Fuel Cell
Fuel Cell
Fuel Cell
June 12, 2003 A Report Prepared for the Panel on Public Affairs (POPA), American Physical Society Craig Davis Ford Motor Co. (retired) and Michigan State University ldavis7@peoplepc.com Bill Edelstein General Electric Co. (retired) and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute wedelst1@nycap.rr.com Bill Evenson Brigham Young University evenson@byu.edu Aviva Brecher The John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center Brecher@VOLPE.DOT.GOV Dan Cox University of California, Davis dlcox@ucdavis.edu
INTRODUCTION At the beginning of 2002, the Bush Administration announced the FreedomCAR initiative, an industry-government cooperative effort, to develop fuel cell vehicles. This prompted a subcommittee of the POPA Energy and Environment Committee to commence work on a report about fuel cells and FreedomCAR. The rationale for preparing such a report is that the topic is an important aspect of the nations energy policya topic that physicists justifiably feel competent to discuss. Previous POPA studies have been on nuclear energy, energy supplies, etc. Fuel cells are of interest to the physics community (e. g., see the recent Physics Today article by Joan Ogden [1]) and physicists are actively involved in research areas for potential hydrogen storage, such as carbon nanotubes. The materials aspects of fuel cells are especially within the purview of physicists. Overall systems considerations, wells-to-wheels energy efficiency, and related issues can benefit from analysis by physicists. In view of the high expectations for fuel-cell vehicles generated by the FreedomCAR initiative, it seems reasonable to examine what is reality and what is unsupported optimism. Of those who have read the Ogden article or popular-press fuel cell articles, some will want to know more. This report is a start on a balanced discussion that intends to educate, rather than persuade or advocate. The intended audience is POPA and the APS membership. [See Appendix A for fuel cell principles of operation and a schematic.]
The motivation for the FreedomCar initiative is to reduce U.S. dependence on imported petroleum, to reduce emissions of atmospheric pollutants, and to reduce CO2 emissions by improving fuel economy and/or by going to a hydrogen-based system. Since the transportation sector itself uses more oil than produced domestically (Fig. 1), FreedomCAR also addresses a serious national security issue. The big three automotive manufacturers have publicly committed their companies to participation in the initiative. General Motors Chairman Jack Smith: With the FreedomCAR program, we are taking a major step towards creating a future where the vehicle is no longer part of the energy and environmental debate. DaimlerChrysler CEO Dieter Zetsche: FreedomCAR focuses on jointly developing technologies that are important to the entire automotive industry. This program allows us to continue to work together as an industry in a way that can make a difference. Ford Chairman and Chief Executive Officer William Clay Ford Jr.: Our companies have made significant progress in reducing the environmental impact of our products. Our participation in FreedomCAR signifies our commitment to continue that progress.
FreedomCAR has the following technology-specific goals for 2010 [2] [See Appendix B for a complete set of goals and notes.]:
To ensure reliable systems with costs comparable with conventional internal combustion engine/automatic transmission systems, future fuel cell powertrains should have o Electric propulsion system with a 15-year life capable of delivering at least 55 kW for 18 seconds and 30 kW in a continuous mode, at a system cost of $12/kW peak. [Note this pertains to electrical systems other than the fuel cell such as electric motors, controllers, etc.] A durable fuel cell power system (including hydrogen storage) that achieves 60% energy efficiency when operating at peak power and that offers a 325 W/kg power density and 220 W/L operating on hydrogen. Cost targets are $45/kW by 2010, $30/kW by 2015. To enable clean, energy-efficient vehicles operating on clean, hydrocarbon-based fuels powered by fuel cells, the goal is o Fuel cell systems, including a fuel reformer, that have a peak energy efficiency of 45% and meet or exceed emissions standards with a cost target of $45/kW by 2010 and $30/kW in 2015.
To enable the transition to a hydrogen economy, ensure widespread availability of hydrogen fuels, and retain the functional characteristics of current vehicles, the goals are o Demonstrated hydrogen refueling with developed commercial codes and standards and diverse renewable1 and non-renewable energy sources. Targets: 70% energy efficiency well-to-pump; cost of energy from hydrogen equivalent to gasoline at market price, assumed to be $1.25 per gallon (2001 dollars). o Hydrogen storage systems demonstrating an available capacity of 6 wt% hydrogen, specific energy of 2000 W-h/kg [pertains to storage system mass], and energy density of 1100 W-h/L at a cost of $5/kWh. To improve the manufacturing base, the goal is o Material and manufacturing technologies for high-volume production vehicles that enable and support the simultaneous attainment of ! 50% reduction in the weight of vehicle structure and subsystems, ! affordability, and ! increased use of recyclable/renewable materials.
An expanded initiative, entitled the FreedomCAR and FUEL initiative, that focuses more on infrastructure issues, has been announced recently.
"Tonight I am proposing $1.2 billion in research funding so that America can lead the world in developing clean, hydrogen-powered automobiles." President George W. Bush, State of the Union Address, January 28, 2003 Technical goals are not yet available, but the general goals are [2]:
Lowering the cost of hydrogen: Currently, hydrogen is four times as expensive to produce as gasoline (when produced from its most affordable source, natural gas). The FreedomCAR and Fuel Initiative seeks to lower that cost enough to make fuel cell cars cost-competitive with conventional gasoline-powered vehicles by 2010; and to advance the methods of producing hydrogen from renewable resources, nuclear energy, and even coal. Creating effective hydrogen storage: Current hydrogen storage systems are inadequate for use in the wide range of vehicles that consumers demand. Creating affordable hydrogen fuel cells: Currently, fuel cells are ten times more expensive than internal combustion engines. The FreedomCAR and FUEL Initiative is working to reduce the cost to affordable levels.
Renewable energy generally refers to solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, hydroelectric energy, and biomass.
Not everyone was pleased. In the February 2, 2003 issue of the New York Times, several groups (Cato Institute, National Taxpayers Union, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and the Natural Resources Defense Council) listed the hydrogen car as a prominent item to cut from the federal budget to reduce the projected shortfall. GLOSSARY ICE NG CNG SI HEV IC LHV CI SIDI CIDI FC GNF SWNT MWNT, CNT Internal combustion engine Natural gas Compressed natural gas Spark ignited Hybrid electric vehicle Internal combustion Lower heating value Compression ignited Spark ignited direct injection Compression ignited direct injection Fuel cell Graphite nanofiber Single-walled carbon nanotube Multi-walled carbon nanotube
SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS In the April, 2002 issue of Physics Today Joan Ogden of the Princeton Environmental Institute discussed the future of hydrogen as a fuel and described the operation of hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells. Ogden stated that practical fuel cells2 are up to 60%
efficient in converting hydrogen energy into electrical energy (which is the FreedomCAR target) although not necessarily at the rated power, significantly higher than the 45% efficiency of using hydrogen in an internal combustion engine. However, these estimates do not include the losses in producing hydrogen from various hydrocarbon sources (Fig. 2). Clearly, hydrogen is not a naturally occurring terrestrial fuel. Rather, it is an energy carrier. A typical well-to-wheels analysis is shown in Fig. 3. Although the details of the analyses behind Fig. 2 are not readily available, the kind of breakdown of energy losses shown in Fig. 3 underlies each the powertrain options considered.
