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Mega-Floaters: Aircushjon Supported

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1662-P Deift University of Technology

Ship Hydromechanics laboratory

Mekelweg 2 26282 CD Deift
Phone: +31 (0)15 2786873
E-mail: p.w.deheer@tudelft.nl

Aircushjon Supported

Aircushion Supported

J.L.F. van Kessel
This research was funded by:

The Waler Research Centre of Deift University of Technology

SBM Gusto
Aircushion Supported


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor

aan (IC Technische Universiteit Deift,
op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof. ir. K.C.A.M. Luyben,
voorzitter van het College van Promoties

Op niaandag I febniari 2010 orn 12:30 uur


Johannes (Jan) Lanibertus Franciscus VAN KESSEL

Scheepsbouwkundig ingenieur

Geboren te Bergeijk
Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotoren:

Prof. dr. ir. R.H.M. Huijsnians

Prof. ir. C.A. Willemse

Samenstelling promotiecominissie:

Rector Magnificus, voorzitter

Prof. dr. ir. R.H.M. Huijsmans, Technische Universiteit Delft, promotor
Prof. ir. C.A. Willemse, Technische Universiteit Delfi, promotor
Prof. dr. ir. J.A. Pinkster, Technische (Jniversiteit Deift
Prof. dr. A.V. Metrikine, Technische Universiteit Delft
Prof. ir. J. Meek, Technische Universiteit Delft, reserve lid
Prof. O.M. Faltinsen, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Norway
Prof. dr. ir. H.W.M. l-loeijmakers, Technische Universiteit Twente
Dr. ir. A.P. van 't Veer, SBM Gusto

ISBN 978-90-8570-496-6

Copyright © 2010 by J.L.F. van Kessel

Keywords: mega-float, very large floating structure (VLFS), aircushion support, compressibility,
fluid-stnicture interaction, hydroelastic analysis, motions, dynamic behavior, wave forces, drift
forces, wave field, shear forces, bending moments, stresses, frequency domain, floating runway.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system of
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without prior written permission of the author.

Printed in the Netherlands by: WOhrmann Print Service, Zutphen.

To my parents & brother,
my parents Jan & Marie!
my brother Lart

Acknowledgement xi

Summary xv

List of Symbols xvii

Introduction I
1.1 History ofmega-floaters
1.2 Aircushion support in the offshore industry 6

1.3 The need for ocean space 8

1.4 Objective of the research 9

1.5 Outline of the thesis 9

2 Rigid aircushion supported structures II

2.1 Introduction 11

2.2 Definitions 13

2.3 Aircushion theory 13

2.3.1 Theory of air columns 14

2.3.2 Theory of aircushion supported structures 15

2.3.3 Restoring coefficients and stabiltty 16

2.3.4 Resonance frequencies of the aircushion 20

2.4 Fluid dynamics 21

2.5 Numerical approach 23

2.6 Validation of the numerical approach 29
2.6.1 Oscillation tests 30
2.6.2 Captive tests 35
2.6.3 Free-floating tests 38

viii Contents

2.7 Coniparison with a conventional barge 42

2.7.1 Tuning the aircushion characteristics 42
2.7.2 Drift forces and wave field 46
2.7.3 Wave induced shear forces and bending moments 51
2.8 Conclusions 56

3 Flexible aircushion supported structures 59

3.1 Introduction 59
3.2 Structural model 60
3.2.1 Principal coordinates 62
32.2 Equation of motion 62
3.3 Hydromechanical model 63
3.3.1 Equation of motion 67
3.4 Numerical results and discussion 68
3.4.1 Natural frequencies 68
3.4.2 Fluid-structure interaction 74
3.4.3 Fluid-gas-structure interaction 84
3.4.4 Structural loads 88
3.4.5 Number of principal modes required 96
3.5 Conclusions 98

4 Technical feasibility of an aircushion supported mega-floater 99

4.1 Introduction 99
4.2 Suitable locations for mega-floaters 99
4.2.1 Most probable location 100
4.2.2 Environmental conditions 101
4.3 Main particulars and numerical settings 102
4.4 Wave induced bending moments and stresses 105
4.5 Conclusions Ill

5 Conclusions and recommendations 113

5.1 Main conclusions 113
5.2 Recommendations 114

Bibliography 117
Contents ix

Appendices 127
A Compressibility of aircushions 127

B Behavior of a large rigid aircushion supported structure 131

C Orthogonality condition 133

D Flexible aircushion supported structures 135

E Responses in irregular seas 141

Sarnenvatting (summary in Dutch) 143

Curriculum Vitae 145


When I was still a student at Deift University of Technology I sometimes got carried away by
the enthusiasm of Jan Meek and George Lagers when they were talking about their experiences
in the offshore industry. Their enthusiasm was contagious, and after a few meetings with them at
the university in the spring of 2004, 1 decided to take the challenge to start a Ph.D. research.
Jo Pinkster, my professor in ship hydrornechanics, proposed to investigate the 'behavior of
aircushion supported mega-floalers in vi'aves'. This was a very interesting subject, but
unfortunately there was no funding for it. I considered this to be a minor problem and started to
write a research proposal.
Marcel Stive, head of the Water Research Centre, was enthusiastic about the subject and decided
to fund the first part of the research. The second part of the research was funded by SBM Gusto
after some discussions with Wim Janse and Marco Beenen.
Gentlemen, I am very grateful that you gave me the opportunity to carry out the research the
way it was. I am very thankful for your enthusiasm, cooperation and funding.

The first part of the research was performed at Delft University of Technology under the
supervision of J0 Pinkster and Jan Meek. During regular meetings we discussed the progress of
the research and they provided me with new thoughts for future investigations. Jo Pinkster was
the person who taught tue everything I needed to know about diffraction theory and the basics of
aircushion theory. Eventually, this proved to be a fruitful basis for a new numerical method as
described in this thesis. Jü, I am very grateful for that!
After retirement of Jo Pinkster the supervision of the research was handed over to René
lluijsmans with whom I had the pleasure to work during the last three years. René, I enjoyed
working with you, your enthusiasm, your advices, and the way you inspired me to tackle new
problems on the way to my Ph.D. The fact that your working day at the university started before
7 AM was a privilege to me, which I frequently used to pose you some questions or to discuss
new results. I am also very thankful for the opportunity you gave me to present my research at
different conferences at often beautiful (exotic) locations like Wuxi (China), Lisbon (Portugal),
xii Acknowledgement

San Diego (USA), Estoril (Portugal), Vancouver (Canada), Southampton (UK) and Hawaii
(USA). For sure, these were the greatest scientific moments I experienced during my research!

The second part of the research was carried out at the office of SBM Gusto in Schiedam, the
Netherlands. It was great to be back after being away for almost three years. I enjoyed the new
cooperation with all my colleagues, especially those in the naval architect department with
whom I worked closely together. Two of these people really stand out and I particularly like to
thank them for their contributions during my research.
First of all, Riaan van 't Veer, thank you for your critical opinions and the interesting
discussions we had about hydrodynaniic problems, which I stubbornly called 'issues' or
Secondly, Timo de Beer, thank you for sharing your structural expertise with me. Sorry for the
times I kept you in the office with my never ending questions and new results. I am grateful for
our conversations, especially the ones on Friday evenings in a desolated office, which provided
me with many new thoughts not to be bored during the weekends.

The second part of this thesis describes the dynamic behavior of flexible floating structures.
When I started this part of the research, I had the intention to solve the fully coupled hydro-
structural problem without making use of the well-known siniplihcations. At this stage Martin
van Gyzen helped me a lot with 'issues' related to sparse eigenvalue solvers. Unfortunately, but
for good reasons, this approach was abandoned. Nevertheless, Martin, I really appreciated your

Johan Tuitman, I already know you for many years. We started studying naval architecture at
Delfi University on the same rainy day in 1999. Then, we graduated in the same week in 2004.
Next, we both started a Ph.D. research, and whether it is coincidence or not, we will both defend
our own thesis in the same month. I wonder what the next milestone will be that we will share
together. Retirement?
Although there were many differences in our researches, we both carried out our research in the
field of fluid-structure interaction. This was a good excuse for some interesting discussions
during pleasant diners in the culinary centre of Delfi, for which I would like to thank you. Johan,
I would also like to thank you for the computations you performed with your hydroelastic code
HydElast. These results were used in the verification process of my new hydroelastic code for
aircushion supported structures as described in this thesis.
In addition, I am grateful to Fabien Reniy for providing measurements of the model tests
performed at the BGO-first basin in France in 2006.
Acknowledgement xiii

I am also very thankful to Henk den Besten, Stefanie Lunshof and Erwin van den Berg for
proof-reading the thesis and for providing me with final comments that certainly improved the
quality of this thesis.

Most importantly, I wish to thank my parents and brother for their continues encouragement and
never ending support. Sorry for all those times that you had to put up with 'me and my laptop'.
This thesis is dedicated to you!

Last, but certainly not least, I wish to thank all niy friends and colleagues at the university for
their support and the great moments of joy that we shared during the last years. You know who
you are!

Jan van Kessel

Dc/fl, December 2009

Aircushion Supported Mega-Floaters

The increase of the global population and expanding coastal mega-cities will necessitate an
innovative pursuit of the utilization of the ocean space in which mega-floaters will play an
important role in the future. These types of structures are very large floating artificial islands
that can be used for various facilities and purposes similar to those on land. Compared to landfill
methods inega-floaters generally have a smaller environmental impact than traditional land
reclamation projects. They are indifferent to earthquakes and can be constructed at relatively
low cost in a short period of time, independent of ocean depth and seabed conditions.
Furthermore, the existing facilities can be easily expanded while they are functional and the
space available inside the structure offers prospects for various activities and different use.
This thesis describes a method to predict the dynamic behavior of aircushion supported mega-
floaters in waves. These types of structures are supported by a large volume of air which is
entrapped underneath the structure by vertical walls that extend sufficiently far underneath the
water surface in a way that no air will escape when waves pass by. The method is based on a
linear three-dimensional potential theory using modal expansions and a linear adiabatic law to
describe the air pressure within the aircushion. It is the first method that is able to accurately
predict the three-dimensional dynamic behavior and stresses of flexible aircushion supported
structures of arbitrary shape in waves. The structure around the aircushion is modeled in the
usual way by means of panels representing pulsating sources which are distributed over the
mean wetted surface of the body. The free water surface underneath the structure is modeled by
panels laying in the mean free surface of each aircushion. All panels associated with an
aircushion represent a body without material inass, but having added mass, daniping, hydrostatic
restoring and aerostatic restoring characteristics.
The results of this study indicate that the behavior of aircushion supported structures can be well
predicted by means of a three-dimensional linear potential method. In case of rigid bodies, the
numerical results were validated with model tests. Model tests with a conventional flexible
barge served to validate the hydroelastic method. Unfortunately no experimental results are

xvi Sunimaiy

available for flexible aircushion supported structures. Therefore the numerical results of these
structures are verified with analytical and FEM coniputations.
Both the model tests and computations have shown that the application of aircushions can
significantly influence the behavior of floating structures. The effect on the structural loads is
significant and is particularly pronounced in the wave induced bending moments which are
considerably reduced by the aircushions.
A conventional mega-float structure has to be protected by breakwaters if it is located in open
seas. These breakwaters will reduce the wave loads on the structure, but add to the total costs of
the mega-float project. Another option is to support the structure by aircushions to reduce the
wave induced bending moments and consequently the stresses.
In general, the results of this study have shown that an aircushion supported structure will have
significant advantages compared to conventional mega-floaters. In addition, the computational
method as developed and proposed proved to be a suitable tool to optimize the cushion
configuration for a particular application.
List of Symbols

Hyd ro ni ec han lea I

x surge displacement
y sway displacement
z heave displacement
0 roll angle
8 pitch angle
yaw angle

w wave frequency
2 wave length

BB0 shift of the centre of buoyancy due to a roll angle 0

BB0,, shift of the centre of buoyancy related to the buoyant part of the structure
BB0,, shift of the centre of buoyancy related to the aircushions
BM distance from the centre of buoyancy to the metacentric height
GM distance from the centre of gravity to the metacentric height
KB distance from the keel to the centre of buoyancy
KG distance from the keel to the centre of gravity

Str uc t ii r a I

ii displacement in x-direction
v displacement in y-direction
w displacement in z-d,rection
8, rotation around x-axis
8, rotation around y-axis
8, rotation around z-axis

xviii List of symbols

e 2.7182818...

A location ofa source, (A,A2,A3)
A, area of the aircushion
A,, added mass coupling coefficients
A the total waterline area of the structure (including the aircushions)
a generalized mass matrix
a., generalized mass associated with the s' mode
B centre of buoyancy
B,1 damping coupling coefficients
B structural damping matrix
C. restoring coefficients associated with aircushion contributions
CD restoring coefficients associated with distortion modes of the structure
C, C restoring coupling coefficients between distortion modes and cushion elements
C, restoring coupling coefficient
C, specific heat capacity of air at constant pressure
C4 aerostatic restoring coefficients
C° hydrostatic restoring coefficients
CR restoring coefficients associated with rigid-body modes
CRC, CCR restoring coupling coefficients between the rigid structure and the cushion
C, CDR restoring coupling coefficients between the rigid structure and the distortion modes
C, specific heat capacity of air at constant volume
C33,, heave restoring coefficient of the aircushions
c generalized stiffness matrix
c speed ofsound, 343 mIs in dry air of 20°C
generalized stiffness coefficient associated with the s' mode
D matrix of principal modes, ( Di, D2, ..., Do,)
rth eigenvector, (D,1 , D, ,...,
D,1 generalized displacement vector at node j due to the r' principal mode,
(u,, Wr Ox,. Oy,, Oz, )
E modulus of elasticity
F vector of external forces
G shear modulus of elasticity, centre of gravity
List ofsy,nbols xix

G(X,A) Green's function of a source in A relative to a field point X

g gravity acceleration, g = 9.80663 ,n/s2 (average)
H, significant wave height
h water depth
height of the aircushion
I area moment of inertia
transverse area moment of inertia of the waterline
1,1 mass moment of inertia
IL longitudinal area moment of inertia of the waterline
imaginary number, i = 'J'I
K structural stiffness matrix
roll radius of gyration
k wave number
L length of the structure
L, length of the cushion
M mass matrix, wave induced bending moments
mass coupling coefficient
m mass
NAC number of aircushions
number of panels in cushion c
N0 number of distortion modes
N,, number of mode shapes, m
N, total number of panels used to describe the structure and free surfaces of all
ii normal vector
P pressure of the aircushion
PC atmospheric pressure
P. pressure resulting from draft of the aircushion, P. = pgT,
P0 initial pressure inside the aircushion, , = P, + P
P(t) pressure inside the aircushion at time instant t
p(X) pressure in the fluid
set of principal coordinates
Q vector of concentrated nodal loads
S wetted surface of the structure
S free surface area of cushion c
S( area of dry elements of the structure laying at the boundary of the aircushion
surface element of the body or the mean free surfaces of the aircushions
xx List ofsymbols

7' draft, period of regular wave
7', vertical distance between mean sea level and the free surface within the aircushion,
i.e. the draft of the aircushion
7'. mean zero-crossing period
T peak period
draft variation
U vector of nodal displacements
a1 vector containing displacements due to j modal shape
V wave induced shear forces
V volume of the aircushion
V0 initial volume of the aircushion
V(t) volume of the aircushion at time instant t , V(t) = V0 + V
LV volume variation of the aircushion
w vertical displacement of element j
X vector (X,X2,X3)
X field point (X, X2, X3)
wave force in direction n
force on cushion element n due to the p - mode of motion
generalized fluid force
distance in x-direction from COG to centre of the aircushion
x,, coordinate of the centre of the water plane relative to the origin of the axis system
x rigid body motion in the j-mode
distance in y-direction from COG to centre of the aircushion
coordinate of the centre of the water plane relative to the origin of the axis system
z, mean change of the cushion height

Greek symbols
8,, Kronecker delta function
e compressibility factor of air
(X, 1) total velocity potential
0(X) velocity potential of harmonic waves
undisturbed wave potential
wave radiation potential of the aircushions, i.e. potentials associated with vertical
motions in cushion c
wave diffraction potential
diffraction potential at panel k
List of synbols xxi

motion potential value at panel k

0 wave radiation potential

r) potential in point X due to the j-mode of motion
gas law index, 1 .4 for air
p density of the fluid
a stress
(79 strength of a source on surface element s due to motion mode j
C0 amplitude of the undisturbed incoming wave
C' vertical motion of free surface in cushion c
0), r eigenvalue
th distortion mode of the dry structure in vacuum

Special symbols
V displaced volume of the structure
V2 Laplacian
Chapter 1


1.1 History of mega-floaters

Jules Verne, the l9' century novelist and one of the fathers of science fiction, was probably the
first to write about large floating islands in his book Life a hélice in 1895 [60]. Nevertheless it
was not before the beginning of the 2O century that the first detailed plans for building a Mega-
Floater were made. These plans were driven by the need for fast transport of passengers and
cargo between Europe and the US. At that time, non-stop air transportation of cargo and
passengers across the Atlantic Ocean was considered to be unsafe, unreliable and inefficient.
Besides, it was not expected that airplanes could economically fly more than 500 miles in the
near future. This conclusion was strengthened by the first non-stop flight of Charles Lindberg
across the Atlantic Ocean for which he used a specially designed airplane which was basically a
flying fuel tank.
Driven by great commercial interest, Edward Armstrong came up with a solution and proposed
to build strings of floating airports across the Atlantic. These floating structures were called
Seadronies and would serve as refueling stations tbr transatlantic flights. Each Seadrome would
have a length of approximately 335 m, a width of 100 m and a displacement of 50,000 tons [481.
Figure 1.1 shows the design of a Seadrome and a 1/32 scale model which was tested in
Chesapeake Bay.
On October 22 of 1929, the New York Times announced that construction of the first
Seadrome would begin within sixty days. Seven days later, on what we now call Black Tuesday,
the stock markets crashed and the Great Depression began. When the global economy recovered,
the feasibility of transatlantic flights increased and the Seadrome became superfluous.
2 Chapter 1. Introduction

Figure 1.1: Seadrome designed by Edward R. Armstrong in 1929. The right figure shows the
1/32 scale model which was tested in Chesapeake Bay.

The first large floating runway was actually constructed by the US Navy Civil Engineering
Corps in 1943. The structure measured 552 mx 83 mx 1.5 m and consisted of 10,920 pontoons
as shown in figure 1.2 [63, 65, 77, 78].
During the same period a top-secret military project was executed with code name Habbakuk.
The Allies suffered heavy merchant shipping losses from German U-boats during the war,
particularly due to the limiting range of patrolling aircrafls in the mid-Atlantic. Geoffrey Pyke
came up with a solution and submitted a memorandum to the Chief of Combined Operations in
which he proposed that a natural or artificial iceberg should be hollowed out to shelter aircrafls.
The structure would have a length of 600 in, a width of 90 m, a depth of 60 m, consisted of
280,000 blocks of ice and would be leveled to provide an adequate runway. The displacement
amounted to 2 million tons and the walls would have a thickness of 12 m.
In December 1942, the project got the highest priority by Winston Churchill. Nevertheless the
concept did not look very hopeful in February 1943 as mechanical strength tests pointed out that
natural ice was unreliable and the resistance against explosives was unpredictable. The outlook
suddenly transformed when Mark and 1-lohenstein discovered that the inclusion of a small
percentage of wood pulp improves the mechanical properties of ice in a spectacular manner, see
table 1.1 [52]. In view of the similarity to concrete and in honor of Geoffrey Pyke, the frozen
wood pulp was given the name pykrete (Pyke's concrete).
Construction of a 1/50 scale model of the Habbakuk started in Patricia Lake in the Canadian
Rocky Mountains in March 1943, see figure 1.3. By the fall, the Canadian National Research
Council had shown that it was technically possible to build a ship of ice. However the costs of
material and labor of the full-scale structure were excessive and the project was cancelled in
January 1944.
/ / Ilistoiy of mega-floaters 3

Table 1. 1: Mechanical properties ofpykrete and ice (at -15 °C)

Pykrete Ice
Ultimate strength in compression MPa 7.60 4.27
Ultimate strength in tension MPa 4.80 1.14
Density kg/rn3 980 910

Figure 1.2: SOCK high! deck and parking area (1943)

Figure 1.3: Construction of the scale model of the 1-la bbakuk in ice ('left,) and the final full-scale
design compared to an aircraft carrier and battle ship (right)

The Japanese picked up the idea of a floating airport as a national project in 1995 and called it
Mega-Float. This project was driven by new needs and the fact that Japan has a shortage of land
as less than 13% of the country is arable while its ocean space amounts to 4.5 million sq. km. [2,
76]. From these figures it becomes clear that the limited land resources, large population and
extensive marine exclusive zone (FEZ) necessitated an aggressive and innovative pursuit of the
utilization of the ocean space.
Basically, the Japanese Mega-Float project consisted of two phases. The first phase was a three
year program to identify the wide range of associated problems. Seventeen leading Japanese
shipbuilding companies established the Technological Research Association of Mega-Float
(TRAM) to investigate the feasibility of a floating airport. Nine equally sized modules were
4 Chapter 1. Introduclion

connected afloat and they together formed a model with a length of 300 m. The total budget of
the first phase of the project amounted to $ 86.2 million [621.
The first phase was continued with a second phase for which a budget of $ 103.6 million was
available. Five modules were built in different shipyards that, together with the modified model
of the first phase, formed the final structure of the Mega-Float project. The structure had a
length of 1 kilometer and was located behind an existing breakwater in Tokyo Bay near
Yokosuka City. Figure 1.4 shows the assembly of the modules as well as the final structure.
Real landing and take-off experiments were carried out with small airplanes during the second
phase of the project, see figure 1.5. Finally, it was concluded that no significant differences
between a land-based runway and the Mega-Float structure existed.
After completion of the project the Mega-Float structure was broken up in parts which were
used for a wide range of different applications like car and fishing parks, floating piers and an
information centre.

Figure 1.4: Phase 2 of the Mega-Float structure in Japan, assembly (left) and final model fright,)

1' IgUI'' I 5: iike-of/and landing 0/an 0//y)/(ul(' n/i the Mega-Flocit tri,clii,i'
1.] History of mega-floalers 5

Simultaneously with the Mega-Float project, the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR) started
to investigate the feasibility of a Mobile Offshore Base (MOB). Such a base was intended for
logistical support of U.S. military operations in areas where fixed bases were expected not to be
available or to be inadequate.
The MOB is a self-propelled floating platform consisting of one or more serially connected
modules which together form a runway of 1500 m. Several conceptual designs were made by
different contractors and extensive studies were carried out to investigate the connections
between the individual floating modules. Figure 1.6 shows four conceptual designs.
The ONR research program was finished in 2000 with the conclusion that it is possible to build
a Very Large Floating Structure (VLFS) like the MOB with present knowledge and technology
[40, 41]. One of the main deliverables of the project was the MOB Classification Guide
jublished by ABS [11. This document provides guidelines for the design of an MOB, but may
also be valuable for other Mega-Float structures in the future.

Figur 1.6: Conceptual designs of the Mobile Offthore Base

With the exception of one nionohull concept, both the Japanese and U.S. studies resulted in
rather conventional solutions. A completely different approach is a structure that is supported by
a large aircushion. The air underneath the structure distributes the wave loads equally over the
bottom of the body. The main advantage of an aircushion supported structure is the reduction of
the wave induced bending moments [57, 741. Additionally, the wave induced motions, second
order drift forces, and resistance of an aircushion supported structure may be reduced as well [26,
56]. For these reasons an aircushion supported structure can be a good alternative for a
conventional Mega-Float structure.
For many years, much attention has been paid to the development of relatively small and fast
waterborne sea transport based on aircushion technology, see for example [16, 17, 34, 47, 81].
A large number of these vessels are in service world-wide and much experience in aircushion
technology has been gained as a result.
6 Chapter I. Introduction

1.2 Aircushion support in the offshore industry

In addition, the use of aircushions to support large floating structures has been known for a long
time in the offshore industry. In most of these cases the draft of bottom-founded structures was
temporarily decreased by pumping compressed air underneath the structure to allow
transportation from a shallow building dock to deeper water.
The Khazzan Dubai oil storage tanks installed in the Arabian Gulf in 1969 are probably the first
offshore structures which were passively supported by air. Three subsea storage tanks with a
storage capacity of 500,000 barrels were installed on the seabed with use of aircushion
Figure 1.7 shows the construction of two storage tanks and the towing to the final location. In
order to float the open bottom structures and to tow them from the construction yard to the final
location 60 miles offshore, air was pumped underneath the structure and pressurized until it
supported the weight of the tank. Once on location, the structure was submerged by venting the
air under the structure. The sudden release of air reduced the pressure and caused a dynamic
descent. Submergence continued by pumping water into the internal bottle [10, 12, 8]. The
installation process is shown in figures 1.8 and 1.9.

Figure 1.7: construction and towing oft/ic Khazzan Dubai storage tanks

Figure 1.8: Installation process of the Khazzan Dubai storage tank

1.2 A ircush ion support in the offshore industry 7

Figure 1.9: installation of Khazzan Dubai storage tank No. I

Another example of aircushion technology is the installation of the Maureen Gravity platform in
1983 [4]. In this case, compressed air was pumped underneath the construction to float the
42,600 t structure before it was towed from the dry dock to the final location in the North Sea.
Aircushions were also used to lift the 218,000 t bottom section of the Gulifaks C Condeep
structure to a buoyant condition from the construction dock in 1987. During this operation,
about 96% of the buoyancy was provided by aircushions. The use of air to improve the
floatability of a structure was not new since it was already used on the first Condeep's in 1974.
To some extent aircushions were used in all subsequent Condeep projects as described by Kure
and Lindaas [37].
Chakrabarti [9] described how aircushions were used in launching a semi-submersible from the
construction yard of Chicago Bridge & Iron in Pascagoula (USA) on the Gulf of Mexico. A
unique launching procedure was developed as the launching dock had a much greater elevation
than the existing water level adjacent to the dock. Open-bottom buoyancy cans (up to 10.7 rn in
diameter) were designed to support the structure on a cushion of compressed air during the
launch operation and load out in the sheltered bay off the Gulf of Mexico. Before final towing
started, the buoyancy cans were ballasted and subnierged underneath the structure in deeper
water in the bay.
In the 970s the Seatek Slo-Rol system was introduced to reduce the wave-induced motions of

jack-up platforms while floating. As a result of the application of this system, the transverse and
longitudinal stability of the platform were reduced by bringing the natural roll and pitch
frequencies outside the range of the wave frequencies. In addition, the angular motions in waves
were reduced as well as the dynamic loads in the jack-up legs in the wet-tow mode.
Blood [7] presented a pneumatically stabilized platform (PSP) as a floating concept for a Mobile
Offshore Base (MOB) in 1996. The final MOB report [41] of the science and technology
program showed that the response of a PSP did not only depend on wave excitation but also on
the mass of the water column, air pocket stiffness and air pressure distribution. In case of a PSP
these characteristics can be tuned resulting in sniall dynamic responses in a particular sea state.
In addition to the MOB program, Pinkster [57] described the dynamic behavior of a large
Mobile Offshore Base supported by one aircushion and carried out model experiments at the
Ship l-lydroniechanics Laboratory of Del ft University of Technology [56, 57].
8 Chapter 1. Introduction

The behavior of an open-bottom semi-submersible supported by air was investigated by Xin-

Yuan [79]. Model tests indicated that the structure was more stable and mooring forces were
lower compared to a conventional semi-submersible.

