Specification No. 10A United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority
Specification No. 10A United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority
Specification No. 10A United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority
United Kingdom
Specification No. 10A Civil Aviation Authority
Issue: 1
1 Introduction
2 Applicability
3 Requirements
3.1 General
3.2 Equipment Approval
3.3 Installation Approval
3.4 Information to be Recorded
3.5 Maintenance and Calibration
Appendix 1 Parameter Tables
Appendix 1 Reference Documents
1 Introduction
1.1 Schedule 4, Scale S of the United Kingdom Air Navigation Order 1989, as amended,
(Reference (a)) requires that certain categories of aeroplane be equipped with a flight
data recorder system of a type approved by the CAA for the purposes of accident
1.2 Flight data recorder systems installed in aeroplanes in compliance with the Order shall
comply with this Specification or such other specifications as the CAA may approve.
Alternative specifications shall provide at least an equivalent standard of performance
and crash survivability and shall comply with the particular requirements of the Order.
1.3 This Specification No. 10A is based on, and must be used in conjunction with,
EUROCAE Minimum Operational Performance Specification (MOPS), No. ED-55
(Reference (b)).
1.4 Where reference is made in this Specification to a cockpit voice recorder system, it shall
be understood to mean a system approved by CAA in accordance with either CAA
Specification No. 11 (Reference (c)) or EUROCAE Minimum Operational Performance
Requirement No. ED-56 (Reference (d)).
The latest version of this document is available in electronic format at www.caa.co.uk, where you may also register
for e-mail notification of amendments.
Printed copy is available from: TSO, PO Box 29, Norwich NR3 1GN www.tso.co.uk/bookshop
Telephone: 0870 600 5522 e-mail: book.orders@tso.co.uk Fax orders: 0870 600 5533
1.5 For the purposes of this Specification, a flight data recorder system may comprise the
following equipment:
a) transducers and sensors which provide data for the flight recording function,
b) data acquisition and processing equipment which provide the interface between
input sensors, transducers, aeroplane systems and the crash protected recorder,
c) for affected aeroplanes over 27 000 kg MTWA, a non-deployable, crash protected,
flight data recorder capable of preserving the information recorded during the last
25 hours of its operation with sufficient memory capacity for at least parameters
1 to 32 of Table A1-1 of EUROCAE MOPS ED-55 e.g. EUROCAE FDR Class Al,
d) for affected aeroplanes over 5700 kg and up to and including 27 000 kg MTWA, a
non-deployable, crash protected, flight data recorder capable of preserving the
information recorded during the last 25 hours of its operation with sufficient
memory capacity for at least parameters 1 to 17 of Table A1-1 of EUROCAE
MOPS ED-55 e.g. EUROCAE FDR Class A2,
e) for affected aeroplanes of 5700 kg MTWA or less, either:
i) a non-deployable, crash protected, flight data recorder capable of preserving
the information recorded during at least the last 5 hours of its operation with
sufficient memory capacity for at least the parameters defined in Table A1-3
ii) a combination of a non-deployable crash protected, flight data recorder
capable of preserving the information recorded during the last 30 minutes of
its operation (e.g. the cockpit voice recorder with data recorded on one track)
together with a 5 hour duration deployable flight data recorder capable of
preserving the recording under conditions of its deployment and subsequent
landing and having sufficient memory capacity for at least the parameters
defined in Table A1-3 of EUROCAE MOPS ED-55, or
iii) a combined cockpit voice recorder/flight data recorder where the flight data
recorder element corresponds with that defined in paragraph 1.5 e) i).
NOTE: The design of the cockpit voice recorder erase feature will need to ensure that, when
used, the flight data record is not affected.
f) ancillary equipment including, where relevant, underwater locating beacons, radio
beacons, crash sensors, deployment mechanisms and batteries dedicated to the
flight recorder system.
NOTE: Specification No. 10A is thus applicable to certain categories of aeroplane where the
individual Certificate of Airworthiness is issued (whether in the UK or elsewhere) on or
after 1 June 1990. However, by virtue of the exemption issued on 1 June 1990,
compliance may be delayed until 11 October 1991 subject to the terms of exemption.
