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Part 22 F

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Arab Republic of Egypt ECAR Part 22

Ministry of Civil Aviation Subpart F

23.1301 Function and installation
Each item of installed equipment must -
(a) Be of a kind and design appropriate to its intended function;
(b) Be labeled as to its identification, function, or operating limitations, or any applicable
combination of these factors;
(c) Be installed according to limitations specified for that equipment ; and
(d) Function properly when installed.

23. 1303 Flight and navigation instruments

The following are required flight and navigational instruments:
(a) An airspeed indicator;
(b) An altimeter;
(c) A magnetic direction indicator.

23. 1305 Power plant instruments

The following are required power plant instruments;
(a) A fuel quantity indicator for each fuel tank. ( See AC 23. 1305 (a));
(b) An oil pressure indicator or a low oil pressure warning for the engine except for
engines with no oil pressure systems and for the supercharger oil system if it is
separate from other oil systems;
(c) An oil temperature indicator except for two-stroke engines;
(d) A tachometer;
(e) A cylinder head temperature indicator for each air cooled engine with cowl flaps;
(f) A fuel pressure indicator or a low fuel pressure warning for pump-fed engines;
(g) A manifold pressure indicator for an engine with variable pitch propeller, or
(h) An oil quantity indicator for each tank e.g. dipstick;
(i) For supercharger installations, if limitations are established for either carburettor air
inlet temperature or exhaust gas temperature, indicators must be furnished for each
temperature for which the limitation is established unless it is shown that the
limitation will not be exceeded in all intended operations; and
(j) A coolant temperature indicator for liquid-cooled engines.

23. 1307 Miscellaneous equipment

There must be an approved seat for each occupant.

23. 1309 Equipment, systems, and installations

The equipment, systems and installation must be designed to minimize hazards to the
airplane in the event of a probable malfunction or failure.


23. 1321 Arrangement and visibility

Each flight, navigation, and power plant instrument must be clearly arranged and plainly
visible to each pilot.

23. 1322 Warning, caution, and advisory lights

If warning caution, or advisory lights are installed in the cockpit, they must be -
(a) Red, for warning lights (lights indicating a hazard which may require immediate
corrective action);
(b) Amber, for caution lights (lights indicating the possible need for future corrective
(c) Green, for safe operation lights; and
(d) Any other color, including white, for lights not described in sub-paragraphs (a) to (c)
of this paragraph , provided the color differs sufficiently from the colors prescribed in
subparagraphs (a) to (c) of this paragraph to avoid possible confusion.

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ECAR Part 22 Arab Republic of Egypt
Subpart F Ministry of Civil Aviation
23. 1323 Airspeed indicating system
(a) The airspeed indicating system must be calibrated to indicate true airspeed at seal-
level in standard atmosphere with a maximum pilot static error not exceeding ±8
km/h or ± 5% whichever is greater, through the following speed range:
(1) 1.3 Vsi to VNE, with wing - flaps retracted.
(2) 1.3 Vsi to VFE, with wing - flaps extended.
(b) Calibration must be made in flight.
(c) The airspeed indicating system must be suitable for speeds between Vso and at least
1.05 times VNE.

23. 1325 Static pressure system

(a) Each instrument provided with static pressure case connections must be vented that
the influence of aero plane speed, the opening and closing of windows, moisture or
other foreign matter, will not significantly affect the accuracy of the instruments.
(b) The design and installation of a static pressure system must be such that-
(1) Positive drainage of moisture is provided;
(2) Chafing of the tubing, and excessive distortion or restriction at bends in the
tubing, is avoided; and
(3) The materials used are durable, suitable for the purpose intended, and protected
against corrosion.

23. 1327 Magnetic direction indicator

(a) The magnetic direction indicator required must be installed so that its accuracy is not
excessively affected by the aero plane's vibration or magnetic field.
(b) The compensated installation must not have a deviation in level flight, greater than
10° on any heading except that when radio is transmitting the deviation may exceed
10° but must not exceed 15°

23. 1331 Instruments using a power supply

For each aero plane :
(a) Each gyroscopic instrument must drive its energy from power sources adequate to
maintain its required accuracy at any supply above the best rate-of-climb speed;
(b) Each gyroscopic instrument must be installed so as to prevent malfunction due to rain,
oil, and other detrimental elements.
(c) There must be a means to indicate the adequacy of the power being supplied to the

