DLL - English 6 - Q3 - W10
DLL - English 6 - Q3 - W10
DLL - English 6 - Q3 - W10
II. CONTENT -describe key information of a text from a prescribed viewpoint Inferring meaning of content Appropriate rate and proper
-discuss the importance of viewpiont of a selected text -context clues expression in dialogues
-affixes and roots Organizing information form
-other strategies secondary sources in writing
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide/Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning The Three Little Pigs Passengers Cars Interactive Skill Book in English 6 Refer to Monday and Tuesday
Resource (LR) portal http://shortstoriesshort.com/story/the-three-little-pigs/ DepEd-BEAM DLP Module 8 Grade 6 pp, 5-7 reference
http://www.surlanefairytales.com/threepigs/ pp, 97-98
B. Other Learning Resources Copy of the short story Copy of the story
The Three Little Pigs Passengers Cars
Short film
A. Review previous lesson or What are the parts/elements of a Sing a song Is it always right to judge right away Original File Submitted and Recall the different versions of the
presenting the new lesson Story? without analyzing nor weighing things? Formatted by DepEd Club story the three little pigs
Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? Why? Member - visit depedclub.com
(Character, Setting, Plot, Climax, Ask pupils to retell the version they
for more
Ending) recall
Unlocking of Difficulties
Give the meaning of each
underlined words by the clues given
within the sentence.
C. Presenting examples/instances of (Standard in Oral Reading must be Once upon a time when pigs spoke Read the story silently. Analysis and Discussion Discuss briefly the stories with the
the new lesson observed) rhyme class
Passengers Cars What are affixes?
Present the story. And monkeys chewed tobacco,
After the discussion pupils will be
And hens took snuff to make them Early railroad passenger cars were little An affix is added to the root of the grouped and will be asked to write a
tough, more than stagecoaches fitted with word to change its meaning. script of the story that later on will
The Three Little Pigs
And ducks went quack, quack, quack, special wheels to help them stay on the be role played giving their own
Once upon a time there were three O! tracks. They didn’t hold many An Affix added to the front of a version according to their judgement.
little pigs. One pig built a house of passengers, and because they made word is known as a prefix. One
straw while the second pig built his out, they were fireharzards. They also added to the back is known as a
house with sticks. They built their THERE was an old sow with three
did not hold up very well if the train suffix.
houses very quickly and then sang little pigs, and as she had not enough came off the track or had a collision
and danced all day because they to keep them, she sent them out with another train. PREFIX
were lazy. The third little pig to seek their fortune. The first that
worked hard all day and built his In the United States, it wasn’t long The first man looks very friendly! I
went off met a man with a bundle of
house with bricks. before passenger cars were lengthened think it would be nice to spend time
straw, and said to him:
A big bad wolf saw the two little to hold more people. Late in the 1830s. with him.
pigs while they danced and played Americans were riding elongated cars
and thought, “What juicy tender ‘Please, man, give me that straw to with double seats on either side of a The second man looks unfriendly. I
meals they will make!” He chased build a house.’ center asile. By the early 1900s, most don't think it would be much fun to
the two pigs and they ran and hid in cars were made of metal instead of spend time with him!
their houses. The big bad wolf went Which the man did, and the little pig wood.
to the first house and huffed and We can see in the second sentence
built a house with it. Presently came
puffed and blew the house down in Sleeping and dining cars were that we added the prefix "un-" to
minutes. The frightened little pig along a wolf, and knocked at the introduced in the United States by the the word "friendly." This prefix "un-
ran to the second pig’s house that door, and said: early 1860s. Over the next 25 years " means "not" or "the opposite of."
was made of sticks. The big bad other improvements were made,
wolf now came to this house and ‘Little pig, little pig, let me come in. To including electric lighting, steam heat Here are more examples with the
huffed and puffed and blew the and covered vestibules that allowed prefix "un-":
which the pig answered:
house down in hardly any time. passengers to walk between cars. All of
Now, the two little pigs were these luxuries helped make railroad
terrified and ran to the third pig’s ‘No, no, by the hair of my chiny chin travel much more comfortable. happy ----> unhappy
house that was made of bricks.
finished ----> unfinished
The big bad wolf tried to huff and chin. The wolf then answered to that: believable ----
puff and blow the house down, but > unbelievable
he could not. He kept trying for
‘Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll acceptable ----
hours but the house was very > unacceptable
strong and the little pigs were safe blow your house in.
inside. He tried to enter through the
chimney but the third little pig So he huffed, and he puffed, and he
boiled a big pot of water and kept it blew his house in, and ate up the little The couple is getting married
below the chimney. The wolf fell
pig. because they love each other very
into it and died.
