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Class 11 Projects 2024-25 Revised

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La Martiniere College, Lucknow

CLASS – 11

Project Assignments
1. English

2. Hindi

3. Mathematics

4. Physics

5. Chemistry

6. Biology

7. History

8. Economics

9. Commerce

10. Accounts

11. Environmental Science

12. Physical Education

13. Computer Science

14. Mass Media and Communication

15. Political Science

16. Legal studies

17. Hospitality Management

18. Biotechnology

19. Art
I English I - (Language) –
Make a project on ANY ONE of the GIVEN topics:
1.) Change is a constant factor that affects everyone’s lives. Narrate some incidents about how certain
changes have occurred in your life and the world around you. (500 words)

2.) Write a review of any one book that you have recently read taking into account the following points:
(500 words)
a) Title, characters, author, setting and other relevant details.
b) The plot/ storyline and its critical evaluation.
c) Some interesting, memorable scenes from the book.
d) Comparisons and contrasts with other books of the same genre.
e) Final opinion/ recommendation to the readers.
f) Personal appeal and the general presentation of the book (cover, printing, typographical errors if
any etc.)

II English II - (Literature in English)

Make a project of approximately 1000 to 1500 words on BOTH the given topics: [20]
1. HALF YEARLY TERM - With reference to the poem ‘Abhisara- The Tryst’ how has the poet
contrasted the changing seasons, the characters, the setting and the circumstances to highlight the
changes that occur. Keeping in mind the poem, narrate instances to show that spirituality transcends
2. FINAL TERM - Louella Bates Washington Jones has portrayed a character that displays human
empathy, sympathy, power of transformation and human kindness. With reference to the story ‘Thank
you Ma’am’ bring out the effect the above-mentioned points had on Roger.


1. The projects are for the internal examination in class 11.
2. Your projects should be hand written. Your handwriting should be neat and clear.
3. Make these projects separately; one for language and one for literature.
4. Write relevant matter and make it creative.
5. Relevant pictures and quotations must be there. Pictures should be pasted only on the non-ruled or
blank sheet and write on the ruled side. Pictures and images should be appropriately labelled.
6. A proper heading should be written in BOLD.
7. Significant lines, phrases and dialogues should be highlighted.
8. Do not use red and green ink.
9. Cover both the projects neatly with relevant details on the cover-page itself. (Subject, topic,
submitted by). It should be clear and legible. Use a black marker for writing on the Cover Page.
For example:



CLASS: 11 - A
10. Your projects should compulsorily have the following pages:
a. A cover page.
b. An acknowledgement page.
c. A bibliography/ webography page.
11. This will be checked, evaluated by your teachers, therefore do your best.
12. ALL project work is to be completed by the 31 st of July, 2024.
La Martiniere College, Lucknow
Class 11, Subject Hindi

Project Topics

भाषा- परियोजना विषय :

“मताधिकाि का प्रयोग हमािा िाष्ट्रीय कततव्य है । हमें सोच-विचािकि िाष्ट्रहहत में िोट
डालने का संकल्प लेना चाहहए न कक लोभ अथिा भय से ककसी के पक्ष में ।“
उक्त कथन पि विस्ताि से विचाि किते हुए अपना स्पष्ट्टीकिण दीजजए।

परियोजना कायत हे तु आिश्यक ननदे श:

1. भाषा तथा साहित्य परियोजना िे तु ननर्ाारित दोनों विषयों पि लगभग पन्द्रि पष्ृ ठों का
परियोजना-काया तैयाि किें ।
2. परियोजना-काया एक ओि िे खाांककत पष्ृ ठों पि अपनी िस्तललवप में िों।
3. पष्ृ ठ का सादा पक्ष विषय से सम्बांधर्त धित्र लगाने अथिा बनाने में प्रयक्
ु त िोगा।
4. परियोजना-लेखन िे तु नीली औि काली स्यािी का प्रयोग किें ।
5. परियोजना-काया का लेखन हिन्द्दी भाषा में िी िो।
6. दोनों परियोजना-काया एक िी आििण (फाइल) में ननम्न क्रम में िखे जाएँ-

पष्ृ ठ 1 हहन्दी परियोजना-कायत

द्िािा- छात्र का नाम

कक्षा ि िगा

पष्ृ ठ 2 प्रस्तािना

(इसमें परियोजना का परििय, इस िे तु अपने प्रयास, परिश्रम तथा अनभ

ु िों
की जानकािी दी जाती िै।)
पष्ृ ठ 3 आभाि

(यिाँ परियोजना िे तु अपने सियोधगयों, सांस्थाओां आहद के सियोग का

स्मिण कि उनके प्रनत आभाि ज्ञापन ककया जाता िै।)

पष्ृ ठ 4 विषय-सूची

(विषय/शीषाक का नाम ि पष्ृ ठ सांख्या।)

पष्ृ ठ 5 से 14 परियोजना-काया का िस्तललखखत प्रस्तुनतकिण।

( इसमें भाषा औि साहित्य परियोजना काया के ललखखत पष्ृ ठ फाइल में


पष्ृ ठ 15 संदभत-सूची

(परियोजना-काया में उद्र्रित अांश, जानकारियाँ तथा धित्र आहद जो भी

ककसी िाह्य स्रोत से ग्रिण ककया जाए, उसका नाम, लेखक/प्रकाशक, पष्ृ ठ सांख्या, प्रकाशन िषा
अांककत ककया जाए। इांटिनेट से सियोग लेने की दशा में िेबसाइट का उल्लेख किना

