Relationship Between Behavior and Academic Performance: Basis For An Intervention
Relationship Between Behavior and Academic Performance: Basis For An Intervention
Relationship Between Behavior and Academic Performance: Basis For An Intervention
Abstract—Students have varying preferences for The various factors that influence academic
study locations. Academic accomplishment, achievement are parent factors, peer factors, school
however, is not always an absolute indication of a factors, obtaining optimal academic achievement,
student's intelligence. Instead, involvement, parental student’s academic or learning behavior such as time
investment, school quality, and student engagement management, study habit and attitudes are equally
can all have an impact on academic performance. important factors in ascertaining the academic
Student behavior also has a significant impact on achievement of students.
academic attainment because it can impair his or her
ability to learn as well as the learning environment Furthermore, student performance, choices and
for other students. There are numerous behavioral persistence, his/her effort in learning and how he/she
characteristics that can have an impact on the relates to the people that make up the school
learning environment for all learners. The community. Study skills are often determined by the
respondents employed basic random sampling to student’s learning behaviours which affects their
ensure that all two hundred twenty (220) students learning characteristics or pattern. Learning behavior
had an equal probability of being chosen as is the mental readiness of the students to learn which
responders. The researchers received a one hundred is shown by their resourcefulness, creative thinking
percent (100%) response rate. The information was and imaginative activities, love for their learning, high
retrieved and evaluated for tabulation and interest for reading and writing and also having better
interpretation. According to the two hundred twenty psychological adjustment in class and school (Saxena,
(220) respondents, academic performance has an 2012). It also depends upon the emotional and social
impact on behavior in terms of attendance, habits, climate of the home and school. Good school make a
time management, and test examinations. There are contribution to develop such climate of learning.
various methods for encouraging, motivating, and
inspiring students. According to the experts, all An article written by Thomson (2014) entitled “How
college university schools should create better peer can behavior affect academics of student’s” speaks
groups that might be encouraging in the university about how a student’s behavior can affect his/her
and have an affirmative influence on their academic ability to learn as well as other student’s learning
behavior and performance. environment. Factors such as teacher involvement,
parental investment, school quality and student’s
Indexed Terms—Academic Performance, Behavior, academic behavior plays major role in academic
Relationship, Students achievement. It is explained that students having
disruptive behavior such as bullying other students,
I. INTRODUCTION talking during lectures or by requiring the teacher to
interrupt lessons to discipline them can have a
One of the most significant predictors in the lives of negative effect on entire classroom.
students is their academic achievement. It is the
outcome of education and it foretells the extent to Valentin, et al (2017) study entitled “Academic
which the students, teachers and educational performance and behavioral patterns” reveled that
institutions have attained their educational goals. academic performance is influence by personality
According to Areepattamannil & Freeman (2008), traits such as conscientiousness and self-esteem; class
academic is important because it promotes success. attendance showed the strongest correlation with
academic performance, and, social network structure current conditions, practices, situations or any
such as Facebook activity had a negative relation to phenomena (Calderon and Gonzales, 1993). This is the
academic performance but limited to activities such as most appropriate in this study because it presents the
posting a status update or uploading a picture. fact about the behavioral characteristics of selected
students in terms of study habits, time management,
The above connotation was supported by attitude towards instruction, test anxiety, and attitude
Olufemioladebinu, (2018), as concluded in their towards examinations.
study that students’ academic performance was
affected by their personal condition, study habits, The subjects of the study are the selected students
home related factors, school factors and lecture factors enrolled for the 1st Semester of the Academic Year
as well as parental background, home-related issues 2022-2023 of the Urdaneta City University. The
adequacy and functionalities of school facilities, researchers used the simple random sampling to allow
reading habits of the students influences their all units of the population have an equal chance of
academic performances. being selected, and the sample size is two hundred
twenty (220) which was computed using Slovin’s
On the other hand, knowledge on the different learning formula. The questionnaire was used as the main tool
style preferences and learning behaviors of students to elicit information. It was formulated from the ideas
lead to more effective learning experiences. In fact, obtained by the researchers from the literature and
Alavi and Tokumbo (2017) concluded that having a studies which serve as well as the basis of formulating
background of the learning styles and behavior of the problem.
