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Unit Four

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Media and Advertising

Teacher’s note

Today, the media and advertising are a coverage, and the explicit/implicit
pervasive presence in the lives of young dimensions of that coverage. We use two
people, who may or may not have taken fictitious news reports to demonstrate that
the opportunity to seriously reflect upon there is seldom just one version of a story
this fact. This Unit offers some ways by or an event. Building on this, we expect
which we can begin to think about these. the learner to develop the skills required
to critically analyse a newspaper report or
The focus in ‘Understanding Media’ is on a TV story through scrutinising the
explaining the strong links between media information provided, as well as
and technology and media and big understanding the logic behind the
business. It explains how the media ‘sets exclusion of certain perspectives.
the agenda’ through influencing our
perception of issues worth devoting time In the advertising chapter, two fictitious
and attention to, and issues that are advertisements have been created to
neglected or overridden. In ‘Understanding systematically take the learner through the
Advertising’ we have focused both on techniques of crafting advertisements that
critically analysing how advertising appeal to the consumer. The examples
strategies influence customers, as well as focus on the significance of the key terms
demonstrating what goes into the making ‘brand’ and ‘brand values’ that are integral
of an advertisement. The significance of a to advertising. These ideas can be
‘brand’ and the need to promote the strengthened by selecting examples from
uniqueness of a product is a key part of actual advertisements and structuring
advertising. The chapter identifies the similar questions around them.
mechanisms that advertisements use to
appeal to the consumer, and explains how Both chapters conclude by linking their
these are powerfully linked to the contents to the idea of democracy. Both
consumer’s self-image. emphasise, through using examples of
local media as well as social advertising,
Chapters 6 and 7 foreground the how mainstream media and advertising
widespread effects of the media and tend to favour those who have greater
advertising, and attempt to connect the financial as well as social resources. This
issues under discussion to the learner’s point can be reinforced in the classroom
own lives. At the end of the media chapter, by using local examples of media stories,
we expect the learner to recognise the role as well as posing questions about the ways
of big business in the media coverage of in which advertising is changing what is
events — the way ‘news’ is selected for locally available as well as locally valued.


Understanding Media
What is your favourite TV programme? What do you like listening to on
the radio? Which newspaper or magazine do you usually read? Do you
surf the internet and what have you found most useful about it? Did you
know that there is one word that is often used to collectively refer to
the radio, TV, newspapers, Internet and several other forms of
communication. This word is ‘media’. In this chapter, you will read
more about the media. You will find out what is required to make it
work, as well as the ways in which the media affects our daily lives. Can
you think of one thing that you have learnt from the media this week?
Everything ranging from the stall at the local fair to
the programme that you see on TV can be called
media. Media is the plural form of the word ‘medium’
and it describes the various ways through which we
Look at the collage on the left and
communicate in society. Because media refers to all
list six various kinds of media that
means of communication, everything ranging from
you see.
a phone call to the evening news on TV can be called
media. TV, radio and newspapers are a form of media
that reaches millions of people, or the masses, across
the country and the world and, thus, they are called
mass media.

Media and technology

It would probably be difficult for you to imagine your

life without the media. But cable television and the
widespread use of the Internet is a recent
phenomenon. These have been around for less than
twenty years. The technology that mass media uses
keeps changing.

Newspapers, television and radio can reach

millions of people because they use certain
technologies. We also tend to discuss newspapers
An artist’s impression of Gutenberg
and magazines as the print media; and TV and radio
printing the first sheet of the Bible.
as the electronic media. Why do you think
newspapers are called print media? As you read
further, you will find that this naming is related to
the different technologies that these media use. The Ask older members of your family
following photographs will give you a sense of the about what they used to listen to
ways in which technology that mass media uses has on the radio when there was no
changed over the years and continues to change. TV around. Find out from them
when the first TV came to your
Changing technology, or machines, and making area. When was cable TV
technology more modern, helps media to reach more introduced?
people. It also improves the quality of sound and the
images that you see. But technology does more than How many people in your
this. It also changes the ways in which we think about neighbourhood use the Internet?
our lives. For example, today it is quite difficult for
us to think of our lives without television. Television List three things that you know
has enabled us to think of ourselves as members of about some other part of the
a larger global world. Television images travel huge world from watching television?

