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GEC126 B56CON Syllabus

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Department of Marketing
Course Syllabus, 2nd semester, SY 2022-2023

Course Number/ Title GEC126 – The Entrepreneurial Mind
Section B56CON
Course Credit 3
Course Description This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the nature of enterprise and entrepreneurship and orientates students towards an
entrepreneurial mindset. It introduces the role of the entrepreneur, innovation and technology in the entrepreneurial process. It intends to
stimulate new ways of thinking about enterprising behavior in a multidisciplinary manner relevant to understanding and addressing real world
challenges of today. Introduces skills needed to identify and assess opportunities, solve problems creatively, communicate persuasively, work
effectively in teams, and understand individual and organizational impact. The course content is relevant to those i) individuals thinking about
starting a business or who are already in business - large or small, for profit or social enterprise; ii) those who are interested in commercializing
their own innovations or of other; iii) entrepreneurial employees interested in "corporate entrepreneurship", and iv) those who advise
entrepreneurs or engage in policy making in the entrepreneurship area. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset and enterprising skill set critical
for constantly changing markets or workplaces.
Learning Culminating At the end of the course, the student will have:
1. Discuss the basic concept of entrepreneurship and its importance
2. Explain the theories of entrepreneurship and the different types of entrepreneurial ventures
3. Generate techniques and methods in setting up an enterprise
4. Examine business opportunities

1. Show their innovative skills
2. Create feasible product ideas and business store miniature
3. Make a simple and functional business plan

1. Support the vision, mission and goals of the University, the College and the Department
2. Express their business ideas
3. Support entrepreneurial activities
4. Develop their entrepreneurial competences
5. Commit to put up their own business
Prerequisite None
Co-requisite None
Name of Mole
Evaluation Criteria Exam 40%
Quiz 30%
Assignments & Activities: 30%
Total 100%
Instructor Name: Kate Andrea L. Cawaling
Class Schedule: Friday 9:00 AM – 12:00 NN
Email address: kateandrea.cawaling@g.msuiit.edu.ph

Program Outcome

Higher Education Business Program Outcome Course Outcome

A. Discuss the latest development in business and G. Perform the basic function of management such P. Demonstrate entrepreneurial orientation and motivation
entrepreneurship as planning, organizing, leading and controlling

B. Effectively communicate using English and H. Apply basic concept that underlie each of the Q. Recognize business opportunities in the local ASEAN
Filipino, orally and in writing; area of business (marketing, finance, human and global market and apply principles of market and
resource management, production and operation apply principles of market validation to develop a viable
management, information technology, and venture idea or concept
strategic management) and employ these
concepts in various business situations

C. Work effectively and independently in multi- I. Select the proper decision-making tools to R. Translate product or service concept into functional
disciplinary and multi-cultural teams; critically, analytically and creatively solve forms viable for commercialization
problem and drive result
D. Exemplify professional, social, ethical, and J. Express oneself clearly and communicate S. Prepare a business plan
environmental responsibility; effectively with stakeholders both in oral and
written forms

E. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and K. Apply information and communication (ICT) U. Prepare and comply with requirements for business
cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722); and skills as required by the business environment operation.

F. Advocate for peace in multi-cultural settings. L. Work effectively with other stakeholder and V. Operate and manage the enterprise observing good
manage conflict in the workplace governance and social responsibility

M. Plan and implement business related activities

N. Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social W. Apply Entrepreneurial Management in any

responsibility organization other than own enterprise

O. Exercise high personal, moral and ethical


GEC 126 Course
Higher Education Business Program Outcome Course Outcome

Develop the
appreciation on

Introduce to the
Provide the
students with
knowledge in
innovation and
technology to
create/add value
to a product or
Provide venue for
students to apply
their learnings in
the course and
propose an
component to
their chosen
product or

