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Chapter 0– Solutions

January 30, 2007


0.1. a) n − 100 = Θ(n − 200)

b) n1/2 = O(n2/3 )
c) 100n + log n = Θ(n + (log n)2 )
d) n log n = Θ(10n log 10n)
e) log 2n = Θ(log 3n)
f) 10 log n = Θ(log(n2 ))
g) n1.01 = Ω(log2 n)
h) n2 / log n = Ω(n(log n)2 )
i) n0.1 = Ω((log n)10 )
j) (log n)log n = Ω(n/ log n)

k) n = Ω((log n)3 )
l) n1/2 = O(5log2 n )
m) n2n = O(3n )
n) 2n = Θ(2n+1 )
o) n! = Ω(2n )
p) (log n)log n = O(2(log2 n) )
!n k k+1
q) i=1 i = Θ(n )
1−cn+1 cn+1 −1
0.2. By the formula for the sum of a partial geometric series, for c ̸= 1: g(n) = 1−c = c−1 .
a) 1 > 1 − cn+1 > 1 − c. So: 1−c > g(n) > 1.
b) For c = 1, g(n) = 1 + 1 + · · · + 1 = n + 1.
c 1 n
c) cn+1 > cn+1 − 1 > cn . So: 1−c cn > g(n) > 1−c c .

0.3. a) Base case: F6 = 8 ≥ 26/2 = 8.

Inductive Step: for n ≥ 6, Fn+1 = Fn + Fn−1 ≥ 2n/2 + 2(n−1)/2 = 2(n−1)/2 (21/2 + 1) ≥ 2(n−1)/2 2 ≥
2(n+1)/2 .
b-c) The argument above holds

as long as we have, in the inductive step, 2c(n−1) (2c + 1) ≥ 2c(n+1) ,
i.e. as long as 2c ≤ 1+2 5 .
0.4. a) For any 2 × 2 matrices X and Y :
" #" # " #
x11 x12 y11 y12 x11 y11 + x12 y21 x11 y12 + x12 y22
XY = =
x21 x22 y21 y22 x21 y11 + x22 y21 x21 y12 + x22 y22
This shows that every entry of XY is the addition of two products of the entries of the original
matrices. Hence every entry can be computed in 2 multiplications and one addition. The whole
matrix can be calculated in 4 multiplications and 4 additions.
b) First, consider the case where n = 2k for some positive integer k. To compute, X 2 , we can
k−1 k
recursively compute Y = X 2 and then square Y to have Y 2 = X 2 Unfolding the recursion,
this can be seen as repeatedly squaring X to obtain X 2 , X 4 , · · · , X 2 = X n . At every squaring,
we are doubling the exponent of X, so that it must take k = log n matrix multiplications to
produce X n . This method can be easily generalized to numbers that are not powers of 2, using
the following recursion:
(X ⌊n/2⌋ )2
n if n is even
X =
X · (X ⌊n/2⌋ )2 if n is odd
The algorithm still requires O(log n) matrix multiplications, of which log n are squares and at
most log n are multiplications by X.

c) The entries of the matrix are the addition of the products of the entries of the original matrix.
Addition leaves the number of bits close to unvaried (add at most one bit), while multiplication
adds the number of bits of the operands. Hence, every time we square the matrix X, we double
the number of bits of its entries. By b), we are squaring X log n times and hence all intermediate
results must be of length less or equal to 2log n = O(n). The multiplications by X leave the sizes
of the intermediate result almost unchanged (add at most one bit) and can be neglected, as well
as the additions of the products of the entries within the matrix multiplication.
In the next two questions we assume that M (n) = nc for some c ≥ 1.
d) The algorithm performs O(log n) matrix multiplications; each matrix multiplication consists of
a constant number of arithmetic operations by a). Each arithmetic operation is on results of
size O(n) and hence takes at most time O(M (n)). This implies the algorithm runs in time
O(M (n) log n).
e) Let T (n) be the running time of the algorithm on input of size n. In the first level of the recursion,
we first run the algorithm for inputs of size n/2, which takes time T (n/2). Then, we square the
results to obtain the final answer: this last operation takes time M (n/2) as the results of the
recursive call have bit size O(n/2) by c). This implies:

T (n) = T (n/2) + M (n/2)

Expanding the recursion and applying the formula for geometric series, we obtain:

T (n) = M (n/2) + M (n/4) + M (n/8) + · · · + M (1) ≤

nc nc nc
≤ c
+ c + ··· + c =
2 4 8

% 1
= nc ic
= O(nc ) = O(M (n))
Chapter 1–Solutions

February 2, 2007

1.1. A single digit number is at most b−1, therefore the sum of any three such numbers is at most 3b−3. On
the other hand, a two-digit number can be as large as b2 − 1. It is enough to show that b2 − 1 ≥ 3b − 3.
Indeed, b2 − 1 − 3b − 3 = (b − 1) · (b − 2), which is ≥ 0 for b ≥ 2.

1.2. For a number N we need ⌈log2 (N + 1)⌉ binary digits and ⌈log10 (N + 1)⌉ decimal digits. By the
logarithm conversion formula: ⌈log10 (N + 1)⌉ = ⌈log2 (N + 1) · log2 (10)⌉ ≤ ⌈log2 (N + 1)⌉ · ⌈log2 (10)⌉ =
4 · ⌈log2 (N + 1)⌉. For very large numbers, ⌈log2 (N + 1) · log2 (10)⌉ ≃ log2 (N + 1) · log2 (10) so the
required ratio is approximately equal to log2 (10) ≃ 3.8.

1.3. The minimum depth of a d-ary tree is achieved when all nodes have precisely d children. In that case,
the depth is logd (n). For any d-ary tree, we have depth D ≤ logd (n) = log(n) log(n)
log(d) = Ω( log(d) )

1.4. We can lower bound n! as

!n" !n" !n" !n "
· ··· · ≤ 1 · 2 · 3 · ··· · · + 1 · ··· · n
#2 $% 2& 2 #2 $% &
2 terms n
2 terms

and upper bound it as

# · 2 · 3$%· · · · · n& ≤ n
1 · · · n&
# · ·$%
n terms n terms


! n " n2
≤ n! ≤ nn ,
n n
log( ) ≤ log(n!) ≤ n log n,
2 2
(n log n − n) ≤ log(n!) ≤ n log n.

1.5. Upper bound:

' 1 1 1 1
=1 + + + + ··· ≤
i 2 3 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
≤1 + + + + + + + ··· + k + ··· + k =
2 2 4 4 4 4 #2 $% 2 &
2k terms
=1 + 1 + ··· + 1 + 1 =
# $% &
O(log n) terms

=O(log n)

Lower bound:
' 1 1 1 1
=1 + + + + ··· ≥
i 2 3 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
≥1 + + + + + + + ··· + k + ··· + k =
2 4 4 8 8 8 8 2
# $% 2 &
2k−1 terms
1 1 1 1
=1 + + + · · · + + =
# 2 $% 2 2&
Ω(log n) terms
=Ω(log n)

1.6. First observe that multiplication of a number N by a one-digit binary number b results in the number
0 if b = 0 and N if b = 1. Also, multiplication of a binary number by 2k for any power of 2 results in
shifting N to the left k times and adding k digits equal to 0 at the end.
Let N, M the numbers we need to multiply. Assume M is a k-digit binary number. Write M =
b0 + 2b1 + · · · + 2k bk . Then N · M = N · (b0 + 2b1 + · · · + 2k bk ) = N b0 + 2N b1 + · · · + 2k N bk . If we
consider the above observations, this expression is the same as the one illustrated in page 24 for the
grade-school multiplication.

1.7. Assume we want to multiply the n-bit number x with the m-bit number y. The algorithm must
terminate after m recursive calls, because at each call y is halved (the number of digits is decreased
by one). Each recursive call requires a division by 2, a check for even-odd, a multiplication by 2 (all of
those take constant time) and a possible addition of x to the current result (which takes O(n) time)
so total O(m · n) time.

1.8. We will first prove the correctness of the algorithm by induction on the number x. Base case is when
x = 0 where correctness is obvious. Assume the algorithm returns correct values of q ′ , r′ so that
⌊ x2 ⌋ = q ′ y + r′ . If x is even then x = 2 · ⌊ x2 ⌋ = 2q ′ + 2r′ . If 2r′ ≥ y then x = (2q ′ + 1)y + (2r′ − y),
otherwise x = 2q ′ y + 2r′ , which is exactly what the last call of the algorithm returns. If x is odd, then
x = 2 · ⌊ x2 ⌋ + 1 = 2q ′ + 2r′ + 1. Again, according to 2r′ + 1 ≥ y or not it is easy to see that the algorithm
returns the correct values of q and r.
Now, considering the running time : there are n recursive calls (each time x is halved, so we have one
bit less). Each call requires two multiplications by 2, a check of even or odd, a possible addition of
1 (all of those take constant time) and possibly a subtraction of y which takes O(n) time. The total
running time is O(n2 ).

1.9. x ≡ x′ mod N implies that N divides x − x′ , similarly N divides y − y ′ . Consider the difference
D1 = x + y − x′ − y ′ = (x − x′ ) + (y − y ′ ). We easily conclude that N divides D1 therefore x + y ≡ x′ + y ′
mod N .
Similarly, define D2 = xy − x′ y ′ = xy − xy ′ + xy ′ − x′ y ′ = x(y − y ′ ) + (x − x′ )y. We can easily see that
N divides D2 so xy ≡ x′ y ′ mod N .

1.10. a ≡ b mod N means N divides a − b. Since M divides N , then M also divides a − b which leads to
the conclusion a ≡ b mod M .

1.11. We first observe that 35 = 5·7 and by Fermat’s Little Theorem and simple algebra, a(5−1)·(7−1) = a4·6 =
a2 4 ≡ 1 mod 35, for all 1 ≤ a < 35. Therefore, 41536 = 424·64 ≡ 1 mod 35 and 94824 = 924·201 ≡ 1
mod 35. We conclude that 41536 ≡ 94824 mod 35 so the difference is divisible by 35.
2006 2005 2005
1.12. 22 = 22·2 = 42 ≡ 1 mod 3.

1.13. Since 31 is a prime number, by Fermat’s Little Theorem we get a30 ≡ 1 mod 31 for all 1 ≤ a < 31.
Therefore 530000 ≡ 1 mod 31. On the other hand, 6123456 = 6123450+6 = 66 = 53 = 125 mod 31 ≡ 1
mod 31. So the given difference is a multiple of 31.
1.14. We will assume that the running time of multiplying n-bit numbers is M (n). According to problem
0.4 in Chapter 0, fib3 involves O(log n) arithmetic operations (multiplications). Since we are working
in arithmetic mod p, each intermediate result will be log p bits long, therefore the total running time
of fib3 is O(log n · M (log p)).
1.15. ax ≡ bx mod c ⇒ (a − b)x ≡ 0 mod c. If gcd(x, c) = 1 then a ≡ b mod c for all a, b. Conversely, if
ax ≡ bx ⇒ a ≡ b mod c for all a, b then assume c = nm. Take a, b such that a − b ≡ n mod c ̸= 0
mod c. For x a multiple of m we can still get ax ≡ bx without having the second assertion. Therefore,
x cannot have common factors with c.
1.16. Let b = 15. The algorithm of repeated squaring will calculate a, a2 , a4 , a8 and then calculate a15 =
a · a2 · a4 · a8 , with a total of 6 multiplications.
Now, consider the following algorithm: first compute a3 = a · a · a, then compute a6 = a3 · a3 and
finally a12 = a6 · a6 . Calculate a15 = a12 · a3 , with a total of 5 multiplications.
1.17. The iterative algorithm multiplies each time x into the result of the previous iteration. It performs y −1
iterations in total. In each iteration i, the size of the intermediate result mi is at most mi−1 + n bits
long. Therefore the total running time is O(n2 +2n2 +3n2 +· · ·+(y−1)n2 ) = O(n2 · y(y−1)2 ) = O(n2 ·y 2 ).
The recursive algorithm has O(log y) iterations and during the i-th iteration, multiplies two 2i−1 - bit
2 ⌊log y⌋
long numbers. The total running time is O(n2 +22 n2 +24 n2 +· · ·+2⌊log y⌋−1 n2 ) = O(n2 · (2 )
O(n2 · y 2 ). We conclude that the two algorithms have running times of the same order.
1.18. First, we compute the gcd by finding the factorization of each number: 210 = 2·3·5·7 and 588 = 22 ·3·72
therefore gcd(210, 588) = 2 · 3 · 7 = 42.
Next, using Euclid’s algorithm : gcd(210, 588) = gcd(210, 168) = gcd(168, 42) = 42.
1.19. We can show this by induction on n. For n = 1, gcd(F1 , F2 ) = gcd(1, 1) = 1. Now say that the
inductive hypothesis is true for all n ≤ k. This implies that for n = k + 1

gcd(Fk+1 , Fk+2 ) = gcd(Fk+1 , Fk+2 − Fk+1 ) = gcd(Fk+1 , Fk ) = 1

Hence, the statement is true for all n ≥ 1.

1.20. (i) (20)−1 = 4 mod 79
(ii) (3)−1 = 21 mod 62
(iii) gcd(21, 91) = 7. Hence, no inverse exists!
(iv) (5)−1 = 14 mod 23
1.21. A number x has an inverse modulo 113 if and only if gcd(x, 113 ) = 1. For gcd(x, 113 ) ̸= 1, either x = 0
or shares a common factor with 113 . But the only factors of 113 are 11, 121 and 1331. Thus, a nonzero
number does not have an inverse if and only if it is a multiple of 11. The number of multiples of 11
between 1 and 1330 is 1331/11 − 1 = 120 (because we only consider numbers upto 1330). Thus, the
number of numbers that have an inverse is 1331 − 120 − 1 = 1210.
1.22. Since a has an inverse mod b it means that a, b are coprime so b also has an inverse mod a.
1.23. Suppose x1 and x2 are two distinct inverses of a mod N . Then,

x1 = x1 · 1 = x1 · ax2 = 1 · x2 = x2 ( mod N )

which is a contradiction.

1.24. Since p is a prime, all elements in the given range that are not a multiple of p have inverse mod pn .
Among the numbers {0, · · · , pn − 1} only pn−1 are multiples of p. Therefore, pn − pn−1 = pn−1 (p − 1)
numbers have inverses.

1.25. By Fermat’s Little Theorem, 2126 ≡ 1 mod 127. We can write 2126 = 2125 · 2. So 2125 is the inverse
of 2 mod 127. By observation (or by extended Euclid’s algorithm) we deduce that 2 · 64 = 128 ≡ 1
mod 127, so 2125 ≡ 64 mod 127 since the inverse is unique.

1.26. Take p = 2, q = 5 so that pq = 10. First observe that 17(2−1)(5−1) = 174 = 1 mod 10. Hence,
17 17
1717 mod 10 = 17(17 mod 4)
mod 10

Also, 17 = 1 mod 4. So, 1717 mod 4 = 117 mod 4 = 1 This gives

1717 mod 10 = 17 mod 10 = 7 mod 10

so the least significant decimal digit is 7.

1.27. First calculate (p − 1)(q − 1) = 16 · 22 = 352. We use the extended Euclid algorithm to compute the
gcd(3, 352) and get the inverse d of e mod 352. We easily obtain e·d ≡ 1 mod 352 ⇒ d ≡ −117 ≡ 235
mod 352.
The encryption of the message M = 41 is E(M ) = M e mod N = 413 = 117 · 41 = 105 mod 391.

1.28. We first calculate (p − 1)(q − 1) which in our case is 6 · 10 = 60. Then we need to come up with an e
which is relatively prime to 60 so that it has an inverse d. We observe that e = 11 has gcd(11, 60) = 1
and 11 · 11 = 1 mod 60, therefore the values e = 11 and d = 11 are appropriate. Other good pairs are
(7, 43), (13, 37), (17, 53), (19, 59), (23, 47), (29, 29), (31, 31), (41, 41)).

1.29. (a) Here H is the same as in the example of pg.46 of the book, only with 2 coefficients instead of 4.
With the same reasoning as the proof of the Property in pg.46, we assume that X2 ̸= y2 and we want
to determine the probability that equation a1 (x1 − y1 ) = a2 (y2 − x2 ) holds. Assuming we already
picked a1 , that probability is equal to 1/m, since the only way for the equation to hold is to pick a2 to
be (y2 − x2 )−1 · a1 · (x1 − y1 ) mod m. We can see that, since m is prime, (y2 − x2 )−1 is unique. Thus
H is universal. We need 2 · ⌈log m⌉ bits.
(b)H is not universal, since according to (a) we need a unique inverse of (y2 − x2 ) mod m. For this
to hold m has to be prime, which is not true (unless k = 1). We need 2k bits.
(m−1 1 1
(c)We calculate P = Pr[f (x) = f (y)] for x ̸= y. We have P = i=1 (m−1) 2 = m−1 . Thus H is
universal. The total number of functions f : [m] → [m − 1] is (m − 1) so we need m log(m − 1) bits.

1.30. (a)We assume for simplicity that n = 2k for some fixed k. We perform addition as follows: first
split the numbers into 2k−1 distinct pairs and perform addition within each pair, using lookahead
circuits. Continue by splitting the result into distinct pairs each time and perform addition within
each pair. We construct this way a complete binary tree with log n levels, each level using log m extra
levels for addition (if n was not a power of 2 the tree would simply not be complete). Total we have
O((log n)(log m)) depth.
(b) We let the i-th bit of r be the result of the addition of the i-th bits of all three numbers (i.e.
0 + 0 + 0 = 0, 0 + 1 + 0 = 1, · · · , 1 + 1 + 0 = 0, · · · , 1 + 1 + 1 = 1). We also let the i + 1 bit of s to be
the carry of the addition of the i-th bit of the three numbers (i.e. if two or three of the i-th bits of the
three numbers are 1, then the carry is 1). It is straightforward that x + y + z = r + s.
(c) In multiplication, we have to add together n copies of x appropriately shifted. We add these copies
by splitting the numbers into triplets and performing the trick from (b). We repeat for k levels until
there are less than 3 numbers left, i.e. when n · ( 23 )k = 1 ⇒ k = loglog n
3−log 2 = O(log n).

1.31. (a) By the equation log N ! = log 1 + log 2 + · · · + log N we can easily see that N ! is approximately
Θ(N · log N ) = Θ(N · n) bits long.
(b)We can compute N ! naively as follows:
factorial (N )
f =1
for i = 2 to N
f =f ·i
Running time : we have N iterations, each one multiplying two N · n-bit numbers (at most). By 1.30
the running time is O(N · log(N · n) = O(N · n).
1.32. (a) Assume that N consists of n bits. We can then perform a binary search on the interval [2n − 1, 1]
to find if it contains a number q such that q 2 = N . Every iteration takes time O(n2 ) to square the
current element and O(n) to compare the result with N . As there are O(log 2n ) iterations, the total
running time is O(n3 ).
log N
(b) N = q k ⇒ log N = k log q ⇒ k = log q ≤ log N for all q > 1. If q = 1, then we must have N = 1.
(c)We first give an algorithm to determine if a n-bit number N is of the form q k for some given k and
q > 1. For this , we use the same algorithm of part (a) only instead of squaring, we will raise numbers
to the k-th power and check if we obtain N . This will take O(n) iterations: moreover, each powering
operation takes time at most i=1 (in · n) = O(k 2 n2 ) . Hence, one run of this algorithm takes time
O(k 2 n3 ). To check if N is a power, we need to repeat this for all k ≤ log N ≤ n. This yields a running
time of O(n6 ).
1.33. The least common multiple (lcm) of any two numbers x, y can easily be seen to equal lcm(x, y) =
(x·y)/ gcd(x, y). We therefore need O(n3 ) operations to compute the gcd, O(n2 ) operations to multiply
x and y and O(2n · n) = O(n2 ) operations to divide. Total O(n3 ) running time.
1.34. Solution 1 :
We calculate the expected (average) value of the number of times we must toss a coin before it comes
up heads. Let X be the random variable corresponding to the number of tosses needed before coming
up heads.
E[X] = i · P [X = i] =

We now calculate P [X = i] : For a coin to come up heads (for the first time) in exactly i tosses, we
must have i − 1 tails followed by one head. It follows that P [X = i] = (1 − p)(i−1) p, for i ≥ 1. So,
∞ ∞
' d '
E[X] = i · (1 − p)(i−1) p = p · ( −(1 − p)i )
dp i=0

(∞ 1
The above powerseries i=0 −(1 − p)i converges for 0 < p < 1 and it is equal to − 1−(1−p) = − p1 .
After taking the derivative, we obtain
1 1
E[X] = p · =
p2 p

Solution 2 :
Let X be the random variable as in solution 1. Then E[X] the average number of tosses, with each
possibility weighted by its probability. With probability probability p we get heads in one toss of the
coin and with probability 1 − p, we get tails and need to start again and do another E[X] on average
(hence we do a total of E[X] + 1 tosses with probability 1 − p). Therefore E = p · 1 + (1 − p) · (1 + E) =
1 + (1 − p)E .

1.35. (a) For a number 1 ≤ n < p to be its own inverse modulo p it is necessary to have n2 − 1 = k · p,
a multiple of p. This comes from the gcd formula : gcd(n, p) = 1 = nn − k · p. Equivalently,
n2 − 1 = (n − 1)(n + 1) ≡ 0 mod p. Solving for n we get n = +1, p − 1. We observe that for all
those values n is indeed its own inverse.
(b) Among the p − 1 numbers, 1 and p − 1 are their own inverses and the rest have a (different than
themselves) unique inverse mod p. Since inversion is a bijective function, each number a in
{2, · · · , p − 2} is the inverse of some number in the same range not equal to a. Thus,(p − 2)(p −
3) · · · 2 ≡ 1 mod p ⇒ (p − 1)! ≡ (p − 1) ≡ −1 mod p.

