2. A capacitor of capacitance 1 mF withstands the maximum voltage 6 kV while a capacitor of 2mF withstands
the maximum voltage 4 kV. What maximum voltage will the system of these two capacitor withstands if
they are connected in series ?
(A) 10 kV (B) 12 kV (C) 8 kV (D) 9 kV
3. Consider the situation shown in the figure. The capacitor A has a charge q on it –
whereas B is uncharged. The charge appearing on the capacitor B a long time after + –
the switch is closed is + – S
+ –
(A) zero (B) q/2 A B
(C) q (D) 2q
(A) mF (B) 9mF
(C) 48mF (D) None of these
5. To form a composite 16 mF , 1000 V capacitor from a supply of identical capacitors marked 8 mF , 250 V , we
require a minimum number of capacitors
(A) 40 (B) 32 (C) 8 (D) 2
6. The distance between plates of a parallel plate capacitor is 'd'. Another thick metal plate of thickness
d/2 and area same as that of plates is so placed between the plates, that it does not touch the plates. The
capacity of the resultant capacitor :
(A) remain same (B) becomes double (C) becomes half (D) becomes one fourth
7. Three parallel metallic plates, each of area A are kept as shown in the figure and charges Q1, Q2 and Q3 are
given to them. Edge effects are negligible. Calculate the charges on the two outermost surfaces 'a' and 'f'.
Q1 + Q2 + Q3 Q1 + Q2 + Q3
(A) (B)
2 3
a b c d e f
Q1 - Q2 + Q 3 Q1 - Q2 + Q 3
(C) (D)
3 2
C1 C1 C1
8. In the arrangement of the capacitors shown in the figure, each C1 capacitor c
has capacitance of 3µF and each C2 capacitor has capacitance of 2µF then
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
9. Each capacitor of capacitance C is arranged as shown in the given circuit. The net B
capacitance between A and B is–
6C 7C
(A) (B)
7 6
(C) C (D) 2C
10. Two capacitors of equal capacitance (C1=C2) are shown in the figure. Initially,
while the switch S is open, one of the capacitors is uncharged and the other
carries charge Q0. The energy stored in the charged capacitor is U0.
Sometimes after the switch is closed, the capacitors C1 and C2 carry charges
Q1 and Q2, respectively; the voltage across the capacitors are V1 and V2;
and the energies stored in the capacitors are U1 and U2. Which of the following
statements is incorrect ?
(A) Q0 = (Q + Q2) (B) Q1=Q2
2 1
(C) V1=V2 (D) U0 = U1 +U2
11. In the figure a capacitor of capacitance 2mF is connected to a cell of emf 20 volt. The plates of the capacitor
are drawn apart slowly to double the distance between them, The work done by the external agent on the
plates is : 2m F
(A) –200mJ (B) 200mJ
(C) 400mJ (D) –400mJ
20 volt
12. In the given circuit if point C is connected to the earth and a potential of +2000 V
is given to point A, the potential at B is : 10mF 10mF
14. An uncharged capacitor having capacitance C is connected across a battery of emf V. Now the
capacitor is disconnected and then reconnected across the same battery but with reversed polarity. Then which
of the statement is incorrect
(A) After reconnecting, heat energy produced in the circuit will be equal to two–third of the total
energy supplied by battery.
(B) After reconnecting, no energy is supplied by battery.
(C) After reconnecting, whole of the energy supplied by the battery is converted into heat.
(D) After reconnecting, thermal energy produced in the circuit will be equal to 2CV .
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
15. In the circuit shown in figure potential difference between A and B is : E = 190V
(A) 30 V
C 3C
(B) 60 V
(C) 10 V A
(D) 90 V C 3C
JE E-Physics
16. The effective capacitance of the system in adjoining figure will be-
e0 A e0 A
(A) C = (B) C =
é d1 d 2 d 3 d 4 ù 4d
êK + K + K + K ú
ë 1 2 3 4û
4d K1K 2K 4 K 3
(C) C = e A (D) C =
0 4d
17. Four identical capacitors are connected in series with a battery of 10V
+ -
emf 10V. The point X is earthed. Than the potential of point A is
(A) 10 V
(B) 7.5 V X
(C) –7.5 V
(D) 0 V
18. Two condensor, one of capacity C and other of capacity are connected to a V
2 C
V C/2
volt battery as shown in fig. Work done by battery fully charging both the condensor is
1 2 3 1 2
(A) CV (B) CV 2 (C) CV (D) 2CV2
4 2 2
19. A capacitor of capacitance C is initially charged to a potential difference of V volt. Now it is connected to a
battery of 2V with opposite polarity. The ratio of heat generated to the final energy stored in the capacitor will
(A) 1.75 (B) 2.25 (C) 2.5 (D) 1/2
20. The capacitance (C) for an isolated conducting sphere of radius (a) is given by 4pe0a. This sphere is enclosed
within an earthed concentric sphere. The ratio of the radii of the spheres being then the capacitance
(n - 1)
of such a sphere will be increased by a factor-
n (n - 1)