Chapter 6: Understanding Media 71

distances through satellites and cables. This allows
us to view news and entertainment channels from
other parts of the world. Most of the cartoons that
you see on television are mostly from Japan or the
United States. We can now be sitting in Chennai or
Jammu and can see images of a storm that has hit
the coast of Florida in the United States. Television
has brought the world closer to us.

With electronic typerwriters, journalism

underwent a sea-change in the 1940s. Media and money

The different technologies that mass media use are

expensive. Just think about the TV studio in which
the newsreader sits – it has lights, cameras, sound
recorders, transmission satellites, etc., all of which
cost a lot of money.

In a news studio, it is not only the newsreader

who needs to be paid but also a number of other
people who help put the broadcast together. This
includes those who look after the cameras and lights.
Also, as you read earlier the technologies that mass
media use keep changing and so a lot of money is
spent on getting the latest technology. Due to these
costs, the mass media needs a great deal of money
to do its work. As a result, most television channels
and newspapers are part of big business houses.
John L. Baird sits in front of the
apparatus with which he demonstrated to Mass media is constantly thinking of ways to make
the Royal Institute, his invention, the money. One way in which the mass media earns
‘televisor’, an early television. money is by advertising different things like cars,
chocolates, clothes, mobile phones, etc. You must
Can you list three different have noticed the number of advertisements that you
products that are advertised have to see while watching your favourite television
during your favourite TV show. While watching a cricket match on TV, the
programme? same advertisements are shown repeatedly between
each over and so you are often watching the same
Take a newspaper and count the image over and over again. As you will read in the
number of advertisements in it. following chapter, advertisements are repeated in the
Some people say that newspapers hope that you will go out and buy what is advertised.
have too many advertisements. Do
you think this is true and why?

72 Social and Political Life

Media and democracy The cost to advertise on a news channel
varies from Rs 500 to Rs 8,000 per 10
In a democracy, the media plays a very important seconds depending on the popularity of
role in providing news and discussing events taking the channel.
place in the country and the world. It is on the basis
of this information that citizens can, for example,
learn how government works. And often, if they wish
to, they can take action on the basis of these news
stories. Some of the ways in which they can do this
is by writing letters to the concerned minister,
organising a public protest
protest, starting a signature
campaign, asking the government to rethink its
programme, etc.

Given the role that the media plays in providing

information, it is important that the information be
balanced. Let us understand what we mean by a
balanced media report by reading two versions of
the same news event given on the next page.

Chapter 6: Understanding Media 73

India Daily Report

Closure of factories caus

News of India Report Daily News Service
es unrest
Crackdown on polluting fa
Protestors block roads and dis
rupt traffic T he clo su re of on e lak h
city’s residential areas is
a serious issue. On Monda
fa cto rie s in th e
likely to become
Radhika Malik | INN Mo reo ver the lev els of y, thousands of factory
owners and workers took
lution in the city will be to the streets to strongly
Violent protests by owners pol pr ot es t th is cl os ur e.
atly red uce d by this Th ey sa id th at th ei r
and workers brought the gre livelihoods would be los
sure. Mr. Jain a well- t. They say that the fault
city to a standstill today. clo lies with the municipal
wn figure in the city corporation because it
Peo ple get ting to wo rk kno continued to issue licen
d, “W ith our city ses for new factories to
could not do so on time sai be set up in residential are
dua lly bec om ing as.They also say that
bec aus e of hug e traf fic gra there were no adequate
ias’s new business hub, relocation efforts. The
jam s. The ow ner s and Ind owners and workers pla
is important that it be a n a one-day city bandh
workers are protesting the it to protest against this clo
an and gre en city . sure. Mr. Sharma, one
government’s decision to cle of the factory owners said,
luting factories should “The government says
clo se dow n pol lut ing Pol that it has done a lot to rel
mo ved . The fac tor y ocate us. But the areas
factory units. Although the be they have sent us to have
ner s and wo rke rs no facilities and have
government did take this ow not been developed for the
uld acc ept the last five years.”
decision rather hastily, the sho
cation being offered by
protestors have known for relo
government instead of
quite some time that their the
uni ts are not leg al. pro