students can enhance their learning and at the same
time help students strengthen self-actualization. The data collected were tabulated into a contingency
Teevan, Michael and Schlesselman (2011) also table and treated with proper statistical measures. For
emphasize that knowledge of the learning styles can problem numbers 1 and 2, frequency and percentage
help facilitate teachers to employ suitable teaching were used to determine the profile of the respondents
strategies and methods to nurture students' academic as to sex, age, civil status, student classification,
performance. This will also provide both teachers and number of units enrolled, parents’ occupation, and
students positive feedback on their strengths and monthly family income and the level of the
weaknesses in the teaching and learning scenario. respondent’s academic performance. For problem
number 3, weighted mean was used on the behavioral
Thus, every school setting particularly in higher characteristics on study habits, time management,
education institutions, academic performance of attitude towards instruction, test anxiety, and attitude
students is an indicator of a quality learning towards examinations. A five-point Likert Scale was
experience and students' behavioral characteristics used in the analysis. For problem number 4, on the
should be understood. The interplay of behavioral significant difference in the respondents’ behavioral
characteristics and academic performance among characteristic across profile variables, t-test and One-
selected students enrolled in the health allied courses Way ANOVA was used. For problem number 5, the
at Urdaneta City University prompted the researcher Pearson-r formula was used on the significant
to investigate the relationship existing among these relationship between the respondents’ behavioral
variables, in which will serve as basis for the characteristics and their academic performance.
development of student’s behavior intervention plan.
A. Respondents’ Profile
The researcher used the descriptive method of The profile of the respondents includes sex, age, and,
research. The purpose of descriptive study is to civil status, parents’ occupation, monthly family
observe, describe and document aspects of a situation income, students’ classification, number of units
as it naturally occurs (Polit and Beck, 2004). Further, enrolled, and general weighted average for the 2nd
it describes with emphasis what actually exist such as semester of academic year 2021-2022.
shall enroll the subject load approved in the development of knowledge and perceptual capacities,
curriculum of the program he/she is enrolled in. No it tells a person how to learn and its connection to
student may be permitted to carry a study load more academic achievement.
than the prescribed units in his/her course (UCU
Student Manual, 2018). Table III. Behavioral Characteristics of the
Respondents in terms of Study Habits
Indicator WM DE
8) General Weighted Average 1. While I am studying, I regularly try to find out what 3.99 A
questions the instructors may ask and how they may ask
Continually, 113 or 51.4 percent of students earned examination questions.
2. I plan well in advance for the best way of handling a study 3.87 A
general weighted average of 86-90, followed by 83 or subject.
3. I review course material with my classmates while studying 3.66 A
37.7 percent 80-85 and only 1 or 0.5 percent obtained for examinations.
4. I test my knowledge before taking an examination by means 3.99 A
97-100. of mock examinations, tests, and asking questions.
5. While studying, I regularly summarize the course material in 3.99 A
my own words.
6. While I am studying, I make use of mnemonic devices. 3.86 A
Table II. Behavioral Characteristics of the 7. While studying, I highlight the important information for 4.36 A
easy access.
Respondents in terms of Academic Load 8. While studying, have everything from books to notes to 3.92 A
working tools handy.
Category Frequency Percentage
9. I put the main ideas/information/formulas into a sheet that 4.15 A
(f) (%)
can be quickly reviewed many times; this makes it easier to
Students’ Classification retain the key concepts that will be on the test.
Regular 215 97.7 10. I go over any material from practice tests, homework’s, 4.00 A
Irregular 2 1 sample problems, review material, the textbook, and class
Working Student 3 1.3 notes.
