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Multiple Integrals and Vector Calculus (Oxford Physics)

Ramin Golestanian

Synopsis and Problem Sets; Hilary 2014

The outline of the material, which will be covered in 14 lectures, is as follows:

1. Introduction and Outlook: Elementary Dierential Geometry (a few quick concepts), Geometry of Curves, how to
parameterize a curve or a path, line element, curvature and torsion, Geometry of Surfaces, how to parameterize
a surface, tangent and normal directions for a given surface, line element, area element
2. Scalar and Vector Fields: denitions, transformation properties, an example showing transformation properties
of vectors and scalars due to rotation of coordinate system
3. Gradient: denition, Transformation Properties of Gradient, changing coordinate system and the Jacobian
matrix, example deriving gradient in polar coordinates, Geometric Properties of Gradient, normal vector to the
surface and tangent plane
4. Multiple Integrals: 2D Integrals, denition, integration domains, order of integration, 3D Integrals, Choice of
Coordinate System, Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, Change of Variables in 2D Integrals, the
Jacobian, Change of Variables in 3D Integrals
5. Line Integrals: Line Integral of Scalar Fields, Line Integral of vector elds, Conservative Vector Fields, path
independence, exact dierentials
6. Surface integrals: Surface Integral of Scalar Fields, parametrization of surfaces in surface integrals, Surface
Integral of Vector Fields, uxes
7. Divergence and Curl: Divergence, denition and basic properties, Curl, denition and basic properties, Index-
Notation, Einstein summation convention, use of Dirac delta function, the epsilon symbol, simple identities, 1st
order operator identities
8. Second Order Vector Operators: Two Dels Acting on Scalar Fields, Two Dels Acting on Vector Fields, example
about spherically symmetric scalar and vector elds
9. Gauss Theorem: statement, proof, examples including Gauss law in electrostatics
10. Stokes Theorem: statement, proof, examples including Amperes law and Faradays law

Recommended reading material:

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering, K F Riley, M P Hobson and S J Bence, 3rd edition (CUP,
2006); this is the main textbook used in the lectures
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, M L Boas, 3rd edition (Wiley, 2006)

Additional information:
Lecture notes will be made available to the students, although they should not be regarded as substitute to textbooks.
The notes contain worked Examples, which are discussed during the lectures, and are intended to help demonstrate
how the tools developed are used in practice. In addition, the notes contain many Exercises, which should be
attempted by the students on their own to help them think about the concepts and techniques more deeply. The
Problem Sets will be assigned as homework by the college tutors and will be discussed in tutorials.

Problem Set 1
1. Which of the following can be described by vectors: (a) temperature; (b) magnetic eld; (c) acceleration; (d)
force; (e) molecular weight; (f) area; (g) angle of polarization.
2. (a) For the following integrals sketch the region of integration and so write equivalent integrals with the order
of integration reversed. Evaluate the integrals both ways.

2 2 4 x 1 y2
y dx dy, y x dy dx, x dx dy.
0 y2 0 0 0 y

(b) Reverse the order of integration and hence evaluate:

x1 sin x dx dy.
0 y

in the cases: (a) = ln |r|; (b) = r1 , where r = |r|.

3. Find

4. If F = x2 z + ey/x and G = 2z 2 y xy 2 , nd (F
+ G) and (F
G) at (1, 0, 2).

5. Two circles have equations: (i) x2 + y 2 + 2ax + 2by + c = 0; and (ii) x2 + y 2 + 2a x + 2b y + c = 0. Show that
these circles are orthogonal if 2aa + 2bb = c + c .
6. Find the equation for the tangent plane to the surface 2xz 2 3xy 4x = 7 at (1, 1, 2).
7. (a) A mass distribution in the positive x region of the xy-plane and in the shape of a semicircle of radius a,
centred on the origin, has mass per unit area k. Find, using plane polar coordinates,
(i) its mass M , (ii) the coordinates (x, y) of its centre of mass, (iii) its moments of inertia about the x and y
(b) Do as above for a semi-innite sheet with mass per unit area
[ ]
= k exp (x2 + y 2 )/a2 for x 0, = 0 for x < 0.

