Questions 2
Questions 2
Questions 2
A b
2 2A d
3 A 2d
Q.5 Initially, a single capacitance C, is wired to a battery. Then capacitance C, is added in parallel. Are (a
the potential difference across C, and (b) the charge q,on C, now more than, less than,or
thesame as
previously?(c) Is the equivalent capacitance C,, ofC, and C, more than, less
Is the total charge stored on C, and C, together more than, less than, or than, or equal to C,? (0
equal the charge storec
previously on C,?
Q.6 As shown in the figure three circuits, each consisting of
a switch and two capacitors, initially charged as
indicated.After the switches have been closed, in which 6q| 3q 6q
circuit (ifany) will the charge on the lefthand capacitor 2c| |C 2C| 2C
(a) increase, (b) decrease and (c) remain the same?
Q.7 Cap-monster maze. In the Figure all the capacitors have a capacitance
of6.0 uF, andall the batteries have an emfof 10V. What is the charge
on capacitor C? (Ifyou can find the proper loop
can answer the question with a few seconds of through this maze, you
mental calculation.)
Q.8 An oil filled capacitor has been
designed to have a capacitance Cand to operate safely at or
certain maximum potential difference Vwithout arcing over. However, the designer did not dobelow
job and the capacitor occasionally arcs ago
over. What can be done to redesign the
and Vunchanged and using the same dielectric? capacitor, keeping
Q.9 One of theplates of a capacitor
the plates change if the earthingconnected
to battery is earthed, Willthe
wire is removed? potential diffrence berwe