(c) Assume, towards contradiction that N is not a prime and also (N − 1)! ≡ −1 mod N . Then
(N − 1)! = −1 + kN ⇒ 1 = −(N − 1)! + kN which implies that gcd((N − 1)!, N ) = 1. This is
false if N not a prime since there exists some prime q < N that is a multiple of N which appears
in the factorial product above.
(d) This rule involves calculating a factorial product which takes time exponential on the size of the
input. Thus, the algorithm would not be efficient.
1.36. (a) p ≡ 3 mod 4 implies that p = 4k + 3 ⇒ p + 1 = 4(k + 1) ⇒ (p+1)
4 = k + 1, an integer.
p−1 p−1
(b) By Fermat’s Little Theorem, ap−1 = 1 mod p, so (a 2 − 1)(a 2 + 1) = 0 mod p. Suppose
a 2 + 1 = 0 mod p and x is the square root of a; then we have xp−1 = −1 mod p, contradicting
p−1 p+1
Fermat’s Little Theorem. Hence, we must have a 2 − 1 = 0 mod p, which means a 2 = a mod p.
! p+1 "2 p+1
This shows that a 4 = a mod p. By a), p+1
4 is an integer, so that a
4 is well defined.

1.37. (a) Make the table and observe that each number has a different pair (i, j) of residues mod 3 and
mod 5.
(b) Assume , towards contradiction that both i and i′ with i ̸= i′ have the same (j, k). Then
i = Ap + j = Bq + k and i′ = Cp + j = Dq + k. So i − i′ = (A − C)p = (B − D)q. Since p, q
are different primes, q has to divide (A − C) and p has to divide (B − D). So i − i′ = 0 mod pq.
Which means i = i′ since both are < pq.
Assume now, towards contradiction, that there is a particular pair (j, k) such that there is no
integer i < pq with the desired property. The total number of pairs is pq (which is the same as
the number of numbers mod pq) so there must be at least two different numbers i, i′ that have
the same pair (j ′ , k ′ ), contradiction.
(c) . By (b) it is enough to show that the expression in brackets has the property i = j mod p and
i = k mod q.

i= {j · q · (q −1 mod p) + k · p · (p−1 mod q)} mod pq mod p

−1 −1
= {j · q · (q mod p) + k · p · (p mod q)} mod p mod pq = j
i= {j · q · (q −1 mod p) + k · p · (p−1 mod q)} mod pq mod q
−1 −1
= {j · q · (q mod p) + k · p · (p mod q)} mod q mod pq = k

(d) Part (b) is immediately extended to more than two primes. Part (c) will give the expression for
i = {j1 · q2 · q3 · · · · qn ((q2 · q3 · · · · qn )−1 mod q1 )+
+jn · q1 · q2 · · · · qn−1 ((q1 · q2 · · · · qn−1 )−1 mod qn ) mod p1 p2 · · · pn

1.38. We will show (a) and (b) together. For (b) observe that is we break a decimal number N into r-tuples,
say, Nk Nk−1 · · · N1 then N = N1 + N2 · 10r + · · · + Nk · (10r )k−1 . Therefore, for our divisibility criterion,
we try to achieve the following :N mod p = N1 + N2 · 10r + · · · + Nk · (10r )k−1 = N1 + N2 + · · · + Nk .
For this equation to hold, we need 10r = 1 mod p. From Fermat’s Little Theorem, we know that
10p−1 = 1 mod p, so looking for the smallest such r we will get a divisor of p − 1. For p = 13 we can
check that the choice r = 13 − 1 = 12 is the smallest choice for r, while for p = 17 the smallest choice
is r = 17 − 1 = 16.

1.39. From Fermat’s Little Theorem, we know that ap−1 = 1 mod p. Therefore,
c c
ab = ab mod (p−1)
mod p

we first need to calculate bc mod (p − 1). Note that this is modular exponentiation and is hence
doable in polynomial time. We repeatedly square b modulo (p − 1) and compute bc mod (p − 1) in
the same way as computing the nth power of a matrix. Since we do O(n) multiplications, each taking
O(n2 ) time, the total time is O(n3 ). Let bc mod (p − 1) = d. Then, by the equality ab mod p = ad
mod p, all we need to do is use again the repeated squaring algorithm. So the total running time of
our algorithm is O(n3 ).

1.40. Assume, towards contradiction that N is a prime and still x is a non-trivial square root of 1 mod N .
Then x2 = 1 + kN ⇒ (x − 1)(x + 1) = kN . Since N is a prime it must divide at least one of (x − 1)
,(x + 1) which leads to conclude x ≡ 1 or −1 mod N , contradiction.

1.41. (a) Assume a ≡ y 2 mod N for 1 ≤ y < N . Then x2 − y 2 ≡ 0 mod N ⇒ (x − y)(x + y) ≡ 0 mod N .
This means either x − y ≡ 0 mod N ⇒ x = y since both x, y < N or x + y ≡ 0 mod N ⇒ x = N − y
since x, y < N . These are the only two possible values.
(b)We will first show that for any two numbers x, y in the range {1, 2, · · · , N 2−1 } we have x2 ̸= y 2
mod N . Assume towards contradiction that x2 ≡ y 2 ⇒ (x − y)(x + y) ≡ 0. Since N is prime, x ̸= y
this means x + y ≡ N . But both x, y ≤ N 2−1 so x + y ≤ N − 1, contradiction.
Therefore, each of those N 2−1 numbers defines a quadratic residue mod N . Also, from (a), the rest of
the N 2−1 numbers in the range { N 2−1 + 1, · · · N − 1} lead to the same residues. Adding 0 as a quadratic
residue, we have exactly N2+1 of them.
(c)Take, say, N = 15 and a = 1 then the equation x2 ≡ 1 mod 15 has solutions 1, −1, 4.

1.42. We just need to calculate the inverse of e mod (p − 1). But this we can do by using Extended Euclid’s
algorithm for the gcd(e, p − 1) = 1.
1.43. First pick an appropriate message m such that m 2 is neither 1 nor −1 mod N . Then med−1 ≡ 1
ed−1 ed−1 ed−1 ed−1
mod N ⇒ (m 2 −1)(m 2 +1) ≡ 0 mod N ⇒ one of the gcd(N, (m 2 −1)) or gcd(N, (m 2 +1))
is a non-trivial factor of N . Since N = qp and we have determined, say p, we can just divide N/p = q.

1.44. The three messages that Alice sends are M 3

modN1 , M 3 mod N2 , M 3 mod N3 , where M < min{N1 , N2 , N3 }. By the Chinese remainder theorem
there is a unique number x < N1 · N2 · N3 with x = M 3 mod N1 ,x = M 3 mod N2 ,x = M 3 mod N3 .
We observe that M 3 < N1 · N2 · N3 and also has the above residues. Therefore, we can just compute
M 3 by the equations in 1.37d) and then take the cubic root i Z (recall we are not able to take roots in
ZN , but this is not necessary here).

1.45. a) The digital signature scheme can be used to both authenticate the identity of the sender of the
message and to ensure that the message has not been altered by a third party during communi-
b) verify((N, e), M d , M ) can be implemented by checking whether (M d )e mod N equals M . Then,
if the signature was created by the private key d, we have (M d )e mod N = (M e )d mod N = M

mod N = M , by the correctness of the RSA protocol. Conversely, if an adversary was able to sign
given only (N, e), the adversary would be able to exponentiate by d mod N , which would allow
him to decrypt, contradicting the security of the RSA protocol. Hence, if the RSA is secure, so is
this scheme for digital signatures.
c) I picked p = 137, q = 71. Hence N = pq = 9727 and Φ(N ) = (p − 1)(q − 1) = 9520 = 24 · 5 · 7 · 17.
Then, I chose e = 99, which is coprime to Φ(n). d must then be the inverse of e mod Φ(n), that
is 6539, found by running Extended Euclid. The first letter of my name is L and I choose it to
map to binary using the ASCII code, for which L = 76. Then, the signature of this first number
is 7699 mod 9727 = 4814. Finally, 481499 mod 9727 = 76, as required.
d) 391 can be factored as 17 · 23. Then, Φ(391) = 16 · 22 = 352. Then d = (e)−1 mod 352 = 145,
by Extended Euclid. In fact, 145 ∗ 17 = 2465 = 1 mod 352, as required.

1.46. a) When Eve intercepts the encrypted message M e mod N sent by Alice to Bob, she can just ask
Bob to sign it for her with his private key, to obtain (M e )d mod N = M , by the correctness of
the RSA.
b) In this case, Eve can pick k coprime to N at random and ask Bob to sign M e · k e mod N . This
will yield (M k)ed mod N = M k mod N . Then Eve can use Extended Euclid to obtain k −1
mod N and multiply by such inverse to find M . Notice that in this way Bob’s signatures are
distributed uniformly over all numbers invertible mod N , as M k is equally likely to be any of
such numbers.
Chapter 2– Solutions

January 31, 2007


2.2. Consider bdlogb ne .

2.3. a)

⇣n⌘ ⇣n⌘ X1 ✓ 3 ◆i
T (n) = 3T + cn = · · · = 3k T + cn =
2 2k i=0
✓ ◆k !
⇣n⌘ 3
= 3 T
+ 2cn 1
2 k 2

For k = log2 n, T ( 2nk ) = T (1) = d = O(1). Then:

✓ ◆
nlog2 3
T (n) = dnlog2 3 + 2cn = ⇥(nlog2 3 )

as predicted by the Master theorem.

b) T (n) = T (n 1) + c = · · · = T (n k) + kc. For k = n, T (n) = T (0) + nc = ⇥(n).

2.4. a) This is a case of the Master theorem with a = 5, b = 2, d = 1. As a > bd , the running time is
O(nlogb a ) = O(nlog2 5 ) = O(n2.33 ).
Pn 1
b) T (n) = 2T (n 1) + C, for some constant C. T (n) can then be expanded to C i=0 2i + 2n T (0) =
O(2n ).
c) This is a case of the Master theorem with a = 9, b = 3, d = 2. As a = bd , the running time is
O(nd log n) = O(n2 log n).

2.5. a) T (n) = 2T (n/3) + 1 = ⇥(nlog3 2 ) by the Master theorem.

b) T (n) = 5T (n/4) + n = ⇥(nlog4 5 ) by the Master theorem.
c) T (n) = 7T (n/7) + n = ⇥(n log7 n) by the Master theorem.
d) T (n) = 9T (n/3) + n2 = ⇥(n2 log3 n) by the Master theorem.
e) T (n) = 8T (n/2) + n3 = ⇥(n3 log2 n) by the Master theorem.
f) T (n) = 49T (n/25) + n3/2 log n = ⇥(n3/2 log n). Apply the same reasoning of the proof of the
Master Theorem. The contribution of level i of the recursion is
✓ ◆i ⇣ n ⌘ ✓ 49 ◆i
n log
= O(n3/2 log n)
253/2 253/2 125

Because the corresponding geometric series is dominated by the contribution of the first level, we
obtain T (n) = O(n3/2 log n). But, T (n) is clearly ⌦(n3/2 log n). Hence, T (n) = ⇥(n3/2 log n).
g) T (n) = T (n 1) + 2 = ⇥(n).
h) T (n) = T (n 1) + nc = i=0 ic + T (0) = ⇥(nc+1 ).
Pn n+1
i) T (n) = T (n 1) + cn = i=0 ci + T (0) = c c 1 1 + T (0) = ⇥(cn ).
Pn 1
j) T (n) = 2T (n 1) + 1 = i=0 2i + 2n T (0) = ⇥(2n ).
p Pk 1
k) T (n) = T ( n) + 1 = i=0 1 + T (b), where k 2 Z such that n 2k is a small constant b, i.e. the
size of the base case. This implies k = ⇥(log log n) and T (n) = ⇥(log log n).

2.6. The corresponding polynomial is 1

t0 1 + x + x2 + · · · + xt0 .

2.7. For n 6= 0 and ! = e n :
X1 1 !n
!i = =0
1 !
Y1 Pn 1 n(n 1)
!i = ! i=0 i
=! 2


The latter is 1 if n is odd and 1 if n is even.

2.8. a) The appropriate value of ! is i. We have FFT(1, 0, 0, 0) = (1, 1, 1, 1) and FFT(1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4) =
(1, 0, 0, 0).
b) FFT(1, 0, 1, 1) = (1, i, 3, i).

2.9. a) Use ! = i. The FFT of x + 1 is FFT(1, 1, 0, 0) = (2, i + 1, 0, i 1). The FFT of x2 + 1 is

FFT(1, 0, 1, 0) = (2, 0, 2, 0). Hence, the FFT of their product is (4, 0, 0, 0), corresponding to the
polynomial 1 + x + x2 + x3 .
b) Use ! = i. The FFT of 2x2 + x + 1 is FFT(1, 1, 2, 0) = (4, 1 + i, 2, 1 i). The FFT of 3x + 2 is
FFT(2, 3, 0, 0) = (5, 2 + 3i, 1, 2 3i). The FFT of their product is then (20, 5 i, 2, 5 + i).
This corresponds to the polynomial 6x3 + 7x2 + 5x + 2.

2.10. 20, 137

3 ,
125 25
4 , 3 ,
4 .

2.11. For i, j  2:

n n/2 n/2
(XY )ij = Xik Ykj = Aik Ekj + Bik Gki = (AE + BG)ij
k=1 k=1 k=1

A similar proof holds for the remaining sectors of the product matrix.

2.12. Each function call prints one line and calls the same function on input of half the size, so the number
of printed lines is P (n) = 2P ( n2 ) + 1. By the Master theorem P (n) = ⇥(n).

2.13. a) B3 = 1, B5 = 2, B7 = 5. Any full binary tree must have an odd number of vertices, as it has an
even number of vertices that are children of some other vertex and a single root. Hence B2k = 0
for all k.
b) By decomposing the tree into the subtrees rooted at the children of the root:

Bn+2 = Bi Bn+1 i

n 3
c) We show that Bn 2 2 . Base case: B1 = 1 2 1
and B3 = 1 20 . Inductive step: for n 3
X n+2 n 5 n 5 n 1
Bn+2 = Bi Bn+1 i 2 2 22+ 2 =2 2


2.14. Sort the array in time O(n log n). Then, in one linear time pass copy the elements to a new array,
eliminating the duplicates.

2.15. The simplest way to implement split in place is the following:

function split(a[1, · · · , n], v)
store= 1
for i = 1 to n:
if a[i] < v:
swap a[i] and a[store]
store = store +1
for i =store to n:
if a[i] = v:
swap a[i] and a[store]
store = store +1

The first for loop passes through the array bringing the elements smaller than v to the front, so splitting
the array into a subarray of elements smaller than v and one of elements larger or equal to v. The
second for loop uses the same strategy on the latter subarray to split into a subarray of elements equal
to v and one of elements larger than v. The body of both for loops takes constant time, so the running
time is O(n).
2.16. It is sufficient to show how to find n in time O(log n), as we can use binary search on the array
A[1, · · · , n] to find any element x in time O(log n). To find n, query elements A[1], A[2], · · · , A[2i ], · · · ,
until you find the first element A[2k ] such that A[2k ] = 1. Then, 2k 1  n < 2k . We can then
do binary search on A[2k 1 , · · · , , 2k ] to find the last non-infinite element of A. This takes time
O(log(2k 2k 1 ) = O(log n).
2.17. First examine the middle element A[ n2 ]. If A[ n2 ] = n2 , we are done. If A[ n2 ] > n2 , then every subsequent
element will also be bigger than its index since the array values grow at least as fast as the indices.
Similarly, if A[ n2 ] < n2 , then every previous element in the array will be less than its index by the same
reasoning. So after the comparison, we only need to examine half of the array. We can recurse on the
appropriate half of the array. If we continue this division until we get down to a single element and
this element does not have the desired property, then such an element does not exist in A. We do a
constant amount of work with each function call. So our recurrence relation is T (n) = T (n/2) + O(1),
which solves to T (n) = O(log n).
2.18. As in the ⌦(n log n) lower bound for sorting on page 52 we can look at a comparison-based algorithm
for search in a sorted array as a binary tree in which a path from the root to a leaf represents a run of
the algorithm: at every node a comparison takes place and, according to its result, a new comparison
is performed. A leaf of the tree represents an output of the algorithm, i.e. the index of the element x
that we are searching or a special value indicating the element x does not appear in the array. Now,
all possible indices must appear as leaves or the algorithm will fail when x is at one of the missing
indices. Hence, the tree must have at least n leaves, implying its depth must be ⌦(log n), i.e. in the
worst case it must perform at least ⌦(log n) comparisons.
2.19. a) Let T (i) be the time to merge arrays 1 to i. This consists of the time taken to merge arrays 1
to i 1 and the time taken to merge the resulting array of size (i 1)n with array i, i.e. O(in).
Hence, for some constant c, T (i)  T (i 1) + cni. This implies T (k)  T1 + cn i=2 i = O(nk 2 ).
b) Divide the arrays into two sets, each of k/2 arrays. Recursively merge the arrays within the
two sets and finally merge the resulting two sorted arrays into the output array. The base case
of the recursion is k = 1, when no merging needs to take place. The running time is given by
T (k) = 2T (k/2) + O(nk). By the Master theorem, T (k) = O(nk log k).
2.20. We keep M + 1 counters, one for each of the possible values of the array elements. We can use these
counters to compute the number of elements of each value by a single O(n)-time pass through the

array. Then, we can obtain a sorted version of x by filling a new array with the prescribed numbers
of elements of each value, looping through the values in ascending order. Notice that the ⌦(n log n)
bound does not apply in this case, as this algorithm is not comparison-based.
2.21. a) Suppose µ > µ1 . If we move µ to the left by an infinitesimal amount ✏, the distance to all xi < µ
decreases by ✏, whilst the distance to all points xi > µ increases by ✏. Because µ > µ1 , there are
more points to the left of µ than to the right, so that the the shift by ✏ causes the sum of distances
to decrease. The same reasoning can be applied to the case µ < µ1 .
b) We use the second method:
(xi µ2 )2 + n(µ µ2 )2 =
= x2i 2nµ22 + nµ22 + nµ2 2nµµ2 + nµ22 =
= x2i 2( xi )µ + nµ2 =
i i
= (xi µ)2
Then, i (xi µ)2 will be minimized when the second addend of the left hand side is minimized,
i.e. for µ = µ2 .
c) The maximizing xi in maxi |xi µ| will be the maximum xmax or the minimum xmin of the
observations. Then µ must minimize max{xmax µ, µ xmin} , so µ = xmin +x 2
. This value
can be computed in O(n) time by passing through the observations to identify the minimum and
maximum elements and taking their average in constant time.
2.22. Suppose we are searching for the kth smallest element sk in the union of the lists a[1, · · · , m] and
b[1, · · · , n]. Because we are searching for the kth smallest element, we can restrict our attention to
the arrays a[1, · · · , k] and b[1, · · · , k]. If k > m or k > n, we can take all the elements with index
larger than the array boundary to have infinite value. Our algorithm starts o↵ by comparing elements
a[bk/2c] and b[dk/2e]. Suppose a[bk/2c] > b[dk/2e]. Then, in the union of a and b there can be at
most k 2 elements smaller than b[dk/2e], i.e. a[1, · · · , bk/2c 1] and b[1, · · · , dk/2e 1], and we
must necessarily have sk > b[dk/2e]. Similarly, all elements a[1, · · · , bk/2c] and b[1, · · · , dk/2e] will be
smaller than a[bk/2c + 1]; but these are k elements, so we must have sk < a[bk/2c + 1]. This shows that
sk must be contained in the union of the subarrays a[1, · · · , bk/2c] and b[dk/2e + 1, k]. In particular,
because we discarded dk/2e elements smaller than sk , sk will be the bk/2cth smallest element in this
union. We can then find sk by recursing on this smaller problem. The case for a[bk/2c] < b[dk/2e] is
symmetric. The last case, which is also the base case of the recursion, is a[bk/2c] = b[dk/2e], for which
we have sk = a[bk/2c] = b[dk/2e].
At every step we halve the number of elements we consider, so the algorithm will terminate in log(2k)
recursive calls. Assuming the comparison takes constant time, the algorithm runs in time O(log k),
which is O(log(m + n)), as we must have k  m + n for the kth smallest element to exist.
2.23. a) If A has a majority element v, v must also be a majority element of A1 or A2 or both. To find v,
recursively compute the majority elements, if any, of A1 and A2 and check whether one of these
is a majority element of A. The running time is given by T (n) = 2T ( n2 ) + O(n) = O(n log n).
b) After this procedure, there are at most n/2 elements left as at least one element in each pair is
discarded. If these remaining elements have a majority, there exists v among them appearing at
least n/4 times. Hence, v must have been paired up with itself in at least n/4 pairs during the
procedure, showing that A contains at least n/2 copies of v. The running time of this algorithm
is described by the recursion T (n) = T (n/2) + O(n). Hence, T (n) = O(n).