1.3 The need for ocean space

While the 20th century may have been the century of land, the 2l century is expected to become
the century of the ocean. According to UN forecasts [15], the global population is expected to
grow from 6.8 billion today to 8.9 billion in Global populatIon density
2050. This will have a effect on
india (n 10)
metropolitan cities which are often located 600
in the coastal zone. At the moment 60% of 500 Sngapoie)nlo)
t400 .
the global population lives in the coastal oo
2O0 . -

zone, i.e. 150 km from the sea or ocean [18]. ioo. -

Figure 1.10 shows the UN forecast of the ° 2009 2029 2049

global population density [851. Especially

Figure 1.10: United Nations estimation and
the population density of India and the city- prediction of the global population density
state Singapore show a sharp increase. In
case of Singapore this is due to a limited amount of arabic land. Besides, the lack of land and
sand make traditional landtill methods difficult, this problem and a possible future solution will
be described in more detail in chapter 4.
A large floating structure may be an ideal solution for coastal mega-cities like Singapore. Such a
stnicture can be used for any facilities and purposes similar to those on land. in addition, mega-
floaters are often less environmentally destructive than traditional land reclamation projects.
They are indifferent to earthquakes and can be constructed at relatively low cost in a short
period of time independent of ocean depth and ground conditions. Furthermore, the existing
facilities can be easily expanded while they are functional and the space inside the structure
offers prospects for various activities and different use.
1.4 Objective of the research 9

1.4 Objective of the research

Examples from the past have indicated that aircushions can modify the behavior of structures in
waves considerably and justify a more detailed investigation into aircushion technology applied
to niega-floaters. The objective of the research is to predict the behavior of vey large floating
aircush ion supported structures in waves. This includes an assessment of the technical
feasibility of aircushion supported structures and a comparison with a conventional box-shaped
structure. The hydroelastic behavior has to be investigated as well since niega-floaters may not
show the same behavior as rigid bodies.
Much of the effort will be put into development of numerical methods in order to evaluate
design concepts by means of simulations. The results from model tests performed by
Tabeta [64], Pinkster et. al. [54, 55, 57] and Remy et. al. [58] will serve to validate the
numerical method. As such, the new numerical method may be used in future designs of
large aircushion supported structures.

1.5 Outline of the thesis

This thesis is subdivided into three main chapters. Chapter 2 describes a method to compute the
behavior of rigid aircushion supported structures. Model experiments are described which
served to validate the results of an oscillating structure in still water, a captive structure in waves
and a free-floating structure without forward speed in waves. In addition a comparison will be
made between an aircushion supported structure and a conventional barge with respect to
dynamic behavior, drift forces, wave field and structural loads.
Chapter 3 describes a method to compute the hydro-elastic behavior of flexible aircushion
supported structures. First the results of a conventional flexible barge will be discussed which
are validated by model experiments. Next, the hydro-elastic behavior and structural loads of
flexible aircushion supported structures will be discussed.
Chapter 4 describes the step from the academic world to a practical application and discusses the
technical feasibility of an aircushion supported mega-floater. For this purpose an assessment
will be made of different locations in order to find the most likely location where the first mega-
floater will be operated. Next, the environmental conditions of this location are used to assess
the feasibility of different types of mega-float structures.
The main conclusions and thoughts for future research are summarized in chapter 5.
Chapter 2

Rigid aircushion supported structures

2.1 Introduction
For many years much attention has been paid to the development of fast waterborne sea
transport based on aircushion technology as applied to Surface Effect Ships (SES) and
hovercrafts. Figure 2.2 shows an example of a hovcrcraft at high speed. Different numerical
methods to compute the behavior of high-speed aircushion crafts are described by Kaplan et. al.
[34], Nakos et. al. [471 and Moulijn [46].
On the other hand, little research has been performed on free-floating aircushion supported
structures without forward speed in waves as shown in figure 2.1. There are some distinct
differences between fast aircushion crafts and the free-floating structures which will be
discussed in this thesis.
The most obvious difference is the difference in forward speed. Furthermore, the vertical walls
underneath the free-floating structures extend sufficiently far below the mean water line to
prevent air from escaping underneath the structure. The structures considered in this thesis are
passively supported by aircushions.
Contraiy to these structures, hovercrafts and Surface Effect Ships are actively supported by air,
i.e. a continuous flow of air is required to maintain the aircushion pressure underneath the
structure. For this reason large fans have to be installed on the deck of such structures.
12 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

Figure 2. 1. (,o.s -section 0] an WS1I vlii w Figure 2.2: Hovercrafi at high speed
supported structure

In recent years, Pinkster et. al. [54, 55, 571 studied the behavior of large free-floating aircushion
supported structures in waves at Deift University of Technology. Their results were validated by
means of model tests which were performed by Tabeta [64].
Malenica and Zalar [42] solved the linear hydrodynamic problem of aircushion supported
vessels. However, their approach corresponds to a great extend to the one presented by Pinkster
[53]. In addition, Gueret and Hermans [20, 211 extended the analytical work of Malenica and
Zalar for aircushion supported structures in regular waves at zero speed.
On the other hand, Lee and Newman [39, 50] performed computations which provided a good
description of acoustic disturbances in the aircushion. Particular attention was paid to the
resonant frequencies of the air inside the cushion. These resonances are analogous to the
cobblestone effect suffered by high-speed aircushion vessels as demonstrated by Steen [61] and
Ulstein et. al. [71].
The wave induced motions of aircushion supported offshore structures in shallow water were
investigated by means of an analytical approach and model tests performed by Thiagarajan et. aI.
[66, 67, 68]. In addition it was shown by Chenu [11] that aircushions reduce the stability of the
structure and changes the natural frequency and added mass.
Ikoma et. al. [29, 30] investigated the dynamic behavior of rigid aircushion supported structures
at the College of Science and Technology at Nihon University. In recent years they extended
their research to the field of hydroelasticity [24, 25, 27, 28]. This subject will be discussed in
chapter 3.
The present chapter describes a linear potential method to compute the dynamic behavior of
large aircushion supported structures. The method is based on Pinkster's approach [53] with
small changes in the numerical model of the cushion and the coupling with the rigid body. The
results of the numerical method will be compared with model tests and the results presented by
Pinkster [55].
Paragraph 2.7.1 will show the effect of a pressure change within the aircushion on the dynamic
behavior of the structure. Next paragraphs 2.7.2 and 2.7,3 describe the behavior of large
2.2 Definitions 13

aircushion supported structures subjected to waves from different headings. The motions will be
discussed as well as the drift forces and structural loads. In order to show the effect of the
aircushions on the behavior of the full-scale structure, the results will be compared with those of
a conventional floating barge.

2.2 Definitions
A right handed axis system (x, y, z) will be used in the analysis of the dynamic behavior of the
floating structure. The displacements at the centre of gravity (COG) of the floating body are
delined in the six degrees of freedom surge (x), sway (y) , heave (z) , roll (0), pitch (&) and
yaw (w) . The first three degrees are translations in the x-, y- and z-direction respectively. Roll,
pitch and yaw are the rotations around these axes as illustrated in figure 2.3.
A floating body may be subjected to waves from different headings. In this case head waves are
associated with a wave heading of 1800 and stern waves correspond to a wave heading of 0°. All
other wave directions and their headings are shown in figure 2.4.

\ / /_
2925' 270' 247.5'
315' 225'
337.\ 202.5'

sternO'.. ----. -.----180'bow

45' //


Figure 2.3: six degrees of motion Figure 2.4: Wave directions

2.3 Aircushion theory

This section describes the theory of aircushion supported stnictures at zero speed in waves. The
structure is assumed to be rigid and supported by one or more aircushions that may or may not
be interconnected. The floater is passively supported by the cushions, which implies that no fans
are needed to maintain the air pressure within the cushion. The aircushions are bounded by the
rigid part of the structure which extends sufficiently far below the mean water level in order to
ensure that no air leakage will occur from the cushion. Furthermore, it is assumed that air from
the cushion does not dissolve in the water underneath.
14 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

2.3.1 Theory of air columns

The volume change in the aircushion underneath the structure is reversible and describes an
adiabatic process of the form:

P V K = constant (2.1)

The pressure within the aircushion changes due to wave motions and oscillations of the structure.
With use of the previous equation, the resulting pressure inside the aircushion may be expressed

P(t) = Po (2.2)

in which:
V0 = initial volume of the aircushion
V(t) = volume of the aircushion (V0 + V(t) ) at time instant I
Po = initial pressure inside the aircushion ( P,, + P
P(t) = pressure inside the aircushion at time instant
P is the atmospheric pressure and P is the pressure required to support the structure. In
addition, AV is the volume variation of the aircushion and is the gas law index, which is the
ratio between the specific heat capacity at constant pressure (C,, ) and constant volume (C, ):


A gas law index of 1.4 is generally used for air. The non-linear expression of the pressure in
equation (2.2) may be simplified to a linear form by making use of a Taylor expansion of
(V0 + L'V)" around AV = 0. In this case it is assumed that the volume variations are small
compared to the total volume of the aircushion. This simplification results in the following
linear expression:

P(t) = Po - icPo (2.4)


The pressure variations within the aircushion result in pressure changes on the stnicture. These
pressure changes may be rewritten as restoring coefficients which can be used in a general
equation of motion.
If the structure is supported by N4c aircushions, then the total restoring coefficient can be
derived from the previous equation by making use of V0 = h A, in which Ii, is the initial
cushion height and A, the cushion area:
2,3 Aircushion theory 15

N4c A
C33,=,cP0 (2.5)

The spring coefficient C3. in this equation is related to the aircushions only, i.e. the restoring
teni of the buoyant part of the structure is not taken into account.

2.3.2 Theory of aircushion supported structures

l-lenceforward the buoyant part of the floating body will be taken into account. When the
structure moves slowly in vertical direction, the free water surface inside the aircushions will
move in the same direction. However, due to the compressibility of air, the displacement ofthe
free water surface within the cushions will be smaller than the vertical motion of the structure.
For this reason the compressibility of air should be added to equation (2.5) in order to obtain the
restoring coefficient of the total structure including the aircushions.
The compressibility of the aircushion mainly depends on the height of the air chamber
underneath the structure. If this parameter is taken into account, the polytropic process as
described in equation (2.1) may be written as:

(YK = constant (2.6)

On the other hand the air pressure within the cushion may also be expressed as:

P(t)=P0+pgT(i) (2.7)

with 7', (t) being the vertical distance between mean sea level and the free surface within the
aircushiori. Initially, when the structure is fully supported by the rigid skirts, the air pressure Po
within the cushion is equal to the atmospheric pressure P0
If the structure moves T downward and the compressibility of air is written as a small non-
dimensional parameter e , then the aircushion will be compressed by e T. This is graphically
shown in figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5: Vertical motion of an aircushion supported

structure and compression of the cushion
16 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

Substitution of equation (2.7) in (2.6) and making use of the compressibility of air provides:

' Pa

If the right hand side of this equation is rewritten by a Taylor expansion around AT = 0, the
following compressibility factor of the aircushion will be obtained:

E= (2.9)
KP(t)+ pgh.

This procedure is described in appendix A.

2.3.3 Restoring coefficients and stability

Displacing the structure in the heave mode will change the volume of the aircushion.
Consequently the volume variation results in a pressure change on the structure. The pressure
change may be rewritten as a restoring coefficient of the aircushion supported structure and the
heave restoring coefficient may be expressed as:

C33 = (Ab. eAjpg (2.10)

where Aa' is the total waterline area of the structure (including the aircushions). Substitution of
equation (2.9) results in:

C33 =pg(AA)+C33, (2.11)
C33, +pgA

The first term represents the hydrostatic restoring force of the buoyant part of the structure, the
second and third terms are contributions of the aircushions as described in appendix A.

The centre of buoyancy (B) of a conventional floating body will shift when the structure is
subjected to a small roll angle 0 as shown in figure 2.6. A shift of the centre of buoyancy
results in an increase of the restoring moment. It is common practice in ship building
applications to define the stability of a floating body by the following expression:

GM=KB+BMKG (2.12)
2.3 Aircushion theory 17

in which KB is the distance from the keel (K) to the centre of buoyancy, and KG is the
distance from the keel to the centre of gravity (G) . The parameter BM corresponds to the
distance from the centre of buoyancy to the metacentric height and may be expressed as:

BM= (2.13)
(an q

The centre of buoyancy will not shift if the body is completely supported by a large single
aircushion. Consequently BM is equal to zero and the GM-value corresponds to the distance
BG. This value is negative in case the centre of gravity is located above the centre of buoyancy.
The stability of an aircushion supported structure may be increased by increasing the thickness
of the vertical walls around the aircushion, or by subdividing the aircushion in multiple
compartments as shown ill Figure 2.7.

Yc, niin\ Yc, max

Figure 2.6: Stab/lily at s,na/I heeling angles Figure 2. 7: Stability of a structure supported
by two aircushions

The shift of the centre of buoyancy BB0 may be subdivided into a structural contribution
BB0,, and an aircushion contribution BB0,. . The structural component, associated with the
structure around the aircushions, may be expressed as:

1L '/2
v tan Ødy, d,
BB,, = 2£ J, (2.14)

The contribution of the aircushions may be expressed as:

- e)avcdxc}
BB0, (2.15)
18 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

in which:
= mean change of the cushion height. for rectangular shaped structures:
= (Yc,max +yc,min)/2tanø
= centre of the cushion in y-direction

Substitution of equations (2.14) and (2.15) into (2.13) provides the following expression for
rectangular shaped aircushions and small roll angles:

JJydx+ (le)v2JJcydx.
A N4ç
BM (2.16)

In order to compute the transverse stability ( GM7 ). the horizontal components of the air
pressure on the skirts of the structure should be taken into account as well. Figure 2.8 shows the
air pressure on the vertical walls of a structure supported by two aircushions which is subjected
to a heeling angle 0 . The pressure within each aircushion is constant such that
P1 =Piui =PI,H2 P1,H3 andP2 =P2,111 =P2,112 =P2,,,3.


B1 B2
Figure 2.8: Air pressure on the vertical wa/Is of a structure supported by two aircushions.

The horizontal components of the aircushion pressure on the vertical skirts result in an
additional heeling moment which may be expressed as:

= tan ØL1 .113( + Tn - (2.17)

in which:
B, width of cushion i
L = length of cushion i
P1,113 excess air pressure within cushion i (P(t) - P0)
Tc,i = initial draft of cushion i
ezc,i additional mean daft of cushion i due to heeling angle 0
2.3 Aircushion theory 19

For small heeling angles the previous expression may be simplified to:

x4c=pgA1Tc,1(oG+T1)ø (2.18)

with A1 = L, B1 being the area of cushion i Combining equations (2.16) and (2.18) and
substitution in (2.12) results in a general expression of the GM-value for structures with
rectangular aircushions:

Jy2y5d + {(1 e)p.2A. - ArTc (ó + Tr)}


in which Ar is the area of the aircushion. Accordingly the rotational restoring coefficients may
be expressed as:

C44 =pg + {(lE)2 AcATr (2.20)

Pg[JJx2ds + {(l - e)x2 A - A Tr ( +T - BGV] (2.21)

and the non-zero coupled restoring coefficients are:

C14 = C43 = C33 Yr,rf (2.22)

C35 = C53 = C33 Xr, j (2.23)

C45 = C54 = C33 Xr,cf yec, (2.24)

in which x1 and yj are coordinates of the centre of the water plane relative to the origin of
the axis system. If the structure and aircushions are rectangular shaped Xci and YcJ may be
written as:

Xm,, + X,1n (ymax + )'min

Xcf = (2.25)
2 i 2

Based on the described restoring coefficients, the restoring matrix of the rigid-body may be
expressed in the following general form:
20 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

0 0 0 0 0 0
00 0 0 0 0
0 0 C33 C34 C35 0
CR = (2.26)
0 0 C43 C44 C45 0
00 C53 C54 C55 0
_0 0 0 0 0 0_

2.3.4 Resonance frequencies of the aircushion

The vertical resonance frequency of the aircushion can be computed by making use of equation
(2.5). If the mass of the structure is equal to n , the undamped natural frequency is:

= (2.27)

In addition, the waves may cause a resonance effect in the aircushion which is known as the
cobblestone effect. S. Steen [61] and O.M. Faltinsen [17] described this effect in detail and
showed that the spatially varying air pressures within the cushion have their extreme values at
the end of the cushion. These extremes at both ends of the cushion are out of phase and create a
pitch moment resulting in a pitch acceleration. As a consequence additional vertical
accelerations are present which are well known problems for fast aircushion supported structures
like surface effect ships. These vertical accelerations are largest at the far ends of the structure,
i.e. at the bow and stem.
Although the structures discussed in this thesis have no forward speed, the cobblestone effect
may become dominant if the structure is supported by a large aircushion. In this case the first
cobblestone frequency occurs if the length of the acoustic wave in the aircushion is twice the
length of the cushion:


where c is the speed of sound, i.e. 343 mIs ill dry air of 20 °C. For periods of 6 9 seconds the
acoustic wavelength is 2000 - 3000 ni, and the first half-wave resonance will occur in an
aircushion of length 1000 - 1500 m.
2.4 Fluid dynanics 21

2.4 Fluid dynamics

The aircushions and the rigid part of the structure are partly bounded by water. The interactions
between the aircushions, the structure and the surrounding water may be described by a linear
three-dimensional potential theory. In this case the fluid motions in regular waves are described
by a potential I in point X with earth-bound coordinates Xi, X2, X3:

t(X1 ,X2, X3,i) = Ø(X1 ,X2,X3 )e1 (2.29)

in which 0 is the spatial part of the total velocity potential, t is the time and w the circular
wave frequency. The velocity potential 4 satisfies the Laplace equation:

v2= x2
dz2 -

Physically this means that the flow is incompressible and irrotational. Besides, the potential 0
satisfies the linearized boundary conditions on the free surface outside the body, the boundary
condition at the sea-floor and the radiation condition. The boundary condition at the sea-floor,
which is assumed to be flat, states that the vertical component of the water particle velocity is
zero at the sea bottom:

for:z=h (2.31)

The free surface boundary condition outside the body equates the vertical component of the
water particle velocity to the rate of change of the free surface profile with time. In linear theory,
the following condition is satisfied at the still water level:

dt for: z = 0 (2.32)
jj2 Jz

The radiation condition ensures that the sources radiate waves instead of absorbing them and the
potentials, due to the body motions (j = I, 2,..., 6) and diffraction (j = 7) , are outgoing at an
infinitely large distance r from the oscillating body:

iimJ( ivcIi)=0 (2.33)

where v is the dispersion relation which describes the relation between the wave length 2 and
the wave frequency:

v = K ((ill/i K/i (2.34)

22 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

in which v = w /g , h is the water depth and IC is the wave number being equal to
In addition, a no-leak condition has to be satisfied on the rigid part of the body surface while the
potential at the free surfaces of the aircushions must satis1' the no-leak condition at the
unknown moving free surface. These requirements are not autoniatically satisfied by the
incoming wave potential, so additional potentials are introduced which represent pulsating
source distributions over the mean wetted surface of the rigid part of the structure and the mean
free surface of the cushions.
The complex potential 0 follows from the superposition of the undisturbed wave potential Oo,
the wave diffraction potential Od , the radiation potentials associated with the 6 degrees of
freedom of the rigid structure Ø , and the potentials associated with the vertical motions of the
free surface within each cushion, 0. . The total potential may be written as:

O=-i + Ød ) Co + 01 xj + JJOc c (2.35)

1=1 c=i C dSc }

in which:
Co = amplitude of the undisturbed incoming wave
xi = rigid body motion in the j-mode
Cc = vertical motion of the free surface in cushion c
N4c total number of independent, non-connected cushions
Sc = free surface area of cushion c
= potentials associated with the vertical motions of cushion c

The undisturbed wave potential , and the diffraction potential Od together describe the flow
around the captive structure under the assumption that the free surface within each air cushion is
rigid and non-moving. The potentials 0 are associated with the flow around the structure
oscillating in still water under the assumption that the free surface within each air cushion is
rigid and fixed. The potentials are associated with the flow around the captive structure as
induced by the vertical niotions C of the free surface within each cushion.
The velocity potential associated with the undisturbed long-crested regular wave in water of
constant depth h is given by:

g coshk(X3 +h)eik(xIcoa+x2..dna)
= a)2 coshkh
2.5 Numerical approach 23

The fluid pressure follows from Bernoulli's law:

p(Xi X2, X3, t) = p-- = p(Xi, X2, X3)e'' (2.37)

With use of equations (2.29) and (2.35), the previous expression of the fluid pressure may be
written as:

p(X1,X2,X3, t)=p=p02 ( + Ø )ç0 + x+ IJJØC c. dSc} (2.38)

j=l c=l C5

2.5 Numerical approach

When considering a conventional rigid body, the motions of the structure are determined by
solving the equation of motion for six degrees of freedom and taking into account wave forces,
added mass, damping and restoring terms. It is customary to determine the wave forces on the
captive structure based on the undisturbed wave potential and the solution of the diffraction
potential 0,, .Added mass and damping coefficients are based on the motion potentials Ø
obtained by oscillating the structure in the six modes of motion in still water.
If a floating body is partially supported by one or more aircushions, a different approach should
be followed in order to determine the motions of the structure, pressure within the cushions,
added mass and damping coefficients and other quantities such as structural loads and drift
In the present approach the rigid body of the aircushion supported structures is modeled in the
usual way by means of panels representing pulsating sources distributed over the mean wetted
surface of the floater. The free water surface underneath the structure is modeled by panels
representing oscillating source distributions laying in the mean free surface of each cushion. The
mean surface level of individual cushions may be substantially different from other cushions and
the mean water level outside the structure as shown in figure 2.9.


Figure 2.9: Cushion elements (N,) and structural elements (N,) of the body.
24 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported stnctures

All panels of the free surface within an aircushion are assumed to represent a body without
material mass, but having added mass, damping, hydrostatic restoring and aerostatic restoring
characteristics. Cushion c contains N free surface panels. Each panel has one degree of
freedom being the vertical motion of panel n within cushion c. The total nuiiTher of degrees of
freedom amounts to:

N ic
D.O.F. =6+ N. (2.39)

The number 6 in this expression represents the six degrees of freedom of the rigid part of the
In the first step of the numerical approach, the restoring coefficients of the rigid body include
the hydrostatic restoring coefficients as well as the aerostatic restoring coefficients. However, in
this case the free surface of the aircushion is fixed:
C = pgA +C3, (2.40)

C34= pgAy1+C33,y. (2.41)

C3,, x,. (2.42)

C44 = pg(I, + - BGV) + (2.43)


C5 = pg(1, + A. x - BGV) + (2.45)

C,, =C,, j=3,4,5;r=3,4,5 (2.46)

The restoring coefficients of the cushion elements are considered if r = 7, 8, ..., 6 + N. and
I = 7, 8, ..., 6 + N . In this case the structure remains fixed and the restoring terms associated
with the cushion elements are:

5AA1 +ö,.,pgA. for: r = j
Cc = (2.47)
j for: r
2.5 Numerical approach 25

in which P0 is the initial air pressure, V. is the aircushion volume and A. is the area of cushion
element r. 5,., is the Kronecker delta function, defined by:

I if r and] are part of the same cushion

0 if r andj are not part of the same cushion

The coupling coefficients between the rigid structure and the cushion elements (CRC, CCR) may
be expressed as:

C,.1=0, r=l,2,6;j=m+l,n+2,...,m+N (2.48)

C3, =KP0, , j=m+l,m+2,...,m+N. (2.49)

C4]=KPo,j(yyG), j=m+l,m+2,...,m+N (2.50)

C51 = KP0cJ(X_XG), j=m+l,m+2,...,rn+N (2.51)

Cr, =Cjr, j=l,2,...,6;i=Ui+l,Fn+2,...,m+N (2.52)

in which A is the total area of alJ cushion elements in cushion c.

It should be noted that the air pressure on the skirts, as described by equation (2.18), is not taken
into account in the numerical approach. The contribution of the horizontal forces on the
restoring moment is relatively small compared to the contribution of the air pressure on the
bottom of the structure.
The wave force X , added mass a,, and damping coupling coefficients b1 are determined in
the same way as is customary for a multi-body system. The mean underwater part of the
structure is discretized into a number of panels representing pulsating sources, this is also the
case with each free surface panel within an aircushion.
The contribution of the total potential due to the discrete pulsating source distributions over the
structure and the free surface of the aircushions may be expressed as:


in which:
N, total number of panels used to describe the wet structure and free surfaces
of all cushions
X X1,X2,X3= a field point
A = A,,A2,A3= location ofa source
26 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

G(X,A) = Green's function ofa source in A relative to a field point X

= surface element of the body or the mean free surfaces in the aircushions
os) = strength of a source on surface element s due to motion mode j
ø1(x) = potential in point X due to the j-mode of motion

The unknown source strengths a are detemined based on boundary conditions placed on the
normal velocity of the fluid at the centers of the panels:

= (2.54)
2 4g F.tn

The right hand side of the above equation depends on the case to be solved. If the source
strengths for determination of the diffraction potential are required, the normal velocity vector

flrn(D.O.F.+i) = -- (2.55)

In this case the wave loads due to the incoming waves and diffraction effects are defined as
being the loads on the structure and the individual free surface panels in the cushions, all being
fixed. The initial added mass and damping coupling coefficients are found by applying normal
velocity requirements for the six rigid body motions (j = 1,6) of the structure:

nmj j1,2,...,6 (2.56)

in which the panel index n covers only the panels on the structure. Furthermore, n,, are the
general directional cosines for the panels on the structure given by:

cos(n,,,,xi )
= Xm2 flm3 - Xm3 ,,,2

= Xm3 P1,I - Xml m3

= X,, flm2 fl,n!

in which x,1 are the coordinates of the centre of a panel relative to the body axes.
If the wave forces on the rigid structi.ire are considered, the normal velocity components on all
cushion panels are equal to zero. For the deterniination of the added mass and damping coupling
2.5 Numerical approach 27

arising from the normal motions of individual cushion panels, the nonnat velocity boundary
condition is zero except for one cushion panel at a time for which the following value holds:


where the value -1 follows from the fact that the free surface normal is pointing in the negative
X3 -direction. From the solutions of the source strengths for all these cases the wave force
vector X, and the added mass a,,j and damping coupling coefficients b, may be obtained.
The wave force follows from:

X, = p (02 (Øo,k + Ød,k )n,,k AS,,,,, (2.59)

in which:
ød,k diffraction potential at k" panel obtained by equation (2.53)
X,, = wave force in the mode n , with n = 1,6 for the structure
N,, = number of panels involved in the force in mode n
N,, = I if the force on a cushion panel is to be considered
N, = N, if the force on the structure is to be considered
= generalized directional cosine of panel k related to mode n
AS,,,, = area of panel k related to the force in mode n
N, is equal to the number of panels that describe the wet surface of the structure.

The added mass and damping coefficients are:

A,1 = - Re[P 01k fl,,,k AS]

B,,1 = - Im (0ØJ,k fl,,,k AS,,,

in which Ø,,, is the motion potential value on panel k obtained from equation (2.53).

The restoring coefficients in general consist of two contributions; an aerostatic spring term and a
hydrostatic spring term. The hydrostatic restoring term is equal to the product of the waterline
area, specific mass of the water and acceleration of gravity. The aerostatic restoring terms are
related to the change in air pressure within an aircushion due to, for instance, unit vertical
displacement of a free surface panel. The vertical displacement of a cushion panel is the result of
the forces on all panels belonging to the same cushion and the forces on the rigid structure. The
28 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

coupling of the restoring terms C,,1 between the cushion panels of the same cushion can be
derived from equation (2.5):

c,,1 = - p0 for: n
C,1 ='cP0 +pg A,,1 for: n=j

in which C,,1 is the heave restoring coefficient of cushion panel n due to motion mode / , with
= 7, 8, ..., D.O.F. and = 7,8, ..., D.O.F. Displacing the stnicture in any of the three vertical
modes heave, roll or pitch may change the volume of the aircushion thus inducing pressure
changes which results in forces on all free surface panels and the structure itself.
Motions and force modes of the rigid part of the structure are considered in case ii = 1,6 and
/ = 1,6. When n > 6 and >6, the coupling between the panels of the free surfaces in the
aircushions is described. The case of ii > 6 and / = 1,6 represents the coupling between the
rigid part of the floater and the vertical forces of the free surface panels in the cushions. If
n = 1,6 and j
> 6 , the coupling between vertical motions of the free surface panels in the
aircushions and the six force modes on the rigid part of the structure are considered.

