Learning Competency: Classify animals according to body parts and use according to: movement; use in
getting food; body covering; and habitat
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
A. Identify the body parts of animals used in eating or getting food
III. Procedure
Okay. Let us all stand up and pray. May I ask Pupils: Let us Pray.
_______________ to lead the prayer. Amen
What are the parts of the body used by the Feet, wings, body, fins
animals to be able to move?
Yes. Correct.
Lesson Proper
A. Activity
Before we proceed to the next lesson, I
want you all to look carefully at these (Pupils show readiness for the activity.)
B. Analysis
1. What are those animals? Frog, grasshopper, hen, and dog.
2. Have you seen these animals in the (Pupils will answer yes or no)
3. What body part of the animals did it
use in getting its food?
Hayop Bahagi ng Katawan/Gamit
palaka dila
aso bibig
tipaklong bibig
manok tuka
Again, how are the animals differ
from eating or getting their food?
D. Application
Make a list of animals that you have
in your home or animals that you see in
your surroundings.
What do they eat and what part of
their body they use in eating or getting
their food?
E. Assessment
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following animals used
beak in getting their food?
a. hen c. dog
b. grasshopper d. cat