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Holiday Homework-Class X

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SESSION (2024 -25)



1. Solve all the questions in a scrap book.

2. Paste related pictures and be artistic in each and every question, to make your
attempt presentable, colourful and creative.
3 . No plagiarism, be original
1. Read a Book/ Novel of your interest. Write a Book Review on it. Following points
should be included to make it attracting.
 Name of the book, date and year of publication.
 Summary of the Story you read.
 Write about the protagonist. (100-120 words)
 Mention any incident that you liked the most.
 Draw/paste a book cover of the book/ novel you read.
2. You are Prakash/ Priya Khanna, a resident of Patel Nagar, New Delhi. Write a letter to
theeditor of the newspaper “The Times of India”, New Delhi about the article on “Ban Poly
Bags” published in the latest edition.

3.Prepare a Project report on life and history of the famous poet ‘Robert Frost’ with two
examples of short poems written by him.

4.Read the English newspaper daily for 15 days. Paste any TWO news articles. in your Scrap
Book with Day, Date and Time and write 10 new words (from the articles) with their


ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य

१. अपनी छुट्टिर्ों (ग्रीष्मावकाश) के के वल 10 दिनों की डार्री दहन्िी में दलखें.

२. दहन्िी भाषा के महत्व पर जागरूकता दवज्ञापन का मॉडल तैर्ार करे
३. अरुणाचल प्रिेश अथवा मेघालर् की भाषा, कला, सादहत्र्, सस्ं कृदत व भौगोदलक दस्थदत के दवषर् में बताते
हुए एक प्रोजेक्ट तैर्ार करें ।(पी.पी.टी)
4. राम-लक्ष्मण-परशरु ाम सवं ाि के आधार पर लक्ष्मण के चाट्टरदिक दवशेषताओ ं का वणयन
ए-4 शीट पर करें।
1. Students are required to write following activities in their MATH LAB MANUAL as
per the instructions explained in the class.

Activity 1:
To draw the graph of a quadratic polynomial and observe:
a. The shape of the curve when the coefficient of 𝒙𝟐 is positive.
b. The shape of the curve when the coefficient of 𝒙𝟐 is negative.
c. Its number of zeroes.

Activity 2:
To verify the conditions of consistency/ inconsistency for a pair of linear
equations in two variables by graphical method.

Activity 7:
To find the height of a building using a clinometer.

1. Students are required to write following activities in their Science LAB MANUAL as
per the instructions explained in the class.

Activity are

1. Ohm’s Law
2. Resistors in Series
3. Resistors in Parallel
4. Focal Length of Concave Mirror and Convex Lens
5. Refraction Through Glass Slab
6. Refraction Through Prism
7. Image Formation by a Convex Lens


Make a project record in any one the following topic .

1.Determine whether ethanol really does burn more cleanly than gasoline.
2.Test products for impurities. For example, you could compare the amount of lead in
different brands of bottled water. If a label says a product does not contain a heavy metal, is
the label accurate? Do you see any evidence of leaching hazardous chemicals from the plastic
into water over time?

3. Make a modern periodic table and classify the elements in it according to the modern

4. Make a project related to the making of soaps .


Draw the label and colourful picture of following on A4 sheet -

A- Digestive system of human
B- Lungs of human
C- Human kidney
D- Human heart
Mode of Asexual reproduction
E- Female and Male reproductive system
F- Energy flow
G- Pond ecosystem
H- Food chain and food web

1. Practical- All experiments are Compulsory to write in practical file.

i-To check the presence of starch in leaf.
ii - To show presence of light for photosynthesis.
iii - To demonstrate we release Carbon dioxide using lime water.
iv - To demonstrate presence of KOH in germinating seed and its effect.


Project Work :
1. Consumer Awareness OR Social Issues (Any one)


1. Sustainable Development

Objective: Every student has to compulsorily undertake one project on Consumer

Social Issues AND Sustainable Development Objectives: The overall objective of the project
work is to help students gain an insight and pragmatic understanding of the theme and see all
the Social Science disciplines from an interdisciplinary perspective. It should also help in
enhancing the Life Skills of the students. Students are expected to apply the Social Science
concepts that they have learnt over the years in order to prepare the project report. If required,
students may go out for collecting data and use different primary and secondary resources to
prepare the project. If possible, various forms of art may be integrated in the project work.
Worksheet to be done in note book.
1.Why is the central government of India not compelling states to adopt Hindi as their
official language?
2. Contrast a federal system of government with a unitary set-up with examples.
3. Highlight the two types of routs through which the federations are formed. Give
4. Explain the role of union list, state list and concurrent list with context to India.

5. What are significances of Panchayat Raj?

6. Explain the organization of the local government bodies of urban areas.
7. Differentiate between Federal Government and the Unitary Government
8. How federalism leads to reservation of seats for different caste groups?
9. What was the Amendment in regard to decentralization?
10. How is the Federal government better than a Unitary Government? Explain
with the example of Belgium and Sri Lanka.

Information Technology

Portfolio or practical file should contain printouts of the practical done using Writer
Unit 1: Digital Documentation (Advanced) are given below :
1. Create and apply styles in the digital document
2. Insert and use images in the digital document
3. Create and Use templates
4. Create and customize the table of contents
5. Implement the mail merge
Q 1. Explain the styles given in the Styles and Formatting Window for writer and Write
the steps to create new style in Open Office Writer.pastethe screenshot of the window
Q 2.Type a paragraph with at least 100 words and create below given styles as instructed:
a. Headings : Font name: Font name: Times New Roman, Size: 24 , Color: Red. Give
the style name: Dream Heading (Use create style from selection command to create
b. Paragraph: Apply Style Text Body from the Style Gallary
Quote: Font Name:Broadway, Size:16, Colour: Blue, Alignment:
Center. Give the style name: DreamQuot
Q 3. Create a new document in a writer and type a paragraph
 insert a picture of your choice
 adjust the picture the to the paragraph
 insert some shapes and write additional text into the shape
 Write the steps to insert an image in a document. Explain three methods alongwith
 Design a poster on “Sale in Big Bazaar” by using image and drawing tools
Q 4. Prepare a template for the leave application writing format.
Q 5. Prepare a document with different headings and apply tab a table of contents to it

1 Draw Aalpana Art on Red A 3 Sheet.
2 Make one Glitter Art on A 3 Sheet and on Krishna Painting or Ayodhya Mandir.
3. Make one beautiful Decorative item.

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