where a is a constant. Comment on the comparisons between the two sets of answers.
Note that

1 2
exp(u ) du = .
0 2

(c) Evaluate the following integral:

a a2 y2
(x2 + y 2 ) arctan(y/x) dx dy.
0 0

Problem Set 2
1. The pair of variables (x, y) are each functions of the pair of variables (u, v) and vice versa. Consider the matrices
x x u u
u v x y
A= and B= .
y y v v
u v x y

(a) Show using the chain rule that the product AB of these two matrices equals the unit matrix I.
(b) Verify this property explicitly for the case in which (x, y) are Cartesian coordinates and u and v are the
polar coordinates (r, ).
(c) Assuming the result that the determinant of a matrix and the determinant of its inverse are reciprocals,
deduce the relation between the Jacobians
(u, v) u v u v (x, y) x y x y
= and = .
(x, y) x y y x (u, v) u v v u

2. (a) Using the change of variable x + y = u, x y = v evaluate the double integral R (x2 + y 2 ) dx dy, where R
is the region bounded by the straight lines y = x, y = x + 2, y = x and y = x + 2.
(b) Given that u = xy and v = y/x, show that (u, v)/(x, y) = 2y/x. Hence evaluate the integral

exp(xy) dx dy

over the region x > 0, y > 0, xy < 1, 1/2 < y/x < 2.
r) is dened by its components
3. A vector eld A(

(4x y 4 , 4xy 3 3y 2 , 4).

Evaluate the line integral d between the points with position vectors (0, 0, 0) and (1, 2, 0) along the
following paths
(a) the straight line from (0, 0, 0) to (1, 2, 0);
(b) on the path of straight lines joining (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1), (1, 2, 1) and (1, 2, 0) in turn.
Show that A is conservative and nd a scalar function V (r) such that A = V

r) is dened by its components

4. A vector eld A(

(3x2 + 6y, 14yz, 20xz 2 ).

Evaluate the line integral d from (0, 0, 0) to (1, 1, 1) along the following paths
2 3
(a) x = t, y = t , z = t ;
(b) on the path of straight lines joining (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0) and (1, 1, 1) in turn;
(c) the straight line joining the two points.
Is A
5. The thermodynamic relation q = CV dT + (RT /V ) dV is not an exact dierential. Show that by dividing this
equation by T , it becomes exact.
6. Show that the surface area of the curved portion of a hemisphere of radius a is 2a2 by
(i) directly integrating the element of area a2 sin d d over the surface of the hemisphere.
(ii) projecting onto an integral taken over the x y plane.
7. (a) Find the area of the plane x 2y + 5z = 13 cut out by the cylinder x2 + y 2 = 9.
(b) A uniform lamina is made of that part of the plane x + y + z = 1 which lies in the rst octant. Find by
integration its area and also its centre of mass. Use geometrical arguments to check your result for the area.

Problem Set 3
1. Spherical polar coordinates are dened in the usual way. Show that

(x, y, z)
= r2 sin .
(r, , )

2. A solid hemisphere of uniform density k occupies the volume x2 + y 2 + z 2 a2 , z 0. Using symmetry

arguments wherever possible, nd
(i) its total mass M , (ii) the position (x, y, z) of its centre-of-mass, and (iii) its moments and products of inertia,
Ixx , Iyy , Izz , Ixy , Iyz , Izx , where

Izz = k (x + y ) dV, Ixy = k xy dV, etc.
2 2

3. Air is owing with a speed 0.4 m s1 in the direction of the vector (1, 1, 1). Calculate the volume of air
owing per second through the loop which consists of straight lines joining, in turn, the following: (1, 1, 0),
(1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1) and (1, 1, 0).