2.24. a) Modify the in place split procedure of 2.15 so that it explicitly returns the three subarrays
SL ,SR ,Sv . Quicksort can then be implemented as follows:
function quicksort(A[1, · · · , n])
pick k at random among 1, · · · , n
(SL , SR , Sv =split(A[1, · · · , n], A[k])
quicksort(SL )
quicksort(SR )

b) In the worst case we always pick A[k] that is the largest element of A. Then, we only decrease
the problem size by 1 and the running time becomes T (n) = T (n 1) + O(n), which implies
T (n) = O(n2 ).
c) For 1  i  n, let pi be the probability that A[k] is the ith largest element in A and let ti be
the expected runningP time of the algorithm in this case. Then, the expected running time can be
expressed as T (n) = i=1 pi ti . A[k] is every element of A with the same probability n1 , so pi = n1 .
Moreover, ti is at most O(n) + T (n i + 1) + T (i 1), as SL has at most n i + 1 elements and
SR has at most i 1. Then, for some constant c:
! n 1
1 X 1X
T (n)  O(n) + T (i 1) + T (n i + 1)  cn + T (j) + T (n j)
n i=1 n j=0

We use induction to show that the recurrence is satisfied by T (n)  bn log n for some choice of
constant b. We start by rewriting T (n) as:
2X 2

T (n)  cn + T (j) + T (n j)
n j=0

Then, we substitute the expression from the inductive hypothesis:

2b X

T (n)  cn + j log j + (n j) log(n j)

n j=1

Next, we divide the sum as follows:

n n
2b X
2b X

T (n)  cn + j log j + (n j) log(n j) + j log j + (n j) log(n j)

n j=1 n n
j= 4

Finally, we can bound each term in the first sum above by n log n and each term in the second
sum by n log( 34 n):
✓ ◆ ✓ ✓ ◆◆
b b b 4 b 4
T (n)  cn + n log n + n log n n log = bn log n + n c log
2 2 2 3 2 3

This is smaller than bn log n for b > 2c

log( 43 )
, completing the proof by induction.

2.25 a) The algorithm should be:

function pwr2bin(n)
if n = 1: return 10102
z =pwr2bin(n/2)

return fastmultiply(z, z)

The running time T (n) can then be written as

T (n) = T (n/2) + O(na )
By the Master theorem, T (n) = O(na ).
b) The algorithm is the following:
if n = 1: return binary[x]
split x into two decimal numbers xL , xR with n/2 digits each
return {fastmultiply(dec2bin(xL ),pwr2bin(n/2)) + dec2bin(xR )}
The running time T (n) is expressed by the recurrence relation
T (n) = 2T (n/2) + O(na )
as both the fastmultiply and the pwr2bin operations take time O(na ). By the Master theorem,
T (n) = O(na ), as a = log2 3 > 1.
2.26 We show how to use an algorithm for squaring integers to multiply integers asymptotically as fast. Let
S(n) be the time required to square a n-bit number. We can multiply n-bit integers a and b by first
computing 2ab = (a + b)2 a2 b2 and then shifting the results 2ab by one bit to the right to obtain ab.
This algorithm takes 3 squaring operations and 3 additions and hence has running time 3S(n) + O(n).
But S(n) = ⌦(n), as any squaring algorithm must at least read the n-bit input. This implies the
running time of the multiplication algorithm above is ⇥(S(n)), contradicting Professor Lake’s claim.
2.27 a)
 2 
a b a2 + bc b(a + d)
c d c(a + d) bc + d2
Hence the 5 multiplications a2 , d2 , bc, b(a + d) and c(a + d) suffice to compute the square.
b) We do get 5 subproblems but they are not of the same type as the original problem. Note that we
started with a squaring problem for a matrix of size n ⇥ n and three of the 5 subproblems now
involve multiplying n/2 ⇥ n/2 matrices. Hence the recurrence T (n) = 5T (n/2) + O(n2 ) does not
make sense.
c) Given two n ⇥ n matrices X and Y , create the 2n ⇥ 2n matrix A:

0 X
Y 0

It now suffices to compute A2 , as its upper left block will contain XY :

XY 0
0 XY
Hence, the product XY can be calculated in time O(S(2n)). If S(n) = O(nc ), this is also O(nc ).
2.28 For any column vector u of length n, let u(1) denote the column vector of length n/2 consisting of the
first n/2 coordinates of u. Similarly, define u(2) to be the vector of the remaining coordinates. Note
then that (Hk v)(1) = Hk 1 v (1) + Hk 1 v (2) = Hk 1 (v (1) + v (2) ) and (Hk v)(2) = Hk 1 v (1) Hk 1 v (2) =
Hk 1 (v (1) v (2) ). This shows that we can find Hk v by calculating (v (1) + v (2) ) and (v (1) v (2) ) and
recursively computing Hk 1 (v (1) + v (2) ) and Hk 1 (v (1) v (2) ). The running time of this algorithm is
given by the recursion T (n) = 2T ( n2 ) + O(n), where the linear term is the time taken to perform the
two sums. This has solution T (n) = O(n log n) by the Master theorem.

2.29 a) We show this by induction on n, the degree of the polynomial. For n = 1, the routine clearly
works as the body of the loop itself evaluates p at x. For n = k + 1, notice that the first k
iterations of the for loop evaluate the polynomial q(x) = a1 + a2 x + a3 x2 + · · · an xn 1 at x by the
inductive hypothesis. The last iteration of the for loop evaluates then xq(x) + a0 = p(x) at point
x, as required.
b) Every iteration of the for loop uses one multiplication and one addition, so the routine uses n
additions and n multiplications. Consider now the polynomial p(x) = xn for n = 2k . p can be
evaluated at x using only k = log n multiplication simply by repeatedly squaring x. However,
Horner’s rule still takes n multiplications.
2.30 (a) Observe that taking ! = 3 produces the following powers : (!, ! 2 , ! 3 , ! 4 , ! 5 , ! 6 ) = (3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1).
Verify that
! + ! 2 + ! 3 + ! 4 + ! 5 + ! 6 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21 = 0 (mod 7)

(b) The matrix M6 (3) is the following:

2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1
6 1 3 2 6 4 5 7
6 7
6 1 2 4 1 2 4 7
6 7
6 1 6 1 6 1 6 7
6 7
4 1 4 2 1 4 2 5
1 5 4 6 2 3
Multiplying with the sequence (0, 1, 1, 1, 5, 2) we get the vector (3, 6, 4, 2, 3, 3).

(c) The inverse matrix of M6 (3) is easily seen to be the matrix

2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1
6 1 5 4 6 2 3 7
6 7
6 1 4 2 1 4 2 7
6·66 1
6 6 1 6 1 6 7
4 1 2 4 1 2 4 5
1 3 2 6 4 5
Verify that multiplying these two matrices mod 7 equals the identity. Also multiply this matrix
with vector (3, 6, 4, 2, 3, 3) to get the original sequence.
(d) We first express the polynomials as vectors of dimension 6 over the integers mod 7: (1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
and ( 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0) = (6, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0) respectively. We then apply the matrix M6 (3) to both to get
the transform of the two sequences. That produces (3, 6, 0, 1, 0, 3) and (2, 4, 4, 3, 1, 1) respectively.
Then we just multiply the vectors coordinate-wise to get (6, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3). This is the transform of
the product of the two polynomials. Now, all we have to do is multiply by the inverse FT matrix
M6 (3) 1 to get the final polynomial in the coefficient representation : ( 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1).
2.31 a) We prove each statement of the rule separately:
⇤ If a and b are both even, then gcd(a, b) = 2 gcd(a/2, b/2).
Proof: gcd(a, b) = d i↵ a = da0 and b = db0 and gcd(a0 , b0 ) = 1. Since a and b are both even,
2|d so a/2 = a0 d/2 and b/2 = b0 d/2, and since gcd(a0 , b0 ) = 1, then gcd(a/2, b/2) = d/2.
⇤ If a is even and b is odd, then gcd(a, b) = gcd(a/2, b).
Proof: Since b is odd, gcd(a, b) = d is odd. If an odd d|a then d|a/2.
⇤ If a and b are both odd, then gcd(a, b) = gcd((a b)/2, b).
Proof: On page 20 we proved that for a b, gcd(a, b) = gcd(a b, b). Now since |a b| is even
if both a and b are odd, we can just use part 2 to conclude that gcd(a, b) = gcd((a b)/2, b).

b) Consider the following algorithm:

function gcd(a, b)
if b == 0:
return a
if a is even:
if b is even:
return 2· gcd(a/2, b/2)
return gcd(b, a/2)
return gcd(b, (a b)/2)

The algorithm is correct according to part a) of this problem. Each argument is reduced by half
after at most two calls to the function, so the function is called at most O(log a + log b) times.
Each function call takes constant time, assuming the subtraction in the last line takes constant
time, so the running time is O(log a + log b).

c) More realistically, if we take the subtraction to take time O(n), we have that each call takes at
most time O(n) and there are at most O(log a + log b) = O(n) calls. So, the running time is
O(n2 ), which compares favorably to the O(n3 ) algorithm of Chapter 1.

2.32 a) Suppose 5 or more points in L are found in a square of size d ⇥ d. Divide the square into 4 smaller
squares of size d2 ⇥ d2 . At least one pair of points must fall within the same smaller square: these
two points will then be at distance at most pd2 < d, which contradicts the assumption that every
pair of points in L is at distance at least d.

b) The proof is by induction on the number of points. The algorithm is trivially correct for two
points, so we may turn to the inductive step. Suppose we have n points and let (ps , pt ) be the
closest pair. There are three cases.
If ps , pt 2 L, then (ps , pt ) = (pL , qL ) by the inductive hypothesis and all the other pairs tested by
the algorithm are at a larger distance apart, so the algorithm will correctly output (ps , pt ). The
same reasoning holds if ps , pt 2 R.
If ps 2 L and pt 2 R, the algorithm will be correct as long as it tests the distance between ps and
pt . Because ps and pt are at distance smaller than d, they will belong to the strip of points with
x-coordinate in [x d, x+d]. Suppose that ys  yt . A symmetric construction applies in the other
case. Consider the rectangle S with vertices (x d, ys ), (x d, ys + d), (x + d, ys + d), (x + d, ys ).
Notice that both ps and pt must be contained in S. Moreover, the intersection of S with L is
a square of size d ⇥ d, which, by a), can contain at most 4 points, including ps . Similarly, the
intersection of S with R can also contain at most 4 points, including pt . Because the algorithm
checks the distance between ps and the 7 points following ps in the y-sorted list of points in the
middle strip, it will check the distance between ps and all the points of S. In particular, it will
check the distance between ps and pt , as required for the correctness of the algorithm.

c) When called on input of n points this algorithm first computes the median x value in O(n)
and then splits the list of points into those belonging to L and R, which also takes time O(n).
Then the algorithm can recurse on these two subproblems, each over n/2 points. Once these
have been solved the algorithm sorts the points in the middle strip by y coordinate, which takes
time O(n log n) and then computes O(n) distances, each of which can be calculated in constant
time. Hence the running time is given by the recursion T (n) = 2T ( n2 ) + O(n log n). This can be
analyzed as in the proof of the Master theorem. The kth level of the recursion tree will contribute

tk = 2k 2nk (log n k). Hence, the total running time will be:

Xn log
Xn n
tk = n log2 n n k  n log2 n log2 n = O(n log2 n)
k=0 k=0
d) We can save some time by sorting the points by y-coordinate only once and making sure that the
split routine is implemented as not to modify the order by y when splitting by x. Sorting takes
time O(n log n), while the time required by the remaining of the algorithm is now described by
the recurrence T (n) = 2T ( n2 ) + O(n), which yields T (n) = O(n log n). Hence, the overall running
time is O(n log n).
2.33 a) Let Mij 6= 0. It
Pnis sufficient to bound above Pr[(M v)i = 0], as Pr[(M v)i = 0] Pr[M v = 0].
Now, (M v)i = t=1 Mit vt , so (M v)i is 0 if and only if:
Mij vj = Mit vt

Consider now any fixed assignment of values to all the vt ’s but vj . If, under this assignment, the
right hand side is 0, vj has to be 0. Similarly, if the right hand side is non-zero, vj cannot be 0.
In either case, vj can only take one of the two values {0, 1} and P r[(M v)i = 0]  12 .
b) If AB 6= C, the di↵erence M = AB C is a non-zero matrix and, by part a):
Pr[ABv = Cv] = Pr[M v = 0] 
The randomized test for checking whether AB = C is to compare ABv with Cv for a random v con-
structed as in a). To compute ABv, it is possible to use the associativity of matrix multiplication
and compute first Bv and then A(Bv). This algorithm performs 3 matrix-vector multiplications,
each of which takes time O(n2 ), while the final comparison takes time O(n). Hence, the total
running time of the randomized algorithm is O(n2 ).
2.34 A linear-time algorithm requires dynamic programming. Here we give a divide-and-conquer algorithm
running in polynomial time in n.
Let be the input 3SAT formula exhibiting the special local property. For 1  i  j  n, let (i, j) be
the 3SAT formula consisting of clauses of containing only variables xi , xi+1 , · · · , xj . We can then split
into (1, n2 , ( n2 + 1, n) and the formula consisting of the remaining clauses, i.e. those containing
at least one variable with index k  n2 and one with index k > n2 . The local property implies that
can only contain variables with index in the range { n2 9, · · · , n2 + 10}. Hence, at most 20 variables
appear in . Suppose now we are given an assignment a to the variable of that satisfies .. To check
if a can be extended to a satisfying assignment for the whole of , we can substitute the values of a
for their corresponding variables within (1, n2 and ( n2 + 1, n) and consider the satisfiability of these.
Letting a (1, n2 and a ( n2 +1, n) be these new formulae, notice that will be satisfiable by an extension
to a if and only if a (1, n2 and a ( n2 + 1, n) are satisfiable, as the latter have no variables in common.
Moreover, both a (1, n2 and a ( n2 + 1, n) exhibit the same local property as , so we can recurse on
them to verify their satisfiability. We can apply this procedure over all choices of a satisfying to
check if any assignment satisfies . The running time of this algorithm is described by the recursion
T (n)  220 · 2T (n/2) + O(n) = O(n2 1), as there are at most 220 assignments a, each of which gives
rise to two subproblems.
Chapter 3 – Solutions

3.1 The figure below gives the pre and post numbers of the vertices in parentheses. The tree and back
edges are marked as indicated.
(1,12) (2,11) (3,10)

Tree Edge

Back Edge
(13,18) (5,6)
D E F (4,9)

G H I (7,8)
(14,17) (15,16)

3.2 The figure below shows pre and post numbers for the vertices in parentheses. Di↵erent edges are
marked as indicated.
(1,16) (2,15) (3,14) (1,16)

H C (4,5) Tree Edge


(8,9) E D (4,13) Cross Edge

Back Edge

Forward Edge
G D (6,9)
F G H (13,16)
(7,10) (6,11) (5,12)

F E (7,8)

(a) (b)

3.3 (a) The figure below shows the pre and post times in parentheses.
(1,14) (3,10) (5,6)
(15,16) (11,12) (7,8)

(b) The vertices A, B are sources and G, H are sinks.

(c) Since the algorithm outputs vertices in decreasing order of post numbers, the ordering given is
B, A, C, E, D, F, H, G.
(d) Any ordering of the graph must be of the form {A, B}, C, {D, E}, F, {G, H}, where {A, B} indi-
cates A and B may be in any order within these two places. Hence the total number of orderings
is 23 = 8.
3.4 (i) The strongly connected component found first is {C, D, F, G, H, I, J} followed by {A, B, E}.
{C, D, F, G, H, I, J} is a source SCC, while {A, B, E} is a sink SCC. The metagraph is shown
in the figure below. It is easy to see that adding 1 edge from any vertex in the sink SCC to a
vertex in the source SCC makes the graph strongly connected.
(ii) The strongly connected components are found in the order {D, F, G, H, I}, {C}, {A, B, E}.
{A, B, E} is a source SCC, while {D, F, G, H, I} is a sink. Also, in this case adding one edge
from any vertex in the sink SCC to any vertex in the source SCC makes the metagraph strongly
connected and hence the given graph also becomes strongly connected.

A,B,E C,D,F,G,



3.5 Create a new (empty) adjacency list for the reverse. We go through the list of G and if in the
neighborhood of u, we find the vertex v, add u in the list of v in GR as the first element in the list.
Note that it would have been difficult to insert u at the end of the list, but insertion in the first position
takes only O(1) time.

3.6 (a) Note that each edge P

(u, v) contributes 1 to d(u)
P and 1 to d(v). Hence, each edge contributes
exactly 2 to the sum v2V d(v), which gives v2V d(v) = 2|E|.
(b) Let Vo be the set of vertices with odd degree and Ve be the set of vertices with even degree. Then
d(v) + d(v) = 2|E| =) d(v) = 2|E| d(v)
v2Vo v2Ve v2Vo v2Ve

The RHS of this equation is even and the LHS is a sum of odd numbers. A sum of odd numbers
can be even, only if it is the sum of an even number of odd numbers. Hence, the number of vertices
in Vo (equal to the number of people with odd number of handshakes) must be even.
(c) No. The following graph provides a counter-example as only one vertex (B) has odd indegree.


3.7 (a) Let us identify the sets V1 and V2 with the colors red and blue. We perform a DFS on the
graph and color alternate levels of the DFS tree as red and blue (clearly they must have di↵erent
colors). Then the graph is bipartite i↵ there is no monochromatic edge. This can be checked
during DFS itself as such an edge must be a back-edge, since tree edges are never monochromatic
by construction and DFS on undirected graphs produces only tree and back edges.
(b) The “only if” part is trivial since an odd cycle cannot be colored by two colors. To prove the “if”
direction, consider the run of the above algorithm on a graph which is not bipartite. Let u and v
be two vertices such that (u, v) is a monochromatic back-edge and u is an ancestor of v. The path
length from u to v in the tree must be even, since they have the same color. This path, along
with the back-edge, gives an odd cycle.
(c) If a graph has exactly one odd cycle, it can be colored by 3 colors. To obtain a 3-coloring, delete
one edge from the odd cycle. The resulting graph has no odd cycles and can be 2-colored. We
now add back the deleted edge and assign a new (third) color to one of its end points.

3.8 (a) Let G = (V, E) be our (directed) graph. We will model the set of nodes as triples of numbers
(a0 , a1 , a2 ) where the following relationships hold: Let S0 = 10, S1 = 7,S2 = 4 be the sizes of the
corresponding containers. ai will correspond at the actual contents of the ith container. It must
hold 0  ai  Si for i = 0, 1, 2 and at any given node a0 + a1 + a2 = 11 (the total amount of
water we started from). An edge between two nodes (a0 , a1 , a2 ) and (b0 , b1 , b2 ) exists if both the
following are satisfied :
– the two nodes di↵er in exactly two coordinates (and the third one is the same in both).

– if i, j are the coordinates they di↵er in, then either ai = 0 or aj = 0 or ai = Si or aj = Sj .

The question that needs to be answered is wether there exists a path between the nodes (0, 7, 4)
and (⇤, 2, ⇤) or (⇤, ⇤, 2) where ⇤ stands for any (allowed) value of the corresponding coordinate.
(b) Given the above description, it is easy to see that a DFS algorithm on that graph should be
applied, starting from node (0, 7, 4) with an extra line of code that halts and answers ’YES’ if one
of the desired nodes is reached and ’NO’ if all the connected component of the starting node is
exhausted an no desired vertex is reached.
(c) It is easy to see that after a few steps of the algorithm (depth 6 on the dfs tree) the node (2,7,2)
is reached, so we answer ‘YES’.

3.9 First, the degree of each node can be determined by counting the number of elements in its adjacency
list. The array twodegree can then be computed by initializing twodegree to 0 for every vertex, and
then modifying explore as follows to add the degree of each neighbor of a vertex u to twodegree[u].
explore(G, u) {
visited(u) = true
for each edge (u, v) 2 E:
twodegree[u] = twodegree[u] + degree[v]
if not visited(v): explore(v)

3.10 We use an extra variable top which refers to the top element in the stack. We assume that top is
automatically updated when some element is pushed or popped. Also, we need to keep track of how
many neighbors of a vertex have been already checked. For this we also need the outdegree of every
vertex (which is part of the adjacency list). We assume that neighbor(v, i) gives the ith neighbor of
the vertex v 1 .
The code for the explore function is as follows:
explore(G, u) {
visited(u) = true
neighbors checked(u) = 0
push u
while stack is not empty {
w = top
for i from neighbors checked[w]+1 to outdegree[w] {
v = neighbor(w, i)
if not visited(v)
neighbors checked[w] = i
if neighbors checked[w] = outdegree[w]

3.11 Let e = (u, v). The graph has a cycle containing e if and only if u and v are in the same connected
component in the graph obtained by deleting e. This can be easily checked by a DFS on this graph.
1 We have a list and cannot actually access the ith neighbor, but i changes sequentially in the loop here and hence we allow

ourselves some abuse of notation.


3.12 There are two cases possible: pre(u) < pre(v) < post(v) < post(u) or pre(v) < post(v) < pre(u) <
post(u). In the first case, u is an ancestor of v. In the second case, v was popped o↵ the stack without
looking at u. However, since there is an edge between them and we look at all neighbors of v, this
cannot happen. So, the given statement is true.

3.13 (a) Consider the DFS tree of G starting at any vertex. If we remove a leaf (say v) from this tree, we
still get a tree which is a connected subgraph of the graph obtained by removing v. Hence, the
graph remains connected on removing v.
(b) A directed cycle. Removing any vertex from a cycle leaves a path which is not strongly connected.
(c) A graph consisting of two disjoint cycles. Each cycle is individually a strongly connected com-
ponent. However, adding just one edge is not enough as it (at most) allows us to go from one
component to another but not back.