23. 1337 Power plant instruments

(a) Instruments and instrument lines
(1) Each power plant instrument line must meet the requirements of 23. 993.
(2) Each line carrying flammable fluids under pressure must -
(i) Have restricting orifices or other safety devices at the source of pressure to
prevent the escape of excessive fluid if the line fails ; and
(ii) Be installed and located so that the escape of fluids would not create a
(3) Each power plant instrument that utilizes flammable fluids must be installed and
located so that the escape of fluid would not create a hazard.
(b) Fuel quantity indicator. There must be a means to indicate to the pilot the quantity of
fuel in each tank during flight. In addition -
(1) Each fuel quantity indicator must be calibrated to read zero during level flight
when the quantity of fuel remaining in the tank is equal to the unusable fuel
supply determined under 23. 959;
(2) Each exposed sight gauge used as a fuel quantity indicator must be protected
against damage.
(3) Each sight gauge that forms a trap in which water can collect and freeze must
have means to allow drainage on the ground.
(4) Tanks with interconnected outlets and airspaces may be considered as one tank
and need not have separate indicators.
(c) Fuel flow meter system. If a fuel flow meter system is installed, each metering
component must have a means to by - pass the fuel supply if malfunctioning of that
component severely restricts fuel flow.

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Arab Republic of Egypt ECAR Part 22
Ministry of Civil Aviation Subpart F

23. 1351 general

(a) Electrical system capacity. Each electrical system must be adequate for the intended
use. In addition -
(1) Electric power sources, their transmission cables, and their associated control and
protective devices, must be able to furnish the required power at the proper
voltage to each load circuit essential for safe operation ;and
(2) Compliance with sub-paragraph (a)(1) of this paragraph must be shown by an
electrical loads analysis, or by electrical measurements, that account for the
electrical loads applied to the electrical system in probable combinations and for
probable durations.
(b) Functions. For each electrical system. the following apply ;
(1) Each system , when installed, must be -
(i) Free from hazards in itself, in its method of operation, and in its effects on
other parts of the aero plane;
(ii) Protected from fuel, oil, water, other detrimental substances, and mechanical
damage; and
(iii) So designed that the risk of electrical shock to occupants and ground
personnel is reduced to a minimum.
(2) Electric power sources must function properly when connected in combination or
independently, except that alternators may depend on a battery for initial
excitation or for stabilization.
(3) No failure or malfunction of any electric power source may impair the ability of
any remaining source to supply load circuits essential for safe operation, except
that the operation of an alternator that depends on a battery for initial excitation
or for stabilization may be stopped by failure of that battery.
(4) Each electric power source control must allow the independent operation of each
source, except that controls associated with alternators that depend on a battery
for initial excitation or for stabilization need not break the connection between
the alternator and its battery.
(c) Generating system there must be at least one generator if the electrical system
supplies power to load circuit's essential for safe operation In addition -
(1) Each generator must be able to deliver its continuous rated power;
(2) Generator voltage control equipment must be able to dependably regulate
generator output within rated linnets:
(3) Each generator must have a reverse current cutout designed to disconnect the
generator from the battery and from the other generators when enough reverse
current exists to damage that generator;
(4) There must be a means to give immediate warning to the pilot of a failure of any
generator ; and
(5) Each generator must have an over voltage control designed and installed to
prevent damage to the electrical system, or to equipment supplied by the
electrical system, that could result if that generator were to develop an over
voltage condition
(d) Instruments There must be a means to indicate to the pilot that the electrical power
supplies are adequate for safe operation for direct current systems, an ammeter in the
battery feeder may be used.
(e) Fire resistance. Electrical equipment must be so designed and installed that in the
event of a fire in the engine compartment, during which the surface of the firewall
adjacent to the fire is heated to 1100°C for 5 minutes or to a lesser temperature
substantiated by the applicant, the equipment essential to continued safe operation
and located behind the firewall function satisfactorily and will not create an additional
fire hazard. This may be shown by test or analysis.
(f) External power. If provisions are made for connecting external power to the aero
plane. and that external power can be electrically connected to equipment other than
that used for engine starting, means must be provided to ensure that no external
power supply having a reverse polarity, or a reverse phase sequence, can supply
power to the aero plane's electrical system .

