7468 - Summative Assessment
7468 - Summative Assessment
7468 - Summative Assessment
You must complete the classroom activities whilst facilitation is taking place. The facilitator may
stop at regular intervals to give you time to complete the activities.
Please complete all work in blue or black pen. The assessor will not assess the evidence if
completed in pencil.
You are not allowed to copy from another learner. Any plagiarism committed will be viewed in a
serious light and disciplinary action may be taken against you. Your work must be authentic i.e.
your own work. Group work is allowed in certain activities but your answers must be your own
original work after discussions in the group.
You must sign the declaration contained in the assessment preparation and planning document
declaring that all work is your own. If you so not sign this declaration, the assessor will not
proceed with assessment and your results will be delayed.
Please do not use any correction fluid i.e. tippex. Rather cross your work out and write next to
your mistakes.
The proficiency level required for each unit standard in the cluster is 50% per specific outcome
per unit standard. If you are deemed Not Yet Competent in a unit standard, you will only be
required to redo (remediate those sections in that unit standard.
Any remediation must be submitted within 30 working days after you gave received feedback
If you have achieved any unit standards in this skills programme via another provider, please
neatly draw a line through the section and indicate that a certified certificate has been submitted
and is included in your administration section.
Assessment Process Flow
Feedback Report
Feedback Report
Completed by Appeal
Completed by
Assessor & Appealform
form Record
Results Assessor &
completedby by Recordofof
Results individual Learning
the candidateinin
Moderated feedback given to candidate Learning
Moderated feedback given to Updated
the candidate
the candidate theevent
eventofof Updated
Assessor S
records&& Action
Report / ModeratorReport
/ Moderator Report/ / E ActionPlan
evidence Completed
Learning T evidence Completedbyby
filed Assessor
A filed Assessor
Certificate of Register
Certificate of Register
Competencies candidates on the
Approval candidates on the
Approval&& Competencies
issued to Learner Record
Learner Record
Certification issued to Database
Certification successful Database
obtained successful
obtained candidates
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Question 1 (SO 2, AC 1, AC 3, AC 4)
I. Two investments of R1 000 000 each are made on the same day for exactly one year. The
interest on one investment is simple interest rate of 10% p.a. and the other at a compound
interest rate of 10%p.a. calculates the difference between the interests received in the two
investments at the end of the year. (4)
II. Nina wants to have an amount of R800 000 available in 4 years’ time. Calculate the amount
Nina will have to invest at the beginning of each year, from today, to provide for that amount.
(NB Use the compound interest tables provided or work to three decimal places only.)
III. What is the present value of R13 000 p.a. invested at the beginning of each year for 8years at
10%p.a. compound interest? (NB Use the compound interest tables provided or work to three
decimal places only.) (3)
Question 2 (SO 1, AC 1)
James intends to invest some of his money for future use. Identify financial instruments that he can
use for the investment. (5)
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Question 3 (SO 2, AC 4)
You apply for a mortgage loan of R400 000 to buy a house. The bank grants you the full loan amount
of R400 000 at an interest rate of 1% per month, to be paid off over a term of 20 years. It will be very
useful for your financial planning to be aware of the following:
I. What is your monthly repayment? (2)
II. What is the total interest paid by you over the 20-year period? (3)
III. What would you have to pay each month to pay off the mortgage loan in 15 years (2)
IV. What is the total interest paid by you over the 15-year period? (3)
V. How much interest do you save by paying over 15 years rather than 20 years? (2)
Question 4 (SO 3, AC 1, AC 2)
A manufacturer determines that the demand function for her products is
Where x is the demand for product at a given price, p. The cost of producing x products is
given by the following cost function:
Determine the marginal cost, and marginal revenue at x = 100 products. (6)
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Fictive annual estimates
Balance of payments items
(millions of dollars)
Current account
Investment income
Current transfers
Investment income
Current transfers
Investment income
Current transfers
Capital account
Financial account
Portfolio investment
Other investment
Portfolio investment
Other investment
Statistical discrepancy
In the capital and financial account, a minus sign denotes an outflow of capital resulting from an
increase in claims on non-residents or a decrease in liabilities to non-residents.
Question 6 (SO 3, AC 4)
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Identify and discuss methods that your organisation can use to control costs and optimize profits.
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