# of Units Enrolled Average Weighted Mean 3.98 A
15-17 units 119 54
18-20 units 29 13 Legend:
21-23 units 22 10 Numerical Scale Descriptive Equivalent (DE)
4.50 – 5.00 Strongly Agree (AS)
24-26 units 12 5.6
3.50 – 4.49 Agree (A)
27-29 units 38 17.4 2.50 – 3.49 Neutral (N)
General Weighted Average 1.50- 2.49 Disagreed (DA)
(GWA) 1.00- 1.49 Strongly Disagreed (SDA)
75-79 2 0.9
80-85 83 37.7
86-90 113 51.4
91-96 21 9.5
97-100 1 0.5
Continually with respect to the behavioral
Total 220 100
characteristic in terms of time management, as shown
on table 4, respondents “Agreed” with an average
B. Behavioral Characteristics of the Respondents weighted mean of 3. 63; and almost all indicators are
The behavioral characteristics of the respondents was illustrated as “Agree” except for indicators “ I find it
discussed on the succeeding table 3 to 7 which are very easy to combine my study and co-curricular
measured in terms of study habits, time management, activities” with 3.44; and “ I do not usually end up
attitude towards instructions, test anxiety, and attitude “cramming” for examination” with 3.35 both with a
towards examinations. descriptive equivalent of “Neutral”, though at time
they are fair-minded with time management but in
Table 3 shows the behavioral characteristics of the overall they acknowledge the importance of time
respondents in terms of study habits. It is observed that management. Adams (2019), expressed that time
respondents provide an average weighted mean of management has a greater connection with the
3.98 or “Agree” indicated as good behavior. academic performance and lower levels of anxiety to
Furthermore, indicator “While I am studying, I make students, and time management behavior achieved
use of mnemonic devices.” rated highest with a better grades in the program. However, time
marking of 4.36.” followed by “I put the main management behavior was not significantly different
ideas/information/formulas into a sheet that can be across gender, age, entry qualification, and time
quickly reviewed many times; this makes it easier to already spent in the program.
retain the key concepts that will be on the test” with
4.15; while “I review course material with my
classmates while studying for examinations.” least
among indicators with 3.66 or “Agree”. However, it is
notable that all indicators are describe as “Agree”
which means respondents are behaviorally upstanding
in terms of their study habits. According to Rabia
(2017) study habit significantly contributes in the
Table IV. Behavioral Characteristics of the On the other hand, table 6 displayed the behavioral
Respondents in terms of Time Management characteristics in terms of test anxiety, respondents are
1. I find it very easy to combine my study and co-curricular
one in saying that they “Neutral” with an average
2. I find it very easy to study frequently and promptly. 3.51 A
weighted mean of 3.38. This implies that they are
3. I do not usually end up ‘‘cramming’’ for examinations. 3.35 N
4. I always start preparing well in advance for an 3.68 A
uncertain in terms of test anxiety. The highest
5. I manage to budget the hours I need to study each week. 3.63 A
weighted mean of 3.81 was obtained by “I wish that
6. I begin working on semester long projects early in the
3.51 A
examinations did not bother me so much” which
7. I begin to study with the most difficult assignment first. 3.73 A
8. I set specific goals for my study period. 3.96 A means they hope examination will not cause tension.
9. During my vacant periods, I usually review or read my 3.53 A
notes. Students with high level of test anxiety obtain lower
10. I prioritize my tasks and then schedule each one at the 3.96 A
most appropriate time. score compared with students with less anxiety.
Average Weighted Mean 3.63 A
(Jamali, 2015). Moreover, it is observed that
respondents provided a descriptive equivalent in
Likewise, when it comes to their behavioral almost all indicators as “Neutral”, they are not
characteristics in terms of attitude towards instructions completely confident or sure with their acts or
as indicated in table 5, respondents provided an reactions regarding test anxiety, these are forms that
average weighted mean 3.87 or “Agree”; also, they changes the physical and mental such as nervousness,
responded all indicators as “Agree”, hence, they anxiety, restlessness and insomnia, that occurs when
acknowledge the importance of attitude towards individuals face taking exam (Guilin, 2021).
instruction to achieve the best. However, the highest
rated indicator “I get interested in the courses taught in Table VI. Behavioral Characteristics of the
the nursing profession” with 4.25; followed by “I Respondents in terms of Test Anxiety
always do my best to understand the course material Indicator WM DE
1. Thoughts of doing poorly in academics do not interfere 3.27 N
taught”, and the least “ I usually consult my instructor with my performance on examinations.
