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© 2022 IJRAR August 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 www.ijrar.

org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Voltage Stability Assessment of Power System with Increasing

Energy Wind Penetration
Aparna Girnale, 2Prof Vaishali Chavhan
MTech Student, Electrical Power System, G. H. Raisoni University, Amravati, Maharashtra, India.
Professor, Electrical Power System, G. H. Raisoni University, Amravati, Maharashtra, India

It is crucial to comprehend how wind generators affect the dynamics and stability of the energy system given the rising rates of wind
power generation's penetration into the world's energy networks. The use of power generators that do not adapt to power transformers,
which partially or completely dissipate electrical energy, is a characteristic of wind generators that sets them apart from conventional
power generators used in conventional power systems. These features include interruptions and limited forecasting of wind turbines.
Due to these distinctive characteristics, wind generators have the potential to alter the voltage stability, frequency intensity, and rotor
angle stability of existing networks. There are major research gaps regarding the stability of electrical energy in rich wind networks,
with an emphasis on the work described in this thesis, according to a thorough examination of the existing literature in these fields.

Keywords: - Voltage stability, the IEEE14 bus, DFIG, error localization and detection, and microgrid security.

1. Introduction
Due to the low cost of producing electricity, a significant amount practically available everywhere, in contrast to traditional energy
of the world's electricity is still produced using fossil fuels. As a sources, which are concentrated in specific regions of the world
result of these initiatives, these renewable resources are now more [1]. From a technical and financial perspective, wind power is the
widely used in the energy sector, which calls for an urgent most promising of the renewable energy sources. Since ancient
knowledge of their effects on the stability of the power system, times, people have used wind energy for tasks like pumping water,
particularly at high levels of penetration. grinding grain, and sawing wood. Since the turn of the 20th
Wind power is the process of employing wind turbines to century, wind energy has discovered a new use in the production
transform wind energy into electrical or mechanical energy. Using of electricity from tiny wind farms ideal for farms. and residential
torque on the rotor, air power is released by allowing it to blow neighbourhoods atop big, power grid-connected wind farms [2].
through rotating blades. The size of the ridge and the wind speed The energy system's ability to sustain a stable working
affect how much energy is transported. environment and achieve appropriate balance under typical
circumstances is known as school system stability. What network
1.1 Wind Power Infiltration disruption is this? [9] A short circuit in the power cord, a loss of a
The ratio of the average quantity of energy generated by wind at sizable generator, or other large-scale interference in the power
any given period to the total energy supplied to the grid during that network are only a few examples of how this interference in the
time from all sources. For instance, if 1000 megawatt-hours power network might be minor or huge [10]. The rotation angle of
(MWh) of energy are delivered to the grid in a given amount of the rotor and the stability of the voltage can be used to categorise
time, with 200 MWh coming from a wind power generator, the the stability of the power system [9–10]. The voltage stabilisation
input of wind power at that moment is 20%. relates to the ability of the power system to maintain a suitable
voltage across all of its buses, whereas the rotation angle of the
1.2 Background rotor refers to the synchronism in the synchronous machines in the
Demand for alternative energy sources has grown as a result of power system. Low signal stability and short-term stability are two
environmental worries, the depletion of fossil fuels, and rising subcategories of rotor angle stability. The electricity system's
energy needs. Renewable energy resources now have more capacity to retain synchronisation when minor disturbances
potential to be integrated into power networks thanks to recent develop is known as small signal stability. Contrarily, transient
developments in renewable energy technologies and falling energy stability refers to its capacity to preserve synchronism in the face
unit costs. More significantly, renewable energy sources are of significant temporal perturbations [9]. For the energy system to

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© 2022 IJRAR August 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

run securely and dependably, stability is a crucial challenge. generator, power cords, and loads. wind turbines that are straight
Concerns concerning the stability of the energy system are now and horizontal. The most prevalent type of wind turbine is a
much higher than they were in the past due to the expansion of horizontal wind turbine, which operates on a horizontal axis; the
connections, the addition of new renewable technologies, and how
well those technologies operate under pressure [10]. main type is a straight wind turbine.
1.3 Motivation
Technology has made it possible to use wind power to produce
electricity on a large scale. The advantages of nature and the
declining cost of wind technology have made wind energy a
resource that can compete with traditional power generation
methods. For the reasons outlined above, the flow of air into the
electricity networks has greatly grown and will keep growing.