फाइल किि पि ‘हहन्दी परियोजना-कायत तथा अपना नाम, कक्षा ि िगत अिश्य अंककत किें ।


1. Students are required to make two projects choosing one topic from Section—A and one
topic from either Section—B or Section—C.
2. Blue coloured ink should be used to write the content and black coloured ink should be
used to write the headings.
3. Hand written project should be done on punch sheets. The project should be covered with
a black paper and cellophane sheet, a print out of the details of the students like name,
class, subject and project topics, session, roll number of the class, personal number etc.
should be pasted on top.
4. Project should be well presented and well labelled images where required suitably
5. The first two pages of your project should be acknowledgement and index and the last
page should be bibliography.
6. Each project should be of minimum 20 pages and both the projects should not be less
than 40 pages including acknowledgement and index.
7. Mark allocation for each Project [10 marks]. Both these projects will be compiled in one
project file.
8. Following is a list of topics with suggested headings to keep in mind while making the

Section A


 Introduction and standard form of Quadratic Equations.

 Solution of a Quadratic Equation by Factorization.
 Nature of roots of Quadratic Equation.
 Relation between roots and coefficients of a Quadratic Equation.
 Symmetric function of roots of a Quadratic Equation.
 Formation of a Quadratic Equation with given roots.
 Finding conditions when roots are connected by given relations. Conditions for one or
both roots common.
 Give an example of the graph of a Quadratic Equation which is always positive.
 Give an example of the graph of a Quadratic Equation which is always negative.
 Draw the graph of a quadratic function f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, from the graph find the
maximum/minimum value of the function and determine the sign of the expression.

 Trigonometric functions of a real number.

 Relations between Trigonometric functions of a real number.
 Opposite real number identities of Trigonometric functions.
 Fundamental identities in Trigonometric functions.
 Evaluation of values of Trigonometric functions ‘sin x’ and ‘cos x’ at x = 0, π/2, π, 3 π/2
and 2 π.
 Evaluation of values of Trigonometric functions for 0, π/6, π/4, π/3, π/2, π, 3 π/2, 2 π.
 Discussion on periodic Trigonometric functions.
 Discussion and derivation of signs of all Trigonometric functions in the four quadrants.
 Domain and range of Trigonometric functions.
 Sketching and discussion of the graph of all Trigonometric functions.
 Trigonometric functions of sum and difference for all real numbers ‘x’ and ‘y’. Detailed
explanation of derivation of formulas of all compound and sub—multiple angles.
 Conversion of sum/ difference of Trigonometric functions into product and vice versa.
 All the Trigonometric functions of multiples and submultiples of numbers.
 Illustrate with the help of a model, the values of sine and cosine functions of different
angles which are multiples of π and π/2.


 Introduction to Complex Numbers.

 Standard form of a Complex Number with its real and imaginary part.
 Algebra of Complex Numbers with all the properties of Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication and Division.
 Integral powers of a Complex Number.
 Identities of Complex Numbers.
 Modulus of a Complex Number.
 Conjugate of a Complex Number.
 Explanation of the concept of Argand Plane.
 Detailed description and corresponding graphs for the following:
(i) Distance between two Complex Numbers.
(ii) Division of line segment by an internal point.
(iii) Geometric representation of —z, z, —z
(iv) Geometric representation of sum of two Complex Numbers.
(v) Geometric representation of difference of two Complex Numbers.
(vi) Triangle Inequality.
 Polar representation of Complex Numbers with graphs.
 Description of Locus of a Complex Number in an Argand plane with an example.
 Description of square root of a Complex Number.
 Description of the properties of the cube root of unity.
 Uses and application of Complex Numbers in real life.
 Using Argand plane, interpret geometrically the meaning of i = √(-1) and its integral



 Introduction and detailed description of parabola to be supported with graphs.

 Equation of a parabola in the standard form y2 = 4ax and detailed description of all its
parts e.g. Focus, Axis, Vertex, Latus Rectum, Chord, Directrix.
 Description of the parabola in the standard form y2 = 4ax.
 Graphs and corresponding Equations of all four standard forms of Parabola.
 Uses and applications of Parabolas in real life e.g. as a parabolic reflector or dish antenna.
 Introduction and detailed description of an ellipse to be supported with graphs.
 Equation of an ellipse in the standard form x2/a2 + y2/b2 = 1 and detailed description of
all its parts e.g. Centre, Focus, Axis, Vertex, Latus Rectum, Chord, Directrix.
 Description of an ellipse in the standard form x2/a2 + y2/b2 = 1.
 Focal property of an ellipse.
 Derivation of the equation of an ellipse in standard form using the Locus method.
 Equation of an ellipse in the second standard form.
 Uses and applications of ellipses in real life e.g. LITHOTRIPSY, SATELLITES.
 Construct different types of conics by PowerPoint Presentation, or by making a model,
using the concept of double cone and a plane.
 Use focal property of ellipse to construct ellipse.


 Introduction and detailed description of a Hyperbola to be supported with graphs.