2.4 It is not intended that aeroplanes in compliance, prior to 1 June 1990 with the
requirements stated in paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2, should be re-investigated. However,
when modifications are made to such aeroplanes, it is strongly recommended that
consideration be given to full or partial compliance with the additional requirements of
Specification No. 10A. In some cases, where significant modifications are made to the
aeroplane, e.g. new engines with full authority digital engine control or the introduction
of electronic flight displays in lieu of mechanical instruments, the CM may require
compliance with this Specification as a Special Condition of approval of the modification.
NOTE: Equivalent requirements for flight recorder systems in helicopters are given in CM
Specification No. 18.
3 Requirements
3.1 General
Reference must be made to EUROCAE MOPS ED-55 which gives details of the
Operational Requirements to be met together with Equipment and Installation
standards and associated guidance material.
3.2 Equipment Approval
3.2.1 The crash protected recorder or the deployable recorder, as the case may be, must be
of a type approved by CM. Application for approval will need to be made by the equip-
ment manufacturer using either the Accessory Procedure (UK products) or the Appli-
ance Registration Procedure (non UK products).
3.2.2 With the exception of the equipment defined in 3.2.1, for approval of other items of
equipment used in the flight data recorder system e.g. the data acquisition unit, applica-
tion for approval may be made by the installer using the Component Procedure, or by
the equipment manufacturer using either the Accessory Procedure or the Appliance
Registration Procedure whichever is applicable.
3.2.3 Flight data recording equipment will be eligible for approval in accordance with this
Specification provided that compliance is shown with the equipment standards stated
3.3.2 A reference document, applicable to the equipment and its installation in each aeroplane
to be approved, shall be compiled and submitted to the CM. The document shall provide
details of the conversion data and logic required for translation of the data held in mem-
ory to parameters expressed in engineering units.
3.4 Information to be Recorded
3.4.1 Aeroplanes over 27 000 kg MTWA
Where compliance with Scale S(vi) of Schedule 4 of the Order is required, parameters
1 to 32, as defined in Table A1-1 of EUROCAE MOPS ED-55, shall be recorded. Where
spare recording capacity exists and where it can be accomplished with reasonable
practicality, the additional recommended parameters of Table A1-5. where relevant,
should be recorded.
3.4.2 Aeroplanes over 5700 kg and up to and including 27 000 kg MTWA
Where compliance with Scale S(v) of Schedule 4 of the Order is required, parameters 1
to 17 of Table A1-l of EUROCAE MOPS ED-55 shall be recorded. Where spare recording
capacity exists and where it can be accomplished with reasonable practicality, the
remainder of the parameters of Table A1-1 together with the recommended parameters
of Table A1-5, where relevant, should be recorded.
3.4.3 Aeroplanes of 5700 kg MTWA or less powered by 2 or more turbine engines and
certified to carry more than 9 passengers
Where compliance with Scale S(iv) of Schedule 4 of the Order is required, the
parameters of Table A1-3 of EUROCAE MOPS ED-55 shall be recorded. Where spare
recording capacity exists and where it can be accomplished with reasonable practicality,
the recommended parameters of Table A1-5, where relevant, should be recorded.
NOTES: 1) In accordance with paragraph 2.5.2 of EUROCAE MOPS ED-55, the CM may
require additional parameters to be recorded for any novel or unique design
or operational characteristic of the aeroplane.
2) The foregoing referenced parameter tables are reproduced in Appendix 1 to
this Specification.
Appendix 1
Parameter Tables
Accuracy Limits
Sampling Minimum
Serial (Sensor Input
Parameter Range Interval in Resolution in Remarks
No. compared to FDR
seconds read out
read out)
1a Time 24 hours 4 0.125% per hour 1 second (a) UTC time preferred
or where available.
1b Relative Time 0 to 4095 4 0.125% per hour (b) Counter increments each 4
Count seconds of system operation.
2 Pressure Altitude -1000ft to maximum 1 100ft to 700ft 5ft See paragraph A1.5.1
certificated altitude of ED-55.
of aircraft + 5000ft See Table A1.10
3 Indicated 50kt or minimum value 1 5% 1kt (0.5kt See paragraph A1.5.1 of ED-
Airspeed from installed pitot recommended) 55.
static system to Max
Max VSO to 1.2 VD 3%
Accuracy Limits
Sampling Minimum
Serial (Sensor Input
Parameter Range Interval in Resolution in Remarks
No. compared to FDR
seconds read out
read out)
8 Manual Radio Discrete(s) 1 - - Preferably each crew member
Transmission Key- but one discrete acceptable
ing for all transmissions provided
the CVR/FDR system
complies with paragraph 4.2.1
of ED-55.