B. Course Schedule of Course Requirements

Duration/ Teaching and

Learning Assessment Evidence of
Topic Intended Learning Outcome Learning
Effort Resources Strategies/Tools Outcome
Week 1 MSU-IIT Vision and Mission Getting to know the class, your Discussion of Course Attendance
Core Values classmates and the teacher; other relevant and syllabus
and, related issues
CBAA Mission and Goals about MSU-IIT
Familiarize yourself with the and CBAA
Rationale, Requirements and coverage course requirements and
of the course Grading System evaluate whether this course is Discussion:
right for you. Students are to
joins in an Online
Week 1 Entrepreneurship • Identify the origin and Online (Mole) Course Passing
nature of syllabus grade in Quiz
Entrepreneurship Discussion:
• Entrepreneurship Students are to Suggested Attendance
contemporary views with • Distinguish newness
from innovation joins in an Online readings
their process and approach Class
• Enumerate the broad
• Definition of Entrepreneur impact of Other online
and Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship upon and offline
• Entrepreneurial skills the economy
• Socio- economic benefits • Determine
from entrepreneurship contemporary views on
• Attributes, Qualities and
characteristics of an

Week 1 Appraising yourself for an • Identify important Online (Mole) Course Passing
Entrepreneurial Career characteristics or syllabus grade in Quiz
entrepreneurial Discussion:
Students are to Suggested Attendance
• Assessing your personal competencies which joins in an Online readings
entrepreneurial competencies you have to develop Class
• PEC’s Self Rating or strengthens Other online
Questionnaire • Enumerate guidelines and offline
that are important in resources
• Developing yourself for
Entrepreneurship entrepreneurship
• Identify the tools and
behaviour associated
with successful

Week 2 Search for Business Opportunity, • Discuss Online (Mole) Course Passing
Ideation, Innovation and entrepreneurial syllabus grade in
Creativity Discussion: Activity
activities in search of Students are to Suggested
business opportunities readings Attendance
• Search for business • Describe the concept joins in an Online
opportunity of ideation, Class Other online
and offline
• Ideation innovation and resources
• Entrepreneurial creativity creativity
• Environmental stimulants for • Discuss the factors to
creativity consider in evaluating
the business potential
• The concept and the impact
of an idea
of innovation

Week 2 Entrepreneurship Trend and Issues • Motivate and inspire Online (Mole) Course Passing
students to be the syllabus grade in Quiz
future entrepreneurs Discussion:
• Successful Entrepreneurs Students are to Suggested Attendance
• Encourage the readers joins in an Online readings
to apply the theories Class
discuss, thereby, Other online
providing them the and offline
opportunity to resources
become self- reliant
• Identify the
demonstrated by
• Discuss managerial
skills and practice
exercised by the
Week 4 Business Ownership and • Increase participant’s Online (Mole) Course Passing
Organization awareness of syllabus grade in
different forms of Discussion: Activity
business ownership, Students are to Suggested
• Definition, types and joins in an Online readings Attendance
composition of business thereby, allowing Class
organization them to choose the Other online
• Advantages and right form of and offline
disadvantages organization in resources
putting up a new
• General requirement and
procedures for registration,
• Help participants
dealing with LGU, other
analyse the
government and private
advantages and
disadvantages of each
form or organization
• Provide participants
the legal
requirements of each
type of ownership
and organization

Week 4 Financing the venture • Define what capital is Online (Mole) Course Passing
and its kinds syllabus grade in
• Enumerate the Discussion: Activity
• Capital requirements Students are to Suggested
• Source of capital sources of capital
joins in an Online readings Attendance
• Identify the kinds of
• Understanding IPO and Class
source for a type of
process of IPO Other online
business and offline
• Dealing with investment • Define initial public resources
bankers, risk in going public offering or IPO and
and borrowing from the its process
• The C’s of credits and using • Enumerate the risk
someone else’s money involved in each kind
of source.

Week 5 Production of Goods and Services • Define marketing and Online (Mole) Course Passing
marketing syllabus grade in
management Discussion: Activity
• The concept and factors of Students are to Suggested
production • Explain the
joins in an Online readings Attendance
• Cost of production responsibilities of the Class
marketing manager
• Making production,
that is included in
planning and producing online and
production and offline
pricing resources
• How to develop product and • Discuss the
manage on how to control importance of
inventory marketing in an
• Marketing concept and enterprise
philosophy, market research
and need for marketing plan
• Concept fair pricing, basic
principles pricing and
pricing service