For each wave frequency the displacement .v of the body may be written as:


The motions of the rigid body and the cushion panels may be determined by solving the
equation of motion by using the above mentioned wave forces, added mass, damping and
restoring coefficients:


{- w2 (M,,1 + A1 (e)) - iwB,,1 (w) + C,,} ij (w) = X,, (w) for: n = 1, D.O.F. (2.63)

In which M,, is the mass coupling coefficient for the force in mode n due to an acceleration in
mode / . In general, the following relationships are true:

M,,1 =pV for: n = / = 1, 2,3

M,, = Ij for: n = j = 4, 5, 6 (2.64)
M, =0 for: n V fl = j > 6

In which V is the displaced volume of the structure and I,, represents the mass moment of
2.6 Validation of the numerical approach 29

Equation (2.60) provides the added mass and damping coupling coefficients for all degrees of
freedom described by (2.39). A different approach should be followed in order to determine the
added mass and damping of an oscillating aircushion supported structure (with 6 D.O.F.) in still
water. In this case, the forces on the cushion panels are the result of the oscillations of the rigid

X,,, (w) = - w2 A, (w) - iwB,, (w) + C,,1 for:! = 1,6 A fl = 7,8,..., D.O.E. (2.65)

in which the already defined added mass coefficients, damping coefficients, and aero- and
hydrostatic restoring coefficients may be used. X,,,,, represents the force on cushion element n
due to the p - mode of motion of the rigid structure. Based on the total forces on the cushion
panels, added mass, damping, and the aero- and hydrostatic restoring coefficients, the motions
of the cushion elements may be solved for each of the rigid body motions:

{w2A,1(w)iwB (w)-i- C,}i (v)= X,,,(w)
where x1,, are the motions of cushion element j due to rigid body mode p . The coefficients
and wave forces in this equation are again in accordance with equation (2.59) and (2.60). Next,
the additional hydrodynamic forces, aerodynamic forces, added mass and damping coefficients
are obtained by the associated equations of motions.
Based on the obtained added mass, damping and wave forces, the wave frequency motions of
the structure may be solved from the normal six degrees of freedom equations of motion:

for: n = 1, 6 (2.67)

in which the added mass A1, damping B and wave forces X, apply to the structure only and

include the effect of the aircushions.

2.6 Validation of the numerical approach

Several model tests with aircushion supported structures were performed at Delft University of
Technology in the past. Pinkster et. al. [55] carried out free-floating tests in regular waves and
Tabeta [64] performed forced oscillation and captive model tests in towing tank No.1 of the Ship
1-lydrodynamics Laboratory. This towing tank measures 140 m x 4.25 in x 2.50 m and is
30 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

equipped with a hydraulically operated flap-type wave maker, by means of which regular or
irregular waves can be generated.
This section describes the model tests and numerical model which are not extrapolated to any
full scale concept. Extrapolation to full scale entails discussion with respect to the influence of
the model and stiffness of the aircushion as described by Kaplan [35], Moulijn 1451 and
Thiagarajan [66].
This section describes three different model tests with an aircushion supported structure. First,
the forced oscillation tests will be described. Next, a description of captive model tests will be
given, followed by a discussion of the free-floating tests.

2.6.1 Oscillation tests

A rectangular barge model measuring 2.50 m x 0.70 m x 0.50 m was used in the forced
oscillation tests. The model was constructed out of wood and consisted of a horizontal deck
surrounded by vertical side walls. A vertical wall was added amidship to support the structure by
two aircushions instead of one in some of the model tests.
The draft of the barge measured to the lower edge of the side walls was 0.30 iii. The thickness of
the walls surrounding the aircushions and the deck plate was 2.0 cm. Prior to all tests, the static
pressure within the cushions was increased relative to the ambient air pressure to bring the mean
water level inside the cushions 0.15 m below the mean waterline of the barge. The main
particulars of the model are presented in table 2.1. In case of the single cushion arrangement,
87% of the buoyancy is provided by air, for the two-cushion arrangement this is 85%.

Table 2.1: Main particulars of the aircushion models in the forced

oscillation tests and captive tests
I Cushion 2 Cushions
Length m 2.50 2.50
Breadth m 0.70 0.70
Depth m 0.50 0.50
Draught (structure) iii 0.30 0.30
Draught (cushion) m 0.15 0.15
Area of Water Line m2 1.75 1.75
Displacement m3 0.282 0.283

Forced heave oscillations with amplitudes of I cm and 2 cm were carried out in the basin.
During these oscillations, the forces on the structure, cushion pressure variations and the water
elevation inside the cushion were measured. Figure 2.10 shows the test set-up and location of
2.6 Validation of the numerical approach 31

the measuring devices. The cushion pressure variations are measured at locations P1 and P2 and
the water elevation (C) is measured at (x, y) = (0.1 iii, 0.0 iii). The heave added mass and
damping coefficients were computed from the forces on the structure.

0.70rn -

230 nr

0.50 ror . 0.50 or

(aft cushion) (fore cushion) 17

Figure 2. 10: Model used in the tbrced oscillation and captive nodel tests

Numerical model
The numerical method described in the previous paragraph is used to compute the cushion
pressure variations, heave added mass, heave damping and the wave elevations underneath the
structure. For this purpose different panel models are used for the one cushion and two-cushion
arrangement as shown in figures 2.11 and 2.12. In addition, two different panel distributions for
each configuration are constructed to show the influence of the panel size on the results.
The rigid body of the first single aircushion configuration is modeled by 364 panels and the free
surface inside the cushion is modeled by 120 panels in the first computations. In the second set
of computations the number of cushion elements was increased to 480 panels.
In case of the two-cushion arrangement, the rigid structure is modeled by 400 panels. The two
cushions of the first structure are modeled by 60 panels each, 120 panels in total. In the second
configuration a refined mesh is used and the aircushions are described by 480 panels in total
while the number of elements on the structure remains unchanged.

Figure 2.11: Panel model of the structure wit/i Figure 2.12: Panel model of the structure with
I aircush ion 2 aircushions
32 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

Discussion of results
The experimental and numerical results of the oscillation tests are presented in figures 2.13 to
2.16. The aircushion pressure variations of the one and two-cushion arrangements are shown in
the first figure. These results show a good agreement between the numerical method and the
experiments. However sharp peaks are exhibited in the potential computations around 6.0 rad/s
and 7.6 radls. These peaks are due to resonance frequencies of the cushion elements in the
numerical method. Although these elements have no mass, the radiation force of the elements
results in an added mass which together with the aero- and hydrostatic restoring coefficients
results in sharp peaks at particular (natural) frequencies.
These peaks may be efficiently suppressed by adding a small amount of damping to the cushion
elements. The red line in the figures shows results of the computations in which 3% of the
critical damping (of each element) was added to the cushion elements. The element model in
this case corresponds to the initial element model in which the rigid body is discretized by 364
panels and the aircushion is described by 120 panels.
The implementation of additional damping to the cushion elements was the result of another
study about the resonance frequencies of aircushions. In order to further investigate these
resonances, CFD computations were performed for the one-cushion arrangement as described by
Van Kessel and Fathi [751. The obtained results confirmed the fact the sharp peaks in the
potential method are the outcome of aircushion resonance, rather than irregular frequencies.
Changes in the phase and amplitudes of the cushion pressure variations were also noticed at
these frequencies during the experiments. However sharp peaks are lacking in the experimental
results shown in figure 2.13.

Aircushion Pressure Variations Forward Cushion Pressure Variations

due to Heave Oscillations In still waler due to Heave Oscillations in Still Water
- 20-
45 45
0 Eap :z'OOl rn] 8 Eep:o*002]n] 0 Exp .001in,i 0 Eey:=0O2]rnI
40 40
-Oslo: 364*120p4n015 -0010:364*480 panels 400*120 panels - Oslo 400*480 panels
-'35 '-'35
6 -3% CuShon dalopog - 3% cushion darnpng
t30 E
0. 30
.25 0 a
V 20
l5 515
10 0.10

2 4 5 6 6 9 2 3 4 h 6 7 0 9
OsCOiOIing frequency i,adlsl OsciDuting ireqrlency rod/si
Figure 2.13: Aircu.vhion pressure variations due to heave oscillations of the structure with one
cushion (left) and e'wo cushions (right)
2.6 Validation of the numerical approach 33

Figure 2.13 shows that numerical results of the cushion pressure variations are in good
agreement with model tests. All data points are close together and the oscillation amplitude has
no effect on the RAOs of the pressure variations. In other words, this illustrates that there is a
linear relation between the air pressure variations and the oscillation amplitude.
The introduction of additional damping to the cushion elements, equal to 3% of the critical
damping, does not affect the general trend while the peaks are suppressed. This leads to a better
agreement with model tests.
Added mass and damping may be retrieved from the amplitudes and phase differences of the
total pressure on the structure. The total pressure on the structure is almost equal to the pressure
within the cushion since the major part of the buoyancy is provided by the aircushion. Added
mass and damping are presented in 2.14 and 2.15. These values are mainly related to the
difference in phase angle between the oscillation and aircushion pressure.
Especially at small phase angles, a small difference in the measured data may lead to an
important divergence in damping and added mass values. This explains why the agreement
between experiments and computations is in some cases less accurate than a direct comparison
of the pressure amplitude and corresponding phase.
As a result, the general conclusions with respect to added mass and damping are the same as for
the cushion pressure variations. In addition, unphysical peaks predicted by the initial potential
calculations may be efficiently suppressed by adding a small amount of damping to the cushion

Heave Added Mass Heave Added Mass

14 1.4


aa 08
06 06
04 404
OExp z001[rnj
Cels 36-4*120 panels
3% Cmhn,v dern.fl
vE,p 4O021n,l
-- Cain 384'400 panoi 02 -O Eap 001iml v Eop'002lrnJ
Cain 436*120 panel, - Cain 400*480 panelS
L3% 04,6-ne darnpinq

4 00
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9
Oscillalieg fneqaeney (nadIsi Oscillating frequency ladle]

Figure 2.14: Heave added mass of the structure with one cushion (left,) and two cushions (right)

Heave Damping Heave Damping


15 15

z 2
,O5 05

08 E 00
0 3 4 5 6 7
OEep.a*OOl[vlj vEl*pa*0021r51 05 o Esp:e00llnsl Ii Eap*OO2Lrni
-C&c, 364*120 pasnO - Ca 364*460 panels - Cain: 400*128 payola - Coin 4000480 panels
3% CaSinos de,nlon9 - 3% noshlen dampIng
.1 10
OscIllatIng frequency medial Oscillating frequency iradlil

Figure 2.15: Heave damping of the structure with one cushion (left) and two cushions (right)
34 Chapter 2. Rigid aircush ion supported structures

It will be clear that cushion pressure variations are the result of the oscillations of the structure
and water elevations underneath the structure. During model tests, wave elevations were also
measured inside the aircushion near the centre of the structure. Figure 2.10 showes the location
of these measurements.
The RAOs of the wave elevations underneath the structure arising from the forced heave
oscillations of the structure are presented in figure 2.16. Experimental results show relatively
high wave elevations around 6.0 and 7.6 radls, which are closely related to the increase of heave
damping as indicated in figure 2.15.

Wave Elevations Inside the Aircushlon at Wave elevation inside the aircushlon at
(xc 0.1, yn 0.0) due to Heave Oscillations in still water (a 0.1 y 0.0) due to heave oscillations In still weter


-120 200

OEap aOOlin.] 0 Eap not lvl

p4 vEep .=002Ir,] 0 E*p:002 (vi
OO4nl2Opanols - Cslv: 400.120 paov
Calu 364*480 panels - Cola: 400*400 pav&s
- 3% o*,l 00 den,ping
3% cushon varnpvg

t 0
o 030S
o0 00
2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 3 4 5 6 7 0
Oscillating frequency (radIo] Oscillating frequency (radfaJ

Figure 2.16: Wave elevations inside the aircushion due to heave oscillations of the structure
with one cushion (left) and two cushions ('right,)

Figure 2.16 indicates that there is a fair agreement between both numerical methods and
experimental results at frequencies up to 5.0 rad/s. Although the numerical results show
approximately the same trend as the measurements at higher frequencies, there is a significant
difference in the results.
In general the differences in aircushion pressure variations between the one and two-cushion
arrangement are small. This is also the case for the wave elevations underneath the structure. As
a consequence, there is a good resemblance in added mass and damping between both
aircushion configurations.
2.6 Validation of the nu,nerical approach 35

2.6.2 Captive tests

The same aircushion configurations from the oscillation tests are also used in the captive model
tests. For this reason identical panel models are used to compute the heave forces, cushion
pressure variations and wave elevations inside the cushion.
Figures 2.17 to 2.22 show the numerical and experimental results of the captive structures in
regular head waves. The first figure shows the heave forces on the one-cushion arrangement and
two-cushion arrangement. The heave forces on both structures are nearly zero if the wave length
A is equal to the cushion length. Since the thickness of the vertical walls is small, the
aircushion length is approximately equal to the length of the structure L In this situation the
cushion pressure variations of the one-cushion arrangement are zero since the mean waterline
level inside the aircushion will not change, see figure 2.18. This is also the case if
L / 2 = 2, 3, ... In other words the aircushion volume of a captive structure in head waves is
constant if the structure length is equal to a multiple of the cushion length.
If L / 2 = 1, 2.....the heave forces of the two-cushion arrangement are nearly zero since the
cushion pressure variations of both cushions are approximately equal and out of phase as shown
in figures 2.19 and 2.20. The difference in cushion pressure between the front and all cushion is
small if L / 2 = 1.5. This results in a peak in the heave forces on the structure since the cushion
pressure variations are relatively large in this situation. These peaks are well predicted by the
numerical method, although extreme values are under-predicted in case a small amount of
damping is added to the cushion elements. Nevertheless the resonance effects of the aircushion
elements are well suppressed, and additional damping is an excellent means to compute the
cushion pressures and heave forces at relatively high wave frequencies.

Heave Forces on a Captive SES In Head Waves Heave Force on a Captive SES in Head Wavee
380 360
160 0180
120 120
0. 60 0.60

'4 o Fop 00l 101

o cOp: 0.01101
12 O E+p -002101
0 oep 002101
- CoIn 400.120 04.01.
- Cal. 364.120 penelo
10 - C,IC 400+480 p4nvl+
8 - Cal.: 384.400 penel E
3% no.11ev d.rnpeg
z - 3% 00111ev dampvg

000 050 100 I 50 2.00 250 3.00 000 050 1 00 I 50 2.00
250 300
LA U).

Figure 2. /7: Heave forces of the captive structure with one aircushion (left) and two
aircushions (right)
36 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

Cushion Pressure Variations Difference in Cushion Pressure Variations

of a Captive SES in Head Waves Between Forward and Aft Cushion in Head Waves


o sop: = 001 rn) o Pop:) 001 ni
o esp:.002Irn) 30 O Eup )= 002 inn)
CaIc 364.120 panels E
CaIn 400.120 panels
- Cal.: 364.480 panels Cain, 400a480 panels
5. -3% cushion dunnping
- 3% cushion darnpar


000 050 000 050 1.00 1,50 200 250 300

Figure 2.18: Aircushion pressure variations of Figure 2. 19: Difference in air pressure
the captive structure with one aircush ion between the forward and aft cushion of/he
captive structure with two aircush ion

Forward Cushion Pressure Variations Aft Cushion Pressure Variations

of a Capttne SES in Head Wanes of a Captine SES in Head Waves


s 0


o Pap: 0,81 rn) OEsp )001)nnj
O Eup' 002 )or) 12 o Epa 002 er]
-Cuic 400.120 panels Cub 400.120 panels
- CoIn 400.400 panels Cub 400=480 panels
-3% oculnon danpng 5.
- 3% colshion dampino


050 100 150 200 2.50 300 000 050 300 1.50 200 250 300
U). LA

Figure 2.20: Forward cushion pressure variations (left) and aft cushion pressure variations
(right,) oJ the captive structure with two aircush ions

The pitch moments of the two-cushion arrangement are larger than those of the one-cushion
arrangement, this is especially the case at relatively long wave lengths as shown in figure 2.21.
In general there is a bad agreement between the computed pitch moments and the measured
results. Normally one would say that the program does not accurately predict the pitch moments.
However in this case the experiments show some remarkable results which are normally
considered to be unlikely.
For instance, relatively large pitch moments are to be expected for the two-cushion arrangement
when the air pressures within the front and all cushion are out of phase, which is the case if
L/2 = 1.0. However in this case the pitch moment of the two-cushion arrangement is equal to
zero. Contrary the difference in cushion pressure is small around L / .= = 1.5 as shown in figure
2.6 Validation of the numerical approach 37

2.19, nevertheless figure 2.21 shows an increase in the experimental pitch moments. These
unlikely results question the experimental data of the pitch moments.
On the other hand, there is a fair agreement between the measured wave elevations and the
computed values in the centre underneath the stnicture as shown in figure 2.22. Without the
modification of the cushion elements it was not possible to accurately compute these wave

Pitch Moment on a Captive SOS in Head Waves Pitch Moment on a Captive SES in Head Waves

n' 240
-S 0
180 c 180
20 120
a. 60 0. 60

0 Enp:0O1 [my]
o cop 00l in']
1) sep
6 We: 002 [mmmi
CaIn 4005 120 pan6s
E Cain 364*120 panels
- Cain: 4000480 paneis
E - Cain 364,480 panels
z3 3% cuslvon dam. z3 - 3% nonlmiov doom


OOia 0 006) flm Wv
100 150 200 250 300 000 000 100 150 200 250 300
000 050
Figure 2.21: Pitch moments of the captive structure with one aircushion (left) and two
aircushions (right)

Wave Elevations Underneath a Captive SES Wave Elevation Underneaih a Captive SES
at (xa 0.1, p 0.0) in Head Wanes at (a - 01, y 0.0) in Head Wanes

0 Eop = 001101]
0 cap 001 in']
+ Cop * 002 ]vm]
+ nep * 002 'I
- CaIn 480,120 panel,
CaIn 364*l2Opunnls
- Caio 400.480 panels
CaIc 384*480 panels
3% coshOn damnpng
- 3% 5+5610* dampIng


000 050 1 00 150 200 250 300

Figure 2.22: Wave elevations inside the cushion of the captive structure with one aircushion
(left) and two aircushions (right)
38 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

2.6.3 Free-floating tests

Free-floating model tests of two aircushion configurations were described by Pinkster et. al. [55].
For these experiments the aircushion arrangements of the oscillation and captive tests were
modified in order to obtain sufficient stability. The depth of the structure was reduced to 0.30 in,
and the thickness of the side walls was increased to 6 cm. The thickness of the front and aft wall
remained unchanged at 2 cm. The main particulars and associated natural frequencies of the new
aircushion arrangements are shown in tables 2.2 and 2.3.
Prior to all tests, the static air pressure within the cushions was increased relatively to the
ambient air pressure to bring the mean water level inside the aircushions 5 cm below the outside
water level. Finally, 62% of the buoyancy was provided by the aircushions. The height of the air
chamber between the free surface in the aircushions and the horizontal deck amounted to 0. 18 m.

Table 2.2: Main particulars of the aircushion models in the Jiee-Jloating tests
I Cushion 2 Cushions
Length in 2.50 2.50
Breadth in 0.78 0.78
Draught of structure in 0.15 0.15
Draught of cushion in 0.05 0.05
Area of Water Line m2 1.95 1.95
Displacement m3 0.13 0.13
KG m 0.30 0.30
GMT in 0.10 0.10
GM1 m 1,31 5.94
K. m 0.22 0.22
in 0.75 0.75
in 0,73 0.73

Table 2.3: Natural frequencies of the aircushion arrangements

I Cushion 2 Cushions
Natural heave frequency radls 4.93 4.93
Natural roll frequency rad!s 2.74 2.75
Natural pitch frequency radls 4.28 4.85
2.6 Validation a/the numerical approach 39

The main difference between the one- and two-cushion arrangement lies in the longitudinal GM-
value, this value is significantly larger for the two-cushion arrangement. As a result the natural
pitch frequencies will be different as well. However, the difference in natural frequency is
limited due to a significant increase of added mass in case the structure is supported by two
cushions. A difference in air pressure between the forward and aft aircushion arises if the
structure is subjected to a pitch angle. This difference results in a restoring moment which is not
present in the one-cushion arrangement.
Model tests were carried out in regular head waves in which the model was moored by means of
a linear soft spring mooring system. The forward and aft mooring lines were connected at deck
level to force transducers which measured the surge drift force. The mean surge drift force was
obtained by summing the mean values of the surge force transducers [55]. In addition the
aircushion pressures together with surge, heave and pitch motions were measured. The location
of the pressure sensors corresponds to the oscillating tests as illustrated in figure 2.10.
New panel models were constructed in order to compute the quantities during the free-floating
tests. These element models are shown in figure 2.23. The one-cushion arrangement was
modeled by 1116 elements and the two-cushion arrangement by 1188 elements; this corresponds
to the models used by Pinkster et. al. [551. Table 2.4 shows the distribution of the elements over
the rigid body and aircushions, which are indicated by yellow and blue colors respectively in
figure 2.23.

Figure 2.23: Panel models of aircush ion structures used in the free-floating tests

Table 2.4: Number ofpanels of the discretized models

I Cushion 2 Cushions
Panels on structure 636 708

Panels on cushion(s) 480 480

Total number of panels 1116 1188

The experimental results of the free-floating models are shown in figures 2.24 to 2.30. These
figures also show the results of the new numerical method in which 3% of the critical damping
was added to the cushion elements. In addition results of the method presented by Pinkster [55]
were added to the figures in order to show the differences.
40 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

Figures 2.24 to 2.26 show that the motions of the structure can be well predicted by the
numerical methods. Although the maximum pitch motions of the two-cushion arrangement
computed by the new program are lower, the differences between the numerical methods are
generally small. Figure 2.24 shows a fair agreement between the experimental surge motions
and the computed values. However the peak values are under-predicted by the computations.

Surge Motion in Head Waves Surge Motion in Head Waves

o Eop I cuohion
I_0 Cab. 1 ucohion

c 06


00 0_0
000 050 tOO 150 200 250 300 000 050 100 ISO 200 250 300
U). U).
Figure 2.24: Surge RAOs of the free-floating structure with one cushion ('left.) and two cushions

The heave motions agree well with the computations and are nearly zero in case the wave length
corresponds to a multiple of the cushion length (Lv) . For the two-cushion arrangement this is
the case if L, / 2 = 0.5 . In this case the air pressure in both cushions is approximately equal but
out of phase as shown in figures 2.28 and 2.29. As a consequence the total heave force will be
zero resulting in minimal heave motions.

Heave Motion in Head Waves Heave Motion in Head Waves

0 Exo. I cushion
1.0 Cab. I cxixbcon
- Pl00rte, CI. CI
E08 \.
0.2 . ..o-..
0.0 - 00
000 050 100 ISO 206 250 350 000 050 100 150 200 250 300
U). Li>.

Figure 2.25: Heave RAOs of the free-floating structure with one cushion ('left) and two cushions

Although the natural pitch frequencies are approximately equal for both structures, there is a
significant difference in the pitch amplitude. In general the pitch damping will be small if a
structure is supported by a large single aircushion. In this case the aircushion volume will not
change if the structure is subjected to a (small) pitch angle. As a consequence the water surface
underneath the structure will not deform and few radiation waves are propagated by the structure.
However, this does not explain the large difference between numerical and experimental results
2.6 Validation of the niunerical approach 41

of the pitch amplitude at the natural frequency. It is likely that the pitch motions of the model
are reduced by viscous effects which are not taken into account in the computations. Apparently
these effects are smaller for the two-cushion arrangement.
Pitch motions of the two cushion configuration will result in pressure changes in the cushions as
shown in figure 2.29. These pressure changes will deform the water surface underneath the
structure and eventually result in radiation waves propagating away from the structure. This
effect is more pronounced than other non-linear effects. For this reason the peak pitch responses
can be well predicted by the numerical diffraction methods.

Pitch Motion In Head Wavee Pitch Motion In Head Waves

o Exp -2 cushions
CaIc -2 cushions
Pinster dcl.


050 100 I 50 200 250 300 000 050 I 00 1.50 200 250 300
Figure 2.26: Pitch RA Os ofthefree-floating structure with one cushion (left) and two cushions
Cushion Pressure Variations in Head Waves Cushion Pressure Difference in Head Weves
0 000 -2 cushions
CaIn -2 CushiOns
Pinloler CI. CI.

000 0,50 tOO 150 200 2,50 300
Figure 2.27: Cushion pressure variations of Figure 2.28: Difference in air pressure
the free-floating structure with one aircush ion between the forward and aft cushion of the
free-floating structure with two aircushions
Forward Cushion Pressure Variations in Head Waves Aft Cushion Pressure Variations in Head Waves
o Esp -2 cuShions
- CaIn -2 cushions
- Piflkclar at CI.


0.0 . . -. - 00
250 300
000 0 50 I 00 1.50 200 250 300 0.00 0.50 I 00 I 50 2.00
Figure 2.29: Forward cushion pressure variations (left) and aft cushion pressure variations
(right) of the free-floating structure with two aircushions
42 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

An over-prediction of the pitch motions of the one-cushion arrangement at the natural pitch
frequency, results in an over-prediction of the maximum draft at the bow and stern. As a
consequence the mean second order surge drift force is also over-predicted at this frequency as
indicated in figure 2.30.
The difference between the new computational method, in which 3% of the critical damping was
added to the cushion elements, and results of Pinkster et. al. [551 is remarkable. The peaks which
were present in Pinkster's method are efficiently suppressed by the new method. Moreover, the
new computations of the two-cushion arrangement show a fair agreement with the experiments.

Mean Surge Drift Force Mean Surge Drift Force

.9.0 90
.80 - -80-
.10 -1.0

.50 .50
.4o .40.
-30 0-30-
-20 .2.0 -
.10 -
00 00
05 IS 2 25 05 25
Figure 2.30: RA Os of the mean second order surge wave drift forces ofthe free-floating
structure with one cushion (left) and two cushions (right)

2.7 Comparison with a conventional barge

The previous sections showed the validation of the numerical method and indicated that
dynamic behavior of a rigid aircushion supported structure can be well predicted by a linear
potential method. This section shows the effect of an aircushion on the behavior of the structure
by comparing the numerical results with a conventional barge.
A change in the characteristics of the aircushion may result in a significant change of the
dynamic behavior of the structure as will be shown in the next paragraph. In addition the
behavior of the structure will significantly change if the aircushion is divided in compartments.
Paragraphs 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 describe a full-scale structure and the effect of different aircushion
configurations on the motions, drift forces, wave field and structural loads.

2.7.1 Tuning the aircushion characteristics

lhe aircushion pressure is the result of the vertical difference between the mean water level
inside the aircushion and the mean waterline outside the structure. The water level of the
cushion is referred to as the draft of the aircushion (T0) in the remainder of this chapter. If the
2. 7 Comparison with a conventional barge 43

air pressure inside the cushion is increased, the draft of the aircushion will increase accordingly.
As a consequence the draft of the structure decreases since the mass of the body will not change.
In reality the draft of the structure may be changed by pumping air underneath the structure or
by venting air from the cushion. In addition air may also escape from the cushion in extreme sea
conditions, which is the case if a wave through is deeper than the draft of the vertical walls
around the aircushion, i.e. the draft of the structure. This effect was observed during the model
tests of an aircushion supported MOB in high sea states which were performed by Pinkster et. al.
This chapter discusses the effect of the cushion pressure on the dynamic behavior of the
structure. The dynamic behavior of the free-floating single cushion arrangement is computed at
different drafts. The structure is equal to the one presented in paragraph 2.6.3, and the main
particulars may be found in table 2.2.
The results for a conventional barge are also presented to show the effect of the aircushions on
the dynamic behavior. With the exception of the draft, all other main particulars of the
conventional barge are equal to those of the aircushion supported structure. The draft of the
barge is set to 7 cm in order to obtain the same displacement as the aircushiori supported
Results from model experiments are only available for the structure at a draft of 15 cm, see
paragraph 2.6.3. In this case the draft of the aircushions (Ta) is 5cm. Numerical computations
are performed for the Air-Cushion Supported Structure (ACSS) at different drafts, i.e.
T, =0cm, T =3cm, T, =4cm, T, =5cm, T =6cni . In the remainder of this section
these results will be referred to as ACSS 1, ACSS 2, ACSS 3, ACSS 4 and ACSS 5 respectively.
Different panel models are constructed to compute the dynamic behavior of the structure at
different drafts. Since the size of the elements is approximately equal, the number of elements
changes with the draft of the structure. In case all air is vented from the aircushion, all elements
are associated to the rigid body as shown in table 2.5. Figure 2.3 I shows the element model of
ACSS I. The panel model of ACSS 4 was shown before in figure 2.23.