1.4 Objective Figure 2 System for converting wind energy

To research the effects of various wind input levels on a power
system's small signal's stability. rotor shaft vertically. Grid wind farms are mainly type of
To assess how other network components affect strong wind horizontal wind turbines [12]. These turbines can also be classified
intensity from a stable viewing power. as types of fixed speed. In wind turbines of fixed speed, the rotor
To research how a weak distribution network's weak stability is is connected to the generator, and the stator winding is connected
affected by the entrance of wind energy. directly to the grid. For flexible wind turbines, a DFIG-based
To investigate how the stability of a small grid signal is affected generator, a permanent synchronous magnet generator and a
by variations in the characteristics and input level of renewable rotary synchronous generator are used. Among them, a flexible
resources, including converter-based power supply to wind farms. wind technology that uses a DFIG-based generator is the most
2. The effect of wind power penetration on popular wind technology today. In this thesis, DFIG-based
generator-powered flexible wind engine technology is considered
stability to analyze stability.
Due to its technological and financial superiority over the other
renewable resources, wind power is one of the most important
renewable resources used for energy generation globally. Aside 4. Based on DFIG, a Wind Generator
from that, the wind integration has already had positive effects by Fig. 3.1 displays a schematic of Air Generator Based on DFIG.
reducing the costs associated with running the power system and The rotor side is fed by a back-to-back pulse wide modulation-
eliminating carbon emissions from the production of electricity. based voltage source inverter with a standard DC connector, while
Additionally, the capacity value of the power system is increased the stator is connected to a three-phase grid. The power switch
by the integration of wind power into power networks. Technically next to the rotor gives mechanical amusement while the supply
speaking, integrating wind power is unrestricted; nonetheless, side converter regulates the power flow between the DC and grid
such integrations must assure the stability of the power system and connector. The rotor-side converter functions at various
must not compromise reliability. A power system is built to endure frequencies based on the speed of the blades, whereas the supply
a variety of shocks, both major and small, but the dynamic side converter operates at a grid frequency. In order to manage the
characteristic. Even if a power system is built to endure a variety rotor speed and voltage, the converter is set up as a current source
of small and big disruptions, the behaviour and interaction of the with two variables: the d-axis rotor current and the q-axis rotor
generators already present, including the wind generators, dictate current. adaptable DFIG-based model.
the power system's dynamic behaviour. Due to its robustness, Wind speed model, aerodynamic model, voice angle control
affordability, and simplicity in construction, constant speed model, driving machine model, and DFIG model are the parts that
technology continues to be used in the majority of wind farms make up the wind generator. There are four components to the
today. wind speed model: fundamental wind, storm, outflow wind, and
random air.
3. System for converting wind energy
In contrast to the wind-based energy system, which depends on the
availability of flexible air from nature, the conventional power
system is regulated by power output. But in today's world of
economic competitiveness and technological growth, wind power
is a significant source of energy. In addition to other renewable
energy sources, wind power has the advantages listed above,
making it an obvious choice for state-scale power generation.
Wind kinetic energy is transformed into electrical energy or other
forms of energy by the wind energy conversion system. In addition
to other resources, wind power offers the natural friendliness and
advantages indicated above, and it has grown significantly over the Figure 4.6 Air Generator Based on DFIG
past ten years [11]. Technology advancements have decreased the
cost of power generation units while also increasing the
dependability and power of wind turbines [12]. fundamental wind.
As indicated in the diagram, the fundamental wind power
conversion system comprises of a wind turbine, an electric

IJRAR22B3544 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 458
© 2022 IJRAR August 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Table 5.1.1 IEEE 14 Bus system MATLAB Simulation

5. Healthy Condition Simulation Model in
transmission line data

Figure 5. MATLAB Simulink model of Healthy Condition

The whole MATLAB Simulink model of the suggested route,
which uses the IEEE 14 sub-bus system, is shown in Figure 5.1.
The sub-system model is built to accept reads in a variety of fault

5.1 IEEE 14 Bus Subsystem

The whole IEEE bus system model 14 is depicted in Figure 5.1.