 Equation of a hyperbola in the standard form x2/a2 — y2/b2 = 1 and detailed
description of all its parts e.g. Centre, Focus, Axis, Vertex, Latus Rectum, Chord,
 Description of a hyperbola in the standard form x2/a2 — y2/b2 = 1.
 Focal property of a hyperbola.
 Derivation of the equation of a hyperbola in standard form using the Locus method.
 Equation of a hyperbola in the second standard form.
 Uses and applications of hyperbolas in real life.
 Derivation of the condition that the line y = mx + c may touch the parabola y2 = 4ax.
Derivation of the equation of tangents in slope form and finding the point of contact.
 Derivation of the condition that the line y = mx + c may touch the ellipse x2/a2 + y2/b2
= 1 Derivation of the equation of tangents in slope form.
 Derivation of the condition that the line y = mx + c may touch the hyperbola x2/a2 —
y2/b2 = 1 Derivation of the equation of tangents in slope form .
 Use focal property of hyperbola to construct hyperbola.


 Introduction to Cartesian coordinate system the coordinate planes and coordinates of a

 Introduction to distance formula in three dimensions.
 Introduction to Section formula in three dimensions.
 Discussion on External and internal division of a line and the Midpoint formula.
 Derivation of the centroid of a triangle.
 Discussion on applications of three dimensional geometry in the real world in the
following fields. Computer-aided design (CAD) for construction blueprints, the design of
assembly systems in manufacturing such as automobiles, nanotechnology, computer
graphics, visual graphs, video game programming, and virtual reality creation.
 Write geometrical significance of X coordinate, Y coordinate, and Z coordinate in space.
Using the above, find the distance of the point in space from x-axis/y-axis/z-axis. Explain
the above using a three-dimensional model/ power point presentation.



 Introduction and detailed description of Mean, Median and Mode. Graphical

Comparisons and Relative Characteristics of Mean, Median and Mode with example.
 Concept of combined Mean and Standard Deviation with examples.
 Merits and Demerits of Median.
 Introduction and detailed description of Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles with examples.
 Estimation of Median, Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles by graphical method from
Ogive with examples.
 Find median from the point of intersection of cumulative frequency curves (less than and
more than cumulative frequency curves).


 Introduction to Correlation Analysis.

 Explanation of the concept of scatter diagrams.
 Explanation of the concept of covariance of ‘x’ and ‘y’ with an example.
 Explanation of the concept of Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation with an example.
 Explanation of the concept of Spearman’s Rank correlation coefficient with an example.


 Introduction to the concept of Index Numbers.

 Description of the Uses and Classification of Index Numbers.
 Discussion on the problems in the construction of Index Numbers.
 Discussion on all four methods of construction of Index Numbers with an example for
each method.
 Introduction of Moving Averages and its purpose.
 Discussion on all three methods for finding moving averages with an example for each
 Identify the purchasing power using the concept of cost of living index number.
 Identify the purchasing power using the concept of weighted aggregate price index
 Calculate moving averages with the given even Periodicity. Plot them and as well as the
original data on the same graph.
La Martiniere College
CLASS – 11
Topic:Project Allotment
Following is the list of Project topics allotted to the students having Roll No.
mentioned against Project titles


1. Physical world and measurement 1/11/21/31/41/51

2. Kinematics 2/12/22/32/42/52
3. Laws of Motion 3/13/23/33/43/53
4. Work , Power And Energy 4/14/24/34/44/54
5. Motion of System of Particles 5/15/25/35/45/55
And rigid body
6. Gravitation 6/16/26/36/46/56
7. Properties of Matter 7/17/27/37/47/57
8. Heat And Thermodynamics 8/18/28/38/48/58
9. Behaviour of Perfect gas And 9/1929/39/49/59
Kinetic Theory of gases
10. Oscillations and Waves 10/20/30/40/50/60

1. Topics given are forefront topics of Popular Physics, therefore are of great interest to a common
pupil of physics. So, a prospective student of Physics like you is expected to have sufficient
elementary knowledge of these topics as this would reflect your keen interest in the subject.
2. A vast amount of relevant matter, both in form of text as well as pictures, is already present there
on the Net. You just have to search, explore, extract, collect and organize the related contents through
just diving deep into the contents of concerned sites, and though it would steal a small chunk out of
your daily routine, this would be the most creative use of the lot of spare time you people are
enjoying at this time.
3. You are advised to collect, organize and store the contents in a file. After that, you would have
just to copy the contents in your handwriting in your project file.

4. The project file should be containing 25 pages of interleaved sheets, with written matter at ruled
side while the diagrams and pictures at the back. The file should be covered with white art paper
with student name, class, section, subject and name of the college but with the topic at the top
most, must be mentioned most decoratively over it. The Aesthetics involved would always be
appreciated with sound returns.
5. The organization of the whole of the contents should broadly be under headings of the Index,
Acknowledgement, Introduction, Core, Conclusion and Bibliography , in sequence. It is advised that
the said organization must be observed with great care.

6. It must be observed as final in all cases without discrimination, and failing in compliance of that,
you will be personally liable to face the college authorities in the said regards, without any excuse of
any type.
7. Although, the above said advisory is self-explanatory in all respects, you are always welcome to
clarify any doubt any time.