Table 2.5: Number of panels of the models

Panels on Panels on Total
structure cushions panels

Barge 1496 nla 1496

ACSS 1 1784 n/a 1784

ACSS2 1064 480 1544

ACSS3 928 480 1408

ACSS4 636 480 1116

Figure 2.31: Panel model of the aircushion
ACSS 5 480 480 960 arrangement at a draft of 0.32 m (ACSS I)
44 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

The stability of the aircushion supported structure changes with the aircushion pressure. Table
2.6 shows that the stability increases after air is vented from the aircushion. This has an effect on
the natural frequencies of roll and pitch, which are shifted to higher frequencies.
On the other hand the natural heave frequency decreases if air is vented from the cushion. This
is due to the fact that the increase of the heave restoring coefficient is smaller than the increase
in added mass.
In general the GM-values of a conventional barge are signilicantly larger than those of an
aircushion supported stnmcture. The difference in stability between the conventional barge and
ACSS I is mainly due to a difference in the BG-value, i.e. the distance between the centre of
buoyancy and the centre of gravity, as indicated in equation (2.19).

Table 2.6: Stability characteristics and natural frequencies of the conventional barge and the
aircushion supported structure
Draft Buoyancy Stability Char. Natural Frequencies
T T Air Skirt GM1 GM1 Heave Roll Pitch
[ml [nil [-] [-I [liii [nil [radlsj [radls] [rad/s]
Barge - 0.07 - 0.49 7.51 5.61 5.81 5.78
ACSS 1 0.00 0.32 0% 100% 0.61 7.31 4.37 4.51 4.70
ACSS 2 0.03 0.25 37% 63% 0.17 1.38 4.39 3.04 4.27
ACSS 3 0.04 0.20 50% 50% 0.14 1.34 4.64 2.91 4.30
ACSS4 0.05 0.15 62% 38% 0.10 1.31 4.92 2.74 4.28
ACSS 5 0.06 0.10 75% 25% 0.05 1.26 5.25 2.35 4.27
Exp. ACSS 4 0.05 0.15 62% 38% 0.11 1.32 5.00 2.96 4.33

The heave motions of the aircushion supported structure at different drafts and the conventional
barge are shown in figure 2.32. The shift of the natural heave frequency in beam waves is
clearly visible. The heave motion at the natural frequency can be decreased by increasing the
aircushion volume. The reason for this can be found in figure 2.33 which shows that an iiicrease
of the mean waterline inside the aircushion results in an increase of the heave damping.
If the draft of the structure is minimized, i.e. T = 6 cm, the maximum heave motions
correspond to those of a conventional barge. In this case the heave motions are increased by a
factor 2.2 compared to the situation in which all air is vented from the cushion. This shows that
the heave motions are sensitive to a change of the aircushion pressure in beam waves. Contrary,
the effect in head waves is less pronounced.
The main difference in heave motions between the aircushion supported structure and the
conventional barge occurs in head waves when the wave length is equal to the cushion length. In
2. 7 Comparison with a conventional barge 45

this case the cushion pressure is fairly constant as indicated in tigure 2.34. As a result the heave
forces on the structure are small and the heave motions are nearly zero. This is the case for all
drafts, except when Tr = 0 cm.
Obviously, a smaller cushion height results in smaller cushion pressure variations. These
pressure variations are largest at the natural heave frequency. For this reason the natural heave
frequencies at different drafts can be clearly distinguished in figure 2.34.

Heave Motions in Beam Waves Heave Motions in Head Waves

Caic Barge Cciv, Barge
Cnbc 10 00,1 10 -e-Cabo To =00,,,
Cclv 10=30,1, Cab 10=300
- - Cclv To=4cm 10.B - - Cab T0=4ccrr
- Cab Tc=5cm - Cslv.Tc500
Cclv. 10 = B On, 106 Cclv. To = Bonn
04 0 Enp Tosonr


020 040 060 080 100 0.00 050 100 150 200 250 300
six ox
Figure 2.32: Heave motions in beam waves (left) and head waves (right) of a conventional
barge and an aircushion supported structure at different drafts

Heave Added Mass Heave Damping

Cclv Barge -.-Celv. Tc= 0 oIl Cclv Baron .-CaIuTuOuv
COIO.T030nr - - Calc.To=4cn, 20 Calc.1c300 - - Cabo.TO4ocrr
12 - Cab 10=5cc,, Cclv. Tc=6cc,r E
- Cclv 10= Bonn Cclv 1c600
I0 15
04 B
00 00
000 050 100 150 200 250 300 000 050 100 150 200 250 3.00
ox ox
Figure 2.33: Heave added mass (left) and damping (right) of a conventional barge and an
aircushion supported structure at differeni drafts

Cushion Pressure Variations in Beam Waves Cushion Pressure Variations In Head Wanes
- Cclv, To = 3001
10 - Calc,1c40,,
- CaloTc=5c111
O8 , Cclv 10600

a 0.4

02 -

000 020 040 068 OW ¶00
B1). ox
Figure 2.34: A ircu,sh ion pressure variations in beam waves ('left) and head waves (right) of a
conventional barge and an aircush ion supported structure at different drafts
46 Chapter 2. Rigid aircush ion supported structures

The roll and pitch motions at all drafts of the aircushion supported structure are larger than those
of the conventional barge. This is mainly due to a lack of rotational damping of aircushion
supported structures in general. The effect of the draul of the floater on the natural roll frequency
is clearly shown in figure 2.35. The shift of the natural pitch frequency is small. The reduction
of the maximum pitch motion is also small if the air pressure within the cushion is reduced. A
significant reduction of the pitch motions will only occur if all air is vented from the cushion. In
this case the pitch motions approximately correspond to those of the conventional barge.

Roll Motions In Beam Waves Pitch Motions in Head Waves

700 300
Caic Barge Ceic Serge
600 .CeIc Ic 0cm 250 CeIc Ic 0 cc,
.CsIc Ic3cm Caic Tc=3czn
- - CaIcIc=4cn, 1200
4O0 - CeO Tc=5cm -. CeO Tc4m
Caic. Tn = 6cm 150
- Cain Tc=5cm
C 300 Cnic Tc=6cm
.2 00 - o Erp. Tc5cm

100 50

000 020 040 060 080 100 000 050 100 50 200 250 300
BI>. U>.

Figure 2.35: Roll motions in beam waves (left) and pitch motions in head waves (right) of a
conventional barge and an aircushion supported structure at different drafts

2.7.2 Drift forces and wave field

The previous section showed the effect of an aircushion on the dynamic behavior of a structure
at model scale. In the remainder of this chapter the behavior of large aircushion supported
structures will be discussed. This section describes the physical differences in the wave field
around different aircushion configurations and a conventional barge. The main particulars are
equal for all structures and are shown in table 2.7.

Table 2.7: Main particulars of the structures

Length 150.0 m Displacement 38437.5
Breadth 50.0 m KG 15.0 m
Depth 20 rn k1 15.0 m
Draught structure 10.0 m 42.0 m
Draught cushion 5.0 rn k77 42.0 m

Four different aircushion configurations are considered, i.e. a structure supported by one large
aircushion (IAC), three aircushions (3AC), four aircushions (4AC) and 75 aircushions (75AC).
All configurations are completely supported by air, i.e. the thickness of the vertical wall is equal
to zero. In addition an aircushion supported structure (ACSS I) with a wall thickness of 10 in
2. 7 Comparison with a conventional barge 47

will be considered. In this case 75% of the buoyancy is supported by air and 25% is supported
by the vertical walls around the cushion.
The dimensions of the cushions, natural frequencies and stability characteristics of the structures
are shown in table 2.8. Figure 2.41 shows the configuration of these structures in a wave field.
The height of the air chambers is 5 m and the ambient air pressure is 100 kPa.

Table 2.8. Dimensions of the cushions, naturaifrequencies and stability

Structure type / name Cushion size (O3 CO4 (O5 GMT GML
Length Breadth
[m] [ml [rad/s] [radls] [radlsj [m] [ml
I cushion (IAC) 150.0 50.0 0.68 -2.5 -2.5

3 cushions (3AC) 50.0 50.0 0.68 - 0.68 -2.5 266.5

4 cushions (4AC) 75.0 25.0 0.68 0.73 0.65 22.7 224.5

75 cushions (75AC) 10.0 10.0 0.69 0.80 0.74 29.8 298.8

Barge - 0.69 0.80 0.74 39.2 372.5

ACSS I 140.0 40.0 0.69 0.77 0.82 19.3 128.6

The negative GM-values of the IAC and 3AC configurations are due to the fact that a single
cushion covers the whole waterline area. Since the wall thickness of these configurations is zero,
the centre of buoyancy will not shift if the body is subjected to a small heeling angle.
Accordingly, the buoyancy force acts through a fixed point at half draught of the stnicture and
the GM-value corresponds to the distance between the centre of buoyancy and the centre of
The bodies with a negative GM-value are unstable, but nevertheless have been included to show
the effect of different aircushion configurations on the behavior of the structure. In these cases
additional stability can be gained by increasing the thickness of the skirts as is the case for
The motions in regular head waves of the structures are presented in figure 2.36. Heave motions
in regular head waves are approximately equal for all structures. The pitch motions are nearly
zero for the IAC configuration. In this case a single cushion covers the total length of the
structure and as a result no natural pitch frequency will be present. If the structure is supported
by many small cushions like the 75AC, the motions fairly correspond to those of the
conventional barge as shown in figure 2.36.
The heave motions in beam waves decrease if the stnicture is supported by a large aircushion.
Figure 2.37 shows that the largest aircushion results in the smallest heave response. On the other
hand, the roll motions increase if the structure is supported by fewer aircushions, which is the
48 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

result of an increased roll moment and reduced roll damping. The roll motions of IAC and 3AC
configurations are zero due to their negative GM-values as shown in table 2.8.
Heave Motions in Head Waves Pitch Motions in Head Waves


c 06


Figure 2.36: RAOs of heave motions (left) and pitch motions (right) in head waves for different
aircushion configurations and a conventional barge

Heave Motions in Ream Wavvs Roil Motions in Beano Waaes

0 01 32 03 24 05 06 07 08 09 I 0 07 02 00 01 05 0 0.9
Figure 2.37: RAOs of heave motions (left) and roll motions (right) in beam waves for different
aircushion configurations and a conventional barge

The mean drift forces of the structure in head and beam waves are shown in figure 2.38. Since
the main dimensions of the structures are equal and the motions of the 75A( in head waves
correspond to those of the conventional barge, the drift forces of both structures are
approximately equal as well.
The small heave responses and nearly zero pitch motions of the IAC configuration result in
relatively small mean drift forces particularly in head waves. The pitch motions and accordingly
the drift forces increase if the skirt thicknesses of the bow and stern increase. The maximum
mean surge drift force of the ACSS I configuration occurs around the same frequency as the
peak of the pitch motions, i.e. at L / 2 = 1.8. This is not the case for the other structures in head
waves where the maximum mean surge drift forces occur at higher frequencies than the peak
pitch responses.
The mean sway drift forces of the cushion configurations in beam waves occur at the natural roll
frequency. The mean sway drift forces of the conventional barge and 75AC are fairly constant at
high wave frequencies and approximately equal to 750 kNIm2. This values corresponds to
l/2pg L, which means that all waves are reflected by the structure. The same consideration
2.7 Comparison with a conventional barge 49

holds for the mean drift forces in head waves, however in this case the beam of the structure
shall be considered.
The mean surge and sway drill forces in oblique waves of 135 deg are shown in figure 2.39. In
this case the structure is not symmetric with respect to the wave direction and therefore the drift
forces will result in a moment as shown in figure 2.40.
The figures show that the mean drift forces of the IAC configuration are smallest. 1-lowever, it
should be noted that the presented results are response amplitude operators (RAOs); this implies
that the final drift forces depend on the environmental conditions. In other words, these transfer
functions should be multiplied with an appropriate wave spectrum in order to assess the mooring
Mean Surge Drift Forces in Head Waves Mean Sway Drift Forces irs Beam Waves

IS 2 25 0 Oi 02 03 04 05 00 07 08 09
LI?. R0

Figure 2.38: RA Os of mean drift forces in head and beam waves for different aircushion
configurations and a conventional barge
Mean Surge Drift Forces in Oblique Waves Mean Sway Drift Forces in Oblique Waves
- - 3AC
-. 75AC
Z 200 ACSS I

0. ion


0 05 15 2 25 0 01 02 03 04 05 08 0I 08 09
U?. Si?.

Figure 2.39: RA Os of mean surge and sway drfi forces in oblique waves of 135 deg for different
aircushion conjigurations and a conventional barge
Mean Drift Moments In Oblique Waves


Figure 2.40: RA Os of mean dr/i tnomenls in oblique waves of 135 deg for different aircush,on
configurations and a conventional barge
50 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

In general the drift forces are highly related to the wave field around the structure. If the drift
forces are large, most wave energy is reflected by the floater. Basically the wave field around
the structure is a superposition of the incident waves, radiation waves and diffraction waves.
Figure 2.41 shows the wave field around the different aircushion configurations and the
conventional barge in regular head waves of 0.90 radls (L/A = 2). The wave height values are
normalized and presented in terms of non-dimensional response amplitude operators (RAO5).
The wave fields in regular beam seas and oblique seas can be found in appendix B.
The distortion of the wave field is especially small for the IAC structure. In this case, the waves
can travel freely underneath the floating body resulting in a small wake behind the structure.
Few waves are reflected in front of the structure and accordingly the drift forces are small, Less
wave energy is transmiued underneath the cushion if the thickness of the front skirt increases,
which is the case for ACSS I. Due to the increase of the thickness of the skirts, the waves
underneath and behind the structure are attenuated.
Since the motions and drift forces of the 4AC and IAC configurations are approximately equal,
the differences in the wave fields are also small. The same consideration holds for the 75AC and
the conventional barge. The drift forces in figure 2.38 indicated that the wave field around the
3AC structure is more distorted than that around the I AC and 4AC at L/2 = 2 . This is
confirmed by figure 2.41, which shows that the 3AC structure attenuates the waves as the wave
heights in the aft cushion are smaller than those in the forward cushion.
2. 7 Comparison with a conventional barge 51

-L 2 0 L12 L

413 4B

3B 3D



-213 -213 -

-313 -3B-

-413 -4B -
. -I
0 L12 L -L -L2 0 L/2 L -L -L/2 0 L/2

Wave height
RAO [rn/rn] 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0
Figure 2.41: Wave field around dfTerent aircushion configurations and a conventional barge in
case of regular head waves with afrequency of 0.90 rod/s (L/2 = 2).

2.7.3 Wave induced shear forces and bending moments

Aircushions may significantly reduce the internal loads of large floating structures. The effect on
these structural loads is largest for the I AC configuration when the body is supported by one
large aircushion. In this case the maximum shear forces and bending moments in the complete
frequency range are reduced by 98% and 96% respectively. 1-lowever, it should be noted that the
52 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported s/ru clures

IAC configuration is a theoretical example because the vertical skirts underneath the structure
have no thickness and the structure is completely supported by air.
The maximum wave induced shear forces and bending moments of the aircushion configurations
and conventional barge are shown in table 2.9, which illustrates that the structural loads increase
with the number of cushions, lithe body is supported by many small cushions, like the 75AC
configuration, the maximum wave induced shear forces and bending moments approach those of
the conventional barge. On the other hand, the loads decrease if more buoyancy is provided by
the vertical skirts, but they are significantly larger than those of the 1AC configuration, which
was completely supported by air. In case of ACSS I, 25% of the buoyancy is provided by the
skirts and the maximum wave induced bending moments are, compared to the conventional
barge, reduced by 43%.

Table 2.9: Maximum wave induced structural loads

Shear Force Bending Moment
[kNImI [-J [MN] [-1
IAC 107 2% 8 4%
3AC 3741 78% 129 61%
4AC 2396 50% 49 23%
75AC 4297 90% 186 89%
ACSS I 3357 70% 119 57%
Barge 4783 100% 210 100%

The distribution of the structural loads along the length of the structure may change if the body
is supported by aircushions. Figures 2.42 and 2.43 show the RAO distributions of the vertical
wave induced shear forces and bending moments along the length of the conventional barge and
the aircushion configurations at different wave lengths. The aircushions underneath the structure
distribute the wave pressure equally over a large area. lithe structure is completely supported by
one large cushion, the pressure is constant along the bottom of the structure and the wave
induced shear forces and bending moments are significantly reduced.
The maximum shear forces of the 4AC configuration occur in the centre of the structure at the
boundary between the forward and aft cushions. This is also the case for the 3AC configuration,
but in this case the boundaries between the cushions are located at -L!3 and L/3. The location of
the vertical walls is indicated by the white lines in figures 2.42 and 2.43. For the 3AC and 4AC
configuration, the air pressure variation within the forward cushions is larger than in the all
cushions. As a result the distribution of the structural loads will not be conipletely symmetrical.
2. 7 Comparison with a conventional barge 53

-U2 -L14 0 Lid L)2 -U2 -Lid 0 L14 L12
Length I-] Length [-]

a Sluar I- nile,

-L12 -L/4 0 L14

Shear Force
[MN/ill] 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.4 4.6
Figure 2.42: RA Os of wave induced shear forces of the aircushion configurations and the
conventional barge in regular head waves
54 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

-L/2 -U4 0 L/2

0 0
% i e Ut-nd 112 IlluIil1ll%
-I (

2 2

3 3
-U2 -U4 0 U4 L12 -U2 - L14 0 1./4 L12
Length Length 1-)

0 0
c Itruidiui2 IlrulitfltS tIiI Ikiiitiuig IllIillIlI%
Ii,, rut- '( O I


2 2

3 3
-U2 -U4 0 U4 L/2 -LJ2 -LJ4 0 LI 4 L/2
Length I-I Length [-j

Bending Moment
[MN] 12 3! 4! SI 61 71 80 90 100 ItO 12 120 130 140 150 60 170 180 90 200
Figure 2.43: RA Os of wave induced bending moments of the aircush ion configurations and the
conventional barge in regular head waves

Even though the structural loads are small if the structure is supported by one aircushion, they
can be further reduced. A disadvantage of the ACSSI and IAC configuration is the lack of pitch
damping. As a result the pitch motions and pitch accelerations are relatively large and these may
result in relatively large wave induced bending moments. The cushion configuration and
2.7 Comparison with a conventional barge 55

dimensions of the skirts may be changed to further reduce the structural loads. For example, the
maximum pitch motions of ACSS I will decrease if the structure is supported by two cushions
(ACSS 2) as described by Van Kessel et. al. [73].
The wave induced structural loads may also be reduced by interconnecting the aircushions.
Figure 2.44 shows an example in which 28 equally sized aircushions are pairwise connected in a
way that air can flow freely between each pair of cushions. Basically this structure consists of 14
individual cushions since the mean waterline and air pressure are equal in the connected
cushions. In the remainder of this chapter this structure will be referred to as ACSS 3. The
dimensions of the cushions of this configuration, as well as those of ACSS I and ACSS 2. are
given in table 2.10. The dimensions and particulars of all structures remain unchanged and 75%
of the buoyancy is provided by air.

Air flow cushions 8 - 13 Air flow cushions 1 - 6


- an nfl an anna
___ an n
-- ow
) '

a an ann '
--- - - fl
an ann
an a nnnnanana
$ ;
Figure 2.44: A ircush ion supported structure with 14 interconnected cushions (A CSS 3

Table 2.10: Dimensions of cushions

No. of Length Length Length
Cushions of 1st of 2nd of N
(N x M) Cushion Cushion Cushion Xz-75 XO X=75
Structure type / name [] [nil [m] [ml
I cushion (ACSS 1) 1x1 140 -
M rows
2 cushions (ACSS 2) 2x1 70 70 -

14 cushions (ACSS 3) 14 x 1 2x5 2x5 2x5 N rows

Cushions connected
56 Chapter 2. Rigid aircushion supported structures

The RAOs of the maximum wave induced shear forces and bending moments in regular heads
waves are presented in table 2. Il. This table shows that use of one large aircushion does not
necessarily result in the largest reduction of the wave induced shear forces and bending
A large single cushion shows good results, but the largest reduction of the wave induced shear
forces and bending moments will be obtained if the structure is supported by two cushions in
longitudinal direction.
Good results with respect to vertical shear forces and bending moments can be obtained when
the structure is supported by multiple cushions which are interconnected in a way that air can
freely flow from one aircushion to another. This structure is more complex, but table 2.11 shows
that the wave induced shear forces and bending moments are smaller than those of the one-
cushion arrangement (ACSS I).

Table 2./I: Maxim urn wave induced structural loads

Maximum Maximum
Wave Shear Wave Bending
Force Moment
Structure type / name [kNIm] [-J [MN [-I
I cushion (ACSS I) 3357 70% 119 57%
2 cushions (ACSS 2) 2832 59% 117 56%
l4cushions (ACSS3)' 3175 66% 118 56%
Barge 4783 100% 210 100%
Cushions connected

2.8 Conclusions
The results of model tests show that the behavior of aircushion supported structures can be well
predicted by means of a three-dimensional linear potential method. The computations have
shown that aircushions may significantly influence the behavior of floating structures.
The merits of an aircushion supported structure are significant if the structure is supported by a
single aircushion. In this case the roll and pitch motions are small and the mean second order
drift forces may be smaller than those of a conventional barge. This results in a less distorted
wave field, which is due to the fact that the waves can travel more freely underneath the
In addition, it is possible to alter the dynamic behavior of aircushion supported structures by
changing the air pressure within the cushions. Especially the heave motions and natural roll
frequencies are sensitive to a change in aircushion characteristics.
2.8 Conclusions 57

Moreover, aircushions may significantly reduce the wave induced bending moments of the
structure. An example in this chapter shows that aircushions can theoretically reduce the RAO
of the wave induced bending moment by 96%. However, in practice a reduction of 44% is more
Although a large single cushion shows good results, the largest reduction of the wave induced
structural loads is obtained if the structure is supported by two aircushions in longitudinal
direction. On the other hand, a signilicant reduction of the wave induced shear forces and
bending moments may also be obtained by interconnecting the aircushions.
Overall the results have shown that an aircushion supported structure can be a good alternative
for large floating structures. In addition, the computational method proves to be a suitable tool to
optimize cushion configurations for a particular application.
Chapter 3

Flexible aircushion supported structures

3.1 Introduction
It is common practice in seakeeping theory to describe the displacements of a floating body in
the six rigid-body modes surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch and yaw. This approach is appropriate
when the structure is considered to be stiff, i.e. when the eigenfrequencies of the elastic
deflections are substantially higher than the frequency of the wave loads. On the other hand, the
structure is considered to be elastic when the eigenfrequencies of the flexible modes fall within
the spectrum of the wave loads. In case of an elastic structure, the structural analysis and
hydrodynamic analysis should be coupled, this is called hydroelastic analysis.
Several examples of floating structures are described in the literature in which elastic deflections
play a significant role in the dynamic behavior. Often these structures are relatively long and
slender, resulting in a low bending stitThess. Examples of floating structures in which the elastic
behavior may be significant are floating airports [43], large containerships [44], FPSOs [38],
large aircushion supported structures [731 and the Mobile Offshore Base [40].
In general, the hydroelastic behavior of floating bodies consists of a hydromechanical and a
structural component. The hydromechanical component describes the fluid induced forces on the
floating body, while the structural component describes the deformations of the structure in the
absence of the fluid. There are many different approaches to solve the fluid-structure interaction
between the floating body and surface water waves. Two commonly used basic methods are the
modal expansion method and the direct method.
The modal expansion method combines the hydrodynamic analysis of the wet body with the
dynamic analysis of the dry body in vacuum. Since the mode shapes are affected by the
hydrodynamic pressure field, they cannot be specified in advance. Therefore the distortion of the

60 3.2 Structural model

dry body is decomposed in an arbitrary number of vibration modes, which are then used in the
hydromechanical analysis. The final distortion of the body is the sum of an arbitrary number of
principal modes. This method was developed by Bishop and Price in 1979 [51. Since this date
adjustments and extensions to this theory have been made by various authors [43, 49].
Nevertheless, the first general theory is still valid and widely accepted for its practical use and
numerical efficiency.
The direct method solves the deflections of the body directly without expanding the body
motions into eigenmodes. Several direct methods are presented by Ohkusu and Namba [51],
Kashiwagi [361, l-lermans [22], Gueret [21] and Andrianov [31.
Different techniques have to be used to compute the hydroelastic behavior of aircushion
supported structures. Tsubogo and Okada [701 modeled the structure as an elastic plate with
finite breadth and infinite length. The air inside the cushion was assumed to be incompressible
and was described by potential theory. Shallow water approximations were used to describe the
fluid around the structure and the air inside the cushion.
Ikoma et. al. [23, 28, 311 use a linear potential method to compute the wave forces and wave
elevations inside the aircushion. A two-dimensional modal expansion method is used to
compute the vertical distortions of the body. Distortions in the horizontal plane are not taken
into account in this approach.
The next two paragraphs describe a new three-dimensional method to compute the hydroelastic
behavior of large aircushion supported structures in the frequency domain. The time domain is
not considered since wave loads acting on large floating structures are generally non-impulsive,
continuous and of first order. The last sections of this chapter describe the validation and
verification of the new numerical method by making use of experimental results and analytical
computations. The effect of aircushions on the dynamic behavior and structural loads of flexible
floating structures will be discussed as well.

3.2 Structural model

The first part of the analysis of the hydroelastic behavior of a floating body starts with the
structural model. In outlining the hydroelastic theory, a flexible body of arbitrary shape will be
considered which posses rigid-body modes as well as modes of distortion. The body will also be
free to float without any restraints. If the body is fixed in some way or another, there are no
rigid-body modes and modifications of the boundary conditions are needed.
A Finite Element Method (FEM) is a convenient way to inodel the structural properties of a dry
three-dimensional body and to obtain the natural frequencies and modes shapes in vacuum. In
line with this method the structure is modeled by a finite number of elements each having
constant mass and stiffness properties (in, E, G, I). The nodes of the elements will be subjected
Chapter 3. Flexible aircush ion supported structures 61

to generalized displacements U = {U1, U2, ..., U,, } where n denotes the number of nodes of
each element concerned. The matrix equation of motion for an element may be replaced by a
general equation of motion which may be expressed as follows:

MLJ+BU+K(J=F+Q (3.1)

2W = structural mass matrix
B* = structural damping matrix
K= structural stiffness matrix
U= vector of nodal displacements
F= vector of external forces
Q= vector of concentrated nodal loads

The matrices M, B*, K contain n x n submatrices, each of which contains 6 x 6 elements.