Fig. 2 Due to way this graph has been drawn, to obtain the energy efficiency of any system, subtract the height of the bar from 100%. From Ref. [4]. For example, the equivalent fuel economy of a compressed natural gas, spark ignited, hybrid electric vehicle (CNG SI/HEV) is 48.6 mpg, whereas a fuel cell vehicle powered by hydrogen derived from methane is projected to get 82.0 mpg, a substantial improvement. However, if viewed from the standpoint of well-to-wheels energy consumed per unit of distance traveled, the difference is more modest: 2867 versus 2368 BTU/mi. If CO2 is sequestered in the forming of hydrogen, the amount emitted into the atmosphere is only 25 g/mi for the fuel cell vehicle compared to 196 g/mi for the CNG vehicle. This additional benefit favors the fuel cell vehicle. Clearly hydrogen fuel cells do not entirely eliminate CO2 emissions unless the hydrogen is generated without combusting or reforming hydrocarbon fuels, e.g. by electrolysis of water using nuclear, solar or wind power. The emission of CO, NOx and hydrocarbons associated with the ICE are removed, but may be emitted to some extent in a different location by the chemical plant generating H2.
Fig. 3 From Ref. [5]. Even if production losses are taken into account, the fuel cell vehicle surpasses the conventional internal combustion engine in efficiency, although the overall efficiency is only about 30% in the best case, less than the 60% x 70% = 42% well-to-wheels efficiency objective of FreedomCAR (Fig. 4), where 60% is the energy-to-wheels goal and 70% is the well-to-pump efficiency. Further comparison of internal combustion engine and fuel cells for fuel economy and CO2 emissions is shown in Table I. In a draft report prepared last year for the Office of Transportation Technologies, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S Department of Energy, [6] national lab scientists and others indicated an optimistic mid-term future for fuel cell vehicles (Table II). Ogden pointed out major obstacles that must be overcome before automotive fuel cell technology can be considered viable. First, todays cost of $1500 to $10 000 per kilowatt of power must come down to the range of $50-100 per kilowatt to be competitive. According to Ogden, the most expensive component is the membrane electrolyte, typically made of the polymer Nafion. Also, A.D. Little has indicated that the current platinum requirement for a 50-kW system would cost $57/kW, which is higher than the FreedomCAR cost target for the entire fuel cell system. [7]3 [See Appendix C for another cost analysis.] Second, a breakthrough in on-board hydrogen storage is required. The currently preferred method is to use a carbon-fiber wrapped compressed-gas cylinder
This analysis, however, seems high. By 2000, Pt usage had been reduced to about 0.5 g/kW, [8] which gives a cost of roughly $10/kW for the catalyst.
Table I. Fuel Economy, Energy Use and CO2 Emissions for Alternative Fueled Automobiles [9]. Well to Wheels CO2 FUEL ECONOMY Well to Wheels Mpg equivEnergy emissions (g/mile) Consumption LHV basis (from GREET (BTU/mi) model; except fuel cell vehicles and H2 ICE/HEVs from DTI) IC ENGINE VEHICLES Conventional 22.4 6492 514 Gasoline SI Engine CNG SI Engine 20.3 6702 459 Adv. Diesel CI 37.0 4565 378 Engine ICE/HYBRID VEHICLES Gasoline SIDI/HEV 46.9 3092 252 CNG SI/HEV 48.6 2867 196 Ethanol SIDI/HEV 46.9 4921 67 234 w/o CO2 seq H2 SI/HEV 3466 w/o CO2 50.0 seq 3580 w/CO2 seq 41 w/ CO2 seq Diesel CIDI/HEV 56.8 2487 208 FUEL CELL VEHICLES Gasoline (probable) 38.0 3819 304 (best) 2938 234 49.4 Methanol (probable) 56.0 3212 199 (best) 2802 174 64.2 143 w/o CO2 seq Hydrogen (from 2368 w/o CO2 seq 82.0 natural gas with 2446 w/CO2 seq steam reforming, 25 w/CO2 seq. pipeline delivery and compression to 5000 psi for onboard storage
Fuel economies shown in italics are from the GREET model [10]. Fuel economies in boldface are from the DTI model [11]. CNG SI/HEV vehicle fuel economies have been scaled from GREET results.
Criteria Emissions
Other Issues
Enhanced Conventional
Substantial (100-200%)
Substantial (10-20%)
Fuel Cell
High consumer acceptance, continued petroleum dependence Grade climbing ability or towing capacity may be reduced Potential petroleum independence Energy storage, range concerns, low petroleum use
(at a pressure of 34 MPA or 5000 psi, with mass of 32.5 kg, and volume of 186 L for a 500-km range). [See the next section for a discussion of hydrogen storage technology.] An infrastructure to produce and distribute hydrogen economically is the third major problem to be solved. Presently most hydrogen is produced thermochemically (5001700 C) in oil refineries and chemical plants by reforming natural gas and other hydrocarbons with steam or oxygen. Unlike petroleum, natural gas supplies are abundant and come mostly from within the United States or are imported from Canada. Production facilities operate at approximately 70% of capacity and the distribution infrastructure has excess capacity [4]. Thus, at least initially, natural gas production and distribution does not appear to be a limiting factor in the availability of hydrogen. A different approach that does not rely on hydrocarbons has been analyzed by C. W. Forsberg and K. L. Peddicord [12]. They discussed the economics of H2 production using nuclear energy to provide the energy for electrolysis of water and concluded The technology has the potential for economic production of H2. Likewise, hydrogen production from renewable sources such as wind power could be interesting, but has not been analyzed here. Fortunately, the distribution of H2 may not be as daunting as one might think. Fosberg, in a private communication, noted the existence of several hydrogen pipelines in Europe, the United States and Japan. However, natural gas lines would have to be retrofitted with new valves and compressors before hydrogen could be transported through them. Initially the auto industry felt that sufficient hydrogen fuel would not be available quickly enough, so engineers pursued a path that required on-board reforming of gasoline or methanol. DaimlerChrysler demonstrated an example in October 2000. The Jeep Commander 2 (similar to the Jeep Grand Cherokee sport utility vehicle) reformed pure, 9
Comparison of Energy Efficiencies for Fuel Cells, Internal Combustion and Hybrid Vehicles
Fig. 4 From Ref [4]. electronic-grade methanol to power two Ballard fuel stacks. Although DaimlerChrysler demonstrated 23.5 mpg fuel efficiency (almost twice that of a comparable gasoline vehicle) with acceptable performance and acceleration, they found that fuel reforming must be improved because the cold-start time was unacceptable [13]. On May 1, 2002, according to a press release, General Motors demonstrated the world's first drivable fuel cell vehicle (a Chevrolet S-10 fuel cell pickup) that extracts hydrogen from gasoline. "This vehicle and the reforming technology in it move us closer to a hydrogen economy," said Larry Burns, GM's Vice President of Research and Development, and Planning. The fuel cell pickup was equipped with a fuel processor that reformed low-sulfur gasoline. When linked with a fuel cell stack, GM said the vehicle could achieve up to 40 percent overall energy efficiency, which is a 50 percent improvement over a conventional internal combustion engine. For further information, see Burns et al. [14]. Ron Sims, Ford Motor Co. research engineer (retired) and consultant to ORNL, feels that gasoline reformers (and presumably methanol as well) on-board the vehicle are no longer viable because they are too costly and too complex. Obviously, the reformer adds another chemical plant to the vehiclean undesirable feature. However, stationary reformers at gas stations might make sense.