3.14 The algorithm is to always pick a source, delete it from the graph and then recurse on the resulting
graph. A source is just a vertex with indegree 0. Thus, we can find all the sources in the initial graph
by performing a DFS and computing the indegree of all the vertices. We add all the vertices with
indegree 0 to a list L.
At each step, the algorithm then removes an element from L (a source) and reduces the indegree of
each of its neighbors by 1 (this corresponds to deleting it from the graph). If this changes the indegree
of any vertex to 0, we add it to L. The removed element is assigned the next position in the ordering.
Computing all indegrees in the first step only requires a DFS which takes linear time. Subsequently,
we only look at each edge (u, v) at most once when we are removing u from L. Hence, the total time
is linear in the size of the graph.

3.15 (a) We view the intersections as vertices of a graph with the streets being directed edges, since they
are one-way. Then the claim is equivalent to saying that this graph is strongly connected. This
is true i↵ the graph has only one strongly connected component, which can be checked in linear
(b) The claim says that starting from the town hall, one cannot get to any other SCC in the graph.
This is equivalent to saying that the SCC containing the vertex corresponding to the town hall
is a sink component. This can be easily done in linear time by first finding the components, and
then running another DFS from the vertex corresponding to the town hall, to check if any edges
go out of the component2 .

3.16 The graph of the prerequisite relation must be a DAG, since there can be no circular dependencies
between courses. The number of courses essentially corresponds to the length of the longest path in
this DAG.
We first linearize this graph to obtain an ordering c1 , c2 , . . . , cn of the courses, such that ci is a possibly
a prerequisite only for cj with j > i. Any path ending at cj can now only pass through ci for i < j. If
lj is the length of the longest path ending at cj , then

lj = 1 + max {li }

which depends only on li for i < j. The required solution is maxi {li }. This is essentially a use of
dynamic programming.
Note however, that here we need all edges coming into cj rather going out, which is what the adjacency
list stores. This can be handled by computing the reverse of the graph (see problem 3.5 - in fact, it is
even easier for a linearized DAG) or by modifying the algorithm above so that each ci “updates” the
maximum value at its neighbors, when it computes its own li value.
2 In fact, it can even be done while decomposing the graph into SCCs by noting that the algorithm for decomposing progres-

sively removes sinks from the graph at every stage. A component found by the algorithm is a sink if and only if there are no
edges going out of the component into any component found before it.

3.17 (a) For the sake of contradiction, assume that there are two di↵erent vertices u, v 2 Inf (p) such that
u and v belong to di↵erent strongly connected components, say C1 and C2 respectively. But since
u occurs both before and after v in the trace, there must be a path from u to v and also a path
from v to u. This would imply that there is a path from every vertex in C1 to every vertex in C2
and vice-versa, which is a contradiction.
(b) The argument in the previous part shows that any infinite trace must be a subset of a strongly
connected component. It is also easy to see that any strongly connected component of size greater
than 1 has an infinite trace since we can always pick two vertices in the same component and go
from one to another infinitely often.
However, a graph that has all SCCs of size 1 must be a DAG and hence the problem reduces to
checking if the given directed graph has a cycle. This can be done using DFS since the graph has
a cycle if and only if DFS finds a back edge.
(c) Let v 2 Inf (p) be a good vertex visited infinitely often by the trace p. Also, there must be at
least one more vertex in the component of v for the trace to be infinite. Hence, the problem
reduces to checking if the graph contains a strongly connected component of size more than 1,
which contains a good vertex. This can be done by decomposing the graph into its SCCs.
(d) Let p be a trace such that Inf (p) ✓ VG . Then there must exist a number N such that vn 2 VG
for all n N (since no bad vertex is visited infinitely often). Then Inf (p) must itself form a
strongly connected subgraph since after time N , the trace does not take any path passing through
a bad vertex. Hence, a graph contains an infinite trace which visits only good vertices infinitely
often if and only if the subgraph induced by VG contains a strongly connected component of size
greater than 1 (We argued only the “only if” part above, but the other direction is trivial). This
can be checked by proceeding as in part (b) with the subgraph induced by VG .
3.18 Do a DFS on the tree starting from r and store the previsit and postvisit times for each node. Since
the given graph is a tree, and we started at the root, the DFS tree is the same as the given tree. Thus,
u is an ancestor of v if and only if pre(u) < pre(v) < post(v) < post(u).
3.19 We modify the explore procedure so that explore called on a node returns the maximum x value in the
corresponding subtree. The parent stores this as its z value, and returns the maximum of this and its
own x value.
explore(G, u) {
visited(u) = true
z(u) = 1
temp = 0
for each edge (u, v) 2 E:
If not visited(v): {
temp = explore(G, v)
if temp > z(u): z(u) = temp
return max{z(u), x(u)}
3.20 We maintain the labels of all the vertices currently on the stack, in a a separate array. Since a path
can have at most n vertices, the length of this array is at most n. The labels are modified using this
array in the previsit and postvisit procedures.
– previsit(v) {
current depth = current depth + 1
labels[current depth] = l(v)
– postvisit(v){
ancestor depth = max{0, current depth - l(v)}

l(v) = labels[ancestor depth]

current depth = current depth - 1

ancestor depth identifies the level at which pl(v) is present in the path and stores the appropriate
label in the current node. Since we add only a constant number of operations at each step of DFS, the
algorithm is still linear time.

3.21 Consider the case of a strongly connected graph first. The case of a general graph can be handled by
breaking it into its strongly connected components, since a cycle can only be present in a single SCC.
We proceed by coloring alternate levels of the DFS tree as red and blue. We claim that the graph
has an odd cycle if and only if there is an edge between two vertices of the same color (which can be
checked in linear time).
If there is an odd cycle, it cannot be two colored and hence there must be a monochromatic edge. For
the other direction, let u and v be two vertices having the same color and let (u, v) be an edge. Also,
let w be their lowest common ancestor in the tree. Since u and v have the same color, the distances
from w to u and v are either both odd or both even. This gives two paths p1 and p2 from w to v, one
through u and one not passing through u, one of which is odd and the other is even.
Since the graph is strongly connected, there must also be a path q from v to w. Since the length of this
path is either odd or even, q along with one of p1 and p2 will give an odd length tour (a cycle which
might visit a vertex multiple times) passing through both v and w. Starting from v, we progressively
break the tour into cycles whenever it intersects itself. Since the length of the tour is odd, one of these
cycles must have odd length (as the sum of their lengths is the length of the tour).

3.22 Let us call a vertex from which all other vertices are reachable, a vista vertex. If the graph has a vista
vertex, then it must have only one source SCC (since two source SCCs are not reachable from each
other), which must contain the vista vertex (if it’s in any other SCC, there is no path from the vista
vertex to the source SCC). Moreover, in this case every vertex in the source SCC will be a vista vertex.
The algorithm is then simply to a DFS starting from any node and mark the vertex with the highest
post value. This must be in a source SCC. We now again run a DFS from this vertex to check if we
can reach all nodes. Since the algorithm just uses decomposition into SCCs and DFS, the running time
is linear.

3.23 We start by linearizing the DAG. Any path from s to t can only pass through vertices between s and
t in the linearized order and hence we can ignore the other vertices.
Let s = v0 , v1 , . . . , vk = t be the vertices from s to t in the linearized order. For each i, we count the
number of paths from s to vi as ni . Each path to a vertex i and an edge (i, j), gives a path the vertex
j and hence X
nj = ni

Since i < j for all (i, j) 2 E, this can be computed in increasing order of j. The required answer is nk .

3.24 Start by linearizing the DAG. Since the edges can only go in the increasing direction in the linearized
order, and the required path must touch all the vertices, we simply check if the DAG has an edge (i, i+1)
for every pair of consecutive vertices labelled i and i + 1 in the linearized order. Both, linearization
and checking outgoing edges from every vertex, take linear time and hence the total running time is

3.25 Start by linearizing the DAG. Let v1 , . . . vn be the linearized order. Then the following algorithm finds
the cost array in linear time.
find costs() {
for i = n to 1:
cost[vi ] = pvi
for all (vi , vj ) 2 E:

if cost[vj ] < cost[vi ]:

cost[vi ] = cost[vj ]
The time for linearizing a DAG is linear. For the above procedure, we visit each edge at most once and
hence the time is linear. For a general graph, the cost value of any two nodes in the same strongly
connected component will be the same since both are reachable from each other. Hence, it is sufficient
to run the above algorithm on the DAG of the strongly connected components of the graph. For a
node corresponding to component C, we take pC = minu2C {pu }.
3.26 (a) We first prove the “only if” direction. Suppose we have an Eulerian tour for a graph G. Let u be
any vertex in the graph. Suppose that we “enter” u k times during the tour. Since it is a cycle,
we must also leave u exactly k times and all these edges must be distinct. Hence, the degree of u
must be 2k which is even. Since this is true for any vertex u, the claim follows.
For the other direction we use induction on the number of vertices in the graph. First note that
if |V | = 2, the trivially if the degree of both the vertices is even then the graph has an Eulerian
tour. Let the statement be true for all graphs with |V | = n.
We consider a graph G on n + 1 vertices such that all its vertices have even degrees. Let u be
a vertex in this graph having neighbors i1 , i2 , . . . i2k . Consider a graph G0 where we remove u
and add edges (i1 , i2 ), (i3 , i4 ), . . . , (i2k 1 , i2k ) to G. Since G0 has n vertices and the degree of
each vertex is the same as in G (and thus even), G0 must have an Eulerian tour. Replace every
occurence of the extra edges of the form (it 1 , it ) that we inserted, by (it 1 , u) followed by (u, it ).
This gives an Eulerian tour of G.
(b) To have an Eulerian path, exactly two of the vertices in the graph must have odd degree, while
all the remaining ones must have even degree.
(c) A directed graph has an Eulerian tour i↵ the number of incoming edges at every vertex is equal
to the number of outgoing edges.
3.27 By problem 3.6, we know that the number of vertices with an odd degree in an undirected graph, must
be even. Suppose the number of such vertices is 2k. We arbitrarily pair up these vertices and add an
edge between each pair so that all vertices now have even degree.
By problem 3.26, each connected component of this new graph must have an Eulerian tour. Removing
the k edges we added from this set of tours, breaks it into k paths with the two ends of each path being
vertices of odd degree. Furthermore, all these paths are edge-disjoint, since an Eulerian tour uses each
edge exactly once. Thus, taking the two ends of each path as a pair gives the required pairing.
3.28 a) The formula has two satisfying assignments:
(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = (true, false, false, true)
(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = (true, true, false, true)
b) An example is (x̄1 _ x2 ) ^ (x̄2 _ x3 ) ^ (x̄3 _ x̄2 ) ^ (x1 _ x2 ) ^ (x3 _ x4 )
c) The graphs for the given formula and the example in part b) are given below.

x1 x2 x3 x4

x1 x2 x3 x4

d) Notice that a path in the directed graph from x to y means that x =) y. If x and x̄ are in the
same storngly connected componenent, then we have x =) x̄ and x̄ =) x. Then there is no
way to assign a value to x to satisfy both these implications.

x1 x2 x3 x4

x1 x2 x3 x4

e) We recursively find sinks in the graph of strongly connected components and assign true to all
the literals in the sink component (this means that if a sink component contains the literal x̄2 ,
then we assign x̄2 = true ⌘ x2 = false). We will then remove all the variables which have been
assigned a value from the graph.
When we set the literals in a sink component to true, we set their negations to false. However,
by the symmetry of the way we assigned edges, if we reverse the directions of all the edges and
replace each literal x by x̄, the graph should remain unchanged. Hence, the negations of all the
variables in a sink component must form a source component.
Now, we claim that we did not violate any implication while doing this. Any implication of the
form l1 =) l2 is violated only when l1 = true and l2 = false. All the literals in the sink are
true so this never happens. All the literals in the source are set to false, so no edge going out
of them can be violated. We can now recurse on the remaining graph. Since the values assigned
at each stage are consistent, we end up with a satisfying assignment.
f) To perform the operations in the previous part, we only need to construct this graph from the
formula, find its strongly connected components and identify the sinks - all of which can be done
in linear time.
3.29 We represent all elements of the set S as a graph with an edge from x to y if (x, y) 2 R. Since the
relation is symmetric, the corresponding graph is undirected. We claim that the connected components
of the graph give the required partition of S into groups S1 , S2 , . . . , Sk .
Since there are no edges between di↵erent connected components, elements in di↵erent groups are
definitely not related and it only remains to check that all elements in the same component are related
to each other. However, this follows directly from transitivity since there is a path between any two
elements in the same component.
3.30 The relation is symmetric by definition. It is also reflexive since there is a path from every vertex u to
itself of length 0. To verify transitivity, if (u, v) 2 R and (v, w) 2 R, then there is a path from u to v
and v to w, which gives a path from u to w (this might not be a simple path, but we can remove any
cycles). Similarly, we get a path from w to u.
By problem 3.29, this partitions the graph into disjoint groups such that for every two vertices u and
v in the same group, there is a path from u to v and v to u. Also, this is not true for two vertices not
in the same group. However, this is precisely the definition of the strongly connected components.
3.31 (a) The relation is reflexive and symmetric by definition. To verify transitivity, let (e1 , e2 ) 2 R, both
being contained in a cycle C1 and (e2 , e3 ) 2 R, contained in cycle C2 . Then, if either of C1 and
C2 contains all three of e1 , e2 and e3 , we are done as then (e1 , e3 ) 2 R.
If not, then neither of e1 and e3 can be common to both the cycles. Also, C1 and C2 must share
some edges. Starting from e3 , we move in both directions on C2 , until we reach a vertex in C1 .
This gives a (possibly small) path P in C2 , which contains e3 and has both endpoints (say v1 and
v2 ) in C1 . Now, C1 has two simple paths between v1 and v2 , exactly one of which contains e1 .
Removing the other gives a simple cycle containing both e1 and e3 . Hence (e1 , e3 ) 2 R.
(b) The biconnected components in the given graph are {AB, BN, N O, OA}, {BD}, {CD}, {DM }
and {LK, KJ, JL, KH, IJ, IF, F G, GH, HI, F H}. The bridges are BD, CD and DM and the
separating vertices are B, D and L.
(c) We first argue that two biconnected components must share at most one vertex. For the sake
of contradiction, assume that two components C1 and C2 share two vertices u and v. Note that
there must be a path from u to v in both C1 and C2 , since in each component, there is a simple

cycle containing one edge incident on u and one edge incident on v. The union of these two paths
gives a cycle containing some edges from C1 and some from C2 . However, this is contradiction as
this would imply that an edge in C1 is related to an edge in C2 .
We now need to prove that if two biconnected components intersect in exactly one vertex, then
it must be a separating vertex. Let the common vertex be u. Let (u, v1 ) and (u, v2 ) be the edges
corresponding to u in the two components. Then we claim that removing u disconnects v1 and v2 .
If not, then there must be a path between v1 and v2 , which does not pass through u. However,
this path, thogether with (u, v1 ) and (u, v2 ), gives a simple cycle containing one edge from each
component which is a contradiction.
(d) The graph can in fact, be a forest. However, there cannot be a cycle as this would imply a cycle
involving edges from two di↵erent biconnected components, which cannot happen since edges in
di↵erent equivalence classes cannot be related.
(e) If the root has only one child, then it is e↵ectively a leaf and removing the root still leaves the
tree connected. The DFS from the first child explores every vertex reachable through a path not
passing through the root. Also, since the graph is undirected, there can be no edges from the
subtree of the first child to that of any other child. Hence, removing the root disconnects the tree
if it has more than one children.
(f) If there is a backedge from a descendant of every child v 0 to an ancestor of v, each child can reach
the entire tree above v the graph is still connected after removing v. If there is a child v 0 such that
none of its descendants have a backedge to an ancestor of v, then in the graph after removing v,
there is no path between an ancestor of v and v 0 (note that there cannot be any cross edges since
the graph is undirected).
(g) While exploring each vertex u, we look at all the edges of the form (u, v) and can store at u, the
lowest pre(v) value for all neighbors of u. low(u) is then given by the minimum of this value,
pre(u) and the low values of all the children of u. Since each child can pass its low value to the
parent when it’s popped o↵ the stack, the entire array can be computed in a single pass of DFS.
(h) A non-root node u is a separating vertex i↵ pre(u) < low(v) for any child v of u. This can be
checked while computing the array. Also, if u is a separating vertex and v is a child such that
pre(u) < low(v), then the entire subtree with v as the root must be in di↵erent biconnected
components than the ancestors or other children of u. However, this subtree itself may have many
biconnected components as it might have other separating vertices.
Hence, we perform a DFS pushing all the edges we see on a stack. Also, when we explore a child
v of a separating vertex u such that the above condition is met, we push an extra “mark” on the
stack (to mark the subtree rooted at v). When DFS returns to v, i.e. when v is popped o↵ the
stack (of vertices), we can also pop the subtree of v from the stack of edges (pop everything till
the mark). If the subtree had multiple biconnected components, they would be already popped
o↵ before the DFS returned to v.
Chapter 4 – Solutions

4.1. The shortest path tree is shown in Figure 1.

Node 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B ∞ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
C ∞ ∞ 3 3 3 3 3 3
D ∞ ∞ ∞ 4 4 4 4 4
E ∞ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
F ∞ 8 7 7 7 7 6 6
G ∞ ∞ 7 5 5 5 5 5
H ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 8 8 6 6

Figure 1: Shortest-path tree for 4.1.

4.2. The shortest path tree is shown in Figure 2.

Node 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A ∞ 7 7 7 7 7 7
B ∞ ∞ 11 11 11 11 11
C ∞ 6 5 5 5 5 5
D ∞ ∞ 8 7 7 7 7
E ∞ 6 6 6 6 6 6
F ∞ 5 4 4 4 4 4
G ∞ ∞ ∞ 9 8 8 8
H ∞ ∞ 9 7 7 7 7
I ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 8 7 7

4.3. Suppose the input graph G is given as an adjacency matrix. Notice that G contains a square if and
only if there are two vertices u and v that share more than one neighbor. For any u, v we can check
this in time O(|V |) by comparing the row of u and the row of v in the adjacency matrix of G. Because
we need to repeat this process O(|V |2 ) to iterate over all u and v, this algorithm has running time
O(|V |3 ). We can do better by noticing that, when comparing the rows of the adjacency matrix au
and av , we are actually checking if au · av is greater than 1, i.e. if [A(G)2 ]uv > 1. It suffices then to

Figure 2: Shortest-path tree for 4.2.

compute A(G), which we can do in time O(|V |2.71 using our matrix multiplication algorithm and check
all non-diagonal entries to see if we find one larger than 1.
4.4. The graph in Figure 3 is a counterexample: vertices are labelled with their level in the DFS tree, back
edges are dashed. The shortest cycle consists of vertices 1 − 4 − 5, but the cycle found by the algorithm
is 1 − 2 − 3 − 4. In general, the strategy will fail if the shortest cycle contains more than one back edge.

1 2 3 4 5

Figure 3: Counterexample for 4.4.

4.5 We perform a BFS on the graph starting from u, and create a variable num paths(x) for the number
of paths from u to x, for all vertices x. If x1 , x2 , . . . xk are vertices at depth l in the BFS tree and
x is a vertex at depth l + 1 such that (x1 , x), . . . , (xk , x) ∈ E then we want to set num paths(x) =
num paths(x1 )+. . .+num paths(xk ). The easiest way to do this is to start with nump aths(x) = 0 for all
vertices x ̸= u and num paths(u) = 1. We then update num paths(y) = num paths(y) + num paths(x),
for each edge (x, y) that goes down one level in the tree. Since, we only modify BFS to do one extra
operation per edge, this takes linear time. The pseudocode is as follows
function count paths(G, u, v)
for all x ∈ V :
dist(x) = ∞
num paths(x) = 0

dist(u) = 0
num paths(u) = 1
Q = [u]
while Q is not empty:
x = eject(Q)
for all edges (x, y) ∈ E
if dist(y) = dist(x) + 1:

num paths(y) = num paths(y) + num paths(x)

if dist(y) = ∞:
dist(y) = dist(x) + 1
num paths(y) = num paths(x)

4.6. This is true as long as every node u ∈ V is reachable from s, the node from which Dijkstra’s algorithm
was run. In this case, every node is connected to s through a shortest path consisting of edges of the
type {u, prev(u)} and the graph formed by all these edges is connected. Moreover, such graph cannot
have cycles, because {u, prev(u)} can be an edge only if prev(u) was deleted off the heap before u, so
that a cycle would lead to a contradiction.
4.7. Let we be the weight of edge e. Let dT (u, v) be the distance between u and v along the edges of T .
This can be computed in linear time by either BF S or DF S. For any edge (u, v) = e ∈ E − E ′ , i.e.
every e not belonging to the tree, check that

w(u,v) + dT (s, u) ≥ dT (s, v)

This will succeed for all e ∈ E − E ′ if and only if T is a correct shortest path tree from s. We proceed
to prove this.
If T is a correct shortest path tree dT (s, v) = dG (s, v) and hence w(u,v) + dT (s, u) ≥ dT (s, v) or the
path through (u, v) would be shorter. If T is not a correct shortest path, consider a run of the Bellman
Ford algorithm for shortest paths starting at s. Consider the first update update(u, v) causing the
distance of v to drop below dT (s, v). Let du be the distance label of u at the moment of that update.
As this was the first update contradicting dT , it must be the case that dT (s, u) ≤ du . Then, we have
dT (s, u) + w(u,v) ≤ du + w(u,v) < dT (s, v), by construction. Hence, our algorithm will detect such edge
(u, v) and correctly recognize T as an invalid shortest path tree from s.
4.8. The weighted graph in Figure 4 is a counterexample: According to the algorithm proposed by Professor

−1 −1
u v w


Figure 4: Counterexample for 4.8.

