Test - 4 (Capacitor) Physics
Test - 4 (Capacitor) Physics
Test - 4 (Capacitor) Physics
M.M- 44
Objective Questions:
1. 1000 drops of capacitance C combine to form a larger drop. Then capacitance of larger drop is (1)
(a) 10 C (b) 100 C (c) 1000 C (d) C
2. 27 drops each of potential 10 V combine to form a larger drop. Then potential of larger drop is (1)
(a) 10 V (b) 30 V (c) 90 V (d) 270 V
3. If N capacitors each of capacitance C are available. When connected in series, these yield a capacitance X. One of
the capacitors gets damaged. It is replaced and remaining cap. are again connected in series. Now, these yield a
capacitance Y. No of capacitors N = (1)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Y −X Y −X Y −X X−Y
4. Two parallel plate cap. have their plates of circular shape their radii are in ratio 1: 2 and distance b/w plates is in
ratio 2: 3. These are connected in series across a voltage supply. The ratio of pd across each cap. is (1)
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 3 : 8 (c) 8 : 3 (d) 8 : 9
5. 3 3 3
4 4 4 ________∝
6 6
12 V
All capacitor are in μF . Charge drawn from battery is
(a) 72 μC (b) 96 μC (c) 120 μC (d) 144 μC
7. 3 A 6 (1)
12 B 6
12 V
V A −V B is
(a) 4V (b) -4V (c) 8V (d) -8 V
Plate B is fixed and plate A is movable charge +q is placed on plate A and –q is placed on B. Then extension of spring
in equilibrium
2 2 2 2
q q 2q q
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 ϵ 0 AK ϵ 0 AK ϵ 0 AK 4 ϵ 0 AK
9. (1)
5 Plates are arranged as shown in figure area of each plate is A and distance b/w plates is d. Then equivalent
capacitance b/w A & B is (1)
4 ∈0 A 7 ∈0 A 3∈0 A 5 ∈0 A
(a) (b) (c) (d)
d 2 d d 2 d
10. + + (1)
+ +
+ +
+ +
A voltmeter is connected across a charged parallel plate capacitor. If plates of cap. are pulled apart with an insulated
handle, then reading of voltmeter
(a) will decrease (b) will increase (c) remains same (d) first increase then decrease
11. A technician requires a capacitance of 2 μF which can withstand a voltage of 1000 V. He has a large no. of 1 μF
capacitors each of which can with stand a voltage of 400 V. Using min. no. of capacitors, suggest a suitable
arrangement to meet his requirement.
20 V
Q13. All capacitances are in pF, (10+2 F). Find charge and pd across each?
200 200
-300 V
10 10
+ 50 V –
All capacitances are in μF . Find charge and pd across each?
Q15. Derive an expression for force b/w cap. plates. What is origin of factor ½?
S1 S2 S3
V1 C1 C2 V2
A +
+ X1 X2 x3
t1 t2
Initially switch is closed both capacitors are charged by battery after sufficient time, switch is opened and dullctric of
dielectric constt K=3 is inserted b/w plates of both parallel plate capacitors. What is ratio of final energy stored to
initial energy stored?