Bangko Sentral NG Pilipinas: MEMORANDUM No. M-2024-030
Bangko Sentral NG Pilipinas: MEMORANDUM No. M-2024-030
Bangko Sentral NG Pilipinas: MEMORANDUM No. M-2024-030
All Bangko Sentral-Supervised Institutions
Subject Protection of Consumer Assets Against Fraud and Misuse Provisions
of BSP Circular No. 1.60, Series of 2022
Protection of Consumer Assets Against Fraud and Mts"se. 70 mr't, ^ate the r, :sks of
fraud and infouse faced by Finencb/ Consumers, BSI$ to the extent allowed by
ex/^tihg laws. rules and regulatibns. must provide necessary asststance^hc/ud, hg the
prov/s, bn offelevent, h, brrnat, bn relating to fraudulent orunauthori:z. ed transactions
Further BSIs must provide clear informatibn on the actibns taken or to be taken on a
complaint Ihquiiy or request from a Fibancia/ Consumer involving fraudulent of
uriauthori:2.0d transactibns. 85/5sha//adequately, hform Fibanc, a/ Consumers @1thei7
responsiblyflies as users of 17nanc, ^/ products and services, and provide timely
transaction noti:ficatibns whiz. h are essential Ih curter71ng and detect, hg fraudulent or
unauthorized transact, bn$.
8515 should resolve a c/elm In a I^,} and reasonable manner The claim reso/utrbn
process should atso be communicated to the accountho/der in a timely and
transparent manner
Reporting Channels BSIs shoukiprov, de I'ts C/I^nts w/'th a free and active reportihg
channe*3' wh^ch may consist of a manned phone libe, mobile number on//he portal
email chatbot; instant messeg, hg. or other closely-mom'tored coinmumt:at, bn
channets whiz!h shoukibe avar7ab/e on a 2417'basi^.
Any F1hanc, ^/ Consumer who contacts the reporting channel should feee^ve an
finmedbte written acknowledgement through the same channel
Uria", fogr^ed Transactions, ' Concerns or disputes about fund transfors or a\eged
unauthorized transactions shall be filed with the 01,191hatihg Financial Inst, 'tutrbn
10F// The OF/ ts primal, :ly responsible for providing asststance and redress to Its
These Guidelines should be read in conjunction with existing regulations on IT Risk Management S stem.
Standards and Guidelines. BSP Circular 1140. Series of 2022. and regulations on National Retail Payments Systems.
and other relevant rules and regulations
Within three 131 bank/hg days from the conc/us/bn of the Invest/!gat/bn, the BSI must
inform the C#entibrma/{yofthe result The informat/bnshou/dinc/ude. among others,
a not/fibat/bn of debiting the provisionally-credited amountiftherei3 sufi7cit?ntproof
that no unauthorized or erroneous transaction occurred
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Where such be fief arises from a findihg under Its own FMS, the Institut/bn shall
perform acts as may be legally warranted to preserve the inte9r/tv of the F1hancia/
A ccoun t
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