1. Biodiesel and Bio-fuel

2. Chemistry of Black and White Photography
3. Nano chemistry in medicines
4. Hydrofoam: Changing the Way the World is Powered
5. Chemicals in forensic investigation
6. Chemistry of sunblock creams and sunscreen lotion
7. Thermochemical processing of waste and biomass
8. Chemical Warfare
9. Chemicals in food adulteration and its effects
10. Chemicals in soft drinks and its effect on human body
11. Rocket fuel and biofuels
12. Nano filters
13. Advancement in renewable energy sources
14. Radiochemistry in medicines
15. Vitamin types and their functions
16. Metallurgy of Fe , Cu , Gold , Platinum and Lead
17. Spectroscopy
18. Soaps: Kinds and their evolution
19. Formic acid in nature, science, and production
20. Synthetic rubbers: History, variety, and prospects
21. Synthetic fibers : Composition , preparation and its uses
22. Fats as food and chemical raw materials
23. Chemistry of floor cleaners
1. The projects may be handwritten or in printed format
2. The pages should be given in a clip file
3. Each project should be of minimum 20 pages including the acknowledgement
and bibliography.
4. Each project should have proper diagrams and illustrations based on the topics
and subtopics
5. The projects should be investigative and not copy pasted . Refrain from using
ChatGPT for your projects
Class 11 Biology (2024-25)
Project Work – 10 Marks
Candidate is to creatively execute one project/assignment on any aspect of Biology.
Preference is to be given to investigatory projects.
(i) Project related to experiment on any aspect of plant life/animal life.
(ii) Project related to any aspect of environment.
(iii) Diabetes.
(iv) Endocrine disorders.
(v) Yeast fermentation and production of alcohol or any other commercial industry dependant on
plants and/or animals or their products.
In addition, students may culture: Earthworms. – Protozoans − Moulds − Setting up of an aquarium.
Format of the Project: - Content – Introduction – Presentation (graphs, tables, charts, newspaper
cuttings, diagrams, photographs, statistical analysis if relevant) – Conclusion/ Summary -
Class 11 (Holiday Homework)


Project topic.
Candidates will be required to undertake one project on any one of the following history topics from the 18th and 20th
centuries (India/World).
1. Politics – leadership, domestic policy, foreign policy.
2. Military – any war: causes, course and consequences. Strategies & tactics. Technology Outcome: peace settlements.
3. Economy – economic policy: terms and impact. Currency, communication, trade. Agriculture and Industry.
4. Society & culture – Traditions, food, clothing, festivals, role and status of women, education, art, architecture, sculpture,
music, dance, literature.
5. Religion – philosophy, ideas, beliefs, practices, impact.
The project may be in any one of the following categories:
1. A case study.
2. A field visit/ investigation.
3. A local history.
4. Interview/oral evidence.
5. Book review/ film review/ posters/ newspapers/ advertisements/ cartoons and art.
A. The research question
B. Abstract: it must contain the following information:-
• Reason for choosing the topic.
• Methods and material to be used in the investigation.
• Hypothesis: the conclusion the student is hoping to draw.
The project may or may not be based on the syllabus; students must be encouraged to produce original, creative and
insightful perspectives on an allied aspect of the topic.
The written outcome of the project, in the form of 800–1500-word essay, should be structured as given below:

• Introduction - Background and context to be discussed very briefly.

• Main body - Explanation, Interpretation, Analysis and Critical Evaluation of a range of evidence: the research
material gathered by the student.
• Conclusion - Brief summing up of the topic.
• Bibliography – a list of all material referred to in the essay, including print, electronic, oral & audio-visual
material, referenced correctly, in a standard format.
• Appendix – optional, only if it is crucial for the better understanding of the project essay
ECONOMICS – Class 11

PROJECT WORK – 20 Marks - General Instructions/guidelines

• Candidates will be expected to complete two projects.

• Marks allocation for each Project [ 10 Marks]

Overall format 1 mark

Content 4 marks
Findings 2 marks
Viva voce based on the project 3 marks

• Points to be covered in the project are given in the project topic.

• Along with the written content you may also place pictures/graphs relevant to the topic/sub-topics to make
your projects more attractive and explanatory.
• Both the projects are to be compiled in one file only.
• Cover page should contain the following information-
➢ Name of the Subject - Economics
➢ Name of the Student – _________________
➢ Personal Number - _________________
➢ Class & Section – _________________
➢ Year – 2024 – 25

Sequence to be followed while compiling the project –

➢ Acknowledgement -
➢ First project topic –
➢ Index –
➢ Content of first project
➢ Second project topic -
➢ Index –
➢ Content of second project
➢ Bibliography/ References.

Project Topics

1. Study in detail The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and its impact on
Indian economy.

2. Prepare a report on the forest cover in India, highlighting the following aspects:
(a) Five States/Union Territories having higher and lower forest cover and compare the extent
of forest coverage.
(b) Cause for decrease in forest cover in the country.
(c) Measures adopted by the Central/State Governments to increase the forest cover.


Candidates will be expected to have completed TWO Projects from any topic covered in Theory.

The last date for submission of the project work is 31st October, 2024

Mark allocation for each Project [10 marks]:

 Overall format 1 mark

 Content 4 marks
 Findings 2 marks
 Viva-voce based on the Project 3 marks

That the project work must be hand written only.

Format of Project Work

[Note: Both the projects have to be submitted in the same file]
 Project file should be hard bound and must be neatly covered with college waterproof brown cover
 Name slip is a must on the top with Roll No. on the top right corner clearly visible.
 All written work must be in blue / black ink only. Pencil may be used when required; use of colour
pens is not appreciated.
 All written work should be done on inter leaf punch sheets of standard quality only.
 Pictures may be put if required.
 Sequence of the work:
a. Inside cover page should be a drawing (plain) punch sheet with Project I written at the centre.
b. On sheet 2 the Acknowledgement.
c. On sheet 3 the topic of the work done written in capital letters.
d. On sheet 4 Index containing major headings with page numbers, for both the projects.
e. Then the whole project work will follow (Project 1 and then Project 2).
f. Conclusion / Suggestions must be there at the end of each of the project work.
g. Bibliography

A list of suggested Projects is given below, (choose any TWO topics):

1. Select a daily use consumer product. Trace its origin right from the primary industry through the
secondary and tertiary industries. Draw a flow chart to include all the business activities in its path from
the producer to the consumer.