9a Propulsive thrust/ Full range Each engine 2% O.2% of full Sufficient parameters
power on each each second range e.g. EPR/N1 or Torque/. Np as
engine appropriate to the particular
engine must be recorded to
determine power in both
normal and reverse thrust. A
margin for possible overspeed
should be provided.
9b Cockpit thrust/ Full range Each lever each 2% or sufficient to 2% of full range Parameter 9b must be
power lever second determine any gated recorded for aeroplanes with
position position. non-mechanically linked
cockpit - engine controls,
otherwise recommended.
10 Trailing edge flap or Full range or each dis- 2 3 or as pilot's indica- 0.5% of full Flap position and cockpit
cockpit control crete position tor and sufficient to range control, may each be sampled
selection determine each dis- at 4 second intervals so as to
crete position give a data point each 2
Accuracy Limits
Sampling Minimum
Serial (Sensor Input
Parameter Range Interval in Resolution in Remarks
No. compared to FDR
seconds read out
read out)
11 Leading edge flap Full range or each dis- 1 3 or as pilot's 0.5% of full Left and right sides, or flap
or cockpit control crete position indicator and sufficient range and cockpit control, may each
selection to determine each be sampled at 2 second
discrete position intervals so as to give a data
point each second.
12 Thrust reverse Turbo-jet - stowed, in Each reverser - - Turbo-jet - 2 discretes enable
status transit and reverse each second the 3 states to be
Turbo-prop - reverse determined.
Turbo-prop - 1 discrete.
13 Ground Spoiler Full range or each dis- 0.5 2% unless higher 0.2% of full Sufficient to determine use of
position and/or crete position accuracy uniquely range the cockpit selector and the
speed brake required subsequent activation and
selection positions of the surfaces.
14 Total or outside air -50C to +90 C or avail- 2 2C 0.3C
temperature able sensor range
15 Autopilot/ A suitable combination 1 - - Discretes should show which
Autothrottle/ of discretes systems are engaged and
AFCS mode and which primary modes are
engagement controlling the flight path and
status speed of the aircraft.
16 Longitudinal 1'g' 0.25 1.5% of maximum 0.004'g' The acceleration resolution
Acceleration range excluding a may be rounded from 0.004
Accuracy Limits
Sampling Minimum
Serial (Sensor Input
Parameter Range Interval in Resolution in Remarks
No. compared to FDR
seconds read out
read out)
17 Lateral 1'g' 0.25 1.5% of maximum 0.004'g' The acceleration resolution
Acceleration range excluding a may be rounded from 0.004
datum error of 5% to 0.01'g' subject to compli-
ance with paragraph A1.5.2 of
18 Primary Flight Full range 2 unless higher 0.2% of full * For aeroplanes that can
Controls - accuracy uniquely range demonstrate the capability of
Control surface required deriving either the control
positions and/ or* input or control movement
pilot input (one from the other) for all
modes of operation and flight
regimes, the 'or' applies. For
aeroplanes with non-mechani-
cal control systems the 'and'.
applies. See paragraph A1.5.3
of ED-55.
18a pitch axis 0.25
18b roll axis 0.25
18c yaw axis 0.5 For multiple or split surfaces,
a suitable combination of
inputs is acceptable in lieu of
recording each surface
Accuracy Limits
Sampling Minimum
Serial (Sensor Input
Parameter Range Interval in Resolution in Remarks
No. compared to FDR
seconds read out
read out)
20 Radio Altitude -20ft to +2500ft 1 As installed. 2ft or 1ft below 500ft, For autoland/category
3% whichever is 1ft + 0.5% of 3 operations, each radio
- greater below 500ft full range above altimeter should be recorded,
and 5% above 500ft 500ft but arranged such that at least
recommended. one is recorded each second.
21 Vertical beam 1 As installed. 0.3% of full See paragraph A1.5.4 of
deviation 3% recommended. range ED-55. For sutoland and cate-
gory 3 operations, each
21a ILS Glide path 0.22 DDM or available
system should be recorded
sensor range as installed
but arranged such that at least
21b MLS Elevation 0.9 to +30 degrees one is recorded each second.
