Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the leaners are expected to:
A. provide answer on the following questions from the story “The Golden Goose”
B. identify noun as part of speech
C. classify the two kinds of noun – the common and the proper noun
D. accomplish all the activities creatively and responsibly
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
Good morning class! - Good morning ma’am! Good morning
How are you today? - We’re fine ma’am.
c. Classroom Management
Before we start the class, I want you
1. Sit properly.
2. Keep all things that are not
needed in the subject.
3. Minimize the noise and listen
Is that clear?
B. Motivation
Before everything else, can you tell me
the food you usually eat on breakfast?
- I eat hotdog and egg on breakfast.
- I eat banana on breakfast.
- I drink milk.
Wow, that sounds delicious.
Correct! How about this animal? - It’s a lion. It eats other animals.
Very good! And what about this animal? - Ma’am, it’s a dog. It eats bone, meat, and
some vegetables and fruits.
Very good class! The goat, lion, and dog
are just some of my animal friends.
Do you have animal friends as well? - Yes ma’am. We have pets at home and
we treat them as friends and family.
That’s great! What are the things you do
to take care of your animal pets? - I give them food and water.
- I take them to bath.
That’s a great job.
Alright class, let’s watch a short clip of
other animals and the food they eat.
Are you ready? - Yes ma’am.
Why did you say so? - Because just like omnivore animals, we
eat vegetables, fruits, and meat of
animals like chicken, pig, and fish.
Great job class!
D. Values Inclusion
What is the importance of eating food to
animals and humans? - Food is important to animals and to
humans to become strong and healthy,
and to be able to survive. Without food,
we will get hungry.
Very well said!
E. Application
Now class, let’s have a short activity.
Direction: Given on the screen are
common nouns. In a clean sheet of
paper, list down 5 example of each
proper noun. You have 5 minutes to
finish the task.
IV. Generalization
Comprehension-based Question
Everyone, let us recall the three
classifications of animals, the way they eat.
V. Evaluation
Direction: Read the following statements. Write true if the statement is correct. Write false if
the statement is incorrect.
__________ 1. Butterflies and bees are herbivores.
__________ 2. Omnivores are animals that eat meat only.
__________ 3. Rabbit eats carrot and leaves.
__________ 4. Examples of carnivores are lion and tiger.
__________ 5. Caterpillars feed with leaves of plants.
VI. Homework
On a clean sheet of a long bond paper, make three categories and label it as
herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. Cut-out and paste or draw three pictures of
animals on each category. Don’t forget to color your drawing. Submit your work to your
Prepared by:
Aprilyn O. Padilla
Teacher Applicant