2. Assume you are starting a partnership firm with your friend/friends. Develop a business plan covering the
following aspects: − Formation of this partnership firm – rules and steps that would be followed
including the partnership deed − Choice of types of partners involved and your justification for the same.

3. Select two infrastructure projects of public sector undertakings that have been recently commissioned.
Analyze each project in terms of: − Objectives − Profitability − Adherence to the time schedule for
project completion. − Social utility − Conclusion.

4. Identity two Public Private Partnership projects. Find out: − the equity participation of both the partners. −
Objectives of the partnership − Strengths both partners bring into the venture.
5. Select one consumer cooperative and one housing cooperative. For each of the cooperatives: − State the
objectives. − The organizational structure. − Details of surplus distribution and the form of government

6. Study real time cases in which organizations did not show responsibility towards investors/ consumers/
employees/ government/ community. Take at least two such cases. For each case prepare a report based
on the following: − A brief about of the case. − Different issues involved in the case. − Who was at fault
and why? − What should the company have done to stand by the business ethics? − Do you agree with
the company’s viewpoint? Give reasons.

7. Document and analyze the Corporate Social Responsibility activities of a pharmaceutical company and a
five-star hotel. Comment on the changing role assumed by Corporates towards business ethics and social
responsibility in the last two decades.

8. Identify any trade association and chamber of commerce headquartered in your town/city. Study each in
terms of: − Its objectives. − Services provided to members. − Help given to the business community.

9. Collect information about 5 different types of life insurance policies provided by different companies.
Include information as per details given below for every insurance plan and make a comparative analysis.
− Premium of insurance − Terms of inclusions and exclusions of each policy − Term of the policy −
Withdrawal of money from the insurance scheme (surrender / foreclosure) − Advantages/disadvantages
of the plan

10. Study the BPO and KPO industry in India. Collect newspaper/magazine articles on BPOs and KPOs.
Prepare a report highlighting: − their contribution to the business community and the nation. − Their
growth over the past 10 years in India. Comment on the social cost of such organisations.

Note: Candidate is free to choose the topics for both the projects on his own, pertaining to the ISC
Commerce syllabus of class 11. Candidate must take keen interest and shown utmost sincerity in
completion of his project work.

Project topics for the Session 2024-25
Class 11
Candidates will be expected to have completed TWO Projects.

The last date for submission of the project work is 31st October, 2024

Mark allocation for each Project [10 marks]:

 Overall format 1 mark

 Content 4 marks
 Findings 2 marks
 Viva-voce based on the Project 3 marks

That the project work will be submitted by the candidate in hand written mode on interleaf punch sheets in a hard bound file
covered with college waterproof brown cover..


Sequence of the PROJECT work:

First page should be titled ‘The Project Report in Accountancy’, Submitted by: ………………., Class: 11, Section: ___.
Second page should be the Acknowledgement,
Third page should be the Contents of the project work (Mention Project 1 and Project 2, detailing the various sub-heads of your
research work for each project),
Now, the First Project will begin : Mention the topic of the project clearly and mark it as Project 1,
Once the first project is done, attach the Second Project : Mentioning the topic of the project and mark it as Project 2,

Topic 1: Stages of Accounting Process

Preparation of Journal / Sub-division of Journal, Ledger, and Trial Balance of a trading organisation on the basis of a
case study.

 Develop a case study of a sole trader starting business with a certain amount of capital. He could have got the
amount from his past savings or by borrowing from a bank by mortgaging his personal assets or by winning a
lottery or any other source.
 Write in detail, his transactions during the year – his purchases : cash and credit, sales : cash and credit, expenses,
purchase of fixed assets and depreciation charged on them, any outstanding expenses, prepaid expenses, accrued
income, drawing bills of exchange, accepting bills payable, etc.
 From this case study developed (which should have at least 15 transactions), pass the journal entries, post them
into the ledger and prepare a Trial Balance.

Topic 2: Bills of Exchange

Prepare a project on Bills of Exchange highlighting the meaning of Bills of Exchange, parties involved etc. Frame the
problems with their solutions in the books of all the concerning parties picking up any five conditions of bills of
exchange covering dishonour of a bill.

Topic 3: Final Accounts with Adjustments

Highlighting the meaning of Final Accounts and its uses prepare a Trading and Profit & Loss and a Balance Sheet with
minimum five adjustments with the help of a Trial Balance.

Environmental Science
Class 11 (2024-25)
Practical / Project work (30 marks)

The project work could take one of five forms:

1. Address a current environmental problem (preferably at local or regional scale) and should include problem
identification and analysis, using secondary data as well as some collection of primary data design of solution,
documentation of the entire process in the form of a solution proposal.
2. Design and conduct Environment impact assessment. The candidates may use secondary data, demonstrate their
capacity to collect and analyse primary data by incorporating some primary data collected and use it in a few sectors
of their work.
3. Systematic monitoring of an aspect of the local environment over a period of at least six months. The candidate must
use quantitative techniques of monitoring, sampling scientifically. The data collected must be interpreted and
presented in the report.
4. Field work and training in an environmental organization (NGOs, Industrial Pollution Control Firms, Testing
Laboratories etc.) for a period of not less than one month. This work should be focused on one area in the syllabus.
The candidate will produce a paper from the area of his work and training which will include his experience and the
special expertise that he has acquired.
5. Conduct a study on the density and the population of plants growing in a particular area using the quadral method.