22 Horizontal Beam 1 As installed. 0.3% of full See parameter 21 remarks.
deviation 3% recommended. range
22a ILS Localiser 0.22 DDM or available
sensor range as installed
22b MLS Azimuth 62 degrees
23 Marker beacon Discrete(s) 1 - - A single discrete is
passage acceptable for all markers.
24 Warnings Discretes 1 - - A discrete must be recorded
for the master warning. Each
'red' warning (including lava-
Accuracy Limits
Sampling Minimum
Serial (Sensor Input
Parameter Range Interval in Resolution in Remarks
No. compared to FDR
seconds read out
read out)
25 Reserved This parameter serial number
is used by ICAO for navigation
receiver frequency selection
which is included in the rec-
ommended list of Table A1.5.
26 Reserved This parameter serial number
is used by ICAO for DME Dis-
tance which is included in the
recommended parameters of
Table A1.5.
27 Landing gear squat Discrete(s) 1 (0.25 - - Discretes should be recorded
switch status or air recommended for the nose and main landing
- ground status for main gears) gears.
28 Ground proximity Discretes 1 - - A suitable combination of dis-
warning system cretes unless recorder capac-
ity is limited in which case a
single discrete for all modes
is acceptable.
29 Angle of attack As installed 0.5 As installed 0.3% of full If left and right sensors are
range available, each may be
recorded at 1 second intervals
so as to give a data point each
Accuracy Limits
Sampling Minimum
Serial (Sensor Input
Parameter Range Interval in Resolution in Remarks
No. compared to FDR
seconds read out
read out)
31 Groundspeed As installed 1 Data should be 1kt Additional recommended
obtained from the most navigation parameters are
accurate system. given in Table A1.5.
32 Landing gear or Discrete(s) 4 - - A suitable combination of
gear selector discretes should be recorded.
Recording of the parameters listed in Table A1.5, where relevant, will need to be considered in accordance with paragraphs 2.5.2, 3.1.6, 3.1.7
and A1.5.5 of ED-55.
Accuracy Limits
Sampling Minimum
Serial (Sensor Input
Parameter Range Interval in Resolution in Remarks
No. compared to FDR
seconds read out
read out)
1 Relative Time 0 to 4095 4 0.125% per hour one second Counter increments every 4
Count seconds of system operation.
2 Pressure Altitude -1000ft to maximum 1 100ft to 700ft 25ft See paragraph A1.5.1 of ED-
certificated 55.
altitude of aircraft See table A1.10
3 Indicated 50kt to 1.2 VD or range 1 5% or l0kts 2 knots below See paragraph A1.5.1
Airspeed available from installed whichever is the greater 175 KIAS other- of ED-55.
system wise 1% of full
4 Heading 360 degrees 1 +5 degrees 1 degree
5 Normal -3'g' to +6'g' 0.125 0.2'g' in addition 0.01'g' The resolution may be
Acceleration to a maximum offset of rounded to 0.03'g'
0.3'g' subject to compliance with
paragraph A1.5.2 of ED-55.
6 Pitch Attitude 100% of usable range 0.25 2 degrees 0.8 degrees
7 Roll Attitude 60 degrees or 100% of 0.5 2 degrees 0.8 degrees
usable range whichever
is greater
8 Manual Radio Discrete 1 - - Preferably each crew member
Accuracy Limits
Sampling Minimum
Serial (Sensor Input
Parameter Range Interval in Resolution in Remarks
No. compared to FDR
seconds read out
read out)
9a Propulsive Full range Each engine 5%. 1% of full range Sufficient parameters e.g.
thrust/power on each second EPR/NI or Torque/NP as
each engine appropriate to the particular
engine must be recorded to
enable power in both normal
and reverse thrust to be
determined. A margin for
possible overspeed should be
provided. Data may be
obtained from ,cockpit
indicators used for aircraft
9b Cockpit thrust,/ Full range Each lever , 2% or sufficient 2% of full Parameter 9b is required with
Power lever posi- each second ; to determine .any gated range non-mechanically linked cock-
tion position pit - engine controls, other-
wise recommended.
10 Trailing edge flap or Full range or each 2 3 1% of full Cockpit control and flap posi-
cockpit control discrete position range tion may each be sampled at
selection 4 second intervals so as to
give a data point each
2 seconds.