These matrices are real and symmetric since they are associated with the dry structure. The
nodal displacements are harmonic and may be written as:


If the damping term is ignored the previous equations result in the following characteristic

(Kw2M)D=O (3.3)

The real and positive eigenvalues cv,- (r = 1, 2, ..., N) are the dry natural frequencies, each
associated with a characteristic dry eigenvector D, = {D,., D,2,..., DrN), in which r is the
principal mode and N represents the number of degrees of freedom of the dry structure. The
generalized displacement vector at node j due to the r' principal mode may be expressed as
D,1 = {u,., v, w,-, 9, 8k,, O, }. Physically, if one excites the structure with a harmonic
oscillation at the natural frequency, the structure will oscillate at the same frequency and its
spatial distribution will be given by the corresponding eigenvector.
62 3.2 Structural titodel

3.2.1 Principal coordinates

The total deflection and distortion of the structure may be expressed as the sum of displacements
in the principal modes. It follows that the matrix of nodal displacements may be expressed as:

U= pr(t)Dr (3.4)

and the displacement at any point may then be expressed as:

xi = {u, v, w} = Pr (t)Ur (3.5)

where the discretized structure is assumed to have m degrees of freedom and pr(t) is a set of
principal coordinates, If p = {pi (t), P2(t), ..., p,, (t)} then equation (3.4) may be rewritten as:

U=Dp (3.6)

It is convenient to introduce a matrix of principal modes:

D=[D1,D2,...,D,,] (3.7)

in which each column represents a principal mode. Making use of the orthogonality of the
structural mass and stiffness matrices as presented in appendix C, the following relations are

Dr K D = c

where a and c are the generalized mass and stiffness matrix respectively. Both niatrices are
diagonal such that c = in accordance with equation (3.3).

3.2.2 Equation of motion

If the expression for U in equation (3.6) is substituted in the general equation of motion (3.1)
and pre-multiplied by D7 , it is found that:

ap+bp+cp=f+q (3.9)

with f = Dr F , q = D7 Q aiid b = DT B D in accordance with equation (C.4). The principal

coordinates may naturally be subdivided into two groups ps and pa associated with rigid-
Chapter 3. Flexible aircushion supported structures 63

body modes and distortion modes. The effect of the aircushion on the structure is not present in
the structural analysis in vacuum since the stillness coefficients are zero and aircushion
elements have no mass. As such the matrix equation of motion may be partitioned:

° [CR ° [pR 1 [qs

1[R 1 rbk 1[ 1 [JR 1 (3.10)

with p ={PR, PD], PR ={p P2, ..., p6}and po ={p7, P8, ., Pm).

3.3 1-lydromechanical model

The difference between hydroelastic and conventional hydromechanical computations lies in the
fact that the latter approach only includes rigid-body modes. The fluid loading caused by the
waves results in deflections of the flexible structure. These deflections are a combination of
rigid-body motions and distortions. In this chapter it is assumed that the fluid is ideal (i.e.
inviscid and incompressible) and its flow is irrotational. The rigid-body boundary conditions
discussed in chapter 2.5 are still valid, but need to be extended with flexible modes. As such the
complex potential 0 may be decomposed in an undisturbed wave potential Oo , diffraction
potential 0,, , radiation potentials Ø of the body, and radiation potentials 0, associated with the
free surface of each aircushion:


+Ori)Co + + JJOe e C/Sc (3.11)

body motion in the j-mode
vertical motion of the free surface in cushion c
Sc free surface area of cushion c
Nm = number of mode shapes, with in
N4 number of independent non-connected cushions

The number of mode shapes (N,,,) corresponds to the sum of the six rigid-body modes and an
arbitrary number of distortion modes (No):

Nmzr6+N0 (3.12)

Subsequently, the number of degrees of freedom of a flexible aircushion supported structure

may be expressed as:
64 3.3 Hydromechanical model

D.O.F. = N,,, + N (3.13)

in which N is the number of elements laying at the free water surface inside cushion c, N4c-
is the number of aircushions.
The next step is to deduce the boundary conditions for each potential. If the source strengths for
the diffraction potential are required, the normal velocity vector becomes:

íJØ,, actt)
fl,n(O.O.F.I) = =- (3.14)
n,fl !n,,,

where the panel index m covers the panels on the structure and n,,, is the outward unit normal
vector with respect to wetted surface of element in The added mass and damping coupling
coefficients are found by applying the following normal velocity requirement:

n,,,1 = =nu1 (3.15)

The vector n contains the directional cosines n,,,1 and a, describes the distortion modes of the
1th modal shape. The non-na! velocities on the wetted elements of the structure are considered if
j = 1, 2, ..., N,,,. On the other hand, the normal velocities associated with the cushion panels are
considered if j Nm, N,,, + I.....D.O.F. , in this case n={n1, n2, n3} ={O, 0, I] and
u, = {u, v, w} = {0, 0, - 1} for one cushion element at each mode shape.

The generalized fluid force X, may be expressed in terms of the pressure p on the wetted
surface S of the structure as follows:

Xr_JnTlhpdS (3.16)

The total linearized pressure may be found from Bernoulli's equation:

p=iwpØpgz (3.17)

The part associated with the potential 0 may be subdivided into the following diffraction and
radiation components:

X' =iwJJ(oo +Ø,,)n7u,.dS (3.18)

X=iwJJO,nTudS (3.19)
Chapter 3. Flexible aircushion supported structures 65

Accordingly the added mass and damping coefficients are:

A,) =p ReJJØjnTu,.dS (3.20)

Brj =_pcoimJjøjiil udS (3.21)

These restoring coefficients are associated with rigid-body modes CR , distortion modes C0 and
aircushion contributions C


C= CR0 C0 C-0 (3.22)


Each restoring term may be subdivided into a hydrostatic C' and an aerostatic C7 part:


The restoring coefficients of the rigid-body modes C, and aircushion contributions Cc are
equal to those of the rigid-body approach as described by equations (2.40) to (2.52). The
hydrostatic and aerostatic coefficients of the distortion modes (CD) are expressed as:

C,J r_pgJflTucvjds, (3.24)

Cj JJn1 urdSc JJn7 u1dS, r = j = 7,8,..., n (3.25)
Sc Sc

with wj being the vertical displacement of element I and S. is associated with the dry
elements of the stRicture laying at the edge of the aircushion.
Figure 3.1 shows the direction of the normal vectors of the elements in a transverse cross-section
of an aircushion supported structure. The yellow section corresponds to the dry elements of the
structure at the edge of the aircushion; these elements should be used in equation (3.25). The red
panels are cushion elements at the free water surface inside the aircushion. Blue panels are
located underneath the waterline and represent diffraction elements. White elements are located
above the waterline and are not included in the linear diffraction computations. In addition, the
figure shows that the normal vectors of the wet structural elements are directed outwards.
Conversely, the (dry structural) elements associated with the aircushion are directed outward
from the centre of the aircushion.
66 3.3 Hydromechanical model

Figure 3.1: Normal vectors of the elements on the structure and

free water surface within the aircush ion

The hydrostatic coupling terms between the rigid-body and distortion modes (CRD, C,,R) are:

C,J = - pg JJflr w1dS, r = 1,2,3; j = 7,8.....a; (3.26)

= pgfJ[n(y - yG) - n2(z - za)J w1dS, j 7,8,..., m (3.27)

C = pg ff[nt(z - 2G ) - n3(x - XG )1 w1dS, j = 7,8,..., m (3.28)

c6' =_pgfJ[n2(x_xG)_f1y_yG)iwJds, j=7,8,...,m (3.29)

C'J =0, j=l,2,6;r=7,8,...,,n (3.30)

C =_pgffnTudS, r=7,8,...,m (3.31)

C = - pg JJ'i' "r(y - yG)dS, = 7,8,..., ; (3.32)

c = - pg JfnT Ur(i - X0 )dS, r = 7,8,..., ,;, (3.33)

The aerostatic coupling terms between the rigid-body and distortion modes (CRD, CDR) niay be
expressed as:

C 5J8ds JJn' I4rdS (3.34)

C=C (3.35)
Chapler 3. Flexible aircush ion supported structures 67

in which A, is the aircushion area, SI =52 =56=0,53=1, 54 =v-yG and 5 =XXG. It

is interesting to note that the hydrostatic coupling terms not necessarily result in a symmetric
restoring matrix.
If the coupling between distortion modes and cushion elements is considered, the dry elements
of the structure at the aircushion boundary (the yellow elements) should be included as well. The
coupling coefficients between distortion modes and cushion elements (CDC, CCD) are:

r=7,8,...,tn;j =,n+l, m + 2.....in + N, (3.36)
' Sc
C, =C, r=7,8.....in; /=m+l,m+2,...,in+N, (3.37)

3.3.1 Equation of motion

For each wave frequency the displacement p of the body may be written as:

p(t)=e-'' (3.38)

If the wave forces X , added mass A , damping B and restoring coefficients C of the freely
floating structure in waves are known, the equation of motion may be written in the form:

{- &(a + A(iv))-iwB(w) +(c+ C)} P()= X(w) (3.39)

In which a and c are the generalized mass and stiffness matrices of equation (3.8) respectively.
Equation (3.39) may be subdivided into rigid-body modes, distortion modes and aircushion

ap + AR ARD ARC - B6 BRD

A DR a0 + A0 A0 - iw B06 B0 B0c
Ack A0 Ac BCR B0 B
PD = XD (3.40)
CR + CR CR0 CRc"
+ CDR Co+cR CD
C6 Cc0 Cc

It should be noted that the added mass coefficients, damping coefficients, displacement and
wave forces in this matrix equation are frequency dependent as indicated in equation (3.39).
Knowing the principal modes of the dry structure and having determined the principal
coordinates, one may find the displacement at any point in the structure by:
68 3.4 Numerical results and discussion


u(x, y, z, t) = u (x, y, z) p,. e' (3.41)

Other quantities like bending moments, shear forces, stresses, etc. may he determined in a
similar manner by using the appropriate characteristic Ilinction of the dry structure.

3.4 Numerical results and discussion

This section describes the results of the new hydroelastic method for flexible aircushion
supported structures. First, the natural frequencies of a large flexible floating body with and
without aircushions will be discussed. Next, the numerical and experimental results of a flexible
barge will be discussed. Finally the dynamic behavior and internal loads of different flexible
aircushion supported structures will be discussed and compared with those of a conventional
flexible structure.

3.4.1 Natural frequencies

The first step in the validation process of the new hydroelastic model for aircushion supported
structures concerns the natural frequencies of a long slender floating body. If the mass is equally
distributed over the length of the body, it is appropriate to simplify the structure by a beam
model. In this case beam theory may be applied and the dry natural frequencies o associated
with the 1th distortion mode of a dry structure in vacuum are:

22JE>/ 1=1,2,3... (3.42)

in which L is the length of the beam, E the modulus of elasticity, m the mass per unit length
and I the area moment of inertia about the neutral axis. 2 is a non-dimensional parameter
depending on the distortion mode and boundary conditions applied to the beam. If the beam is
free to oscillate without restraints, A = 4.73 , 2 = 7.85 , 2 = 11.00 , 24 = 14.14
25=17,28 and 2='/2(2i+l)/r for i>5 [6].
In order to calculate the natural frequencies of the distortion modes of the wet structure, the fluid
underneath the structure may be modeled as vertical springs and masses. In this case the general
theory for a beam on elastic foundation may be applied and the natural frequencies w, are:

= IC+ -, '1'
1=1,2,3... (3.43)
Chapter 3. Flexible aircushion supported structures 69

in which c = p g A. / L being the hydrostatic stiffness per unit length. If the wet natural
frequencies are to be considered, the mass of the system is equal to ti: = (A + '4rr) / L with A
being the mass of the structure. The sway added mass A22 should be used for distortion modes
in the horizontal plane, and the heave added mass A33 for vertical bending modes.

In the remainder of this section a flexible floating beam with a length of 500 m will be
considered. The inner and outer core are made of different materials as shown in figure 3.2. The
inner core is made of solid steel with a height of 0.5 m, a width of 1.3 m, a Poisson ratio of 0.30,
density of 7850 kg/rn3and modulus of elasticity of 2.1OE+l I Pa. This core was modeled by 200
beam elements in the finite element program NX Nastran. The material around the core has a
total weight of 11,250 kg and was modeled as non-structural mass equally distributed over the
beam elements of the inner core.
The body is freely floating at a draft of 0.5 in in a fluid with a density of 1,025 kg/rn3. As a result
the wet natural frequencies will change with respect to the dry structure according to equation
(3.43). The first five natural frequencies of the horizontal and vertical bending modes are
presented in tables 3.1 and 3.2 respectively. It should be noted that damping is omitted in the
computations of the natural frequencies. The second column shows the dry results of the
structure in vacuum according to equation (3.42). The third column shows the semi-analytical
eigenfrequencies based on equation (3.43) with use of added mass and restoring coefficients as
computed by the new program DelAir. The fourth column shows the results of the program
1-lydElast (developed by J.T. Tuitman) by making use of the output of the diffraction program
PreCal (developed at MARIN). The eigenfrequeiicies computed by the new program DelAir are
presented in the last column.
As the added mass is frequency dependent, several iterations had to be performed by both
hydroelastic programs DelAir and HydElast before the computed eigenvalue corresponded to the
frequency of the added mass. The results of all methods presented in tables 3.1 and 3.2
correspond well, which shows that the wet natural frequencies can be well predicted by the new

Table 3.1: Natural Ji-equencies (rad/s) of horizontal bending modes of a flexible (floating) beam
Mode Analytical Semi-Analytical HydElast / DelAir
Dry Wet PreCal
1 0.173 0.156 0.160 0.156
2 0.478 0.428 0.432 0.429
3 0.937 0.826 0.835 0.827
4 1.548 1.383 1.387 1.380
5 2.313 2.194 2.154 2.188
70 3.4 Numerical results and discussion

Table 3.2: Natural frequencies (rad/s.) of vertical bending modes of a flexible (/loating,) beam
Mode Analytical Semi-Analytical l-IydElast I DelAir
Dry Wet PreCal
1 0.067 1.607 1.588 1.605
2 0.184 1.608 1.591 1.606
3 0.360 1.612 1.601 1 .607
4 0.596 1.621 1.618 1.612
5 0.890 1.639 I .642 1.621

0.5 m
V Q5m V
0.5 m
1.3 m

10.0 m
Figure 3.2: Cross-section of the floating rectangular beam

The next step is to subdivide the rectangular beam in several aircushion compartments in order
to show the effect of the air chambers on the natural frequency of' the structure. The main
dimensions of the beam remain the same and the draft of the free-surface within the aircushions
is equal to the draft of the beam. As such, the displacement of the beam will not change. Since
the aircushion compartments have no effect on the natural frequencies of horizontal bending
modes, only vertical bending modes will be discussed in the remainder of this section.
If the structure is completely supported by one aircushion, the natural frequencies of the vertical
bending modes are almost equal to those of the dry structure in vacuum. This is illustrated in the
third column of table 3.3 and can be explained by the fact that the volume variation of the
aircushion due to the deflection of the structure is nearly zero. In other words, the mean water
level inside the cushion does not change and added mass and hydrostatic restoring coefficients
are approximately zero. As a consequence, the wet eigenvalue problem of a single aircushion
supported structure is equal to the dry eigenvalue problem of the same structure in vacuum.
The first five vertical bending modes of the beam supported by one aircushion are shown in
figures 3.3 to 3.7. The nodes of the different bending modes are located on the thin red
horizontal line where the displacement is zero. The volume of the aircushion underneath the
body does not change if the average deflection is zero. In this case the following expression is

=0 (3.44)

with n being the th vertical bending mode.

Chapter 3. Flexible aircushion supported structures 71

Al - A)
A) *2
-0:5 -0.5 0.5 )
Length Length

Figure 3.3: First vertical bending mode Figure 3.4: Second vertical bending mode

Al A5 A3

9 A27 *4 A4 A6
6 a
-ots -os 5 0c 0 -OS 05 O5
Length Length

Figure 3.5: Third vertical bending mode Figure 3.6: Fourth vertical bending mode

0S -0.S t 05

Figure 3.7: Fflh vertical bending mode

Table 3.3: Natural frequencies frad/s,) of the vertical bending modes

of a rectangular beam supported by one aircushion
Mode Analytical DelAir
Dry Wet
1 0.067 0.062
2 0.184 0.181
3 0.360 0.359
4 0.596 0.594
5 0.890 0.888

Tables 3.2 and 3.3 show that the effect of an aircushion on the eigenfrequencies of a flexible
floating structure is significant in this example. To show the effect of aircushions on the natural
modes of the structure, two other cushion configurations will be discussed.
The first additional example consists of a configuration in which four cushions of 125 in long
are equally distributed over the length of the body. The second additional configuration consists
of fifty cushions in longitudinal direction, each having a length of 10 m. Both configurations are
completely supported by air, i.e. 100% of the buoyancy is provided by the aircushions, this was
also the case for the single aircushion supported structure. The height of all cushions is I m, the
ambient air pressure is 1000 hPa and the main dimensions of all structures are equal.
72 3.4 Numerical results and discussion

The deflections of the vertical bending modes significantly change when the structure is
supported by four aircushions. The first bending mode, associated with the smallest eigenvalue,
is dominated by the volume variations of the aircushions. These volume variations are smallest
when the nodes of the distortion mode are located at the centers of the cushions.
If the beam is supported by four aircushions, the cushion volume variations are nearly zero in
case the structure is oscillating in its third dry vertical bending mode. As a result this dry mode
will be the first wet mode since the volume variations of the first and second dry mode are
significantly larger. Figure 3.8 shows the first wet vertical bending mode in which the vertical
red lines represent the walls between the aircushion compartments. Figures 3.8 to 3.11 show the
volume variations of the cushions in the first four wet vertical bending modes. As a result
equation (3.44) will be valid for each of the four aircushions. In these situations the wet natural
frequencies correspond to the dry structure in vacuum as shown in table 3.4, which includes the
natural frequencies of the body. The second wet mode is a superposition of the second and
fourth dry mode, as a result there is a difference between the fourth dry and the second wet
The fifth wet principal mode, shown in figure 3.12, is dominated by the first dry mode. For this
reason equation (3.44) is not valid and the natural frequency may be computed analytically by
equation (3.43). This result is included in the third column of table 3.4 and agrees well with the
computed results in column five. The sixth wet eigenfrequency shown in figure 3.13, is mainly
dominated by the second dry mode and is accurately predicted by the new program DelAir.

Table 3.4: Naruralfrequencies ('rad/s,) of the vertical bending modes

of a rectangular beam supported by four aircush ions
Mode Analytical Semi-Analytical Mode DelAir
Dry Dry Wet Wet Wet
3 0.360 0.346
4 0.596 2 0.451
5 0.890 3 0.837
6 1.242 4 1.225
1.580 5 1.568
2 1.581 6 1.581
Chapter 3. Flexible aircush ion supported structures 73

A2 Bi

-0 ô O15 0S -05 -0.5 6 0S

Length Length

Figure 3.8: first vertical bending mode of a Figure 3.9: second vertical bending node of a

beam supported by four aircush ions beam supported by four aircush ions

I Al D2

vr/,.-- 61

Length Length

Figure 3. /0: third vertical bending mode of a Figure 3.11 fourth vertical bending mode of a
beam supported by four aircushions beam supported by four aircush ions

.Bl Cl 01 0
Al A3
Bi '1
o.s 6 o. 0.5
Length Length

Figure 3.12: fifth vertical bending ,node qf a Figure 3.13: sixth vertical bending mode of a
beam supported by four aircush ions beam supported by four aircush ions

The natural frequencies of a beam supported by 50 cushions correspond well with those of a
conventional floating beam. The size of the cushion compartments is relatively small compared
to the length of the body. As a result the effect on the eigenfrequencies of the floating body will
be small as well. For this reason the natural frequencies presented in table 3.5 agree well with
those of the conventional beam (table 3.2) and may be computed by the semi-analytical equation
(3.43). The small difference iii natural frequencies is due to the restoring coefficient, which is
smaller for a beam supported by fifty aircushions than for a non-air supported beam.
74 3.4 Numerical results and discussion

Table 3.5: Naturalfrequencies (rad/s) of the vertical bending modes

of a rectangular beam supported byJIflv aircush ions
Mode Analytical Semi-Analytical DelAir
Dry Dry Wet Wet
1 0.067 1.575 1.57!
2 0.184 1.576 1.571
3 0.360 1.581 1.573
4 0.596 1.590 1.595
5 0.890 1.608 1.613

3.4.2 Fluid-structure interaction

Malenica et. al. [43], Remy et. al. [58], Tomaevié [69] and Senjanovié et. al. [591 described
different series of model tests of an elastic barge in regular and irregular waves. All models in
the experiments consisted of twelve caissons which were separated by narrow gaps and
connected at deck level by one or two steel beams. These experiments were used to validate the
new hydroelastic program. Due to the extensive test program it is not possible to present all data
in this dissertation. For this reason a selection of the most relevant results was made.
The first floater of the flexible barge has a beveled shape as shown in figure 3.14. Its mass is 10
kg and the roll radius of gyration (K) is 213 nun. The other eleven caissons are rectangular and
the main particulars are shown in table 3.6.

Table 3.6: Main particulars oftheJlexible barge

Length 190 mm KG 163 mm
Width 600 mm K, 225 mm
Depth 250 mm Mass 13.7 kg
Draft 120 mm

According to Remy et. al. [581 the centre of gravity of the bow caisson above keel level (KG) is
87 mm. This value seems unrealistic compared to the shape and KG-value of the other caissons.
For this reason a KG-value of 163 mm is used for the bow caisson in the new coniputations,
which is similar to the other caissons.
All caissons are separated by gaps of 15 mm which makes the total length of the structure 2.445
m. The beam on top of the caissons is located 307 mm above keel level and has a length of
2.445 m. Its cross section is 1 cm2, bending stiffness 175 Nm2 and torsional stiffness 135 Nm2.
The structural model was made in NX Nastran and consisted of 501 beam elements with
concentrated loads representing the floaters. The hydromechanical mode! consists of 1100
Chapter 3. Flexible aircush ion supported structures 75

diffraction elements. The gaps between the floaters are modeled by 220 elements which are not
included in the computations of added mass, damping and wave forces. The panel model is
segmented in a way that the translations and rotations of elements associated with a particular
caisson are equal. In other words, these elements will not deform, contrary to the elements
laying in the gaps between the caissons which are free to move and deform. Figure 3.15 shows
the panel model used for the hydroelastic diffraction computations. Obviously, the elements
above the waterline are excluded from the diffraction computations.

600 190


Figure 3.14: Geometry of the bow caisson Figure 3.15: Panel model for diffraction

Caisson I is the bow caisson and the stem corresponds to caisson 12. The motions of the barge
were measured in six degrees of freedom at six locations illustrated by red circles in figure 3.16.
These measurement points are located at the deck levels ofcaissons 1,3,5,7,9 and 12.
Decay tests for different degrees of freedom were performed in order to obtain the natural
frequencies, viscous damping and structural damping. These tests included horizontal bending,
vertical bending and torsion modes. Vertical bending was the measured difference in pitch angle
between the first caisson (Cl) and the last caisson (C12). Horizontal bending is the difference in
yaw angle between Cl and C12 and torsion the difference in roll angle.
The natural frequencies of the vertical bending (VB), horizontal bending (HB) and torsion mode
are shown in table 3.8. It should be noted that damping is not included in the calculations of the
eigenfrequencies by the new program. The effect of damping on the eigenfrequencies of the
structure is small and may be neglected.
The table shows that the calculated natural frequencies agree well with those of the decay tests.
For comparison, the results of Tomaeviá and Senjanovié [69, 59] are included in the same table.
A graphical representation of the natural frequencies and the associated principal modes is
shown in figures 3.17 to 3.22.
The viscous and structural modal damping in nine degrees of freedom obtained from the decay
tests can be found in table 3.7. In addition, this table shows the additional damping that was used
by Tomaevié and Senjanovié [69] and the calculations performed by the new program.
76 3.4 Numerical results and discussion

Figure 3.16: General arrap gement of/he flexible barge

Table 3.7: Additional modal damping as percentage of critical damping

Decay Tomaevié I
Mode Tests Senjanovié Caic.
I Surge 2 0 2
2 Sway 4 0 4
3 Heave 6 5 6
4 Roll 4 5 7
5 Pitch 6 5 7
6 Yaw 5 0 5
7 Vertical Bending 7.5 5 7.5
8 Horizontal Bending 2.5 9 8.5
9 Torsion 2.5 7 4.5

Table 3.8: Natural frequencies ofprincipal modes frad/s,.)

Remy et. al. Tomaevié / Senjanovié DelAir
(experiments) (computations) (computations)
lstHB mode 4.72 5.32 4.59
1st VB mode 6.68 5.21 7.04
I St Torsion mode 7.48 7.92 7.80
2nd VB mode 12.37 12.08
2nd HB I torsion mode 12.70 13.25
3rd VB mode 21.08 20.38
Chapter 3. Flexible aircush ion supported structures 77

Figure 3.17: 1st HB mode 4.59 rod/s Figure 3.18: 1st VB mode 7.04 rad/s

Figure 3.19: 1st torsion mode 7.80 rad/s Figure 3.20: 2nd VB mode 12.08 rad/s

Figure 3.21: 2nd fIB/torsion mode 13.25 rad/s Figure 3.22: 3rd VB mode 20.38 rad/s

The experimental results and numerical Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs) of the freely
floating flexible barge in waves from different headings are presented in figures 3.25 to 3.36.
The experimental results in regular wave tests, which are illustrated by black dots, are obtained
from Tomaevié [69]. In addition the figures show the numerical results of Remy et. al. [5S],
Tomaevié [69] and Senjanovié et. al. [59].
The experiments were performed at the BOO-first basin in France, which has a length of 30 iii
and a width of 16 m. The water depth during the model tests was set to 1 m. The experimental
results were first published by Remy et. al. [58] in 2006. Afterwards, Tomaevié and Senjanoviá
presented their numerical results in several publications in 2007 and 2008 [69, 59].
78 3.4 Numerical results and discussion

The experimental results in regular waves together with the numerical results of the above
mentioned authors are shown in figures 3.25 to 3.36. These figures also include the results of
calculations performed with the new hydroelastic program, which are presented by red lines.
The responses in head waves are shown in figures 3.25 to 3.29. The first figure shows the heave
responses at the measurement points of caissons I, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12. These heave notions are
largest at the bow and stern section and decrease towards the centre of the structure. Heave
motions of caisson 7 are over-predicted by the new program, this is mainly due to collisions in
the model tests between the centre caissons as indicated by red circles in figure 3.23. This figure
shows the distortion of the structure in head waves of 201 mm wave height with a frequency of
4.8 radls, this condition was actually tested and the measurements are included in figures 3.25 to
As mentioned before, the translations and rotations of the elements associated with each caisson
are equal and follow the motions of the connection point at the beam located above the floaters.
The elements in the gaps between the caissons are free to move and deform. For this reason it is
possible that elements of different caissons coincide in certain situations. Obviously this is not
possible in reality. In practice, the clash between the caissons results in non-linearities as
illustrated in figure 3.24. In addition the collisions result in reduced heave and pitch responses of
caisson 7 as shown in figures 3.25 and 3.27.