2. During examinations, I do not frequently experience 3.10 N
for consultation purposes”, it true that if interested, “mental block” that I forget facts I really know.
3. During examinations, I do not find myself thinking of 3,42 N
they are fully engaged, focused and self-driven. things unrelated to the actual study material.
4. I do not usually get very depressed after taking an 3.35 N
Gellang (2019), describes that attitude is a mindset that 5. I wish that examinations did not bother me so much. 3.81 A
6. Even when I am well prepared for a test, I do not feel very 3.34 N
affects how a person thinks and acts. It influences a anxious about it.
7. During examinations, I do not perspire a great deal. 3.30 N
person performance positively or negatively. Students 8. During examinations, I am not frequently so tense that my 3.37 N
stomach gets upset.
attitude is based on how teachers explain lessons, if 9. I do not usually feel my heart beating very fast during an 3.29 N
teacher teaches well students enjoys and are encourage 10. I can easily cope with the examination tension. 3.55 A
Average Weighted Mean 3.38 N
to listen. Students actively involves and actively
engage with topics and are responsible if motivated.
As reflected on table 7, indicator “I eliminate possible
This was supported by Jimenez (2022), statement that
answers that I know it is wrong” garnered the highest
active learning by assigning students lecture materials
weighted mean of 4.45 described as “ Agree” while “I
and presentations have a positive effect on student’s
have to come up with the answer in my head before
motivation and academic performance.
looking at the possible answers, this way the choices
given on the test won't throw me off or trick me.”
Table V. Behavioral Characteristics of the
gathered the lowest weighted mean of 3.86 described
Respondents in terms of Attitude towards
as “Agree”. Moreover, respondents “Agreed” with
Indicator WM DE their behavioral characteristics in terms of attitude
1. I get interested in the courses taught in the nursing 4.25 A
profession. towards examination as they provided an average
2. I can easily understand course material taught. 3.82 A
3. I am able to manage the academic course load so far. 3.82 A weighted mean of 3.96. Critical thinking is effective in
4. I always do my best to understand the course material 4.17 A
taught. learning, it is thinking about one’s thinking while
5. I am enjoying the classes offered in the nursing course. 4.09 A
6. I always ask clarifications to my instructors when things 3.83 A thinking in order to make thinking better and it also
is unclear.
7. I always read books and articles related to the subject 3.70 A entails self-improvement (Paul, 2022).
matter taught.
8. I usually consult the course syllabus for reference 3.64 A
9. I usually seek books that are similar to the subject matter 3.77 A
10. I usually consult my instructor for consultation 3.53 A
Average Weighted Mean 3.87 A
Table VII. Behavioral Characteristics of the Numerical Scale Descriptive Equivalent (DE)
4.50 – 5.00 Strongly Agree (AS)
3.50 – 4.49
Respondents in terms of Attitude towards 2.50 – 3.49
Agree (A)
Neutral (N)
1.50- 2.49 Disagreed (DA)
Examination 1.00- 1.49 Strongly Disagreed (SDA)
Indicator WM DE
1. I read over the whole exam before beginning to write 3.44 N
2. I answer the easy questions first. 3.87 A
C. Significant Difference in the Respondents’
3. I answer the question that has the highest value points first.
4. I have to come up with the answer in my head before
Behavioral Characteristics if grouped in terms of
looking at the possible answers, this way the choices given
on the test won't throw me off or trick me. their profile variables
5. I eliminate possible answers that I know it is wrong. 4.45 A
6. I don’t change my first answer, unless I miss-read the 3.90 A
7. I read through each statement carefully. 4.20 A The table presents the ANOVA results on the
8. I try not to leave a blank on my paper unanswered. 4.03 A
9. I answer the questions legibly so that the teacher 4.18 A significant differences in the respondents’ behavioral
understands my answer.