Choose any one topic on the basis of any of the form as mentioned above.
1. Disposal of waste.
2. Effects of urbanisation.
3. Smog.
4. Flooding of low-lying areas.
5. Industrial disaster.
6. Atomic power stations in India, its benefits and hazards.
7. Impact of population explosion on civic amenities.
8. Disaster management, with reference to floods and landslides.
9. Biodiversity.
10. Noise pollution – Effects near railways and airports.
11. Medical waste and its management.
12. Pollution by thermal power stations.
13. Slums - Curse to urbanisation
14. Depletion of ozone layer.
15. Transportation problems in urban areas.

Important instructions for the students:

1. All projects to be submitted to the subject teacher by 31st July, 2024.

2. The project assignment should be of 2000 words.
3. Fluorescent green paper and a cellophane sheet are to be used to cover the project file.
4. Each project should be of about 30 pages.
5. Your project should be well decorated and appropriately labelled images should be suitably inserted.
6. Only black or blue inked pens are to be used to write the matter. Coloured ink may be used for headings or decorating
purposes if so desired. Typed in Times New Romans Format 14 is also accepted.
7. ALL projects must have the topic names clearly written/ printed along with your name, class, section and roll number
also clearly written/ typed on the first page.
8. All project files will contain the following:
a. An index page – as the second page.
b. An acknowledgement page – as the third page.
c. A bibliography – at the end of the file.
Class – 11
Physical Education
Project marks – 10
Topics and Instructions:
Topics: Laws of the game:
1-Football – 17 Laws
2- Cricket - 42 Laws
Last date of submission: 15th July, 2024

1- Write all the laws of the game of football and Cricket with relevant diagrams or pictures on left
hand side of the page for each law.

General Instruction:
a- Project should be hand Written on a project file.
b- Project file should be covered with blue colour paper with:
1- School Name
2- Subject Name,
3- Student name, class, section and personal number.

c- All the laws of the game should be written with proper explanation.

d- Relevant Diagrams or pictures for each law should be given.

e- Project work should be neat and appropriate.

La Martiniere College, Lucknow
Class: 11
Subject: Computer Science
Project/ Assignment
Session: 2024-2025
Instructions and Guidelines:
Part A
Design a Power Point Presentation (PPT) on any ONE of the following topics:

(i) Number System and its significance in Boolean algebra

(ii) Logic Gates and its types with usage.
(iii) Class and Objects in Java programming
[A minimum of 10 slides is required for the selected topic]

The following need to be submitted in hard copy having a cover page. The last date to
submit the following is 15th July, 2024. The softcopy of the following need to be
submitted for which link will be shared later.
Part B
The students are required to submit a file having a minimum of 15(Fifteen) programs.
The programs done should be divided in such a format that it should contain all
the topics of the syllabus (2024-25). All the programs must be done using classes and
objects with instance variables, methods and object creation in main.
[Note: All programs must be done using classes and objects with instance variables,
methods and object creation in main.]
Each program should have the following:
a) Algorithm of the program
b) Program listing
c) Output of the program

Some of the Topics for your reference are:

1. Number Logic: Armstrong Numbers, Automorphic numbers etc
2. Arrays: Single dimension – (i) Sorting
(ii) Searching
Double dimension – (i) Sorting of rows
(ii) Sorting of columns
3. Strings: (i) Palindrome word
(ii) Longest and shortest word in a sentence
4. Recursion: (i) HCF
(ii) Fibonacci Series
5. Programs based on nested loops and conditional: Designs, formula etc.

Mr. J.V.N. Rao Mr. Avinash Singh

La Martiniere College, Lucknow
Mass Media & Communications Projects
Class 11

Project 1:


Optional Themes:

• Student Politics
• Junk food and Culture

• Students may create their own topic based on any of the above topics.
• Teams shall comprise of 5 to 8 members.
• All members are to participate in.
• Interview of two specialists in the field may be used.
• Interview of a single student to be used.
• Open world clips for bulk.
• Sound editing to be done in the Lab.
• Video footage to be taken on cameras or mobile phone and saved on a ZIP folder for
• Any editing software may be used. Recommendations: filmora, adobe audition,
premiere pro.
• Documentary must contain reason for validity of theme, current scenario, prospects,
student affect and reasoning.
• Duration: 30 min ~ 45 min.

Project 2:

Micro thesis

• Students may choose a topic from the same themes as the documentary. The thesis
will work as a complementary piece of literature.
• Introduction and reason for picking topic.
• Contents.
• Relation between topics and current scenario.
• Difficult terms.
• Plan of data collection.
• Expected difficulties.
• Sample Questionnaire [without fill]
• 20 completed questions per sheet.
• The same sheet must be given to 20 people.
• Findings and pie charts.
• Unexpected findings.
• Conclusion.
• Bibliography and references.
Political Science Project
Class 11
The following topics are there for Political Science Project for class 11 for the year 2024-25. There are five
topics given to you, out of which you have to choose any one of the topics to do your project.

