Book 2
Book 2
Book 2
EXERCISE 2.7 Sketch graphs of the arcsine function, the arccosine func-
tion, and the arctangent function. Include only the principal values.
Figure 2.5 shows the hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine for values of x from
0 to 3. Note that the values of the hyperbolic sin and the hyperbolic cosine do not
necessarily lie between −1 and 1 as do the values of the circular sine and cosine
functions and that both functions approach ex /2 for large values of x .
EXERCISE 2.8 Make a graph of tanh(x) and coth(x) on the same graph
for values of x ranging from 0 to 3.
Figure 2.6 A position vector, ρ , in a plane, with plane polar coordinates and Cartesian coordi-
EXERCISE 2.10 Show that Eqs. (2.37) and (2.38) are correct.
The coordinate transformation in the other direction is also possible. From the
theorem of Pythagorus, Eq. (2.21),
ρ= x 2 + y 2. (2.39)
φ = arctan . (2.40)
Figure 2.7 is a vector diagram in which two vectors, A and B, are shown. The sum
of the two vectors is obtained as follows: (1) Move the second vector so that its
tail coincides with the head of the first. (2) Draw the sum vector from the tail of
the first vector to the head of the second. The addition of vectors is commutative:
A + B is the same as B + A.
34 Chapter 2 Symbolic Mathematics and Mathematical Functions
The components of A and B are defined in the same way as the components of
the position vector in Fig. 2.6. The x components are called Ax and Bx , and the y
components are called Ay and By . We can denote the vector A by its component in
x, y order inside parentheses, as (Ax , Ay ) Vector addition can be performed using
the components of the vectors. If the sum of A and B is called C,
C = A+B (2.41)
Cx = Ax + Bx (2.42)
Cy = Ay + By . (2.43)
EXAMPLE 2.2 Find the sum of the two vectors (2.5, 3) and (3.1, 4).
SOLUTION A + B = (5, 6, 7)
The difference of two vectors is the sum of the first vector and the negative of
the second. The negative of B is denoted by −B and is the vector with components
−Bx and −By . If the vector A − B is called D,
D = A−B (2.44)
Dx = Ax − Bx (2.45)
Dy = Ay − By . (2.46)
If the tail of the vector −B is placed at the head of the vector A, the vector D =
A − B has its tail at the tail of A and its head at the head of −B. The difference
D = A − B can also be represented by placing the tails of both A and B at the
same place and drawing the vector D with its tail at the head of B and its head at
the head of A.
EXERCISE 2.12 Draw vector diagrams and convince yourself that the
two schemes presented for the construction of D = A − B give the same result.
Section 2.4 Vectors and Coordinate Systems 35
If A is a vector and a is a scalar, the product of the scalar and the vector a A
has the components
We next define the scalar product of two vectors, which is also called the dot
product because of the use of a dot to represent the operation. If A and B are two
vectors, and α is the angle between them, their scalar product is denoted by A · B
and given by
A · B = |A| |B| cos (α) . (2.50)
The result is a scalar, as the name implies.
(a) Let |A| = 4.5, |B| = 6.0, and let the angle between them equal 30.0 ◦ .
Find A · B.
(b) Let |A| = 4.0, |B| = 2.0, and let the angle between them equal 45.0 ◦ .
Find A · B.
The following are properties of the scalar product:
A · A = A2 = A2 = A2 = A2x + A2y .
A vector A is represented as
The first term on the right-hand side of this equation is a product of the component
Ax and a vector i, so it is a vector of length Ax pointing along the x axis, as shown
in Fig. 2.8. The other term is similarly a vector of length Ay pointing along the y
axis. The vector A is the vector sum shown in Fig. 2.8. A similar equation can be
written for another vector, B:
From the definitions of i and j and the definition of the scalar product,
so that
A · B = Ax Bx + Ay By (2.55)
r 2 = ρ 2 + z2 = x 2 + y 2 + z2 (2.57)
r = |r | = x 2 + y 2 + z2 . (2.58)
The magnitude of any vector is analogous to the magnitude of the position vector.
If A is a vector with Cartesian components Ax , Ay , and Az , the magnitude of A is
given by
|A| = A = A2x + A2y + Az2 = A2x + Ay2 + Az2 . (2.59)
EXAMPLE 2.4 Find the magnitude of the vector A = (3.00, 4.00, 5.00).
Section 2.4 Vectors and Coordinate Systems 39
SOLUTION A= 3.002 + 4.002 + 5.002 = 50.00 = 7.07
Figure 2.11 shows the way in which spherical polar coordinates are used to
specify the location of the point P and the vector r from the origin to P . The
vector ρ in the x -y plane is also shown. The vector ρ is called the projection
of r into the x -y plane. Its head is reached from the head of r by moving to
the x -y plane in a direction perpendicular to the plane. The three spherical polar
coordinates are r , θ , and φ . The coordinate r is the magnitude of the vector r as in
Eq. (2.58), θ is the angle between the positive z axis and the position vector r, and
φ is the angle between the positive x axis and the vector ρ , as in two-dimensional
polar coordinates. The angle θ is allowed to range from 0 to π and the angle φ is
allowed to range from 0 to 2π . The distance r is allowed to range from 0 to ∞,
and these ranges allow the location of every point in the three-dimensional space
to be given.
The following equations and Eq. (2.58) can be used to transform from Cartesian
coordinates to spherical polar coordinates:
θ = arccos (2.60)
φ = arctan . (2.61)
z = r cos (θ ) (2.64)
EXAMPLE 2.5 Find the spherical polar coordinates of the point whose Carte-
sian coordinates are (1.000, 1.000, 1.000).
r = (1.000)2 − (1.000)2 − (1.000)2 = 3.000 = 1.732
1.000 π
φ = arctan = rad = 45◦
1.000 4
θ = arccos = 0.955 rad = 54.7◦
EXERCISE 2.16 Find the spherical polar coordinates of the point whose
Cartesian coordinates are (2, 3, 4).
The cylindrical polar coordinate system is another three-dimensional coordi-
nate system. It uses the variables ρ , φ , and z, already defined and shown in
Fig. 2.11. The equations needed to transform from Cartesian coordinates to cylin-
drical polar coordinates are Eqs. (2.39) and (2.40). The third coordinate, z, is the
same in both Cartesian and cylindrical polar coordinates. Equations (2.37) and
(2.38) are used for the reverse transformation.
EXAMPLE 2.6 Find the cylindrical polar coordinates of the point whose Carte-
sian coordinates are (1.000, −4.000, −2.000).
ρ = (1.000)2 + (4.000)2 = 17.000 = 4.123
φ = arctan = 4.957 radians = 284◦
z = −2.000.
EXERCISE 2.17 (a) Find the Cartesian coordinates of the point whose
cylindrical polar coordinates are ρ = 25.00, φ = 60.0◦ , z = 17.50
(b) Find the cylindrical polar coordinates of the point whose Cartesian coordi-
nates are (−2.000, −2.000, 3.000).