11 Leading edge Full range or each dis- 1 3 1% of full Left and right sides, or cockpit
crete position range control and flap, may be
flaps or cockpit
Accuracy Limits
Sampling Minimum
Serial (Sensor Input
Parameter Range Interval in Resolution in Remarks
No. compared to FDR
seconds read out
read out)
12 Thrust reverse Turbo-jet - stowed Each - -
status or full reverse reverser
Turbo-prop - reverse each second
13 Ground Spoiler Full range or each 1 2% unless higher 1% of full range Sufficient to determine use of
and/or speed brake discrete position accuracy uniquely the cockpit selector and the
selection - required. subsequent activation and
positions of the surfaces.
14 Total or outside air Sensor range 4 2 degrees 1 degree
15 Autopilot/ Discrete(s) 1 - - Where practicable, discretes
sutothrottle should show which primary
engagement modes are controlling the
status flight path and speed of the
16 Angle of attack -20 to +40 degrees or 1 2 degrees 0.8% This parameter should be
available sensor range recorded if a suitable sensor
is available.
17 Longitudinal 1'g' 0.25 1.5% of full range 0.01'g'
Acceleration excluding datum error
(Body axis) of 5%
Accuracy Limits
Sampling Minimum
Serial (Sensor Input
Parameter Range Interval in Resolution in Remarks
No. compared to FDR
seconds read out
read out)
1 Navigation Data As installed Data should-be Where capacity permits,
obtained from the most latitude/longitude resolution
1a Drift Angle 4 0.1 degree
accurate system as should be 0.0002 degrees.
1b Wind Speed 4 installed. 1 knot
1c Wind Direction 4 1 degree
1d Latitude/Longitude 4 0.002 degrees
2 Metered brake As installed 1 As installed To determine braking effort
pressure/brake applied by pilots or by
pedal position autobrakes.
3 Additional Engine As installed Each Engine As installed The preferred priority is
Parameters Each Second EPR/N1 Indicated vibration
level, N2, EGT, TLA, fuel flow
and fuel cut-off lever position.
4 TCAS Discrete(s) The recording of at least the
Resolution Advisory is
strongly recommended.
4a Traffic Advisory 1
4b Resolution 1
5 Windshear Discrete 1
1 June 1990
Accuracy Limits
Sampling Minimum
Serial (Sensor Input
Parameter Range Interval in Resolution in Remarks
No. compared to FDR
seconds read out
read out)
6 Selected As installed 64 As installed 1 mb Where practicable, a
barometric sampling interval of 4
setting seconds is recommended.
6a Pilot
6b First Officer
7 Selected Altitude As installed 1 As installed 100 ft Where capacity is limited a
sampling interval of 64
seconds is permissible.
7a Manual 1
7b Automatic
8 Selected Speed As installed 1 As installed 1Kt Where capacity is limited a
sampling interval of 64
seconds is permissible.
8a Manual
8b Automatic
9 Selected Mach As installed 1 As installed 0.01 Where capacity is limited a
sampling interval of 64
seconds is permissible.
9a Manual
Accuracy Limits
Sampling Minimum
Serial (Sensor Input
Parameter Range Interval in Resolution in Remarks
No. compared to FDR
seconds read out
read out)
10 Selected Vertical As installed 1 As installed 100ft/min Where capacity is limited a
sampling interval of 64
Speed seconds is permissible.
10a Manual
10b Automatic
11 Selected Heading 360 degrees 1 As installed 1 degree Where capacity is limited a
sampling interval of 64
seconds is permissible.
12 Selected Flight 1 As installed 1 ft Where capacity is limited a
Path sampling interval of 64
seconds is permissible.
12a Course/DSTRK 360 degrees 1 degree
12b Path Angle As installed 0.1 degrees
13 Selected 0-500 ft 64 As installed 1 ft
Decision Height
14 EFIS Display Discrete(s) 4 - - Discretes should show the
Format display system status e.g. off,
normal, fail, composite, sec-
14a Pilot
tor, plan, rose, nav aids, wxr,
14b First Officer range, copy.
Accuracy Limits
Sampling Minimum
Serial (Sensor Input
Parameter Range Interval in Resolution in Remarks
No. compared to FDR
seconds read out
read out)
15 Multi-function/ Discrete(s) 4 - - Discretes should show the
Engine/Alerts display system status e.g. off,
Display format normal, fail and the identity of
display pages for emergency
procedures, check lists.