Sims thinks it will take 10-15 y for commercialization of fuel cell vehicles, 20 y before internal combustion engine sales will notice the impact of fuel cells. On the other hand, Larry Burns and other GM executives have publicly stated, By the end of this decade, you can expect to see affordable, profitable fuel cell vehicles on the road." By 2000, Ford had built a hydrogen refueling station at the Engineering and Research Center in Dearborn, Michigan (Fig. 5) and had developed a hydrogen (no reforming) fuel cell vehicle with on-board storage of compressed gas (Fig. 6). According to Ref. [14] Toyota is preparing a fuel cell hybrid vehicle, called FCHV-4, for production. Two vehicles have been delivered to the University of California for research purposes [15]. The Toyota vehicle uses compressed hydrogen gas, as does the Honda FCX, currently being tested in California. The 2003 Honda FCX has just been certified in the US as a zero emission vehicle. [16] General Motors exhibited a new prototype fuel cell hybrid named Hy-wire at the Paris Motor Show in September 2002. Although this vehicle has a top speed of 100 mph, it has a range of only 100 miles, far short of the acceptable driving range of 300 miles. In the May 2002 press release Larry Burns, while still maintaining that GM will produce affordable, customer-friendly fuel cell vehicles by 2010, believes GM will only sell them profitably and in large numbers by 2020. Clearly the timetable is rather long, consistent with the opinion of Ron Sims. For more information on prototype fuel cell vehicles, see the article by Jost [17] and Ref. [18]. Other engineering issues that all manufacturers face, although seemly mundane, are nonetheless challenging: Cold weather operation Packaging Reliability Safety (including public acceptance of H2 fuel) [See section on safety below.] Manufacturability In an interview we had with Prof. J. Schwank, U. of Michigan Chemical Engineering Dept., he suggested that the hydrogen internal combustion engine is potentially a better bet than fuel cells because hydrogen does not then have to be as highly purified. The ICE can take as much as 10% CO in the fuel, which would be lethal for the fuel cell. Purification of the hydrogen stream to remove CO is a significant cost. In Table I, the fuel economy of the H2 SI/HEV (spark-ignited, hybrid-electric vehicle) is estimated to be 50 mpg with about 3500 BTU/mi (2.3 MJ/km) well-to-wheels energy consumption compared to 2400 BTU/mi (1.6 MJ/km) for fuel cells. Schwank still feels that fuel processors, which reform hydrocarbon fuels to produce hydrogen, are important and they need to be highly flexible because of the difference in
fuels by season and region of the country. For military applications, the processor must be able to run on the highly developed (and unlikely to be changed!) JP8 fuel. The Army estimates it costs $600/gal to carry fuel to the battlefield, so reducing consumption is essential. Instead of powering vehicles, fuel cells could be used as auxiliary units to run on-board electronics and communications equipment. Quiet operation to generate electricity for stationary field applications is just as important to the military as higher fuel efficiency. The Army is presently letting contracts for demonstration fuel cell powered trucks [19]. The impact that military funding might have for fuel cell development is huge. In addition to USCAR, which is the automotive industry consortium that has responsibility for implementing many of the FreedomCAR and FUEL programs, the California Fuel Cell Partnership [20] is actively testing, promoting, and demonstrating fuel cell technology. This partnership of automotive manufacturers, energy companies, fuel cell companies, and government intends to evaluate as many as 60 vehicles in realworld conditions. Recently, MIT issued a detailed report comparing life-cycle energy costs that includes energy expended in manufacturing and final disposal as well as for fuel consumption on the road and during production and distribution. Weiss et al. [21] made reasonable assumptions about the future evolution of internal combustion engines and hybrid-electric vehicles in addition to predicting the pace of development for fuel cell vehicles. On the basis of life-cycle energy consumption, the differences between fuel cell and hybridelectric vehicles (mid-size) are small compared to the uncertainties in the predictions. The manufacturing energy requirements do not differ substantially, but the predicted fuel economy of a 2020 diesel ICE hybrid electric is high enough and the fuel cycle energy low enough to offset much of the advantage of fuel cells. [See Appendix D.] Their study pertains to the next twenty years and to energy derived from petroleum or natural gas. Similar conclusions were found for green house gas emissions.
HYDROGEN STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES Introduction In the development of fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen storage is the biggest remaining research problem according to the January 2003 Office of Technology Policy report, Fuel Cell Vehicles: Race to a New Automotive Future [22]. Current hydrogen storage systems are inadequate to meet the needs of consumers in a fuel cell vehicle. The OTP report continues, Hydrogens low energy-density makes it difficult to store enough on board a vehicle to achieve sufficient vehicle range without the storage container being too large or too heavy. Existing and proposed technologies for hydrogen storage include (1) physical storage: pressurized tanks for gaseous hydrogen and pressurized cryotanks for liquid hydrogen; (2) reversible hydrogen uptake in various metal-based compounds including hydrides, nitrides, and imides; (3) chemical storage in irreversible hydrogen carriers such as methanol; (4) cryoadsorption with activated carbon as the most common adsorbent; and (5) advanced carbon materials absorption, including carbon nanotubes, alkali-doped carbon nanotubes, and graphite nanofibers. The U.S. Department of Energy report, A National Vision for Americas Transition to a Hydrogen EconomyTo 2030 and Beyond, projects that pressurized tanks will be the predominant hydrogen storage technology until about 2015, to be supplanted by hydride storage into the early 2020s, then other solid state storage technologies [23]. They see storage technologies maturing sufficiently for mass production in the 2020s. The Department of Energy timeline for development of storage systems projects that high pressure and cryogenic storage will be demonstrated in 2002-3, cost-effective hydride storage systems in 2003-6, and carbon-based storage systems in 2006-11 [24]. Goals for hydrogen storage systems for 2010 that were established in the FreedomCAR initiative [2] include available capacity of 6 wt% hydrogen specific energy of 2 kWh/kg energy density of 1.1 kWh/L cost $5/kWh or $1.25/gal (gas equiv.) in CY2001 dollars Research into hydrogen storage technologies is still in its infancy, as reflected in the very low level of patenting in this area: 14 patents in 2001, and fewer in most previous recent years [25]. Patent data indicate that the United States is the leader in this research area, while US-based Energy Conversion Devices and Canadian organization Hydro-Quebec and McGill University is where the action appears to be located [26]. Likewise, only a few papers on hydrogen storage were presented at the recent (2003) March APS Meeting.