(A) n (B) (C) (D) a.n
(n - 1) n
21. A parallel plate capacitor of capacity C is connected to a battery of emf V. The force between the plates is F 0.
Now a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K is inserted between the plates. The new force between the plates
becomes F. The relation between F and F 0 is
(A) F = K2F0 (B) F = KF 0 (C) F = (D) F = F0
22. Three identical capacitors of capacitance ‘C’ connected in series and then the first and the last conductors of
the combination are connected to earth. A charge Q is communicated to the second conductor of first
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
2Q 3Q Q 3Q
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3C 2C 3C C
23. The arrangement shows three plates x, y and z each of the area A and separation d. The energy stored by
each capacitor when the plates are fully charged is
Î0 AV 2 2 Î0 AV 2 Î0 AV 2 Î0 AV 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2d d d 2d
24. A capacitor of value 4 mF charged at 50V is connected with another capacitor of value 2mF charged at 100V, in
such a way that plates of similar charges are connected together. Before joining and after joining the total energy
in multiples 10–2 J will be :
(A) 1.5 and 1.33 (B) 1.33 and 1.5 (C) 3.0 and 2.67 (D) 2.67 and 3.0
25. A number of capacitors, each of capacitance 1 mF and each one of which gets punctured if a potential difference
just exceeding 500 volt is applied are provided. Then an arrangement suitable for giving a capacitor of capacitance
3 mF across which 2000 volt may be applied requires at least :
(A) 4 component capacitors (B) 12 component capacitors
(C) 48 component capacitors (D) 16 component capacitors
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
JE E-Physics
(Q1 - Q 2 )
(B) Potential difference between the plates is d
e0 A
(C) If A is earthed, the charge (Q1 + Q2) will flow to earth
(D) If B is earthed, the charge (Q2 – Q1) will flow to earth
2. A parallel plate capacitor is connected to a cell. Its positive plate A and its negative plate B have charges
+Q and –Q respectively. A third plate C, identical to A and B, with charge +Q, is now introduced midway
between A and B, parallel to them. Which of the following are correct :
(A) Charge on the inner face of B is now -
(B) There is no change in the potential difference between A and B
(C) Potential difference between A and C is one–third of the potential difference between B and C
(D) Charge on the inner face of A is now
4. A parallel plate capacitor of plate area A and plate separation d is charged to potential difference V and
then the battery is disconnected. A slab of dielectric constant K is then inserted between the plates of the
capacitor so as to fill the space between the plates. If Q,E and W denote respectively, the magnitude of
charge on each plate, the electric field between the plates (after the slab is inserted) and the work done
on the system, in question, in the process of inserting the slab, then
e o AV e o KAV V e 0 AV 2 æ 1ö
(A) Q= (B) Q= (C) E= (D)W=– çè 1 - ÷ø
d d Kd 2d K
5. Two thin conducting shells of radii R and 3R are shown in the figure. The outer
shell carries a charge +Q and the inner shell is neutral. The inner shell is earthed
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
6. X and Y are large, parallel conducting plates close to each other. Each face has an area A. X is given
a charge Q. Y is without any charge. Point A, B and C are as shown in the figure
(A) The field at B is 2e A
(B) The field at B is e A
(C) The field at A, B and C are of the same magnitude
(D) The field at A and C are of the same magnitude but in opposite directions
7. A parallel plate capacitor is charged from a cell and then isolated from it. The separation between the plates
is now increased
(A) The force of attraction between the plates will decrease
(B) The field in the region between the plates will not change
(C) The energy stored in the capacitor will increase
(D) The potential difference between the plates will decrease
9. A parallel plate capacitor is charged and then the battery is disconnected. When the plates of the capacitor
are brought closer, then
(A) Energy stored in the capacitor decreases
(B) The potential difference between the plates decreases
(C) The capacitance increases
(D) The electric field between the plates decreases
10. A dielectric slab of thickness d is inserted in a parallel plate capacitor whose negative plate is at x = 0 and