4. If n is the unit normal to the surface S, evaluate r n dS over (a) the unit cube bounded by the coordinate
planes and the planes x = 1, y = 1 and z = 1; (b) the surface of a sphere of radius a centred at the origin.

5. Evaluate A n dS for the following cases:

= (y, 2x, z) and S is the surface of the plane 2x + y = 6 in the rst octant cut o by the plane z = 4.
= (x + y 2 , 2x, 2yz) and S is the surface of the plane 2x + y + 2z = 6 in the rst octant.
= (6z, 2x + y, x) and S is the entire surface of the region bounded by the cylinder x2 + z 2 = 9, x = 0,
y = 0, z = 0 and y = 8.

6. The vector A is a function of position r = (x, y, z) and has components (xy 2 , x2 , yz). Calculate the surface

integral A dS
over each face of the triangular prism bounded by the planes x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, x + y = 1

and z = 1. Show that the integral A dS taken outwards over the whole surface is not zero. Show that it

equals A
dV calculated over the volume of the prism. Why?

= (3xyz 2 , 2xy 3 , x2 yz) and = 3x2 yz, nd: (a)

7. If A A; ;
(b) A (c)

8. The magnetic eld B at a distance r from a straight wire carrying a current I has magnitude 0 I/(2r). The
lines of force are circles centred on the wire and in planes perpendicular to it. Show that
= 0.

Problem Set 4
1. O is the origin and A, B, C are points with position vectors a = (1, 0, 0), b = (1, 1, 1) and c = (0, 2, 0) respectively.
Find the vector area S of the loop OABCO (a) by drawing the loop in projection onto the yz, zx and xy planes
and calculating the components of S, and (b) by lling the loop with (e.g. 2 or 3) plane polygons, ascribing
a vector area to each and taking the resultant. Calculate the projected area of the loop (i) when seen from
the direction which makes it appear as large as possible, and (ii) when seen from the direction of the vector
(0, 1, 1)? What are the corresponding answers for the loop OACBO?
2. Calculate the solid angle of a cone of half-angle .
3. A body expands linearly by a factor because of a rise in temperature. Because of the expansion, a point at
position r is displaced to r + h. Calculate
h. By what fraction does the volume increase?

= (y, x, 0). Calculate the divergence and curl of each vector eld
= (x, y, 0) and B
4. Sketch the vector elds A
and explain the physical signicance of the results obtained.
r) = (y, x, z). Verify Stokes Theorem for the hemispherical surface |r| = 1, z 0.
5. The vector A(

= (y, x, 0). Find A
6. A d for a closed loop on the surface of the cylinder (x 3)2 + y 2 = 2.

7. A bucket of water is rotated slowly with angular velocity about its vertical axis. When a steady state has
been reached the water rotates with a velocity eld v (r) as if it were a rigid body. Calculate
v and interpret
the result. Calculate v . Can the ow be represented in terms of a velocity potential such that v = ?

If so, what is ?

8. Without using index notation, prove: (a)

= 0; and (b)
= 0.

9. If = 2xyz 2 , F = (xy, z, x2 ) and C is the curve x = t2 , y = 2t, z = t3 from t = 0 to t = 1, evaluate the line

integrals: (a) C dr; (b) C F dr.
10. To what scalar or vector quantities do the following expressions in index notation correspond (expand and sum
where possible): ai bj ci ; ai bj cj di ; ij ai aj ; ij ij ; ijk ai bk ; and ijk ij .
11. Use index notation to nd the grad of the following scalar functions of position r = (x, y, z): (a) |r|n , (b) a r.
12. Use index notation to nd the div and curl of the following vector functions of position r = (x, y, z): (a) r; (b)
|r|nr; (c) (a r)b; and (d) a r. Here, a and b are xed vectors.

13. Use index notation to prove: (a)

= 0; and (b)
= 0 (i.e. repeat question 8 above but
hopefully by a faster method).

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