Week 7 Business Plan • Identify the Online (Mole) Course Passing
importance of syllabus grade in
business planning and Discussion: Activity
• Concept of business plan Students are to Suggested
and principles of planning its advantages, as
joins in an Online readings Attendance
• Stages of business plan and well as the step by Class
criteria of effective planning step procedure in
• Components of the Business preparing a business Other
Plan (SWOT Analysis) plan online and
• Enumerate the factors offline
• Outline of Business Plan resources
• Importance and some rules and other necessities
to observe in business plan on how to manage
and start a business
• Planning and organizing in
marketing, production,
organizational and financial
• How to register your
Business and other
registering agencies

Week 7 Start- up operations, getting • Apply the guidelines Online (Mole) Course Passing
started in business in starting up syllabus grade in
Discussion: Activity
Students are to Suggested
• Determine how to joins in an Online readings Attendance
comply with Class
government Other
clearances online and
• Identify the process offline
on how to register a
business name
without legal
• Identify sources of
capital and minimize
costs and expenses at
start up stage
• Apply basic
guidelines in getting
started in the
Week 8 Understanding the basics of • Discuss the functions Online (Mole) Course Passing
accounting and finance, financial of a financial syllabus grade in
management manage, uses and Discussion: Activity
Students are to Suggested
sources of funds, the
joins in an Online readings Attendance
rules of sound Class
financing and Other
financial record online and
keeping offline
• Be acknowledgeable resources
in the analysis of the
financial statement,
budgeting and cash
management, and
some of the reasons
why business fails

Week 9 Entrepreneurship Social • Explain to the Online (Mole) Course Passing

Responsibility and Business Ethics entrepreneur social syllabus grade in
responsibility to his Discussion: Activity
customers, suppliers, Students are to Suggested
• Historical development and joins in an Online readings Attendance
theories of social stockholders, fellow Class
responsibility businessmen, Other
government, to the online and
• Social Responsibility to community and to his offline
consumers, community and employees resources
other social responsibilities • Discuss such business
relationship measured
by fairness, honesty
and justice
• Explain the rights of
consumers, creations
of jobs and business


Exam 40%
Quiz 30%
Activity & Assignments: 20%

Equivalent percentage:
98-100%: 1.0 75-79%: 2.25
95-97%: 1.25 70-74%: 2.50
90-94%: 1.5 65-69%: 2.75
85-89%: 1.75 60-64%: 3.0
80-84%: 2.0 Below 60%: 5.0


Asor, Winefreda T. (2009). Entrepreneurship in the Philippine Setting. 1st Ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Fajardo, Feliciano R. (1994). Entrepreneurship. Manila: National Book Store.

All reference such as reading materials, textbook used will be provided before the online class.


• Only the course instructor shall record the online class and make the link available to students. You are not allowed to share any of the materials made available to
you on MOLE with others.
• Attendance will be checked. However, as responsible students, you are fully expected to review posted materials on MOLE and catch up with missed discussion.
Attendance is a MUST and non-negotiable on deadline dates of activities.
• You may contact the course instructor either through MOLE or email, and not through social media platforms or any other means.
• Assignments, Activities and any other outputs submitted beyond the deadline date will not be accepted unless accompanied by an explanation for the delay.
Acceptance of output will depend on validity of excuse.
• You may consult course instructor either on consultation days (refer to page 1) or on specified consultation period within the syllabus.
• Observe proper netiquette. Always use professional tone in written and verbal communication with course instructor and/or classmates throughout the semester.
• The course instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus when necessary and demanded by the situation. If a change is made, an e-mail will be sent to all

Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:

___________________________ _______________________________ ________________________

Kate Andrea L. Cawaling Dr. Safa D. Manala-o Prof. Maria Rizalia Y. Teves, PhD
Course Instructor Chairperson, Department of Marketing CBAA Dean

I have read the course syllabus and I understand that I have to comply with the requirements of the course and the expectations from me as a student of
Entrep101 Startup Essentials: Fundamentals of Innovation-Driven Entrepreneurship, during the Ist Semester, SY 2021-2022. I am fully aware of the
consequences of non-compliance with the above-mentioned requirements and expectations.

Printed Name and Signature of Student
Date: _____________________

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