The two little pigs now felt sorry for
having been so lazy. They too built The second little pig met a man with a
That teddy bear is so cute
their houses with bricks and lived bundle of furze and said:
and lovable!
happily ever after.
Keyword Clouds: three little pigs ‘Please, man, give me that furze to
and the big bad wolf, three little build a house.’ We can see in the second sentence
pigs illustrations, 3 pigs and a that we added the suffix "-able" to
wolf, three little pigs the word "love." This suffix "-able"
Which the man did, and the pig built means "capable of being" or "able
sequencing, three little pigs children
story, three little pigs online, three his house. Then along came the wolf, to be."
little pigs original story, 3 little pigs and said:
short story So, the word lovable means
‘Little pig, little pig, let me come in.’ something is able to be loved, or it
makes you feel love for it.
‘No, no, by the hair of my chiny chin Here are more examples with the
chin.’ suffix "-able" or "-ible" (depending
on the root word):
"Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll
blow your house in.’
present ----> presentable
So he huffed, and he puffed, and he
comfort ----> comfortable
depend ----> dependable
puffed, and he huffed, and at last he
reach ----> reachable
blew the house down, and he ate up
the little pig.
D. Discussing new concepts and Comprehension Check-up Why couldn’t the wolf blow down the Study the following paragraph. Find out Answer READ and Do Script Writing
practicing new skills #1 Who are the characters of the third little pig’s house? the correct meaning of draftby studying Letter A on page 6 of Interactive
story? How did the first and second little pig the context. Skillbook in English 6 (Guidelines)
Where did the story happen? survive the big bad wolf? • Note the italicized word draft in the
What is the most exciting part of Why did the first and second little pig paragraph. 1. In writing a script, consider the
the story? choose sticks and straw to build their characters and the characteristics.
houses? A strong draft had blown the window 2. Make necessary dialogue based on
What can you say about the Three How did the wolf try and get into to open. With a how you understand or how you
little pigs? First pig, Second Pig and the brick house after huffing and loud clutter, it blew away the window judge them in the story read.
the Third Pig. puffing? shutter. Shivering, 3. Make it conversational
How you judge the wolf? Is he really Cindy got up the bed to draft a 4. Focus on the topic/context
a bad wolf? temporary replacement for the shutter 5. Construct a meaningful ending.
until daybreak. As soon as the bank
opened, she would encash the draft her
mother had sent so she could buy a
good window shutter. Then she would
draft her friends to help put up the
shutter. She would reward her friends
with a cold draft of fruit juice.
The heavy rain muffles the loud music
in the bedroom that’s why the baby’s
sleep remains undisturbed.
• Which word in the sentence means
“to deaden the sound of” or
“to keep down”? The word muffle
means “to keep down.”
E. Discussing new concepts and Investigative work with a partner Demonstrate the strategy. A.Directions: Choose the correct
practicing new skills #2 using venn diagram. Comparing and prefix for the following words using
contrasting select characters of the Ask two to four students to act as the the prefixes in the box. The
story. wolf and pigs. (You may choose to meaning of the word is given at the
have one or three students represent right.
the three pigs.) Explain to students ante - before
The Three Little Pigs that there also needs to be a bi - both, double, twice
moderator to ask the questions, and a col-; con-; com-; - together with,
one with another
summarizer to summarize the debate.
Third Pig Wolf 1. __________ cedent : happening
Using the question previously before
The third Both of them demonstrated, have the student 2. __________ lingual : able to
The Wolf speak two languages
moderator ask the question and have
pig is wise are determined 3. __________ mediate : used
each character respond.
strong between primary and secondary.
He is calm. They can He 4. __________ glottis : a thin plate
is furious Explain to students that they must of flexible cartilage in front of the
stand on “become” the character and answer glottis
their own the question as the character would. 5. __________ pose : to put a
There is no script to read from so musical or literary work together
students should just ad-lib. B.Add the correct suffix to the
underlined item in each sentence.
