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BAC 5 Taxation 1 BSBA FM2A2B MM2A

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BAC5/TAXATION (Income Taxation)
Date Revised/Enhanced: August 10, 2023

I. School Year/Semester 2nd Semester, SY 2023 – 2024

II. University Vision: A green university globally engaged in island research and innovations for societal advancement.
Mission: Foster excellence, holistic, outcomes-based education compliant with the requirements of diverse world
market and contribute to the development of productive and value-laden lives.
Goal: Uphold the tradition of excellence in instruction, research, extension and production functions in an eco-
friendly environment.
Core Values: Respect, Integrity, Social Responsibility, Excellence, Commitment
Institutional Outcomes:
A. A Professional who is morally upright, socially responsible and globally employable
B. A Leader and Innovator who inspires others and is committed to social transformation and national
C. An Environmental Advocate committed to research, extension and production initiatives

III. College/Campus College of Business and Accountancy

IV. Program/Degree Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial Management (FM2A&2B) & Marketing Management (MM2A)
V. Program Outcomes
A. Analyze business environment and prepare operational plans for strategic direction; L
B. Manage strategic business unit for economic sustainability in partnership with business and industry through
product and service innovations;
C. Effectively communicate orally and in writing both English and Filipino using the basic concepts that underlie each
of the functional areas of business (marketing, finance, human resources management, production and operations
management, information technology and strategic management) and employ these concepts in various business
D. Solve problems to achieve results using appropriate decision making tools P
E. Demonstrate professional skills, ethical practices and social responsibility essential to diverse work environment; O
F. Apply information and communication technology (ICT) skills in generating business reports and in making
G. Apply knowledge and skills that successfully respond to various types of assessments (including professional
licensure and certifications);
H. Participate in generation of new knowledge in research and development projects; L
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I. Support local, regional and national development plans along with education, environment, socio-economic, health,
gender and development and science and technology;.
J. Preserve, promote Filipino historical and cultural heritage. P
L – Learning P – Practiced O – Opportunity
VI. Course Code/Title BAC5/ Taxation (Income Taxation)
VII. Course Description This introductory taxation course is primarily concerned with income taxation. The objective is to develop a working knowledge of
the basic principles and rules of the income tax system as these apply to individuals, partnerships, estates, trusts and corporations.
It covers an overview of the national tax system, and the income taxation of employees and incorporated businesses. It provides
the students with knowledge of the capital gains tax, final tax on certain passive income and the year-end tax, including the minimum
corporate income tax, the normal income tax and the improperly accumulated profits tax of corporations and withholding taxes. Tax
forms are also provided for specific topics discussed.
VIII. Course Credit 3 units (Lecture)
IX. Prerequisite MMP1 – Financial Accounting and Reporting
X. Contact Hours 3 contact hours per week (54 hours a semester)
XI. Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students shall be able to:
COs Description A B C D E F G H I
Discuss the nature, scope, characteristics, principles and limitations of a
CO1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
sound tax system.
CO2 Discuss the remedies of taxpayers and government. 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
Enumerate the classifications of individual taxpayers, corporation,
CO3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
partnership and estate and trust.
CO4 Discuss and solve problems on individual income taxation. 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
CO5 Discuss and solve problems on corporate income taxation. 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
CO6 Discuss and solve problems on income taxes of estates and trusts. 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
Identify the NIRC list of items of gross income subject to regular tax and
CO7 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
passive income subject to final tax and state their measurement rules.
Identify the items of income subject to fringe benefits tax and their
CO8 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
measurement rules.
Identify the allowable deductions and discuss the rules of itemized and
CO9 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
optional deduction under the NIRC.
State and solve problems on the rules and computational procedures for
CO10 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
each item of deductions from gross income.

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CO11 Discuss the concept and types of accounting period. 3 3 3 3 3 3

Discuss the concept of accounting procedures or types of accounting
CO12 3 3 3 3 3 3
Compute and prepare the income tax returns and state their deadline of
CO13 payment and place of filing for regular income taxes and withholding 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
Identify the administrative requirements and attachments and other
CO14 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
requirements to be complied by the taxpayer.
1 – CO has minor contribution to PO 2 – CO has moderate contribution to the PO 3 – CO has major contribution to the PO

XII. Course Outline/Learning Plan

Textbooks/ Teaching and Instructional Time

Desired Learning Course Content/ Assessment
POs COs References Learning Activities Resources/ Table
Outcomes Subject Matter Tasks
(TLAs) Materials (Hours)
At the end of the A. Fundamental Powers of the
chapter, the student State, Principle of Taxation,
A shall be able to: Powers and Authority of the
B CO1 Commissioner of Internal TABAG, E.D.,
D Discuss the Revenue, and Tax Laws GARCIA, E. J. Flexible Assignments Module/
C fundamental (2019) learning Quiz Textbook/
D powers of the state, 1. Fundamental powers of the INCOME References 4.5
E its similarities and state TAXATION. hours
F differences. a. Definition Manila: EDT
G b. Similarities and Book Shop
H Explain the scope, differences among the
theory and nature of three powers
taxation. 2. Principles of taxation
a. Natures, scope,
Discuss the classification and
limitations of essential characteristics
taxation. b. Basic principles of a
sound tax system
c. Limitations on the
power of taxation
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Classify and 1. Inherent limitation