positive plate is at x = 3d . The slab is equidistant from the plates. The capacitor is given some charge. As one
goes from 0 to 3d
(A) The magnitude of the electric field remains the same
(B) The direction of the electric field remains the same
(C) The electric potential increases continuously
(D) The electric potential increases at first, then decreases and again increases
11. The electric field in the gaps between the plates and the dielectric slab will is :-
e 0 AV V KV V
(A) (B) (C) (D) d - 1
d d d
C1 C1 C1
C2 C2 C1
C1 C1 C1
14. If Vab = 900 V, the charge on each capacitor nearest to the point 'a' and 'b' is :
(A) 300 µC (B) 600 µC (C) 450 µC (D) 900 µC
C 2C
Comprehension-3 A
6. ind the charge flowing through connector AB
A) B) C) D)
5 3 2 6
CE 2 CE 2 CE 2 CE 2
A) J B) J C) J D) J
100 90 110 105
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
Ae 0 K 1
1. The capacitance between A and B is n d if two dielectric slabs of dielectric
constant K1 and K2 of thickness d1 and d2 and each of area A are inserted
between the plates of parallel plate capacitor of plate area A as shown in
figure. (K2 = 2K1; d2 = 4d1). Find value of n.
2. Find the equivalent capacitance of the infinite ladder shown in figure between the points A & B. (in mF)
2mF 2mF 2mF 2mF 2mF
B 2m F
+20m C -20m C
3. Find heat produced in the circuit shown in figure on closing S
the switch S. (in mJ) +50m C -50m C
5m F
C 1m F
4. In the following circuit, the resultant capacitance between A and B A
n´8 8m F 6m F 4mF
is 1mF. The value of C is mF . Find value of n.
23 2m F
2mF 12mF
5. In the circuit shown in the figure, initially SW is open. When the switch 60V 2mF
is closed, the charge passing through the switch is (12 × n) mC in the
direction A to B. Find the value of n. 60V
SW 3mF
6. A parallel plate condenser is charged to a certain potential and then disconnected. The separation of the plates
is now increased by 2.4 mm and a plate of thickness 3 mm is inserted into it keeping its potential constant. Find
the dielectric constant of the medium
7. A parallel plate capacitor is to be designed with a voltage rating 1 kV using a material of dielectric constant
10 and dielectric strength 106 Vm–1. The minimum area of the plates is 10–n m2 required to have a capacitance
of 88.5 pF. Find the value of n.
8. Consider the situation shown. The switch S is open for a long time and then A B
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
closed. Then : C C
Column–I Column–II S
2 E
(A) Charge flown through battery when S is closed (p)
(B) Work done by battery (q)
CE 2
(C) Charge on capacitor A when switch S is closed (r)
(D) Heat developed in the system (s) CE
JE E-Physics
9. In the circuit shown in figure. C1=C, C2=2C, C3=3C, C4=4C.
Column I Column II
(A) Maximum potential difference (p) across C1
(B) Minimum potential difference (q) across C2
(C) Maximum potential energy (r) across C3
(D) Minimum potential energy (s) across C4
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
2. Two capacitors C1 and C2 are charged to 120V and 200V respectively. It is found that by connecting them
together the potential on each one can be made zero. Then : [AIEEE 2013]
(1) 5C1 = 3C2 (2) 3C1 = 5C2 (3) 3C1 + 5C2 = 0 (4) 9C1 = 4C2
3. A parallel plate capacitor is made of two cirular plates separated by a distance of 5mm and with a dielelctric of
dielectric constant 2.2 between them. When the electric field in the dielectric is 3×104 V/m, the charge density
of the positive plate will be closed to [JEE(Main) 2014]
–7 2 –7 2 4 2
(1) 6×10 C/m (2) 3×10 C/m (3) 3×10 C/m (4) 6×104 C/m2
Charge Charge
Q2 Q2
(1) (2)
1m F 3m F 1m F 3m F
Charge Charge
Q2 Q2
(3) (4)
1m F 3m F 1m F 3m F
5. A combination of capacitors is set up as shown in the figure. The magnitude of the electric field, due to a point
charge Q (having a charge equal to the sum of the charges on the 4mF and 9mF capacitors), at a point distant 30
m from it, would equal– [JEE(Main) 2016]
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
+ –
(1) 240 N/C (2) 360 N/C (3) 420 N/C (4) 480 N/C
JE E-Physics
6. Figure shows a network of capacitors where the numbers indicates capacitances in micro Farad. The value of
capacitance C if the equivalent capacitance between point A and B is to be 1 mF is :
[JEE(Main) 2016, ONLINE]
C 1
8 6 4
2 2 12
33 34 31 32
(1) mF (2) mF (3) mF (4) mF
23 23 23 23
7. A capacitance of 2 mF required in an electrical circuit across a potential difference of 1.0 kV. A large number of
1 mF capacitors are available which can withstand a potential difference of not more than 300 V.