According to John M. Decicco [27], as quoted in Ref. [22], p. 24, hydrogen storage faces deployment barriers that are fundamental (basic research still needed) developmental (engineering R&D required for practical designs) maturational (mass-production commitments premature) experience-limited (costs higher than long-run potential due to lack of production experience) infrastructural (lack of appropriate fuel or service facilities) This report summarizes the current status of hydrogen storage technologies and directions of current and needed research in this area. Pressurized Tank Storage Pressurized tanks of adequate strength, including impact resistance for safety in collisions, have been made of carbon-fiber wrapped cylinders. Compressed gas storage in such tanks has been demonstrated at a pressure of 34 MPa (5,000 psi) with a mass of 32.5 kg and volume of 186 L, sufficient for a 500-km range. Note, however, that this tank volume is about 90% of a 55-gallon drum, rather large for individual automobiles. So while the 6 wt% goal can be achieved, tank volume is problematic. Pressures of 70 MPa (10,000 psi) have been reached, and in 2002 Germany certified Quantum Technologys 10,000 psi on-board storage tank [24]. A footnote in the OTP report cited above [22] says, The Toyota and Honda vehicles available for lease in late 2002 use hydrogen stored in high-pressure containers [28]. However, their range will be less than optimal because hydrogens low density does not permit a sufficient amount to be stored (unlike CNG [compressed natural gas], which has a higher energy density for the same volume). Low temperature storage of liquid hydrogen does not appear to be suitable for normal vehicle use, although research on this possibility is being conducted at a low level by several automobile manufacturers [24]. Furthermore, a liquid hydrogen storage system loses up to 1% a day by boiling and up to 30% during filling, as well as requiring insulation to keep the hydrogen at 20 K. [29] Hydrogen Uptake in Metal-Based Compounds Metal hydridation can be used to store hydrogen above room temperature and below 3 or 4 MPa. However, the metals introduce too much additional weight for most vehicle uses. They are also expensive [30]. Recent work by P. Chen, et al. has shown that lithium nitride can reversibly take up large amounts of hydrogen [31]. This material takes up hydrogen rapidly in the temperature range 170-210C, and achieved 9.3 wt% uptake when the sample was held at 255C for 30 minutes. Under high vacuum (10-9 MPa, 10-5 mbar, or 10-5 torr) about two-thirds of the hydrogen was released at temperatures below 200C. The remaining third of the
stored hydrogen required temperatures above 320C for release. The hydrogen was taken up as lithium imide (LiNH2) and lithium hydride (LiH). These researchers suggest that related metal-N-H systems should be investigated to find a hydrogen storage system that works at more practical temperatures and pressures. Cryoadsorption Hydrogen Storage While having potential weight and volume advantages, cryoadsorption with activated carbon as adsorbant requires liquid nitrogen temperatures and 2 MPa (300 psi) to hold the physically adsorbed hydrogen [32]. It does not appear to be suitable for vehicle use. Carbon Nanotube and Related Storage Technologies The status of hydrogen storage in advanced carbon materials is still unclear. In this subsection, we review briefly the status of carbon nanotube storage, both single-walled and double-walled, and graphite nanofiber stack storage. Other carbon-based storage technologies that have been proposed include alkali-doped graphite, fullerenes, and activated carbon. High surface area and abundant pore volume in the nanostructured materials make these especially attractive as potential absorption storage materials. Some early work gave tantalizing results for hydrogen storage in carbon nanotubes. Ogden reported various conflicting, some excessively optimistic, results [1]. A query by this subcommittee to Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus of MIT about the achievable wt% (6.5 wt% has been suggested) brought this response [33]: 1. It is hard to say what is a reliable estimate of the hydrogen uptake number because of the differences in the reported levels by different groups, presumably doing similar measurements. The reasons for the different results between groups are not understood. 2. The 6.5% value is not yet achievable in my opinion. 3. The problem seems to be hard to me, arguing from a theoretical standpoint. However I would not discount the possibility of a breakthrough that might change the situation dramatically. So far it doesn't seem to me that there is yet much available carefully controlled work. A 2001 review of carbon nanostructure storage research, sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), found that follow-up work has been unable to reproduce any of the high-capacity results. [29] They concluded In view of todays knowledge, it is unlikely that carbon nanostructures can store the required amount of hydrogen. In any case, this calls into doubt whether carbon nanostructures would have any advantage over high-pressure tank storage.
The German study [29] presented the following summary figure on the capacity of current and future hydrogen storage systems:
The considerable doubt that has been cast upon carbon nanotube storage capacity makes it highly likely that their position on this chart will have to be moved to a much less favorable point. A summary of results was given by Ding et al. [34] and reproduced in Ref. 29. Among all the reports on carbon nanotube storage capacities, one finds that the reproducible results are invariably lower than the earlier encouraging findings. So values of 1-4 wt% are the best that can be depended upon with present data. These are not sufficient to meet the benchmark of 6 wt%. A review and research report published in 2002 considered hydrogen storage by graphite, graphite nanofibers (GNFs), and single-walled carbon nanotubes [35]. These authors concluded These investigations show a reversible hydrogen storage only for SWNTs and in addition indicate that an opening of the SWNTs is essential to reach high storage capacities. Ref. 29 points out that results on GNFs have been mixed and contradictory, with most high capacity results being explained subsequently by the presence of water vapor, which expanded the spacing between graphite layers (typically ~3.4 ) to accept multiple layers of hydrogen. [36] Nevertheless, relatively high storage measurements for GNFs (~10-13 wt%) have been reported for GNFs grown by thermal cracking [37] and for vapor-grown GNFs (with some conflicting later results by the same group) [38, 39]. Further research is clearly needed before reliable conclusions can be drawn about GNFs.
SWNT 100% SWNT High purity SWNT ~50% SWNT High purity MWNT SWNT-TiAl0.1V0.04 SWNT-Ti-6Al-4V SWNT-Fe SWNT ball milled in Ar SWNT ball milled in D2 Li-CNT Li-CNT Li-CNT (wet H2) Li-CNT (dry H2) K-CNT (wet H2) K-CNT (dry H2) Li-CNT
133 K (140C) Ambient 300 K (27C) 80 K (193C) ~300700 K (27427C) Ambient Ambient Ambient Ambient Ambient 473673 K (200400C) <313 K (40C) 473673 K (200400C) 473673 K (200400C) <313 K (40C) <313 K (40C) 473663 K (200400C)
Pressure, MPa
0.04 0.067 10.1 ~7 Ambient 0.067 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Max. wt% of H2
510 (prediction) ~3.54.5 ~4.2 8.25 0.25 ~7 1.47 <0.005 <0.1 1.0 20 14 12 2.5 21 1.8 0.724.2
Dillon 1997 Dillon 1999 Liu 1999 Ye 1999 Wu 2000 Dillon 2000 Hirscher 2001 Hirscher 2001 Hirscher 2002 Hirscher 2002 Chen 1999 Chen 1999 Yang 2000 Yang 2000 Yang 2000 Yang 2000 Pinkerton 2000
Table 1. Summary of reported results achieved for hydrogen storage in carbon nanostructures. SWNT = single-walled carbon nanotubes, MWNT and CNT = multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Table references are appended following the endnotes to this report. (From Ding et al., Ref. 34)
Hirscher 2001: M. Hirscher, M. Becher, M. Haluska, U. Dettlaff-Weglikowska, A. Quintel, G.S. Duesberg, Y.-M. Choi, P. Downes, M. Hulman, S. Roth, I. Stepanek, and P. Bernier, Hydrogen storage in sonicated carbon materials, Appl. Phys. A 72:129132. Hirscher 2002: M. Hirscher, M. Becher, M. Haluska, A. Quintel, V. Skakalova, Y.-M. Choi, U. DettlaffWeglikowska, S. Roth, I. Stepanek, P. Bernier, A. Leonhardt, and J. Fink, Hydrogen storage in carbon nanostrutures, J. of Alloys & Compounds 330-332:654-658. Liu 1999: C. Liu, Y. Y. Fan, M. Liu, H. T. Cong, H. M. Cheng, and M. S. Dresselhaus, Hydrogen storage in single-walled carbon nanotubes at room temperature, Science 286:11271129. Pinkerton 2000: F. E. Pinkerton, B. G. Wicke, C. H. Olk, G. G. Tibbetts, G. P. Meisner, M. S. Meyer, and J. F. Herbst, Thermogravimetric measurement of hydrogen absorption in alkali-modified carbon materials, J. Phys. Chem. B 104:94609467. Wu 2000: X. B. Wu, P. Chen, J. Lin, and K. L. Tan, Hydrogen uptake by carbon nanotubes, Int. J. of Hydrogen Energy 25:261265. Yang 2000: R. T. Yang, Hydrogen storage by alkali-doped carbon nanotubes revisited, Carbon 38:623626. Ye 1999: Y. Ye, C. C. Ahn, C. Witham, B. Fultz, J. Liu, A. G. Rinzler, D. Colbert, K. A. Smith and R. E. Smalley, Hydrogen adsorption and cohesive energy of single-walled carbon nanotubes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 74:23072309.