Lake we should add +4 to the weight of each edge. Then, the shortest path between u and w would
be the edge (u, w) of weight 1. However, the shortest path in the original graph was u − v − w.
4.9. As stated the answer is negative, because there could be a negative cycle involving s. However, it
is more interesting to ask what happens in no such cycle exists. In this case, Dijkstra’s algorithm
works. Consider the proof of Dijkstra’s algorithm. The proof depended on the fact that if we know
the shortest paths for a subset S ⊆ V of vertices, and if (u, v) is an edge going out of S such that v
has the minimum estimate of distance from s among the vertices in V \ S, then the shortest path to
v consists of the (known) path to u and the edge (u, v). We can argue that this still holds even if the
edges going out of the vertex s are allowed to negative. Let (u, v) be the edge out of S as described
above. For the sake of contradiction, assume that the path claimed above is not the shortest path to v.
Then there must be some other path from s to v which is shorter. Since s ∈ S and v ∈ / S, there must
be some edge (i, j) in this path such that i ∈ S and j ∈/ S. But then, the distance from s to j along
this path must be greater than that the estimate of v, since v had the minimum estimate. Also, the
edges on the path between j and v must all have non-negative weights since the only negative edges

are the ones out of s. Hence, the distance along this path from s to v must be greater than the the
estimate of v, which leads to a contradiction.

4.10. Perform k rounds of the update procedure on all edges.

4.11. Define matrix D so that Dij is the length of the shortest path from vertex i to vertex j in the input
graph. Row i of the matrix can be computed by a run of Dijkstra’s algorithm in time O(|V |2 ). So we
can calculate all of D in time O(|V |3 ). For any pair of vertices u, v we know that there is a cycle of
length Duv +Dvu consisting of the two shortest paths between u and v and that this cycle is the shortest
among cycles containing u and v. This shows that it suffices to compute the minimum Duv + Dvu over
all pairs of vertices u, v to find the length of the shortest cycle. This last operation takes time O(|V |2 ),
so the overall running time is O(|V |3 ).

4.12. Let u and v be the end vertices of e. Using Dijkstra’s algorithm, compute shortest path lengths from u
and v to all other vertices in G − e, the graph obtained removing edge e from G. Let du (x) and dv (x)
respectively denote the shortest path length from u and v to node x in this graph. For any node x,
there exists then a cycle of size at most du (x) + dv (x) + 1 containing e in G: this cycle consists of the
non-overlapping parts of the shortest paths from u and v to x and of edge e. Moreover, if x belongs
to the shortest cycle C containing e, du (x) + dv (x) + 1 must be the length of C or a shorter cycle will
exist. This shows that the length of C is the minimum over all x of du (x) + dv (x) + 1, which can be
calculated in time O(|V |). Hence, the overall running time is O(|V |2 ) given by the two initial runs of
Dijkstra’s algorithm.

4.13. a) This can be done by performing DF S from s ignoring edges of weight larger than L.
b) This can be achieved by a simple modification of Dijkstra’s algorithm. We redefine the distance
from s to t to be the minimum over all paths p from s to u of the maximum length edge over all
edges of p. Compare this with the original definition of distance, i.e. the minimum over all p of
the sum of lengths of edges in p. This comparison suggests that by modifying the way distances
are updated in Dijkstra we can produce a new version of the algorithm for the modified problem.
It is sufficient to change the final loop to:
while H is not empty:
u = deletemin(H)
for all edges (u, v) ∈ E:
if dist(v) > max(dist(u), l(u, v))
dist(v) = max(dist(u), l(u, v))
prev(v) = u
When implemented with a binary heap, this algorithm achieves the required running time.

4.14. Let P be shortest path from vertex u to v passing through v0 . Note that, between v0 and v, P must
necessarily follow the shortest path from v0 to v. By the same reasoning, between u and v0 , P must
follow the shortest path from v0 and u in the reverse graph. Both these paths are guaranteed to exist
as the graph is strongly connected. Hence, the shortest path from u to v through v0 can be computed
for all pairs u, v by performing two runs on Dijkstra’s algorithm from v0 , one on the input graph G
and the other on the reverse of G. The running time is dominated by looking up all the O(|V 2 |) pairs
of distances.

4.15. This can be done by slightly modifying Dijkstra’s algorithm in Figure 4.8. The array usp[·] is initialized
to true in the initialization loop. The main loop is modified as follows:
while H is not empty:
u = deletemin(H)
for all edges (u, v) ∈ E:

if dist(v) > dist(u) + l(u, v):

dist(v) = dist(u) + l(u, v)
usp(v) = usp(u)
decreasekey(H, v)
if dist(v) = dist(u) + l(u, v):
usp(v) = false
This will run in the required time when the heap is implemented as a binary heap.
4.16. a) If the node at position j is the ith node on the kth level of the binary tree we have j = 2k + i − 1.
Its parent will then be the ⌈ 2i ⌉th node on the (k − 1)th level of the tree and will be found in
" !j "
position 2k−1 + ⌈ 2i ⌉ − 1 = 2k−1 + i−1
2 = 2 . Its children will be the 2i − 1th and 2ith nodes
on the (k + 1)th level of the tree. Hence, they will be stored in positions 2k+1 + 2i − 2 = 2j and
2k+1 + 2i − 1 = 2j + 1.
b) By the same reasoning as above, the parent of the node at position j will be at position ⌈ j−1 d ⌉,
while the children will be at position dj + 1, dj, dj − 1, · · · , dj − (d − 2).
c) The procedure siftdown places element x at position i of h and rearranges the heap by letting
x ”‘sift down”’ until both its children have values greater than x. This is done by iteratively
swapping x with the minimum of its children and takes at most time proportional to the height
of the subtree rooted at i. The height of the whole tree is log n, as there are n nodes in the heap,
and the depth of node i is log i, so that the subtree rooted at i has depth log n − log i = log ni .
# $

Because makeheap calls siftdown at all nodes in the tree, makeheap will take time:
% &n' nn
log = log
i n!
# n $n
By Stirling’s formula (see page 53), n! ≥ e , so:
( n)
log ≤ log(en ) = O(n)
d) In procedure bubbleup, p must be assigned to the index of the parent node of i, for which we
gave the formula in b). In minchild, the minimum must be taken over all children of node i, the
indices of which we gave in b).
4.17. a) Because every edge has length {0, · · · , W }, all dist values will be in the range {0, 1, · · · , W (|V | −
1), ∞}, as any shortest path contains at most |V | − 1 edges. Hence, we can implement the heap
on the dist values by mantaining an array of size W (|V | − 1) + 2 indexed by all possible values
of dist, where each entry i is a pointer to a linked list of elements having dist value equal
to i. With this implementation, we can perform insert operations in constant time, simply by
appending the element at the beginning of the linked list corresponding to its value. So, makeheap
will take time O(|V |). Because during a run of Dijkstra’s algorithm the minimum value on the
heap is increasing, when we perform a deletemin operation we do not need to scan the whole
array, but can start looking for the new minimum at the previous minimum value. This implies
that, in scanning for the minimum element, we look at each array entry at most once, so that
all the deletemin operations take time O(W |V |). Finally, the decreasekey operation can be
implemented by inserting a new copy of the element into the list corresponding to its new value,
without removing the previous copies. This means that, when performing deletemin operations,
we need to check whether the current minimum is a copy of an element already processed and,
in that case, ignore it. But, because there at most |E| decreasekey operations, there are at
most |E| copies we need to ignore and we only pay a penalty of time O(|E|). Moreover, in
this way, each decreasekey takes time O(1), so that all decreasekey operations take time
O(|E|). This shows that the running time of Dijkstra’s algorithm with this implementation is
O(|V |) + O(W |V |) + O(|E|) = O(W |V | + |E|).

b) The key observation is that there are at most W + 2 distinct dist values in the heap at any one
time, namely ∞ or any integer between Min (the current smallest value in the heap) and Min+W .
We can now implement the heap using a binary heap with at most W + 2 leaf nodes, where keys
are possible dist value (including ∞), and the value associated with the key is a linked list that
contains all nodes with that dist value. We need to make a few modifications to Dijkstra’s
algorithm. When we update a node’s dist value to j, we simply append this node to the linked
list at the key value j (again, we do not remove the node from the linked list corresponding to
the old dist value). If we take out a node v during deleteMin that has been processed, we
simply ignore the node and move on. We can do now deletemin and insert in O(log W ) time,
since the heap has at most W + 2 children at any one time. We also perform at most |V | + |E|
deletemin’s and at most |V | + |E| insert’s, hence the total running time of the algorithm is
O((|V | + |E|) log W ).

4.18. This is another simple variation of Dijkstra’s algorithm of Figure 4.8. In the initialization loop, best(s)
is set to 0 and all other entries of best are set to ∞. The main loop is modified as follows:
while H is not empty:
u = deletemin(H)
for all edges (u, v) ∈ E:
if dist(v) > dist(u) + l(u, v):
dist(v) = dist(u) + l(u, v)
best(v) = best(u) + 1
decreasekey(H, v)
if dist(v) = dist(u) + l(u, v):
if best(v) < best(u) + 1:
best(v) = best(u) + 1

This has the same asymptotic running time as the original Dijkstra’s algorithm, as the additional
operations in the loop take constant time.

4.19. There are two approaches: one is a reduction; the other is a direct modification of Dijkstra’s algorithm.
Method I: The idea is to use a reduction: on input (G, l, c, s), we construct a graph G′ = (V ′ , E ′ )
where G only has edge weights (no node weights), so that the shortest path from s to t in G is essentially
the same as that in G′ , with some minor modifications. We can then compute shortest paths in G′
using Dijkstra’s algorithm.
The reduction works by taking every vertex v of G and splitting it into two vertices vi and vo . All
edges coming into v now come into vi , while all edges going out of v now go out of vo . Finally, we add
an edge from vi to vo of weight c(v).

reduction c(v)
v vi vo

Figure 5: Reduction in 4.19.

Consider now any path in G and notice that it can be converted to an edge-weighted path of the
same weight in G′ by replacing the visit to vertex v with the traversal of edge (vo , vi ). Conversely,

consider a path in G′ : every other edge visited is of the form (vi , vo ) and corresponds to a vertex v of
G. Replacing these edges with the corresponding vertices we obtain a path in G of the same weight as
the path in G′ . The time required to perform this reduction is O(|V | + |E|). G′ has |V | + |E| edges
and 2|V | vertices, so running Dijkstra takes time O(|V |2 ) and the total running time is O(|V |2 ).

Method II: We make the following modifications to Dijkstra’s algorithm to take into account node

– In the initialization phase, dist(s) = w(s).

– In the update phase, we use dist(u) + l(u, v) + w(v) instead of dist(u) + l(u, v).

Analysis of correctness and running time are exactly the same as in Dijkstra’s algorithm.

4.20. G is an undirected graph with edge weights le . If the distance between s and t decreases with the
addition of e′ = (u, v), the new shortest path from s to t will be the concatenation of the shortest path
from s to u, the edge (u, v) and the shortest path from v to t. But we can then compute the length
of this path by running Dijkstra’s algorithm once from s and once from t in G. With all the shortest
path distances from s and t in G, we can compute in constant time the length of the shortest path
from s to t going through e′ for any e′ ∈ E ′ . The shortest of these paths will give us the best edge to
add and its length will tell us what improvement the addition brings, if any. The running time of this
algorithm is O(|V |2 + |E ′ |).

4.21. a) Represent the currencies as the vertex set V of a complete directed graph G. To find the most
advantageous ways to converts cs into ct , you need to find the path ci1 , ci2 , · · · , cik maximizing
the product ri1 ,i2 ri2 ,i3 · · · · · rik−1 ,ik . This is equivalent to minimizing the sum j=1 (− log rij ,ij+1 ).
Hence, it is sufficient to find a shortest path in the graph G with weights wij = − log rij . Because
these weights can be negative, we apply the Bellman-Ford algorithm for shortest paths to the
graph , taking s as origin.
b) Just iterate the updating procedure once more after |E||V | rounds. If any distance is updated,
a negative cycle is guaranteed to exist, i.e. a cycle with j=1 (− log rij ,ij+1 ) < 0, which implies
j=1 rij ,ij+1 > 1, as required.

4.22. a) Let C be the negative cycle, E(C) the set of edges of C, V (C) the set of vertices. Then:
% % %
we = r ce − pv < 0
e∈E(C) e∈E(C) v∈V (C)
This shows that * v∈V (C) > r, so that r < r∗ .
e∈E(C) ce

b) The same argument as in a) yields that all cycles have ratio less than r, so that r > r∗ .
c) We can use Bellman-Ford to detect negative cycles, so, for any r, we can check in time O(|V ||E|)

whether r is smaller
# R $or greater than r . We can then perform a binary search for r∗ on the interval
[0, R]. After log ϵ rounds of binary search, our lower bound r on r∗ will be at most ϵ smaller

than r∗ , i.e. r′ ≥ r∗ − ϵ. Consider now the weighted graph Gr′ obtained by setting the weights as
above with r = r′ . Because r′ < r∗ , the optimal cycle C ∗ with ratio r∗ will appear as a negative
cycle in Gr′ . Hence, when we run Bellman-Ford on Gr′ , it will detect some negative cycle C
(notice C is not necessarily equal to C ∗ ). Then, by a), the profit-cost ratio of C will be greater
than r′ , i.e. r(C) > r′ ≥ r∗ − ϵ. This algorithm requires log Rϵ + 1 runs on Bellman-Ford on
# $

different weighted versions of G. Its total running time is then O(log Rϵ |V ||E|).
# $
Chapter 5 - Solutions

5.1 (a) 19
(b) 2
Edge included Cut
AE {A, B, C, D} & {E, F, G, H}
EF {A, B, C, D, E} & {F, G, H}
BE {A, E, F, G, H} & {B, C, D}
FG {A, B, E} & {C, D, F, G, H}
GH {A, B, E, F, G} & {C, D, H}
CG {A, B, E, F, G, H} & {C, D}
GD {A, B, C, E, F, G, H} & {D}

Vertex included Edge included Cost

A 0
B AB 1
C BC 3
5.2 (a) G CG 5
D GD 6
F GF 7
H GH 8
E AE 9

5.3 Since the graph is given to be connected, it will have an edge whose removal still leaves it connected,
if and only if it is not a tree i.e. has more than |V | 1 edges. We perform a DFS on the graph until
we see |V | edges. If we can find |V | edges then the answer is “yes” else it is “no”. In either case, the
time taken is O(|V |).

5.4 Let ei , ni denote the number of edges and vertices in the ith component. Since a connected graph on
t vertices must have at least t 1 edges,
X k
|E| = ei (ni 1) = n k
i=1 i=1

5.5 (a) The minimum spanning tree does not change. Since, each spanning tree contains exactly n 1
edges, the cost of each tree is increased n 1 and hence the minimum is unchanged.
(b) The shortest paths may change. In the following graph, the shortest path from A to D changes
from AB BC CD to AD if each edge weight is increased by 1.

1 1


5.6 Suppose the graph has two di↵erent MSTs T1 and T2 . Let e be the lightest edge which is present in
exactly one of the trees (there must be some such edge since the trees must di↵er in at least one edge).
Without loss of generality, say e 2 T1 . Then adding e to T2 gives a cycle. Moreover, this cycle must
contain an edge e0 which is (strictly) heavier that e, since all lighter edges are also present in T1 , where
e does not induce a cycle. Then adding e to T2 and removing e0 gives a (strictly) better spanning tree
than T2 which is a contradiction.

5.7 Multiply the weights of all the edges by -1. Since both Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms work for
positive as well as negative weights, we can find the minimum spanning tree of the new graph. This is
the same as the maximum spanning tree of the original graph.

5.8 Consider the edge e = (s, u) having the minimum weight among all the edges incident on s. Since all
the edge weights are positive, this is the unique shortest path from s to u and hence must be present
in any shortest path tree. Also, Prim’s algorithm includes this edge in construction of the MST. Since
by problem 5.6, the MST must be unique (because of distict edge weights), all the shortest path trees
and the MST must share at least one edge.
5.9 (a) False, consider the case where the heaviest edge is a bridge (is the only edge connecting two
connected components of G.
(b) True, consider removing e from the MST and adding another edge belonging to the same cycle.
Then we get e new tree with less total weight.
(c) True, e will belong to the MST produced by Kruskal.
(d) True, if not there exists a cycle connecting the two endpoints of e, so adding e and removing
another edge of the cycle, produces a lightest tree.
(e) True, consider the cut that has u in one side and v in the other, where e = (u, v).
(f) False,assume the graph consists of two adjacent 4-cycles,the one with very heavy edges of weight
M and the other with very light edges of weight m. Let e be the edge in the middle with weight
m < w(e) < M . Then the MST given by Kruskal, will pick all edges of weight m first and will
not include e in the MST.
(g) False. In the following graph, the MST has edges (u, w) and (v, w) while Dijkstra’s algorithm
gives (u, v), (u, w).

u 2

(h) False. In the previous graph the shortest path between u and v is the edge (u, v) but the only
MST is (u, w), (v, w)
(i) True
(j) True. Suppose that the path from s to t has an edge longer than r. Then one of the edges of the
r-path must be absent (otherwise there is cycle). Including this and removing the longer edge
gives a better tree which is a contradiction.
5.10 Let T [ H = {e1 , . . . , ek }. We use the cut property repeatedly to show that there exists an MST of H
containing T \ H.
Suppose for i 0, X = {e1 , . . . , ei } is contained in some MST of H. Removing the edge ei+1 from T
divides T in two parts giving a cut (S, G\S) and a corresponding cut (S1 , H\S1 ) of H with S1 = S \ H.
Now, ei+1 must be the lightest edge in G (and hence also in H) crossing the cut , else we can include
the lightest and remove ei+1 getting a better tree. Also, no other edges in T , and hence also in X,
cross this cut. We can then apply the cut property to get that X [ ei+1 must be contained in some
MST of H. Continuing in this manner, we get the result for T \ H = {e1 , . . . , ek }.
5.11 The figure below shows the data-structure after the operations.
5.12 For the sake of convenience, assume that in case of a tie, we make the higher numbered root point to
the lower numbered root. Let n = 2k . Consider the following operations starting from the singleton
sets {1}, . . . , {2k }
union(1,2), union(3,4), . . ., union(2k 1, 2k )
union(2,4), union(6,8), . . ., union(2k 2, 2k )
union(2i , 2 · 2i ), union(3 · 2i , 4 · 2i ), . . ., union(2k 2i , 2k )

1 2 4 6 5 7

union(2k 1 , 2k ) The above are O(2k ) operations which make a tree in which the depth of element i
is blog ic (the depth of element i increases in the first j steps, if 2j is the largest power of 2 less that
Pk 1
i). The cost of the above is i=1 i · 2k i = O(2k ). We now perform a find for every element.
find(1), . . ., find(2k )
The cost of the find operations is i=1 blog ic = O(k2k ) = O(n log n). Hence, the above is a sequence
of O(n) operations taking time O(n log n).

5.13 Hu↵man’s algorithm assigns codewords of length 1 to D, length 2 to A and length 3 to B and C. So,
one possible encoding can be 0 for D, 10 for A, 110 for B and 111 for C.

5.14 (a) a ! 0, b ! 10 ,c ! 110, d ! 1110, e ! 1111.

(b) length = 1000000
2 ·1+ 1000000
4 ·2+ 1000000
8 ·3+2· 1000000
16 · 4 = 1875000

5.15 (a) (fa , fb , fc ) = (2/3, 1/6, 1/6) gives the code {0, 10, 11}.
(b) This encoding is not possible, since the code for a (0), is a prefix of the code for c (00).
(c) This code is not optimal since {1, 01, 00} gives a shorter encoding. Also, it does not correspond
to a full binary tree and hence cannot be given by the Hu↵man algorithm.

5.16 a) Let s be the symbol with the highest frequency (probability) p(s) > 2/5 and suppose that it
merges with some other symbol during the process of constructing the tree and hence does not
correspond to a codeword of length 1. To be merged with some node, the node s and some other
node x must be the two with minimum frequencies. This means there was at least one other node
y (formed by merging of other nodes), with p(y) > p(s) and p(y) > p(x). Thus, p(y) > 2/5 and
hence p(x) < 1/5.
Now, y must have been formed by merging some two nodes z and w with at least one of them
having probability greater than 1/5 (as they add up to more than 2/5). But this is a contradiction
- p(z) and p(w) could not have been the minimum since p(x) < 1/5.

y > 2/5

z w s x
> 2/5 < 1/5

b) Suppose this is not the case. Let x be a node corresponding to a single character with p(x) < 1/3
such that the encoding of x is of length 1. Then x must not merge with any other node till the
end. Consider the stage when there are only three leaves - x, y and z left in the tree. At the last
stage y, z must merge to form another node so that x still corresponds to a codeword of length 1.
But, p(x) + p(y) + p(z) = 1 and p(x) < 1/3 implies p(y) + p(z) > 2/3. Hence, at least one of p(y)
or p(z), say p(z), must be greater than 1/3. But then these two cannot merge since p(x) and p(y)
would be the minimum. This leads to a contradiction.

5.17 The longest codeword can be of length n 1. An encoding of n symbols with n 2 of them having
probabilities 1/2, 1/4, . . . , 1/2n 2 and two of them having probability 1/2n 1 achieves this value.

5.18 —————————–

5.19 (a) It is enough to show that a symbol with frequency pi = 2 ki will be encoded with log p1i = ki
bits. This is easily proved by induction : since all frequencies are a power of 1/2, the two least
probable symbols will have the same probability f = 21k . Merging them according to the Hu↵man
procedure into a new symbol, of probability 2k1 1 , will allow us to use our inductive hypothesis
for the new set of n 1 symbols. The length of the first n 2 symbols is the same in the old
and new tree, equal to log p1i , i = 1, · · · n 2 and the length of the last two in the old tree is
1 + log 2k1 1 = k 1 + 1 = k.
(b) The largest possible entropy is when all the symbols have the same probability ,1/n. The entropy
in that case is logn.The entropy is smallest when there exists a unique symbol with probability 1
(and all the others have probability 0). The entropy in that case is 0.