The minimum number of capacitors required to achieve this is : [JEE(Main) 2017]
(1) 16 (2) 24 (3) 32 (4) 2
8. In the circuit shown, find C if the effective capacitance of the whole circuit
is to be 0.5 mF. All values in the circuit are in mF.
[JEE(Main) 2019, ONLINE]
7 7
(1) mF (2) mF
10 11
(3) mF (4) 4mF
9. In the figure shown below, the charge on the left plate of the 10 mF capacitor is –30 mC. ?The charge on the right plate
of the 6 mF capacitor is : [JEE(Main) 2019, ONLINE]
10mF 2mF
10. Seven capacitors, each of capacitance 2 mF, are to be connected in a configuration to obtain an effective
æ 6ö
capacitance of ç
è ÷ mF . Which of the combinations, shown in figures below, will achieve the desired value?
13 ø
[JEE(Main) 2019, ONLINE]
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
11. A parallel plate capacitor has 1µF capacitance. One of its two plates is given +2µC charge and the other plate,
+4µC charge. The potential difference developed across the capacitor is:-
[JEE(Main) 2019, ONLINE]
(1) 5V (2) 2V (3) 3V (4) 1V
12. The parallel combination of two air filled parallel plate capacitors of capacitance C and nC is connected to
a battery of voltage, V. When the capacitors are fully charged, the battery is removed and after that a dielectric
material of dielectric constant K is placed between the two plates of the first capacitor. The new potential difference
of the combined system is : [JEE(Main) 2019, ONLINE]
V (n + 1)V nV
(1) (2) V (3) (4)
K+n (K + n) K+n
13. Figure shows charge (q) versus voltage (V) graph for series and parallel q(mC)
combination of two given capacitors. The capacitances are : A
(1) 50 mF and 30 mF B
(2) 20 mF and 30 mF 80
(3) 60 mF and 40 mF 10V V(Volt)
1 mF
4 mF
14. In the given circuit, the charge on 4 mF capacitor will be :
5 mF
(1) 5.4 mC
(2) 24 mC 3 mF
(3) 13.4 mC 10 V
(4) 9.6 mC [JEE(Main) 2019, ONLINE]
15. Effective capacitance of parallel combination of two capacitors C1 and C2 is 10 µF. When these capacitors are
individually connected to a voltage source of 1V, the energy stored in the capacitor C2 is 4 times that of C1.
If these capacitors are connected in series, their effective capacitance will be :
[JEE(Main) 2020, ONLINE]
(1) 3.2 µF (2) 8.4 µF (3) 1.6 µF (4) 4.2 µF
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
JE E-Physics
1. Two circuits (a) and (b) have charged capacitors of capacitance C, 2C and 3C with open switches. Charges
on each of the capacitor are as shown in the figure. On closing the switches : [AIEEE 2012, ONLINE]
2Q – – Q 2Q – – Q
3C + + C 2C + + 2C
(a) (b)
(1) Charge flow from L to R in both (a) and (b)
(2) No charge flows in (a) but charge flows from R to L in (b)
(3) No charge flows in (a) but charge flows from L to R in (b)
(4) Charges flow from R to L in (a) and from L to R in (b)
2. A parallel plate capacitor having a separation between the plates d, plate area A and material with dielectric
constant K has capacitance C0. Now one-third of the material is replaced by another material with dielectric
constant 2K, so that effectively there are two capacitors one with area A, dielectric constant 2K and another
2 C
with area A and dielectric constant K. If the capacitance of this new capacitor is C then C is:
3 0
3. A parallel plate capacitor is made of two plates of length l, width w and separated by distance d. A
dielectric slab (dielectric constant K) that fits exactly between the plates is held near the edge of the plates.