The fact is that if you had read either newspaper

Are the above stories in the two you would only know one side of the story. If you
newspapers similar? And if not, had read the News of India, you would most likely
why not? What, in your view, are think of the protestors as a nuisance. Their
the similarities and the disrupting traffic and continually polluting the city
differences? with their factories leaves you with a bad impression
about them. But on the other hand, if you had read
If you read the story in the News the story in the India Daily, you would know that
of India, what would you think the protests are because a lot of livelihoods will be
about the issue? lost if the factories close because the relocation efforts
have not been adequate. Neither of these stories is a
balanced report. A balanced report is one that
discusses all points of view of a particular story and
then leaves it to the readers to make up their minds.

Writing a balanced report, however, depends on

the media being independent. An independent media
means that no one should control and influence its
coverage of news. No one should tell the media what

74 Social and Political Life

can be included and what should not be included in
a news story. An independent media is important in Do you think it is important to
a democracy. As you read above, it is on the basis of know both sides of the story?
the information that the media provides that we take Why?
action as citizens, so it is important that this
information is reliable and not biased. Pretend that you are a journalist
for a newspaper and write a
However, the reality is that media is far from balanced story from the two news
independent. This is mainly because of two reasons. reports.
The first is the control that the government has on
the media. When the government prevents either a
news item, or scenes from a movie, or the lyrics of a
song from being shared with the larger public, this
is referred to as censorship
censorship. There have been periods
in Indian history when the government censored the
media. The worst of these was the Emergency
between 1975-1977.

What does TV do to us and what can we do with TV?

In many of our homes, TV is on a lot of the time. In many ways, a lot of our impressions
about the world around us are formed by what we see on TV: it is like a ‘window on the
world’. How do you think it influences us? TV has different types of programmes, soap
operas, like Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, game shows, like Kaun Banega Crorepati, reality TV
shows like Big Boss, news, sports and cartoons.
Before, in between and after each programme
are advertisements. Since TV time costs so much
money, only those programmes that can attract
the maximum number of viewers are shown. Can
you think of what such programmes might be?
Think of what are the kinds of things that TV
shows and what it does not. Does it show us
more about the lives of the rich or the poor?

We need to think about what TV does to us,

how it shapes our views of the world, our beliefs,
attitudes and values. We need to realise that it gives us a partial view of the world.While
we enjoy our favourite programmes, we should always be aware of the large exciting
world beyond our TV screens. There is so much happening out there that TV ignores. A
world beyond film stars, celebrities and rich lifestyles, a world that all of us need to reach
out to and respond to in various ways. We need to be active viewers, who question
whatever we see and hear, while we may enjoy it too!

Chapter 6: Understanding Media 75

While the government does continue to censor
films, it does not really censor the media’s coverage
of news. Despite the absence of censorship by the
government, most newspapers nowadays still fail to
provide a balanced story. The reasons for this are
complicated. Persons who research the media have
said that this happens because business houses
control the media. At times, it is in the interest of
these businesses to focus on only one side of the
story. Media’s continual need for money and its links
to advertising means that it becomes difficult for
media to be reporting against people who give them
advertisements. Media is, thus, no longer considered
independent because of its close links to business.

Besides the above, the media also tends to focus

on a particular aspect of a story because they believe
this makes the story interesting. Also, if they want
to increase public support for an issue, they often
do this by focusing on one side of a story.

Setting agendas

The media also plays an important role in deciding

what stories to focus on, and therefore, decides on
what is newsworthy. For example, the annual
function at your school is unlikely to make the news.
But if a famous actor is invited as the Chief Guest,
then the media might be interested in covering it. By
focusing on particular issues, the media influences
our thoughts, feelings and actions, and brings those
issues to our attention. Due to the significant
influence it plays in our lives and in shaping our
thoughts, it is commonly said that the media ‘sets
the agenda’.