23. 1353 Storage battery design and installation

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ECAR Part 22 Arab Republic of Egypt
Subpart F Ministry of Civil Aviation
(a) Each storage battery must be designed and installed as prescribed in this paragraph.
(b) Safe cell temperatures and pressures must be maintained during any probable charging
and discharging condition. No uncontrolled increase in cell temperature may result
when the battery is recharged (after previous complete discharge) -
(1) At maximum regulated voltage or power;
(2) During a flight of maximum duration; and
(3) Under the most adverse cooling condition likely to occur in service.
(c) Compliance with sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph must be shown by tests unless
experience with similar batteries and installations has shown that maintaining safe cell
temperatures and pressures presents no problem.
(d) No explosive or toxic gases emitted by any battery in normal operation. or as the
result of any probable malfunction in the charging system or battery installation, may
accumulate in hazardous quantities within the aero plane.
(e) No corrosive fluids or gases that may escape from the battery may damage
surrounding structures or adjacent essential equipment.
(f) Each nickel cadmium battery installation capable of being used to start an engine or
auxiliary power unit must have provisions to prevent any hazardous effect on
structure or essential systems that may be caused by the maximum amount of heat
the battery can generate during a short circuit of the battery or its individual cells.
(g) Nickel cadmium battery installations capable of being used to start an engine or
auxiliary power unit must have-
(1) A system to control the charging rate of the battery automatically so as to
prevent battery;
(2) A battery temperature sensing and over-temperature warning system with a
means for disconnecting the battery from its charging source in the event of an
over-temperature condition; or
(3) A battery failure sensing and warning system with a means for disconnecting the
battery from its charging source in the event of battery failure.

23. 1357 Circuit protective devices

(a) Protective devices, such as fuses or circuit breakers, must be installed in all electrical
circuits other than:
(1) The main circuit of starter motors; and
(2) Circuits in which no hazard is presented by their omission.
(b) A protective for a circuit essential to flight safety may not be used to protect any
other circuit.
(c) Each reset table circuit protective device (trip free’ device in which the tripping
cannot be overridden by the operating control) must be designed so that -
(1) A mutual operation required to restore service after tripping; and
(2) If an overload or circuit fault exists, the device will open the circuit regardless of
the position of the operating control.
(d) If the ability to reset a circuit breaker or replace a fuse is essential to safety in flight,
that circuit breaker or fuse must be so located and identified that it can be readily
reset or replaced in flight.
(e) If fuses are used, there must be one spare of each rating, or 5o % spare fusers of
rating, whichever is greater.

23. 1361 Master switch arrangement

(a) There must be a master switch or switches arranged to allow ready disconnection of
all electric power sources. The point of disconnection must be adjacent the sources
controlled by the switch.
(b) The master switch arrangement must be so installed that it is easily discernible and
accessible to the pilot in flight,

23. 1365 Electric cables and equipment

(a) Each electric connecting cable must be of adequate capacity.
(b) Each cable and associated equipment that would overheat in the event of circuit
overload or fault must be at least flame resistant and may not emit dangerous
quantities of toxic fumes.

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Arab Republic of Egypt ECAR Part 22
Ministry of Civil Aviation Subpart F
23. 1367 Switches
Each switch must be-
(a) Able to carry its rated current;
(b) Constructed with enough distance or insulating material between current carrying
parts and the housing so that vibration in flight will not cause shorting;
(c) Accessible to the pilot; and
(d) Lapelled as to operation and the circuit controlled.


23. 1384 External lights

If external lights are installed they must comply with the applicable paragraphs of sections


23. 1411 General

(a) When safety equipment is installed it must be readily accessible; and
(b) Stowage provisions for that equipment must be furnished and must-
(1) Be arranged so that the equipment is directly accessible and its location is
obvious; and
(2) Protect the safety equipment from damage caused by being subjected to the
inertia loads specified in 23. 561.

23. 1431 Electronic equipment
Electronic equipment and installations must be free from hazards in themselves, in their
method of operation, and in their effects on other components.

23. 1436 Hydraulic manually-powered brake systems

(a) Each hydraulic manually-powered brake system and its elements must withstand
without yielding, the structural loads expected, in addition to hydraulic loads.
(b) A means to verify the quantity of hydraulic fluid in the system must be provided.
(c) There must be means to prevent excessive pressure resulting from fluid volumetric
(d) Tests. It must be shown by tests that:
(1) The system is fully efficient when it has to transmit the maximum pilot force to
which it can be submitted.
(2) There is no permanent deformation or leakage, when the system is submitted to
the maximum pilot force. (See 23. 405.) (See AC 23. 1436.)

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