Information in checklists and
procedures need not be
16 DME 1 and 2 0-200NM 4 As installed 1NM A sampling interval of
Distance 64 seconds is acceptable
where other navigation
parameters are recorded.
17 AC Electrical Discrete(s) 4
Bus Status
18 DC Electrical Discrete(s) 4
Bus Status
19 Engine Bleed Discrete(s) 4
Valve Position
20 APU Bleed Discrete(s) 4
Valve Position
21 Computer Failure Discrete(s) 4 Critical Flight and Engine Con-
Accuracy Limits
Sampling Minimum
Serial (Sensor Input
Parameter Range Interval in Resolution in Remarks
No. compared to FDR
seconds read out
read out)
24 Computed Centre As installed 64 As installed 1% of full range
of Gravity
25 Fuel Quantity in CG As installed 64 As installed 1% of
Trim Tank maximum
26 Head up Display Discrete(s) 64
in use
27 Para Visual Discrete(s) 1
Display on
28 Navigation Sufficient to determine 4 As installed - An offset value or channel
Receiver selected frequency counter would be acceptable.
Frequency The frequency to be recorded
Selection should be that associated
with the information displayed
to the pilot.
29 Helicopter Health As installed - As installed - Principal HUMS parameters
and Usage as available including Main
and Tail Rotor vibration.
Monitor System
30 Event Marker Discrete 1 - - From cockpit switch.
EUROCAE MOPS ED-55 TABLE A1.6 - Sample Data Frame Structure for Aeroplanes Based on Word Rate of 64 Per Second
1 1 / 9 / 17 / 25 / 33 / 41 / 49 Sup frame 57 Sup frame
2 Synch Mag/true LE Flap / Lateral Drift NAV 1 Frq FrameCount
3 Workd Heading Position / Deviation Angle LatLg MSP Long LSP
4 / / / / / / NAV 2 Frq Time MSP
1 2 / 10 / 18 / 26 / 34 / 42 / 50 Sup frame 58 /
2 Brakes L/R Indicated Pitch Radio Vertical Ground DME 1 Pressure
3 Pressure Airspeed Trim Altitude Deviation Speed Time LSP Alt-Fine
4 / / / / / / DME 2 /
1 3 / 11 / 19 P Alt Crs 27 / 35 / 43 / 51 Sup frame 59 /
2 Angle of Discretes TE Flap Discretes Angle of Discretes OAT Discretes
3 Attack 1 P Alt Crs 2 Attack 3 Lat LSP 4
4 / / TE Flap / / / OAT /
1 4 / 12 / 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 / 52 / 60 /
2 Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
3 Acceln Acceln Acceln Acceln Acceln Acceln Acceln Acceln
4 / / / / / / / /
1 5 / 13 / 21 / 29 / 37 / 45 / 53 / 61 /
2 Long Pitch Long Pitch Long Pitch Long Pitch
3 Acceln Attitude Acceln Attitude Acceln Attitude Acceln Attitude
4 / / / / / / / /
1 6 / 14 / 22 / 30 / 38 / 46 / 54 / 62 /
2 Lateral Roll Lateral Rudder Lateral Roll Lateral Rudder
3 Acceln Attitude Acceln Position Acceln Attitude Acceln Pedals
4 / / / / / / / /
1 7 / 15 / 23 / 31 / 39 / 47 / 55 / 63 /
2 Elevator Aileron Control Control Elevator Aileron Control Control
2 Engine 1 Engine TLA Engine 3 Other data Engine 2 Engine TLA Engine 4 Other data
3 Power 1&4 Power - engines Power 2&3 Power - engines
4 / / / / / / / /
EUROCAE MOPS ED-55 TABLE A1.7 - Sample Data Frame Structure for Aeroplanes Based on Word Rate of 128 Per Second
1 1 Sync 17 Oil Temp 1 33 Oil Px 1 49 Oil Qty 1 65 81 Sup frame 1 97 Sup frame 2 113 Pres Alt C
2 Sync Oil Temp 2 Oil Px 2 Oil Qty 2 Reserved Spare Nav 1 frq Frame Count
3 Sync Oil Temp 3 Oil Px 3 Oil Qty 3 (Sync) Time MSP Lat Ing MSP Pres Alt C
4 Sync Oil Temp 4 Oil Px 4 Oil Qty 4 EFIS Mode Nav 2 Frq MFD mode