Wave Heading: 180 deg, Wave Frequency: 4.8 rad/s, Wave Height: 201 mm
Figure 3.23: Collision between caissons in the centre of the body

Pitch Respont., of Colonon 7

Woo. Pirlod (I If)
- (IL 4.8 rOd/S. ç: 201 rrr,n 5.2 ro&s. ç it 000
- 0) 57 ,edIS. . 158 or,, ((8 6.3 rod/s. 120 or,,,

Figure 3.24: Time series of normalized pitch responses of caisson 7 in regular head waves
Chapter 3. Flexible aircush ion supported structures 79

The collisions between the floaters are clearly visible at high frequencies in the time series, as
shown in figure 3.24. On the other hand these effects are less pronounced at low wave
frequencies due to the relatively slow distortion of the structure. The time series of caisson 7
were reanalyzed and the results are shown by black crosses in figures 3.25 and 3.27. The black
dots are obtained from Tomaevi[69].
Heave RAO - Caisson 1 Heave 10*0 -Caisson 3
Wave h.ading 180 deg Wave heading: 180 deg
I 40
Oup Data
1.20 I 20
- Tomasavic
1.00 100 - Cu/c

040 060
0.20 020
000 000
2.06 3.00 400 500 600 100 $00 9.00 100$ 1100 2.00 300 400 500 6.00 7.00 800 000 1000 1100
Wave frequency (red/c) Wave frequency (red/si
Heave RA0 - Caisson 5 Heave 10*0 - Caisson?
Wave heeding: 190 deg Wave heading: 180d.g


2,60 300 400 500 600 706 800 900 10.00 7100 00 500 6.00 7.00 000 9.00 1000 II 00
Wave frequency (red/si Wave frequency (red/si
Heave RAO - Caisson 9 Heave RAO - Celseon 12
Wave heedIng: 180 deg Wave heading: 180 deg

1 20


200 3.00 400 5.00 600 700 800 900 10.00 II 00
Wave frequency (red/si

Figure 3.25: Heave RAOs of caissons 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12 in head waves

Mean Heave 10.40
Wave heeding: 180 dog
090 Dote
080 Renly
060 Ce/c

Figure 3.26: Mean heave RAO in head waves

80 3.4 Numerical results and discussion

The mean heave RAO, i.e. the average heave response of the six measurement points on
caissons I, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12, is shown in figure 3.26. Despite the fact that the collisions of
caisson 7 influence the heave responses, the experimental results of the mean heave motions
show good agreement with numerical results.
Figures 3.27 and 3.28 show the pitch responses and indicate that there is a good agreement
between experimental and numerical pitch responses of the floaters. However, there are
discrepancies in the results of caisson 7 at the frequencies where collisions occur. Due to the
good correlation between numerical and experimental results of caissons 1 and 1 2, the computed
vertical bending of the structure corresponds well with the experimental results in figure 3.29.
In general there is a reasonable agreement between the numerical results of Remy, Tomaevi I
Senjanovié and the new hydroelastic program, although there are some differences. Some of
these differences were already presented in table 3.7, which contains the viscous and structural
modal damping. In the new computations the additional damping was chosen in a way that the
variance with the decay tests was minimized. As a result the additional damping used in the new
computations corresponds better to those of the decay tests than the damping used by Tomaevié
and Senjanovié.
Another difference is the variance in the natural frequencies of the distortion modes as shown in
table 3.8. This is mainly the result of the difference in coupling between the structural niodel and
hydromechanical model. Tomaevi and Senjanovié used a completely flexible model, in which
the elements of each individual caisson may have different translations and rotations. This
approach was not chosen in the new computations as described before. In addition, added mass
and restoring coefficients associated with elements in the gaps between the caissons are not
included in the iterative eigenvalue solutions of the new computations. The differences in the
numerical approach result in differences in the eigenfrequencies as shown in table 3.8. As the
assumptions made in the new approach are closer to those of the model tests, the
elgenfrequencies computed by the new program are closer to the decay tests as well.
Chapter 3. Flexible aircushion supported structures 81

Pitch RAO - Cei..ee 1 Pitch RAO - Coiaeee 3

Wave heading: 180 dog Wave haad)ng: 180 dog
012 0.12
Enp Dale Eup Dole
0.10 - 0.10
Cclv - Ca/c
ooe oe


004 004

002- 002

000 0.00
200 3.00 400 500 600 100 000 9.00 1000 1100 2.00 3.00 400 500 600 000 500 9.00 I 0,00 1100
Wave frequency (red/c) Wave frequency (red/c]
Pitch RAO - Caiaaon 5 Pitch RAO - Caiceon 7
Wave heading: 180 dog Wave heeding: 880 deg
hop 0010
0 0 -- TcrnnSen/c
- Ce/c




3.00 4,00 500 600 700 I 00 000 0,00 11 00 200 3.00 400 500 600 700 100 900 10.00 ff00
Wane frequency (rad/al Waco Ireqvoncy (radii)
Pitch RAO - Coiscoe 9 Pitch RAO - COiciell 92
Wave heading: 180 dog Wene heading: 880 deg

0 ID

T 008


300 400 500 600 700 8.00 900 10,00 1100 3.00 400 500 800 700 800 900 5 0,00 If 00
Wave frequency (rod/a) Wane Inaquenny (rad/i)

Figure 3.27: Pitch RAOs of caissons 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12 in head waves-

Men,, Pitch RAO
Wane heeding: 180 dog
200 300 400 500 000 7.00 0,00 9.00 10,00 II 00
Wave frequency (radii)

Figure 3.28: Mean pitch RAO in head waves

VerlicdI Bvvding
Wvve needle8: 180 deg
0 18
o 14
E 0 12
0 10

200 3.00 4.00 500 800 700 800 900 1Q00 1100
Wane Ireqoency (radial

Figure 3.29: Vertical bending RA 0 in head waves

82 3.4 Numerical results and discussion

The RAOs of the flexible barge in quartering waves of 120 deg are presented in figures 3.30 to
3.36. Figures 3.30 and 3.31 show the roll responses of the six caissons and illustrate an excellent
agreement between experimental results and the new numerical computations. The same
conclusion may be drawn for the heave and pitch responses in figures 3.32 and 3.33. The
difference in pitch responses with the results of Remy et. al. [58] at moderate frequencies is
remarkable. Conared to other numerical methods, these results show a relatively large
difference with model tests.
The distortion modes of vertical bending, horizontal bending and torsion are shown in figures
3.34, 3.35 and 3.36 respectively. The peaks in these figures correspond to the natural
frequencies in table 3.8 and show some differences between the numerical methods.
Roll RAO - CaIsson 1 RoIl RAO Celason 3
Wave h.adlngt 120 dog Wave headIng: 120 deg
0.30 0.30
Fop Data
0.25 - Ton asevlc 0,25



:: 'a/
000 000
200 3.00 400 500 600 700 000 0.00 ¶000 1100 200 3.00 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Waco frequency i,edIa( Wave Irequency trod).)
Roll RAO - CaIsson 5 Roll RAO . Calseon 7
Wave heedIng: 120 dog Weve headIng: 120 dog
0.30 030
Eup Date
0.25 025

r 020 - 0.20-
- Catc.


0 10
I 0.15-


005- 0.05

000 0.00
200 3.00 400 500 600 700 800 9.00 000 1100 2.00 300 800 500 600 700 000 900 10.00 1100
Wave frequency rod/al Waco frequency trod/el
Roll RAO . CaIsson 9 Roll RAO . CaIsson 12
Wave heedIng: 120 deg Wave headIng: 120 dog
0,30 030
Eup 0018 Eup Data
0.25' -Tocracevir 0.25 - TcnlaSOnIc
- Cclv. - CeIc

0.15 0.16


0.00 . . . , . -,
2.00 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 II 00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 600 700 8.00 9.00 10.00
WOve frequency 1,04/51 Wane frequency (radial

Figure 3.30: Roll RAOs of caissons 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12 in quartering waves of /20 deg
Mean Roll Transfer Function
Wane heading: 520 dog



0 15

0 10


2,00 3.00 4.00 500 600 700 000 900 1000 1100
Wave frequency trowel

Figure 3.31: Mean roll RAO in quartering waves of /20 deg

Chapter 3. Flexible afrcush ion supported structures 83

Mean 1-teave Transfer Function Mean Pitch Trenntnr Function

Wave heeding 120 dog Wane headIng: 120 dog
090 Enpl3ela
070 - SenjaflOViC
E 060
- Cd/c
9 040
o ic
000 0.00
200 300 400 5.00 6.00 7.00 000 900 000 77 00 200 300 400 5.00 600 700 000 900 1000 1t00
Wane frequency (radio) Way. frequency (rad/o)

Figure 3.32: Mean heave RAO Figure 3.33: Mean pitch RAO in
in quartering waves of' 120 deg quartering waves of 120 deg

Vertical Bonding Horicontol Bonding

Wane headlng 920 dog Waco headIng: 120 dog
0 f5
0.00 '
3.00 400 5.00 000 7.00 0.00 900 1000 1700 200 3.00 400 5.00 600 700 800 900 7000 17 00
Wan, frequency (red/n) Wave frequency [radio]

Figure 3.34: Vertical bending RAG in Figure 3.35: Horizontal bending RAG in
quartering waves of 120 deg quartering waves of 120 deg

Wave hoading 120 dog
0 15

0 70


200 300 400 500 600 100 000 900 000 tiCO
Wene frequency (rod/el

Figure 3.36: Torsion RAG in quartering waves of 120 deg

84 3.4 Numerical results and discussion

3.4.3 Fluid-gas-structure interaction

If the flexible barge is supported by aircushions, the interactions between the air underneath the
structure, the fluid around the body and the distortion modes of the floater have to be taken into
account. The method used to describe these so called fluid-gas-structure interactions in three-
dimensions was described in section 3.3. This paragraph elaborates on the effect of aircushions
on the dynamic behavior of a flexible floating body.
The flexible barge discussed in the previous section can be supported by aircushions in different
ways. Only three possible aircushion configurations will be described in this paragraph,
although many other aircushion configurations were analyzed. These three cases were selected
since they best show the effect of the aircushions on the dynamic behavior of the floating
The main dimensions of all aircushion configurations are equal to those of the flexible barge in
paragraph 3.4.2. Nevertheless, there are some differences with the original flexible barge. In the
first place, the bow caisson was replaced by a rectangular shape equal to the other caissons.
Secondly, a caisson has no bottom plate in case it is supported by air, i.e. the bottom of the
caisson is open to the fluid underneath the structure in a way that the fluid can freely flow in and
out the caisson. Figure 3.37 shows the panel model of a flexible barge with twelve aircushion
compartments. The figure only shows the elements of the body, the panels representing the free
water surface of the aircushions are not included.

Water tine

Figure 3.37: Bottom viess' of a panel model of an aircush ion s upported jiexihie barge

The first aircushion configuration consists of 24 cushions (24ac). All buoyancy is provided by
the air underneath the floater. This means that the wall thickness of the caissons is equal to zero.
In order to obtain sufficient transverse stability, each caisson is subdivided into two air
chambers laying next to each other in transverse direction.
Figure 3.37 shows only the outer walls of the structure, the inner walls between the aircushions
are not modeled. For this reason the coupling between the distortion modes of the body and the
aircushions is solely described by the elements in the deck of the caissons. If one would
incorrectly include the outer walls of the body in the structure-aircushion coupling without
modeling the inner walls, the cushions would not be enclosed in the horizontal plane. This
Chapter 3. Flexible aircush ion supported structures 85

means that the volume of the aircushion will change in case the considered caisson moves in the
horizontal plane. Obviously this is incorrect and there are two ways to model an aircushion
supported structure with multiple cushions. Either the complete structure has to be modeled,
including the inner walls which compartmentalize the aircushions. In this case all structural
elements that enclose the aircushion are included in the structure-air coupling. Or one models
only the outer walls of the structure, which means that only the deck elements of the caissons
should be included in the structure-air coupling as shown in figure 3.38. The colored elements in
this figure correspond to the decks of the floaters and represent the 24 interactions between the
structure and the 24 aircushions underneath. The dark color of the outer walls of the structure
indicates that there is no coupling between the side walls and the cushions.

Figure 3.38: Top view of the structure showing the coupling with 24 aircushions

The second aircushion configuration consists of 6 cushions (6ac). These cushions are not equally
distributed over the length of the structure as can be seen in figure 3.39 in which each color
represents the top of an aircushion. The third configuration consists of 10 conventional caissons
and four air chambers (4ac) as shown in figure 3.40. The bow and stern caisson are supported by
two cushions in order to reduce the roll motions of the structure in quartering waves. The roll
motions of the body will be significantly larger if the bow and stern caisson would be supported
by only one caisson.

Figure 3.39: Top view of the structure Figure 3.40: Top view of the structure
showing the coupling with 6 aircush ions showing the coupling wi/h 4 aircush ions

As was indicated before in paragraph 3.4.1, aircushions can significantly change the natural
frequencies of the structure. This is also the case in the present situation were aircushions shift
the natural frequency of the vertical bending and torsion modes. Table 3.9 shows the natural
frequencies of the first order distortion modes of the conventional barge and the three aircushion
supported structures.
86 3.4 Numerical results and discussion

Table 3.9: Naturalfrequencies of the first order distortion modes

Conventional 24 cushions 6 cushions 4 cushions +
flexible barge 10 caissons
1St 1-lB mode 4.59 4.42 4,32 4.28
1st VB mode 7.05 6.49 6.39 6.52
1St Torsion mode 7.80 7.35 6.59 7.61

The computed RAOs of the conventional flexible barge and the three aircushion supported
structures are presented in figures 3.41 to 3.49. The amount of modal damping added to the
computations of these structures corresponds with the conventional barge (table 3.7).
In general, the heave motions of the aircushion supported structures are smaller than those of the
conventional barge in head waves, this can be seen in figure 3.41. The mean pitch and vertical
bending, presented in figures 3.42 and 3.43, show a significant difference between the
conventional flexible barge and a structure supported by six cushions around 5.00 radls. This
difference is particularly large at the bow and stern of the structure. This is illustrated in
appendix D, which includes the heave and pitch responses at different locations at the structures.
It should be noted that sloshing and piston modes which may occur in the aircushions of the
present model are not included in the numerical analysis. These effects are of minor importance
for full-scale aircushion supported mega-floaters.

Mean Heave RAO Mean Pitch RAO

Wave he.ding 180 deg Wan. headng 180 deg
100 007
000 Eop Dote Eop Date
- Conve060nal 0.06 - COflvcflliOflal
010 24 cuohions 005 24 CushiOns
6 CuShions 6 CushionS
8 060 4 ouch Ccv 4 GuSh + lOcals
000 002
070 0_of
000 000
200 300 4.00 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 2.00 300 400 500 600 700 000 900 1000 1100
Wave frequency [radJsJ Wave feqcency redIsi

Figure 3.41.' Mean heave RAO in head waves Figure 3.42: Mean pitch RA 0 in head waves

VnrllcaI Bending
Woon hnading: 180 dog
018 Eop Data
0 70
- ConvenUonal
24 Cushions
E 0 72
0 10
4Cueh l008is

200 300 4.00 5.00 600 700 800 900 10.00 ff00
Wan. frqte.ecy traW.i

Figure 3.43: Vertical bending RA 0 in head waves

Chapter 3. Flexible aircush ion supported structures 87

Figures 3.44 to 4.48 show the effect of the aircushions on the dynamic behavior in quartering
waves of 120 deg. The aircushions considerably reduce the maximum roll and pitch motions as
shown in figures 3.45 and 3.46
The difference in responses between head waves and quartering waves is remarkable. A
structure supported by six cushions shows superior behavior in all degrees of freedom in head
seas. Contrary, the torsion of the structure exceeds that of a conventional floating barge in
quartering waves as can be seen figure 3.49. The torsion of the other aircushion configurations is
relatively small in quartering waves, which is also the case for the vertical bending. However,
the maximum vertical bending of these structures in head waves is considerably larger than that
of a configuration with six cushions. Nevertheless, vertical bending of the conventional flexible
barge in head waves is still significantly larger.

Mean Heave Transfer Function Mean Roll Transfer Function

Wave heading 120 deg Wave heading: 120 dag
Erp Data Ecy Data
- Cnnventional 025 - Convenhinnal
24 CushionS -24 CuShinflc
6 CUShIOnS 020 cushionS
4 CaSh 10500. 015
-'-4 oush.v 10 Cais.

0 10


SOn 600 700 800 900 000 'too 2.00 300 000 500 600 700 000 900 10,00 1100
Wave frequency (radial Wane fraquenny radiel

Figure 3.44: Mean heave RAO Figure 3.45: Mean roll RAO in
in quartering waves of 120 deg quartering waves of 120 deg
Mean Pitch Transfer Function Vertical Bending
Wave heeding: 120 deg Wave headIng: 120 deg
008 035
Eop Data 0uy Data
007 Cnnuenhvnai 030 Ccnvnnh:onai
006 24 CuShOflS 24 ouuh,009
-6 CUShIOnS CushionS
E 005
4scSh' lOcais 20 -4CUS6. fOCain.

9 003
002 rO tO

001 005
000 000
200 3.06 400 500 600 700 000 900 1000 1100 200 3.00 4.00 500 000 700 800 9,00 1000 1100
Wane froquansy (radial Wane frequency (radial

Figure 3.46: Mean pitch RAO in Figure 3.47: Vertical bending RA() in
quartering waves of 120 deg quartering waves of 120 deg
Horicontal Bending Torslen
Wave heading: 120 deg Wave heedIng: 120 dog
Eup Data 0op Data
- Cuvvanliovei 025
-24 CuShions
6 CuShions 020.
40056* boats 4CushlO
0 15

300 400 000 6.00 7.00 0.00 900 ICOO 1100 2.00 3.06 400 500 600 7.00 000 900 1000 1100
Wave fr.qaancy (radial Wave frequency lredis(

Figure 3.48: Horizontal bending RA 0 in Figure 3.49: Torsion RAO in quartering

quartering waves of 120 deg waves of 120 deg
88 3.4 Numerical results and discussion

3.4.4 Structural loads

The structural loads play an important role in the design process of a floating body. The static
and wave induced shear forces and bending moments have to be determined in the structural
This paragraph describes the structural loads of the aircushion configurations and compares the
results with those of the conventional flexible barge. Unfortunately, there is no experimental
data available to validate the numerical results directly. For that reason different methods were
used to verify the numerical results which will be discussed in the next sections. In addition, a
direct method will be discussed to compute the wave induced stresses of flexible floating

Wave induced shear Forces and Bending Moments

The beam on top of the floaters will deform elastically when subjected to waves. The structural
loads in the beam may be determined in a way that is analogous to the calculation of the
displacement as described by equation (3.41). Euler-Bernoulli beam theory may be applied since
the beam is uniform and slender. As a result the beam is considered to be a two-dimensional
body and the expressions for the displacement (u) , wave induced shear forces (V) and
bending moments (M) may be reduced to:

u(x, 1) = u, (x) p e' ' (3.45)

V(x, t) = V. (x) PrC' (3.46)

M(x, t) = (x) pre' (3.47)
,.= I

Normally it is assumed that the wave induced bending moments are largest in the centre of the
structure. The structural loads amidships of the conventional flexible barge and the three
aircushion configurations are presented in figures 3.50 to 3.52. These figures clearly show the
effect of the aircushions on the structural loads of the floater. The maximum shear forces are
approximately equal for the conventional barge and the 4ac and 24ac configurations. Contrary,
the vertical shear forces of the configuration with six aircushions (6ac) are significantly smaller.
This is especially the case when the length of the structure L corresponds to a multiple of the
wave length 2

2 = -, 'ith ii = I, 2, (3.48)
Chapter 3. Flexible aircushion supported structures 89

The frequencies associated with these wave lengths are 4.99, 7.10, 8.70 and 10.04 radls. In these
situations, the air pressure variations within the two centre cushions are relatively small since
they cover 10/12 of the length of the barge. This is graphically shown by the red lines in figure
3.53 which represent the mean waterline level inside the individual cushions. The distortion of
the structure is small if equation (3.48) is valid, as a result the mean water level in the centre
cushion will not change. On the other hand, the front part of the body deforms in regular waves
of 6.00 radls due to an increase of the mean water level in the front cushion.

RAO of Loogstodlvol Midship Wave Shea, Forces RAC of Transverse Midship Wave Shear Forces
Wauc Heuding: 180 dog Wave Heading: 180 deg
200 600
- Convennonal
000 500

80o 400



7 300

200 300 400 500 600 1.06 0.00 900 1000 Sf00 2.00 3.00 4.00 500 600 100 000 900 tO.00 II 00
Wave frequency (redJeJ Wane traqusocy rud)ej

Figure 3.50: Horizontal wave induced Figure 3.51: Vertical induced wave
shear forces shear forces
RAO of Midship Waco Bending Moments
Wovo Heading: 380 dog
- Convontional
-24 CushiOnS
-6 Cushions
--'4 Ooets 10 cole.

I 50

2.00 3.00 400 500 600 700 000 0.00 1000 II 00

Wane frequency radial

Figure 3.52: Midship wave induced bending moments

Abso,::to Displacements [mJ Absolute Displacements [ml

0.015 0.058 0022 002 0029 0.033 0.036 0.040 0.043 0.047 0.050 0.054 0.015 0.018 0.022 0026 0.029 0.033 0.036 0.040 0.043 0.047 0.050 0.004

Figure 3.53: The Oac structure at the tune instant when the vertical shear forces are maximu,n
in regular head waves of 5. 10 rad/s (left) and 6.00 rad/s (right)

Absolute Displacements [ml Absolate Displacements [ml

0.055 0018 0022 0.0260.029 0033 0036 0.040 0.043 0047 0050 0.054 0015 0.018 0.022 0.026 0.029 0.033 0036 0.940 0.043 0,047 0.050 0.054

Figure 3.54: The conventional barge at the t me instant when the vertical shear forces are
maximum in regular head waves of 5.10 rad/s (left.) and 6.00 rad/s (right)
90 3.4 Numerical results and discussion

For comparison, the deformation of the conventional flexible barge in regular waves of 5.10 and
6.00 radls at the instance when the vertical shear forces are largest is shown in figure 3.54. The
figure clearly shows that the deformation of the conventional barge is significantly larger than
the distortion of the 6ac structure in figure 3.53.
Figures 3.56 to 3.59 show the development of the vertical wave induced shear forces and
bending moments over time in the beam on top of the floaters of all structures. If a structure is
subjected to head waves, the extreme values of these internal loads move with the wave crests
towards the aft of the body. This is clearly the case for the vertical wave induced shear forces
and to a lesser extent for the bending moments of the conventional barge. The extreme values of
the wave induced bending moments occur around the centre of the structure, which is normally
expected for floating bodies in waves. This is also illustrated by figure 3.55 which shows the
wave induced bending moment distribution according to the DNV rules for classification of
ships [141. According to these rules, the maximum wave induced bending moment is expected to
occur between -0.1 L and 0.15 L, with a mean value at 0.03 L in the front part of the vessel.
1-lowever, the maximum wave induced bending moments of the flexible barge occur in the aft
part of the body as shown in figures 3.56 and 3.60. The latter figure shows the internal loads and
distortion of the body in regular head waves at the time and wave frequency when the wave
induced bending moments are largest. The maximum bending moment of the flexible barge in
head waves occurs at -0.05 L from the centre at 5.50 rad/s.

Woo Bending Moment Dietribution


.05 .04 -00 -02 -DI 00 01 02 03 04 05
Aft Pe4k P4or,.dI,nenioneI Length Fo,ePetk

Figure 3.55: Wave induced bending moment distribution according to DNV rules [14J

The difference with the DNV rules increases for aircushion supported structures. The location at
which the maximum wave induced bending moment occurs varies from -0. 12 L to 0.38 L for the
24ac and the 4ac configuration respectively. Figures 3.53 and 3.54 already indicated that the
distortion of the aircushion configurations does not correspond to that of a conventional barge.
As a result the distribution of the internal loads does not agree with that of the conventional
The maximum wave induced bending moments of the 24ac and 6ac structure occur at the
location where the bow caisson is connected to the beam as shown in figures 3.57 and 3.58. An
Chapter 3. Flexible aircushion supported structures 91

overview of the maximum wave induced bending moments along the length of the beam, for all
wave frequencies from 2.50 to 10.50 radls, is shown in appendix D. The maximum wave
induced bending moment in the beam on top of the 24ac configuration occurs in waves of 7.60
rad/s. For the 6ac configuration this is the case at a wave frequency of 7.70 radls.

Vertical 0.nding
Shear Me ma 06
46 40
30 U
20 25
22 20
IT 13
11 13

4 .6
.11 .10
-Il .16
-n .20
.34 -25
1.2 .30 12 I.34
.44 .40
0.0 0.1 02 0.3 0.4 0.5 00 01 0.8 0.0 1.0 00 0.1 0.2 03 OA 01 01 0.7 01 0.0 1.0
Non-dlmencional Time (lIT) Non-dimen,ionai Time ((IT)

Figure 3.56: Vertical wave induced shear forces and bending moments over time for the
conventionalfiexible barge in regular head waves of 100 mm at 5.50 rad/s

VIrtical Bending
Shear Moment
'5 40
30 30
34 30
26 25
22 20
- II 10

-II .13
.10 -15
.30 -20
.34 -25
-34 -34
L0 -34 LO -35
04 01 0.203 04 01 0.0 0.7 00 0.0 1.0 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 OA 0.5 01 07 01 0.8 I 0
Non-dimenalonal Time (t / T) Nonimenolonai Time (I IT)
Figure 3.57: Vertical wave induced shear forces and bending moments over time/or the flexible
barge supported by 24 cushions in regular head waves of 100mm at 5.50 rad/s

0.1210.1 Banding
9h..r Moment

I34 34
- 22 20
-- IS

- -II .13

.34 -25
10 I.34 -35
.45 .10
00 0.1 02 03 5.4 0.5 0.5 5.7 00 0.0 3.0 00 0. 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.8 8.7 01 0.0 3.0
Non-dimensional Time (I/Ti Non-dimensionci Time (t IT)

Figure 3.58: Vertical wave induced shear forces and bending moments over time/br the flexible
barge supported by 6 cushions in regular head waves of 100 mm at 5.50 rad/s
92 3.4 Numerical results and discussion

N 40
- 20


La I.26
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0808 0.0
0.7 1.0 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 04 05 08 0.7 08 0.0 1.0
Non-dimensional Time ((IT) Non-dimensionsi Time (I IT)
Figure 3.59: Vertical wave induced shear forces and bending moments over time for the flexible
barge supported by 4 cushions and 10 caissons in regular head waves of 100 mm at 5.50 rad/s

The effect of the longitudinal shear forces on the bending moments of the 6ac and 24ac
configurations are relatively large compared to the conventional barge as shown in figure 3.60.
These forces particularly occur in the front part of the floater and are due to relatively large
motions of the bow caisson in comparison with the other floaters.
The vertical wave induced shear forces of the 4ac configuration show the same trend as those of
the conventional barge. Contrary, the longitudinal shear forces are significantly smaller for the
aircushion configuration. As a result, the maximum wave induced bending moments are also
Obviously the extreme values of the bending moments (M) occur at the locations where the
vertical shear forces (V) are zero, which follows from the following equations:

V-E1v (3.49)

M=EIv' (3.50)

in which El is the bending stiffness and v describes the deflection of the beam on top of the
floaters. Once the distortion of the beam is known, the internal loads may be computed
The deflection of the beam in head waves of 5.50 radls is fitted by a 6" order polynomial of the

v(x,t)=(ao+a,x+a2x2+a3x3+a4x4+asx5+a6x6)e' (3.51)

If the beam on top of the conventional barge is considered:

a0 =-0.03l0 a = - 0.0034 a2= 0.1198 a3= 0.0109
a4 =-0.0314 a = - 0.0020 a6 = 0.0065

There is a good correlation between the polynomial and the deflection of the beam as shown in
appendix D. Equation (3.51) accurately describes the deformation of the beam with the
Chapter 3. Flexible aircushion supported structures 93

exception of the tail ends of the beam, which will not deform. The vertical shear forces and
bending moments, based on the third and fourth derivative, are plotted in figure 3.61 as semi-
analytical results. These values show a good agreement with the results computed by the new
program (DelAir).