5.20 For each leaf of the tree, the edge incident on the leaf must be in the matching. Also, if we remove
all these leaves, the leaves of the resulting tree have already been covered and the edges incident on
them must not be in the matching. We can then construct the matching bottom up, including and
excluding edges at alternate steps. If at any step, we need to include two edges incident on the same
vertex, then no matching exists.
This can be done in linear time by maintaining the degree of every vertex and maintaining the leaves
(nodes with degree 1) in a list. At each step, we update the degree of the endpoints of edges that we

5.21 For a connected graph, removing the feedback arc set leaves a spanning tree. Hence, to find the
minimum feedback arc set, we need to find the maximum spanning tree for every connected component
of G. To do that, we run Kruskal’s algorithm, negating the edge weights of the original graph. Once
we have the Maximum Spanning Tree T , we output E 0 = the set of the edges that don’t belong to T .
Running time is the same as Kruskal.

5.22 (a) Consider an MST T which contains e. Removing e breaks the tree into two connected components
say S and V \S. Since all the vertices of the cycle cannot still be connected after removing e, at
least one edge, say e0 in the cycle must cross from S to V \S. However, then replacing e by e0
gives a tree T 0 such that cost(T 0 )  cost(T ). Since T is an MST, T 0 is also an MST which does
not contain e.
(b) If e is the heaviest edge in some cycle of G, then there is some MST T not containing e. However,
then T is also an MST of G e and so we can simply search for an MST of G e. At every step,
the algorithm creates a new graph (G e) such that an MST of the new graph is also an MST
of the old graph (G). Hence the output of the algorithm (when the new graph becomes a tree) is
an MST of G.
(c) An undirected edge (u, v) is part of cycle i↵ u and v are in the same connected component of
G e. Since the components can be found by DFS (or BFS), this gives a linear time algorithm.
(d) The time for sorting is O(|E| log |E|) and checking for a cycle at every step takes O(|E|) time.
Finally, we remove |E| |V | + 1 edges and hence the running time is O(|E| log |E| + (|E| |V |) ⇤
|E|) = O(|E|2 ).

5.23 To solve this problem, we shall use the characterization that T is an MST of G, if and only if for every
cut of G, at least one least weight edge across the cut is contained in T .
The “only if” direction is easy since if the lightest edge across a cut is not in T , then we can include it
and remove some edge in T that crosses the cut (there must be at least one) to get a better tree. To
prove the “if” part, note that at each in Prim’s algorithm, we include the lightest edge across some cut,
which can be chosen from T . Since T is a possible output of Prim’s algorithm, it must be an MST.

(a) Since the change only increases the cost of some other spanning trees (those including e) and the
cost of T is unchanged, it is still an MST.

(b) We include e in the tree, thus creating a cycle. We then remove the heaviest edge e0 in the cycle,
which can be found in linear time, to get a new tree T 0 . It is intuitively clear that this algorithm
should work, but a rigorous proof seems surprisingly tricky. To prove this, we argue that T 0
contains a least weight edge across every cut of G and is hence an MST.
Note that since the only changed edge is e, T [ {e} already includes a least weight edge across
every cut. We only removed e0 from this. However, any cut crossed by e0 , must also be crossed
by at least one more edge of the cycle, which must have weight less than or equal to e0 . Since this
edge is still present in T 0 , it contains a least weight edge across every cut.
(c) The tree is still an MST if the weight of an edge in the tree is reduced. Hence, no changes are
(d) We remove e from the tree to obtain two components, and hence a cut. We then include the
lightest edge across the cut to get a new tree T 0 . We can now “build up” T 0 using the cut
property to show that it is an MST.
Let X ✓ T 0 be a set of edges that is part of some MST, and let e1 2 T 0 \X. Then, T 0 \{e1 } gives
a cut which is not crossed by any edge of X and across which e1 is the lightest edge. Hence,
X [ {e1 } is also a part of some MST. Continuing this, we can grow X to X = T 0 , which must be
then an MST.

5.24 We first note that each u 2 U must have at least one neighbor in V \U , else the problem has no solution.
If T is the optimal tree, then T \U must be a spanning tree of G\U . Moreover, it must be a minimum
spanning tree since the nodes in U can be attached as leaves to any spanning tree. Hence, we first find
an MST of G\U (in time O(|E| log |V |)) and then for each u 2 U , we add the lightest edge between u
and G\U (in time O(|E|)).

5.25 To implement a counter of unspecified length, suppose we maintain it as a list of bits, with a pointer
to the most significant bit. Each time we need to increase the length of the binary string, we can add
a new element to the front of the list and update this pointer.
To increment, we set the first 0 from the right to 1 and set all the 1s to the right of it to 0. Since we
start from the all 0 string, each bit is set to 1 once before it is set to 0. Hence, the total cost of k
increments is at most twice the number of bits set to 1, which is O(k) since each increment sets exactly
one bit to 1.
Finally, note that the cost of a reset (setting all bits to 0), is at most the number of significant digits
(if we maintain a pointer to the most significant 1 bit). This is at most the number of increment
operations since the previous reset operation. Hence, instead of charging a reset operation, we double
the cost of each increment operation which gives the cost of n increment and reset operations as O(n).

5.26 We construct two graphs Geq = (V, Eeq ) and Gneq = (V, Eneq ) where V {1, . . . , n}. We have (i, j) 2 Eeq
if xi = xj is a constraint and (i, j) 2 Eneq if xi 6= xj is a constraint. Since equality is an equivalence
relation, all the variables in each connected component of Geq must have the same value. The system
of constraints is satisfiable if and only if there is no edge (i, j) 2 Eneq such that xi and xj are in the
same component in Geq . The decomposition in components and checking for edges can both be done
in O(m + n) time.

5.27 (a) (3, 3, 1, 1) and (100, 2, 1, 1) are both valid examples.

(b) i. Suppose the neighbors of v1 in G are not v2 , v3 , . . . , vd1 +1 . Therefore, there is some i 2
{2, 3, . . . , d1 + 1} such that (v1 , vi ) 2
/ E. In addition, since v1 has d1 neighbors, there must
be some j > d1 + 1 such that (v1 , vj ) 2 E. In particular, 2  i < j. Next, note that the
vertices vi and vj have di and dj 1 neighbors in V {d1 } respectively. Now, i < j implies
di dj 1. Hence, di > dj 1, so there exists some vertex u 2 V {d1 } that is a neighbor
of vi but not of vj .
ii. Delete the edges (v1 , vj ) and (u, vi ) and add the edges (v1 , vi ) and (u, vj ).
iii. We repeatedly apply the above argument till v1 has neighbors v2 , . . . , vd+1 .

(c) From (b), we know that there exists a graph on n vertices with degree sequence (d1 , . . . , dn ) i↵
there exists a graph on n 1 vertices with degree sequence (d2 1, . . . , dd1 +1 1, dd1 +2 , . . . , dn ).
The algorithm is as follows: sort (and relabel) the numbers d1 , . . . , dn in decreasing order. Remove
d1 from the list; decrease d2 , . . . , dd1 +1 by 1 (output “no” if d1 + 1 > n); remove any 0’s in the
resulting list, and recurse on the list of at most n 1 numbers. The base case is the empty list,
where you output “yes”. The running time is O(n2 +m) (since you can sort numbers in a bounded
range in linear time); with the appropriate data structure, you can avoid sorting at every stage,
and obtain a O(m + n) running time.
5.28 We construct a graph G = (V, E) as follows. The vertex set consists of a vertex for each person. An
edge e = (u, v) between two vertices represents the relation ‘person v knows person u’ . The problem
reduces of finding a subset V 0 of V such that in the induced graph each vertex has degree more than
5 and less than |V 0 | 5. We do that iteratively : at the beginning, we look at all nodes and delete
those with degree more than |V | 5 and those with degree less than 5. We update our graph to be the
induced graph with vertex set the remaining vertices. Then, we do the same procedure again (with the
updated degrees for every node). We repeat the above until we end up with a graph G0 where after
running the procedure, we don’t delete any vertices. The algorithm takes time O(n) for every iteration
of the above procedure, therefore a total of O(n2 ) time.
5.29 If we consider the binary tree with all strings of length k at level k and the left and right branches
representing adding a 0 and 1 respectively, it contains all the binary strings and hence all the strings
in the encoding (we only need to have number of levels equal to maximum length of a string). Also,
since all intermediate nodes in a path from the root to a node v are prefixes of v, the strings of the
encoding must be all at leaves since it is prefix-free.
To argue that the tree must be full, suppose for contradiction that a node u corresponding to a string
s has only one child v corresponding to s0. Since a codeword is a leaf in the subtree rooted at u i↵ it
has s, and hence also s0 as a prefix, replacing s0 by s in all these codewords gives a better encoding.
However, this is a contradiction since we assumed our encoding to be minimal.
5.30 We first prove that if the number of symbols is odd then the encoding must correspond to a full ternary
tree. We then make the number of symbols odd by adding a symbol with frequency 0 if needed. Once
it is guaranteed that the optimal tree is full, we can simply proceed as in the binary case combining the
three nodes with least frequencies at every step to form a single node. Since this reduces the number
of nodes by 2, it still remains odd and we can carry on.
Suppose now that the number of symbols is odd and some non-leaf node u in the optimal tree does not
have three children. Without loss of generality, we can assume that all children of u are leaves (else we
can remove a leaf attached to some other node and add it as a child of u) and that u has two children
(else we can delete its only child getting a better code).
Removing all children of nodes (say u1 , . . . , uk ) which have two children, gives a full ternary tree. A
full ternary tree can be built by always adding 3 children to some existent leaf and hence must have
an odd number of leaves, since we started with just the root and the number of leaves increased by
two at each step. Now, adding the children of u1 , . . . , uk adds k more leaves (removes k and adds 2k).
Since the final number of leaves must still be odd, k must be even. We can then pair up u1 , . . . , uk
and transfer children between the pair so that half of them have 3 children, while the other half has 1
each. For each node u having only one child leaf v, we can now delete v getting a better code, which
is a contradiction.
5.31 The algorithm in the chapter minimizes the sum i fi li . To minimize i ci fi li , we simply treat fi ci
as the frequency of the ith word.
5.32 We simply proceed by a greedy strategy, by sorting the customers in the increasing order of service
times and servicing them in this order. The running time is O(n log n). To prove the correctness, for
any ordering of the customers, let s(j) denote the jth customer in the ordering. Then
n X
X i 1 n
T = ts(j) = (n i)ts(i)
i=1 j=1 i=1

For any ordering, if ts(i) > ts(j) for i < j, then swapping the positions of the two customers gives a
better ordering. Since, we can generate all possible orderings by swaps, an ordering which has the
property that ts(1)  . . .  ts(n) must be the global optimum. However, this is exactly the ordering we
5.33 We create a graph with a node for every variable. Also, for every implication, say (x ^ y ^ z) =) w,
we add the directed edges (x, w), (y, w) and (z, w). With the edges, we also store which clause they
belong to. Finally, at each variable we store a counter corresponding each clause in which appears,
which is initially set to the number of variables on the LHS of the implication.
We start with assigning the value false to all the variables and then making some true as required by
the implications. For each variable that is set to true, we decrement the counters of all its neighbors
corresponding to the respective clauses. Any variable for which the counter corresponding to any clause
becomes zero, is added to a list L, which contains the variable to be set to true. The list L starts with
variables which start with counters zero i.e. clauses of the form (x).
5.34 Consider the base set U = {1, 2, . . . , 2k } for some k 2. Let T1 = {1, 3, . . . , 2k 1} and T2 =
{2, 4, . . . , 2 }. These two sets comprise an optimal cover. We add sets S1 , . . . , Sk 1 by defining li =
2 + j=1 2k j and letting Si = {li 1 + 1, . . . , li } (take l0 = 0).
Thus, S1 contains 2k 1 + 2 elements and the greedy algorithm picks this first. After the algorithm has
picked i sets, each of T1 and T2 covers 2k i 1 1 new elements while Si+1 covers 2k i 1 new elements.
Hence, the algorithm picks the cover S1 , . . . , Sk 1 containing k 1 = log n 1 sets.
Cover picked by the algorithm
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 ...




5.35 Since the algorithm in the box titled “A randomized algorithm for minimum cut” produces every
minimum cut with probability at least n(n1 1) and the probabilities must sum to 1, the number of
minimum cuts is at most n(n 1).
Chapter 6– Solutions

6.1. Subproblems: Define an array of subproblems D(i) for 0 ≤ i ≤ n. D(i) will be the largest sum of a
(possibly empty) contiguous subsequence ending exactly at position i.
Algorithm and Recursion: The algorithm will initialize D(0) = 0 and update the D(i)’s in ascending
order according to the rule:

D(i) = max{0, D(i − 1) + ai }

The largest sum is then given by the maximum element D(i)∗ in the array D. The contiguous subse-
quence of maximum sum will terminate at i∗ . Its beginning will be at the first index j ≤ i∗ such that
D(j − 1) = 0, as this implies that extending the sequence before j will only decrease its sum.
Correctness: The contiguous subsequence of largest sum ending at i will either be empty or contain
ai . In the first case, the value of the sum will be 0. In the second case, it will be the sum of ai and the
best sum we can get ending at i − 1, i.e. D(i − 1) + ai . Because we are looking for the largest sum,
D(i) will be the maximum of these two possibilities.
Running Time: The running time for this algorithm is O(n), as we have n subproblems and the solution
of each can be computed in constant time. Moreover, the identification of the optimal subsequence
only requires a single O(n) time pass through the array D.
6.2. Subproblems: Define subproblem D(i) for 0 ≤ i ≤ n to be the minimum total penalty to get to hotel i.
Algorithm and Recursion: The algorithm will initialize D(0) = 0 and compute the remaining D(i) in
ascending order using the recursion:

D(i) = min {(200 − aj )2 + D(j)}


To recover the optimal itinerary, we can keep track of a maximizing j for each D(i) and use this
information to backtrack from D(n).
Correctness: To solve D(i) we consider all possible hotels j we can stay at on the night before reaching
hotel i: for each of these possibilities, the minimum penalty to reach i is the sum of the cost of a
one-day trip from j to i and the minimum penalty necessary to reach j. Because we are interested in
the minimum penalty to reach i, we take the minimum of these values over all j’s.
Running Time: The running time is O(n2 ), as we have n subproblems and each takes time O(n) to
solve, as we need to compute the minimum of O(n) values. Moreover, backtracking only takes time
6.3. Subproblems: Define subproblem D(i) to be the maximum profit which Yuckdonald’s can obtain from
locations 1 to i.
Algorithm and Recursion: The algorithm will initialize D(0) = 0, and use the following rule to solve
the other subproblems:

D(i) = max{D(i − 1), pi + D(i∗ )}

where i∗ is the largest index j such that mj ≤ mi − k, i.e. the first location preceding i and at least k
miles apart from it.
Correctness: Note that, if location i is not used, the maximum profit D(i) must equal D(i − 1).
Otherwise, if location i is used, the best we can hope for is the sum of pi and the maximum profit from
the remaining locations we are still allowed to open before i, i.e. D(i∗ ).
Running Time: This algorithm solves n subproblems; each subproblem requires finding an index i∗ ,
which can be done in time O(log n) by binary search on the ordered list of locations, and computing
a maximum of two values, which can be done in constant time. Hence, the running time is O(n log n).

6.4. a) Subproblems: Define an array of subproblems S(i) for 0 ≤ i ≤ n where S(i) is 1 if s[1 · · · i] is a
sequence of valid words and is 0 otherwise.
Algorithm and Recursion: It is sufficient to initialize S(0) = 1 and update the values S(i) in
ascending order according to the recursion
S(i) = max {S(j) : dict(s[j + 1 · · · i]) = true}

Then, the string s can be reconstructed as a sequence of valid words if and only if S(n) = 1.
Correctness and Running Time: Consider s[1 · · · i]. If it is a sequence of valid words, there is a
last word s[j · · · i], which is valid, and such that S(j) = 1 and the update will cause S(i) to be set
to 1. Otherwise, for any valid word S[j · · · i], S(j) must be 0 and S(i) will also be set to 0. This
runs in time O(n2 ) as there are n subproblems, each of which takes time O(n) to be updated with
the solution obtained from smaller subproblems.
b) Every time a S(i) is updated to 1 keep track of the previous item S(j) which caused the update
of S(i) because s[j + 1 · · · i] was a valid word. At termination, if S(n) = 1, trace back the series
of updates to recover the partition in words. This only adds a constant amount of work at each
subproblem and a O(n) time pass over the array at the end. Hence, the running time remains
O(n2 ).
6.5. a) There are 8 possible patterns: the empty pattern, the 4 patterns which each have exactly one
pebble, and the 3 patterns that have exactly two pebbles (on the first and fourth squares, the
first and third squares, and the second and fourth squares).
b) Number the 8 patterns 1 through 8, and define S ⊆ {1, 2, . . . , 8} × {1, 2, . . . , 8} to be all (a, b) such
that pattern a is compatible with pattern b. For each pattern, there are a constant number of
patterns that are compatible (for example, every pattern is compatible with the empty pattern).
Sub-problems and Recursion: We consider the sub-problem L[i, j], i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n and j ∈
{1, 2, . . . , 8} to be the maximal value achievable by pebbling columns 1, 2, . . . , i such that the final
column has pattern j. It is easy to see that:

L[i + 1, j] = max L[i, k]


The base case is L[0, j] = 0 for all j. In order to recover the optimal placement, we should also
maintain a back-pointer: P [i + 1, j] is the value of k such that (k, j) ∈ S and L[i, k] is maximal.
Algorithm and Running Time: For i = 0, 1, . . . , n, for j = 1, 2, . . . , 8, compute L[i, j] and P [i, j]
using the recurrence. Note that L[i, j] and P [i, j] can be computed using the recursion in constant
time since we only need to check a constant number of possible k. The value of the optimal
placement is given by maxj L[n, j].
To recover the optimal placement, let j ∗ be the value of j for which L[n, j] is maximal. Then,
column n should be pebbled using pattern j ∗ . Then, column n−1 should be pebbled using pattern
P [n, j ∗ ], column n − 2 with pattern P [n − 1, P [n, j ∗ ]], and so on.
The running time of this algorithm is O(n) because compute the recurrence takes O(n) time and
backtracking takes O(1) time per column.
6.6. Subproblems: Let x1 · · · xn be the factors of the product in the order they appear. We define C(i, j) to
be the set of all possible values of the substring x[i, · · · , j] under all possible different parenthesizations.
Algorithm and Recursion: We can compute C(i, i+s) by considering all positions j where we can break
the expression into two products:
C(i, i + s) = {xy : x ∈ C(i, j), y ∈ C(j + 1, i + s)}

We can then recursively construct all C(i, i + s) in increasing order of s.

Correctness and Running Time: The assignment to C(i, i+s) is correct as it considers all possible ways
of splitting xi · · · xi+s after xj into two parenthesized expressions. The running time of the algorithm
is O(n3 ) as there are O(n2 ) subproblems and each takes time O(n).

6.7. Subproblems: Define variables L(i, j) for all 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n so that, in the course of the algorithm, each
L(i, j) is assigned the length of the longest palindromic subsequence of string x[i, · · · , j].

Algorithm and Recursion: The recursion will then be:

L(i, j) = max {L(i + 1, j), L(i, j − 1), L(i + 1, j − 1) + equal(xi , xj )}

where equal(a, b) is 1 if a and b are the same character and is 0 otherwise, The initialization is the

∀i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n , L(i, i) = 0
∀i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 , L(i, i + 1) = equal(xi , xi + 1)

Correctness and Running Time: Consider the longest palindromic subsequence s of x[i, · · · , j] and
focus on the elements xi and xj . There are then three possible cases:

– If both xi and xj are in s then they must be equal and L(i, j) = L(i + 1, j − 1) + equal(xi , xj )
– If xi is not a part of s, then L(i, j) = L(i + 1, j).
– If xj is not a part of s, then L(i, j) = L(i, j − 1).

Hence, the recursion handles all possible cases correctly. The running time of this algorithm is O(n2 ),
as there are O(n2 ) subproblems and each takes O(1) time to evaluate according to our recursion.

6.8. Subproblems: For 1 ≤ i ≤ n and 1 ≤ j ≤ m, define subproblem L(i, j) to be the length of the longest
common substring of x and y terminating at xi and yj . The recursion is:
L(i − 1, j − 1) + 1 if equal(xi , yj ) = 1
L(i, j) =
0 otherwise

The initialization is, for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n and 1 ≤ j ≤ m:

L(0, 0) = 0
L(i, 0) = 0
L(0, j) = 0

The output of the algorithm is the maximum of L(i, j) over all 1 ≤ i ≤ n and 1 ≤ j ≤ m.

Correctness and Running Time: The initialization is clearly correct. Hence, it suffices to prove the
correctness of the recursion. The longest common substring terminating at xi and yj must include xi
and yj : hence, it will be 0 if these characters are different and L(i − 1, j − 1) + 1 if they are equal. The
running time is O(mn) as we have mn subproblems and each takes constant time to evaluate through
the recursion.