It is pulled into the capacitor by a force F = - where U is the enerey of the capacitor when dielectric
is inside the capacitor up to distance x (See figure). If the charge on the capacitor is Q then the force
on the dielectric when it is near the edge is [JEE(Main) 2014, ONLINE]
Q 2d
(1) K
2wl2 e0
Q 2w
(2) (K - 1)
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
2dl2 e0
Q 2d
(3) (K - 1) l
2wl2 e0
Q 2w
(4) K
2dl2 e0 d
4. In figure is shown a system of four capacitors connected across a 10V battery. Charge that will flow from switch
S when it is closed is : [JEE(Main) 2015, ONLINE]
2µF 3µF
3µF 2µF
(1) zero (2) 5 µC from a to b
(3) 20 µC from a to b (4) 5 µC from b to a
5. The energy stored in the electric field produced by a metal sphere is 4.5 J. If the sphere contains 4 mC charge,
its radius will be : [Take = [JEE(Main) 2017, ONLINE]
4pe 0 = 9 × 10 N – m / C ]
9 2 2
C1 C C 2 C3
When a 3 mm thick slab is introduced between all the plates, in order to maintain the same potential difference,
the distance between the plates is increased by 2.4 mm. Find the dielectric constant of the slab.
[JEE(Main) 2017, ONLINE]
(1) 5 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 6
7. In the figure shown, after the switch 'S' is turned from position 'A' to position
'B', the energy dissipated in the circuit in terms of capacitance 'C' and total S
charge 'Q' is: [JEE(Main) 2019, ONLINE] C 3C
3 Q2 3 Q2
(1) (2)
8 C 4 C
1 Q2 5 Q2
(3) (4)
8 C 8 C
8. A parallel plate capacitor is of area 6 cm2 and a separation 3 mm. The gap is
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
filled with three dielectric materials of equal thickness (see figure) with dielectric
constants K1, = 10, K2 = 12 and K3 = 14. The dielectric constant of a material K1 K2 K3 3 mm
which when fully inserted in above capacitor, gives same capacitance would be:
[JEE(Main) 2019, ONLINE]
(1) 12 (2) 4 (3) 36 (4) 14
JE E-Physics
10. A parallel plate capacitor is made of two square plates of side 'a', separated by a distance d (d<<a). The lower
triangular portion is filled with a dielectric of dielectric constant K, as shown in the figure. Capacitance of this
capacitor is : [JEE(Main) 2019, ONLINE]
1 k Î0 a 2 k Î0 a 2 k Î0 a 2 k Î0 a 2
(1) (2) ln K (3) ln K (4)
2 d d d ( K - 1) 2d ( K + 1)
11. Two identical parallel plate capacitors, of capacitance C each, have plates of area A, separated by a distance
d. The space between the plates of the two capacitors, is filled with three dielectrics, of equal thickness and
dielectric constants K1, K2 and K3. The first capacitor is filled as shown in fig. I, and the second one is filled
as shown in fig. II.
If these two modified capacitors are charged by the same potential V, the ratio of the energy stored in the two,
would be (E1 refers to capacitor (I) and E2 to capacitor (II)) : [JEE(Main) 2019, ONLINE]
K2 K1 K2 K3
(I) (II)
E1 9K1K 2 K 3 E1 K 1K 2 K 3
(1) = (2) =
E 2 (K1 + K 2 + K3 ) (K 2 K 3 + K3 K1 + K1K 2 ) E 2 (K1 + K 2 + K 3 ) (K 2 K 3 + K 3 K1 + K1K 2 )