Early work that found up to 20 wt% hydrogen uptake by lithium-doped carbon nanotubes and up to 14 wt% by potassium-doped carbon nanotubes [40] was not reproducible, and it was later shown that most of the weight gain was due to water rather than hydrogen [41]. A Review of theoretical calculations of hydrogen storage in carbon-based materials was carried out by Meregalli and Parrinello in 2000 [42]. They drew two major conclusions: (1) The reported calculations indicated a hydrogen uptake smaller than the more optimistic experimental results. (2) Furthermore the calculations suggest that a variety of complex chemical processes could accompany hydrogen storage and release. In particular, they find both physisorption and chemisorption contributing to hydrogen uptake. They found potential for up to 12.5-wt% storage in GNFs, with most results below the 6-wt% target. For SWNTs, calculations gave a theoretically possible maximum of 14-wt% and for MWNTs, 7.7 wt%, relatively encouraging if such numbers can be achieved experimentally. However, the amount available for release could be small compared the amount stored.
Section Summary The only proven system for hydrogen storage today that is practical for fuel cell vehicles is compressed gas high pressure tank storage. While this technology has the disadvantages of limited energy density and possibly high weight for the tank, it has been shown to workable with up to 70 GPa (10,000 psi) on-board storage tanks. Of the other hydrogen storage systems, advanced carbon materials have been especially intriguing possibilities. However, very mixed experimental results have left us to conclude that these materials are far from proven to have adequate storage capacity. Further research is ongoing, but a breakthrough is needed to provide a foundation for confidence that carbon nanotubes or related materials will be able to satisfy storage requirements. Finally, new ideas in hydridation of metal-N-H systems are sufficiently interesting that they are being pursued and may lead to the development of practical storage systems.
HYDROGEN FUEL STORAGE SAFETY Hydrogen has a reputation for being explosive and therefore raises concerns about the safety of carrying a substantial quantity of H2 in a vehicle fuel tank. However, because H2 is the lightest gas, it has a tendency to diffuse away quickly in case its container is breached and consequently may represent less of a hazard than gasoline. The simplest way to carry hydrogen fuel in a car or other vehicle is as a high-pressure gas 3-10 kpsi (21-69 MPa) in metal or composite-reinforced (fiberglass, carbon fiber, Kevlar) tanks. This is similar to the way compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles operate. There is an interesting report on H2 for energy use [43] by the Norwegian environmental organization Bellona with useful safety information in Chapter 5. These authors conclude that hydrogen is no more or less dangerous than any other energy carrier and furthermore that hydrogen has properties that in certain areas make it safer than other energy carriers: it is not poisonous, and has the ability to dissipate quickly into the atmosphere because of its light weight compared to air. They describe tests by Lockheed and Arthur D. Little that indicated that H2 is, if anything, safer than gasoline or jet fuel. There are a number of references to crash testing by BMW [43, 44] that say BMW demonstrated the safety of H2 fuel for cars. Regarding the Hindenburg accident, a recent study [45] concluded that the paint on the dirigible skin was extremely flammable and was the true cause of the disaster. Of the 61 crew plus 36 passengers (total 97), 35 died, plus one person on the ground. Of the 35, 27 jumped when the Hindenburg was in the air and 8 were killed by burning diesel fuel [43,45]. There was no explosion. The fire of the hydrogen from the gas cells lasted only less than one minute, and there is no evidence that anybody was directly hurt by it [45]. Dr. Michael Swain at the University of Miami set fire to two cars, one carrying gasoline and the other hydrogen [46, 47]. The gasoline car had a 1/16 puncture in a fuel line. The hydrogen car had a leaking hydrogen connector. The gasoline-filled car was completely destroyed in an intense fire and the hydrogen car was essentially undamaged.
CONCLUSIONS The efficiency of fuel cells in practical driving conditions can be 50-60%, but the overall efficiency (wells-to-wheels) is no more than 30% when production of H2 from hydrocarbon resources is taken into account, significantly less than the FreedomCAR goal (60%70% = 42%).4 In comparison, the overall efficiency for the conventional internal combustion (IC) engine is about 15%. Hybrid-electric gasoline ICs are expected to reach almost 25%. On-site H2 production by electrolysis from renewable energy sources is about 50% efficient, giving an overall fuel cell vehicle efficiency of 25%. Reforming natural gas is the most practical source of H2 at present. Nuclear power production of hydrogen, however, may prove practical in the long term. For fuel cell vehicles to be economically viable, the cost of fuel cell stacks must be reduced to ~$100/kW compared to the $1500/kW achieved thus far. Advances in catalyst (Pt) technology have significantly reduced expensive Pt usage. The FreedomCAR cost target is $45/kW. Hydrogen storage is still a major research problem. While progress has been made, current systems are inadequate or marginal. On-board storage of sufficient H2 most likely will be as compressed gas. Demonstration vehicles have used 5000-psi carbon-fiber wrapped tanks, and tanks have been certified recently at pressures of 10,000 psi. Liquid hydrogen and cryoadsorption storage are almost certainly not practical for vehicle use. Metal hydridation and metal-N-H systems show some promise, but much research is still required for these systems. Advanced carbon materials are intriguing, but contradictory research results, with relatively low reproducible storage capacities, have been discouraging and much remains to be done. Unresolved research questions, such as hydrogen storage, make the fuel cell vehicle approach a long-term issue. It is not a shortterm solution to energy or emissions problems. For the next twenty years, vehicles powered by the hybrid-electric internal combustion engine could well prove to be just as beneficial, from a life-cycle perspective, as fuel cell vehicles. A recent MIT study [21] finds that fuel cell vehicles do not have significant advantages (in terms of energy consumption or CO2 emissions) over future vehicles powered by hybrid-electric, internal combustion engines. Obviously no widespread infrastructure exists, but distribution might not be as daunting as first thought. Several pipelines for H2 transmission already exist and natural gas lines could be retrofitted for these purposes. Transportation by tanker truck over short distances is well established. The FreedomFUEL initiative recently announced by President Bush is intended to address some of the infrastructure and cost issues. Realistic estimates of when substantial market penetration of fuel cell vehicles will occur (at least 15 years) allow plenty of time to develop an infrastructure. Scenarios of how a hydrogen society might evolve have been explored by Burns et al. [14] and Chinworth [48].