6.9. Subproblems and Recursion: Let the string be indexed x1 · · · xn . Let 0 = c0 ≤ c1 ≤ c2 ≤ · · · ≤ cm ≤

cm+1 = n be the locations of the m + 2 cuts, which include the beginning and end of the string(i.e. ci
is the index after which the ith cut takes place). Let us the define the following subproblems for all
i, j such that 0 ≤ i < j ≤ m + 1:

L(i, j) = minimum cost of breaking x[ci + 1, · · · , cj ] at positions ci+1 , · · · , cj−1

Notice then that the solution to our problem will be given by the value L(0, n).
Algorithm and Recursion: Initialize the dynamic program by setting L(i, i + 1) = 0 for all i, 0 ≤ i ≤ n.
This is correct as the string x[ci + 1, · · · , ci+1 ] needs no further cutting. The recursion to evaluate the
values L(i, j) is then, for j > i + 1:

L(i, j) = min {L(i, k) + L(k, j) + (cj − ci )}


Correctness and Running Time: The recursion is correct as it is equivalent to selecting the first cut k
to make to minimize the cost of breaking up x[ci + 1, · · · , cj ]. The running time is O(n3 ), as we have
O(n2 ) subproblems, each of which takes O(n) time to solve.
6.10. One way to solve this problem is by dynamic programming.
Subproblems: Define L(i, j) to be the probability of obtaining exactly j heads amongst the first i coin
Algorithm and Recursion: By the definition of L and the independence of the tosses, it is clear that:

L(i, j) = pi L(i − 1, j − 1) + (1 − pi )L(i − 1, j) j = 0, 1, . . . , i

We can then compute all L(i, j) by initializing L(0, 0) = 1, L(i, j) = 0 for j < 0, and proceeding
incrementally (in the order i = 1, 2, . . . , n, with inner loop j = 0, 1, . . . , i). The final answer is given by
L(n, k).
Correctness and Running Time: The recursion is correct as we can get j heads in i coin tosses either
by obtaining j − 1 heads in the first i − 1 coin tosses and throwing a head on the last coin, which takes
place with probability pi L(i − 1, j − 1), or by having already j heads after i − 1 tosses and throwing a
tail last, which has probability (1 − pi )L(i − 1, j). Besides, these two events are disjoint, so the sum
of their probabilities equals L(i, j). Finally, computing each subproblem takes constant time, so the
algorithm runs in O(n2 ) time.
Another#approach is to observe that the probability is exactly the coefficient of xk in the polynomial
g(x) = i=1 (pi x + (1 − pi )). We can compute g(x) using divide-and-conquer in O(n log2 n) time by
#n/2 #n
recursively computing g1 (x) = i=1 (pi x + (1 − pi )), g2 (x) = i=n/2+1 (pi x + (1 − pi )) and then using
FFT to calculate g(x) = g1 (x)g2 (x).
6.11. Subproblems: Let us the define the following subproblems for all i, j such that 1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ m:

L(i, j) = length of longest common subsequence between x[1, · · · , i] and y[1, · · · , j]

Then, the solution to the original problem will be given by L(n, m).
Algorithm and Recursion: Initialize the dynamic program by setting L(i, 0) = 0 and L(0, j) = 0 for all
i, j. The recursion to compute the values L(i, j) correctly is the following:

L(i, j) = max{L(i − 1, j), L(i, j − 1), L(i − 1, j − 1) + equal(xi , yj )}

where equal(x, y) is 1 if x and y are the same character and is 0 otherwise.


Correctness and Running Time: The recursion is correct as the alignment producing the longest
common subsequence for L(i, j) will have in its last position either a deletion, two characters matched
(either equal or different characters) or an insertion. The running time is O(mn) as there are mn
subproblems, each of which takes O(1) time.
6.12. Let A(i, j) be the minimum cost triangulation of the polygon Pij spanned by vertices i, i + 1, . . . , j.
In the optimum triangulation of Pij , the edge (i, j) is covered by some triangle, say (i, k, j). Then the
optimum triangulation of Pij splits it into the triangle (i, k, j) and the optimum triangulations of the
polygons Pik and Pkj . That is, for i < j,
A(i, j) = min {A(i, k) + A(k, j) + d(i, k) + d(k, j)},

where d(·, ·) are the distances between vertices. The base cases are A(i, i + 1) = 0, for all i. Since each
computation A(i, j) can be done in O(n) time and there are O(n2 ) pairs (i, j), the running time of
the algorithm is O(n3 ). To recover the best triangulation, it is sufficient to keep track of a choice of
k which is maximizing for each A(i, j) above. Then, starting at A(1, n), we can backtrack to identify
the diagonals included in the triangulation.
6.13. a) Consider the sequence (2, 9, 1, 1). Then, the best available card at the start has value 2, but this
leads only to a score of 3, as the opponent picks the card of value 9 in the next turn. Instead,
choosing the 1 at the start yields a final score of 10.
b) Subproblems: Define subproblems A(i, j) for i ≤ j, where A(i, j) is the difference between the
largest total the first player can obtain and the corresponding score of the second player when
playing on sequence si , si+1 , · · · , sj . This will be positive if and only if the first player has the
larger total.
Algorithms and Recursion: We can solve all the subproblem by initializing A(i, i) = si for all i
and using the update rule for i < j:
A(i, j) = max{si − A(i + 1, j), sj − A(i, j − 1)}
We can also keep track of the optimal move at each stage by simultaneously maintaining a matrix
M (i, j), where M (i, j) will be set to first if A(i, j) takes the value of the first element in the
maximization, and to last otherwise.
Correctness and Running Time: The recursion is correct, as at any stage of the game there are
two possible moves for the first player: either choose the first card, in which case he will gain si
and score −A(i + 1, j) in the rest of the game, or the last card, gaining sj and −A(i, j − 1) from
the remaining cards. The algorithm computes all the subproblems and the entries of M in time
O(n2 ) as each update takes time O(1). Moreover, the player can then just read off the matrix M
to learn the best strategy at any point of the game.
6.14. Subproblems: Define XY subproblems. For 1 ≤ i ≤ X and 1 ≤ j ≤ Y , let C(i, j) be the best return
that can be obtained from a cloth of shape i × j. Define also a function rect as follows:
maxk ck for all products k with ak = i and bk = j
rect(i, j) =
0 if no such product exists
Algorithm and Recursion: Then the recursion is:

C(i, j) = max{ max {C(k, j) + C(i − k, j)}, max {C(i, h) + C(i, j − h)}, rect(i, j)}
1≤k<i 1≤h<j

It remains to initialize the smallest subproblems correctly:

C(1, j) = max{0, rect(1, j)}
C(i, 1) = max{0, rect(i, 1)}

The final solution is then the value of C(X, Y ).

Correctness and Running Time: For proving correctness, notice that C(i, j) trivially has the intended
meaning for the base cases with i = 1 or j = 1. Inductively, C(i, j) is solved correctly, as a rectangle
i × j can only be cut in the (i − 1) + (j − 1) ways considered by the recursion or be occupied completely
by a product, which is accounted for by the rect(i, j) term. The running time is O(XY (X + Y + n))
as there are XY subproblems and each takes O(X + Y + n) to evaluate.

6.15. One way to solve this problem is by dynamic programming.

Subproblems: We define subproblem A(i, j) for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n to represent the probability that A is the
first to win n games, given that after i + j games A has won i.
Algorithm and Recursion: We can initialize A by setting A(n, j) = 1 for j ̸= n and A(i, n) = 0 for all
i. The other subproblems can be solved incrementally in decreasing order of i + j using the recursion:
A(i, j) = (A(i, j + 1) + A(i + 1, j))

Correctness and Running Time: The recursion is correct as we can compute A(i, j) by conditioning on
the outcome of the (i + j + 1)th game. Both outcomes take place with probability 21 . If A wins, then
it wins the game with probability A(i + 1, j). If B wins, A has a probability of winning of A(i, j + 1).
If we are interested in finding solutions for all subproblems, we need to solve O(n2 ) subproblems, each
taking O(1) for a total running time of O(n2 ). If we are only after the A(i, j) subproblem, we can stop
once we solved O((n − (i + j))2 ) subproblems.

6.16. For a subset of garage sales S ⊆ {g1 , · · · , gn } and gj ∈ S, let C(S, j) be the profit of the most profitable
path starting at home, visiting only garage sales in S and ending at gj . To express C(S, j) in terms
of smaller subproblems, consider the laste garage sale gi ∈ S − {gj } visited before gj . The path profit
up to gi is C(S − {gj }, i), whilst the marginal profit of visiting gj is pj − dij . We must pick i as to
maximize the profit, so we have:

C(S, j) = max {C(S − {gj }, i) + pj − dij }

gi ∈S:i̸=j

We can then compute solutions by initializing C({gi }, i) to be pi + d0i for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n and solving
the subproblems in increasing order of |S|. The final solution is the minimum over all S,gj ∈ S of
C(S ∗ , j ∗ ) + dj0 , where we also include the cost of returning home. Moreover, we can also keep record,
for every C(S, j) of which garage gi yielded a maximum in the recursion; this gi is the last garage
visited before getting to gj in a best path for C(S, j). We can then use this information to backtrack
from C(S∗, j∗) to reconstruct the entire optimal path. This algorithm solves O(n2n ) subproblems,
each in O(n) time, so it has total running time O(n2 2n ).

6.17. This problem reduces to Knapsack with repetitions. The total capacity is v and there is an item i of
value xi and weight xi for each coin denomination. It is possible to make change for value v if and
only if the maximum value we can fit in v is v. The running time is O(nv).

6.18. Use the same reduction as in 6.17, but reduce to Knapsack without repetition. The running time is

6.19. This is similar to 6.17 and 6.18. The problem reduces to Knapsack without repetition with a capacity
of v, but this time we have k items of value xi and weight xi for each coin denomination xi , i.e. a total
of kn items. The running time is O(nkv).

6.20. Let S(i, j) be the cost of cheapest tree formed by words i to j, for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n. Also, initialize S(i, j)
to 0 if i > j. Then S(i, j) will be the minimum cost of the tree over all choices of word k, i ≤ k ≤ j, to

place at the root. If word k is at the root, the cost of the left subtree will be S(i, k − 1) and the cost
of right subtree will be S(k + 1, j). Moreover, all words will need to pay one comparison at the root
node, so the total cost of the tree will be t=i pt + S(i, k − 1) + S(k + 1, j). Hence:

S(i, j) = min { pt + S(i, k − 1) + S(k + 1, j)}

Finally, the cost of the optimal tree will be S(1, n). To reconstruct the tree, it suffices to keep track
of which root k minimized the expression in the recursion for each subproblem and backtrack from
S(1, n).

6.21. The subproblem V (u) will be defined to be the size of the minimum vertex cover for the subtree rooted
at node u. We have V (u) = 0 if u is a leaf, as the subtree rooted at u has no edges to cover. The
crucial observation is that if a vertex cover does not use a node it has to use all its neighboring nodes.
Hence, for any internal node i
⎧ ⎛ ⎞ ⎫
⎨ % % % ⎬
V (i) = min ⎝1 + V (k)⎠ , 1 + V (j)
⎩ ⎭
j:(i,j)∈E k:(j,k)∈E j:(i,j)∈E

The algorithm can then solve all the subproblems in order of decreasing depth in the tree and output
V (n). The running time is linear in n because while calculating V (i) for all i we look at most at
2 ∗ |E| = O(n) edges in total.

6.22. This problem reduces to Knapsack without repetition. The knapsack will have capacity t and each
number ai will be an item of value ai and weight ai . A subset adding up to t will exist if and only if a
total value of$t can fin in the knapsack. The dynamic programming algorithm then solves the problem
in time O(n i ai ).

6.23. We define P (i, b) to be the maximum probability that the system works correctly up to its ith stage
when adding redundancy to stages 1 to i and using budget b. We can initialize P (0, b) = 1 for all b. To
compute P (i, b), we consider the number of machines mi we want to add at stage i. If we are adding
mi machines, our success probability will be the product of P (i − 1, b − mi ci ), the best we can do on
the previous stages with the remaining budget, and (1 − (1 − ri ) i ), the probability of stage i working
correctly. More formally, we can update P (i, b) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n and 0 ≤ b ≤ B using the recursion:
P (i, b) = max0 1 {P (i − 1, b − mi ci ) × (1 − (1 − ri ) )}
0≤mi ≤ ci

We can then solve all subproblems in ascending order of i by looping over all b’s before proceeding
to the next i. P (n, B) will be success probability associated with the best allocation of redundancy.
To recover the actual number of machines added at each stage for this optimal allocation, we need to
keep track for every P (i, b) of which value of mi yielded the maximum value. We can then start at
P (n, B) and backtrack to find the optimal allocation. We have nB subproblems, each taking time at
most O(maxi cBi ) for a total running time of O(nB 2 maxi c1i ).

6.24. Assume m = O(n).

a) Consider the usual matrix of subproblems E(i, j). If we update the values column by column, at
every point we only need the current column and the previous column to perform all calculations.
Hence, if we are just interested in the final value E(m, n) we may keep only two columns at every
time, using space O(n). Note that we are not able now to have a pointer structure to recover the
optimal alignment, as we would need pointers for all subproblems, which would take space mn.

b) Together with the subproblem solution L(i, j), for each j ≥ m/2, in each of the active two columns,
maintain a pointer to the index k at which the optimal path leading to (i, j) crossed the m/2
column. Such pointer can be easily updated at every recursion by copying the pointer of the
subproblem from which the optimal solution is derived.
c) Consider the space requirement first. At any time during the running of this scheme, a single
dynamic programming data structure is active, taking up space O(n). All that is left to store is
the values k for all the subproblems on which we recurse. These are at most m as every values
corresponds to an index of x matched to one of y in the minimum edit distance alignment.. Hence,
the total space required is O(n). For the running time analyisis, notice that level i + 1 of the
recursion takes half the time of level i. Hence, the total running time will be bounded above by
O(mn)(1 + 12 + 14 + · · · ) = 2O(mn).
6.25. $
Let M [i, s1 , s2 ] be 1 if there are two disjoint subsets I, J ⊆ {1, . . . i} such that j∈I aj = s1 and
j∈J aj = s2 . An instance of 3-Partition has positive solution if and only if M [n, S/3, S/3] = 1.
We can use dynamic programming to fill out the three dimensional table specified by M [i, s1 , s2 ] for
1 ≤ i ≤ n, 0 ≤ s1 , s2 ≤ S/3. An arbitrary entry in the table can be calculated from three previous
M [i, s1 , s2 ] = M [i − 1, s1 − ai , s2 ] ∨ M [i − 1, s1 , s2 − ai ] ∨ M [i − 1, s1 , s2 ].
$ words, this definition
$ says that if there exist two disjoint subsets I, J ⊆ {1, . . . , i} such that
$j∈I a j = s1 and j∈J$ = s2 , then either i ∈ I, i ̸∈ J or i ∈ J, i ̸∈ I or i ̸∈ I, J. In the case that i ∈ I,
j∈I,j̸=i = s1 −ai and j∈J = s2 (since I and J are disjoint), and so M [i−1, s1 −ai , s2 ] = 1. The case
of i ∈ J is symmetric. In the case that i ̸∈ I, J, then I, J ⊆ {1, . . . , i − 1}, and so M [i − 1, s1 , s2 ] = 1.
The base cases for the recursion are M [i, 0, 0] = 1 for all i ≥ 0 and M [i, s1 , s2 ] = 0 if i < 0, s1 < 0
or s2 < 0. The table size is n × S/3 × S/3. Filling in a single entry takes constant time, so the total
running time for the algorithm is O(nS 2 ). ( One could also notice that the table is symmetric because
M [i, s1 , s2 ] = M [i, s2 , s1 ] but this symmetry only gives a constant factor improvement in the running

6.26. This is a simple variant of the edit distance algorithm defined in class. The recursion is modified to:

E(i, j) = max{E(i − 1, j) + δ(xi , −), E(i − 1, j − 1) + δ(xi , yj ), E(i, j − 1) + δ(−, yj )}

The initialization has also to be modified to deal properly with the new scoring for gaps. We have, for
i, j > 0:

E(0, 0) = 0
E(i, 0) = E(i − 1, 0) + δ(xi , −)
E(0, j) = E(0, j − 1) + δ(−, yj )

The correctness follows by the same argument as for the edit distance algorithm. The running time is
again O(mn).

6.27. This is another modification of the standard edit distance algorithm, only more advanced. You should
notice that there is no simple way to modify the existing recursion to incorporate the new kind of
gap penalties. In particular, it would be necessary at every point to know whether the previous
subproblem solutions were given by alignments with a deletion or insertion in their last position.
Moreover, it might be that an optimal alignment for E(i, j) is not an extension of the optimal for
E(i − 1, j), E(i − 1, j − 1), E(i, j − 1) as an alignment with smaller previous score but terminating with
a gap might have a smaller gap penalty and beat all extensions of optimal alignments. This suggests
that we should not keep a single matrix of subproblems, but 3. E will be the matrix of subproblems

where the alignments are constrained to be a substitution or a match in their last position. Ex will be
the matrix of subproblems over the alignments which have a gap in the last position of string x. Ey is
defined similarly for y. Given these definitions, we just need to work out the recursion correctly case
by case.

E(i, j) = max{E(i − 1, j − 1), Ex (i − 1, j − 1), Ey (i − 1, j − 1)} + δ(xi , yj )

Ex (i, j) = max{E(i − 1, j) − c0 − c1 , Ex (i − 1, j) − c1 , Ey (i − 1, j) − c0 − c1 }
Ey (x, y) = min{E(i, j − 1) − c0 − c1 , Ex (i, j − 1) − c0 − c1 , Ey (i, j − 1) − c1 }

The output will just be the maximum of E(m, n), Ex (m, n) and Ey (m, n). This takes O(mn) as we
still have O(mn) subproblems, each evaluated in constant time.

6.28. This only requires a simple modification to 6.26. E(i, j) becomes the score of the best scoring substring
of x[1, · · · , i] and y[1, · · · , j]. The recursion is then modified to take into account the possibility that
the best local alignment be empty:

E(i, j) = max{E(i − 1, j) + δ(xi , −), E(i − 1, j − 1) + δ(xi , yj ), E(i, j − 1) + δ(−, yj ), 0}

6.29. For i ∈ {1, · · · , n}, let W (i) be the the weight of the best subset of consistent partial matches in
x[1, · · · , i]. To compute W (i), we consider the two following cases:

– the best subset of partial matches contains a match j with rj = i,

– the best subset of partial matches does not contain such j

In the first case, W (i) will be the sum of wj and the weight of the best match on the remaining of the
string, i.e. W (lj − 1). In the second case, we will just have W (i) = W (i − 1). This shows that the
following recursion is correct:

W (i) = max{W (i − 1), max {W (lj − 1) + wj }}

j:rj =i

The algorithm will then proceed computing W (i) in ascending order of i and will output W (n) as best
total weight achievable. To reconstruct the actual sequence of partial matches, it suffices to keep track,
for all W (i) of which j maximizes the expression in the recursion, when the second maximum is the
larger. We can then follow these pointers from W (n) backwards to identify the optimal alignment.
The running time is O(n + m), where m is the number of partial matches, as we have n subproblems
and each partial match is considered once in the maximizations.

6.30. a) See Figure 1.

b) It suffices to give an algorithm that minimizes the score for length 1 sequences, i.e. single charac-
ters. We can then apply this algorithm to all positions. The final sequence assignment will have
score equal to the sum of the scores of the trees for each position and, as there are all minimum,
it will also be minimum score.
The dynamic programming algorithm works by solving the problem in each subtree. For each
internal node u, we define S(u) to be the set of the labels s(u) of u over all optimal assignments
to u’s subtree.
Claim: Let p be an internal node and let c1 and c2 be its children. If S(c1 ) ∩ S(c2 ) is non-empty,
then S(p) = S(c1 ) ∩ S(c2 ). Otherwise, S(p) = S(c1 ) ∪ S(c2 ).
Proof: Let C(u) be the minimum cost of a labeling of the subtree rooted at u. Consider the two

Figure 1: Parsimony tree for 6.30 a)

1) I = S(c1 ) ∩ S(c2 ) is non-empty. Then, any assignment with s(p) ∈ I will have cost C(c1 ) +
C(c2 ), which is minimum for the subtree rooted at p. Moreover, any assignment with s(p) ∈ /I
will pay at least C(c1 ) + C(C2 ) + 1 and will not be optimal. Hence, S(p) = I.
2) If I = S(c1 ) ∩ S(c2 ) is empty, consider the union U = S(c1 ) ∪ S(c2 ). For any s(p) ∈ U ,
it is possible to construct an assignment of cost C(c1 ) + C(c2 ) + 1 by choosing a optimal
assignment corresponding to s(p) for one child’s subtree and any assignment for the other.
For s(p) ∈/ U , we pay 1 + C(ci ) for each child i for whose subtree we use an optimal labeling
and at least the same quantity 1 + C(ci ) for each child i for which we do not use an optimal
labeling. Hence, we pay at least 2 + C(c1 ) + C(c2 ). This shows that the optimal assignments
for the subtree rooted at p are those consisting of s(p) ∈ U and optimal assignments for the
children’s subtrees.
We can then initialize S(v) = {s(v)} for the leaves and proceed up the tree, updating S(p) to
be the intersection of S(c1 ) and S(c2 ), if this is non-empty, and their union otherwise. Once, we
have reached the root and calculated S(r) we can produce an actual labeling by setting s(r) to
any label in S(r). The label for all other internal nodes u can then be calculated from the label
s(p) of u’s parent by taking s(u) = s(p) if s(p) ∈ S(u) and s(u) to be any label in S(u) otherwise.
For each position of the string, we have O(n) subproblems S(u), each of which takes time O(|Σ|)
to update. The total running time is then O(|Σ|nk).
Chapter 8 - Solutions

8.1 Assume that T SP (G, b) returns false if no tour of length b or less exists in G. Then the following
functions solve T SP OP T using T SP .
for all u 2 V , v 2 V :
S = S + dist(u, v)

b = (l + u)/2
if TSP(G, b) 6= false
return BINARY-SEARCH-TOUR(G, l, b)
else return BINARY-SEARCH-TOUR(G, b, u)
Basically, the algorithm just does a binary search over all possible lengths of the optimal tour, going
from 0 to the sum of all distances. Note that binary search is necessary here and we can’t just increment
the value of b by 1 each time since the sum of all distances is exponential in the size of the input.