2 Time 18 Heading 34 Spare 50 Radio 66 Spare 82 Drift 98 Latitude 114 Pressure
LSP Altitude Angle LSP Alt-Fine
3 Brakes L 19 Indicated 35 Pitch 51 Lateral 67 Brakes R 83 Ground 99 Longtude 115 Outside
Pressure Airspeed Trim Deviation Pressure Speed LSP Air Temp
4 Spoilers 20 Angle of 36 LE Flaps 52 Vertical 68 Spoilers 84 Angle of 100 TE Flaps 116 Vertical
Left Attack Position Deviation Right Attack Position Speed
5 Normal 21 Normal 37 Normal 53 Normal 69 Normal 85 Normal 101 Normal 117 Normal
Acceln Acceln Acceln Acceln Acceln Acceln Acceln Acceln
6 Long 22 Pitch 38 Long 54 Pitch 70 Long 86 Pitch 102 Long 118 Pitch
Acceln Attitude Acceln Attitude Acceln Attitude Acceln Attitude
7 Lateral 23 Roll 39 Lateral 55 Rudder 71 Lateral 87 Roll 103 Lateral 119 Rudder
Acceln Attitude Accel'n Position Accel'n Attitude Accel'n Pedals
8 Elevator 24 Aileron 40 Control 56 Control 72 Elevator 88 Aileron 104 Control 120 Control
Left Left Column Wheel Right Right Column Wheel
9 Discretes 25 Discretes 41 Discretes 57 Discretes 73 Discretes 89 Discretes 105 Discretes 121 Discretes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 Engine 1 26 Engine 4 42 Engine 2 58 Engine 1 74 Engine 3 90 Engine 2 106 Engine 4 122 Engine 3
TLA Command TLA Command TLA Command TLA Command
11 Engine 1 27 Engine 4 43 Engine 2 59 Engine 1 75 Engine 3 91 Engine 2 107 Engine 4 123 Engine 3
12 Engine 1 28 Engine 4 44 Engine 2 60 Engine 1 76 Engine 3 92 Engine 2 108 Engine 4 124 Engine 3
13 Engine 1 29 Engine 4 45 Engine 2 61 Engine 1 77 Engine 3 93 Engine 2 109 Engine 4 125 Engine 3
N3 Fuel Flow N3 Fuel Flow N3 Fuel Flow N3 Fuel Flow
Speed Distance C of G
16 Baroset 32 Altitude 48 Speed 64 Heading 80 Baroset 96 Course 112 DH 128 EPR
Pilot Select Select Select Co pilot Select Select Target
All Sub-frames per word allocated to same parameter unless different parameter shown for individual sub-frames.
SF: Sub-Frame WD: Word
1 June 1990
Reference Documents
a) UK Air Navigation Order, 1989.
c) CAA Specification No. 11, Issue 3, August 1983 : Cockpit Voice Recorder Systems.
e) CAA Specification No. 12, Issue 1, May 1974 : Underwater Locating Devices
g) CAA Specification No. 10, Issue 1, May 1974 : Flight Data Recorder Systems.
i) British Civil Airworthiness Requirements, Section A, Issue 1, (CAP 553), Chapter A4-8,
Design Approval of Aircraft Components, Equipment and Accessories.
j) British Civil Airworthiness Requirement, Section B, Issue 1, (CAP 554), Chapter B4-8,
Design Approval of Aircraft Components, Equipment and Accessories.
k) FAA Docket No. 25530, July 11, 1988 : Cockpit Voice Recorders and Flight Recorders;
Final Rule.
m) ICAO Annex 6, Part I: International Commercial Air Transport - Aeroplanes, and Part II:
International General Aviation - Aeroplanes.
NOTES:1)ICAO and CAA documents are obtainable from The Civil Aviation Authority, Printing
and Publication Services, Greville House, 37 Gratton Road, Cheltenham
GL50 2BN, England.
2) EUROCAE documents are obtainable from EUROCAE, 11 Rue Hamelin, 75783 Paris
Cedex 16, France.
3) FAA documents are obtainable from FAA Office Airworthiness, Aircraft Engineering
Division, (AIR-100), Independence Avenue, SW., Washington DC, 20591 USA.