The motivation for the FreedomCAR and FUEL initiatives is to reduce US petroleum imports, greenhouse gas emissions, and atmospheric pollutants. This study shows that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as well as advanced internal combustion hybrid electric vehicles can accomplish significant reductions in energy usage by the transportation sector with the concomitant reduction of CO2 emissions. Roughly, a factor of two reduction in life-cycle energy (and CO2) per unit of distance traveled relative to todays vehicles is possible. The emissions of atmospheric pollutants such as CO and NOx depend strongly on the source of hydrogen, however. Only generation of hydrogen by renewable energy sources or by nuclear power truly reduces emissions of pollutants, although the point of origin may be away from urban areas. The FreedomCAR initiative includes more than just fuel cells, which is fortunate because it is not clear what technology may be the best for the future. Nonetheless, there was optimism at a recent DOE workshop [53] that, despite daunting challenges, many good ideas remain to be pursued. Research carried out for hydrogen initiatives could well improve long-term energy security.
Acknowledments The committee acknowledges input from Joan Ogden (via David Chock). We wish to thank Ron Sims, Daniel Sperling, Johannes Schwank, Charles Forsberg, and Mildred Dresselhaus for their contributions. The authors are indebted to Barbara Levi for a critical reading of an earlier draft and for many helpful editorial suggestions. General Disclaimer This POPA E&E Subcommittee report represents only the views and estimates of individual members and contributors and not necessarily of their organizations.
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12. WHY HYDROGEN PRODUCTION FROM NUCLEAR POWER? (Is Nuclear Energy Compatible with Hydrogen Production?), C. W. Forsberg and K. L. Peddicord, prepared for presentation at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Spring National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 12, 2002; Hydrogen, nuclear energy, and the advanced high-temperature reactor, Charles W. Forsberg, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (in press). Dr. Forsberg remarks, One of the big attractions for the hydrogen economy worth noting is the ability to minimize pollution. It is politically, technically, and economically easier to control pollution at a thousand industrial sites producing hydrogen than in 100 million vehicles. Hydrogen is clean at the point of use. (private communication, May 3, 2003). 13. Jeep Commander 2, Automotive Engineering International, July 2002, pp. 65-72. 14. Hydrogen fuel-cell cars could be the catalyst for a clearer tomorrow, Lawrence D. Burns, J. Byron McCormick and Christopher E. Borroni-Bird, Scientific American, October, 2000, pp. 65-73. 14. Then there were two, Jack Yamaguchi, Automotive Engineering International, August, 2002, pp.17-22. 15. Toyotas lease on fuel cells, Automotive Engineering International, Jan. 2003, p.43 16. http://www.epa.gov/newsroom/headline_021103.htm 17. Fuel-cell commercialization, Kevin Jost, Automotive Engineering International, September, 2002, pp. 26-33. 18. http://www.fuelcelltoday.com/FuelCellToday/EducationCentre/ EducationCentreExternal/EduCentreDisplay/0,1748,FCImages,00.html 19. Forbes, 171, No. 2, Jan. 20,2003, p.46; Reuters News Service, Mar. 4, 2003. 20. www.fuelcellpartnership.org 21. Comparative Assessment of Fuel Cell Cars, M. A. Weiss. J. B.Heywood, A. Schafer, and V. K. Natarajan, February 2003, MIT LFEE 2003-001 RP, http://lfee.mit.edu/publications/. 22. Office of Technology Policy, Fuel Cell Vehicles: Race to a New Automotive Future (Washington, DC, January 2003), p. 23. 23. U.S. Department of Energy, A National Vision for Americas Transition to a Hydrogen EconomyTo 2030 and Beyond (Washington, DC, February 2002), p. iv.
24. Jerald A. Cole, Overview of the hydrogen-powered economy today and beyond, California Hydrogen Business Council, presentation to Association of Energy Engineers, Southern California Chapter, 14 March 2002, http://www.ch2bc.org. 25. Michael B. Albert, Margaret Cheney, Patrick Thomas, Peter Kroll, and Phyllis Genther Yoshida, The U.S. Competitive Position in Advanced Automotive Technologies (OTP: Washington, DC, 2002), p. 24. 26. Ref. 25, p. 29. 27. John M. Decicco, Fuel Cell Vehicles: Technology, Market, and Policy Issues, SAE Research Report, 2001, p. x. 28. Toyota Motor Company, Toyota Advances Marketing of Fuel Cell-Electric Hybrid SUV, press release, July 1, 2002; and American Honda Motor Co., Inc., Honda Fuel Cell Vehicle First to Receive Certification, press release, July 24, 2002. 29. Kaylene Atkinson, Siegmar Roth, Michael Hirscher, and Werner Grnwald, Carbon nanostructures: An efficient hydrogen storage medium for fuel cells? Fuel Cells Bulletin 4(38):9-12 (November 2001). 30. See G. C. Carter and F. L. Carter, Metal-Hydrogen Systems, T. Nejat Veziroglu, ed. (Pergamon, Oxford, 1981), Ch. 7 and H. Buchner, P. Pelloux-Gervais, M. Mller, F. Grafwallner, and P. Luger, Hydrogen and Other Alternative Fuels for Air and Ground Transportation, H. W. Pohl, ed. (Wiley, Chichester, UK, 1995), Chs. 7-11. 31. Ping Chen, Zhitao Xiong, Jizhong Luo, Jianyi Lin, and Kuang Lee Tan, Interaction of hydrogen with metal nitrides and imides, Nature 420:302 (2002). 32. See S. Hynek, W. Fller, and J. Bentley, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 22:601 (1997) and J. Nitsch, W. Peschka, W. Schnurnberger, M. Fischer, H. Eichert in Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier, C. Winter and J. Nitsch, eds. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988), part B. 33. Personal communication to L. Craig Davis, 23 May 2002. 34. R. G. Ding, G. Q. Lu, Z. F. Yan, and M. A. Wilson, Recent advances in the preparation and utilization of carbon nanotubes for hydrogen storage, J. of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 1:7-30 (2001). 35. M. Hirscher, M. Becher, M. Haluska, A. Quintel, V. Skakalova, Y.-M. Choi, U. Dettlaff-Weglikowska, S. Roth, I. Stepanek, P. Bernier, A. Leonhardt, and J. Fink, Hydrogen storage in carbon nanostructures, J. of Alloys & Compounds 330-332:654658 (2002).