Conventional Flexible Barge 24 cushions

(0= 5.50 radls (0= 7.60 radls

150 150
125 125

100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

.?J2 U4 0 U4 -J2 -1/4 -- 0 L/4 1/2

50 -- 50
40 40
30 30
20 20

-1/4 0 U4

J2-U40U4 _____
Figure 3. 60a: Structural loads in regular head waves
94 3.4 Numerical results and discussion

6 cushions 4 cushions + 10 caissons

(0= 7.70 rad/s (0= 4.90 radls

150 150

125 125


tLi2 .Q)2 '4 0 - L12

IU4 0 LP2

Figure 3. 60b: Structural loads in regular head waves

The internal loads computed by the new program iiiay also be verified by direct results from
FEM software. In general, the distortion of the beam results in a bending moment. The
displacements and rotations at the nodes, which are computed by the new hydroelastic program.
may be applied as enforced displacements and rotations in FEM software. The obtained results
are included in figure 3.61. In general there is a good agreement between the new hydroelastic
program, FEM software and the semi-analytical results based on equation (3.51).
Chapter 3. Flexible aircushion supported structures 95


40 - FEM



185 -04 .03 .02 .0 0 0 02 03 04 05 85 .04 .03 .02 -0 I 0 0 02 03 04

Non-DInensionat Length Non-Olmen8tonal Length
Figure 3.61. Wave induced shear forces and bending moments along the beam on top of the
conventional flexible barge in head waves of 100 mm at 5.50 rad/s

If the wave induced bending moments lvi are known, the bending stresses a may be computed

Mz (3.52)
in which I is the moment of inertia of the cross section and z the distance from the neutral axis.
The stresses may also be computed directly based on the principal coordinates and stresses
associated with the eigenfrequencies of the dry structure in vacuum. This latter approach is in
analogy with the equations (3.45) to (3.47):

cr(x,t)= a,(x)p,.e'°° (3.53)

The behavior of different aircushion configurations of a rigid full-scale structure with

dimensions 150 in x 50 in x 20 iii was discussed in chapter 2.7.2 and 2.7.3. The body is modeled
by plate elements in FEM software and subsequently the distortion of the floating structure is
computed. Figure 3.62 shows the distortion of the structure supported by one aircushion in
regular waves of 0.95 radls with a heading of 135 deg. The (theoretical) thickness of the plates is
500 mm and the associated Von Misses stresses are shown in figure 3.63.
Since the torsion stiffness is relatively small for a structure completely supported by one large
aircushion, torsion is the dominating mode. For the present structure this mode is particularly
pronounced in regular waves of 0.95 radls with a heading of 135 deg. Although the deformation
of the structure is significant, the stresses are relatively small and equally distributed. Stress
concentrations only occur at the bottom corner points and are approximately equal at the bottom
and top of the plates. For this reason only stresses in the top of the plates are shown.
96 3.4 Numerical results and discussion
Wave heading 135 deg Di entj Wave heading 135 deg
Wave reqoeney 0.90 tad/a ._.dti;f%._ tnt) Wave heqvenvy 0.95 tad/a
Wave height 50 nt 43 Wave height 5.0 rn
- 3.6

Figure 3.62: Distortion of the structure (left) and wave heights inside the aircushion (right) due
to regular waves of 5 m at 0.95 rad/sfro,n a heading of 135 deg

Waveheoding 135 deg Von Mont

Wave freqoenvy .0.95 rad/r MPa)
Wave heghI 5,0 rn

I 200


Figure 3.63: Von Mises stresses in the iop of the plates due to regular ayes of 5 m at 0.95 rad/s
/rn a heading of 135 deg

3.4.5 Number of principal modes required

The number of principal modes required in the hydroelastic analysis highly depends on the
chosen analysis. In case the notions of a flexible floating body are considered, few principal
modes are required in order to obtain accurate results. On the other hand, the number of
principal modes should increase in case the wave induced bending moments have to be
computed. In addition, more principal modes are required to accurately predict the shear forces.
Figure 3.64 shows the modal contributions of the conventional flexible barge in head waves and
illustrates that the contribution of the first vertical bending mode (VB mode) is largest. The
effect of the second VB mode is considerably smaller, but still clearly present. The contribution
of the third vertical bending mode is small and may be neglected in the computations of the
deflections of the body.
Modal Contributions
Wave headIng: 180 deg
I 80
I 60 Svrge
I 40 Heave
I 20 P0cI/1 00
15! VB node
000 2nd VB erode
080 - 3rd VB node
200 300 400 500 800 700 800 900 1080 II 00
Weoe frequency lead/el

Figure 3.64: Modal contributions in regular head waves

Chapter 3. Flexible aircushion supported structures 97

As mentioned before, more principal modes are required if the wave induced bending moments
are to be computed. Figure 3.65 shows the modal contributions of the conventional barge in
head waves and illustrates the number of modes required in regular waves of 5.50 radls. The
wave induced bending moment is clearly dominated by principal mode 7, i.e. the first vertical
bending mode. The contributions of mode 11 (the second VB mode) and mode 19 (the fourth
VB mode) are significantly smaller. The colors that are located further away from the neutral
axis in figure 3.65, are associated with higher order modes. Since these contributions are small,
the maximum wave induced bending moment in the beam on top of the floaters may be
accurately computed when at least thirty principal modes are taken into account.
On the other hand, large distortions of the body along relatively small distances have a
significant effect on the vertical shear forces, this is illustrated in figure 3.66. The contribution
of high order modes on the shear forces is significant, which is especially the case at the ends of
the structure. For this reason at least fifty principal modes are required in order to accurately
compute the vertical wave induced shear forces along the total length of the beam on top of the
conventional flexible barge. Obviously, the more principal modes are used, the better the
approximations of the quantities will be.

E 40
z 40
.-. 30
C 20
E 20 0
0 U.

L/4 0 L/4 L/2 J2 -1.14 0 L14 LI?

Figure 3.65: Modal contributions to wave Figure 3.66: Modal contributions to vertical
induced bending moments in head waves of wave induced shear forces in head waves of
5.50 rad/s 5.50 rad/s
98 3.5 Conclusions

3.5 Conclusions
A new method to compute the dynamic behavior of flexible aircushion supported structures at
zero speed in waves was presented in this chapter. The approach is based on a linear potential
theory and takes into account the interactions between the fluid around the structure, air
underneath the floater, rigid-body and distortion modes. The method was incorporated in a new
hydroelastic diffraction program, which is able to compute the fluid-air-structure interactions of
floating bodies in waves.
Model experiments and analytical computations showed that the hydroelastic behavior of a
conventional flexible barge can be well predicted by the new program. Aircushions underneath
the structure may significantly change the dynamic behavior. The results showed that the
vertical bending of the structure may be efficiently reduced by the aircushions. In addition, the
mean roll and pitch responses will be reduced as well. On the other hand, the torsion of an
aircushion supported structure may exceed the responses of a conventional floating body in
oblique waves.
The results proved that the new program is able to accurately compute the structural loads of a
flexible floating structure as well. The computed results were verified with analytical
calculations and FEM simulations.
The effect of the aircushions on the structural loads is significant and is particularly pronounced
in the wave induced bending moments. In general it was shown that aircushions considerably
reduce the bending moments, Normally, the maximum wave induced bending moment of a
conventional floating structure occurs amidships. 1-lowever, the amplitude and location of the
maximum moment may significantly change if the structure is supported by aircushions.
The number of principal modes required to accurately compute the hydroelastic behavior of
floating bodies highly depends on the required analysis, characteristics of the floating body and
the wave conditions. In general it was shown that only a few principal modes are required to
compute the motions and deflections of the structure. On the other hand, the number of modes
should increase in order to accurately compute the wave induced bending moments. In addition,
many principal modes are required if the wave induced shear forces are to be computed.
Chapter 4

Technical feasibility of an aircushion

supported mega-floater

4.1 Introduction
So far this dissertation described the dynamic behavior and structural loads of aircushion
supported structures from an academic point of view. In this chapter a step will be made from
the academic world to a practical application to show how the new program can be used in
assessing the technical feasibility of aircushion supported mega-floaters in an early stage of the
design process. For this purpose a conventional mega-floater will be used for comparison. The
main dimensions will be based on a military study which was performed in the US.
In addition, different locations which are most suitable for mega-float structures will be
discussed. After an evaluation of possible locations, the environmental conditions of the most
suitable location will be used to compute the maximum wave induced bending moments and
stresses in the mega-float structure. Based on these results, together with the geometry and
material thicknesses, a conclusion will be drawn whether an aircushion supported mega-floater
is technically feasible or not.

4.2 Suitable locations for mega-floaters

Countries like the Netherlands, Japan and Singapore are densely populated and have expanded
their land area significantly through aggressive land reclamation programs in the last decades.
Due to large land reclamation projects the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands had been the
largest shipping port in the world for 46 years until it was passed by Shanghai and Singapore in

100 (hapter 4. Technical feasibil ity of an aircushion supported mega-fioaler

2004 [72]. At present, a large new land reclamation project is being executed to extend the
Dutch harbor with 1000 hectares for deep water container throughput. distribution, chemicals
and new industry [841.
Japan on the other hand also has a shortage of land since less than 13% of the country is arabic
while the sea space is approximately 4.5 million km2 [2, 76]. The limited land resources, large
population, and extensive marine exclusive zone (EEZ) have necessitated an aggressive and
innovative pursuit of utilization of the ocean space. Many Japanese papers on this subject have
been presented at international conferences (OMAE and ISOPE) in recent years.
Singapore, a center of economic activity in South-East Asia, consists of 63 islands and is one of
the smallest countries in the world with a total land area of 680 km2. Presently, its population is
about 4 million and is expected to grow to 5.5 million in 2040. A land shortage of 40 km2 is
expected by the Urban Redevelopment Authority when the population reaches this quantity [76].
Seventy-five percent of the population of the US lives in the coastal region [82]. In addition, the
West Coast of the US has no deep water shipping port. A floating harbor would therefore be the
first deep water shipping port at the West Coast and would provide the country with new logistic
possibilities, especially when a shipping port is combined with a floating runway. San Diego,
Los Angeles and San Francisco are prime candidates for a large floating structure.
A floating harbor at the East Coast of the US would provide similar opportunities and is
basically also a security port for metropolitan cities. Moreover, only 2% of the containers
entering the US by ship are inspected [321. Based on this figure and terrorist actions since 9/Il it
becomes clear that it is not inconceivable that a bomb hidden in a container is a serious threat to
large cities like New York. At present, it is not possible to check all containers while they are
onboard ships as they are mostly stacked cheek to jowl below and above deck. A large floating
security port may therefore also serve as a solid core of homeland defense.

4.2.1 Most probable location

The Netherlands is surrounded by relatively shallow waters and Japan has many shallow bays,
in most cases this makes land reclamation more attractive than a large floating structure. Apart
from water depth, soil conditions also determine the feasibility of land reclamation projects in
comparison with floating structures. A good example is Kansai international airport, which was
built by the traditional way of land reclamation in a water depth of 20 iii. A disadvantage is that
the airport was built on soft soil and the complete terminal had to be placed on pneumatic jacks
to compensate for the settlement of the soil. By 2005 the airport had already subsided more than
10 nm since the project started. As a result the total budget of the project was exceeded by 40%
and the total costs amounted to $15 billion [83].
4.2 Suitable locations for inega-/loafers 101

In case of the US, the East Coast is a potential location for a large floating structure. A floating
structure would offer a range of economically attractive applications, particularly in the region
of large metropolitan cities. On the other hand, the US has no shortage of land along its shore
line as is the case for a country like Singapore.
Singapore copes with a shortage of both land and sand needed for land reclamation projects.
Malaysia and Indonesia ended their export of l a y 5 I a I

sand to Singapore in 2001 and 2002 ) . 1

4.1, which illustrates the difficulties for land / "'

reclamation projects in case the neighboring :;:H'..
countries Malaysia and Indonesia do not ' ",
cooperate. A floating structure would be an ' "
- S5
ideal solution for both the land and sand
problem in Singapore. As such it is most
probable that the first mega-float structure /iW'donesIa
Figure 4.1.' Map of Singapore
will be built in Singapore.

4.2.2 Environmental conditions

In general, the motions and structural loads of a floating body depend on the environmental
conditions and main particulars of the structure itself. The Weibull parameters of the
environmental conditions for the Southern part of the South China Sea and the Main Strait of
Singapore are provided by DNV [13]. These parameters may be used to statistically determine
the significant wave heights and associated wave periods in the waters around Singapore. The
obtained significant wave heights (Hg) and associated peak periods (Tn) in design storms are
shown in figure 4.2. Each line corresponds to the extreme values of a design storm for a given
return period.
A mega-float structure should be able to resist the most severe storms. In the present study, a
return period of 100 years will be used. For this reason all combinations of H and T on the
black line in figure 4.2 should be investigated to find the combination of parameters which
statistically results in the most extreme responses of the floating structure, In the present study
the eleven combinations on the black line in the figure are used to determine the maximum
responses of different mega-float structures.
102 Chapter 4. Technical feasibility of an aircushion supported mega-Jloater

Table 4.1: H and T values of a design storm

Environmental Contour Plot
with a 100 year return period
to # H, (m) T, (s) # H, (m) T (s)
1 2.00 1.58 7 10.00 11.06

2 4.00 2.15 8 8.00 14.27

3 6.00 2.87 9 6.00 16.31

4 8.00 3.89 10 4.00 17.41

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ii 12 13 74 15 76 77 78 19
Te (5)
5 10.00 5.77 11 2.00 17.06
Figure 4.2: Environmental contours of design
storms for different return periods 6 10.70 8.16

4.3 Main particulars and numerical settings

Two different aircushion supported mega-floaters and a conventional structure of the same size
are evaluated. The length of all structures is 3.8 kin, which corresponds to the longest runway of
Schiphol International Airport in the Netherlands and is sufficiently large to land the largest
airplanes. The remaining main dimensions correspond to those of the Mobile Offshore Base,
which was a military study performed in the US between 1993 and 2000 as described in section
1.1. The main particulars of the mega-float structures iii this chapter are:
Length : 3800 m
Breadth : 160 m
Depth : 65 m
Draught : 20 m
The first mega-float structure, a conventional barge, has a box shaped body as shown in figure
4.4. The hydromechanical model consists of 3358 diffraction elements and is free to float
without restraints. The structural model consists of 237 beam elements of which the properties
are presented in table 4.2. It is assumed that the conventional structure, as well as the aircushion
supported structures, will be made of steel with the following properties:
Young's modulus : 2.IOE+l I Pa
Poisson's ratio 0.3 -
Mass density 7850 kg
Yield stress 355 MPa
4.3 Main particulars and nu,nerical settings 103

Table 4.2: Properties of beam elements in the structural analyses

Unit Barge lac & IOac
Area 6.75 7.95
Perimeter m 450.00 530.00
Neutral axis above keel m 32.50 41.18
Shear centre above keel ii 32.50 69.99
Y Shear area' m 4.56 4.11
Z Shear area' 1.31 1.15
Moment of inertia around y-axis m4 5.75E+03 3.40E+03
Moment of inertia around z-axis n 2.27E+04 2.86E+04
Torsional constant 1.45E+04 2.62E+03
Non structural mass kg/rn 6.03E+05 8.82E+05
Warping constant 2.75E+06 9.97E+06

Figure 4.3 shows the general arrangement of the mega-float structure, which is supported by one
large aircushion (1 ac). The element model of this structure, used in the hydroelastic diffraction
computations, is shown in figure 4.5. The second aircushion supported structure shown in figure
4.6 is supported by ten cushions (lOac). The general arrangement of this latter structure is equal
to the I ac configuration since the walls between the aircushion compartments are not taken into
account in the hydrodynamic model. As a result the displacement of both cushion configurations
is equal to 3.6 10' tons, in which 57% olthe buoyancy is provided by air and 43% is provided
by the skirts around the cushion(s).

Cross section Side view

160 m 3800 m

65 m
140m lOOm lOm
Figure 4.3: General arrangement of structure support by one large aircushion

The shear area represents the area of the cross section in the FEM computations that is effective in
resisting shear defonuations.
104 Chapter 4. Technical feasibility of an aircushion supported mega-Jloater

Figure 4.4: Bottom view of the conventional structure (barge)

Figure 4.5: Botton view of the structure Figure 4.6: Bottom view of the structure
supported by one aircushion supported by ten aircushions

The colors in figures 4.5 and 4.6 show the elements of the floater which represent a direct
coupling between the deflections of the structure and the volume change of the aircushions. All
dry elements of the structure laying at the boundary with the aircushion are included in the air-
structure interaction. This means that non-symmetric horizontal defiections of the vertical skirts
of the lac configuration are also included and may result in volume changes of the air chamber
and consequently pressure variations on the structure.
On the other hand, the skirts between the cushion compartments of the 1 Oac are not modeled and
only displacements of the dry elements in the bottom of the floater (indicated by colors in figure
4.6) will result in a volume change of the aircushion. In other words, deflections of the skirts of
the lOac configuration have no direct effect on the volume variations of the aircushions.
Both aircushion configurations have the same structural model which consists of 380 beam
elements. The properties of the beam elements are presented in table 4.2 and are based on the
cross section shown in figure 4.3. In addition, the thickness of the hull plating is assumed to be
constant along the length of the structure and equal to 15 mm.
The hydromechanical model of the I ac structure consists of 3740 diffraction elements,
excluding 2550 elements laying at the free water surface inside the aircushion. For the lOac
configuration, the number of cushion elements was limited to 1440 due to physical constraints
on the amount of memory (R.AM) ofa 32 bit computer. However, the effect of the coarser mesh
on the responses of the structure is negligible since these are dominated by low wave
The structural deflections of all bodies are described by 99 principal coordinates. As a result the
conventional structure has 99 degrees of freedom, the I ac configuration 2649, and the responses
of the 1 Oac are described by 1539 degrees of freedom.
4.4 Wave induced bending moments and stresses 1 05

4.4 Wave induced bending moments and stresses

Based on the described main particulars and environmental conditions it is possible to compute
the wave induced bending moments and stresses in the stnictures. The structural properties of
these bodies should be taken into account in the computation of the wave induced bending
moments since these mega-float structures cannot be considered as rigid bodies anymore.
Figures 4.7 to 4.9 show the RAOs of the vertical displacements along the length of the structures
in regular head waves. The elastic deflections are significant and particularly pronounced at the
bow and stern of the structure. In relatively small waves, i.e. high wave frequencies, the
deflections are largest at the bow (0.5 L) and decrease towards the stern. Since the structure is
free to move at both ends, the vertical responses are relatively large at the bow and stem.
There is a signilicant difference in the displacements between the conventional structure and the
aircushion supported structures. The distortion modes are more pronounced in the aircushion
configurations. As a result, the vertical displacements at the bow and stern are larger than those
of the conventional barge. Contrary, the vertical displacements of the aircushion configurations
are smaller between -0.35 L and 0.35 L; this is due to the air chamber underneath the structure
which equally distributes the wave loads over the area of the cushion. The wave pressures in the
crests and troughs are transformed by the air chamber to relatively constant mean pressures on
the structure.
Since the behavior of a mega-float structure is dominated by elastic deflections, the rigid-body
modes should be extended by distortion modes as described in chapter 3. Figure 4.10 shows the
wave induced bending moments of the conventional mega-floater and the difference between a
rigid-body and a hydroelastic approach. This difference is significant as a rigid-body method
cannot take into account elastic distortions that are present in case of a mega-float structure. As
a result, the wave induced bending moments are over-predicted by the rigid-body method.
Phases of Vertical Displacements Phases of Vertical Disptacements
in Regular Head Waves in Regular Head Waves
360 360

s 100 >-__ o 100

RAOs of VertIcal Displacements RAOs of Vertical Displacements

in Regular Head Waves in Regular Head Waves
200 200
180 0.05 lad/s '0.1 red/s 0,10 red/s 0.2 red/s Ito 0.05 red/s 0.1 red/s --- 0.15 ,oWs '--0.2 red/s
I r 60 0.25 lad/s -.- 0.3 red/s 0.35 red/s - 0.4 red/s
0.25 red/s - 0.3 rad/s 0.35 red/s 0.4 red/s
0.45 radis 0 5 red/s 0.45 red/s 0 5 red/s
E 140 1.40
1 20 5 120
I 00 I/o
080 000
00 000 00000
040 040
020 020
000 000
.050 .040 -0 30 -020 .010 000 010 020 030 040 050 .050 .040 .030 .020 -010 000 010 020 030 040 050
Noe.dinrensionel length In/LI Noe.dlmeeslonal length In/LI

Figure 4.7: Phases and RA Os of vertical Figure 4.8: Phases and RAOs of vertical
displacements of the conventional mega-float displacements of the lac configuration in
structure in regular head waves regular head waves
106 Chapter 4. Technical Jèasibility of an aircushion supported mega-floater

Phases of Vertical Displacements

in Regular Head Waves

RAOs of Vertical Displacements RAOs of Wave Bending Moments
in Regular Head Waves Wave Frequency: 020 red/s. Wave Heading: 100 deg
200 250
1 80 - 0.05 red/s 0.1 red/s 0 15 redls --0.2 red/s
1160 0.25 red/s .-0.3 red/s 035 red/s CA red/s E200
1 40
0.45 red/s ---0_h red/s z
1 20
a 060
a 040
-050 -540 -030 .020 -010 000 010 020 030 0.45 050 -050 .040 .030 -020 -0 10 000 0 10 020 030 0.40 050
NOn-dlnronsionel length (a/L) Non-dinsenslonal length (oIL)
Figure 4.9: Phases and RAOs of vertical Figure 4.10: RAOs 0/wave induced bending
displacements of the 1 Oac confIguration in moments oj'the conventional structure based
regular head waves on rigid-body and hydroelastic analysis

In order to assess the technical feasibility of the aircushion supported mega-floaters, the transfer
functions of the structural loads should be multiplied by the wave spectrum. This results in a
statistical maximum wave induced bending moment that may occur during a specified return
period. Eventually these bending moments will result in stresses with tuaximum values in either
the bottom or deck of the structure.
Although the structure will be located in fetch limited seas (near the shore of Singapore),
JONSWAP and Bretschneider (Pierson-Moskowitz) wave spectra will give similar results since
the responses of mega-float structures are dominated by low wave frequencies. Figure 4. II
shows the Pierson-Moskowitz wave spectra of the eleven data points presented in table 4. 1:
these data points are located on the wave contour with a return period of 100 years in figure 4.2.

Plerson.Noskowitz Wave Spectra

Based on a 100 Year Return PerIod

- 20


0 5.2 0.4 Or 05 - It
Wave frequency [red/SI

Figure 4.11. Pierson-Moskowitz wave spectra based on a 100 year return period
4.4 Wave induced bending moments and stresses 107

In order to compute the maximum statistical wave induced bending moment in a 100 years
storm, the transfer functions (at any point on the neutral axis) should be multiplied by the wave
spectra of figure 4.11. Figures 4.12 to 4.14 show the RAOs of the wave induced bending
moments and the computed response spectrum in head seas for a range of wave frequencies
along the length of the structure. The presented response spectra are related to the wave
spectrum which results in the highest wave induced bending moment. In case of the
conventional structure and the lac configuration, wave spectrum 8 (H= 8.00 m, T1= 14.27 s)
results in the largest wave induced bending moment. For the lOac configuration, the maximum
wave induced bending moment occurs in wave spectrum 7 (H= 10.00 m, T7= 11.06 s).
Since the displacements of the conventional structure and the aircushion configurations are
different in the frequency domain, the associated wave induced bending moments are different
as well. The wave induced bending moments of the conventional structure are significantly
larger than those of the aircushion supported structures. Although the RAOs of the wave
induced bending moments of the aircushion supported structures can be significant at high wave
frequencies, the response spectra are dominated by low wave frequencies.
The wave induced bending moments along the length of the structure may be computed by
integrating the associated spectral density over the frequency range as discussed in appendix E.
The thus obtained bending moments at the neutral axis are significant values and may be
multiplied by 1.86 to obtain the maximum wave induced bending moments, which is discussed
in appendix E.
All eleven response spectra specified in table 4.1 should be analyzed in order to get the
maximum statistical wave bending moment along the length of the structure. Figure 4.15 shows
these maximum values in head seas, in a design storni with a return period of 100 years.


z 1 OE1O
I 5[21

6OEO9 I OE2l

2 OEO9

011 fk) 0
Figure 4.12: Transfer function (left) and response spectrum (right) of the wave induced bending
moments of the conventional mega-floater in head seas (H5 = 8.00 m, T1 = 14.27 s)
108 Chapter 4. Technical feasibility of an aircushion supported mega-floaler

Figure 4.13. Transfer function (left) and response spectrum (right) of the wave induced bending
moments of the lac confIguration in head seas (H, = 8.00 m, 7 = 14.27s)

0 1i

5 5 .4C 5 5 5

Figure 4.14: Transfer function (left,) and response spectrum fright,) of the wave induced bending
moments of the I Oac configuration in head seas (H, - 10.00 in T = 11.06 s)
Maximum Wave Bending Moments
Wave Heading: 180 deg





.05 .04 -03 -02 -01 00 01 02 03 04 05

Non-dlmeneionai length (CL)

Figure 4.15: Maxi,num wave induced bending moments (in GN.m) in head seas based on II
data points on the contour of extreme waves with a return period of 100 years
4.4 Wave induced bending moments and stresses 109

Since the structure may be subjected to waves from different directions, the above described
procedure should be extended to other wave directions as well. Figure 4.16 shows the maximum
wave induced bending moments of all structures and all wave directions. The wave induced
bending moments of the aircushion supported structures are significantly smaller than those of
the conventional structure in all wave directions except 90 degrees. Conversely, wave induced
bending moments are in generally small in beam waves of 90 degrees. The loads are remarkably
high in case the structure is subjected to waves from 100 degrees; this result is due a coupling
between torsional modes, horizontal and vertical bending modes. The maximum wave induced
bending moment of the conventional barge is 59.4 GN.m in head waves. This value is reduced
by 64% in case the structure is supported by one large aircushion. In case the structure is
supported by 10 cushions, the wave induced bending moment increases to 28.8 GN.m, i.e. 49%
of the conventional barge.

Maximum Wave Bending Moments

1 8O

-150' 150'

-120' 120'

-90' 90'

-60' 60'

- Barge
-30' 30' -1 cushion
10 cushions
Figure 4.16: Maximum wave induced bending moments (in GN.m)
based on a 100 year return period

Even though the wave induced bending moments are significantly reduced by the aircushions,
more information is required to assess the technical feasibility of the aircushion supported
structures. The wave induced bending moments should be translated to plate stresses in order to
assess the technical feasibility of the present structures. Figure 4.17 shows the maximum
stresses in the deck and bottom plating of the floaters, which are calculated according to
equation (3.52). Since the distance from the deck to the neutral axis is smaller than the distance
from the bottom to the neutral axis, the stresses in the deck will be smaller as well. According to
shipbuilding regulations the stresses should not exceed 243 MPa for high tensile steel with a
yield stress of 355 MPa [141. This value is called the allowable stress and is included in figure
110 Chapter 4. Technical feasibility of an aircushion supported inega-floaler

The stresses in the deck of the lac configuration stay within the allowable range for most wave
directions. However, they exceed the allowable stress in the bottom plating. In order to comply
with the regulations, higher steel grades should be used in the bottom of the I ac structure.
Another option to reduce the stresses may be achieved by adding more steel in the bottom of the
floater. A consequence of this action is an iiicrease of the stresses in the deck since the neutral
axis will shift downwards. However, the hydroelastic behavior of the structure may also be
affected since a change of the structural properties of the body may result in a change of the
natural frequencies of the distortion modes.
Another possibility to reduce the wave induced stresses, is to change the dimensions and shape
of the structure. Together with an increase of the plate thickness in the bottom, it is likely that
the stresses will decrease to allowable values.
Dividing the aircushion in multiple compartments will also change the wave induced bending
moments as shown in figure 4.16. As a result, the stresses in the bottom decrease when the
structure is supported by ten aircushions. The only exceptions are beam seas with a heading
between 70 and 110 degrees. In this case the coupling between torsion, horizontal bending and
vertical bending results in relatively high stresses in both the bottom and deck of the structure.
The large wave induced bending moments of the conventional barge result in relatively large
stresses compared to the aircushion configurations, this is especially the case in the deck plating.
On the other hand, the stresses in the deck and bottom of the conventional barge are equal since
the neutral axis is located at the centre of the structure.

Maximum Wave Induced Stresses

Deck Plates Bottom Plates
180' 180
-150' 150' -150' 1 50'

-120' 120' -120' 120'
600 600

-90' 90'

-60' 60'
-- Barge

1 cushion

-30' 30' .30'

10 cushions 30'
0' Allowable stress o'
Figure 4.17: Maximum wave induced stresses (in MPa) due to vertical bending in the deck
plating (left) and bottom plating (right) based on a 100 year return period
4.5 Conclusions

Practically it is not possible to change the dimensions and shape of the conventional structure in
a way that the stresses reduce to allowable values. In this case the depth of the structure would
reach unrealistic values. A more sensible option is to protect the structure by breakwaters which
will reduce the wave loads on the structure. Another interesting option may be to add
aircushions around the structure. Both options are interesting studies for future research in which
the new program will be a suitable tool in the early design process.