1. Civil Society Movements – Role and Their Participation in India.

*(Meaning of Civil Society, Different movements led by Civil Society, Eg: Swachch Bharat Mission,
Jan Lokpal Bill Movement, Chipko Movement, Decriminalization of Section 377 of IPC)

2. The evolution of an Indian Political Party.

*(Any National or Regional Political party from its birth to its evolution to its current form e.g.
Cong, BJP, SP, BSP,AAP etc.)

3. Asylum Seekers in India –A Humanitarian crisis or a National concern?

*(Refugees seeking asylum for the following reasons, such as - social, economic, cultural, religious
persecution, from war-torn countries, Problems for the Host country and the Solutions.)

4. Regional Organizations - BIMSTEC, SAARC

*(Meaning of Regional Organizations, Objectives, Members, Projects undertaken, Role of India)

5. India and its Neighbour

* (Project to be done on any one neighbouring country- Pakistan, China, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh,
Nepal or Bhutan)
India’s foreign policy and relations in present times-Socio Economic, Military and Border

* Suggestions for the key subtopics that can be covered in the Project. Students have the liberty to
cover any other aspect or subtopic of the given Topic other than the suggested ones.

General Instructions/ Guidelines to the students-

The project must maintain the order as specified-The order of the project is -

• Title page
• Index
• Acknowledgement
• Reason for choosing the topic
• Introduction
• Case studies (any four)
• Hypothesis / Conclusion
• Bibliography

➢ The process of doing Class 11 Project is as important as Class 12 Board Project.

➢ The project is to be done individually.
➢ The project has to be within 2000-word limits.
➢ It should be well-researched based on facts and figures, relevant news clippings and pictorials.
➢ The content must be presented in your own words and it should not be plagiarised.
➢ Reason must be given for choosing a particular topic (e.g., Inquisitiveness, Interesting, Burning
Issue etc.)
➢ In the Introduction, an outline or overview of the topic is to be given.
➢ In Case studies, any four examples in reference to the project are to be taken to elucidate the
concerned topic.
➢ Care must be taken to present both sides of the project and then to reach your own Conclusion or
➢ Bibliography/Webliography to include all reference material, internet sites, books, and periodicals
referred for the project.
➢ Marks are to be awarded for the content and originality and not for decorative elements and
➢ The project shall be presented in the Project File covered with a Brown cover.

Class 11


Students are expected to choose any TWO TOPICS from the given list.

List of suggested studies for Project Work:

1. Make a presentation on ‘Structure of Judiciary in India’. The presentation should contain the

(i) Hierarchy of Courts in India

(ii) Establishment of the Supreme Court, High Courts & Subordinate Courts-Jurisdiction

(iii) Concept of Single Bench, Division Bench, full bench and Constitutional bench

2. Would there be a different viewpoint if the ensuing cases were determined today? (Any one
to be discussed)

(i) Kesavananda Bharati Case

(ii) Golaknath Case

(iii) AK Gopalan case

(iv) SR Bommai case

3. Using contemporary examples, investigate the legal rights of consumers and the
effectiveness of the law in achieving justice for consumers. To support your research, cite
pertinent case studies.

4. Research the following case studies and submit your findings:

(i) Star India (P) Ltd. V. Piyush Agarwal & Ors, C.S. (O.S.) No. 2722/2012, Del HC

(ii) Super Cassettes Industries Limited V. YouTube & Google

5. Present a comparative analysis on the following: Generic Medicines Vs. Patented Medicines
6. Make a presentation on Types of Trademarks. Your presentation should contain:

(i) Meaning & importance of Trademarks

(ii) Types of Trademarks that can be registered in India with illustrations.

(iii) Any five trademarks in which it is impossible to tell the difference between the goods and
the trademark.

(iv) Make a logo for a business that does ethical hacking.

7. Write an essay on ‘India- Pakistan tug of war over GI tag for Basmati Rice’.

8. Critically analyse the Theories of Punishment. Write an essay with relevant case studies on
any one from the following topics:

(i) Social Media and Cyber Laws in India,

(ii) E-commerce and Cyber Laws in India,

(iii) Intellectual Property Rights and Cyber Laws in India, and

(iv) Cyber Forensics and its Legal Aspects in India.

Write a paper on "The Jurisdictional Issues In Cyberspace-Indian & International Perspective".


1. Two topics have to be chosen from among the list provided above.
2. The projects must contain the following:
Title page
List of cases
List of abbreviations
3. The projects have to be preferably hand written and each project must contain at least
8 to 10 pages.
4. A separator has to be put in between the two projects. Both the projects must be in the
same file covered in black.
5. Proper citation of the sources has to be done wherever necessary. If plagiarism is
detected, it will be penalised by a minus marking which shall depend upon the degree
of plagiarism.
6. Marks shall be awarded for content and originality and not for decorative elements and
7. Last date for submission of the projects is 31st July, 2024 beyond which one mark will
be deducted for every day of the delay.

La Martiniere College
Hospitality Management Project

Front Office –
Standard guest phrases used in the industry specifically in a hotel
Telephone manners used by the staff in a hotel
Handling guest complaints in a hotel

Accommodation Operations –
Décor for public areas and guest rooms
Types of flower arrangements – Low-long, Front open, Ikebana & Horizontal)

Project Instructions: the instructions given below are to be followed by the students
while working on the project.
Instructions for the handwritten project:

• You will make ONLY ONE FILE which will include both the topics given above.
• Cover of the project should be BLACK ONLY
• Write your name, class / section and roll number/personal number clearly on the cover
• Index and acknowledgement sheet to be present in the beginning of the project
• Bibliography page to be present at the end of the project.
• Presentation: Appropriate pictures and diagrams would attract more marks
• Project should consist of 20 Pages maximum – 10 pages for each topic
• Minus marking for delay in submission

How to begin with the project writing?