The transmission line, inductance, and power between each bus
bar and the resistance line are displayed in table 1. While loads are
connected to the remaining bus system, there are five generators
connected to bus bars 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8. Data for the IEEE 14 bus
system loading and the bus bar generator are shown in Table 2.

Table 5.1.2: IEEE 14 Bus system bus bar and generator data for
MATLAB Simulink model

Figure 5.1 IEEE 14 Bus Subsystem

The MATLAB simulation of the IEEE 14 Bus Subsystem is

displayed in Figure 5.1.

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© 2022 IJRAR August 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

5.2 Model of Faulty Condition Simulation in MATLAB 5.4 Results of Simulation for a Healthy Condition

5.4.1 The system's three-phase voltage

Figure 5.2 Model of Faulty Condition Simulation in MATLAB

5.2.1 IEEE 14 BUS Under Faulty Condition

Figure 5.4.1: IEEE 14 bus system three-phase voltage in good

Figure 5.4.1 displays the system's three-phase voltage recorded

per unit under typical conditions. The three-phase voltage per unit
is displayed on the upper axis and has a constant magnitude. The
lower axis displays time from 0 to 0.1 seconds.

5.4.2 Penetration Results for healthy condition

Figure 5.2.1: MATLAB IEEE 14 Bus System Under Faulty

Condition Simulink Model
Figure 5.4.2: Wind Penetration Results for Healthy Condition
5.3. Statcom-based MATLAB Simulation Model of the
Mitigated Condition
5.5.5 Results from a Simulation for a Faulty Condition

5.5.1 Measurement of three-phase voltage

Figure 5.5.1: When the LLLG failure occurred, between 0 and 5
seconds, the three-phase voltage per unit of the system.
Figure 5.3. Statcom-based MATLAB Simulation Model of the In the case of an LLLG failure on bus 7 in the system, Figure 5.5.1
Mitigated Condition
illustrates three phases of power per unit measured on a small grid
system. Three phases' voltage is shown on the top axis, while time
is shown on the y axis.

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© 2022 IJRAR August 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

5.5.2 Results for the penetration level for a defective situation

Figure 5.5.2 Results of Wind Penetration for Faulty Figure 5.6.1: When using statcom, three phase voltage per system
This outcome demonstrates how the Penetration level is affected The three-phase voltage, which is growing in magnitude after
by the Fault after it occurs. As we can see, this is changing due of utilizing statcom for mitigation, is shown on the upper axis.
a problem that was created at bus 7 in the IEEE 14 bus system.
5.6.2 Results for the condition with Reduced Penetration
5.5.3 GENSET outputs indicate a problem

Figure 5.6.2 Results for Wind Penetration in a Mitigated


This outcome demonstrates how statcom usage affects the

Penetration level. As we can see, the penetration level has
5.6.3 Results for the Mitigated condition from GENSET

Figure 5.5.3 GENSET outputs indicate a problem

Results for three-phase voltage, three-phase current, direct

voltage, active power, and reactive power are obtained from this

5.6 Results of Simulation for the Mitigated Condition

5.6.1 Measurement of three-phase voltage
When an LLLG failure occurred at bus 7 in the system, Figure
5.6.1 depicts the three-phase voltage per unit measured at bus bar
7 of the IEEE 14 bus microgrid system.

Figure 5.6.3 Results for the Mitigated condition from GENSET

IJRAR22B3544 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 461
© 2022 IJRAR August 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

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