10. I usually find keywords before answering the test. 4.21 A characteristics if group in terms of their selected
Average Weighted Mean 3.96 A
attributes, showed no significant values on the sex
.051; parents occupation of father .714 & mother .521;
In conclusion, behavioral characteristics in this is
monthly family income .747; student classification
study is associated with the responses made by the
.962; number of units enrolled .156; General weighted
respondents within specific learning situations. As
Average for the 2nd Semester of Academic year 2021-
recorded in table 8, summary of the behavioral
2022 .6093; hence Null hypotheses was rejected;
characteristics of the respondents; when it comes to
except for age and civil status bot with .000 level of
their study habits, respondent reacted as “Agree” with
significance. However, in summary, “null hypothesis”
an average weighted mean of 3.98; meaning they
is rejected. This is because as noted most of the
accept that their actions on reading, performing
attributes showed no significance.
assignment tasks, taking notes, joining in a study
group which they regularly perform to accomplish a
Table IX. ANOVA Results on the Significant
task are effective.
Source of Variables Sum of Df Mean F-Value Significance
Squares Squares
Their concurrence is similar to their responses with Sex
Between Groups 21.226 100 .212 1.367 .051
Within Groups 18.483 119 .155
time management (3.63); attitude towards instructions Total 39.708 219
and attitude towards examinations; except for test Between Groups
Within Groups
1.953 .000
Parent’s Occupation
to test anxiety, they compose themselves to a level of Father
Between Groups 17.717 100 .177 .896 .714
Within Groups 23.533 119 .198
neutrality an absence of decided views. However, in Total 41.250 219
general they recognize the importance of behavioral Between Groups
Within Groups
.989 .521
Student’s Classification
behavioral characteristic such as their preferences Between Groups
Within Group
.708 .962
100.527 219
*= denotes significance
parents occupation father and monthly family income significant relationship between behavior and
.369; parents occupation mother and sex .191; parents’ academic performance across their profile variables in
occupation and monthly family income .369; monthly. terms of their age, sex, civil status, parent’s occupation
Family income and sex .186; monthly family income mother/father, monthly family income, student
and parents’ occupation mother .369 and father .389; classification and number of units enrolled. This study
student classification and sex .198; number of units concludes that there is a significant relationship
enrolled and parents’ occupation father .148; however between the respondent’s behavior and academic
as general it is observed that the hypotheses of no performance across their profile variables in terms of
relationship was accepted as shown majority showed their age, sex, civil status, parent’s occupation
no significant relationship. mother/father, monthly family income, student
classification and number of units enrolled. Lastly, a
Table X. Pearson-r Value on Significant Relationship proposed proficiency program was formulated to
Profile Variable Age Sex Civil Parents Monthly General
Status Occupati Father Family Weighted strengthen their behavioral and academic
on Income Average
Mother performance.
