Experiment 2
Experiment 2
Experiment 2
Experiment No. 2
Introduction : Gears are one of the most commonly used elements in almost all simple or complex mechanisms. It is therefore essential for all mechanical engineering students to know all about gears, their manufacturing, machines and processes used for gear making. It is expected that students, learn the principles, processes, procedures and practices used for gear manufacturing, particularly gear hobbing, gear shaping and gear finishing processes. However with the available setup in the Workshop following experiment should be carried out. The student should prepare the report of the gear manufacturing methods employed in Industries in the Industrial Visits.
Prior Concept : 1. 2. 3. Milling processes. Cutter mounting in correct position. Knowledge of spur gear.
Learning Objectives : Intellectual : Selection of form cuter for cutting gear. To understand different Indexing processes. Motor skill : Setting cutter and job in correct position. Use of indexing head.
Design of Experiment : Work Piece : - Low carbon steel blank 67.5mm x 25mm thick with bore 25.00mm Equipment / Tools : 1) Dividing head. 2) Gear cutter for cutting 2.5 modules. Work piece : -
Experiment No. 2
Stepwise Procedure : Sr. No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Operation Mount and align the dividing head and tailstock on machine table. Mount the gear-milling cutter on the arbor and test for concentricity. Hold the work piece on the mandrel and adjust the mandrel between centres. Adjust the work piece to the centre of cutter. Set the revolutions, and feed for milling. In the beginning the cutter should shave slightly on the work piece. Withdraw the work piece out of range of the cutter and lift the milling table by the height of the tooth depth. Milling of first tooth space. Withdraw the work piece from the cut and turn the indexing handle by the tooth pitch & mill next tooth space. Repeat the procedure for next tooth. Tools / Equipment Dividing head, tail stock, dial . indicator Gear cutter. Try square, slip gauges.
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Experiment No. 2
Measuring and Testing of Gears : Vernier Gear Tooth Caliper Vernier Tooth Caliper a) Vertical vernier slide b) Horizontal vernier slide
Experiment No. 2
Vernier Gear Tooth Caliper : Used for measuring thickness of tooth set the vertical slide and measure Hk. Refer table and check it for the gear. You can find the chordal thickness from the table given below.
Table: -
Experiment No. 2
Note: - The staff member should give a briefing to students regarding gear cutting machines, gear cutting methods / operations tooling and setup.
Experiment No. 2
Experiment No. 2