4.5 Conclusions
It is unlikely that a conventional steel mega-float structure will be built in open seas without
breakwaters. This chapter showed that the stresses in the bottom and deck of a conventional
structure will exceed the allowable stresses. A practical way to reduce these stresses is to protect
the structure by breakwaters, which will reduce the wave loads on the structure. Another option
may be to apply aircushions around the structure, since these will reduce the wave induced
bending moments as well.
The reduction of the wave induced bending monients is largest in case the structure is supported
by one aircushion. In the present application of a floating runway the wave induced bending
moments will be reduced by 64% for a single aircushion supported structure compared to a
conventional floater. The stresses in the deck of the aircushion supported structure are in most
cases in the allowable range. Although the stresses in the bottom exceed the allowable values,
there are different options to reduce these stresses. One of the options is to support the structure
by ten aircushions. A drawback of this configuration is the fact that the stresses in the deck will
Although both aircushion configurations in this chapter do not comply with the criteria, it is
likely that the wave induced stresses of an aircushion supported structure can be reduced to
allowable values in the desigii process. This can be done by using different materials, increasing
the material thickness, changing the dimensions, modifying the shape or using a different
arrangement of the aircushions. These options are outside the scope of the present research, but
may be of interest in future mega-Iloat projects.
Chapter 5

Conclusions and recommendations

In the previous chapters a new numerical method to compute the dynamic behavior of
aircushion supported structures has been described. Much of the research effort was put into the
validation and verification of the method. This chapter summarizes the main conclusions and
provides thoughts for future investigations.

5.1 Main conclusions

The numerical method presented in this thesis makes it possible to accurately compute the
dynamic behavior of large floating structures with and without aircushions. It is the first method
that is able to accurately predict the three-dimensional dynamic behavior and stresses of flexible
aircushion supported structures of arbitrary shape in waves. The method is based on a linear
diffraction theory with modal expansions; as such the fluid-structure interactions of flexible
floating bodies are also taken into account.
The results have indicated that the behavior of aircushion supported structures can be well
predicted by means of a three-dimensional linear potential method. In case of rigid bodies, the
numerical results were validated with model tests. Experiments of a flexible barge without
aircushions served to validate the numerical results. However, no experimental data is available
for liexible aircushion supported structures, therefore the computed results were verified with
analytical computations and FEM analysis.
Both model tests and computations have shown that aircushions can significantly influence the
behavior of floating structures. The effect is particularly pronounced if the structure is supported
by a large single aircushion. In this case the roll and pitch motions are small and the mean
114 Chapter 5. Conclusions and recommendations

second order drift forces will be reduced. A drawback is that the torsion of a single aircushion
supported structure in oblique waves may be relatively large compared to a conventional barge.
1-lowever it is possible to alter the dynamic behavior of an aircushion supported structure by
changing the air pressure within the cushions. Especially the heave motions and natural roll
frequencies in beam seas are sensitive to a change of the aircushion pressure.
The effect of the aircushions on the structural loads is significant and is particularly pronounced
in the wave induced bending moments. It was shown that aircushions considerably reduce the
wave induced bending moments. Normally, the maximum wave induced bending moment of a
conventional floating structure occurs amidships. The magnitude and location of the maximum
value may significantly change if the structure is supported by aircushions.
The number of principal modes required to accurately compute the hydroelastic behavior of
flexible floating bodies highly depends on the required analysis, characteristics of the floating
body and the wave conditions. In general, it was shown that a limited number of principal modes
are required to compute the motions and deflections of the structure. On the other hand, more
principal modes are necessary to accurately conipute the wave induced bending moments. In
addition, many principal modes are required if the wave induced shear forces are to be computed.
It has been shown (chapter 4) that the allowable stresses of a conventional non-air supported
mega-float structure will be exceeded in open seas if the structure is not protected by
breakwaters. Breakwaters will add to the total costs of a future mega-float project, but they can
be avoided by supporting the structure by aircushions as these will significantly reduce the wave
induced bending moments and consequently the stresses.
In general, the results in this thesis have shown that an aircushion supported structure has
significant advantages compared to a conventional large floating structure. In addition, the
computational method as developed and proposed proved to be a suitable tool to optimize
cushion configurations for a particular application.

5.2 Recommendations
The research presented in this thesis provides a fuundation for future work with respect to mega-
floaters. The next step will be to design a mega-Iloater for a particular application in which
different floating structures like a conventional barge, semi-submersible, Tension Leg Platform
(TLP) or aircushion supported structure should be considered. Besides, combinations such as a
conventional barge with aircushions should be assessed in the design process as well.
Studies performed in the past showed that, in water depths of 20 m and more, floating structures
are economically more attractive than traditional land reclamation projects [80]. 1-lowever, these
studies were performed more than a decade ago and in the meantime research with respect to
mega-floaters has been ongoing and dredging processes improved as well. These technical
Chapter 5. Conclusions and recommendations 115

developments changed the economic limit of land reclamation projects. For that reason it would
be interesting to make a new assessment of the total costs of an optimized mega-floater
compared to land reclamation with present knowledge and technology.

There has been a strong focus on renewable energy in recent years. Wave energy is one of the
sources of renewable energy and can be extracted by an Oscillating Water Column (OWC).
OWCs are basically aircushion supported structures which are connected to generators. The air
pressure variations in the cushion result in air flows through a generator from which energy is
The numerical method, which was presented in this thesis makes use of a linearized adiabatic
law to describe the air pressure and assumes that no ar will be extracted from the cushion. It
would be interesting to modify the software to take into account the energy absorption of the
generators and the exchange of air (and heat) with the ambient air. In that case it would be
possible to compute the behavior and efficiency of an OWC.
Once it is possible to take into account the leakage of air from the aircushions, it will be
interesting to include forward speed as well. With these modifications of the code it may be
possible to compute the dynamic behavior of Aircushion Supported Vehicles (ACVs) like
hovercrafts and Surface Effect Ships (SESs).
In addition the code can be extended to the time domain calculations. With use of the modal
expansion method, which is already incorporated in the software, it will be possible to compute
the springing and whipping effects of vessels with forward speed.
Obviously the suggested modifications of the code are outside the scope of the present research
and some of the recommendations have no direct relation with Mega-Float structures either.
Nevertheless, these thoughts are worth investigating in the future and will contribute to the
knowledge of modern society.

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cobblestone oscillations of a SES. Proceedings of FAST'95, 1995.

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aircushion supported structures. Proceedings of the 17th International O/fshore and
Polar Engineering Conference, 2007.

J.L.F. van Kessel, J.A. Pinkster. The effect of aircushion division on the structural
loads of large floating offshore structures. Proceedings of the 26th International
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2007.

J.L.F. van Kessel, F. Fathi. A comparison between CFD, potential theory and niodcl
tests for oscillating aircushion supported structures. Proceedings of the 28th
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2009.

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Proceedings of internalional Symposium on Ocean Space Utilization Technology, pg.
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C.M. Wang, E. Watanabe, T. Utsunomiya. Very large floating structures. Taylor &
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E. Watanabe, C. M. Wang, T. Utsunorniya, T. Moan. Very large floating structures:

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CORE Report No: 2004-02, 2004.

Q. Xin-Yuan. Experimental study on behavior of an open bottom floating platform

in wave, wind and current. Proceedings of the 4th International Offshore and Polar
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L. Yun, A. Bliault. Theory and design of air cushion craft. Elsevier, 2000.

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Appendix A

Compressibility of aircushions
Based on equation (2.6), the polytropic process of the aircushion may be expressed as.

h(t) = constant (A. 1)

If the structure moves AT downward and the compressibility of the air is written as a small
dimensionless parameter e , then the aircushion will be compressed by E AT In this case
equation (Al) may be written as follows:

I+ T (t))hc (t) = l+ {T, (t) + (1 - e) AT})(h (t) - EAT)




f(AT) = {l + (T + (I - e) AT)} (h. - EAT)

it follows that:

['(AT) =1 {l + (T + (I _e)AT)} (1 e) (h - eAT)

- {l+(T+(l_e)AT)}e

A Taylor expansion of [(AT) around AT = 0 provides:

128 Appendix A. Compressibility of aircushions

A* P J Pa
f1(AT)=(1P_LT'h. + AT (A.5)
Pa )

This expansion can be rewritten in a simplified form by making use of expression (A. I):

f,(AT) = (h. +
{-' (1- e) h - AT

=Ih+AT Pa (1
.Pa} KPPa

Substitution of the Taylor expansion in equation (A.2) yields:

(iJh =J(AT)
Ii, =h,
pghAT pgheAT eAT

Resulting in the compressibility factor of the aircushion:

= (A.8)
KP + pg1i

with P being equal to P(t) as described in expression (2.7).

If the structure moves a distance AT downwards, the aircushion will be compressed by eAT
and the displaced volume will increase with (AaEAjAT. Due to the compressibility of air,
the vertical restoring coefficient of an aircushion supported structure is smaller than that of a
corresponding conventional barge. The heave restoring coefficient of the aircushion supported
structure is equal to:

C33 =(AaeAc)pg (A.9)

Appendix A. Compressibility of aircushions 129

Substitution of expression (A.8) into the previous equation results in:

C3 =pgA p2g2hA
,cP + pgh
PpgA, +p2 g2hA p2g2hA
icP + pgh

KPpgA. +p2g2Ap2g2ArA

pgA. (KP Aj+p2g2A g2 AA j2

KP+pgA, +pgA.

,cp +

With use of equation (2.5), the heave stiffness of the total structure may be rewritten as:


- p2 g2 A. A -
C33 = C33,., (All)
C33, + p g A,
in which:

C33,, = (A.12)

A more comprehensive expression of the heave stiffness may be obtained by rewriting equation
(A.9) as:

C33 =pg(A, A)+pgA(1e) (A.13)

In this case the first term of the expression represents the buoyant part of the structure. The latter
term corresponds to the aircushion contribution.
130 Appendix A. Compressibility ofaircushions

After substitution of equation (A.8) into (A.13), the aircushion contribution may be rewritten in
the same way as expression (A.1O). However in this case A. should be replaced by A in
equation (A.IO). Eventually, this results in the final expression of the heave stifihess:

C33 = pg(A - A) + C33,. (A.14)
C33,. +pgA,
Appendix B

Behavior of a large rigid aircushion

supported structure
This appendix shows the wave field around different types of structures as described in section
2.72. Figure B.! shows the results in regular beam waves of 1.10 rad/s (B/A. = 1) . Figure B.2
shows the wave field iii case of oblique waves of 135 degrees and a frequency of 0.95 radls

Wave height
RAO [rn/rn] 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 20
Figure B. I: Wave fields in regular beam waves wit/i afrequency of 1. 10 rad/s (B/A. = I)

132 Appendix B. Behavior of a large rigid aircushion supported structure
58 5B

4B 4B

38 3B

28 28


0 0

-B -B

-2B -28

-3B -38

-4 B -4 B

L2 L12

4B 4B 4B

3B 3B - 38

2B 28 2B





-4 B

L/2 L 58-L-L;2 0 U2 L 50-L -U2 0 L/2 L

Wave height
RAO [rn/rn) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0
Figure B.2: Wave fields in regular waves with a heading of 135 degrees and a
frequency of 0.95 rad/s (BJ/2 = i)
Appendix C

Orthogonality condition
Since the matrices M and K are real and symmetric the eigenvectors of two different
eigenvalues are orthogonal with respect to M and K . Given any two eigenvalues a and o.
and making use of equation (3.3), this results in:

oiMD, = KD.
wMD, = KD.

Pre-multiplying the first equation by DI and post-multiplying the transpose of the second by
D provides:

wD[MD, =D[KD
subtracting one from the other gives:

(ww)DfMD=O (C.3)

It follows that:

DIM D = (C.4)

where S,. is the Kronecker delta function, defined by:

JO forrs
I forr=s
Substituting this result back into equation (C.2) yields:

DI KD =8,wa1 = 8rs Crs

DIKD = 8)r2a,J

134 Appendix C. Orthogonality condition

The relation between D, and D, shown in equations (C.4) and (C.6) are those of orthogonality
with respect to M and K respectively. The quantities and c, represent the generalized
mass and generalized stiffness associated with the .c mode. Their values depend upon the
scaling of the s'1' principal mode. In general the following relationships are true for rigid-body

a=pV fors=l,2,3 (C.7)

ass=Ics fors=4,5,6
Appendix D

Flexible aircushion supported structures

The heave and pitch responses in regular head waves at six different locations of a flexible barge
with and without aircushions are shown in figures D.1 and D.2. The dots and the black line
represent experimental and numerical results of the conventional flexible barge that was
discussed in paragraph 3.4.2. The other results are associated with different aircushion
configurations as described in paragraph 3.4.3 and illustrated in figures 3.38 to 3.40. The
locations at which the responses are computed are shown in figure 3.16.
Mean. RAO . Caisson I Heave RAO . Cal..oe 3
Wan. headIng: 180 d.g Wane h.edinU 180 dag
Eep Date EeD Date
0000ent!onal -Cunne0000al
000 rots
900 1000 1100
Wan. rr.qc.ncr
Heave RAO - Caisson 5 Heave RAO . Caisson 7
Wave heading: 180 deg Wave heeding: 180 deg
Enp Dots
820 Conventional
too -24 CushiOns
-6 CushiOns
4CuSh * lOcals
2.00 300 400 500 800 700 800 900 1000 1100 300 4.00 500 600 0.00 8.00 000 000 11 00
Wane frequency (rad!s] Waoa frequency [radii)
Heave RAO -Caisson He000 RAO . Caisson 12
Wave heeding: 180 deg Wane heeding: 180 dog
140 140
Eop Oats Date
1.20 Convenhi000l 120 - Covoevhional
too 24 cushiOns I 00 -24 00010001
-6 CuShiOns
4cu:h10caq 08O 40080.0 lOcals.
000 000
040 040
020 020
0.00 - 0.00
200 300 400 500 600 700 500 900 ¶0.00 Ii 00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 0.00 700 000 9.00 1000 ¶ 100
Wan, frequency [radii) Wave freqaency [red!.)

Figure D. 1: Heave RA Os at six locations at a flexible barge with and without aircushions in
regular head waves

136 Appendix D. Flexible aircushion supported structures
Pitch RAO - Coisnon I Pitch R.AO - Caisson 3
Wane heeding: iOO dog Waco heading: 180 dog
o 12 6 12
Eop Data 009 Data
0 10 Convenhional 0 ID - Cunv60000ai
24 cushions -24 cushIons
0_os 6 Cushions 008 6cuShinvs
4 cush.n IC Cais 4 cUSS * 10 cain.
o06 p006
004 004

002 002

000 000
2.00 3.00 4,00 500 600 000 000 900 5000 1100 200 300 4.00 5.00 600 700 8.00 000 000 1500
Wave fraquanoy (rod/si Waco frequency (red/nj
Pitch RAO - Caisson 5 Pitch RAO Caisson 7
Wane heading: 180 dog Won. heading: ISO dog
Eup Dote
o is CovoenUcaoi
-24 CU5/110v5
000 -6 CushiOns
4 uush.0 10 Cain.



400 500 600 700 600 900 5000 ff00 2.00 3.00 4.00 500 600 100 n 00 900 10.00 1100
Wave frequency (red/n) Waco frequency (red/nj
Pitch RAO - Caisson 0 Pitch RAO - Caisson 12
Wan, heeding: 180 dog Wane heading: 180 dog
0 12 012
Eup Data Enp DatC
0 tO Convnntonal 0 10 - Covvon6caai
24 cushIons -24 cushions
008 6cus/i,ons 6 CushiOns
4 CuSS 0 lOCalS. --'4 huSh a 10 cain.
000 006
0,04 004

002 002
000 - .
2.00 300 4.00 500 600 7.00 tOO 9.00 10.00 1500 200 300 4.00 5.00 600 7.00 800 9.00 5000 5500
Wave frequency (red/si Wave frequency (red/n)

Figure D.2: Pitch RAOs at six locations at aflexible barge with cIn(l without aircushions in
regular head waves

The maximum wave induced bending moment in the beam on top of the conventional barge
occurs in waves of 5.50 rad/s. Figure D.3 shows the maximum deflection of the beam on top of
the barge in waves of 100 miii wave height. The red line corresponds to the computed
displacement with the new program. The green dotted line shows the 6-paramter fit of equation
(3.51). The correlation coefficient R between both lines is 1.0, which is based on least square

.04 .0.3 42 .01 5 b 02 03 04

Nun-Dirn.ssionai L.sgih

Figure D.3: Vertical deflection along the beam on top of the conventional/lexible structure in
head waves of 100mm at 5.50 rad/s
Appendix D. Flexible aircushion supported structures 137

The roll RAOs of the conventional flexible barge and the aircushion configurations at six
locations in quartering waves of 120 deg are shown in figure D.4.

Roil RAO - Caisson I Roll RAO - Ce/noon 3

Wave headIng: 120 deg Wane headIng: 120 dog
030 030
hop Data hop Data
025 - Convonhonal 025 - Conoenilonal
24 cuShions 24 oushinfls
6 cushions 020 6 cushions
4 cush cais,
4 oush.n ID cais.
0 10 010

005 005

000 0,00
2.00 300 400 500 800 100 000 900 1000 1100 2,00 3.00 4.00 500 600 100 800 900 005 1100
Waco lreqooncy load/el Wane treq0000y (red/el
Roil RAO - Caisson 5 Roll RAO - Caisson 7
Wano headIng: 120 dog Woo headIng' 120 dog
0.30 030
EopDeta Eop Data
0.25 Conoonsonal 025 - Conoenilonal
24 cuShions 24 cushions
-020 6 CushiOnS 020 cushions
4casho 10 caS. 4 uush,c 10 cais,
0_is 05


0.00 000
200 3.00 4.00 5.00 600 700 000 9.00 1000 1100 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 600 7,00 000 900 10,00 1100
Woo. treqooncy [rod/el Woo, freqooncy (rod/n]
Roll RAO - Caisson 9 Roll RAO - Caisori 12
Waco heading: 020 dog Wane heading' 120 dog
030 0,30
Eop Data hop Date
0,29 - C0000080tial 025 - C0000nSonal
24 cushions 24 cushions
020 8 cushions 0,20 8 cushiOns
- 4cushc lOcais. --4 cush 0 tOcais
0_is 0 iS

0 tO


300 4,00 5.00 0,00 700 0.00 0.00 10.00 1100 2,00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6,00 7.00 6.00 9.00 1000 1100
Woo. frequency (red/el Woo. frequency (r.d/eJ

Figure D. 4: Roll RA Os at six locations at aflexible barge with and without aircushions in
quartering waves of 120 deg

The wave induced bending moments of the different structures are presented in figures D.5 to
D.8. These bending moments are computed in the beam on top of the floaters. Each figure
shows the results along the length of the beam in regular waves of 100 mm and frequencies
ranging from 2.50 to 10.50 rad/s. The colors are associated with the phase differences. The wave
induced bending moments of the conventional flexible barge are presented in figure D.5.
Figures D.6 and D.7 show the wave induced bending moments of the structures with 24 and 6
aircushions respectively. The results of the structure supported by four aircushions and ten
conventional caissons are presented in tgure D.8.
138 Appendix D. Flexible aircushion supported structures

Conventional barge
Wave Bending Moments around y-axis
Wave heading 180 deg
Waveheight 81 m
Phaxe ldegl
Maximum value 43 N in 340



I .)
.- ,.,
,-,y .-,.-

Figure D.5: Wave induced bending moments of the conventionalfiexible barge in regular head
waves of 0.10 ni at different wave frequencies

24 cushions
Wave Bending Moments around y-axis
Wave headinq 180 de
Wave height 0.1 m
Phase IdegI
Maximum value 27 N in 340
40 260
c 30 200
ax 180
E 160
0 20 140
E 120

2% \

Figure D. 6: Wave induced bending moments of the structure supported by 24 cushions in
regular head waves of 0.10 m at d/Jereeit vave frequencies
Appendix D. Flexible aircushion supported structures 139

6 cushions
Wave Bending Moments around y-axis
Waveheading 180 deg
Wave height 0.1 m
Phase [degl
Maxirenum value 29 N.m ! 340
E 40 250

z 240
30 200
a) 180
E 160
o 20 140
E 120
as 100
C 80
a)0 40

½ Ive 70


Figure D. 7: Wave induced bending moments of the structure supported by 6 cushions in regular
head waves of 0.10 m at different wave frequencies

4 cushions + 10 caissons
Wave Bending Moments around y.axis
Waveheading 180 deg
Wave height 0.1 m
Phase [degi
Maximum value 28 Nm 340
E 40 260
z 240
c 30 no
a) go
o 20 30
E 20
Os 00

a)0 40

½ I60 70

Figure D. 8: Wave induced bending moments of the structure consisting of 4 aircush ions and
10 caissons in regular head waves ofO. 10 m at dfferent wave frequencies
Appendix E

Responses in irregular seas

The response spectnlm of a floating body may be obtained by multiplying the wave spectrum by
the square of the transfer function:

- Sç(w) (El)

In this case the area underneath the spectral response curve is equal to:

= Js, (w) da (E.2)

and the significant response' of the floating body is equal to:

=2 (E.3)

The wave elevations are Gaussian distributed, the wave amplitudes may be written by a
Rayleigh distribution:

p (_p2
f(çla)=__expl 2a2) I

In which a is the standard deviation of the wave heights. The probability that the wave
amplitude exceeds the maximum value may be expressed as:

The significant response is defined as the mean response of the highest one-third part of the

142 Appendix E. Responses in irregular seas

P(C>Cm Jf(C)dx

x.exp l,-ix '2)

a2 Ht
= exp
Therefore the probability that the maximum wave height is exceeded once in ii events is:

exp-2i I

in which !I is the significant wave height a storm.

It is common practice in engineering applications to statistically determine the maximum

responses of a floating structure. Normally it is assumed that a chosen wave height will only be
exceeded once in a three hours storm in which 1000 waves pass [33]. As a result equation (E.6)
may be rewritten as:

1 11!
exp-2I '''
I H) I =

resulting in:

Hmx = 1.86 H (E.8)


De snel toenemende wereldbevolking zorgt ervoor dat we efficient met de beschikbare ruimte
om moeten gaan. Vooral de ruimte rondom snel grociende wereldsteden is meestal beperkt
omdat ze vaak aan het water gelegen zijn. Mega-Floaters bieden in dit geval een oplossing voor
het gebrek aan land. Drijvende eilanden zijn vaak minder milieu belastend dan traditionele
landwinningprojecten. Bovendien zijn ze ongevoelig voor aardbevingen en kunnen in een
relatief korte tijd, onafliankelijk van waterdiepte en bodemgesteldheid, gebouwd worden.
Daarnaast kunnen bestaande operationele faciliteiten eenvoudig uitgebreid worden. De enorme
inwendige ruimte van een drijvende constructie biedt bovendien veel extra mogelijkheden.
Dit proefschrift beschrijft een methode om het gedrag van grote drijvende
luchtkussenconstructies te berekenen. De methode is gebaseerd op een driedimensionale
potentiaal theorie met trilvormen. De druk in de luchtkussens wordt beschreven door een
lineaire adiabatische theorie. Het ondergedompelde gedeelte van het drijvende lichaam wordt
beschreven door een panelenmodel dat belegd is met pulserende bronnen. Het vrije vloeistof
oppervlak onder de constructies (bent bovendien verdeeld te zijn met panelen. De panelen op het
vrije vloeistofoppervlak hebben geen massa, maar wel toegevoegde massa, demping,
hydrostatische stijfheid en aerostatische stijfheid.
De resultaten in dit proefschrift laten zien dat het gedrag van drijvende luchtkussenconstructies
goed voorspeld kan worden met een driedimensionale potentiaal methode. Resultaten van
diverse experimenten zijn gebruikt oni de methode te valideren voor onvervormbare
luchtkussenconstructies. Experimenten van een elastische constructie zijn gebniikt om de
methode te valideren voor conventionele flexibele lichamen zonder luchtkussens. Vooralsnog
zijn er geen resultaten beschikbaar van model proeven met flexibele luchtkussenconstructies, de
numerieke resultaten zijn geverifieerd met een Eindige Elementen Methode (EEM) en
analytische berekeningen.
Zowel model proeven en berekeningen hebben aangetoond dat luchtkussens bet gedrag van
drijvende constnicties aanzienlijk kunnen beInvloeden. Het effect op de inwendige belastingen

144 Samenvatling

is groot en met name de golf buigende momenten kunnen aanzienlijk gereduceerd worden door
het gebruik van luchtkussens.
Golfbrekers zijn noodzakelijk in open water om een conventionele mega-floater tegen de golven
te besehermen. Een andere optic is oni de constructie te ondersteunen door luchtkussens die de
inwendige spanningen dusdanig kunnen reduceren zodat go!fbrekers overbodig zijn.
De resultaten in dit proefschrift hebben aangetoond dat luchtkussenconstructies een goed
alternatief zijn voor grote drijvende constnicties. Daarnaast kan de nieuwe software gebruikt
worden in het ontwerp proces om de optimale luchtkussenconfiguratie te bepalen voor een
drijvende constructie.
Curriculum Vitae

Jan van Kessel was born in Bergeijk, the Netherlands, on 24 December 1979. He finished his
secondary education at Were Di College in Valkenswaard in 1999. From 1999 to 2004 he
studied Naval Architecture at Delfi University of Technology. During these years he
participated in various extracurricular activities. He went on study tours to South-Korea, Japan,
Sweden, Spain and the USA. 1-le studied Economics at Erasmus University in Rotterdani from
2001 to 2003. Finally, Jan completed his M.Sc. in naval architecture cmii laude with an
annotation in Offshore Engineering in August 2004. His Master's degree was obtained with a
study on the 'Development of a pipelay/heavy-lfl vessel', which was performed at SBM Gusto
in Schiedam, the Netherlands.
During the last year of his M.Sc. study he wrote a research proposal for funding of a Ph.D.
research on 'Aircushion Supported Mega-Floaters'. After having obtained his Master's degree
and having received funding for the Ph.D. research, he started as a Ph.D. student at the
departments of Offshore Engineering and Ship Hydromechanics of Delft University of
Technology in December 2004. In 2007 he moved back to the SBM Gusto office where he
carried out the second part of his Ph.D. research. In addition to this research he worked one day
a week for SBM Gusto from 2007 to 2009. At present, Jan is working as an engineer at the
Product Development Department of SBM Gusto.

mega-cities will necessitate an innovative pursuit of the utilization of
the ocean space In which mega-floaters will play an important role in
the future. These types of structures are very large floating artificial
Islands that can be used for various facilities and purposes similar to
those on land. Compared to landfill methods mega-floaters generally
have a smaller environmental impact than traditional land reclamation
projects. They are indifferent to earthquakes and can be constructed at
relatively low cost in a short period of time, Independent of ocean
depth and seabed conditions.

This thesis describes a method to predict the dynamic behavior of

aircushion supported mega-floaters In waves. These types of structures
are supported by a large volume of air which is entrapped underneath
the structure by vertical walls that extend sufficiently far underneath
the water surface in a way that no air will escape when waves pass by.

The presented method is based on a linear three-dimensional potential

theory using modal expansions and a linear adiabatic law to describe
the air pressure within the aircushion. It is the first method that is able
to accurately predict the three-dimensional dynamic behavior and
stresses of flexible aircushion supported structures of arbitrary shape
in waves.

The results of this study indicate that the behavior of aircushion sup-
ported structures can be well predicted by means of this new method.
Model tests and computations have shown that the application of
aircushions can significantly influence the behavior of floating
structures in waves. The effect on the structural loads is significant and
is particularly pronounced in the wave induced bending moments
which are considerably reduced by the aircushlons.

A conventional mega-float structure has to be protected by

breakwaters if It is located in open seas. These breakwaters will reduce
the wave loads on the structure, but add to the total costs of the
mega-float project. Another option is to support the structure by
aircushions to reduce the wave induced bending moments and
consequently the stresses.

The results of this study show that an aircushion supported structure

has significant advantages compared to conventional mega-floaters, In
addition, the computational method as developed and proposed
proved to be a suitable tool to optimize the cushion configuration for a

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