After the acknowledgement and index page, you will begin with a brief introduction to the
hotel industry. You should write about hotels and the various departments functioning in a
hotel. After doing so, you will begin with the first topic which is ‘Front Office Department’.

After you finish with front office department, you will add a blank page in the same file on
which you will write ‘Accommodation Operations’ in bold letters and there after you start
writing about the second topic given above. (Make sure you write a brief introduction about
both departments as instructed without fail).
For FLOWER ARRANGEMENT topic, you only have to print the pictures of the types of
flower- arrangements given above and write a brief about them and their uses in the hotel.
Please note, that if the said instructions are not followed, heavy deduction of marks will take
place. For any other query, you may contact the subject teacher before doing anything wrong.

Teacher: Mr. Navneet Ashish Daniels

La Martiniere College, Lucknow
CLASS – 11




Following is the list of Project topics allotted to the students for the session 2024- 2025, along with the format.

1. Asshar Hussain – History and Scope of Biotechnology

2. Humam A. Khan – Intellectual property rights and its applications.

3. Mannan Zia – Plant Cell Structure and its importance

4. Abhiraja Agarwal – Biosafety and its importance in Biotechnology

5. Artham Srivastava – Gene mapping and Cancer Genetics

6. Riddhiman Shukla – Laws of Inheritance and its importance in Genetic Studies

7. Ritvik Jhingran – Dangers of Bio warfare and its control in modern times.

8. Rohit Chakrovarthy – Defence Strategies in plants and animals.

9. Abhijay Solomon – Animal Development and Embryology

10. Ashja Hasan – Biological Transformation

11. Kevin Joseph – Biomolecules and its Separation Techinique

12 Gauhar Agha – Errors in Cell Division and Mutation

13. Astik Shukla – Cell Organelles and their Imortance

14. Yasharth Chandrekesh – Aerobic Respiration

15. Kartik Gupta – Mutation, its Causes and impact

16. Rudresh Singh – Structure of Genes and its effect in population.


1. Project to be HAND WRITTEN.

2. Minimum pages – Not less than 25

The project should contain the following headings:

1. Content

2. Introduction
3. Presentation – (Graphs, tables,Charts,Newspaper cuttings, Diagrams, Photographs, Statistical analysis
if relevant may be printed)

4. Conclusion

5. Bibliography
La Martiniere College, Lucknow
Class- 11
Subject- Art (Paper 2)
Project Topic- Drawing or Painting
from Nature

1. Candidates may use objects that create texture on their answer papers.
2. Any colour medium can be used except for black pen, marker, sketch pen etc.
3. Candidates must not copy or base their design from the internet.
4. Real life object must be used for the making of your drawing/painting.

Any one of the two alternatives set below may be selected.

A. Make a detailed study of a POMEGRANATE which has been split open partially and
shows the structure of seeds inside.

B. Make a study of any indoor plant growing in a pot with a profuse growing habit. The pot
should be placed against a brick wall.

La Martiniere College, Lucknow
Class- 11
Subject- Art (Paper 4)
Project Topic- Original Imaginative Composition in

You are required to make an original composition based on any aspect of one of the
subjects given below.
Before starting work, take careful note of the following instructions (a) and (b)
(a) You must on no account copy or base your composition on any picture you have seen.
Failure to observe this direction may lead to disqualification.
(b) Your picture should fill, or approximately fill, your sheet of paper.
Select any two of the following topics stating its number:

1. Make a composition of an important festival of your State/region. Family and friends have
gathered together to offer prayers, sing or take part in the religious ceremony. The depicted
festival should be recognizable.
2. A board game is in progress. While one player is making a move, others are trying to gauge
the situation.
3. A local picnic spot is being visited by a group of tourists. Capture the people engaged in
admiring the venue.
4. People are exiting a cinema hall after seeing a horror movie. It is late at night and street lamps
are casting an eerie glow.
5. Create a composition of a ‘selfie’ being taken. The backdrop too should form an essential
part of the drawing.

La Martiniere College, Lucknow
Class- 11
Subject- Art (Paper 5)
Project Topic- Crafts ‘A’
Attempt any one of the following topics stating its number:
1. Design the cover of a book on Art for high school students. Incorporate the title
“ARTY-FACTS - by (provide a fictitious name of an author)” in your design. Work to the
full extent of your sheet. Due consideration should be given to the layout of the image, text
and colour.
2. Design a poster for a shop selling sinks, bathtubs, taps and other such equipment.
Incorporate the words “STYLE opening shortly” into your design.
3. Design a pattern for a table cloth to be used in a restaurant, specialising in Chinese food.
The pattern can be either a single motif or a repeating motif. Use Red and two other
4. Write the following lines in a good foundational hand.
“The moon has a face like the clock in the hall
She shines on thieves on the garden wall”. – Robert Louis Stevenson
You can give a border and incorporate a small illustration, to capture the spirit of the poem,
into your design.
5. Design a logo for a sports club which has a gymnasium and facilities such as mixed martial
arts. Incorporate the words “ENERGY” in your design.
Note: Cutting and pasting of extra materials is strictly prohibited. Sequins, thread or
magazine images must not be used.


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