Sarfaesi Act
Sarfaesi Act
Sarfaesi Act
Key Provisions:
Chapter I: Preliminary
1-Sarfaesi action may be taken in the following situations: -
e. Any rights of unpaid seller under Section 47 of the Sale of Goods Act,
1930 (3 of 1930);
g. Any security interest for securing repayment of any financial asset not
exceeding one lakh rupees;
h. Any security interest created in agricultural land;
i. Any case in which the amount due is less than twenty per cent of the
principal amount and interest thereon.
A demand notice under SARFAESI Act shall give details of the amount
payable by the borrower (entire amount with cost and expenses) and the
secured assets intended to be enforced by the secured creditor in the event
of non-payment of secured debts by the borrower.
b. Non-Suit filed
The Demand Notice must have a clause to the effect of informing the
Borrower that the secured assets may be redeemed any time before the
date of publication of sale notice, i.e., notice of Public auction or inviting
quotations or tender from public or private treaty for transfer by way of
lease, assignment or sale of the secured assets by the Bank.
Where the Borrower is the body corporate, the demand notice shall be
served on the registered office or any of the branches of such body
corporate in the same manner as specified above.
c. By speed post
d. By courier
e. By fax message
If the borrower fails to discharge his liability in full within 60 days from the
date of receipt of demand notice, Bank can take one or more of the
following recourses to recover its secured debts:
d. Banks have rights to recover the money from third party also.
i- After taking actual possession, the Authorized Officer has to keep the
property in his custody or any other person authorized by him and to take as
much care as that a man of ordinary prudence shall take care of his own
iii. In case, the secured asset is a share in a body corporate the Authorized
Officer shall obtain possession or recover the debt by service of notice
directing the borrower to transfer the same to the secured creditor and also
the body corporate from not transferring such shares in favour of any person
other than the secured creditor. A copy of the notice so sent may
be endorsed to the concerned body corporate Registrar to the issue or share
transfer agents, if any.
iv. In case, the secured asset is any other movable property not in the
possession of the borrower except the property deposited in or in the
custody of any court or any like authority, the Authorized Officer shall obtain
possession or recover the debt by service of notice calling upon the
borrowers and the person in possession to hand over the same to the
Authorized Officer. In case such movable secured assets are in the
possession of third parties, the Authorized Officer shall take custody of such
assets in the same manner as stated above.
Vi Branch has to make necessary enquires to find out the possibility of taking
possession and the arrangements to be made for protection/ custody of the
property after taking possession in consultation with the Authorized Officer.
ix. The Authorized Officer may utilize the service of Enforcement Agents
empanelled for SARFAESI in taking possession of the immovable properties.
• With respect second category, the court held that if the tenancy
agreement is contrary to the provisions of Transfer of property Act and
contrary to the terms of mortgage deed executed, then they can be evicted
by the CMM before whom application is filed for actual possession.
xii. As per the newly introduced Section 17 (4-A) of the SARFAESI Act (As
per 2016 amendment), Debt Recovery Tribunals are empowered to
decide on the issues related to tenancy/lease and no other Courts/Judicial
Forums has the jurisdiction to entertain any such litigations.
xiii. Bank shall be in order in claiming the rent from a Tenant whose
tenancy is protected under law.
xv. After taking actual possession, the Authorized Officer has to keep the
property in his custody or any other person authorized by him and to take as
much care as that a man of ordinary prudence shall take care of his own
xvi. The Authorized Officer, after taking permission from Zonal manager/
FGM, may appoint Security Guards for safeguarding the property after taking
of actual physical possession.
xvii. After taking actual possession, the Authorized Officer has to take steps
for the preservation and protection of property and take insurance, if
required till its disposal.
xix. The Authorized Officer shall not take possession by using force.
xx. If the property is a building kept under lock and key by the borrower,
the Authorized Officer shall not break open the premises. Instead,the
Authorized Officer can ask the borrower to open the lock to enable the Bank
to take possession. If he refuses or resists, assistance of CMMor DM should
be sought. The CMM or DM is empowered to use force, if required for taking
possession of secured assets under SARFAESI Act.
Please note: The facts of each case are different, therefore, the same be
incorporated accordingly and duly verified by the Authorized and
empowered person.
1. Shri/Smt./ M/s
Dear Sirs/Madam,
(In case of Companies, the details of assets charged and noted in the office
of Registrar of Companies be given)
and also agreed to pay the rate of interest at the rate of percent per
annum with quarterly rests and guidelines of the Bank from time to time, in
respect of the above said facilities. (If there are more than one facility and
rate of interest are different, then different rate of interest are to be
d. Rate of Interest:
e. Details of the property mortgaged: (Give details/ property No., CERSAI
f. Details of the title deed(s): {Give details of the title deed/ Sale Deed/
any other document(s)}.
9. That my Bank maintains the regular books of account and now a sum
of Rs. in account and Rs. in Account No. and thus a total sum of Rs.
inclusive of interest upto
, is legally due and recoverable from you above named addressees and
you all are jointly and severally liable to pay the above said dues to the Bank
with interest cost and other usual Bank charges till the date of payment in
10. That the rate of interest varies from time to time as per internal
guidelines of the Bank and the present rate of interest is percent per
annum with monthly rests
w.e.f. 01.04.2002 as per the Reserve Bank of India directives.
11. That you have defaulted in the repayment of the dues of the Bank
which is secured as mentioned above.
12. You are also put on notice that in terms of sub section 13 of section 13
you shall not transfer by sale, lease or otherwise the said secured assets
detailed in this notice without obtaining written consent of the Bank.
13. The Bank reserves its rights to call upon you to repay the liabilities that
may arise under the outstanding Bills Discounted, Bank Guarantee and Letter
of Credit issued and established on your behalf as well as other contingent
liabilities.(* strike out, if not applicable)
15. Please also note that this notice is sent to you without prejudice to the
other rights and remedies available to the bank including initiation of the
appropriate legal proceedings before appropriate Courts and/or Tribunals for
recovery of the above said outstanding amounts. This notice is also without
prejudice to the Bank’s right for undertaking the prosecution of any
complaint filed by bank under Section 138 of Negotiable Instrument Act,
1881 as amended and/or Payment of Settlement Act 2007 as amended.
I, therefore, by virtue of this legal notice, hereby call upon all of you i.e.
addresses No… to…., jointly and severally and to make the payment and
discharge in full
Act, 2002, for recovery of above secured dues and in that case you shall be
jointly and severally liable to pay for all cost and other expenses arising there
Please note that the copy of this notice has been retained in our office. Yours
The undersigned being the authorised officer of the Punjab & Sind Bank
under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and
Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (54 of 2002) and in exercise of
powers conferred under section 13(12) read with rule 3 of the Security
Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 issued a demand notice dated
……...................... calling upon the borrower Shri
The borrower in particular and the public in general is hereby cautioned not
to deal with the property and any dealings with the property shall be subject
to the charge of the Punjab & Sind Bank for an amount
Rs. ......................................... and interest thereon.
All that part and parcel of the property consisting of Flat No. /Plot