ pu ≥ 0.75 Fig.13 (d) illustrates the effectiveness of system controller.

ω =⎨ (34) Thus, Grid voltage is in phase with injected current due to
⎪⎩ − 0.67( Pm − pu ) +1.42( Pm − pu )+ 0.51 Pm _ pu < 0.75
ref 2
unity power factor.

O. Noureldeen and A.M.A. Ibrahim, Vol.8, No.1, March, 2018

voltage remains constant. Fig.14 (d) illustrates that the power

factor of DC/AC converter is very close to one.
Irradiance (W/m2)








(a) Solar irradiance. 400

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s)

(a) Solar irradiance.

Reactive power (KVAR)
Active power (KW)

Reactive power (KVAR)

Active power (KW)
(b) Injected active power and reactive power.
(b) Injected active power and reactive power.
20 1000 W/m2 1000 W/m2 1000 W/m2
Injected current (A)

250 W/m2 250 W/m2


Ia Ib Ic
2 2.02 2.04 2.06 2.08 2.1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s)

(c) Injected current from PV station side (A).

(c) Injected current from PV station side (B).
Injected current Ia(A)
Grid voltage Va(KV)

Power factor

(d) Grid voltage and injected current.

(d) Power factor of DC/AC converter.
Fig. 13. Performance of PV station (A).
Fig. 14. Performance of PV station (B).
6.1.2 Performance of PV station (B)
6.1.3 Performance of Wind Farm
The performance of PV station (B) is investigated under
change of sun irradiation as depicted in Fig.14. The change Figure 15 shows the performance of DFIG wind farm
of sun irradiation is displayed in Fig.14 (a) [27]. This change under variation of wind speed. Speed variation for gradation
represents shadow of cloud, for example. Fig.14 (b) shows wind is depicted in Fig.15 (a) [28]. The ramp change of wind
that the injected active power from PV station (B) is very speed is in between 15 m/s and 10 m/s. Fig.15 (b) shows that
near to the generated value thus small losses and the injected the injected active power from wind farm changes according
reactive power is null therefore unity power factor. Fig.14 (c) to wind speed while delivered reactive power is maintained
displays the three-phase injected current. The change of null thus unity power factor. Hence, the MPPT controller
current amplitude reflects the variation of power since grid tracks accurately the optimum rotational speed when the
wind speed varies continuously. Fig.15 (c) displays the three-

O. Noureldeen and A.M.A. Ibrahim, Vol.8, No.1, March, 2018

phase injected current from wind farm. It can be noticed that Figure 16 (a) depicts power balance of hybrid power
the RSC controller regulates the amplitude of current as system. It can be noted that injected power from hybrid
function of the injected power. It can be noticed from Fig.15 system to the grid side (PCC-bus) is equal to sum of injected
(d) that GSC controller maintain DC link voltage fixed at powers from PV station (A), PV station (B) and wind farm.
1150 V regardless of magnitude of injected power. Fig.16 (b) shows constant voltage of PCC-bus with peak
value of 20 kV per phase (25 kV L-L). The PCC-bus voltage
is constant irrespective of variations of injected power from
hybrid system.

(a) Wind speed profile.

(a) Power delivered to grid side (PCC-bus).

(b) Injected active power and reactive power.

(b) Voltage of PCC-bus.

Fig. 16. Performance of PV-wind hybrid system at PCC-bus.

6.2 Validation of Proposed Power Flow

6.2.1 Injected Power from Hybrid System Larger than

Plant Load
(c) Injected current from wind farm side (C).
In this case, the generated powers from PV stations and
wind farm are larger than critical load demanded power of
plant. Therefore, the hybrid system will feed critical load of
the plant and the surplus power will be injected to electrical
grid as depicted in Fig.17 (a). Hence, according to Eq. (1)
the hybrid system injects power to plant and electrical utility.
Fig.17 (b) depicts the waveforms of three phase load current.
The critical load demanded power is 8 MW with 262.3 A
from 0 s to 4 s. During the duration from 4 s to 8 s the critical
load power is decreased from 8 MW to 6 MW with 202.8 A.
Then, the critical plant power is reduced to 4 MW with 139.3
A from 8 s to 13.5 s. Finally, the critical load power is
(d) DC link voltage. suddenly returned to 6 MW. Fig.17 (c) shows constant load
Fig. 15. Performance of wind farm voltage regardless of variation of critical load power.

O. Noureldeen and A.M.A. Ibrahim, Vol.8, No.1, March, 2018

(a) power flow between hybrid system, grid and load. (a) Real power flow between hybrid system, grid and

(b) Load current side (D). (b) Load current side (D).
Fig. 18. Injected power from hybrid system lower than load
demand for case 2.

6.2.3 Injected Power from Hybrid System Equal to Zero

In this case, the hybrid System injects no power to the

grid, so load demand of plant is entirely fed from electrical
utility as depicted in Fig.19 according to Eq. (3).
Active power (MW)

(c) Load voltage bus-B1.

Fig. 17. Injected power from hybrid system greater than
load demand for case 1.

6.2.2 Injected Power from Hybrid System Lower than

Load Demand

In this case, injected power from hybrid system is

smaller than critical demanded power of plant. Therefore, the Fig. 19. Real power flow between hybrid system, grid and
electrical utility grid in cooperated with hybrid power system load when hybrid power is unavailable.
will feed critical demanded power of plant as depicted in
Fig.18 (a). Thus, according to Eq. (2) the hybrid system and
electrical grid will inject power to the plant load. Fig.18 (b)
depicts the waveforms of three phase load current. The 7 Conclusion
critical load demanded power is 12 MW with 392.2 A from
0 s to 7 s. During the duration from 7 s to 10 s critical In this paper, modeling, simulation and control of grid
demanded power is reduced from 12 MW to 10 MW with connected photovoltaic-wind hybrid power system have been
325.9 A. Then, the critical demanded power is reduced to successfully investigated. The proposed hybrid system
8 MW with 262.3 A from 10 s to 13 s. Finally, the critical consists of two Photovoltaic (PV) stations placed at different
load power is suddenly returned to 12 MW. locations and one wind farm are integrated into main AC bus
and supply large plant with critical variable loads. The
incremental conductance MPPT technique is applied for both

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Base Rotational speed 1.2 pu
Nominal performance coefficient CP=0.48 p.u
Appendix A
Coefficient(c1-c6) [0.5176,116,0.4,5,21,0.0068]
Table A.1 Detailed specifications of DFIG

Element Parameter
Table A.4 Detailed specifications of Plant
Rotor type Wound rotor

Rated power 6*1.5=9 MW Element Parameter

Stator nominal voltage 575 V (L-L) Number of induction machines 6 motors

Nominal frequency 60 Hz Rotor type Squirrel-cage

Stator resistance 0.023 pu Rated apparent power/motor 2 MVA

Stator inductance 0.18 pu Nominal voltage 2300 V (L-L)

Rotor resistance 0.016 pu Nominal frequency 60 Hz

Rotor inductance 0.16 pu Power factor 0.93

Magnetizing inductance 2.9 pu

Pairs of poles 3
Nominal DC link voltage 1150V

O. Noureldeen and A.M.A. Ibrahim, Vol.8, No.1, March, 2018

Table A.5 Specifications of transmission line and grid

Element Parameter
Length of T.L 10 km
Grid voltage 120 kV(L-L)
Frequency 60 Hz


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