36. C. Park, P. E. Anderson, A. Chambers, C. D. Tan, R. Hidalgo, and N. M. Rodriguez, Further studies of the interaction of hydrogen with graphite nanofibers, J. Phys. Chem. B 103:10572-10581 (1999). 37. B. K Gupta and O. N. Srivastava, Synthesis and hydrogenation behaviour of graphitic nanofibres, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 25:825-830 (2000). 38. Y.-Y. Fan, B. Liao, M. Liu, Y.-L. Wei, M.-Q. Liu, and H.-M. Cheng, Hydrogen uptake in vapor grown carbon nanofibers, Carbon 37:1649-1652 (1999). 39. H. M. Cheng, C. Liu, Y. Y. Fan, F. Li, G. Su, H. T. Cong, L. L. He, M. Liu, Zeitschrift fr Metallkunde 91:4 (2000). 40. P. Chen, X. Wu, J. Lin, and K. L. Tan, High H2 uptake by alkali-doped carbon nanotubes under ambient pressure and moderate temperatures, Science 285:91 (1999). 41. Ralph T. Yang, Hydrogen storage by alkali-doped carbon nanotubesrevisited, Carbon 38:623 (2000). F. E. Pinkerton, B. G. Wicke, C. H. Olk, G. G. Tibbetts, G. P. Meisner, M. S. Meyer, and J. F. Herbst, Thermogravimetric Measurement of hydrogen absorption in alkali-modified carbon materials, J. Phys. Chem. B 104:9460 (2000). 42. V. Meregalli and M. Parrinello, Review of theoretical calculations of hydrogen storage in carbon-based materials, Appl. Phys. A 72:143-146 (2001). 43. B. Kruse, S. Grinna and C. Buch, Bellona, "Hydrogen--Status and Possibilities", June, 2002, 2002. http://www.bellona.no/en/energy/hydrogen/report_6-2002/index.html; http://www.bellona.no/en/energy/hydrogen/report_6-2002/22966.html 3/22/03. 44. K. Taylor, Canadian Driver, "Special Report: The Future of Hydrogen" (2002). http://www.canadiandriver.com/articles/kt/hydrogen.htm 3.23.03. 45. A. Bain and U. Schmidtchen, German Hydrogen Association, "Afterglow of a Myth. Why and How the 'Hindenburg' Burnt."", January 18, 2000, 2000. http://www.dwvinfo.de/pm/hindbg/hbe.htm#Gefahr 3/23/03. 46. EV World, "Hydrogen Car Fire Surprise" (2003). http://www.evworld.com/databases/storybuilder.cfm?storyid=482 3/22/03. 47. M. Swain, University of Miami, EV World, "Fuel Leak Simulation" (2003). http://evworld.com/library/Swainh2vgasVideo.pdf 3/25/03. 48. Hydrogen and the automobile, Michael Chinworth, Automotive Engineering International, September, 2002, pp.89-95.
49. www.cartechdoe.gov/research/fuelcells/mgf-costs.html 50. www.cartechdoe.gov/research/fuelcells/cost-model.html 51. FreedomCAR and Fuel Cells: Toward the Hydrogen Economy? by Daniel Sperling, 9/27/02, unpublished. Also see his testimony, Transitioning from PNGV to FreedomCAR before the U.S. Congress, House Science Committee, Feb. 7, 2002. 52. Hydrogen Fuel May Be Clean; Getting It Here Looks Messy, Jeffery Ball, The Wall Street Journal Online, March 7, 2003. http://online.wsj.com 53. BES Hydrogen Workshop, May 13-15, 2003. http://www.sc.doe.gov/bes/besac/BESAC_Dresselhaus_05-28-03.ppt
FURTHER READING To assist members of POPA, and more generally, the members of the American Physical Society, a set of references and source material has been prepared. The Development of Ford's P2000 Fuel Cell Vehicle Woong-Chul Yang, Ronald I. Sims, Bradford Bates, James A. Adams, SAE 2000-01-1061. Hydrogen storage in carbon nanostructures-still a long road from science to commerce? U. Bunger, W. Zittel, Applied Phys. A 72, 147-151 (2001). Hydrogen separation and the direct high-temperature splitting of water J. W. Warner and R. Stephen Berry, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 91-100, 1996. Scenarios for the Future Energy Demand and CO2-Emissions from the Global Transportation Sector Stefan Hausberger, SAE 982216. Developments in fuel cells Dan Carney, Automotive Engineering International, March 2002, pp. 47-52. Advance in fuel-cell development Kevin Jost, Kami Bucholtz, Ray Gehm, Automotive Engineering International, June 2002, pp. 67-73. Engines for growth: Is this the beginning of the end for IC engines? Automotive Engineering International June 2002, p. 25. Leading the way Jack Yamaguchi, Automotive Engineering International, March 2003, p.54-58. The September 2002 issue of MRS Bulletin is devoted to hydrogen storage. Guest editor is Louis Schlapbach. Background Reading (Recommended by Ogden) Accurex Environmental Corporation, 1996: Evaluation of Fuel-Cycle Emissions on a Reactivity Basis, 1, 2, prepared for the California Air Resources Board, ARB-Contract No. A166-134, Accurex Corporation, Mountain View, California, September 19. Arthur D. Little, Hydrogen Options for Fuel Cell Vehicles, presented at the 10th Annual U.S. Hydrogen Meeting, Vienna, VA, April 3, 1999. Bentley, J.M. et al. The Impact of Electric Vehicles on CO2 Emissions, Arthur D. Little, Cambridge,MA, May 14, 1992. Brogan, J. and S. R. Venkateswaran, Diverse Choices for Electric and Hybrid Motor Vehicles: Implications for National Planners, presented at the Urban Electric Vehicle Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, may 25-27, 1992. 29
Darrow, K.G., Light Duty Vehicle Fuel-Cycle Emission Analysis, prepared by Energy International, Inc., Bellevue, WA, for the Gas Research Institute, Chicago, IL, April 1994. Darrow, K.G., Comparison of Fuel-Cycle Emissions for Electric and Ultra-Low Emissions Natural Gas Vehicles, prepared by Energy International, Inc., Bellevue, WA, for the Southern California Gas Company, Los Angeles, CA, May 1994. Delucchi, M.A., 1991: Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from the Use of Transportation Fuels and Electricity, Center for Transportation Research, Argonne National Laboratory, prepared for the United States Department of Energy Office of Transportation Technologies, Report No. ANL/ESD-TM-22, November. Delucchi, M.A., 1993: Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from the Use of Transportation Fuels and Electricity, 2 Appendices A-S, Center for Transportation Research, Argonne National Laboratory, prepared for the United States Department of Energy Office of Transportation Technologies, Report No. ANL/ESD-TM-22, November. Delucchi, M.A., 1997: A Revised Model of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from the Use of Transportation Fuels and Electricity, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, CA, November. General Motors Corporation, Argonne National Laboratory, BP Amoco, ExxonMobil, Shell, Well-to-Wheel Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Advanced Fuel/Vehicle Systems: North American Analysis, Executive Summary Draft Report, April 2001. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Fuel Cycle Evaluations of Biomass Ethanol and Reformulated Gasoline, October 1992. J.M. Ogden, R.H. Williams, and E.D. Larson, Exploring the Path Toward Near Zero Emissions in Transportation, draft report, October 2000. P.L. Spath and M. K. Mann, Lifecycle Assessment of Hydrogen Production via Natural Gas Steam Reforming, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Report NREL/TP-57027637, Golden, CO, November 2000. Wang, M.Q. and H.-S. Huang, 1999: A Full Fuel-Cycle Analysis of Energy and Emissions Impacts of Transportation Fuels Produced from Natural Gas, Center for Transportation Research, Argonne National Laboratory, prepared for the United States Department of Energy Office of Transportation Technologies, Report No. ANL/ESD-40. December. M. A. Weiss, J. B. Heywood, E. D. Drake, A. Schafer and F.F. AuYeung, On the Road in 2020, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT EL 00-003, October 2000.
