Type of Mass Media
Type of Mass Media
Type of Mass Media
mass media. Transmitting their information electronically and comprise of television, film, and radio, movies, CDs, DVDs and some other gadgets like cameras or video console are known as electronic media or broadcat media. Print media uses a physical object as a means of sending their information, such as a newspaper, magazines, brochures, newsletters, books, leaflets and pamphlets. A communication through visual representations also included photography under the subheading as it is medium. The term also refers to the organizations which control these technologies, such as television stations or publishing companies. New-aged Media are sometimes referred to mobile phones, computers and internet. Due to the many mass media services it provides, such as email, websites, blogging, internet and television, internet media is able to achieve mass media status in its own right. For this reason, many mass media outlets have a presence on the web, by such things as having television ads which link to a website, or having games in their sites to entice gamers to visit their website. They can utilize the easy accessibility that the internet has, and the outreach that internet affords, as information can be easily be broadcast to many different regions of the world simultaneously and cost-efficiently by this way. Comprises of billboards, signs, placards placed inside and outside of commercial objects like shops, flying billboards, blimps, and skywriting is a form of mass media which is outdoor media. As a form of mass media, public speaking an event organizing can also be considered. There is a lot of thing that is classified as a mass media such as books, newspapers, magazines, recordings, radio, movies, television and the internet. The questions of what forms of media should be classified as mass media has become more prominent with the explosion of what forms of media should be classified. For example, it is controversial whether to include cell phones, video games and computer games in the definition. Currently mass media is classified into print, recordings, cinema, radio, television, internet and mobile phones. Telephone has two way communication device, mass media refers to medium which can communicate a message to a large group, often simultaneously. However, modern cell phones are no longer a single use device. Internet access and capable of connecting to the web which itself a mass mediaare equipped in most cell phones.Currently, a system where marketers ad advertisers are able to tap into satellites, and broadcast commercials and advertisments directly to cell phones, unsolicited by the phones user. This transmittion of mass advertising to millions of people is a form of mass communication. There are two type of mass media such as tradisional mass media and modern mass media. Tradisional mass media has a detail organization as a mass media. Tradisional mass media are such as newspaper,magazines,radio,television and film. The tradisional mass media characteristics are such as the information from the environment are selected, they are translated and distributed, the mass media becomes an intermediary and send the information through certain channels, there are no passive recipients of the message and it is part of the community and selecting the information they receive, and interaction between news sources and a little receivers.
While modern mass media follow the flow of culture and time which become larger day by day and been classified as a mass media such as internet and cellular telephone. The characteristics are such as a source that can deliver messages to a lot of people by (Short Messages System) or by internet for example. The messages can be done by everyone,not just by organization.The interaction can be done by individuals. The receiver can set their own time. There is lot of function in mass media such as information,studies,entertainment,social control and economic board. For example,media information,mass media gives and prepared information about the event that occurred in society and the society buy the newspaper because they need the information. As for the media studies,mass media contain the information that giving knowledge and perception to the society. The influence of mass media can be describe by 3 theories.The theories had been explain in detail by the websites CliffNotes with examine the role that mass media olays in modern society. The limited-effects theory, which was originally tested in the 1940s and 1950s,states that because people usually choose what media to interact with based on what they already believe,media exerts a negligible influence. The class-dominant theory states that the media reflects and projects the viewof a minority elite, which control it. It continues by explaining that the people who own and control the corporations that produce media comprise this elite. The culturalist theory, which was developed in the 1980s and 1990s, combines the other two theories and claims that people interact with media to create their own meanings out of the images and messages they receive. This theory states that audience members play an active, rather tan passive role in relation to mass media.