3 Pa - Ros
3 Pa - Ros
3 Pa - Ros
Vital Signs:
Temp:38.C RR: 44 cpm Weight: N/A
PR: 125 bpm BP: N/A Height: N/A
Observation: _______________________________________________________________________________________
1. General (weight loss or Patient is 4 years old, female and Filipino. Cough started 2 days prior to admission, followed by an on & off fever thereafter. Nausea and vomiting followed
gain; fever, chills, night after giving Paracetamol as home remedy. Patient’s temperature is 38.2C 3 hours prior to admission.
sweats; mood; stage of
development, race, sex;
signs of distress; position;
cooperative or not; state if
irritable, agitated or
pleasant; etc.)
2. Head (headache, injury,
tenderness, etc.); Eyes
(change in visual fields,
glasses, blurring, diplopia,
pain, loss of vision, tearing,
dry eyes, etc.); Ears
(change in hearing, tinnitus,
discharge, dizziness, etc.);
Nose (allergies, sinus
problem, obstruction,
polyps, sneezing, epistaxis,
etc.);Throat (toothaches,
loose teeth, bleeding gums,
mouth sores, hoarseness,
difficulty swallowing, etc.)
3. Integumentary System
4. Respiratory System RR 44cpm, irregular, shallow, breathes through mouth, uses accessory muscle for breathing, unable to breathe in supine position, audible breath sounds
(chest pain, dyspnea, within few feet. Auscultation reveals bilateral coarse crackles on lower lobes with decreased breath sounds at posterior area. T 38.2C and SPO2 92% with 02.
cough, amount and color of
sputum, hemoptysis, etc.)