12. A parallel plate capacitor has plates of area A separated by distance 'd' between them.
It is filled with a dielectric which has a dielectric constant that varies as k(x) = K(1 + ax)
where 'x' is the distance measured from one of the plates. If ( ad) <<1, the total capacitance
of the system is best given by the expression : [JEE(Main) 2020, ONLINE]
Ae0 K æ æ ad ö ö
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
AKe 0 æ ad ö
(1) ç1 + ÷ (2) ç1 + ç ÷
d çè è 2 ø ÷ø
d è 2 ø
Ae 0 K æ a 2 d 2 ö AKe0
d çè
ç1 +
2 ÷ø
÷ (4) (1 + ad )
13. A capacitor is made of two square plates each of side 'a' making a very small angle a between them, as shown
in figure. The capacitance will be close to : [JEE(Main) 2020, ONLINE]
a V2
e0a 2 æ 3aa ö e0 a 2 æ aa ö e0 a 2 æ aa ö e0 a 2 æ aa ö
(1) çè 1 - ÷ (2) ç1 - ÷ (3) ç1 + ÷ (4) ç1 - ÷
d 2d ø d è 4d ø d è d ø d è 2d ø
14. A 60 pF capacitor is fully charged by a 20 V supply. It is then disconnected from the supply and is connected
to another uncharged 60 pF capactior is parallel. The electrostatic energy that is lost in this process by the time
the charge is redistributed between them is (in nJ) ____ . [JEE(Main) 2020, ONLINE]
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
JE E-Physics
1. Two large vertical and parallel metal plates having a separation of 1 cm are connected to a DC voltage source
of potential difference X. A proton is released at rest midway between the two plates. It is found to move at
45° to the vertical JUST after release. Then X is nearly [IIT-JEE - 2012]
(A) 1 × 10–5 V (B) 1× 10–7 V (C) 1 × 10–9 V (D) 1 × 10–10 V
2. Consider a thin spherical shell of radius R with centre at the origin, carrying uniform positive surface charge density.
The variation of the magnitude of the electric field E(r) and the electric potential V(r) with the distance r from
the centre, is best represented by which graph? [IIT-JEE - 2012]
® ®
|E(r)| V(r) |E(r)| V(r)
(A) (B)
O R r O R r
® ®
|E(r)| V(r) |E(r)| V(r)
(C) (D)
O R r O R r
3. In the circuit shown in the figure, there are two parallel plate capacitors each of capacitance C. The switch S1 is
pressed first to fully charge the capacitor C1 and then released. The Switch S2 is then pressed to charged the
capacitor C2 After some time, S2 is released and then S3 is pressed. After some time. [JEE(Adv.) 2013]
S1 S2 S3
C1 C2
2V0 V0
(A) the charge on the upper plate of C1 is 2CV0. (B) the charge on the upper plate of C1 is CV0.
(C) the charge on the upper plate of C2 is 0. (D) the charge on the upper plate of C2 is –CV0.
4. A parallel plate capacitor has a dielectric slab of dielectric donstant K between its plates that covers 1/3 of the
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
area of its plates, as shown in the figure. The total capacitance of the capacitor is C while that of the portion
with dielectric in between is C1. When the capacitor is charged, the plate area covered by the dielectric gets
charge Q1 and the rest of the area gets charge Q2. the electric field in the dielectric is E 1 and that in the other
portion is E2. choose the correct option/options, ignoring edge effect. [JEE(Adv.) 2014]
E1 E1 1
(A) E = 1 (B) E = K Q1 E1
2 2
Q1 3 C 2+K
(C) Q = K (D) C = K E2
2 1 Q2
6. Three identical capacitors C1, C2 and C3 have a capacitance of 1.0 mF each and they are uncharged initially.
They are connected in a circuit as shown in the figure and C 1 is then filled completely with a dielectric material
of relative permittivity Îr. The cell electromotive force (emf) V0 = 8V. First the switch S1 is closed while the switch
S2 is kept open. When the capacitor C3 is fully charged, S1 is opened and S2 is closed simultaneously. When all
the capacitors reach equilibrium, the charge on C3 is found to be 5mC. The value of Îr = _______.
[JEE (Adv.), 2018]
V0 S2
C1 C3
S1 C2
7. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C has spacing d between two plates having area A. The region
between the plates is filled with N dielectric layers, parallel to its plates, each with thickness d = . The
æ mö
dielectric constant of the mth layer is K m = K ç1 + 3
÷ . For a very large N (> 10 ), the capacitance C
è Nø
æ K Î0 A ö
is a ç ÷ . The value of a will be _____. [Î0 is the permittivity of free space]
è dln2 ø
[JEE(Adv.), 2019]
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance
JE E-Physics
Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. A D A B B B A A A D B C B B C
Que. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Ans. A B B B A A A D A C
1. (AC) 2. (ABCD) 3. (BCD) 4. (ACD) 5. (ABCD) 6. (ACD) 7. (BC) 8. (AD)
9. (ABC) 10. (BC)
1. (3) 2. (2) 3. (0) 4. (4) 5. (5) 6. (5) 7. (3)
Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. 3 2 1 2 3 4 3 2 4 4 4 3 4 2 3
Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ans. 4 1 3 4 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 4
1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (BD) 4. (AD) 5. (D) 6. (1.50) 7. (1.00)
JPR\COMP.251\D\Allen(IIT-JEE Wing)\2020-21\Enthusiast\Phy\Unit-07\01-Capacitance