differentiate taxes 2. Constitutional
vs. other charges. limitation
Enumerate the 3. Taxes
different tax laws in a. Essential characteristic
the Philippines. b. Classification
c. Tax vs. other charges
Explain how tax is 4. Tax laws
administered in the 5. Tax enforcement and
Philippines. collection
6. Tax evasion and tax
Differentiate tax avoidance
evasion from tax 7. Situs/place of taxation
avoidance. 8. Double taxation (direct and
State the powers 9. Powers and authority of the
and authority of the Commissioner of Internal
Commissioner of Revenue under Section 4
Internal Revenue. to 7, Title 1 of the Tax
Identify the various
escapes from
At the end of the B. Tax Remedies
chapter, the student
A shall be able to: 1. Remedies of the taxpayer
B CO2 a. Prescriptive periods TABAG, E.D.,
D Discuss the and administrative GARCIA, E. J. Flexible Assignments Module/ 4.5
C remedies available remedies (2019) learning Quiz Textbook/ hours
D to income taxpayers b. Protest by the taxpayer References
E of an assessment
F Discuss remedies 2. Request for refund or credit
G of the government of taxes
H to enforce collection

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from delinquent 3. Remedies of the

taxpayers. government

At the end of the C. Income Tax

chapter, the student
shall be able to: 1. Taxpayer and tax base
a. Individuals
A Discuss the 1. Classifications of TABAG, E.D.,
B provision of the individual GARCIA,
C CO3 Internal Revenue 2. Taxable income E.J.(2019) Flexible Assignments Module/ 16.5
D CO4 Code relating to 3. Classifications of learning Problem Solving Textbook/ hours
E CO5 income taxation for taxes on individuals Quiz References
F CO6 individuals, 4. Income tax due and  Reyes, Virgilio
G corporations, and individual income D. (2018)
H estates and trusts. tax return
b. Corporations  RA 10963 –
State and identify 1. Classifications Tax Reform for
the classification of 2. Income taxes Acceleration
taxpayer-individual a. Regular and Inclusion
and corporation. corporate (TRAIN)
income tax
Identify the sources b. Minimum
of income, corporate
exemptions and income tax
allowable c. Optional
deductions. corporate
income tax
Identify the type of d. Improperly
partnerships and accumulated
joint ventures earnings
subject to corporate 3. Special
tax. corporations
a. Domestic

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Define and identify b. Resident foreign

taxable estates and corporation
trusts. c. Non-resident
Compute the corporation
taxable income and 4. Partnerships
the tax due and (general
payable for professional
individuals, estates, partnerships and
and trusts. business
Compute and 5. Joint ventures
determine the tax (exempt and
due and payable of taxable)
corporate 6. Insurance and
taxpayers. Franchising
Apply the NIRC 7. Corporate income
provisions in the tax return
preparation of c. Estates and Trusts
income tax returns 1. Definition of estates
for income and trusts
taxpayers – 2. Taxable income of
individuals, estates and trusts
corporations, and 3. Deductions and
estates and trusts. personal
exemptions allowed
Use the correct on estates and
income tax forms, trusts
calculate the 4. Consolidation of
amount of tax due two or more trusts
and file a correct with the same
income tax return. beneficiary or

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At the end of the D. Income Tax (Continuation)
A chapter, the student TABAG, E.D.,
B CO7 shall be able to: 2. Gross Income GARCIA, E. J.
C CO8 a. Inclusions in the gross (2019)
D State the list of income Flexible Assignments Module/ 13.5
E exclusions from 1. Compensation for learning Quiz Textbook/ hours
F gross income services  Reyes, Virgilio References
G 2. Income from D. (2018)
H Identify the NIRC business, trade or
list of items of gross practice of
income subject to profession
regular income tax 3. Gains derived from
and passive income dealings in property
subject to final tax 4. Interests, rents, and
and their dividends
measurement rules. 5. Royalties
6. Annuities, prizes
Determine capital and winnings
gains tax on real 7. Pensions
property, ordinary 8. Partner’s
and capital assets distributive share
and shares of from net income of
stocks. the general
Distinguish exempt partnership
benefits, partially- 9. Other income
exempt benefits including special
and fully taxable problems such as
fringe benefits. merger and
transfers to

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Apply the controlled

procedures in the corporations, wash
computation of the sale.
fringe benefit tax. b. Exclusions from gross
Prepare journal c. Passive income subject
entries to record the to final tax
fringe benefits d. Capital gains tax on
expense. sale to real property
classified as capital
e. Capital gains tax from
sale of shares not
traded thru a local
stock exchange
f. Fringe benefit tax

At the end of the D. Income Tax (Continuation)

chapter, the student
A shall be able to: 3. Deductions allowed to TABAG, E.D.,
B CO9 individual taxpayer GARCIA, E. J.
C CO10 State the itemized a. Itemized deductions (2019) Flexible Assignments Module/ 4.5
D deductions, special b. Items not deductible learning Quiz Textbook/ hours
E deductions allowed c. Optional standard References
F under the NIRC and deductions  Reyes, Virgilio
G special laws. D. (2018)
Apply the requisites
and deduction rules
on itemized and
special deductions.