8.2 We impose an arbitrary ordering on the edges and remove the edges one by one. If the graph obtained
by removing an edge from the current graph still has a Rudrata path, we remove e permanently and
update the current graph. If the new graph does not have a Rudrata path, we add e back. Hence,
we maintain the invariant that the graph we have always has a Rudrata path (if the given graph did).
Since it is possible to remove all edges except a single Rudrata path, we will be left a Rudrata path in
the end.

8.3 It’s a generalization of SAT. Given a SAT formula ' with n variables, (', n) is an instance of STINGY
SAT which has a solution if and only if the original SAT formula has a satisfying assignment.

8.4 (a) Given a clique in the graph, it is easy to verify in polynomial time that there is an edge between
every pair of vertices. Hence a solution to CLIQUE-3 can be checked in polynomial time.
(b) The reduction is in the wrong direction. We must reduce CLIQUE to CLIQUE-3, if we intend to
show that CLIQUE-3 is at least as hard as CLIQUE.
(c) The statement “a subset C ✓ V is a vertex cover in G is and only if the complimentary set V C
is a clique in G” used in the reduction is false. C is a vertex cover if and only if V C is an
independent set in G.
(d) The largest clique in the graph can be of size at most 4, since every vertex in a clique of size k
must have degree at least k 1. Thus, there is no solution for k > 4, and for k  4 we can check
every k-tuple of vertices, which takes O(|V |k ) = O(|V |4 ) time.


We have a variable xbgp for each given triple (b, g, p). We interpret xbgp = true as choosing the triple
(b, g, p). Suppose for boy b, (b, g1 , p1 ), . . . , (b, gk , pk ) are triples involving him. Then we add the clause
(xbg1 p1 _ . . . _ xbgk pk ) so that at least one of the triples is chosen. Similarly for the triples involving
each girl or pet. Also, for each pair of triples involving a common boy, girl or pet, say (b1 , g, p1 ) and
(b2 , g, p2 ), we add a clause of the form (x̄b1 gp1 _ x̄b1 gp1 ) so that at most one of the triples is chosen.
The total number of triples, and hence the number of variables, is at most n3 . The first type of clauses
involve at most n2 variables and we add 3n such clauses, one for each boy, girl or pet. The second
type of clauses involve triples sharing one common element. There are 3n ways to choose the common
element and at most n4 to choose the rest, giving at most 3n5 clauses. Hence, the size of the new
formula is polynomial in the size of the input.
If there is a matching, then it must involve n triples (b1 , g1 , p1 ), . . . , (bn , gn , pn ). Setting the variables
xb1 g1 p1 , . . . , xbn gn pn to true and the rest to false gives a satisfying assignment to the above formula.
Similarly, choosing only the triples corresponding to the true variables in any satisfying assignment
must correspond to a matching for the reasons mentioned above. Hence, the formula is satisfiable if

and only if the given instance has a 3D matching.


We introduce variables xij for 1  i, j  n meaning that the ith vertex is at the jth position in the
Rudrata cycle. Each vertex must appear at some position in the cycle. Thus, for every vertex i, we
add the clause xi1 _ xi2 _ . . . _ xin . This adds n clauses with n variables each.
Also, if the ith vertex appears at the jth position, then the vertex at (j + 1)th position must be a
neighbor of i. In other words, if u, v are not neighbors, then either u appears at the jth position, or v
appears at the (j + 1)th position, but not both. Thus for every (u, v) 2 / E and for all 1  j  n, add
the clause (x̄uj _ (x̄v(j+1) ). This adds at most O(n2 ) ⇥ n = O(n3 ) clauses with 2 variables each.
Using the “meanings” of the clauses given above, it is easy to see that every satisfying assignment gives
a Rudrata cycle and vice-versa.

8.6 a) Let the number of variables be n and the number of clauses be m. Note that each variable x can
satisfy at most 1 clause (because it appears as x and x̄ at most once). We construct a bipartite
graph, with the variables on the left side and the clauses on the right. Connect each variable to
the clauses it appears in. For the formula to be satisfiable, each clause must pick one (at least)
variable it is connected to with each variable being picked by at most one of the clauses it is
connected to. If we connect all the variables to a source s, all clauses to a sink t and fix the
capacity of all edges as 1, this is equivalent to asking if we can send a flow of m units from s to
t. Since the flow problem can be solved in polynomial time, so can the satisfiability problem.

b) Consider the reduction from 3SAT to INDEPENDENT SET. If each literal is allowed to appear
at most twice, we claim that the graph we create in this reduction has degree at most 4 for each
vertex. Let (x1 _ x2 _ x3 ) be a clause in the original formula. Then, in the graph, the vertex
corresponding to x1 in this clause, has one edge each to x2 and x3 . Also, it has edges to all
occurrences of x̄1 . But, since x̄1 is allowed to appear at most twice, this can add at most two
edges. Similarly, each vertex in the graph has at most 4 edges incident to it.
However, we know that the special case of 3SAT, with each literal occurring at most twice is
NP-complete. The above argument shows that this special case reduces to the special case of
INDEPENDENT SET, with each vertex having degree at most 4. Hence, this special case of
INDEPENDENT SET must also be NP-complete.

8.7 Consider a bipartite graph with clauses on the left and variables on the right. Consider any subset S
of clauses (left vertices). This has exactly 3|S| edges going out of it, since each clause has exactly 3
literals. Since each variable on the right has at most 3 edges coming into it, S must be connected to
at least |S| variables on the right. Hence, this graph has a matching using Hall’s theorem proved in
problem 7.30.
This means we can match every clause with a unique variable which appears in that clause. For every
clause, we set the matched variable appropriately to make the clause true, and set the other variables
arbitrarily. This gives a satisfying assignment. Since a matching can be found in polynomial time
(using flow), we can construct the assignment in polynomial time.

8.8 We start from 3SAT and reduce it to an instance of EXACT 4SAT. We can assume that 3SAT formula
has no clauses with one variable, since those variables can directly be assigned. Let C2 = (l1 _ l2 )
and C3 = (l3 _ l4 _ l5 ) be two clauses having 2 and 3 literals respectively. We can write them as the
following equivalent groups of clauses with exactly 4 literals - we need to add one new variable for C3
and two new ones for C2 .
C30 ⌘ (x _ l3 _ l4 _ l5 ) ^ (x̄ _ l3 _ l4 _ l5 )
C20 ⌘ (y _ z _ l1 _ l2 ) ^ (ȳ _ z _ l1 _ l2 ) ^ (y _ z̄ _ l1 _ l2 ) ^ (ȳ _ z̄ _ l1 _ l2 )
Any assignment satisfying C30 must assign either true or false to x, making one of the clauses true -
in which case the other clause becomes exactly C3 . A similar argument holds for C20 .

8.9 This is a generalization of VERTEX-COVER. Given a graph G, consider each edge e = (u, v) as a set
containing the elements u and v. Then, finding a hitting set of size at most b in this particular family
of sets is the same as finding a vertex cover of size at most b for the given graph.

8.10 a) We can view this as a generalization of the CLIQUE problem. Given an input (G, k) for CLIQUE,
let H be a graph consisting of k vertices with every pair connected by an edge (i.e. a clique of
size k). Then G contains a clique of size k if and only if H is a subgraph of G.
b) This is a generalization of RUDRATA-PATH. Given a graph G with n vertices, let g = n 1.
Then (G, n 1) is an instance of LONGEST PATH. However, a simple path of length n 1 must
contain n vertices and hence must be a Rudrata path. Also, any Rudrata path is of length n 1.
Hence for any graph with n vertices, LONGEST-PATH(G, n 1) is precisely the asking for the
Rudrata path.
c) Given a formula with m clauses, setting g = m gives SAT as a special case of MAX-SAT.
d) This also a generalization of CLIQUE. Given an instance (G, k) let a = k, b = k(k 1)/2. Any
subgraph of G with k vertices and containing k(k 1)/2 edges, must have an edge between every
possible pair out of these k vertices and hence must be a clique. Similarly, a clique on k vertices
must contain k(k 1)/2 edges.
e) This is a generalization of INDEPENDENT SET. Given (G, k), an instance for independent set,
let a = k, b = 0. Then (G, a, b) is an instance for SPARSE SUBGRAPH. Also, any subgraph of
G with k vertices and 0 edges must be an independent set of size k and vice-versa.
f) Generalizes VERTEX COVER. Consider each vertex as a set of the edges incident upon it. Then
a SET COVER of this family of sets corresponds exactly to picking vertices (sets) such that at
least one vertex corresponding to each edge is picked (i.e. at least one set containing every element
is picked).
g) Generalizes Rudrata cycle. Given a graph G = (V, E), take b = n and dij = 1 8(i, j) 2 E and
dij = 2 otherwise. Also, take rij = 2 for every (i, j).
Then this is an instance of the RELIABLE NETWORK problem which corresponds to picking
few edges such that the sum of the weights of all the edges is n and between every points i and
j, there must be 2 vertex-disjoint paths i.e. they should be part of a cycle. Also, since every
pair must have two paths between them, the graph must be connected. Finally, because of the
weights, the graph can have at most n edges. Hence, it must have exactly n edges and exactly
one cycle (since a connected graph with n edges can have only 1 cycle), which contains all the
vertices. This is exactly the Rudrata cycle. It is also easy to see that every Rudrata cycle satisfies
the properties for the above RELIABLE NETWORK instance.

8.11 (a) Given a graph G = (V, E) as an instance of the DIRECTED RUDRATA PATH problem, we
construct an instance of undirected RUDRATA PATH which consists of three copies of |V |,
denoted by vertex sets Vin , Vmid and Vout . Let the new graph be G0 = (Vtop [ Vmid [ Vbot , E 0 ).
We have {uout , vin } 2 E 0 (an undirected edge) for every (u, v) 2 E. Also, {vin , vmid }, {vmid , vout } 2
E 0 for all v 2 V . Hence, the only way to include vmid in a path is to pass from vtop to vbot or

u in u mid u out v in v mid v out


Finally, to ensure that paths start in Vin and end at Vout , we add four vertices a1 , a2 and b1 , b2
and edges {a1 , a2 }, {b1 , b2 } and {a2 , vin }, {vout , b2 }8v 2 V . Since a1 and b1 have degree 1, they
must be the end points of any Rudrata path.
A Rudrata path starting from a1 must visit a2 and then some vertex in Vin . Similarly, a
path ending at b1 must come through Vout . To cover Vmid , the path must be of the form
(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
a1 , a2 , vin , vmid , vout , . . . , vin , vmid , vout , b2 , b1 . Then v (1) , ldots, v (n) gives a directed Rudrata
path. Similarly, an undirected Rudrata path in G0 can be constructed from a directed Rudrata
path in G.
(b) We use the same construction of G0 as in the previous part. It is also a valid instance of the
undirected Rudrata (s, t)-path problem with s = a1 and t = b1 . Since all paths we obtained above
were always of this form, the same argument still works.

8.12 a) To show that k-SPANNING TREE is a search problem, we need to show that it is possible to
verify a solution in polynomial time. Given a spanning tree T for a graph G we need to verify
that it is indeed a tree, that each edge in T is present in G and that all vertices of G are present
in T and have degree k. All this can be done by a single DFS on T , comparing each edge with
the corresponding edge in G, which takes polynomial time in total.
b) Consider the 2-SPANNING TREE problem. We are required to find a tree with each vertex
having degree at most 2. However, such a tree must be a path, since creating a branch at any
vertex makes the degree of that vertex as 3. Also, if the tree spans the graph it must be a an
undirected Rudrata path. Hence, this problem is same as the undirected Rudrata path problem
which we showed to be NP-complete in Problem 8.11.
We now reduce k-SPANNING TREE for k > 2, to the 2-SPANNING TREE problem. Given a
graph G = (V, E), at each vertex v 2 V , we add k 2 “bu↵er vertices” v1 , . . . , vk 2 connected
only to v. We add a fresh set of bu↵er vertices for each original vertex in the graph. Call this
new graph G0 . It is easy to see that a k-spanning tree of G0 must contain all the bu↵er vertices
as leaves, since they all have degree 1. Removing, these gives a 2-spanning tree of G. Similarly,
adding k 2 “bu↵er leaves” to each vertex in any 2-spanning tree of G, will give a k-spanning
tree of G0 . Hence, the k-SPANNING TREE problem is NP-Complete for every k 2.

8.13 (a) This can be solved in polynomial time. Delete all the vertices in the set L from the given graph
and find a spanning tree of the remaining graph. Now, for each vertex l 2 L, add it to any of its
neighbor present in the tree. It is clear that such a tree, if it is possible to construct one, must
have all the vertices in L as leaves. If the graph becomes unconnected after removing L, or some
vertex in L has no neighbors in G\L, then no spanning tree exists having all vertices in L as
(b) This generalizes the (undirected) (s, t)-RUDRATA PATH problem. Given a graph G and two
vertices s and t, we set L = {s, t}. We now claim that the tree must be a path between s and t. It
cannot branch out anywhere, because each branch must end at a leaf and there are no other leaves
available. Also, since it is a spanning tree, the path must include all the vertices of the graph and
hence must be Rudrata path. Similarly, every Rudrata path is a tree of the type required above.
(c) This is also a generalization of (undirected) (s, t)-RUDRATA PATH. We use the same reduction
as in the previous part. Note that a tree must have at least two leaves. Hence for L = {s, t}, the
set of leaves must be exactly equal to L.
(d) Again, setting k = 2, gives exactly the (undirected) Rudrata path problem, since a spanning tree
with at most two leaves must be a path containing all the vertices. Also, it will have exactly two
leaves (since that’s the minimum a tree can have).
(e) The solution to this problem uses the reduction from problem 8.20. We first note that in the
reduction from VERTEX COVER to DOMINATING SET, if we add edges (u, v) for all vertices
u, v 2 V of the given graph, the dominating set we obtain is necessarily connected. Hence the
reduction also gives the hardness of the problem of finding a connected dominating set of size less
than or equal to k. However, a graph has a connected dominating set of size at most k if and

only if it has a spanning tree with |V | k or more leaves (since the graph obtained by removing
the leaves is exactly a connected dominating set). Hence, the given problem is NP-hard.
(f) Same as the part d), setting k = 2 gives the Rudrata path problem.
8.14 We can reduce CLIQUE to the given problem. Given an instance (G, k) of CLIQUE with n vertices,
we create G0 , which is G together with another n vertices, but without any extra edges. The extra
vertices trivially provide an independent set of size k  n for any k. Hence, G has a clique of size k
if and only if G0 has a clique as well as an independent set of size k, since the extra vertices have no
edges between them.
8.15 This is a generalization of CLIQUE. Given (G, k) as an instance of CLIQUE with n vertices, take
G1 = G, b = k and G2 as a clique of size n. Then (G1 , G2 , b) has a solution if and only if G has a
clique of size at least k.
8.16 This is a generalization of INDEPENDENT SET. Let D be the adjacency matrix of an undirected graph
(i.e. penalty is 1 if two vertices are neighbors and 0 otherwise) and let p = 0. Then the maximum
number of ingredients (vertices) that can be chosen is exactly the size of the maximum independent
set. Hence, EXPERIMENTAL CUISINE is NP-Complete which means there must be a polynomial
time reduction from 3SAT to EXPERIMENTAL CUISINE.
8.17 Since the problem ⇧ is in NP, there must be an algorithm which verifies that a given solution is correct
in polynomial time, say bounded by a polynomial q(n). Since the algorithm reads the given solution,
the size of the solution can be at most q(n) bits. Hence, we run the algorithm on all 2q(n) binary strings
of length q(n). If the given instance has any solution, then one of these inputs must be a solution. The
running time is O(q(n)2q(n) ) = O(2n 2q(n) ) = O(2q(n)+n ). Taking p(n) = n + q(n), we are done.
8.18 Since FACTORING is in NP (we can check a factorization in polynomial time), P = NP would
mean the factors of a number can be found in polynomial time. Since in RSA, we know (N, e) as the
public key, we can factor N to find p and q and in polynomial time. We can then compute d = e 1
mod (p 1)(q 1) using Euclid’s algorithm. If X is the encrypted message, then X e mod N gives
the original message.
8.19 We give a reduction from CLIQUE to KITE. Given an instance (G, k) of CLIQUE, we add a tail of k
new vertices to every vertex of G to obtain a new graph G0 . Since the added tails are just paths and
cannot contribute to a clique, G0 has a kite with 2k nodes if and only if G has a clique of size k.
8.20 We reduce VERTEX-COVER to DOMINATING-SET. Given a graph G = (V, E) and a number k as
an instance of VERTEX-COVER, we convert it to an instance of DOMINATING-SET as follows. For
each edge e = (u, v) in the graph G, we add a vertex auv and the edges (u, auv ) and (v, auv ). Thus we
create a “triangle” on each edge of G. Call this new graph G0 = (V 0 , E 0 ).
We now claim that a G0 has a dominating set of size at most k if and only if G has a vertex cover of
size at most k. It is easy to see that vertex cover for G is also a dominating set for G0 and hence one
direction is trivial.
For the other direction, consider a dominating set D ✓ V 0 for G0 . For each triangle (u, v, auv ) (corre-
sponding to edge (u, v)), at least one of the three vertices must be in D, since the only neighbors of auv
are u and v. Since we can exchange auv with u or v, still maintaining a dominating set, we can assume
that none of the added vertices (auv s) is in D. Since D must then contain at least one endpoint for
every edge, it is also a vertex cover.
8.21 (a) Constructing a digraph as in the hint, a Rudrata path exactly corresponds to a sequence of k-mers
such that the last k 1 characters of each element match the first k 1 characters of the next
element. This is just the reconstructed sequence.
(b) Let S be the set (not multiset) of all the strings formed by the first k 1 characters and all
strings formed by the last k 1 characters of all the given k-mers. Construct a directed graph
with V = S, with an edge (u, v) 2 E if there exists a k-mer having u as the k 1 characters and
v as the last k 1 characters. It is easy to see that each k-mer corresponds to exactly one edge.
An Euler path in this graph gives a sequence of elements as the Rudrata path above.

8.22 (a) Given a graph and a feedback arc set, it is easy to check that the size of the set is at most b and
that the graph produced by removing the edges in the set is acyclic (through DFS). Hence, the
problem is in NP.
(b) We claim that if U ✓ V is a vertex cover for G, then F = {(wi , wi0 )|vi 2 U } is a feedback arc set
(of the same size) for G0 .
To prove this, first note that G0 is a bipartite graph with (say) w1 , . . . wn on the left and w10 , . . . , wn0
on the right. Now, any cycle must involve some edge, say (wi0 , wj ) from right to left. However,
the only incoming edge into wi0 is (wi , wi0 ) and the only outgoing edge from wj is (wj , wj0 ) and
hence both of these must be in the cycle. Also, since (wi0 , wj ) is an edge, (vi , vj ) 2 E and either
vi or vj must be in U which means F \ {(wi , wi0 ), (wj , wj0 )} =
6 ;. Hence, removing the edges in F
breaks this cycle.
(c) We replace all the edges of the form (wi0 , wj ) in the given feedback arc set, say F , by edges of
the form (wk , wk0 ). By the argument in the previous part, any cycle containing (wi0 , wj ) must
also contain (wi , wi0 ) and (wj , wj0 ) and hence F \{(wi0 , wj )} [ {(wi , wi0 )} is also a feedback arc set.
Continuing in this manner, we never increase the size of the set (but might decrease it we include
the same edge, say (wi , wi0 ) for two removed edges (wi0 , wj ) and (wi0 , wk )), we get a feedback arc
set F 0 such that |F 0 |  b.
We now claim that U = {vi |(wi , wi0 ) 2 F 0 } must be a vertex cover for G. If not, then there must
be an edge (vj , vk ) such that vj , vk 2 / U and hence (wj , wj0 ), (wk , wk0 ) 2/ F 0 . But then wj ! wj0 !
wk ! wk0 ! wj would be a cycle in G0 even after removing F 0 , which is a contradiction.
8.23 For a given 3SAT formula with n variables and m clauses, we create a graph with m + n source
sink pairs - one for each variable and one for each clause. For each clause c of the form (l1 _l2 _l3 ),
we create 6 new vertices l1 , l2 , l3 , ¯l1 , ¯l2 and ¯l3 .
We add the edges (sc , li ), (li , tc ) for i = 1, 2, 3 so that the only paths connecting this source-sink
pair are the ones that pass through at least one of the literals (not its complement) in the clause.
Think of this as making the literal “true”. Also, for all variables x, we connect the occurrences
of x in all the clauses in a path and connect its endpoints to sx and tx . We also do this for all
the occurrences of x̄. A path from sx to tx must contain either all the occurrences of x or all the
occurrences of x̄.
Given node disjoint paths, we now construct a satisfying assignment. If for variable x, the solution
has the path containing all occurrences of x, we assign x = false (and x = true otherwise).
Thus, for a path from sx to tx we set all the literals in the path to false. Since each clause c
must have a path from sc to tc containing a literal appearing in the clause, which has not been
set to false, the clause must be satisfied. By the same argument, we can also construct a set of
paths from a satisfying assignment.

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