Write your answer on the
After students answer the question,
give a brief summary of their answers 1. A person who always acts on
to demonstrate the role of the stage is an ____________.
summarizer. 2. A person who manages a library
is a ________________.
3. One that tells lies is a
(Observe Politeness at all times) _________________.
4. A worthy student becomes a
scholar and is granted full
5. A person who climbs mountains
is a _________________.
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Ask learners to discuss their venn Pass out a copy of the Three Little Pigs Context clues analysis and discussion Put the word in brackets into the
formative assessment) diagram, Cite their opinions how Story Map to each learner. correct form. You will have to use
bad is the wolf, differentiate the Give the correct answer for each given prefixes and/or suffixes.
three little pigs in their own words. Explain to the class that they will be answers
answering the 5 W's about the story 1. He was sitting
that you just read. 1. Based on the other words in __________________ in his seat on
the sentence, what is the the train. (comfort)
correct definition of hazards?
For each box, they should draw a a. Engines
picture illustrating the who, what, 2. There was a
b. Risks
where, when, and why of The Three __________________ light coming
Little Pigs c. Stations from the window. (green)
2. Based on the other words in
the sentence, what is the 3. He was acting in a very
correct definition of collision? __________________ way. (child)
a. Crash
b. Race
4. This word is very difficult to spell,
c. Track
and even worse, it's
3. Based on the other words in
__________________. (pronounce)
the sentence, what is the
correct definition of
elongated? 5. He's lost his book again. I don't
a. wooden know where he has
b. new __________________ it this time.
c. lengthened (place)
4. Base on the words in the
sentence, what is the correct definition 6. You shouldn't have done that! It
of vestitules? was very __________________ of
a. passageways you. (think)
b. cars
c. depots 7. He didn't pass his exam. He was
5. Based on the other words in the __________________ for the
sentence, what is the corrects second time. (succeed)
definition of luxuries?
a. additions
b. things offering the greatest comfort 8. Some of the shanty towns are
c. inventions dreadfully __________________ .
I. Evaluating learning
Choose one question and, in each of Students are to select one fairy tale Understanding Context Clues Complete the sentences by writing Checking of the scripts
the character columns, record how and rewrite the tale from the the correct prefix in the blank
viewpoint of a different character or Directions: For each sentence, circle space. You can use a dictionary to
each character might respond to
object within the tale. the pair of words that complete help you.
the question.
the meaning of the sentence.
dis- -in mis- re-
For example: 1. Their profits have been __________, un- under-
and they wish to __________ their
Do you think you did anything situation.
wrong in this situation? a. decreasing - excuse 1. I just can't believe it! The story is
b. declining - remedy _____believable!
Pigs’ response: No, we c. comfortable – redness
were just minding our 2. No, that answer is _____correct.
own business in our 2. Rats provide a __________ in It is wrong.
houses. reducing garbage, but this is
outweighed by their __________ 3. Let's look at this information
Wolf’s response: I was just activities. again. We should _____view it
looking for some food. I a. help - useful before the test.
can’t help it if I’m hungry. b. trouble - dynamic
c. service – harmful 4. I saw Allison just a moment ago,
but now I can't find her! It seems
3. Fact and Fancy were so _________ that she _____appeared!
that no one could _________ them.
a. connected – separate 5. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you
b. necessary – use correctly. I _____understood you.
c. respected – want
6. The subway does not go over the
4. If one is to understand the land like a normal train. It moves
__________, one must study the _____ground.
a. facts – unnecessary
b. unusual – sentences
c. whole- parts
J. Additional activities for application Writing Center Ask students to reflect on the meeting Give copies of the passage from Lesson Write a four-liner poem of the three
Write at least 5 sentences using
or remediation Have students write a review of The of the minds technique. How did it Guide in Elementary English (Ateneo) little pigs
True Story of the 3 Little help them understand the characters? pages 136-137 affixes.
Pigs. Remind them that they should What did they like and dislike about
use the evaluating strategy to make the debates? Did it help them better Don’t Dump that garbage
judgments about the story. Have understand the stories?
students read their reviews to a Look for the meaning of the underlined
partner and discuss. word