Sig.(2- 1 -.018 .640** -.123 -.127 .004 -.019
N 220
220 B. Recommendations
Advisors should go beyond the academic field and
Sig.(2- -.018 1 .085 .191** .099 -.186** .053
220 220
help students to better understand how their
Civil Status
Pearson perceptions of self-behavior and their environment
1 -.051
may affect their academic performance. Therefore, it
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
Parents Occupation
appears that advising students could expand to include
Correlation mentoring them. Academic and personal mentoring of
Sig.(2- -.127 .099 -.053 .434** 1 -.389** .054
220 220
students serves as a conduit to a healthy attitude
Correlation -.123 .191** -.051 1 .434** -.369** -.028
towards academic work, study habits, time
Sig (2- .068 .005 .452 .000 .000 .685
tailed)N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 management, attitude towards instructions, test
Monthly Family
Pearson anxiety and attitude towards examination. Moreover,
1 .101
colleges and universities should hold community
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
forums to inform parents of the important relationship
Correlation .198** -.062 -.025 -.017 .019 -.056 -.076 that exists between school performance and future,
Sig.(2- .003 .360 .717 .804 .784 .409 .263
220 220 220 220 220 220 220
undergraduate, academic achievement. Forums such
Number of Units
as these would serve to promote parental awareness,
which in turn may motivate them to help their
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
students develop strong study habits and to value
**.correlation is significant at the level of 0.05 level (2-tailed)
learning. College and university orientation sessions
should include presentations and classes on the
variables that affect grade-point averages. Students
who enroll in these sessions may develop a personal
awareness of how these variables affect their
A. Conclusions
The study findings show that the respondents are
mostly female, with the age bracket of 19-24 years old,
• Recommendations for Further Research:
single with low monthly income with non-professional
While studies have been conducted on relationship
occupation. It shows that the respondents are mostly
between behavior and academic performance of
regular students enrolled with 15-17 units with 119 or
undergraduate student of Urdaneta City University,
54 percent, followed by 29 or 13 percent enrolled 18-
further research is needed on grade-point averages.
20 units. Likewise, with respect to the respondents in
Another recommendation for further research is the
terms of their study habits, time management, attitude
investigation of academic achievement of attending
towards instructions, test anxiety, and attitude towards
institutions of Urdaneta City University, with a
examination. The study also concludes that there is a
different program course composition. It would be of
interest to study of academic achievement other than Dr. Virgilio U. Manzano, the Dean, for his
grade-point averages. Finally, it is recommended that unwavering support to all the research endeavors of
future research be devoted to a synthesis of studies of the institute.
the variables associated with academic achievement of Dr. April G. Alap, his adviser, for sharing her time in
at the graduate level rather than the undergraduate reviewing the manuscript, for giving her insights and
level which was the focus of the present study. being generous in terms of ideas on achieving the
maximum improvement of the manuscript.
• Proposed Program Academic Intervention: Dr. Alyssa Ashley R. Diego, member of examination
Academic interventions are supplemental education committee, whose constant guidance helped the
and supports that augment the general curriculum researcher in completing the study from start to finish
(normal classroom instruction) and are required to and for sharing endless advice and persistent help.
improve academic performance for some students. A Dr. Zosima C. Garin, member of examination
good academic intervention process comprises committee, for sharing her knowledge and time in
offering excellent instruction with interventions reviewing the manuscript, thus finishing this piece of
tailored to student needs, as well as regularly work better.
reviewing progress to make judgments regarding Dr. Christopher R. Bañez, member of examination
adjustments in instruction, treatments, and/or student committee, for his constant support and imposing
goals. Academic interventions are critical in ensuring stimulating questions which led to the improvement
that a student's educational performance is not of the research.
primarily based on a lack of appropriate instruction in Mr. Roniel D. Aquino, for his valuable inputs for the
reading (including the essential components: betterment of this study.
phonemic awareness; phonics; vocabulary To the researcher’s family, who has been his constant
development; reading fluency, including oral reading inspiration, he would like to express his sincere
skills; and reading comprehension strategies), appreciation for the support, motivation, and word of
proficiency. It is critical to remember that academic encouragement, for whatever the researcher’s
interventions should be provided to all students aspiration in life.
[regular education, needing intervention. To his friends, families and colleagues, immeasurable
appreciation and deepest gratitude for the assistance
• Components for successful interventions: and moral support, especially during the crucial time
1. Leadership when her study was being undertaken.
2. Teaming Last but not the least, to the Almighty God for giving
3. Professional Development the researcher chance to finish another achievement
4. Universal screening or Benchmarking in his life and for giving the peace of heart that will
5. Targeted interventions continue to strive for more.
6. Progress monitoring
7. Data based decision making REFERENCES
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