Useful Internet Sites Forum of Physics and Society subsite on Energy and Environment: http://www.aps.org/units/fps/energy.html http://www.rff.org http://www.pewclimate.org/projects/energy.cfm http://www.stateline.org/ www.energy.gov/HQPress/releases02/janpr/FreedCarFactSheet_v.htm http://www.eere.energy.gov/hydrogenandfuelcells/hydrogen/resources.html http://www.epa.gov/newsroom/headline_021103.htm The Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Investor at www.h2fc.com The Hydrogen Web Page at www.hyweb.de The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Letter at www.hfcletter.com The California Air Resources Board at www.arb.ca.gov/homepage.htm The California Fuel Cell Partnership at www.drivingthefuture.org "Japan Auto Trends" is available at: http://www.jama.org
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APPENDIX B FreedomCAR vision and goals [2]: Vision Affordable full-function cars and trucks that are free of foreign oil and harmful emissions, without sacrificing safety, freedom of mobility, and freedom of vehicle choice. Technology-Specific 2010 Goals1
To ensure reliable systems for future fuel cell powertrains with costs comparable with conventional internal combustion engine/automatic transmission systems, the goals are o Electric propulsion system with a 15-year life capable of delivering at least 55 kW for 18 seconds and 30 kW continuous at a system cost of $12/kW peak. o 60% peak energy-efficient, durable fuel cell power system (including hydrogen storage) that achieves a 325 W/kg power density and 220 W/L operating on hydrogen. Cost targets are $45/kW by 2010, $30/kW by 2015. 2 To enable clean, energy-efficient vehicles operating on clean, hydrocarbon-based fuels powered by either internal combustion powertrains or fuel cells, the goals are o Internal combustion systems that cost $30/kW, have a peak brake engine efficiency of 45%, and meet or exceed emissions standards. [The term brake engine efficiency refers to output shaft measurements.] o Fuel cell systems, including a fuel reformer, that have a peak brake engine efficiency of 45% and meet or exceed emissions standards with a cost target of $45/kW by 2010 and $30/kW in 2015. 2, 3 To enable reliable hybrid electric vehicles that are durable and affordable, the goal is o Electric drivetrain energy storage with 15-year life at 300 Wh with discharge power of 25 kW for 18 seconds at a cost of $20/kW To enable the transition to a hydrogen economy, ensure widespread availability of hydrogen fuels, and retain the functional characteristics of current vehicles, the goals are o Demonstrated hydrogen refueling with developed commercial codes and standards and diverse renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Targets: 70% energy efficiency well-to-pump; cost of energy from hydrogen equivalent to gasoline at market price, assumed to be $1.25 per gallon (2001 dollars). 4 o Hydrogen storage systems demonstrating an available capacity of 6 wt% hydrogen, specific energy of 2000 W-h/kg, and energy density of 1100 W-h/L at a cost of $5/kWh. 5 o Internal combustion systems operating on hydrogen that meet cost targets of
$45/kW by 2010 and $30/kW in 2015, have a peak brake engine efficiency of 45%, and meet or exceed emissions standards. To improve the manufacturing base, the goal is o Material and manufacturing technologies for high-volume production vehicles that enable and support the simultaneous attainment of ! 50% reduction in the weight of vehicle structure and subsystems, ! affordability, and ! increased use of recyclable/renewable materials.
Notes: 1. Cost references are based on CY 2001 dollar values. Where power (kW) targets are specified, those targets are to ensure that technology challenges that would occur in a range of light-duty vehicle types would have to be addressed. 2. Does not include vehicle traction electronics. 3. Includes fuel cell stack subsystem, fuel processor subsystem, and auxiliaries; does not include fuel tank. 4. Targets are for hydrogen dispensed to a vehicle assuming a reforming, compressing, and dispensing system capable of dispensing 150 kg/day (assuming 60,000 SCF/day of natural gas is fed for reforming at the retail dispensing station) and servicing a fleet of 300 vehicles per day (assuming 0.5 kg used in each vehicle per day). Targets are also based on several thousand stations, and possibly demonstrated on several hundred stations. Technologies may also include chemical hydrides such as sodium borohydride. 5. Based on lower heating value of hydrogen; allows over a 300-mile range.
APPENDIX C From Ref. [49]. Reformer/Fuel Cell Cost Estimates Annual Production Rate 500 Fuel Cell Stack Air Loop Water Loop Coolant Loop ATR Reformate Loop Fuel Loop Controls Misc./BOP System Assembly Total Cost Cost/kW $17,258 $1,160 $1,106 $620 $3,531 $1,172 $879 $719 $320 $723 $27,489 $550 10,000 $9,618 $821 $832 $486 $1,945 $838 $616 $501 $240 $487 $16,384 $328 30,000 $9,394 $734 $757 $450 $1,532 $739 $573 $442 $220 $442 $15,282 $306 500,000 $8,509 $529 $605 $386 $1,322 $658 $466 $316 $150 $157 $13,099 $262
Based on a 50kW-net system. All costs are preliminary, as DFMA optimization had not yet been completed. ATR and fuel cell stack examined in more detail than other system components. All costs include 10% cost contingency and markup to reflect profit, G&A.
From Ref. [50]. Argonne National Lab Estimate for Central Production Facilities (quoted by Prof. Daniel Sperling, U. of California, Davis [51]): Infrastructure cost for producing H2 equivalent to 1.6 x 106 barrels/day of oil (~20% of current automobile and light truck usage.) $400 billion for production $175 billion for distribution [For comparison, the Exxon-Mobil market capitalization is $200 billion.] BP Company Estimate for Outfitting Local Stations with Natural Gas Reformers $400,000 for reformer to make hydrogen using local gas lines $1.5 million to build conventional gas station From Ref. [52].
APPENDIX D Energy consumed in MJ/km (1 MJ/km = 1500 BTU/mi is equivalent to 0.013 gal/mi of gasoline.) 2001 gasoline 2020 gasoline 2020 diesel Fuel cell ICE ICE HEV HEV vehicle 2.47 1.07 0.92 0.54 Vehicle operation 0.52 0.22 0.13 0.42 Fuel cycle 0.29 0.26 0.26 0.28 Manufacturing 3.28 1.55 1.31 1.24 Total [From Tables 8 and 9 of Ref. 21.] The predicted well-to-wheels energy consumption for the 2020 fuel cell vehicle is 0.96 MJ/km = 1400 BTU/mi which is considerably less than the estimate in Table I. This reflects different assumptions about future technology development. For the conventional gasoline engine, the results also differ4500 BTU/mi (3.0 MJ/km) compared to 6500 BTU/mi. The later calculation assumes a 22-mpg vehicle compared to 31 mpg here. Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions (gC/km). 2001 gasoline 2020 gasoline 2020 diesel ICE ICE HEV HEV 48.5 21.0 19.1 5.2 5.0 31.2 3.0 5.1 27.2 Fuel cell vehicle 0 19.4 5.3 24.7
Vehicle operation 12.1 Fuel cycle 5.5 Manufacturing 66.1 Total [From Tables 8 and 9 of Ref. 21.]
The emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG) in grams of carbon per kilometer traveled as given in Ref. 21 shows the significant improvements expected from advanced ICE HEVs and fuel cell vehicles. Life-cycle GHG emissions are approximately 20 g/MJ for the four vehicles tabulated in the two tables above.