Apply the rules of

OSD for general

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partnerships and
the partners.

Compute the OSD

for individual and

A At the end of the C. Income Tax (Continuation)

B CO11 chapter, the student TABAG, E.D., 1.5
C shall be able to: 4. Accounting periods GARCIA, E. J. Flexible Assignments Module/ hours
D a. Calendar year (2019) learning Quiz Textbook/
E Discuss the concept b. Fiscal year References
F of accounting c. Short accounting period
periods and its

At the end of the C. Income Tax (Continuation)

chapter, the student
A shall be able to: 5. Accounting Methods TABAG, E.D.,
B CO12 a. Cash GARCIA, E. J. 3 hours
C Discuss the b. Accrual (2019) Flexible Assignments Module/
D accounting methods c. Installment method learning Quiz Textbook/
E and their d. Deferred payment References
F accounting method
procedures. e. Lump-sum or outright
method and annual or
spread-out method
f. Percentage of
completion method
g. Net worth method of
determining taxable

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At the end of the C. Income Tax (Continuation)

chapter, the student
A shall be able to: 6. Tax return preparation and TABAG, E.D.,
B CO13 tax payments (venue and GARCIA, E. J.
C Discuss the types of due dates) (2019) Flexible Assignments Module/ 1.5
D tax returns, their a. Regular filing (including learning Quiz Textbook/ hours
E deadline and place substituted filing of References
F of filing. return and electronic
G filing)
H b. Large taxpayers and
non-large taxpayers
c. Income tax credits
d. Payment of taxes in
e. Withholding taxes (at
source, expanded or
creditable withholding
tax, final withholding
tax on government
At the end of the E. Compliance Requirements
chapter, the student TABAG, E.D.,
A shall be able to: 1. Administrative GARCIA, E. J.
B CO14 requirements (2019)
C Identify the different a. Registration
D compliance b. Issuance of receipts Module/
E requirements as c. Printing of receipts Flexible Assignments Textbook/ 1.5
F mandated by NIRC. 2. Attachments to the income Reyes, Virgilio learning Quiz References hours
G tax return including CPA D. (2018)
H Certificate per NIRC
3. Keeping of books of
accounts and records,
including reports of

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4. Prescriptive period of
books of accounts and
other accounting records
TOTAL 54 hours

XIII. Suggested Readings

and References 1. Ampongan, OE G. (2019) CPA REVIEWER IN TAXATION
2. Duncano, D. A. (2010) Philippine Taxation Handbook A Simplified Course, Manila: National Bookstore
3. Reyes, V. (2013) Income Taxation Law and Accounting
4. Ballada, W. & Galvez, S. (2013) Income Taxation Made Easy.
5. Reyes, V. D. (2009) A Reviewer in Taxation
6. Nolledo, J. (2010) Handbook on Income Taxation in the Philippines, Manila: National Bookstore, Inc.
7. RA 10963 – Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN)
8. R.A. 8424 – An Act Amending the National Internal Revenue Code, As Amended, and for other purposes.
9. Del Leon, H. S. (2010) Comprehensive Review of Taxation, Manila: Rex Printing Company, Inc.
10. www.bir.gov.ph
11. Handouts – CPA Review materials and Internet

XIV. Course A. Quizzes and Activities

Requirements B. Midterm and Final Examination
C. Performance (Assignments, Recitation, Reporting, Attendance)

XV. Course Policies General Policy

1. Students with reasonable absences from the class will be given consideration for the missed quizzes/examinations upon presentation
of duly signed excuse letter.
2. Students who incurred more that 20% of the required number of hours shall be dropped from the rolls.
3. Submission of requirements shall be on or before the due date agreed upon by the students and the faculty. Late submission will
earn a grade of 3.0 or lower.
4. Cheating and plagiarism are strictly prohibited. Students caught doing these acts shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions
in the Student Handbook.
5. Wearing of appropriate school uniform and ID shall be strictly implemented.
6. Use of cellphones, earphones, and other gadgets that are not necessary for the instruction is not allowed.

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XVI. Grading System The final grade of each student will be computed as follows:
(Per Board Resolution Mid-term/Final Examinations 30%
NO. 6, S. 2016) Quizzes/Assignments 30%
Performance (Assignments, Reporting, Recitation, Attendance) 40%
TOTAL 100%

Final Grade:
Mid-term Grade _______ 50%
Tentative Grade _______ 50%

XVII. Consultation
Time/Venue Wednesdays 08:00AM-12:00NN/ CBA Building Faculty Room 116

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Prepared by:


Date: _________

Reviewed by: Approved by:


Department Chairperson, Accounting Education Dean, College of Business and Accountancy
Date: _________ Date: _________

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