Very recently, the media drew our attention to

alarming levels of pesticides in cola drinks. They
published reports that indicated the high level of
pesticides and, thus, made us aware of the need to
regularly monitor these colas according to
international quality and safety standards. They did

76 Social and Political Life

this despite the government’s resistance by boldly
declaring that colas were unsafe. In covering this
story, the media positively helped us focus on an
issue that affects our lives and one that we might
not even have been aware of it had it not been for
media reporting.

There are several instances when the media fails

to focus on issues that are significant in our lives.
For example, drinking water is a major problem in
the country. Every year, thousands of people suffer
Fashion shows are very popular with the
and die because they do not get safe drinking water.
However, we seldom find the media discussing this
issue. A well-known Indian journalist wrote of how
the Fashion Week, in which clothes designers show What is the consequence of the
their new creations to rich people, formed the front media ‘setting the agenda’ by
page headlines of all the newspapers while several reporting on the Fashion Week
slums were being demolished in Mumbai, the very rather than the slum demolitions?
same week, and this was not even noticed!
Can you think of an issue that
As citizens of a democracy, the media has a very does not seem important to you
important role to play in our lives because it is because it is never featured in the
through the media that we hear about issues related media?

Local media
Recognising that the media will not be interested in
covering ‘small’ issues that involve ordinary people and
their daily lives, several local groups have come forward
to start their own media. Several people use community
radio to tell farmers about the prices of different crops
and advise them on the use of seeds and fertilisers.
Others make documentary films with fairly cheap and
easily available video cameras on real-life conditions
faced by different poor communities, and, at times, have
even given the poor these video cameras to make films
on their own lives.

Another example is a newspaper called Khabar Lahriya which is a fortnightly that is run by
eight Dalit women in Chitrakoot district in Uttar Pradesh. Written in the local language,
Bundeli, this eight-page newspaper reports on Dalit issues and cases of violence against
women and political corruption. The newspaper reaches farmers, shopkeepers, panchayat
members, school teachers and women who have recently learnt to read and write.

Chapter 6: Understanding Media 77

The print media offers a large variety of to the working of the government. The media decides
information to suit the tastes of different what to focus on and in this way it ‘sets the agenda’.
readers. The government can, at times, prevent the media
from publishing a story and this is called censorship.
Nowadays, media’s close relationship with business
often means that a balanced report is difficult to come
by. Given this, it is important for us to be aware that
the ‘factual information’ that a news report provides
is often not complete and can be one-sided. We,
therefore, need to analyse the news by asking the
following questions: what is the information I am
learning from this report? What information is not
being provided? From whose point of view is the
article being written? Whose point of view is being
left out and why?

78 Social and Political Life


1. In what ways does the media play an important role in a


2. Can you give this diagram a title? What do you understand

about the link between media and big business from this Some own radio,
diagram? TV, newspaper

People buy
3. You have read about the ways in which the media ‘sets advertise products
their seen in the
the agenda’. What kind of effect does this have in a
products media.
democracy? Provide two examples to support your point Money,
of view. flows back to
big business
4. As a class project, decide to focus on a particular news
topic and cut out stories from different newspapers on
this. Also watch the coverage of this topic on TV news.
Compare two newspapers and write down the similarity
and differences in their reports. It might help to ask the
following questions– MEDIA

a. What information is this article providing? promotes

b. What information is it leaving out? through VIEWERS,
advertisements LISTENERS
c. From whose point of view is the article being written?

d. Whose point of view is being left out and why?


Publish: This refers to newsreports, articles, interviews, stories, etc., that are printed in newspapers,
magazines and books for a wide audience to read.

Censorship: This refers to the powers that government has to disallow media from publishing or
showing certain stories.

Broadcast: In this chapter this word is used to refer to a TV or radio programme that is widely

Public protest: When a large number of people come together and openly state their opposition to
some issue. Organising a rally, starting a signature campaign, blocking roads etc. are some of the
ways in which this is done.

Chapter 6: Understanding Media 79

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