SB Order No 23 2021 With Form No 12
SB Order No 23 2021 With Form No 12
SB Order No 23 2021 With Form No 12
F. No. FS-l4/l/2020-FS
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(F.S. Division)
Sub cct: -
Regarding withdrawal I Loanl closure / premature closure of
account through authorized person.
This office is receiving various representations from the depositors that due
to old age or illness they are unable to attend post offices for withdrawal or loan or
closure or premature closure of their accounts.
ii) In the application form (Form- l2), the depositor shall authorize a
literate person for operation of his/her account.
iii) Signature of the authorized person shall be attested by the account
holder(sj. ln case of Joint B Account, any one ol the account holder(s) can attest
the signature of the authorized person.
v) The account holder shall fill the withdrawal form (sB-7) / closure fbrm
(sB-7A) / account pretnature closure form (SB-7B) / Application for Loan (SB-
7C) as the case may be in his/her writing and signed'
vi) Self attested copy of ID and address proof of account holde_r(s) and
authorized person shall also be enclosed. If any account holder(s) authorize a
person for more than one transaction viz. withdrawal / loan / closure, on any day,
However. Fonn-l2 shall be obtained for each account'
vii) Authorized person shall subrnit passbook, authority letter (Form- 12),
withdrawal form (SB-7) / closure form (SB-7A) / account premature closure form
(sB-7B) / Application for Loan (sB-7C) as the case n.ray be and KYC documents
of account hoider and authorized person at concerned post office'
case to Supervisor for aPProval.
of the accouni holdeL(s1 with office record and if he/she is satisfied' he/she
write order on top ofthe application as "authorization accepted" and sign.
Iequest of the account holder, he/she may depute a responsible official
physically verify the request of account holder for withdrawal or loan or closure
prernature closure of his/her account befbre effbcting payment'
Savings Account as per there,t". All
the Post offlces should provide
Cn.qi"lAff, /eBanking/mBanking/IPPB linking
facility to avoid
inconvenience to account holders for SB withdlawal'
in Form.12,
4. tt is f-urther clarified that for submission of authorization
pfryri.ui p..r"r." of the account holder(s) is not nlandatory'
It can be accepted
tiom the authorized Person also'
l2 Yours SincerelY,
E,nclosed: - Form-
o '1 oB 122?-l
(Devendra Sharma)
Assistant Director (SB-lI)
Copy to:-
6. Sr. Deputy Director General (Vigilance) & CVO) / Sr' Deputy Director General
14. GM, CEPT for uploading the order on the India Post
The Postmaster/Manager
llwe de Positor of account
number u nde r....-.......--(N a me of
sche me) hereby authorise Sh./Smt./Ms. /o, slo,
dlo-=,-_=--in whom I
confide and whose photograph and
signature are attested below to operate the said account for the following
Paste Photogra Ph of
1 authorised person